Principles of morning exercises. Methodology for morning exercises

What is a healthy lifestyle and how do you implement it?

A healthy lifestyle should be considered as an active and purposeful form of behavior that ensures the preservation and long-term maintenance of mental and physical health. The concept of "healthy lifestyle" includes: observance of a rational daily routine, alternation of work and rest; following the rules of personal hygiene, hardening; balanced diet; optimal physical activity (exercise and sports). Motor activity is a natural human need for movement. The number of movements that a person makes during any period of time is the volume of motor activity. Scientists have established: if the need for movement is not satisfied, then hypodynamia occurs (insufficient physical activity). It negatively affects the activity of all organs and systems of the body, physical and mental performance.
Systematic classes in a variety of physical exercises that affect various groups muscles, have a positive effect on all body systems and thus contribute to health promotion, prevention of various diseases. Combination exercise with hardening increases the protective functions of the body. Great importance in regards to maintaining healthy lifestyle lives have family traditions. If this is not in your family, then you yourself must take care of your health and involve your loved ones in physical exercises.

Execution rules morning exercises(make a set of morning exercises).

Morning exercises (charging) are performed daily at home (with an open window) or in the fresh air. Complexes of exercises, as a rule, are learned in the classroom. physical education under the guidance of a teacher. Daily morning exercises bring up the habit of systematic exercise. It consists of general developmental exercises that can be performed without objects or with objects (rubber bandages, dumbbells, expanders, jump ropes). Approximate duration of classes: for students in grades 1-4 - 8-10 minutes, for grades 5-9 - 11-15 minutes. Morning exercises are performed in a certain sequence. First, sipping, which improves breathing and blood circulation. Then exercises for the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. Next, running and jumping are performed, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Morning gymnastics ends with exercises that normalize the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs. After morning exercises, you need to take a shower. Exercise sets should be changed regularly. In this case, you should gradually increase the load, complicating the exercises, increasing their number and pace of execution. The dosage of the load should be such that the trainees experience cheerfulness, and not fatigue. The approximate duration of use of the same complex is 12-15 days.

Warm up. Walking in place for 1 minute. Breathe calmly and freely.

Legs shoulder width apart. Describe a circle with your hands and lift them up, while standing on your toes. On an inhale, hands up and stand on your toes. As you exhale, lower your arms down and stand on your foot. Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands can be placed on the belt. Turn your head left and right. Tilt your head forward and backward. Then to the right shoulder - left shoulder, trying to reach the shoulder with the ear, but without raising the shoulder. Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. Put your left hand on your belt. Raise right up. Tilt your body to the left. Change hands to lean to the right. Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. Spread your arms horizontally to the sides. Turn your torso left and right like a helicopter. Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. Put your hands on your belt. Tilts forward and backward. Perform 5-10 times.

Holding on to the back of a chair (not a wheelchair), swing your right foot forward, backward, right and left, in front of you. Then change legs. Perform 5-10 times with each leg.

Sit on the floor on a travel rug or an old woolen blanket. Extend straightened legs in front of you. Reach out with your fingers to your toes. Perform 5-10 times.

Lying on the floor on your back with your legs bent at the knees (with the knee of one of the legs), try to touch the floor to the left and right of the body. Hands lie on the floor with palms down parallel to the torso. Perform 5-10 times.

Get on all fours. Arch your back up. Then bend it down. Try to reach the maximum amplitude. Perform 5-10 times.

Sit on the floor and spread your legs as wide as possible. Reach alternately to the left and right legs. Perform 5-10 times for each leg.

Legs shoulder width apart. Simultaneously rotate your shoulders forward (“going forward”) and back (“going back”). Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. Simultaneously rotate with straight arms forward and backward. Perform 5-10 times.

Legs shoulder width apart. With straight arms in front of you, we perform the exercise "scissors". First the hands make horizontal movements(parallel to the floor). Then vertical. Perform 5-10 times horizontal and 5-10 times vertical movements.

Legs shoulder width apart. Squat, trying not to take your heels off the floor and keep your back straight. Perform 5-10 times.

Jumping in place. First on right leg, then on the left. Then on both legs. Perform 10 times on each leg and 10 times with both legs.

Run in place for one minute.

Legs shoulder width apart. Describe a circle with your hands and lift them up, while standing on your toes. Lower your arms down, tilting your torso forward. Inhale hands up, exhale hands down. Perform 5-10 times.


for physical education tickets

for oral preparation for oral final certification of graduates of the 9th grade

Ticket number 1

  1. The main causes of injuries during physical education.

  2. A healthy lifestyle and its implementation by you.

  3. Rules for performing morning exercises (compose a complex of morning exercises).

1. The main causes of injury during exercise in most cases are associated with the correct organization of classes. The reasons for this may be the unsatisfactory condition of the place of employment, faulty equipment and inventory, adverse weather conditions, unsuitable shoes or clothing, lack of insurance and self-insurance, insufficient training and forced (excessive) load, low behavioral culture of those involved, lack of medical supervision and violation of medical requirements.

Thus, the causes of accidents and injuries lie in violations of the mandatory rules during physical education classes and training in an educational institution.

These rules are set out in special instructions for different types physical culture and sports activities (gymnastics, athletics, outdoor games, sports games, ski training, etc.). Students are introduced to them by the teacher of physical culture before the start of classes.

A few specific examples.

If you do exercises on sports equipment with wet palms, then at any moment you can break loose and fall. When performing jumps and dismounts from sports equipment, it is recommended to land on gymnastic mats gently on the toes of the feet, squatting springily. As a result of landing in the “at attention” position, you can get an injury to the spine, joints, and a concussion.

The most common cause of injuries during jogging are uneven ground (bumps, pits, ruts), and unsuitable shoes. If you want to learn a new route, you first need to walk along it at a walk to find out what surprises you may encounter along the way.

Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up, which will prepare the musculoskeletal system for the upcoming load. During the warm-up, the muscles acquire the ability to perform work with a greater amplitude and at a greater speed, while the possibility of injury is reduced.

You can swim and swim only in specially designated areas. If you, having discovered a picturesque place with a reservoir, decide to have a swim, you must definitely examine the selected area. It must meet the following requirements: the coast is gentle, the bottom is better sandy, and the water is clean. You can not swim in places located downstream from the places where sewers exit and watering places for livestock.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor about the resumption of physical education after illness. So, for example, with an inflammatory process in the bronchi, lungs, under the influence of strong drugs, the clinical picture is blurred. A person feels healthy, and the process of the disease continues in a hidden way, with high physical activity (especially competitive) it can give a lightning-fast exacerbation with the phenomenon of acute cardiovascular insufficiency.
2 . A healthy lifestyle should be considered as an active and purposeful form of behavior that ensures the preservation and long-term maintenance of mental and physical health. The concept of "healthy lifestyle" includes: observance of a rational daily routine, alternation of work and rest; following the rules of personal hygiene, hardening; balanced diet; optimal physical activity (exercise and sports). Motor activity is a natural human need for movement. The number of movements that a person makes during any period of time is the volume of motor activity. Scientists have established: if the need for movement is not satisfied, then hypodynamia occurs (insufficient physical activity). It negatively affects the activity of all organs and systems of the body, physical and mental performance.

Systematic exercise in a variety of physical exercises that affect different muscle groups has a positive effect on all body systems and thus contributes to health promotion, prevention of various diseases. The combination of physical exercises with hardening increases the protective functions of the body. Family traditions are of great importance in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If this is not in your family, then you yourself must take care of your health and involve your loved ones in physical exercises.

3. Morning exercises (charging) are performed daily at home (with an open window) or in the fresh air. Complexes of exercises, as a rule, are learned at physical education lessons under the guidance of a teacher. Daily morning exercises bring up the habit of systematic exercise. It consists of general developmental exercises that can be performed without objects, or with objects (rubber bandages, dumbbells, jump ropes). Approximate duration of classes: for students in grades 1-4 - 8-10 minutes, for grades 5-9 - 11-15 minutes. Morning exercises are performed in a certain sequence. First, sipping, which improves breathing and blood circulation. Then exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, torso, legs. Next, running and jumping are performed, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Morning gymnastics ends with exercises that normalize the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs. After morning exercises, you need to take a shower. Exercise sets should be changed regularly. In this case, you should gradually increase the load, complicating the exercises, increasing their number and pace of execution. The dosage of the load should be such that the trainees experience cheerfulness, and not fatigue. The approximate duration of use of the same complex is 12-15 days.

Ticket number 2

  1. Safety requirements for competitions in sports games: basketball, football, volleyball(optional).

  2. What is the functional significance of the daily routine and what should be taken into account when organizing it?

  3. Meaning correct posture in human life and the main ways to form the correct posture (perform several exercises to form the correct posture).

1. TO sports competitions only primary school students are allowed medical group who have passed an additional medical examination on the eve of the competition and are familiar with the security measures. The presence of a doctor or nurse at the competition is mandatory. There should be a first aid kit, equipped with the necessary medicines and dressings for first aid.

Basketball. The most typical injuries: dislocations, fractures of the hand and fingers, ruptures of the Achilles tendon, damage to the knee and ankle joints. To avoid injury, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Competitions to be held on sports grounds and in halls of standard sizes that meet the requirements of the rules of the game;

  • All participants must be in sportswear;

  • Before the game, you must remove all jewelry (bracelets, rings, earrings). Fingernails should be cut short. Spectacles must be secured with an elastic band and have a horn-rimmed frame;

  • During the game, discipline must be strictly observed, the requirements and instructions of the referee, coach, teacher, team captain must be followed;

  • The game must be played on a dry court;

  • All sharp and protruding objects must be covered with mats and protected;

  • Not only competitive, but also training games must be held in accordance with the rules.

2. Of great importance for a full life of a person is a certain routine, or regimen, of the day: the correct alternation of labor activity with physical exercises, with games, subject to regular nutrition and rest. Compliance with the rational regime of the day helps to increase mental and physical performance. This happens because, if the daily routine is observed, a certain rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed, due to which a person’s ability to perform different kinds activities with the highest efficiency. When compiling a daily regimen, it is necessary to take into account the living conditions of a person and his individual characteristics. For these reasons, it is not advisable to establish a single daily regimen for all. However, the main components of the daily routine should be the same. They are listed first. The daily routine of schoolchildren is established taking into account the age, their individual characteristics, as well as the conditions in which they study and live. Constant observance of the daily routine is of great educational importance.
3. Incorrect posture disturbs the position internal organs chest and abdominal cavity (with a decrease in their functions) and contributes to the early appearance of osteochondrosis. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have weakened musculoskeletal system and muscles, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities. lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. Such children have a very high risk of injury (fractures of limbs, vertebral bodies and other parts of the body) when jumping long, high, exercising on sports equipment, wrestling and other contact sports. Schoolchildren with a pronounced violation of posture are not recommended to engage in those sports that have a large load on the spine. Specially selected physical exercises are effective means prevention of postural disorders: stoop, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (diseases of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay in physiologically uncomfortable positions). It is recommended to alternate the loads associated with sitting with intense physical exercises: special exercises for the back muscles, abdominals, shoulder girdle, limbs. The duration of the exercises is 1-3 minutes. Children with poor posture should sleep on a flat and hard bed on their back or stomach. Rest during the day (especially after exercise) should be lying down, not sitting, so as not to create additional stress on the spine. Very useful for correcting posture disorders recreational swimming breaststroke style on the back.

Ticket number 3

  1. Safety requirements before starting gymnastics.

  2. Features of the construction and content of independent classes in general physical training.

  3. First aid actions for injuries during exercise (do it practically: put a bandage on your head or ankle joint or put a splint on your hand).

1. Before starting gymnastics, you must:

  • Put on your tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles;

  • Wipe the crossbar neck with a dry cloth and clean with emery cloth;

  • Check the reliability of the fastening of the crossbar, the supports of the gymnastic goat and horse, the fastening of the locking screws of the bars;

  • In places where jumps from outfits, put gymnastic mats so that the surface is even.
General physical training, together with special training, constitute a single process organized for the purpose of a comprehensive physical education and preparing students for work.
2. General physical training promotes health, improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, develops basic motor qualities (speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, strength), contributes to the accumulation of motor experience and knowledge of one's motor capabilities. Independent classes in general physical training provide long-term preservation of physical and mental performance, create conditions for highly productive work.

Self-training of schoolchildren is carried out in the process of out-of-class and out-of-school work in physical culture and sports. Its main means are general developmental exercises, including gymnastic (for the muscles of the head, arms, legs, torso, on gymnastic equipment), athletics (walking, jumping, running, throwing), as well as various outdoor and sports games, swimming, walking on skiing, etc.

3. A sling-like bandage is applied to the head, nose, upper lip and chin, which is a strip of cloth or a piece of bandage with the ends cut along.

A cruciform (eight-shaped) bandage is applied to the ankle joint.

When the forearm is fractured, the tires are placed along the inner and outer surface of the forearm. The arm is bent at a right angle shoulder joint and hung on a scarf.
Ticket number 4

  1. Safety requirements during athletics.

  2. Differences between speed and power qualities of a person. Exercises that develop speed and strength.

  3. Features of the organization and conduct of individual hardening procedures (tell how you do it).

1. For safety reasons, athletics should be conducted in compliance with the following requirements:

  • Running at the stadium should be carried out only in a counterclockwise direction;

  • As a finishing ribbon, use only easily torn fabrics, woolen threads. The use of kapron, nylon fabrics and threads is prohibited;

  • In a group start short distances You should only run in your own path. The track must go at least 15 m beyond the finish mark;

  • To avoid collisions, avoid sudden stops while running;

  • Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands;

  • Before throwing, see if there are people in the throwing sector;

  • Do not throw without the permission of the teacher;

  • Do not leave projectiles unattended;

  • Do not stand to the right of the thrower (when throwing with the left hand - to the left);

  • Do not be in the throw zone;

  • Do not pick up projectiles for throwing without the permission of the teacher;

  • Do not give each other a projectile for throwing;

  • It is forbidden to hold incompatible sports at the same time (for example, football and throwing, football and running).

2. There are usually five types physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility. In the process of biological maturation of the human body, periods of especially intense qualitative and quantitative changes in its organs and structures are observed, which are called sensitive or critical (most favorable) periods of development. These periods of development motor function in children school age fall: in strength for 9-10, 12-13, 14-15 years, and in speed for 9-10, 11-15 years.

To judge the difference between the speed and power qualities of a person, we will consider them in more detail.

The ability of a person to overcome external resistance or counteract it due to muscular effort is calledby force. The power capabilities of a person are evaluated in two ways. The first method is based on the use of special measuring instruments - dynamometers. The second is to carry out special control tasks for strength: pull-ups on the crossbar, flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position, squats with a barbell, etc. To develop strength, it is necessary to choose the right values additional burden(resistance). It is calculated depending on specific tasks strength training. First, the maximum power capabilities are determined, and then, in accordance with the specific task, the weight of the additional burden is determined. The values ​​of such weights are expressed as a percentage of the maximum strength indicators of those involved. Performing exercises with an individually dosed load allows even the weakest practitioners to visually see real successes. On initial stage strength training is recommended to use the method of unlimited weights. As fitness increases, the method of maximum weights should prevail.

The ability of a person to perform movements in the shortest possible period of time is calledspeed. Speed ​​is shown through speed abilities, which are expressed in elementary and complex forms. The elementary forms include the speed of a motor reaction, the speed of a single movement, the frequency (tempo) of movements. Complex forms appear in all sports movements. This is the speed of running, the movements of a boxer, volleyball player, fencer, football player, etc. In the process of training, it is necessary to develop all forms of manifestation of speed. So, to improve the reaction time, you can use outdoor games with a sudden stop, running from various starting positions on a sudden signal. Change the duration of pauses between the preliminary and executive commands when performing starts from different starting positions. To maintain a high rate of movements, the ability to quickly contract and relax muscles is of great importance, for which repeated movements are performed with the greatest possible frequency, without excessive tension. To perform these movements technically correctly, you must first learn them well. You can perform exercises that develop speed for no more than 6-10 seconds. Rest after exercise 20-25 sec. A large number of repetitions must be divided into series. Rest between series should be 2-3 minutes.

Exercises that combine speed and strength are calledspeed-strength.

3. Since ancient times, man has been using the natural factors of nature for hardening, i.e. to increase the body's resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment. Hardening protects the body from influenza, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sore throats, pneumonia, etc. The meaning of hardening is that under the influence of the sun, air and water, the body gets used to these effects. The main principles for hardening are systematic, gradual, changing the intensity and variety of means.

The effect of sunlight on the body is diverse: metabolism improves, blood pressure decreases, breathing deepens, sweating increases, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin increases, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide release increase. At the same time, a feeling of cheerfulness appears and efficiency increases. All this can happen with one obligatory condition- proper use of sunlight. Inept and immoderate use of solar energy harms the body, leads to serious diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, skin burns. When sunbathing, you must strictly follow a number of rules. Take sun baths 2-2.5 hours after eating. At first, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 5-6 minutes, then it is permissible to add 3-4 minutes every day, bringing the duration of the procedure to 30 minutes. When sunbathing, you need to lie on your back for a certain time, then on one side, on the other, and finally on your stomach. Being uncovered in the sun is strictly prohibited. At the first signs of malaise, expressed in poor health, headache, nausea, palpitations, etc., you should immediately stop exposure to the sun. The most suitable time for sunbathing is 9-12 o'clock in the morning in the southern regions of Russia and 10-13 o'clock in the middle lane.

Air procedures are based on the gradual adaptation of the body to the ambient temperature, its humidity and movement (wind). It is recommended to take air baths in motion, for example during the morning hygienic gymnastics(at an air temperature not lower than 16-18 degrees), while hiking or walking in the forest, in the field. These baths should be carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating. When chills appear, warm up quickly with vigorous movements. When taking baths, it is necessary to protect yourself from the influence of direct sunlight. Air hardening should begin in summer, then continue in autumn and winter, and so on. all year round nonstop. With too much sweating caused by high air temperature, it is necessary to stop air baths.

Water is an excellent hardening agent that gives quick results. While swimming in the sea, taking a shower, when dousing, it has a mechanical effect. Water also has the ability to dissolve mineral salts and gases. The hardening effect of water begins with the skin. Through the nervous apparatus embedded in the skin, water affects the entire nervous system, and through it on the body as a whole, while influencing various processes in cells and tissues.

It is necessary to avoid the onset of chills, as it leads to a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, insomnia, headaches. A relatively simple form of water hardening is rubdown. Sponge or a piece of rough cloth wipe first hands, then neck, chest, stomach, back, legs. The direction of movements during wiping should be from the “periphery” (legs, arms) to the “center” (heart). After wiping with a dry towel, dry the skin until a feeling of warmth appears. The first wipes are carried out with slightly tepid water, and then the temperature of the water is gradually lowered to cold. The wiping procedure should take no more than 5-8 minutes. Having prepared your body with rubdowns, you can proceed to the second type of hardening - dousing. To do this, you need to stand in a bath or a basin of water and slowly pour from a jug first on your back, and then on your chest. After that, you need to wipe yourself with a dry towel. After dousing and rubbing, it is recommended to massage. When dousing, the temperature of the water should be lowered gradually. A shower is more arousing than a douche, so it is not recommended to take it immediately after exercise. The duration of the shower should be 2-3 minutes depending on the temperature of the water. You should gradually get used to a cold shower. Bathing in lakes, rivers, seas has a strong hardening effect. The temperature of the water should be such that the beginner can safely endure it. The duration of the first stay in the water is up to 5 minutes. In the future, the bathing time is gradually increased to 20 minutes. At first, you should bathe once a day, and if the doctor allows, 2 times with an interval between bathing of at least 4-5 hours.

Ticket number 5

  1. Safety requirements in emergency situations (injury, failure of equipment, inventory) during ski training.

  2. Signs of fatigue of varying degrees and ways to deal with fatigue.

  3. The mechanism of the impact of physical education minutes on the dynamics of a person's overall performance during the day (perform a complex of physical education minutes).

1 . Injuries during ski training can occur when driving on narrow forest roads, on icy slopes, on crusty snow, in places where there is little snow, where bushes grow, and where stumps and stones stick out. Frostbite of the face, hands, feet is also possible. During ski training the following safety rules must be observed:

  • If ski equipment is broken or damaged, which cannot be fixed on the way, inform the teacher about it and, with his permission, move to ski lodge(educational institution);

  • At the first sign of frostbite, as well as if you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher about it;

  • In case of injury, immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the school administration and parents about the incident, and, if necessary, take them to the nearest hospital;

  • When falling on the descent, you need to quickly get up and clear the track;

  • In a forced fall, it is safer to fall on your side to the side;

  • When providing first aid for frostbite, it is necessary to bring the victim to a warm room in order to prevent repeated frostbite.

2. It is customary to distinguish between two types of fatigue - mental and physical. Mental is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of intellectual labor, memory impairment, and difficulty in concentrating. Physical - a decrease in physical performance, a decrease in muscle strength, a deterioration in coordination of movements.

A little fatigue. Health complaints. Breathing is rapid but even. Moderate sweating and slight redness of the skin. Throughout the lesson, the correct coordination of movements is maintained. After classes, a good mood, a feeling of cheerfulness.

Significant fatigue (overwork of the first degree). Dyspnea. Significant redness of the skin. Great sweating. Complaints of fatigue, pain in muscles and joints. When performing exercises, some lack of coordination. Recovery of breathing and heart rate is slow.

Sharp overwork (overwork of the second degree). Violation of coordination of movements. Complaints of muscle pain headache sometimes nausea and vomiting. Shallow breathing through the mouth. Severe redness and blanching of the skin. Depressed state.

In order not to get tired, the correct dosage of loads, the alternation of exercises associated with tension and relaxation, and a favorable emotional background are necessary. The concept of "fatigue" is closely related to the concept of "endurance". The main condition for the development of endurance is work to fatigue. If a person always stops exercising before fatigue occurs, then he will not become hardy. Therefore, a little fatigue is acceptable and necessary. In cases of overwork I or II degree, you should contact a teacher or a doctor.

3. Physical education is carried out for 1-2 minutes. It enhances metabolism in the body, increases attention, improves posture. In the selection of exercises for physical education, one should be guided by the following: exercises should mainly cover large muscle groups and be simple to implement. It is most expedient to carry them out when the first signs of fatigue appear: activity decreases, attention is disturbed, etc. exercises are performed sitting and standing. Each complex consists, as a rule, of 3-5 exercises, repeated 4-6 times. In the complexes, it is recommended to use sipping, bending the torso, half-tilts and tilts, half-squats and squats with various hand movements.

Ticket number 6

1. Safety requirements at the end of swimming lessons.

2. Factors that determine the flexibility of the human body; exercises recommended for developing flexibility.

3. What methods of self-control do you know? Tell us more about one of them and demonstrate its implementation (orthostatic or functional test, anthropometric measurements).

    1. At the end of swimming lessons, you should:

  • At low temperatures, to keep warm, do a few gymnastic exercises;

  • Coming out of the water (on the lake, on the river, on the sea), dry yourself with a towel and immediately get dressed, and if possible (in the pool, organized bathing places), wash in the shower;

  • It is strictly forbidden to enter the pool after the end of classes.

2. Flexibility is the ability of a person to perform motor actions with a large range of motion. Intensively increases flexibility in children aged 6-11 years, and in boys the indicators of flexibility are lower than in girls. However, with systematic practice, one can achieve good results in the development of this quality and at 12-15 years. Distinguish between active and passive flexibility. Active flexibility- this is the ability of a person to achieve the required amplitude of movements due to the tension of the corresponding own muscles. Passive Flexibility- this is the ability to achieve the greatest amplitude of movements under the influence of external forces (with the help of a partner, etc.). The manifestation of flexibility depends on the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles, as well as the ambient temperature. Exercises for the development of flexibility can be started only after all the muscles have warmed up well. The warmer the air in the room or the weather outside, the less time is spent on the warm-up. Flexibility is significantly reduced under the influence of fatigue. For the development of flexibility, swinging movements of the arms and legs, jerky movements of the arms, springy squats and tilts forward, backward, to the sides, exercises with the help of a partner and with a grip (self-forced) are used. All these exercises are performed alone or with a partner. Before doing flexibility exercises, it is recommended to do several bends, squats, etc. The range of motion should be increased gradually. If pain occurs in the muscles, the exercise should be stopped.

3. In order for physical exercises to be beneficial, you need to monitor the state of your body, control your well-being. The simplest indicator of well-being is the heart rate (HR), or pulse. The pulse can be measured by placing fingers on the wrist, temple, neck, or palm on the chest in the area of ​​the heart. An increased pulse at rest, a violation of its rhythm, or the fact that it does not recover for a long time after exercise may be the result of overload. An orthostatic test is used to determine the state of the cardiovascular system. In the supine position, the pulse is counted for 10 seconds and multiplied by 6. Then you should stand up and count the pulse in the standing position. The difference between the two counts should be within 10-14 bpm. if the difference is more than 20 bpm, then the reaction of the body is unsatisfactory. You need to see a doctor for advice. For self-control, you can use a functional test with squats: count the pulse for 10 s, then perform 20 squats for 30 s and count the pulse again (the pulse should be counted every 10 s until it returns to its original value).

Normal is an increase in heart rate in the first 10 s after a load of 5-7 beats, restoring it to its original value in 1.5 - 2.5 minutes. an increase in heart rate of more than 7 beats, and a recovery time of more than 3 minutes is an indicator of overtraining or the onset of a disease. In a medical office, you can measure the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) - an indicator of the functional capabilities of breathing. VC is measured using a spirometer. To do this, you need to take a full breath, and then exhale, clasping the mouthpiece of the device with your lips. Make 2-3 measurements and record the highest figure. According to a special formula, the doctor determines the state of lung health. A deviation from the norm by 15% indicates a pathology (disease) of the lungs. Another way of self-control is anthropometric measurements: height (body length), circumference chest, weight (body mass), etc.

Ticket number 7

  1. History, motto, symbolism and ritual of the Olympic Games.

  2. General safety requirements for hiking trips.

  3. How do they influence development? motor abilities mobile games? (tell in detail about the organization, conduct, rules of one or two outdoor games; if conditions and circumstances allow, conduct an outdoor game at the choice of the person being certified).

1. First Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. and lasted one day. The participants were warriors who competed in running one stage (about 192 m). From the XIV Games, the program included a run in two stages, from the XV - a run for endurance (endurance). The pentathlon competition took place at the XVIII Olympic Games. Later, the program included fisticuffs, chariot racing, armed running, pankration, etc. From the XXXVII Olympic Games (624 BC), performances of children in running, wrestling, then in pentathlon and fisticuffs began. In the 5th century BC. the duration of the Games increased to five days. The Olympic Games of antiquity were held in the city of Olympia, on the banks of the Alpheus River. The stadium could hold 50,000 spectators. There were special places for housing and training of participants in the Games. Only free-born Greeks could participate in the games. Women were not allowed to compete. According to the terms, the participants of the Games had to train for 10 months outside Olympia, and then 1-2 months in Olympia under the supervision of the priests of the temple of Olympian Zeus, to whom the Games were dedicated. At the time of the games in Greece, a sacred peace was declared, which was strictly observed by the Greek cities. By decree of Emperor Theodosius I in 394 BC. The Olympic Games were banned. The decision to revive the Olympic Games and hold them once every four years was made at the international congress in Paris on June 23, 1894, which was attended by representatives of 34 countries. The initiator of the revival of the Olympic Games was the French teacher Pierre de Coubertin. Congress created the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The first Olympic Games of the new time were held in 1896 in Athens, and since 1924 the Winter Olympic Games have also been held. The duration of the Summer Olympic Games cannot exceed 15 days, and the duration of Winter Olympic Games - 10 days. Russian athletes in the Games started for the first time in 1908 (London, IV Olympic Games), where Panin-Kolomenkin in figure skating won on skates gold medal, and Orlov and Petrov won a silver medal in classical wrestling. In 1912, ours took part in the V Olympic Games, and then there was a long break. Only in 1952 they were able to start at the XV Olympic Games (Helsinki, Finland) Soviet athletes. Our Olympians then won 71 medals (22 gold, 30 silver, 19 bronze).

Motto Olympic Movement consists of three words: "Faster, higher, stronger." It was proposed by Coubertin and approved by the International Olympic Committee in 1913.

An indispensable symbol of all the Olympic Games is a sign woven from five rings, denoting five parts of the world: Australia is a green ring, the Asian mainland is a yellow ring, Africa is a black ring, America is a red ring, Europe is a blue ring.

The ritual of the Olympic Games provides for a special procedure. The Olympic flame is lit in the homeland of the Olympic Games in Greece from the rays of the sun and delivered to the venue. The fire continues to burn in a special bowl throughout all the days and nights while the Olympics are on. According to Olympic tradition, the parade of participants is opened by the delegation of Greece - the country that gave the world the Olympic Games, and the delegation of the host country of the Games ends the procession. The sports community of the world in connection with the start of the Olympics is welcomed by the chairman of the organizing committee of the host country, then the floor is given to the President of the IOC, who suggests the head of state to declare the Olympic Games open. A solemn sound of fanfare is heard over the stadium. Eight athletes, accompanied by an honorary escort, bring in an extended olympic flag. Performing olympic anthem, the flag rises above the stadium. Organizers last Olympics hand over the official Olympic flag to the President of the IOC, and he hands it to the head of the city hosting the participants in the Olympics (the flag is kept in this city until next games). After that, an athlete appears in the arena with a flaming torch, who passes the fiery baton to another, and he lights the traditional sacred fire in a special bowl. Above the stadium sounds "Ode to Sport", written by Pierre de Coubertin. One of top athletes On behalf of all participants in the Games, he takes an oath to compete in fair competition, respecting the rules. The oath is also pronounced by a representative of the judges (the Olympic oath of judges was introduced into the ritual of the Olympiads in 1968 at the suggestion of the USSR Olympic Committee). Then mass performances of athletes follow.

2. On the tourist trail there are difficulties, and even dangers. Some of them are associated with real obstacles - the passage of passes, swamps, rapids, others depend on weather changes and are episodic or seasonal, but the most numerous are the third, which are caused by the wrong behavior of tourists. Injuries on difficult sections of the path are associated with insufficient general physical and technical training tourist. The most common injuries in hiking can be bruises, sprains, abrasions and diaper rash, burns. To prevent chafing of the feet, you should pick up shoes in advance and carry them well. On a hike, you need to regularly monitor the cleanliness of your feet, and during the movement, be sure to wear woolen socks. Arriving at the bivouac (overnight stay in the field), you should wash your feet, put on lighter shoes, and if the terrain allows, then walk around barefoot. Tourists with delicate skin on their feet should include walking barefoot in their pre-trek training plan. Persons suffering from excessive sweating are advised to consult a dermatologist before traveling. To avoid abrasions in the back area, it is necessary to properly put in a backpack: a sleeping bag or a blanket, a tent to the back, heavy things (tin cans) to the bottom of the backpack, then lighter ones and those that may be needed during the transition (bread, first aid kit). An important role in the campaign is played by the so-called little things: the ability to open cans, kindle a fire, chop wood, etc. Neglect of elementary rules of personal hygiene and non-compliance with protective measures in camping trip can lead to acute intestinal and infectious diseases. Pathogenic microbes can enter the human body along with food, water (dysentery, typhoid fever), through damaged skin and mucous membranes (tetanus, anthrax) or when bitten by certain insects and animals (typhus, encephalitis, rabies). To exclude this, the following rules must be observed:

  • Constantly monitor the cleanliness of hands, cut nails regularly;

  • Drink water only in boiled form;

  • All products purchased on the route from the local population should be eaten only after heat treatment, vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed or scalded with boiling water;

  • After eating, thoroughly wash personal and public dishes, as microbes multiply in food debris;

  • If possible, do not use private houses for overnight stays;

  • If signs of illness appear, the sick person should eat separately. Vaccinations against diseases such as tetanus, dysentery, typhoid can be done at the clinic at the place of residence. These vaccinations are mandatory for every tourist.

3. A person begins to get acquainted with games almost from birth. When playing outdoor games, you can compete in running, jumping, but, unlike sports games, outdoor games do not require special training there are no uniform rules for them. The same games can be played in different conditions with more or less participants. Among the games that children and teenagers play today, there are those games that were played by moms and dads and even grandparents: tag, lapta, third extra, etc. Outdoor games help a person improve in running, jumping, marksmanship and distant throwing, as well as to become more dexterous and strong, quick and quick-witted. All outdoor games are easy to organize on the street, in the country, in the yard, by the river, as they do not require specially equipped sites and expensive equipment. You can use flags, bandages, small pebbles, fir cones, jump ropes, balls for playing. Any game should be explained according to the following scheme: the name and rules of the game, the roles of the players and their location on the court, the course of the game, the goal of the game (who will be named the winner). The explanation of the game ends with answers to the questions of the players. For conducting, it is best to choose one that you know well yourself: it is easier to explain and easier to judge. It is interesting to get acquainted with new games that were not known before.

Morning hygienic gymnastics is the most common form of practice. No wonder she got a short and precise name - charging. Indeed, it energizes us in the morning. During the night's sleep physiological functions of the body are reduced, arterial pressure and body temperature decrease, pulse and respiration decrease, blood and lymph circulation slows down, circulation of interstitial fluid is weakened, and therefore metabolic processes worsen, congestion occurs, sometimes manifested by some tissue swelling. The nervous system is in a state of inhibition. And than older age the deeper these phenomena are expressed.

The very first muscle movements accelerate blood flow, eliminate congestion, more effectively remove end products of metabolism, and saturate tissues with oxygen. Accelerates motility gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts. Finally, the brain wakes up. The charging action does not end there. It is noted that morning exercises not only accelerate the "awakening" of all organs and tissues, but also significantly activates all subsequent activities of the body during the working day.

It is preferable to carry out morning hygienic gymnastics outdoors. If this is not possible, then take care of his as full access to the apartment as possible.

Charger is carried out within 10-15 minutes and usually includes 8-12 exercises. First, they take several deep breaths and exhalations, then sipping, self-massage of the cervical-occipital region, exercises for small muscle groups of the hand, foot, forearm and shoulder, tilts and rotations of the head. In the main part of the lesson, the exercises become more difficult, involving larger muscles of the trunk and lumbar girdle. Squats, torso tilts, leg raises from a lying position are performed. These exercises sharply activate the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The amplitude of movements at this stage should be maximum, well developing the joints, breathing should be free, adequate to physical activity.

Completing the complex of morning exercises, gradually reduce the intensity and amplitude of movements, perform jumps, running in place, turning into fast, then slow walking. Again, sipping, muscle relaxation exercises are performed, breathing exercises, self-massage.

At the end of the exercises - water procedures: wiping, dousing with cool water or showering, depending on the degree of hardening. Water procedures have not only a hygienic purpose, but also a healing one: cool water is both a hardening agent, a powerful hardening agent, and a powerful reflex effect that tones the brain and enhances positive emotions.

The volume and intensity of the exercises performed in the complex of morning exercises should be such that after charging there is a feeling of cheerfulness and a desire to work. There should be no fatigue.

It must be added that morning exercises can be the initial remedy. physical training for those who decide to join physical culture.

Everyone knows about the benefits of morning exercises. However, not everyone does it. There are three main reasons: lack of personal culture; inability to organize the daily routine; misunderstanding of the physiological value of gymnastic exercises in the morning. But morning exercises are an indispensable means of strengthening human health.

After sleep, the body is in a state of reduced performance. This explains the presence of residual inhibition in certain parts of the brain.

With the help of physical exercises, the body overcomes inhibitory processes faster. The ratio of the main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - is normalized.

Morning hygienic gymnastics speeds up bringing the body to a working state, it increases the flow of blood and lymph in all parts of the body and quickens breathing, which activates the metabolism and quickly removes decay products that have accumulated during the night. Systematic exercise activates and constantly improves the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As well as the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys enhances metabolic processes.

Regular morning physical exercises strengthen the motor apparatus, contribute to the development of physical qualities, especially such as strength, flexibility and agility. In addition, during morning exercises, you can master the technique of many sports exercises.

Ultimately, charging raises our body to more high level vital activity, increases mental and physical performance and creates a good mood. A person receives a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Daily morning exercises, supplemented by water procedures, are an effective means of increasing physical fitness, educating the will and hardening.

The effectiveness of morning exercises is based on the observance of the hygienic rules for its implementation, the selection special exercises and their dosage, the combination of charging with other forms of physical education.

The complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics should include exercises for all muscle groups, exercises for flexibility and mobility, breathing exercises. It is not recommended to perform exercises of a static nature, with significant weights.

The volume of the load and its intensity should be limited and be significantly less than in daytime workouts. Exercise, like all exercise, should not cause fatigue.

When performing morning hygienic gymnastics, it is recommended to adhere to a certain sequence of exercises: walking, slow run, walking (2-4 minutes); stretching exercises with deep breathing; flexibility and mobility exercises for the arms, neck, torso and legs; strength exercises without weights or with light weights for the arms, torso and legs (flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position, exercises with light dumbbells - for women 1.5 kg, for men 2-3 kg, with expanders, rubber shock absorbers and etc.); various tilts and straightenings in a standing position, sitting, lying down, squats on one and two legs, etc.; light jumps or jumps (for example, with a rope) - 20 - 3 seconds; slow running and walking (2-3 minutes); relaxation exercises with deep breathing.

When compiling complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics and their implementation, it is recommended to increase the physiological load on the body gradually, with highest load in the middle and in the second half of the complex. By the end of the set of exercises, the load is reduced and the body is brought to a relatively calm state.

Morning exercises must be performed outdoors, and in winter in a well-ventilated room with an open window. When performing physical exercises, a person needs significantly (sometimes even 10 times) more oxygen than at rest. With muscular work, breathing and blood circulation become more intense: the number of heart contractions increases from 70-80 to 150 or more beats per minute, the respiratory rate increases from 15-20 to 30-40 per minute.

Exercises in flow school day

The introduction of gymnastics while studying is a form active rest. Under active rest is meant a change of activity that led to fatigue, to another, unlike the first. This is the fundamental difference between active and passive recreation.

The task of active recreation is to relieve fatigue, improve the activity of the nervous system, respiratory organs, blood circulation and, on this basis, increase mental performance.

In industrial gymnastics, carried out during specially organized breaks for rest. There are three main forms:

1. Introductory gymnastics;

2. Physical culture break.;

3. Physical education minute.

Introductory gymnastics is carried out at the beginning of the school (working) day. Regulates the functionality of the body. Provides tuning (working out) for a specific work activity.

A physical culture pause in the mode of a school (working) day is used when the first signs of a decrease in working capacity appear, it contributes to an increase in labor productivity.

A physical training minute is held for 1-2 minutes and includes 2-3 exercises of general and local impact. Which serve to relieve fatigue from the analyzer and muscle systems.

Thus; the first task of industrial gymnastics is its healing effect; the second is an increase in the productivity of (mental) labor; the third one is cultivating the habit of daily physical exercises as one of the main conditions for the widespread introduction of physical culture into the life of students.

Similar information.

Method is the way in which a problem is solved.

For example, when teaching a person a new exercise, you can show him how this exercise is performed. This is a case of using the show method. You can explain in words to a person how to do the exercise. This is an example of using the explain method.

A special case of using a method or a set of methods can be called methodology.

For example, to teach a child to roll forward, you can show him an example correct execution, explain, give 2-3 lead-up exercises, then ask to complete the whole somersault, then explain the mistakes and show an example incorrect execution. Everything as a whole will be a methodology for learning to roll forward.

A single element of a method or methodology is called methodical method.

In the case of learning to roll forward, it is possible, when the child completes the entire element, to carry out insurance, located on the side of him. This will be the use of a methodical method of teaching.

Methodological principles- These are the principles on which a method or technique is built.

methodical approach can be called a particular manifestation of the methodological principle.

Methodical approaches to the use of physical exercises in morning exercises

Duration morning hygienic gymnastics can be from several minutes (at least 7-15 minutes) to several tens of minutes.

It's defined general physical fitness, health status and individual biological rhythms organism.

Charger should not lead to severe fatigue of the body. Accordingly, excessive use in morning exercises is not recommended. strength exercises and endurance exercises.

The main purpose of charging is to increase the tone of the nervous system, activate the activity of other organs, thereby increasing the mental and physical performance of the body. Based on this goal, the load of morning exercises should be selected.

The most simple method of assessing the adequacy of the selected load is well-being after charging. If, as a result of performing a set of exercises, a person feels cheerful, energetic, good mood and well-being, which means that the load was close to optimal.

A set of morning exercises should begin with low-intensity movements (stretching exercises, walking), gradually increasing the load on the body. Complex exercises should include all major muscle groups in the activity.

Exercises performed to cheerful rhythmic music have a greater effect on awakening.

Methodical approaches to the use of massage in morning exercises

In some cases, a set of physical exercises can be replaced by a general massage session, which has a similar effect on the body.

During massage, the nervous system receives a fairly intense flow of impulses from the massaged muscles, massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation, eliminates puffiness, and moderately increases body temperature.

However, massage has little effect on increasing the work of the heart, respiratory system and endocrine glands. That is, according to its effect on the body massage less effective to enhance physical and mental performance than physical exercise.

In addition, improperly performed massage contributes to a prolonged increase in inhibitory processes in nervous system, that is, it has an effect that is exactly the opposite of what is required.

Massage that causes an increase in excitation processes in the nervous system should be short duration, run at a fast pace, using superficial impacts, using a relatively large number shock and vibration techniques.

Please note that massage contraindicated persons with certain types of diseases (for example, with thrombophlebitis).

Methodical approaches to the use of hardening procedures in morning exercises

If morning exercises are combined with exposure to various temperature stimuli (for example, cold air or water), the flow of impulses to the central nervous system increases very significantly. The combined effect of physical exercise and temperature influences is extremely effective in accelerating the process of awakening the body.

Along with an increase in the excitability of the nervous system, the action water procedures, fresh air and the sun have a hardening effect, increasing the overall resistance of the body and its resistance to various diseases.

Hardening of the body must be carried out gradually. You can start hardening only in the absence of inflammation in the body (hidden infections, non-sanitized oral cavity, etc.). Otherwise, hardening procedures can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

Most often used as hardening procedures

The action of the sun's rays

The effect of cold air

Action cold water(rubbing, dousing, bathing)

Hardening procedures can be used individually or in combination with each other.

Most effective tool hardening, to a large extent stimulating the protective reactions of the body, is action of cold water. This is due to the fact that water has a high thermal conductivity (the ability to conduct a body). The least effective remedy is the action of sunlight. The sun's rays have a hardening effect on the body, mainly by the mechanism of increasing the tone of the central nervous system and stimulating the synthesis of certain chemicals (for example, vitamins of group D). These substances, among other things, are involved in the development of protective reactions. Increasing the tone of the central nervous system also increases the overall resistance of the body.

When using water douches as hardening procedures, it is recommended to start not with general douches, but with dousing of individual parts of the body. The most effective remedy is pouring feet(especially the feet).

At first, it is recommended to use water at a temperature slightly lower than body temperature, gradually and methodically lowering it, for example, by one degree per week. Subsequently, you can proceed to general douche, again increasing the initial temperature of the water.

It is important not to make long (several days) breaks in the use of hardening procedures. If, for one reason or another, there is a break, in order to avoid the development of colds, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the water (air) used again.

Particularly strictly adhere to the methodological rules of hardening with children and with people who are often ill, since the overall resistance of their body is reduced.

A fairly effective means of hardening is use of contrast temperatures- alternation of cold and heat. Such procedures significantly activate the processes of excitation in the nervous system, the release of stress hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine), thereby increasing the overall resistance of the body to the action of adverse factors.