Strength exercises for girls 12 years old. Fitness for kids by Denise Austin

Adolescence - this is the period between childhood and adulthood, which is ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et-xia puberty. Puberty in girls begins at 9-10 years old, and in boys at 11-12. The puberty period ends at different times, but at the age of 16–18, according to relevant scientific data, it is already possible to train according to adult schemes. That is why the training program for teenagers is oh-ra-no-che-for a time interval from 9-11 years to 16-18. Why? Because the intensity of the growth of the skeleton in people differs, which is why at the age of 16 someone already has a skeleton for-mi-ro-van-ny, and for someone else it is just being formed. If a person started in-ten-siv-but-grow at a later age and sees that he is still growing, then he should continue to do the motherfucking training program for teens .

Why do you need a training program for teenagers? Then, that adequate physical load and proper nutrition help a person to maximize their po-ten-qi-al in growth , the development of the cerebral system, and skeletal muscle-ku-la-tu-ry, as well as avoid teenage depression, so-chia-li-zi-ro-vat-sya and mak-si-mal-but save-thread health . But the training program for teens should not be exceptionally strong. In general, all people need card-dio tre-ni-ditch-ki , but for teenagers, strength training should not be targeted at all, but should remain part of the training program. It should also include other sports, for example swimming . And do not forget that teenagers are especially-ben-but important-but to-hundred-accurately and correctly sleep .

Training program for teenagers: rules

First, it should be said that adolescents can engage in power types dispute . Of course, it is better to do this with a trainer, or at least with a person who can train a teenager exercise technique . Secondly, to work out in the gym for teenagers re-ko-men-du-et-xia 2-3 times in non-de-lu. During training, re-ko-men-du-et-xia, perform 6–8 exercises, 2 working sub-ho-da in each house. Number of exercises for one muscle group fol-du-et og-ra-no-chi-vat 2-3. Next, tre-no-ro-vat-sya teenagers should follow the split program. What it is? This is such an organization of a tri-ro-voch-no-go process, when in a non-del-term cycle, an athlete works out different muscle groups every workout.

The training program for teenagers should load all superficial muscle groups. At the beginning of the workout should be 10 minutes warm up , and then proceed to the training. The duration of strength training should be limited to 60 mi-well-ta-mi. In medical guidelines for strength training rest between sub-ho-da-mi is offered for 2–3 minutes, but since adolescents should be engaged in dia-pa-zo-not 10–15 repetitions, as tre-ni-ro-van-nose increases -ti, you should strive to from-dy-hu between sets within 30-60 seconds. Why so, you can read in our previous review about ATP resynthesis . Also re-ko-men-du-em oz-na-ko-mit-sya with our article about children's fitness , where the myths about strength training are analyzed in detail and relevant scientific data are provided on the views of modern sports science on the issue of adequacy strength training for children and under-growths.

Preparation for the program: the first month

Exercise bike 10 minutes
Stick Squats – 4 sets of 15 reps
Lying Leg Curl – 3 sets of 15 reps
Push-ups from the floor - 3 sets of 15 reps
Pulldown - 3 sets of 15 reps
exercise bike 15 minutes

Note* this scheme is preparatory, so the athlete should train 2-3 times a week for 5 weeks, performing this circular scheme. It is recommended to rest between sets for 2-3 minutes. The first approach in all exercises is a warm-up.

Teen program for 3 months

Workout #1
exercise bike 10 minutes
Stick Squats – 4 sets of 15 reps
Seated Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 15 reps
Lying Leg Curl – 3 sets of 15 reps
Hammer press - 3 sets of 15 reps
Push-ups from the floor - 3 sets of 15 reps
Plank - 3 max sets
exercise bike 20 minutes

Workout #2
exercise bike 10 minutes
Hyperextension - 3 sets of 10 reps
Pulldown - 3 sets of 15 reps
Lower Pulldown – 3 sets of 15 reps
Lying barbell row - 3 sets of 15 reps
Block Curls – 3 sets of 15 reps
exercise bike 20 minutes

Note* It is recommended to rest between sets for 2 minutes. Tre-ni-ro-vat-sya should be 2 times a week. The duration of the scheme is 15 weeks. There is no separate exercise for triceps because it receives enough load during the bench press and push-ups.

Teen Workout Program

Workout #1
exercise bike 10 minutes
Seated Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 15 reps
Lying Leg Curl – 3 sets of 15 reps
Kettlebell Squats – 3 sets of 15 reps
Hyperextension in the simulator - 3 sets of 15 reps
Lying barbell row - 3 sets of 15 reps
Plank - 3 max sets
exercise bike 20 minutes

Workout #2
exercise bike 10 minutes

Girls, these fitness exercises are for you! Pretty teenage girl Jessy Lipke who with early years should healthy lifestyle life and exercise daily, will show weight loss exercises for teenagers.

If you want to lose weight or just have beautiful figure Do these exercises 3-6 times a week. And in a month you will see dramatic changes! Girlfriends will envy you, and the boys will not be able to pass by.

Girls, do not wait until you grow up and become adult women! Get started now, following the example of Jesse Lipke. While her teenage friends spent time watching TV, playing video games and eating fast food, Jessie Lipke was guided by her parents (her dad is a doctor and trainer, and her mom is a nutritionist), gymnastics, Pilates, dance coaches and other fitness professionals exercised and ate exclusively fresh whole foods daily, which contain high-quality proteins, healthy carbohydrates and “correct” fats ().

Now Jessie Lipke leads herself teen fitness according to the program developed by her father, professional trainer and doctor.

This fitness workout will only take you 20 minutes. It starts with, then there are cardio exercises necessary for losing weight (be sure to do them, they burn fat very well!). Then you'll do some strength training to get your muscles in amazing shape, and you're done.

Fitness exercises for weight loss for teenage girls:

Warm up:

  • walking and running in place
  • small circles with hands
  • big circles with hands
  • leaning to the side
  • swing your arms

Cardio exercises for weight loss:

  • running in place
  • jumping with arms up
  • 3 bouncing steps forward and 3 back
  • jumping towels
  • running in a semi-squat in place

water break

Strength exercises for a beautiful figure:

  • push ups
  • sit-ups
  • plank
  • forward lunges
  • moving bar
  • invisible chair against the wall
  • raising the knees to the chest lying down
  • bike
  • kicking the ceiling

water break


  • leg stretch
  • tendon stretch
  • abdominal stretch

Fitness exercises for teenagers (for weight loss and a beautiful figure):

Aerobics for children 7-12 years old

Right habits should be laid in children from childhood. By accustoming your child to fitness, you thereby provide him with an excellent physical form, which will help in physical education classes, an excellent physique that will help to avoid the appearance of complexes associated with body imperfections at a young age and, in the end, you will help an adult child avoid the problems that led many to this site: a great love of food and a small interest in sports.

Children's Aerobics by Denise Austin is a fun and interesting activity for children aged 7 - 10 - 12 years old. During the workout, the kids will try light versions of such familiar adult exercises as push-ups, squats, jumps and lunges.

This children's fitness program lasts only 20 minutes, but during this time your child will have time to work out all the main muscles of the body, which, with regular repetition of a set of exercises, will provide excellent muscle tone. And subject to proper diet will help get rid of excess weight. And all this in an understandable and accessible form - a video lesson of children's fitness.

According to statistics, 7.7% (data for Russia) of girls aged 12 to 17 suffer from overweight, 1.6% from obesity. With boys, the situation is even more deplorable: 11.2% and 2.5%, respectively. The peak falls on 12 and 13 years - the period of puberty. By the age of 18, the percentages in all groups are significantly reduced, but still indicate the presence of a serious problem. It is not surprising that recently in pediatrics she has been given Special attention. Extra pounds that appear literally from nowhere during this age period, subsequently significantly worsen the quality of life of already matured people.

In most cases, parents try to solve the problem on their own, which only aggravates it. Teenage weight loss should be fundamentally different from adult weight loss. There should be no mono and strict diets with exhausting workouts. Otherwise, children will have to pay with their own health.

Reasons for being overweight

Many mistakenly believe that if a teenager began to actively gain weight, then it's all about hormones. Indeed, puberty comes to the fore, but not always. It is at this age that many other diseases begin to manifest themselves. Do not forget about the growing up of a person who is trying to establish his own rules of life, which are not always the norm for a child. The result - early smoking, drinking harmful drinks, lack of sleep, passion for gadgets. All this leads to problems with body weight.

The first priority for parents of a teenager who is gaining weight is to find out why this is happening. Experts call the following provoking factors:

  • gene mutations and chromosomal syndromes: Prader-Willi, Cohen, Alstrem, fragile X-chromosome, pseudohypoparathyroidism, Down;
  • hypodynamia;
  • hormonal failure during puberty, early sexual life;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled intake of certain drugs (glucocorticoids, antibiotics, antidepressants, in girls - contraceptive hormonal drugs);
  • heredity;
  • lack of sleep;
  • neuroendocrine diseases: Itsenko-Cushing, Chiari-Frommel, diabetes insipidus, empty sella syndrome, hypothyroidism;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • overeating, malnutrition, passion for snacks, fast food and carbonated drinks, and in especially advanced cases, beer or stronger alcohol;
  • skull trauma, brain tumors, hemoblastosis.

Before organizing weight loss for teenagers, it is necessary to carefully analyze the state of their health from birth and the lifestyle they lead on this moment. This will allow you to focus on key moment and remove the causative factor. Agree, it is stupid to starve a child with diets if he has a chromosomal syndrome, and vice versa - to drag him to the doctors and stuff him with medicines if he overeats on chips and fast food every day.

Age features

WHO defines adolescence as the period from 12 to 17 years (+/- 1 year). At the same time, a junior stage (up to 14 inclusive) and an older, youthful stage are distinguished. Usually, weight gain is diagnosed at 13-14 years old, when most people experience puberty. Hormonal surges, coupled with the formation of personality, lead to nervous experiences. Some react to them with almost complete refusal to eat, paying with dystrophy, beriberi, excessive thinness,. Others begin to jam problems and go beyond the line of normal weight.

At the age of 15-16, puberty is gradually completed, as is the formation of personality. A teenager by this age is determined with a circle of friends, hobbies and relationships with adults. If the teenage crisis has already been overcome, appropriate measures have been taken and overweight was not dictated by diseases, overweight leave safely. If the child and parents were unable to recognize and solve the problem in a timely manner, leaving the diet and daily routine unchanged, unfortunately, there is every chance of overstepping the age of majority with a diagnosis of obesity (read more about this disease).

When organizing weight loss, you need to consider age features. In adolescents, not only puberty occurs, but also the formation of many other body systems. First of all, endocrine, and it is she who is responsible for the norm or pathology of weight. An improperly chosen diet or too intense training can result in a serious hormonal imbalance.

Therefore, it is so important that a teenager's weight loss take place under the constant supervision of specialists - endocrinologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, fitness trainers. The reason for the appeal may be deviations from the weight norms established by WHO.

At tall the table data can be enlarged accordingly.

Concomitant manifestations

The trouble does not come alone - this expression accurately reflects the essence of excess weight in adolescents. In addition to extra pounds on the scales, attentive parents will notice other unhealthy manifestations:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • hypertension;
  • headache;
  • deformation of the figure (appearance of fat folds);
  • profuse sweating;
  • puffiness;
  • depression, irritability;
  • development internal complexes, isolation from peers;
  • girls have menstrual irregularities.

No need to write off frequent headaches and pressure surges at this age only on puberty. It is characterized by a different clinical picture. And if 3-4 symptoms from this list are superimposed on overweight, it's time to take measures for urgent weight loss.


It’s worth starting with a complete review of what and how the child eats. The first unshakable rule for parents and adolescents themselves (especially girls) is that diets at this age are prohibited. No matter how many resources convince you that a low-carb or fat-free diet is needed, do not believe it. The only way out is to organize proper nutrition. Its principles have long been known:

  • fractional nutrition ();
  • abundant drinking regime;
  • balanced and varied diet;
  • the basis of the menu is fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and milk;
  • no overeating;
  • hourly meals;
  • don't eat before bed.

Daily calorie content for teenage girls should not be lower than 2,500 kcal, for guys - 2,800 kcal. Parents should not be surprised by such inflated numbers, since at this age:

  • metabolic rate is increased;
  • teenagers are engaged in intense mental activity (study);
  • there is an intensive development of organs and systems of the body.

The ideal ratio of BJU (what it is and why it is necessary to adhere to the calculated proportions, read) for weight loss at this age is 1/1/4 in order to provide the growing body with the necessary energy.

Allowed products:

  • jam, jam, jelly, marshmallow, honey, dark chocolate;
  • beef, veal, lamb, rabbit, venison, chicken, turkey;
  • homemade crackers, rye and whole grain bread, toasts;
  • ginger;
  • cereals;
  • mineral water, coffee, black and green tea, compote, freshly squeezed homemade juices;
  • milk, kefir, cream, sour cream, fermented baked milk, koumiss, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts;
  • olive, linseed oil;
  • fish, seafood;
  • candied fruits, dried fruits;
  • eggs.

Prohibited products:

  • alcoholic, carbonated, energy drinks, store juices;
  • baguette, lavash, wheat bread, pastries, buns;
  • sweets, cakes, halva, ice cream, cakes, sugar, chocolate (except black);
  • mayonnaise, soy sauce, ketchup;
  • pasta;
  • pork, lard, bacon, ham, meat products;
  • fast food, chips, shop crackers and other snacks.

Sample menu for the week

Physical activity

Modern children sit on phones and computers all day long, which only contributes to the accumulation of excess body weight. Therefore, it is so important to offer them a program for weight loss through sports:

  • daily: morning 20-minute exercise, half-hour run, walks on fresh air(from 1 hour);
  • workouts (cardio + strength exercises): 2-3 times a week;
  • compulsory attendance of all physical education classes and passing all standards;
  • girls: , shaping, dancing;
  • guys: wrestling, work with simulators;
  • universal sports: swimming, tennis, cycling;
  • team games, competitions;
  • hikes, trips, recreational activities.

Let the teenager choose the exercises himself, in accordance with his physical fitness (this will help). It will solve several problems at once: it will promote weight loss, energize for the whole day, and for parents it will solve the problem of waking up to school.

But training is a much more serious matter than ordinary exercise. Ideally, the curriculum should be experienced trainer certified in working with children. Approximate complexes exercises may not be suitable for the child due to physical fitness and health status - these are too individual indicators that cannot be ignored.

We can only give examples of such programs, but they require appropriate adjustments for each specific teenager.

Home workouts for girls

other methods

The main weight loss program for teenagers includes an examination by specialists, organization proper nutrition and hard workouts. This is enough for safe weight loss. There should not be any extreme and express methods in it.

Constantly causing controversy are drugs for weight loss that are allowed to be taken from an early age. Their list is short:

  • - is prescribed for the treatment of obesity from the age of 12;
  • - only with weight loss due to type II diabetes, from the age of 10;
  • - Chinese dietary supplement for weight loss: according to the instructions, it is allowed from the age of 16, although its intake in such early age raises many doubts among experts.

Before you give your child one of these drugs, you need to understand that losing weight in adolescence with one wrong step can affect the entire future life. They have a lot side effects which, superimposed on the formation of a growing organism, can take dangerous forms. Therefore, these funds can be taken only as directed by a doctor. All other tablets are contraindicated.

Weight loss drugs approved for teens

Those methods of losing weight that adults use are mostly prohibited for teenagers: body wraps, salon procedures, shapewear will only harm the growing body.

In a number of countries, the problem of excess weight in adolescents is solved by a surgical method. However, in practice, it does not confirm its effectiveness at such an early age. Children have to deal with postoperative complications, and over time there are frequent relapses in weight gain. The high risk of deaths makes doctors and parents refuse such radical methods of losing weight.


If you do not solve the problem of excess weight in adolescence, in the future it is fraught with serious complications. Here are just a few of them:

  • androgen deficiency;
  • apnea;
  • infertility;
  • gynecomastia;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal and digestive systems;
  • gallstones;
  • disorders of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • pathology of sexual development;
  • psychosocial disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus type II.

Parents who care about the health of their child should constantly monitor his BMI (the norms and formulas for calculating it are in ours). If the scales showed extra pounds, you need to organize weight loss by changing the nutrition system and introducing the teenager to sports. In the absence of diseases, this will be enough.

Teenagers up to 14 years of age simulators Not recommended. For the simple reason that they have not yet formed the hormonal background necessary for training. What does it mean?

The main muscle building hormone is testosterone. And it begins to be actively produced in the body, from the age of 14.

Testosterone is involved in building (pumping) the muscle and greatly increases the performance of both one muscle and the performance of the person as a whole. Exercises for teenagers.

Judge for yourself, can a 12-year-old boy pump up if he still has very little of this hormone in his blood? The girls have almost the same picture. During puberty, estrogen hormones are produced to a greater extent, but testosterone also begins to appear.

True, not in such large quantities as the guys. That's why:

by nature, women cannot become jocks.

They don't have enough testosterone in their blood. The exceptions are female bodybuilders and weightlifters who inject a fair amount of anabolic steroids into the body from outside.

Anabolics are natural or synthesized testosterone in its various combinations.

In the normal state, girls are not able to pump up to an impressive size.

And most of the time, they don't need it. But the trained muscles in girls acquire the correct shape, create a beautiful figure.

Very often girls who came for the first time, and not only adolescence afraid to pick up a barbell or dumbbells for training.

They are afraid: "What if my hands become like a jock?" We have to patiently explain to them that in order for this to happen, they need to eat a lot more anabolics in addition to classes. .

Girls also think that they can do simulators, and barbells and dumbbells are shells for men. Not at all. Think for yourself: what, ultimately, do you lift while exercising on the simulator? The same burden. In the simulator, the same load, the same kilograms, the same iron hangs on a cable. Exercises for teenagers.

Only, unlike a barbell or dumbbell, the load moves along a strictly defined trajectory. And what is probably the most important thing for women, it is practically invisible. It seems that you do not lift any iron.

In fact, the meaning is the same as with a barbell and dumbbells. Here the question is different, that with the word barbell, the girls imagine a huge heavy projectile, which is lifted by an even healthier man. And barbells and dumbbells are very light. Any lady can do it. It all depends on how much this projectile will have.

And quite any even the most fragile girl can perform exercises such as (this exercise perfectly strengthens, and). Women often stretch their hand forward and say: "I want it not to hang here." At the same time, they show the triceps from below.

In this section, we will talk about proportions.

Very often, guys ask this question: “What if the muscles are of different sizes?”

This usually happens with beginners.

For example, the right bicep is larger than the left. Or one pectoral muscle more than the other.

As a rule, there is nothing wrong with this. During training, the lagging muscle is compared with the larger one. You just need to work out not for three months, but for a year.

If you have been practicing for more than a year, and the imbalance does not go away, then you can apply the following tricks. To "trick" the smaller muscles:

    Add a small load to the lagging side so that the weak muscle has to lift more weight. (1.25 kg. or 2.5 kg)

    Or take the bar a little unevenly, increasing the shoulder of the bar in which the lagging muscle is located.

At the same time, at first, a weak muscle may not be able to cope with the increased load on it. Therefore, follow the technique of the exercise, and if the technique is distorted, immediately stop the approach.

Things are much worse with the proportionality of the press. Rectus abdominis.

If your abdominal muscles are not even - some are higher and others are lower, nothing can be done about it. This is the structure of the rectus abdominis muscle.

And in the same way, nothing can be done if one side is more and the other is less. This is what happens with scoliosis. And scoliosis cannot be corrected. You can only prevent it from growing.