Scenario of the All-Russian Health Day. Scenario of health day event

Target : increased interest in physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.


Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;

Formation and consolidation of motor skills;

Getting pleasure and creating a good mood;

Development of mindfulness, ingenuity, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction

Location:outdoor sports ground and the territory of the preschool educational institution, divided into zones (streets).

Equipment: street signs; sports cards; basket with toy linen and clothespins, rope; two wooden spoons and two tennis balls, cones; cube, several hoops, arcs; ball; tape recorder, music; magic vitamins by the number of groups.

Roles: Runny nose and Cough, Dr. Ai-ache, Cold, Olympic bear, Aunt Fyodor, Angina, Veselinka, Dunno.

Holiday progress:

Children of all preschool to the music enter sports ground and lined up along the perimeter with the letter P.

Runny nose and Cough appear on the playground to the music.

Runny nose: And here we are! I am a respected Runny nose (sneezes).

Cough: (coughs) Ah, I'm no less respected Cough.

Runny nose: Wow, how many children and girls and boys are here!

Cough: Oh, now we'll infect them all! Do you love to get sick?

Runny nose: No, but we know that there are such people among you. It’s great to be sick, you don’t have to go to kindergarten, you sit at home and get sick.

Cough: And also your head is splitting, your arms and legs are aching, you are coughing, snot is flowing. Beauty!

Runny nose: Well, Cough, let's get down to our dirty business ...

Dr. Ai-bolit appears on the site.

Dr. Aibolit : What is this? Well, let's go away. Help me, guys, let's drive away both Runny nose and Cough, we don't need diseases. And for this, we must say one very important and most useful magic word "HELLO"! Let's all say hello together. And now let's say hello to the neighbor on the right, on the left. Here are some good fellows, we wished each other good health for the whole day.

Cough and cold: Oh, oh, oh, think about it! We're going to infect other guys!

They run away.

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, I'm very glad to meet you. Let's spend a day today with health benefits and go on an exciting journey to a city where cleanliness, hygiene, tidiness, vitamins and good habits. And this city is called "HEALTH". On the streets of the city "HEALTH" you have to perform various tasks of the inhabitants of this city and, if you succeed, they will give you magical vitamins.

The guides are distributed to the teachers. Children disperse in a given direction along the streets of the city "HEALTH" (the streets are marked with signs):

  1. street "Hygienic"

A resident - Cold gets acquainted with the children, introduces himself and conducts the game "Blind Man's Buff".

Game progress: The driver (Cold) is blindfolded. Children should run away from the Cold, try not to fall into the hands. You can clap your hands.

  1. sportivnaya Street"

Resident - Olympic Bear meets children, introduces himself and conducts the game "Guess and show sports"

Game progress: Children are shown cards with sports, they must name and show movements.

  1. Chistyulkino street

A resident - Aunt Fedora meets the children, introduces herself and conducts the game "Help Aunt Fedora"

Game progress: Children stand in a column one at a time, next to them in a basket are toy underwear and clothespins, a rope is stretched in front of them. On command, the player runs to the rope, hangs up the laundry and comes back.

  1. street "Vitamin"

A resident - Angina meets the children, introduces herself and conducts the relay race "Transfer vitamins"

Relay progress: Children stand in two columns. At the signal of the driver, the players one by one, holding a tennis ball (vitamin) in a spoon, run around the pyramid and return to the column, pass the spoon to the person in front. It is important not to drop the ball and not hold it with the other hand.

  1. street "Don't worry"

A resident - Ai-bolit conducts an obstacle course: step over a cube, jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cones with a snake, crawl under the arc.

  1. Rest Street

A resident - Veselinka meets children on his street and holds a musical and dance game "Boogie-woogie"

Game progress: Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment with words, show dance movements.

  1. Znaykino street

Resident - Dunno welcomes the children and conducts the game "Useful-Not Useful".

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to the player. If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). When the word denotes inedible objects, the ball is not caught. The child who did not cope with the task leaves the circle.

Having passed all the streets of the city, the children with the teacher return to the sports ground. They give the "vitamins" to Dr. Ai-bolit.

Dr. Aibolit: So you have visited a wonderful city. Can anyone remember what it's called? You met with different residents. Well done boys! We got a lot of magic vitamins, and now I will turn them into real, useful ones.

Ai-bolit puts vitamins in a saucepan, “conjures” to the music and distributes real vitamins for children to teachers.

Dr. Aibolit: Take these vitamins one by one every day and you will not get sick. And I propose to end our journey through the city of "Health" in a very unusual way. Long, long ago they said: whoever sneezes during the festive fun is a happy person. So I suggest everyone together to sneeze, but in an unusual way. Children on the right will shout the word "Box", on the left - "Matches", and directly - "Cartilage" (try with each group). On my signal, let's shout together!

And in return I wish you: BE HEALTHY!

Under musical accompaniment, children and teachers leave the sports ground.

Two or three teams are created, between which competitions will be held. The competition is best held in gym or outside, weather permitting. Other students may be as spectators and fans. It is also necessary to create support groups for each team, which prepare dance-musical screensavers and all kinds of “chants” in advance. Teachers are invited to the jury physical training, candidates for the master of sports and other honored people. A sports march sounds, under which all teams go to the gym and line up against each other.

- Today is World Health Day. And we, of course, could not stay away, because we have healthy guys, strong in body and spirit. They gathered in this hall to reveal the most daring, the most dexterous, the strongest. And we will support them with loud applause.
- And so, let me introduce you to the team. Team (name), team captain (full name), its members (full name).

(This is announced for each team.)

- Let me also introduce the members of our jury (full name of all). The jury will use a 6-point system, in which 5 points are good, 6 points are excellent. Each task, depending on the difficulty, will be limited by the number of points. Well, let's start.

(Trumpets sound and teams retire to their places, to the sound of a sports march.)

- The first task is a warm-up. Each team is invited to 8 people. Each participant passes an obstacle course with a ball in his hands. The ball cannot be dropped, 0.5 penalty points will be removed for this. As soon as the lane is overcome, the participant runs back to his team and passes the ball to the next one. The whole task is estimated at 6 points, start on the whistle.

(Participants with the ball in their hands must jump over three obstacles, go along gymnastic bench, climb through three suspended tires and return to the team, pass the ball. At the end of the competition, a total of how many points each team receives.)

- For the benefit of the cause, temper your body! The next task will reveal the most dexterous and hardy guys. Moreover, it is almost Knight Tournament. Only ours will compete in it lovely ladies. The task is as follows: each team will need two girls and four boys. Girls need to get four bonuses for their team, each bonus will bring the team 2 points. The first bonus is suspended on a rope, the second under the goat, the third on the rings, the fourth on the sports wall. There is only one condition, the girl cannot move on the floor, the boys will be her means of transportation.

(Boys can carry the girl together, or in turn, while the bonuses must be in their hands. At the end, they announce the number of bonuses collected and the number of points earned.)

- Everyone who believes in sports will have their own record! Each team has its own support group, they were preparing for this event just as much as the others, and now I want to let them speak and cheer each of my team.

(Cheer groups perform their dance numbers. At this time, the shells change and others are installed.)

- If you want to be healthy, temper yourself
Exercise in the morning
Pour cold water on.
Well, we, of course, will not pour cold water on ourselves, but the test for our teams will be difficult. You see here stretched ropes that you need to crawl under without hitting them. It is necessary to throw five rings on the rods, go through the swinging punching bags and, at the end of everything, overcome the ropeway. Whose team is the fastest to gather at the top, he wins the competition and an additional 6 points.

(When holding this competition, security measures must be observed. The ropeway must be located no higher than 2 meters from the ground, and mats are spread below. Helpers are needed to swing punching bags. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up and the leading team is revealed.)

- It's time to measure the strength of the team captains. The competition is simple, consists of two stages. At the first stage, each captain will be given certain things. They will have to tell what these things are and how they are applied. The task is 5 points. The second stage is power, sitting on a log, the captains will fight each other with the help of bags stuffed with cotton. The task is also 5 points. Thus, the winning captain will be able to give his team 10 points.

(The captains' competition should be arranged musically. And after the performance of each, it is necessary to insert the screensavers of the support group. At the end, a summary is summed up.)

- We safely reached the last test. This competition will reveal the most well-coordinated team that can work together and amicably. The task is simple, we will build the highest castle from the material provided to us. Assignment for 6 points.

(A castle is built from cubes or other figures. The team that builds the highest and most even castle wins.)

- The competition is over, each team has scored a certain number of points. Now the jury will sum up and thus the winning team will be determined.

The team with the most points is the winner. Fanfares sound in its part, each participant is given a badge, or a flag with sports symbols. Confetti firecrackers are fired, and photos are taken and posted on the school news board.

The script of the holiday "Health Day"

Goals: strengthening the health of students;
attracting children to systematic physical education and sports;
organization of students' leisure;
propaganda physical education and sports, as the best remedy for any disease;
development physical qualities, beautiful posture, plastics of movements, training in the ability to perform tasks quickly and accurately;
the formation of collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline, courage, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, education " healthy spirit rivalry"

Leading: College! Equal! Attention! Alignment to the middle!
Anthem of the Russian Federation
Leading: The right to open a Health Day is granted to the head of the branch of GBPOU Belebeevsky College of Mechanization and Electrification R.Z. Aflyatunov.
The director of the college addresses with words of congratulations to all participants of the holiday.
Leading: To sing songs louder
Live to be more interesting
You need to be strong and healthy!
These truths are not new.
Sport is friendly with health.
Stadium, pool and court,
Hall, ice rink - everywhere you are welcome.
For effort as a reward
There will be cups and records.
Your muscles will become hard.
Just remember athletes
Every day is sure
Start with exercise.
Don't play hide-and-seek with the nap.
Here is the secret of health!
On the sports square
Hello to all fitness friends!
Host: To the site
We invite you boys and girls.
Holiday of sports and health
Starts now.
Please take an oath.
Forever faithful to the sport to be:
We swear!
Do not cry and do not despair:
We swear!
Do not offend opponents:
We swear!
Competitions to love:
We swear!
Try to be the first in games
We swear!

Leading: To be healthy, dexterous, you need to move as much as possible. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "Movement is life." I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. Each group gets points.
All groups and class teachers find their place on the sports ground, and repeat the movements after me to the music:
1. We looked at the neighbor on the right.
2. We looked at the neighbor on the left.
3. Looked at the sky, looked at the earth.
4. Changed into a circle.
5. We go in a circle to the right, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......
6. We go in a circle to the left, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......
7. Stopped, turned around, looked at each other, smiled...
8. Now show how friendly you are: go all to the center of your circle, and now back.
9. Raise your hands and applaud each other!
Well, let's start our holiday.
Leading: Now the teams will present their team, name the mottos.
Jury presentation.
- Not a single competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (representation of the jury members).
Let the jury the whole course of the battle
Track without a hitch.
Who will be friendlier
He will win in battle.
I you he she -
We are a beautiful country!
We are a healthy country!
We have all the power, I know!
1st competition. "Accurate shooter".
The goal is to knock down as many balls as possible with another ball.

Leading: Our sports holiday
It's time for us to continue.
Children are happy about the sports holiday.
We will shout to the sports holiday - Hurray !!!
- The next match is called
2nd competition. "Swamp".
Shifting the leaflets-boards, the teams must cross the "swamp" without getting their feet wet. The team that spends the least time on the transition, the fewest number of times set foot on the ground, wins.

Being healthy is fashionable!
Being healthy is great!
Being healthy is not dangerous!
A healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country!

3rd competition. Relay "Penguins"
In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball sandwiched between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back.

Leading: You did a great job, and we offer you a new interesting
4th competition. Captains Competition.
It is necessary to put an inflatable ball into the bucket with a stick, without touching it with your hands.
Respite for the contestants.
Entertainment show with spectators and fans
Fans must answer the questions (for each answer one point)
1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)
2. How many rings on Olympic flag? (Five rings)
3. Which country is the homeland Olympic Games? (Greece)
4. After how many years are the Summer Olympics? (After four years)
5. Who was dedicated to the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)
6. What color Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)
7. How is the champion of the modern Olympic Games awarded? (Gold Olympic medal)
8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)
9. Who initiated the start Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)
10. What was the award for the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath)
11. How much gold contains Olympic medal? (Not less than 6 grams)
12. In what year was the Olympiad held in Russia? (2014)
13. In which city was the Olympiad in 2014? (Sochi)
14. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)
15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)
The sun is shining over Russia
Bright path of life.
You be happy in the world
Be healthy, be!

5 Competition "Towing".
On a signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball in such a way that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If the ball is lost, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose all players complete this task faster.
Host: Yes, you played together like that,
And maybe you're tired?
For fun, for order
I'll give you another riddle:
1. Throw it into the river - it doesn’t sink,
You hit the wall - do not moan,
You will throw winter
Will fly up (ball)
2. Wooden horses gallop through the snow,
Do not fall into the snow (skis)
3. This horse does not eat oats,
2 wheels instead of legs.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive (bike).
4. Bone back, hard bristle
Friendly with mint paste
Serves us diligently (toothbrush)
5. He lay down in his pocket and guards - a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one,
They will wipe away the streams of tears, they will not forget about the nose (handkerchief)

6th competition "Kangaroo"
Whose team will jump next? Team members take turns jumping from a place. Each next one starts jumping from the landing site of the previous jumper. The team with the longest jump length wins. (Assistant judges monitor the correct execution of the task).

Laughter is with us!
We live the best!
We never part with him.
Wherever we are, we laugh!
Let's look out the window in the morning
The rain is pouring, but we are laughing!
If we go hiking
Laughter is not far behind us!
Young, perky laughter!
Laughing is not a sin!

7th competition "Laughter" American scientists have found that when a person laughs, almost three times more air enters his lungs. Plus, laughter is a great exercise. vocal cords. So laugh to your health!
Whose team will laugh more contagiously will win the competition
Moderator: Dear children and guests! Here we are finished sports. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up and name the winners.
The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.
Fan competition.

4 people in turn perform an exercise called "skiing". Instead of skis, cardboard boxes are used. It is necessary to go the distance by rounding the chair.
Host: Let's give the floor to the jury and find out whose team today has become the best, fastest, most attentive, most friendly and athletic.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.

Leading: And now the word to the chairman of the jury

Summing up, awarding

Long live nets, balls and rackets,
green field and sunshine!
Long live rest! Fight and hike!
Long live the joy of sports victories!

municipal state educational institution

secondary school No. 15 h. Garden

Mineralovodsky district

Purpose of the Health Day:

    the formation and development of students of high moral and psychological qualities, love for their homeland, readiness to defend it;

    formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), educating students in responsibility for their health;

    to cultivate self-respect, to be able to make informed choices regarding their health, which healthy lifestyle life makes a person free and independent, gives him the strength to make an informed choice in everything;

    formation and development in students of a high sense of duty and responsibility for the task assigned, courage, courage, endurance and self-control, initiative and resourcefulness, mutual assistance, physical endurance, constant readiness to perform rescue work.

Developed a program

teacher-organizer of life safety

Natarova E.V.

year 2013.

Preparing for the Health Day.

    preparation for the “Health Day” begins with the order of the school principal and the drawing up of a plan;

    during the preparation cool watch on a healthy lifestyle of students during the "Children's Day";

    school students take part in organizing exhibitions of drawings “Our health is in our hands”, posters “Sport is a healthy lifestyle”;

    meetings are held with the students of the school with the paramedic of the medical center x. Sadovy, narcologists;

    classes and training sessions are held to work out the stages of the sports relay race.

Event program:

    class hours in grades 1-11 on topics:

    "We grow up athletic - we grow up healthy";

    "Habits and health";

    "Sport for all!";

    "Healthy lifestyle is my choice."

    watching videos on topics:

    "Wrong diet";

    "Bad habits and their prevention";

    "The right to live";

    “I pass the TRP standards”;

    conducting a healthy lifestyle quiz:

    1-4 grades,

    5-7 grades,

    8-11 grades.

HOLIDAY PROGRESS. There are songs about sports. Then the music fades a bit. The general formation of athletes is announced.

Teams of classes go to the sports ground. Each of them has its own emblem. Teams are built in a column of two.

Hello, adults and children, we are very glad to see you at the holiday of sports and health. How cheerful, dexterous, strong and cheerful you are! What is needed for this? We will find the answer to this question by walking along the sports path. At each stop you will collect the correct answers and score points.

In our difficult age, in our stormy age
No one can live forever without sports,
The champion is hidden in every person.
The person needs to believe in it.

The moderator introduces the members of the jury.

Each class came up with the name of their team, emblem, motto. Teams take turns saying the name and motto. Route sheets are handed over to captains.

Stage 1.
Competition "Charging".

The whole team is involved. Execution by the commands of the complex morning exercises. The synchronism of execution and correctness are evaluated (the result is entered into the route sheet, the number of errors made is counted).

2. Stage.
Bowling Contest.

The whole team is involved. Skittles are set up on the site. One member leaves the team. On a signal, he knocks down the pins with the ball. Each participant is given three attempts. Counts total knocked down pins. (The result is entered in the route sheet)

3. Stage.
Competition "Olympic rings".
The whole team is involved. Team members throw rings on the pin. Five rings are given (one attempt). The total number of cast rings is counted. (The result is entered in the route sheet)

4. Stage.
Competition "Bags".
The whole team is involved. They must cover the distance as quickly as possible, holding a bag of sand on their heads. The winner is the one who does not drop the load and reaches the finish line faster. (The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

5. Stage.
Competition "Running teams".

The whole team is involved. Participants line up at the start line, being inside the hoop and holding it to the level of the belt. The hoops are interconnected. At the signal of the team, I run along the distance (150 m.). The task is to run the distance as quickly as possible and not lose a single participant. (The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

6. Stage.
Relay race.
The team performs a combined relay race, consisting of 10 types.
1) Running through the rope to the rack and back.
2) Spin the hoop and move forward to the rack and back.
3) Hold a small bag of sand on your head while moving forward to the rack and back.
4) Jumping forward, legs together to the rack, back running.
5) Jumping forward from the crouching stop with moving forward to the rack, back running.
6) Jumping forward holding the ball with your feet up to the rack, running back.
7) Jumping on right leg to the rack, back on the left leg.
8) Dribbling the ball to the rack and back.
9) Running with tennis racket in the hand on which lies tennis ball.
10) Running with two balls in hand to the rack and back.
(The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

Building teams.
The judges sum up.

Guys! While the judges sum up the results, we will play a game. I will name any quality or habit, and you try to decide whether this quality is useful or not. If useful, then you all raise your hands up and say - Yes, and if not, then say - NO:

- do physical education;
- do exercises;
- watch TV late;
- brush your teeth 2 times a day;
- wash once a month;
- laugh a lot;
- smoking;
- litter in the room;
- relax on the sea;
- go to school.

Main judge announces the results of the competition. Certificates are awarded the best teams. Schoolchildren leave the competition site in formation. Primary school students hold a competition for the best collective drawing on the theme "For the sake of life on earth" .

Drawings on asphalt "For the sake of life on Earth"

for younger children school age(grades 1-4)

    Which vegetables and fruits are healthier - raw or cooked? Why?

    The hostess cut cabbage for borscht, and ate the stalk. Did she do the right thing?

    To reduce the harm from any soda, including Pepsi, you need to follow simple rules.. What?

    Why are chips and crackers harmful?

    Why can't you bite your nails?

    Can I lend my hairbrush to other people?

    What plant juice is used instead of iodine?

    “A glutton digs his own grave with his teeth,” says a popular proverb. Is it true?

    A hare brought up in a cage dies at the first fast run. Can this happen to a person? What is hypodynamia, and why is it dangerous?

    Why Canned Food Can Be Dangerous?

Quiz "Healthy lifestyle"

for children of middle school age (grades 5-7)

    Determined that nutritional supplements that improve the taste of food are harmful to health. Which ones and how?

    When garbage is burned in the city, the air is polluted with toxic substances. Name the most dangerous substances.

    Name some methods for removing nitrates from vegetables..

    Why is it said about a smoker that he is on starvation oxygen rations?

    Of everyday foods, which are the most dangerous to health?

    On Central Television, a program with aerobics classes made its debut back in the days of the USSR, in…G.

    In one family, a non-smoking woman died of lung cancer. What are your assumptions about this.

    Toxic acid in tobacco smoke.

    How does smoking affect the health and appearance of a girl?

    Why has alcohol been called the thief of the mind since ancient times?

Quiz "Healthy lifestyle"

for children of senior school age (grades 8-11)

    "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."Whose words are these?

    These products first appeared in Japan in the 1980s. They are enriched with substances that stimulate beneficial microflora. Such food improves health and prevents the occurrence of diseases. What are these products called?

    What signs can be used to diagnose an HIV-infected patient?

    The name of the person who developed the system exercise, forever remained in Russian poetry thanks to V. Mayakovsky's poem "I Love" ...

    "Tobacco ... inevitably weakens the energy." Who is the author of these words?

    Sharko shower - good method weight loss, cellulite treatment, it improves general state and skin tone and is indicated for certain diseases. Who is the author of this method?

    He first came up with the idea to use the concept of the glycemic index to get rid of excess weight, he wrote the books "Dine and lose weight" and "Eat and get younger!". His name…

    How often does the famous TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya advise weighing herself?

    "From big bellies I use a sorcerer's remedy, brilliant in results, but not always accessible to the powers of those being treated. This remedy consists in the so-called “milk diet”, in which the sufferer does not eat anything for 2 weeks, and satisfies the feeling of hunger with half a glass of milk, ”the doctor and writer reported ...

    One smoked cigarette neutralizes 25 mg in the body. vitamin C, so much of it is contained in one orange. And recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that taking vitamin C and smoking are incompatible. Why?

School-wide scenario sports festival

"Health and Sports Day"

Target: motivation for a healthy lifestyle, identification the strongest teams and athletes, attracting students to systematic physical education.Tasks:

Educational: promoting harmonic physical development, the development of resistance to adverse environmental conditions, the development of strength, speed, accuracy, endurance, the development of intellectual abilities.

Wellness: strengthening the health of students.

Educational: education of collectivism, development of purposefulness, confidence, endurance, self-control, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: musical accompaniment; rope; bags; Balloons; jump rope with a tied bag of sand; balls; straws; letters.


Leading: - Good afternoon dear friends! We gathered to get to know each other better and make friends with each other, to see what we can do. And it doesn’t matter who becomes the winner in this comic competition, but there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is
Everyone wants to compete
joke and laugh
Show strength, dexterity
And dexterity to prove.

We are all happy with this meeting.
We didn't come here for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together.

Health is not a toy. Easy to break, can't be bought. Let's think about how we can save it. In the old days they used to say that health comes in spools of gold and leaves in pounds. A spool is a very small weight, approximately the weight of one five-kopeck coin, and a pound is 16 kg. This means that you can become healthy gradually, but lose health much faster.
And our competitions will be judged by the most strict but fair jury(Jury presentation).

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

That one will win (Parting words of the jury)

Leading: And nowOath
On behalf of all participants in the competition, we solemnly swear:
- participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, respecting a weak opponent;
- We swear to uphold the Olympic motto: “Faster! Higher! Stronger!";
- we swear to compete in a truly sporting spirit for the glory of sport and for the honor of our team.
We swear! We swear! We swear!
Leading: I declare the friendly meeting open!
Competition program


Captain of the "Nekhvoraika" team:Welcome to the team...
All: "Nehvorayka"
We decided never to get sick
Do not be sick? This must be known.
Our motto-…
" In a healthy body healthy mind".
Captain of the "Fortress" team:
Welcome to the team...
Become healthy, smart, strong!
Be resilient and agile.
Our motto-…
All: "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself."
2. Warm up
Without sports training
Dancing is hard to dance.
So you need training
Never forget.
Before any competition, it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all the muscles, everything is like that of serious athletes. Now the teams will simultaneously conduct a warm-up under the guidance of their captains, and we will see how efficiently, effectively, fun, friendly and coordinated the teams will prepare themselves for the next test.

Warm-up music please.

3. “Spinning ball” - “Jumping rod” (3-4 participants per team).
Competition incendiary - the most charming.
The winner here will be the one who is lucky today.
Jump like a horse or a deer, but the ball is not touched with your feet.
(In the center of the circle, the driver, crouching, rotates the rope with a bag of sand, and the participants in the game jump over the “fishing rod” every time it passes under their feet. The game continues until 1 participant remains in the circle).

4. Tug of war ( Team tug of war )

Now we will provide the teams
The opportunity to show strength.
They have to pull the rope now
Oh, fan, help!

5. Gold Rush

Everyone knows the power of knowledge
Need to value knowledge
With a smart, interesting book
Everyone deserves to be friends.
There are many books about sports.
There is a taste for everyone.
Sports sublimely - beautiful,
He is worthy of all the arts!

I invite you to take part in the Gold Rush competition. You answer my questions and the team that gives the last correct answer will get 1 point. There will be 3 questions in total, in this competition a team can earn 3 points.

Question 1: Name sport games in which the ball is played with hands (volleyball, basketball, rugby, baseball, handball, rounders, etc.).
Question 2: Name the sports that are held on the water (swimming, water polo, rowing, sailing, water skiing, diving, etc.).
Question 3: Name the sports in which skis are used ( ski race, biathlon, ski jumping, freestyle etc.).

6. “Running in bags”

They showed strength, agility, ran and rested
And now you have such a competition, the teams will have to
Who faster baton runs without a penalty
Well, not just to run, we can handle it too
We will put on your feet, if not fetters, but bags.

7. "Jumping from a place"

And now the whole team
You jump faster
From wall to wall
Overtake your opponent in a jump.

(The whole team performs a group jump in turn, with each participant starting his jump from the landing site of the previous participant. Who is next)

8. Running ball game

To play, you will need two balloons and two glasses. The participants are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a column. The first team members are given a glass and a balloon. They put the ball on the glass so that the ball keeps its balance. Then these participants must run around their team and return to their place. After that, the first players pass the glass with the ball to the second players, who also run around the team. The game continues until all participants have run around their team. But if someone's ball falls, he must return to his place and start running around from the beginning. It is not allowed to touch the ball with your hands during the task. The team that completes the task first wins.

9. Sports humorous relay race.

Two participants start in pairs, holding with their foreheads volleyball, reach the mark, run back to the starting point.
- Participants start in pairs, one in the lying position moves, pushing off with his hands. Another holds him from behind by the legs. They get to the mark, change roles, return to the starting point.

10. The game "Flying on a broomstick"

You will need two stools or two chairs. You will also need two brooms or mops. The children are invited to imagine that they have turned into evil wizards and can fly on a broomstick. The task of the participants is to take turns passing the broom, holding it between their legs, run to the stool, come back and pass the broom to another team member.

The team that finishes the game first wins.

11. Game "Air paper"

For the game, you will need two squares measuring 15 * 15, drinking straws according to the number of participants. Each team stands in a circle. Each participant is given one straw, and the captain is also given paper. At the leader's signal, the captain begins to hold the paper, drawing in air through the straw. The captain must pass the paper in straws (without the help of hands) to the next participant. If the paper falls, then the command starts the transfer from the beginning. The winner is the team whose paper reaches the captain in a circle first.

12. Competition "Penguin"

For the game you will need two balls (you can replace it with two oranges or apples). The host divides those wishing to participate in the game into two teams. Each team lines up in a column. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the first player of the team, you need to draw a strip or put a rope. Each team is given one ball. The first players take the ball, pinch it between their legs. They must carry this ball to the mark and back, but they must walk like penguins, waddling. You can't jump or run. If someone breaks the rules, he starts the task from the beginning. The team that completes the task first wins.

13. Competition "Throwing Balloons"The competition is held in two stages. The task of the participants is to throw the balloon as far as possible. Second phase. Now their task is getting more difficult. They must throw the balls back. The one with the ball flying the farthest wins.

14. The game "Frozen" (Appendix 1)

For the competition, you will need to prepare sheets of paper on which you need to write body parts, for example, lips, arm, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose. These leaflets are folded into a box or hat so that it is not visible what is written on the leaflet.

Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join with each other with the indicated parts of the body. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players take one piece of paper each, freeze to each other. Another participant approaches, and so on. It turns out a very funny chain. Don't forget to take a picture of her.

15. Game "Hunting"

Hunting is an active game for the development of dexterity, emancipation, coordination of movements. Names of all players participating in the game are written on the cards. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The players dance to the music while keeping an eye on whoever's name is on their card (loot) as inconspicuously as possible. As soon as the music stops, the hunter must grab his prey. But each prey player, in turn, must grab the other player for whom he is the hunter.

16. Candy Rain Game

The host scatters sweets on the floor and says that today we had a candy rain in the hall, and that all the sweets need to be collected, but this must be done blindfolded. After that, those who wish to participate are called, they are blindfolded and given a plastic bag in their hands. The winner is the one who was able to collect the most candies.

17. "Wipe your feet"

At the beginning of the game, the leader determines the distance (usually 10-15 steps).
Then each participant is given three sheets of newspaper.
Then the players are invited to stand with their feet on the sheets of the newspaper and have one in their hands.
On command, the players put the sheet on the floor and step on it with their foot, the freed sheet is shifted further, step on it, etc.
So all participants need to cross from start to finish in turn.
The team that covers the given distance the fastest wins.

18. Competition "Couples on the contrary"

Couples are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). Run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

19. Competition "Wall to Wall"

This competition demonstrates the well-coordinated work of teams. For him, prepare plastic cups from yogurts in advance (you can replace them with building cubes). In front of the two teams is a box in which all the cups are stacked. Now about the task: in a certain time (two or three minutes), the teams must build a wall from these cups that will not be inferior in size to the opponent's wall - neither in height nor in length. The winner is the team that, in the allotted time, builds a wall higher and longer than the other team.

20. Competition "Baranki-beads"

To run this competition, you will need to work a little. Make two pairs of bagel beads. The captain of each team puts on beads made of donuts and moves away at a distance of 10 steps from his team. Then each player runs to his captain, eats one bagel and runs back, passing the baton to the next player. The team that quickly “eats” their captain wins.

21. Competition "Glutton"

For the competition, you will need to prepare long rolls of paper, if nothing is at hand, then rolls of toilet paper or napkins laid out in a row will do. The same number of products is laid out on each track, for example, it can be grapes or chips. At the beginning of the paths there are participants who, at the signal of the leader, must go along the path and eat everything that lies on it. Tasty foods can be interspersed, for example, with a heavily peppered piece of bread, a glass of water, lemon. All participants must fulfill the condition: until you have chewed the previous item, you cannot move on. The winner is the one who quickly reaches the end of the track and chews everything. He is awarded the honorary title of "Glutton".

Leading: What rules must be observed in order to maintain their health?
The question is addressed to all players. The players of each team give one answer in turn. The team whose captain won the previous competition starts. Those who have nothing more to say lose. To revitalize the game, you can build teams opposite each other and invite them to throw the ball to the opponents, to whom they transfer the right to answer.
Sample answers:
To be healthy, I will:
- wash your hands and keep your body clean; - observe the daily routine;
-do exercises; - engage in physical education and sports; -brush your teeth;
- watch your posture; - eat healthy food in moderation;
-follow the rules traffic; - follow the instructions of the doctor;
- observe safety rules; - in case of problems, consult with adults; -lead a healthy lifestyle, etc.

23. "Egg Basketball"

Teams of participants take part in the game, who are given eggs and one basket each. Team members take turns getting the egg into the basket. The team that manages to throw the most eggs into the basket wins.
24. Single footballers

The players keep both legs together all the time, the legs of the players can be tied, the ball is kicked with both legs at once. The court is reduced to the size of a volleyball court, it is best to play on the sand. Each team has 5-7 players: goalkeeper, 2-3 defenders, 2-3 forwards. Since the players move only in jumps, the half lasts 5 minutes, the break between halves is 3 minutes. More than three halves should not be played. Ball for the game - medicine ball ( medicine ball weighing 1 kilogram). The rules are the same as for football.


The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up at the back of each other's heads. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players take with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, takes the ankle of the right or left leg with his right or left hand. At the leader's signal, the centipedes jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can run just on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. The victory is awarded to the team that first ran to the finish line, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.

Leading: Raise your hands, please, those who have never been sick. Now those who get sick once a year! And who gets sick twice or more? Look, we are all used to getting sick, but this is the wrong attitude. Let's try to change it and remember that it is natural for a person to be healthy.

Winner's reward ceremony

I wish you bloom, grow
Save, improve health,
It is for a long journey -
The main condition
May every day and every hour
You will get new
May your mind be good
And the heart will be smart
I sincerely wish you
Friends, all the best.
And all good friends
It's not cheap for us.

Teacher : Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's game was not in vain and you learned a lot from it. No wonder they say: "If you are healthy, you will get everything." So be healthy everyone, goodbye!

Annex 1

Game "Frozen"





Right hand

Right hand

Left hand (palm)

Left hand (palm)

Right hand (palm)

Right hand (palm)

Left hand (elbow)

Left hand (elbow)

Left hand (shoulder)

Left hand (shoulder)

Right arm (shoulder)

Right arm (shoulder)

Right arm (elbow)

Right hand (elbow)

Right cheek

Right cheek

Left cheek

Left cheek

Right knee

Right knee

Left knee

Left knee

Right heel

Right heel

Left heel

Left heel







right ear

right ear

left ear

left ear