Fight Oleg Taktarov. Oleg Taktarov - biography, information, personal life

Oleg Taktarov, a pioneer of Russian mixed martial arts, became the first representative of the national sambo school in the octagon. Largely thanks to him, video cassettes with the first tournaments became bestsellers in Russia, and our country got acquainted with the world of mixed martial arts. The first tournaments in the octagon were largely a confrontation of styles, and therefore the sambist Taktarov quickly came to court there, but the fighter himself dreamed of a completely different glory and wanted to act in Hollywood. In 1993, he won one of the first eight tournaments in the post-Soviet space called the White Dragon and sent a recording of his moves to America in the hope of getting one of the roles in the action movie.

However, in Hollywood they did not dare to take on one of the roles of an unknown Russian, but instead offered to try their hand at one of the tournaments. Historic debut took place in April 1995 in Charlotte. Taktarov came out in his trademark kimono and already in the third minute he scored a victory over Ernie Verdizia with a choke hold, and as a battle nickname he took the phrase Russian Bear, which is understandable to every American.

Epic confrontations with Severn

However, the way up was not paved for the Russian with white rose petals. Already in the next fight, a huge heavyweight wrestler, future Hall of Famer Dan Severn, was waiting for him. He became the first successful representative of freestyle wrestling in MMA and took his due physical strength. Taktarov already in the first seconds was under a powerful opponent, who brought down a hail of blows on him. Severn used the permissiveness of the then rules with might and main and struck knees to the head on a lying opponent, beat ready and worked with his fingers to cut Oleg. As a result of heavy bleeding, referee John McCarthy stopped the fight. Taktarov did not agree with this decision and demanded the continuation of the fight, but the judge was adamant. But Oleg quickly won the respect of the American public with his resilience and will to win and became one of the most popular fighters.

A rematch with Severny, who won the fifth tournament, took place in December 1995, as part of the Ultimate Ultimate tournament, which brought together the champions and finalists of all tournaments at the end of the year. Taktarov and Severn confidently walked towards each other in the final, but the American had an advantage. His semi-final fight ended much earlier, and Oleg was forced to fight after a grueling 18-minute confrontation with Marco Ruas. Severn, who retained more strength, spent most of the battle on top and defended himself from the dangerous painful techniques of the Russian. Severn won by decision, but Taktarov did not give up and once again showed his courage.

With a grenade under the tank

The finest hour of Oleg Taktarov came at a tournament in the highlands of Colorado. In the second four for himself, the sambo wrestler decided to abandon the kimono and went out in underpants familiar to an MMA fighter. A total of 66 seconds was enough for him to win over Dave Bennett and Anthony Macias, but the main test was waiting for Oleg in the final. Colorful puncher David Tank Abbott was the first formidable puncher in the octagon. Lacking perfect boxing technique, he took his incredible physical strength and killer blows, from which the fighters lost consciousness even before they touched the canvas.

Taktarov had to use clever tactics against an overweight opponent. At first, he gave Tank the initiative, restrained his pressure and allowed him to run out. And when Abbott was exhausted and barely on his feet, Taktarov crawled behind his back and held a choke hold, after which he almost lost consciousness from dehydration. After a grueling 18-minute battle in the middle mountains, both fighters ended up in the hospital, and Taktarov became the first champion in Russian history.

In the Lion's Den

Oleg quickly realized that in order to progress in the rapidly developing world of martial arts, you need to train with the best fighters in the best camps in America. He often visited one of the first successful professional teams, Lion's Den ("Lion's Den"), which was founded by the legendary Ken Shamrock. The fighters quickly became friends and often sparred in preparation for the fight. Taktarov was always amazed at Shamrock's extraordinary stamina and even suspected him of steroid use. Doping control did not exist in those years, and therefore it was not possible to check his correctness. Thanks to the victory in the tournament, Taktarov got the right to a super fight against Shamrock, who had previously defeated Severn. 33 minutes of the fight did not bring out the winner. Shamrock had an advantage in the stalls, but the referee's decision was not provided for by the regulations, and therefore the result of the fight was a draw.

Oleg Taktarov - Russian and American athlete and actor, champion sports tournaments in sambo and competitions within the framework of "fights without rules". As an actor, he is known for the films "Predators", "Temporarily Unavailable" and "Maltese Cross".

Oleg was born in Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Arzamas-16, which was later renamed Sarov. The boy's father, a Mari by nationality, was a military man, in his younger years he reached a high level in boxing. Seeing that his son reads adventure books all day long and lives in his own dreams, but cannot stand up for himself in confrontations with classmates, he took Oleg to sports section. There Taktarov studied sambo wrestling under the guidance of experienced trainer Vitaly Mikhailov.

Soon the instructor saw potential in the boy and made a prophetic remark that he was capable of becoming a world champion. Such faith in the abilities of the ward did not allow Oleg to quit the sport, although the boy wanted to be an actor. And in 1990, the young man passed the standards for the master of sports.


Three years later, at the next White Dragon tournament in Riga, Taktarov received the title of world champion in ultimate fighting among amateurs, after which the young man was noticed by American scouts and invited to participate in professional fights.

Having moved to the USA, Oleg Taktarov began to compete in mixed martial arts and became widely known as one of the most calm and balanced athletes. Oleg went to fights under the pseudonym "Russian Bear", especially since in terms of external parameters (height - 183, weight - 95) he corresponded to this nickname.

The MMA organization was just taking the first steps in holding "fights without rules", and the competitions were held between athletes of the same style. Oleg chose the sambo category. The first battles of Taktarov did not bring young man glory, but the UFC-6 tournament ended for the wrestler with a victory over the American David Tank Abbott and the champion title. In 1997, Taktarov entered the ring in the first PRIDE sparring, where Canadian Gary Goodridge became the rival of the Russian. From 2001 to 2007, Taktarov did not compete, but then returned for several tournaments.

In total, Oleg had 24 fights in the ring, of which he lost only five. Oleg also won an exhibition boxing match against, which took place as part of the show "King of the Ring". The exemplary victory was a landmark achievement in sports biography Taktarov.

In 2003, a poll was conducted among UFC fans that determined the most popular athletes in the history of martial arts. Oleg, according to the voting results, got into the top ten, where he was the only participant from the post-Soviet space.

In addition to the sports career of a fighter, Taktarov tried himself as a commentator on M-1 - Russia vs. Europe", but this experience was not successful for the athlete. Also in 2009, Oleg organized the show " Men's games”, whose participants, according to the plan, were former fighters who claimed a second chance in their careers. After filming was completed, the athletes went to California to participate in the professional tournament. The program never appeared on Russian channels, but two years later, fans could watch a world-famous fighter in the First Channel program “Special Task” as a TV presenter.

In 2012, while already in Russia, Oleg Taktarov received the position of head of the Federation for mixed martial arts where he has been working for five years.


The main desire of Oleg Taktarov has always been to act in films, and only in Hollywood. And, after the young man became a famous fighter in the ring, the dream came true.

First, Oleg was invited to the fantastic action movie "Total Power" and the thriller "President's Plane". This was followed by the crime drama "15 Minutes of Fame", the action movie "Red Kite", the science fiction "Rollerball", the action "Spy". In all these films, the actor played a native of Russia - either an agent or a criminal.

The adventure movie National Treasure, the thriller Bad Boys 2 and the crime drama Miami Vice: Vice became popular. Later, Taktarov appeared together with the fantastic action movie Predators, and worked in the comedy thriller Get Me If You Can.

Having achieved success in the coveted Hollywood, Oleg began to agree to invitations from Russia. Russian-made films began to appear in the actor's filmography - the saga about the oligarchs "Hunting for the Manchurian Deer", the film adaptation of Gogol's one, the comedy "Ticket to Vegas", the phantasmagoria "Generation P", the crime drama "Let's do it quickly". The most significant works for Taktarov in Russian cinema were in the action films The Maltese Cross and The Guardian.

The actor works both in Russia and in America. In the United States, the actor starred in the action films "Hunted" and "Renewal of the Brotherhood", and in his homeland he was involved in the comedy film "Oil Painting". With the participation of the fighter, the series “Fights” and “Ex-wife” also appeared on television.

Personal life

Oleg Taktarov managed to go down the aisle three times. Moreover, the athlete was never in a hurry, and the first time he married when he was already famous and financially secure. The first wife was called Milena, and the athlete and actor lived with her for five years. The son Sergei was born in the family, but the marriage soon broke up.

The second wife is an American named Kathleen, who helped a man get out of a psychological crisis after one defeat in the ring. The girl gave Taktarov support, they began an affair that ended in a wedding and the birth of their son Keaton. But the characters of Oleg and Kathleen did not suit each other - both are calm, but sometimes impulsive and quick-tempered. The athlete did not like the profession of his wife either - Kathleen worked as the head of a maximum security prison and was not going to leave from there.

A few years later, the actor married again. This time, the chosen one was the Russian girl Maria, who gave birth to Oleg's third son Nikita. There were reports in the press that here too personal life did not work out: the marriage lasted only five years, and Taktarov began dating a businesswoman named Evgenia. But it turned out that these were the speculations of journalists, since Evgenia Troshchiy is the athlete's mother-in-law, with whom Taktarov was often seen together.

Oleg Taktarov is an active Internet user. The athlete often posts on personal pages in "

Oleg was born in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Arzamas-16, which was later renamed Sarov. The boy's father, a Mari by nationality, was a military man, in his younger years he reached a high level in boxing. Seeing that his son reads adventure books all day long and lives in his own dreams, but cannot stand up for himself in confrontations with classmates, he took Oleg to the sports section. There Taktarov studied sambo wrestling under the guidance of an experienced coach Vitaly Mikhailov.

Soon the instructor saw potential in the boy and made a prophetic remark that he was capable of becoming a world champion. Such faith in the abilities of the ward did not allow Oleg to quit the sport, although the boy wanted to be an actor. And in 1990, the young man passed the standards for the master of sports.


Three years later, at the next White Dragon tournament in Riga, Taktarov received the title of world champion in ultimate fighting among amateurs, after which the young man was noticed by American scouts and invited to participate in professional fights.

Having moved to the USA, Oleg Taktarov began to compete in mixed martial arts and became widely known as one of the most calm and balanced athletes. Oleg went to fights under the pseudonym "Russian Bear", especially since in terms of external parameters (height - 183, weight - 95) he corresponded to this nickname.

The MMA organization was just taking the first steps in conducting “fights without rules”, and the competitions were held between athletes of the same style. Oleg chose the sambo category. The first fights of Taktarov did not bring fame to the young man, but the UFC-6 tournament ended for the wrestler with a victory over the American David Tank Abbott and the champion title. In 1997, Taktarov entered the ring in the first PRIDE sparring, where Canadian Gary Goodridge became the rival of the Russian. From 2001 to 2007, Taktarov did not compete, but then returned for several tournaments.

In total, Oleg had 24 fights in the ring, of which he lost only five. Oleg also won an exhibition boxing match against Dolph Lundgren, which was held as part of the King of the Ring show. The demonstrative victory became a landmark achievement in Taktarov's sports biography.

In 2003, a poll was conducted among UFC fans that determined the most popular athletes in the history of martial arts. Oleg, according to the voting results, got into the top ten, where he was the only participant from the post-Soviet space.

Best of the day

In addition to the sports career of a fighter, Taktarov tried himself as a commentator on M-1 - Russia vs. Europe", but this experience was not successful for the athlete. Also in 2009, Oleg organized the show "Men's Games", the participants of which, according to the plan, were former fighters who claimed a second chance in their careers. After filming was completed, the athletes went to California to participate in the professional tournament. The program never appeared on Russian channels, but two years later, fans could watch a world-famous fighter in the First Channel program “Special Task” as a TV presenter.

In 2012, while already in Russia, Oleg Taktarov received the position of head of the Mixed Martial Arts Federation, where he has been working for five years.


The main desire of Oleg Taktarov has always been to act in films, and only in Hollywood. And, after the young man became a famous fighter in the ring, the dream came true.

First, Oleg was invited to the fantastic action movie "Total Power" and the thriller "President's Plane". This was followed by the crime drama "15 Minutes of Fame", the action movie "Red Kite", the science fiction "Rollerball", the action "Spy". In all these films, the actor played a native of Russia - either an agent or a criminal.

The adventure movie National Treasure, the thriller Bad Boys 2 and the crime drama Miami Vice: Vice became popular. Later, Taktarov, together with Adrien Brody, appeared in the sci-fi action movie Predators, and worked with Sylvester Stallone in the comedy thriller Get Me If You Can.

Having achieved success in the coveted Hollywood, Oleg began to agree to invitations from Russia. Russian-made films began to appear in the actor's filmography - the saga about the oligarchs "The Hunt for the Manchurian Deer", the film adaptation of Gogol's "Viya", the comedy "Ticket to Vegas", the phantasmagoria "Generation P", the crime drama "Let's do it in a quick way". The most significant works for Taktarov in Russian cinema were in the action films The Maltese Cross and The Guardian.

The actor works both in Russia and in America. In the United States, the actor starred in the action films "Hunted" and "Renewal of the Brotherhood", and in his homeland he was involved in the comedy film "Oil Painting". With the participation of the fighter, the series “Fights” and “Ex-wife” also appeared on television.

Personal life

Oleg Taktarov managed to go down the aisle three times. Moreover, the athlete was never in a hurry, and the first time he married when he was already famous and financially secure. The first wife was called Milena, and the athlete and actor lived with her for five years. The son Sergei was born in the family, but the marriage soon broke up.

The second wife is an American named Kathleen, who helped a man get out of a psychological crisis after one defeat in the ring. The girl gave Taktarov support, they began an affair that ended in a wedding and the birth of their son Keaton. But the characters of Oleg and Kathleen did not suit each other - both are calm, but sometimes impulsive and quick-tempered. The athlete did not like the profession of his wife either - Kathleen worked as the head of a maximum security prison and was not going to leave from there.

A few years later, the actor married again. This time, the chosen one was the Russian girl Maria, who gave birth to Oleg's third son Nikita. There were reports in the press that personal life did not work out here either: the marriage lasted only five years, and Taktarov began dating a businesswoman named Evgenia. But it turned out that these were the speculations of journalists, since Evgenia Troshchiy is the athlete's mother-in-law, with whom Taktarov was often seen together.

Oleg Taktarov is an active Internet user. The athlete often posts photos and videos from local and international competitions. The fighter conducts seminars in the cities of the country, including St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, which is also reported from the pages of accounts.

Oleg Taktarov now

Oleg Taktarov is at the peak of his professional acting form and annually starred in a number of diverse films. In 2016, Oleg was entrusted with the role of the main character - Roman's bodyguard in the thriller "Young", where Taktarov's hero had to protect the son of the former boss Andrei (Andrey Bagirov). Also this year, the shooting of the films “99% Dead” and “Rustle” was completed, where Taktarov appeared.

In 2017, with the participation of the athlete, the screening of the American action movie "Misfire" about the struggle of mankind with a merciless virus and the monsters that it gave rise to started. In the film, Taktarov got a cameo role. Now the fighter is filming in a number of new projects, including “Hunting for Thieves”, “See You Soon”, “Island of the Doomed”.

In October, a scandal erupted in the sports environment. The head of the Russian MMA Union, Fedor Emelianenko, accused Taktarov of illegally holding the “Championship and Championship of the MMA Federation of Russia”, which were held in Lyubertsy. One of the points of accusation was the performance of the younger children at the tournament. school age. Emelianenko's statement got to the prosecutor's office.

Oleg Taktarov, in turn, explained that MMA fights were held for adult fighters, and children competed without punches. Taktarov believes that the reason for this is the fact that not the MMA Union, which has official accreditation from the Ministry of Sports, but the MMA Federation controlled by it, which operates independently, was chosen by the IMMAF international federation to conduct a qualifying round in Russia in preparation for the world championship in Bahrain.


1997 - "Total Power"

2004 - National Treasure

2005 - "Hunting for deer"

2008 - "Maltese Cross"

2009 - "Keeper"

2010 - “Fights. Trial by death"

2010 - "Predators"

2013 - "Ex-wife"

2015 - "Temporarily unavailable"

2016 - "Oil Painting"

2016 - "Young"

2017 - "Misfire"

Sports awards

1990 - Master of Sports of the USSR in Sambo

1995 - World champion in mixed martial arts

Tynalin Gaziz 13.03.2008 08:08:55

When I first saw him in a movie, I was struck by the calmness literally written on his face. And I immediately thought, either this person has experienced a lot, and he is above any mercantile routine into which everyday life sucks us, or this calmness has been given to him by God, when I see him, I myself become calm in my heart and I begin to think, that there is nothing higher than harmony with oneself and nature, which the Almighty created for us. Thank you Oleg! Gaziz.

Oleg Nikolaevich Taktarov. Born on August 26, 1967 in Arzamas-16 (now Sarov) of the Gorky region. Russian and american fighter MMA and actor.

Oleg Taktarov was born on August 26, 1967 in the city of Arzamas-16 (now Sarov) of the Gorky Region in a family of employees.

On his father's side, he has Mari roots.

From childhood, he went in for sports, martial arts - he started at a local sambo school, performed at various competitions.

Master of Sports of the USSR in Sambo.

He told about his childhood years: “My father, Nikolai Mikhailovich, said that from childhood I looked like a bear cub. Even at the maternity hospital, doctors were surprised: with a height of 51 cm, I weighed more than four kilograms! My favorite dish was honey with condensed milk. But , despite the natural strength, to street fights, and in general to sports, I was indifferent. But he learned to read early, and by the age of 12 he "ate" all the books in the house. He was very fond of stories about travel, often asked me to find some other novel, say, by Jules Verne. They couldn't tear me away from the TV when they showed The Movie Travelers Club or Around the World. It used to be that they were kicked out into the street with a scandal: they didn’t want to run and jump like all boys - they just dreamed. I really wanted to be an artist. But dad wanted me to become like him - a boxer."

I went to martial arts to defend myself on the street. As a child, Oleg had problems with speech: "I could not articulate words, build a correct phrase." They started teasing him. And at the age of 12, he decided to go to the sambo section. “I studied for two years, began to win against everyone. And then I look, two people attack my friend, they were the coolest place in our city. Then they were washed in the toilet for about forty minutes. new life", - said Taktarov.

He admitted that in childhood and youth he often used his fists to force himself to be respected.

Served 2 years in Soviet army.

Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electromechanics on seagoing ships.

In 1993, Oleg won the "White Dragon" tournament in fights without rules, which was held in Riga.

In the early 1990s, he organized his own business, had good earnings. However, for his dream - to act in films in Hollywood - he went to the USA.

"I went to Hollywood in 1995, left my business in Nizhny Novgorod, which brought very good money. That year was good, I had no showdowns, no problems ... I was haunted by the fact that everything was too good and I don't aspire to anything. Then I took 4.5 thousand dollars, bought a plane ticket and flew to the USA. I went to America because I had a dream to act in films. I was hoping to find something new for myself and I went after my dream. I didn’t have time to leave, when half of the businessmen in our sphere were killed in Nizhny Novgorod. The rest started to have big problems, for the majority everything collapsed. And at the same time, a completely new life began for me, "he said.

In the United States, in order to earn money, he performed at various martial arts competitions.

Thanks to his performances in the Ultimate tournament Fighting Championship Taktarov became famous as a fighter throughout America, especially after he became the champion of the sixth tournament. After that, Taktarov was invited to act in films.

Oleg Taktarov in the UFC

He made his debut in April 1995 at the UFC 5 tournament held in Charlotte, North Carolina, speaking under the pseudonym "The Russian Bear" ("Russian Bear"). The MMA industry was just in its infancy at the time, and often tournaments were duels between fighters representing only one style. Taktarov was a representative of sambo.

Despite a knee injury, Taktarov successfully fought the first fight, winning by choke. The second fight was stopped due to the cut of Taktarov, and the victory was awarded to Dan Severn. According to Taktarov, he was ready to continue the fight.

In July 1995, Taktarov took part in the next tournament − UFC 6. In the semi-finals, he scored one of the fastest victories in history with a guillotine choke at the 9th second. Some believe that the fight was planned in advance, since Oleg and his opponent had the same manager.

The final bout against David "Tank" Abbott lasted over 17 minutes and ended in Taktarov's victory by rear naked choke.

"To become UFC champion 6, I had three fights in one evening. Imagine that you not only need to win the battle, but do it in such a way that you have strength for the next battle, and after it - another one. And then, the difference in weight was simply colossal. You could go into battle with a weight of 90 kg, and your opponent - 120. Not only technique worked, but also willpower" he recalled.

At the UFC 7 tournament, held in September 1995, Taktarov fought for the title against Ken Shamrock. The 30-minute fight did not reveal a winner; added 3 minutes - too. The fight ended in a draw.

Taktarov took part in the Ultimate Ultimate 1995 tournament, which brought together the best fighters of the year in the UFC. In the final, he again met with Dan Severn and at the end of the 30-minute fight lost by unanimous decision.

After that, Taktarov left the UFC.

On November 21, 2003, a fan poll was held at UFC 45 to determine the most popular fighters in UFC history. According to the results of the survey, Oleg Taktarov entered the top ten.

About his fights held in the UFC, Taktarov said: "It was a completely different time. The fights were still held according to the original rules, which consisted in the fact that there are no rules. Ultimate Fighter is a perfect fighter. Which of the fighters is more perfect? ​​The one who injected steroids and went out to show the judges in 5 minutes what is he stronger? A real fight can last a day, or two, or a week. Then the rounds were not limited to five minutes, and the fight usually lasted about half an hour. Why half an hour? Because somewhere after the 18th minute the fighter breaks down. When there is no time limit, the fighter does not know how long the fight will last. Therefore, at that time, victory depended more on the strength of your will".

After leaving the UFC, Taktarov participated in the Vale Tudo tournament, and at the Martial Arts Reality Superfighting (MARS) he met with the representative of the Gracie family - Renzo Gracie.

During the fight, Renzo was on his back, offering Oleg to take the guard. Trying to grab his leg for a painful one, Taktarov missed a blow to the head with it and fell off his feet. Renzo immediately delivered a crushing punch to Oleg's face. The referee stopped the fight, fixing the knockout. Taktarov did not agree with this decision, but it remained in force.

Oleg Taktarov took part in the first PRIDE show, held on October 11, 1997. He faced Canadian UFC veteran Gary Goodridge. Oleg was losing the fight overall, but at one point Goodridge landed a terrifying right hook to Oleg's head, causing Taktarov to be heavily knocked out and hospitalized. Years later, Taktarov, recalling the defeat, noted Goodridge's clear dependence on anabolic steroids. According to Oleg, at that moment Goodridge was at the peak of his steroid cycle.

After the fight in 2001, Oleg did not participate in professional fights until 2007, when he announced his desire to return and took part in the BodogFIGHT: USA vs. Russia". On it, he defeated the American John Marsh (John Marsh) with a knee lever in the second round.

In 2008, at the tournament under the auspices of YAMMA Pit Fighting, last Stand Oleg held against the American Mark Kerr (Mark Kerr), which Taktarov won with a knee lever.

In 2007 he took part in the show "King of Ring" which was broadcast on Channel One in Russia. His participation consisted in holding a boxing match under the banner of "super fight" against Dolph Lundgren. The fight on points was won by Oleg Taktarov.

Oleg Taktarov vs. Dolph Lundgren

In 2007, Taktarov tried himself as a commentator at the M-1 - Russia vs. Europe by M-1 Global. However, judging by the feedback from the audience, this debut of Oleg was unsuccessful: he was criticized for too lengthy comments that had little to do with the fight itself.

In 2009, Taktarov acted as the organizer of the filming of the reality show "Men's Games". Filming was built around a group of people (among whom there were also 2 women), each of whom had previously been involved in martial arts, but then stopped. At the time of the shooting, they experienced life's difficulties, but daily training, according to the plan of the organizers, would allow them to gain self-confidence and change for the better. In the final, the participants had to go to Las Vegas and take part in a real mixed martial arts tournament. The show was planned to be shown on Russian channels, but it was not possible to reach an agreement with any of them.

In 2012, Oleg Taktarov, with a group of like-minded people, founded and headed a public non-profit organization Federation of Mixed Martial Arts of Russia.

"When I won UFC 6, I gave a big impetus to the development of sambo. Before the beginning of the 2000s, sambo began to grow in popularity around the world. this moment, unfortunately, you can notice a strong decline in interest. So now I decided to take another step to popularize this sport. True, we decided to modify Sambo itself a little in order to keep up with the times. In fact, the difference between the SAMBO variant that I want to develop in the world and the MMA that we are developing in Russia is minimal. Certain people, investors, have already become interested in this. I want to do something new based on my sports, acting and promotion experience. And probably the most unexpected and extraordinary decision was to combine all this into one coherent program," he explained.

Oleg Taktarov became the prototype for the protagonist of the computer game Battlefield 3 (2011) - Dmitry "Dim" Mayakovsky, he voiced one of the antagonists of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Nikolai Zinoviev.

Acting in films since 1995- right after winning UFC 6.

He was remembered for the films 15 Minutes of Fame, 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out, Air Force One, Rollerball, Masters of the Night, Predators, National Treasure, Bad Boys 2, Miami Vice: Vice, Get Me If You Can.

He played in the TV series Spy and NCIS: Special Department, Manchurian Manhunt, Viy, VEGAS Ticket, Generation P, Let's Do It Quickly, Maltese Cross, "Keeper", "Ex-wife".

He directed the comedy film Oil Painting, which is released in 2017, and also played one of the roles in it.

Oleg Taktarov in the film "Ticket to VEGAS"

Oleg Taktarov in the film "Ex-wife"

Scandals of Oleg Taktarov

In 2013, Taktarov became a defendant loud scandal with a pogrom in a restaurant, which he arranged in Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region. The incident was caught on a surveillance camera.

Judging by the footage, Taktarov was pissed off by the behavior of the waiters. The conflict arose during the payment of the invoice. The amount seemed too high to the actor. He tried to speak to the manager at the bar. But, apparently, a constructive dialogue did not work out. According to the artist, they did not even listen to him.

According to Oleg, he showed the waitress a discount card. The girl asked the athlete to provide a document proving his identity, but the client took it as a personal insult.

After that, the birthday man, as he later admitted, ceased to control himself. Oleg first pushed the chair, and then the table. He returned a minute later, knocked over the tray on the floor and threw the chair against the wall.

The next day, having calmed down, Taktarov came to pay for the damage, but it turned out that the bill for the day had increased several times.

Taktarov also accused the employees of the institution of disrespectful attitude towards customers and low-quality alcohol served in the restaurant.

Oleg Taktarov destroyed the restaurant on his birthday

The growth of Oleg Taktarov: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Oleg Taktarov:

The first official wife was a girl named Milena. They lived in marriage for 5 years, their son Sergei was born.

In 2007, in Barnaul, he met his second official wife, Maria Troshchiy. They met quite by accident. Oleg helped his friend get a visa. And when he once again came with him to the consulate, he met Masha. The Barnaul girl hooked him with her simplicity and modesty. Later, he admitted to reporters that when he first brought her to visit his home, there was a whole mountain of unwashed dishes in his bachelor apartment. Without thinking twice, Masha washed everything, which bribed him even more.

In marriage with Maria, the son Nikita was born (in America his name is Nick).

It is interesting that at one time there were rumors about Taktarov's divorce and his alleged relationship with a certain Evgenia T. However, it turned out that this was Taktarov's mother-in-law, Evgenia Troshchiy. And, of course, there are no relations other than family relations between them.

Evgeny Troshchiy recalled how her daughter married Taktarov: "Some time after they met, Oleg called me and his mother to Los Angeles, got married, and two months later they had a beautiful wedding."

Oleg's wife admitted that her husband's employment on the set does not allow him to devote much time to his family.

“My understanding of family happiness is very different from how many of my friends imagine it. Probably, depending on what a person lacks, he sees the ideal of family relationships in that. I lack communication with my “flying spouse”, attention, support and help in difficult situations - he is often far away and off topic, sometimes just warmth is so lacking, and hence the claims to each other. It is in the presence of these factors that I see family happiness, "said Maria Taktarova.

Oleg Taktarov constantly supports himself in sportswear: "If I don't run and iron is at hand, then yes. I need to work out with iron, as it helps to keep ligaments in good shape. I try to go through all muscle groups. But in general I like to work in free weight more - push-ups, pull-ups, exercises on press, etc.".

Filmography of Oleg Taktarov:

1995-2005 - Military Investigators (JAG)
1997 - Total Force (Total Force) - Boris
1997 - President's Plane (Air Force One) - Jailer
1997 - Absolute Force (Total Force II) - Boris
1998 - Urgent Dive - 2 (Counter Measures) - Dmitry
2001-2006 - Spy (Alias)
2001 - Let's do it quickly (Quickie, The) - Boris
2001 - My Friends Love Affair - Boris
2001 - 15 minutes of fame (15 minutes) - Oleg Razgul (Oleg Razgul)
2002 - Rollerball - Denekin (Denekin)
2002 - Red Serpent - Sergey Popov
2003 - Bad Boys 2 (Bad Boys II) - Joseph (Josef)
2003 - 44 minutes (44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out)
2004 - National Treasure - Shippen
2004 - Sins of the Fathers - Jerome Thompson
2005 - Hunting for red deer - Kamaz
2005 - male season. Velvet Revolution - Tagilov ("Rock")
2005 - Call me Genie - Ufa
2006 - Shift - Fetisov
2006 - Miami Vice: Vice
2006 - Set up (Death and Life of Bobby Z, The) - Oleg
2007 - Man without a gun - Chunky
2007 - Purpose (was not completed)
2007 - Masters of the Night (We Own the Night)
2007 - Soldiers-13 - Major Mafonin
2007 - A second before ... - Coach, flower girl's lover
2007 - On the way to the heart - athlete
2007 - Melee (Blizhniy Boy: The Ultimate Fighter)
2007 - Afghan (Rockaway) - Ivan
2008 - The right to kill (Righteous Kill)
2008 - Naval Police: Special Department (Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service)
2008 - Montana - Nikolay
2008 - Maltese cross - Viktor Pavlovich, collector
2009 - Guardian - Egor
2009 - The Secret of Genghis Khan - Kuchuluk Khan, son of Taian Khan
2009 - The Way - Colonel Dilov
2010 - Predators (Predators) - Nikolay
2011 - Fights - Alexei Mikhailovich Kozlov, scout
2011 - Summer of the Wolves - Klymar
2011 - Generation "P" - Vovchik Malaya
2012 - Ahead of the shot - Nikolai Ivanovich Klenov, SOBR commander
2012 - Male Season 2. Time of Anger (was not completed)
2012 - Ticket to VEGAS - Borya
2013 - Police officer wounded (Officer Down) - Oleg Emelianenko
2013 - Courier from "Paradise" - Danila Sergeevich Demidov
2013 - Ex-wife - Viktor Mikhailovich Lukin
2014 - Leaving nature - Victor, Katerina's husband

Oleg Nikolaevich Taktarov(born August 26, 1967, Arzamas-16 (now Sarov), Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod region), USSR) - Russian and American athlete, actor, TV presenter, film producer, director, public figure. World champion in mixed martial arts (UFC 6, July 14, 1995) and winner of many sports tournaments and competitions. He performed under the pseudonym "Russian Bear" (eng. "The Russian Bear").

Having fought twenty-four mixed martial arts fights in the US and Japan, Taktarov became widely known, primarily due to his victory in the sixth Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in 1995. In the ring (or in the cage), the fighter was distinguished by his calmness and mastery of grips and painful holds. In his entire professional fighting career, Taktarov has never been defeated by pain or suffocation.


Oleg Taktarov was born on August 26, 1967 in the closed Soviet city of Arzamas-16, Gorky Region (now the city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region), into a family of employees. On his father's side, he has Mari roots.

Oleg's father, Nikolai Taktarov, is a former military man with high discharge boxing. Watching the son early childhood read adventure books and dreamed of becoming an actor, but in confrontations with classmates he could not stand up for himself, his father decided to send him to the sambo and judo sports section under the guidance of an experienced coach Vitaly Karlovich Mikhailov at a local school. Oleg trained with great zeal, performed at various competitions. The coach saw great potential in his pupil, believed in his abilities and suggested that Oleg was waiting for the future of the “world champion”.

After graduating from high school, Oleg Taktarov served two years in the ranks of the Soviet army: first in a sports company, and then in the air defense forces.

In 1990, he fulfilled the standard of the USSR Master of Sports in Sambo.

He was a martial arts instructor in the structure of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1993, he won the White Dragon tournament in mixed martial arts among amateurs (non-professionals), which was held in Riga (Latvia). At the competitions, American scouts noticed him and invited him to participate in professional fights in their country.

He was a repeated champion of Russian and Eurasian tournaments in Japanese art hand-to-hand combat- jiu-jitsu.

From 1990 to 1994 he was successfully engaged in business in Russia, managed a large company, which he described in detail in his autobiographical book “Victory not at any cost, or Up.To the top” in 2008.

In 1994, he left for the United States to play professional sports in order to earn money to fulfill his old dream - to act in Hollywood films.

In 1996, he entered one of the most prestigious American acting academies Playhouse West in Hollywood (Los Angeles, California, USA), where he studied for six years, while simultaneously studying sports career and acting in films (since 1997).

Sports career

Performances in the "Ultimate Fighting Championship" (UFC)

April 7, 1995 Taktarov made his debut in the "Ultimate Fighting Championship" (UFC) at the UFC 5 tournament held in the American city of Charlotte, North Carolina, speaking under the pseudonym "The Russian Bear" (Russian "Russian Bear"). The MMA industry was just in its infancy at the time, and often tournaments were duels between fighters representing only one style. Taktarov was a representative of sambo. Despite a knee injury, he successfully fought the first fight, winning by choke. The second fight was stopped due to the cut of Taktarov, and the victory was awarded to Dan Severn. According to Taktarov, he was ready to continue the fight.

In July 1995, Taktarov took part in the next UFC 6 tournament. In the semi-finals, he scored one of the fastest wins in history, holding a guillotine choke at the 9th second. Some believe that the fight was planned in advance, since Oleg and his opponent had the same manager. The final bout against David "Tank" Abbott lasted over 17 minutes and ended in Taktarov's victory by rear naked choke.