Reaction speed test senior preschoolers. Control exercises to determine the level of development of speed abilities

Modern living conditions place increased demands on the state of the physical and mental state of a person, especially children, starting from the very beginning. early age, and only healthy children can meet these requirements. In this regard, the problem of early formation of a health culture is relevant, timely and quite complex. It is known that preschool and primary school age are decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. It is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. During this period, there is an intensive development of the organs and systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic exercises. physical education and sports.

Thus, the leading idea of ​​preschool educational institutions is the formation of a healthy child and, on this basis, the development of his spiritual potential and a wide range of creative abilities.

Perfection physical education preschool and younger children school age acquired special significance in connection with the restructuring of education in our country. This gives the key update positions kindergarten– protection and strengthening of children’s health (both physical and mental), humanization of goals and principles educational work with children, ensuring continuity between all spheres of the social development of the child. Strengthening successive links between preschool and primary education is important for the development of the entire education system as a whole. The concept of continuous education recommends considering the continuity between the preschool and primary levels of education as the connection and consistency of each component of education (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization) that ensure the effective progressive development of the child, his successful upbringing and education at this stage of education.

The period of childhood is the most important in the development of the motor functions of the child, especially his physical qualities. Therefore, a monitoring system is needed physical development, physical fitness and performance of the child. In the process of physical education, it is necessary to create such conditions in which the physical capabilities of a preschool child and a younger student will be fully revealed. This can be facilitated by an individual approach to children, ensuring an appropriate level of physical development - health status, levels physical fitness and motor activity. It is in the process of physical development of the child that it is necessary to observe the continuity of goals, objectives, content, methods and forms of work, including in determining the physical fitness of children.

There are many diagnostic methods for determining the physical fitness of children. Working in a gymnasium with children of preschool and primary school age, we were faced with the fact that there is no single system for determining physical fitness, which can be used to trace the level of development of motor skills and physical qualities of a child from 3 to 10 years old. Diagnostic methods do not take into account the principle of continuity in determining the physical fitness of children of preschool and primary school age. M. A. Runova in her book “ Physical activity child in kindergarten. 5-7 years” offers 15 diagnostic tests to determine the physical development of a preschool child. G.N. Serdyukovskaya (1995) - 5 tests. V.N. Shebeko (1996) and others - 9 tests each. In elementary school, of all these tests, only 6 are taken into account. Everything else goes through the study of the technique for performing elements. There is no continuity in the sequence of standards for the same tests among preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. In tests, there is no single system for determining norms and results.

Sharp contrasts between the conditions of kindergarten and school lead to poor health, psychological trauma to children, which leads to a longer adaptation period, since the body and mind of the child are not yet adapted to school conditions.

In the conditions of a progymnasium, in a single educational space, one specialist works with children of preschool and primary school age. That's why problem conducting diagnostic tests, determining a qualitative assessment of the physical fitness, development and achievements of children, the lack of a single program by which it is possible to determine the dynamics of the physical development of each child, we faced especially acute.

Working on this problem, we have set ourselves target: based on the “Comprehensive program of physical education for grades 1-11” (Authors V.A. Lyakh, L.B. Kofman), on diagnostic tests of physical education preschool age M.A. Runova, G.N. Serdyukovskaya, to develop a unified system of physical fitness of children for our institution, where the development of a child from 3 to 10 years old will be traced.

Based on the assessment of physical fitness, the features of the motor development of the child are studied, the necessary means and methods of their physical education are developed, and unevenness in the development of motor functions is revealed. All this makes it possible to establish the reasons for the delay or advance in the assimilation of the program, to outline pedagogical techniques that help optimize the motor activity of children in the conditions of this institution.

At determining the level of physical fitness The child should be guided by the following factors:

  • degree of mastery of the child basic skills and skills in different games and exercises, elements of technology of all basic types of movements;
  • ability to actively participate in different types motor activity, independently use their arsenal of movements in different conditions;
  • development of physical qualities and motor abilities: speed of reaction, dexterity, flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination abilities;
  • the general motor activity of the child during the entire stay in a preschool institution.

Starting from the second junior group and up to the third grade, we have developed a unified diagnostics, which allows us to identify the dynamics of physical fitness according to identical indicators (Appendix 1). At the same time, the structure of the main educational programs of the kindergarten and school is not violated.

Physical fitness is checked by 6 main tests: speed, speed-strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, strength. After the examination, the indicators of each child are analyzed and compared with the normative data.

Physical fitness tests allow you to determine physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, dexterity); formation of motor skills and abilities. Offered list of tests common to preschoolers and schoolchildren.

1. Test for determining speed qualities:

Speed ​​- the ability to perform motor actions in the shortest possible time. Speed ​​is determined by the speed of reaction to the signal and the frequency of repeated actions.

Purpose: To determine the speed qualities in running 30 meters from a high start.

Methodology: At least two people participate in the race. On the command “Start!” participants approach the start line and take their starting position. At the command "Attention!" lean forward and at the command “March!” run to the finish line along their path. The best result is recorded.

2. Test for the determination of coordination abilities:

Coordination of movements shows the possibility of control, conscious control over the motor pattern and one's own movement.

Purpose: To determine the ability to quickly and accurately reorganize their actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment in a 3 * 10 m shuttle run.

Methodology: One or two participants can take part in the race. Before the start of the race, cubes are placed at the start and finish lines for each participant. On the command “Start!” participants go to the start line. On the command "March!" run to the finish line, running around the cube at the start and at the finish line, and so on three times. The total running time is recorded.

3. Endurance test:

Endurance - the ability to resist fatigue and any activity. Endurance - is determined by the functional stability of the nerve centers, coordination of functions locomotive system and internal organs.

Purpose: To determine the endurance in continuous running for 6 minutes in school-age children and in running to exhaustion in preschool children.

Methodology: Running can be performed both in the gym and at the stadium. 6-8 people participate in the race at the same time; the same number of participants, on the instructions of the teacher, are counting circles and determining the total length of the distance. For a more accurate calculation, it is advisable to mark the treadmill every 10 m. After 6 minutes. the runners stop and their results (in meters) are determined.

Mark the distance in advance - the start line and half the distance. The physical education instructor runs ahead of the column at an average pace for 1-2 laps, the children run after him, then the children run on their own, trying not to change the pace. The run continues until the first signs of fatigue appear. The test is considered correctly completed if the child runs the entire distance without stopping. Two indicators are recorded in an individual card: the duration of the run and the length of the distance that the child ran.

4. Test for determining speed-strength qualities:

Speed-strength abilities are a combination of strength and speed abilities. They are based on the functional properties of the muscular and other systems, which make it possible to perform actions in which, along with a significant mechanical force, a significant speed of movement is also required.

Purpose: To determine the speed-strength qualities in the long jump from a place.

Methodology: The child stands at the start line, pushes off with both legs, making an intense swing of his arms, and jumps to the maximum distance into the jump pit. When landing, do not lean back with your hands. The distance is measured from the line to the heel behind the standing leg. The best score is recorded.

5. Flexibility test:

Flexibility - morphological and functional properties of the musculoskeletal system, which determine the degree of mobility of its links. Flexibility characterizes the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Purpose: To determine flexibility while standing on a gymnastic bench in preschool children and from a standing position on the floor in school children.

Methodology: Tilt forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench: The child stands on gymnastic bench(the surface of the bench corresponds to the zero mark). Lean down, trying not to bend your knees. On a ruler set perpendicular to the bench, write down the level to which the child reached with his fingertips. If the child does not reach the zero mark (the surface of the bench), then the result is counted with a minus sign. During this test, you can use the game moment “get the toy”.

Forward bend from a sitting position on the floor: On the floor, apply with chalk line A-B, and from its middle - a perpendicular line, which is marked after 1 cm. The child sits down so that the heels are on the A-B line. The distance between the heels is 20-30 cm, the feet are vertical. Three warm-up slopes are performed, and then the fourth, credit. The result is determined by touching the digital mark with the fingertips of joined hands.

6. Strength test:

Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance and resist it due to muscular efforts.

Purpose: To determine the strength in pulling up on the crossbar from the hanging with an overhand grip for boys, from the hanging lying on the hanging bar (up to 80 cm) for girls of school age; throwing bags in children (150-200 gr.) of preschool age.

Methodology: On the command “Start!” pulling up to the level of the chin and lowering to straight arms. Perform smoothly, without jerks. When arching the body, bending the legs at the knees, the attempt is not counted. The number of correct executions counts. The girls pull themselves up without taking their feet off the floor.

Throwing the bag with the right (left) hand in the “behind the back over the shoulder” method. Stand behind the control line, throw the sandbag as far as possible. The best throw counts.

When conducting physical diagnostics, a standard set of sports equipment is required:

  • jump pit to reveal speed-strength qualities;
  • crossbar and sandbags 150-200gr. to identify strength qualities;
  • gymnastic bench and ruler to determine flexibility;
  • treadmill and a stopwatch to detect endurance, speed.

All equipment is available in our institution and in any other educational institution of the city and the republic, which allows using our system to determine physical fitness in any institution of preschool and primary school age.

When testing children, certain rules must be observed. Research should be carried out in the first half of the day, in the gym, in a well-ventilated room or on the site. Children's clothing is lightweight. On the day of testing, the daily routine of children should not be overloaded physically and emotionally. Before testing, a standard warm-up of all body systems should be carried out in accordance with the specifics of the tests. It is necessary to provide a calm environment, avoid negative emotions in the child, observe an individual approach, take into account age-related characteristics.

The form of testing the physical qualities of children should provide for their desire to show best result: children can make 2-3 attempts. The time between attempts of the same test should be sufficient to eliminate the fatigue that has arisen after the first attempt.

The order of the test remains constant, and does not change under any circumstances. As a rule, testing is carried out by the same teachers: a physical education teacher, an educator, a deputy head of educational resources, a senior nurse.

Testing should be carried out under standard identical conditions, which will reduce the possibility of error in the results and will provide more objective information for the study period.

When testing, it is important to consider:

  1. individual abilities of the child;
  2. features of the tests, which should reveal even the smallest deviations in motor development child.

The best results obtained during the testing process are recorded in the testing protocol (Appendix 2). The protocol records the results at the beginning and end of the year of the entire group, which show the physical fitness of all children. Also, the results are recorded in the child's individual physical fitness card (Appendix 3). The physical development of the child from 3 to 10 years old is traced on an individual map and is correctly reported to the parents of each child, summed up at the end of each year.

It should be noted the great interest in children when performing test tests. As observations have shown (M.A. Runova), the majority of preschool children (60%) are constantly striving to compare their results with those of their peers. Some children (30%) even think about how to improve their performance, try to repeatedly repeat one thing and the same task, turn to the teacher for help and strive to achieve good results. And only a few children (10%) remain passive and inert.

With this system, we have achieved following results:

  • according to the developed tests, the level of physical fitness of the child is traced from 3 to 10 years.
  • in the process of working on this system, the number of children with a high level of physical fitness has increased. Since the number of tests has decreased, therefore, we focus on the technique of performing exercises. At correct technique the result always improves (Appendix 4).
  • tests allow to identify the level of development of movements and physical qualities in children from 3 to 10 years old, as well as to determine the degree of its compliance with age norms.
  • we can determine the abilities and possibilities of each child and individually discuss this with the parents.
  • tests allow you to identify the reasons for the lag or advance in the assimilation of the program of each child.

Based on the foregoing, we came to the conclusion that there is a need to develop a unified approach and unified standards for determining the physical development of children of preschool and primary school age in our region.


  1. M.A. Runova, “The motor activity of a child in kindergarten: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges” .- M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000-256s.
  2. T.A. Tarasova, “Control of the physical condition of preschool children: Guidelines for leaders and teachers of preschool educational institutions” - M .: TTs Sphere, 2005-175p.
  3. G.I. Pogadaev, “Desk book of a teacher of physical culture” - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2000-496s.
  4. I.A. Chalenko, Modern Lessons physical education in elementary school” - Rostov N / D .: Phoenix, 2003-256p.
  5. B.N. Minaev, “Fundamentals of the methodology of physical education of schoolchildren”: Tutorial for students of pedagogical educational institutions. - M .: Education, 1989-222s.
  6. Magazines "Sport at school", 1996.

Equally important are the game and competitive methods, the use of which creates an additional incentive for the maximum manifestation of speed capabilities by increasing interest, motivation, emotional uplift, and the spirit of competition among those involved.

effective method increasing speed capabilities is also a variable method.

1.4 Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of speed abilities

Control exercises for assessing speed abilities are divided into four groups: 1) for assessing the speed of a simple and complex reaction; 2) to estimate the speed of a single movement; 3) to assess the maximum speed of movements in different joints; 4) to assess the speed manifested in integral motor actions, most often in running short distances.

1.5 Education of motor quality speed

When teaching the basics of technique and tactics of the game, the teacher needs to achieve an increase in the level of speed, speed-strength abilities and jumping endurance of students.

To develop the speed of movement, speed exercises are used. The duration of one repetition of a speed exercise varies depending on the gender, age, preparedness of students and specific tasks - from 2-3 to 10-12 s. The length of the distance is chosen so that the intensity of work remains maximum until the end of the attempt. The number of repetitions is no more than 5-6.

Rest intervals between attempts are from 1 to 2-3 minutes. To maintain the excitability of the central nervous system at a sufficiently high level, the pauses between repetitions are filled with exercises of low intensity, during which the same muscle groups, as in the main exercise. For example, if students make a series of jerks with the ball, then they return to the starting point by slow running or calm walking, dribbling or juggling the ball.

In order to prevent the formation of the so-called "speed barrier", which consists in stabilizing the speed and frequency of movements, various game means are included in the lessons, constantly varying them. This is one of the reasons for the widespread use of outdoor games and relay races in the education of speed, during which students adapt to non-standard conditions: they move in the most unexpected ways, instantly react to a change of scenery. .

For the development of speed-strength qualities, various jumps, various exercises with basketball and stuffed balls, select such exercises, which in terms of coordination are similar to the already mastered motor skills. Movements are performed with full amplitude, for example, squats end with a jump, throwing movements are often used, etc.

The intensity and duration of work in each attempt, the number of repetitions, the duration and continuation of rest pauses - remain the same as in speed exercises. It is no coincidence that exercises for the development of speed and speed-strength qualities are recommended to be combined into complexes. This creates additional convenience in organizing classes and increases the motor density of a physical education lesson by eliminating the loss of time for students to rebuild.

To increase the jumping ability of schoolchildren, combinations of various jumps into the “depth” are used, followed by jumping onto some kind of elevation or jumping up and reaching for a highly located object (for example, a ball that the teacher holds in his raised hand, a basketball net or the lower edge of the shield), numerous options for jumping over the gymnastic bench. .

An important place in the speed-strength training of students in football lessons is given to outdoor games, relay races with a large set of jumping, throwing and shock character. For example, in grades IV-V, such games as "Hunter and Ducks", "Shootout", "Jumpers" are held, and in senior grades - various versions of the "Caterpillar" relay race, the game "Struggle for the rebound", etc. It is also useful to perform speed-strength exercises in a competitive way, setting students the following tasks: “Who will make a five-fold jump further?”, “Who will throw a stuffed (basketball) ball higher?”, “Which pair will make 10 passes faster in a sitting position on the floor?" and others. When selecting means of speed-strength training, preference is given to movements that are similar in structure and conditions of execution to game motor actions. So, more and more often they give such tasks: perform one or another technique of dribbling in a jump (most often catch-pass); turn 90, 180, 360o; intercept a high-flying ball; cover the opponent's throw, etc. Both before repulsion and immediately after landing, when performing jumps, the teacher monitors the observance of the correct game stance and the rational technique of all movements of the players . .

To develop jumping endurance, separate classes include such special exercises and games in which the player’s ability to perform maximum power jumps for a long time is developed. For example, having caught the ball in a jump, have time to pass it to a partner before landing, throw it into the basket or hit the basketball backboard. Various multi-hops are used, performed over an increasing distance.

Jumping with a rope contributes not only to the development of jumping endurance, but also to an increase in jumping ability and general endurance, improvement of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscles of the lower leg and hands. However, not all children by the fourth grade know how to handle a rope. Therefore, they must first be taught the skills of jumping rope. No more than 1-2 lessons are spent on this, and for those who continue to lag behind, individual homework is developed.

Rope jumps are performed in different ways in terms of the nature of movements and the degree of complexity. You can jump sequentially, stepping over the rope with each foot, pushing off the floor at the same time with two legs, on one leg. You can make intermediate jumps between jumps; rotate the rope forward and backward; make one or two turns in one jump; perform turns around its axis by 45, 90, 180o; jump in a semi-squat; bend your legs back in flight or take your knees forward and up. With interest, high school students perform joint jumps over the rope, two or three of them, located with the back of the head or sideways to each other. However, initially it is necessary that students master the skill of jumping with a push with two legs with forward rotation of the rope and then move on to studying other varieties. .

In order for students to perform jumps at a given pace, you can control them with a metronome. In the absence of a metronome, the teacher invites students to independently calculate how many jumps (turns of the rope) they make in one minute, giving a signal at the beginning of the exercise.

At the second stage (11-14 years old) the formation of tactical skills takes place. Improvement of previously studied tactical actions is carried out by repeated repetition of game and special exercises. At this stage, it is advisable to use exercises in which the player is asked to perform a specific task, for example, to “close” a certain player, perform an “opening” at speed, use an opponent’s stroke when attacking, etc. at the second stage, the football player begins to learn the ability to interact with a partner with further improvement of these actions. The trainer selects exercises for learning simple interactions: playing the "net", "crossing". A necessary tool for teaching tactical actions at this stage is watching the games of the teams of masters, analyzing the games of your team using video recording. . .

Control exercises (tests) for assessing speed abilities are divided into four groups: 1) for assessing speed

simple and complex reactions; 2) to estimate the speed of a single movement; 3) to assess the maximum speed of movements in different joints; 4) to assess the speed, manifested in integral motor actions, most often in sprinting.

Control exercises for assessing the speed of a simple and complex reaction. The simple reaction time is measured under conditions where both the type of signal and the method of response are known in advance (for example, when the light comes on, release the button, start running when the starter fires, etc.).

Under laboratory conditions, the reaction time to light, sound is determined using chronoreflexometers, which determine the reaction time with an accuracy of 0.01 or 0.001 s. To estimate the time of a simple reaction, at least 10 attempts are used and the average response time is determined.

When measuring a simple reaction, you can use a ruler 40 cm long (Fig. 13).

In competitive conditions, the time of a simple reaction is measured using contact data.

chiki placed in starting blocks (Athletics), starting bollard in the pool (swimming), etc.

A complex reaction is characterized by the fact that the type of signal and, as a result, the method of response are unknown (such reactions are characteristic mainly of games and martial arts). It is very difficult to register the time of such a reaction in competitive conditions.

In laboratory conditions, the choice reaction time is measured as follows: the subject is presented with slides with game or combat situations. Having assessed the situation, the subject reacts either by pressing a button, or by a verbal response, or by a special action.

Control exercises for assessing the speed of single movements. Time of hitting, passing the ball, throwing, one step, etc. determined using biomechanical equipment.

Control exercises to assess the maximum frequency of movements in different joints. The frequency of movements of the arms and legs is assessed using tapping tests. The number of movements of the hands (alternately or one) or legs (alternately or one) is recorded in 5-20 s.

Control exercises for assessing the speed shown in integral motor actions. Running at 30, 50, 60, 100 meters for the speed of overcoming the distance (from a low and high start). Time measurement is carried out in two ways: manually (with a stopwatch) and automatically using photoelectronic and laser devices, which allow recording the most important indicators: speed dynamics, length and frequency of steps, time of individual phases of movement.

7.4. Endurance and the basics of the methodology for its education

Endurance is the ability to withstand physical fatigue during muscular activity. The measure of endurance is the time during which muscular activity of a certain nature and intensity is carried out. For example, in cyclic types physical exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) the minimum time to overcome given distance. In gaming activities and martial arts, the time is measured during which the level of a given efficiency of motor activity is carried out. In complex coordination activities related to the performance of movement accuracy (artistic gymnastics, figure skating etc.), an indicator of endurance is the stability of a technically correct performance of an action.

Distinguish between general and special endurance. General endurance - this is the ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time with the global functioning of muscle

noah system. In another way, it is also called aerobic endurance. The man who can endure long run at a moderate pace for a long time, is able to perform other work at the same pace (swimming, cycling, etc.). The main components of general endurance are the possibilities of the aerobic energy supply system, functional and biomechanical economization.

General endurance plays a significant role in optimizing life, acts as an important component of physical health and, in turn, serves as a prerequisite for the development of special endurance.

Special Endurance- this is endurance in relation to a certain motor activity. Special endurance is classified: according to the signs of a motor action, with the help of which a motor task is solved (for example, jumping endurance); according to the signs of motor activity, in the conditions of which the motor task is solved (for example, game endurance); in terms of interactions with others physical qualities(abilities) necessary for the successful solution of a motor task (for example, strength endurance, speed endurance, coordination endurance, etc.).

Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus, the speed of consumption of resources of intramuscular energy sources, on the technique of mastering a motor action and the level of development of other motor abilities.

Different types of endurance are independent or little dependent on each other. For example, you can have high strength endurance, but insufficient speed or low coordination endurance.

The manifestation of endurance in various types of motor activity depends on many factors: bioenergetic, functional and biochemical economization, functional stability, personal-psychic, genotype (heredity), environment, etc.

Bioenergetic Factors include the amount of energy resources that the body has, and the functionality of its systems (respiration, cardiovascular, excretion, etc.), which ensure the exchange, production and restoration of energy in the process of work. The formation of energy necessary for endurance work occurs as a result of chemical transformations. In this case, the main sources of energy production are aerobic, anaerobic glycolytic and anaerobic alactate reactions, which are characterized by the rate of energy release, the amount of fats, carbohydrates, glycogen, ATP, CTP allowed for use, as well as the allowable

the volume of metabolic changes in the body (N. I. Volkov, 1976).

physiological basis endurance are the aerobic capabilities of the body, which provide a certain amount of energy in the process of work and contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after work of any duration and power, ensuring the fastest removal of metabolic products.

Anaerobic alactic energy sources play a decisive role in maintaining performance in exercises of maximum intensity lasting up to 15–20 s.

Anaerobic glycolytic sources are the main ones in the process of energy supply of work lasting from 20 s to 5-6 min.

Factors of functional and biochemical enonomization determine the ratio of the result of the exercise and the costs of achieving it. Usually, efficiency is associated with the energy supply of the body during work, and since the energy resources (substrates) in the body are almost always limited either due to their small volume or due to factors that hinder their consumption, the human body seeks to perform work at the expense of a minimum of energy consumption. At the same time, the higher the qualification of an athlete, especially in sports that require the manifestation of endurance, the higher the efficiency of the work performed by him.

Economization has two sides: mechanical (or biomechanical), depending on the level of technical proficiency or rational tactics competitive activity; physiological and biochemical (or functional), which is determined by what proportion of the work is done due to the energy of the oxidative system without the accumulation of lactic acid, and if we consider this process even deeper, then due to what proportion of the use of fats as an oxidation substrate.

Factors of functional stability allow you to maintain the activity of the functional systems of the body during adverse changes in its internal environment caused by work (increase in oxygen debt, increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood, etc.). The ability of a person to maintain the given technical and tactical parameters of activity, despite increasing fatigue, depends on functional stability.

Personal and mental factors have a great influence on the manifestation of endurance, especially in difficult conditions. These include motivation to achieve high results, the stability of the installation on the process and the results of long-term activities, as well as such strong-willed qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, endurance and the ability to endure unfavorable

New shifts in the internal environment of the body, to perform work through “I can’t”.

Genotype (heredity) and environmental factors. General (aerobic) endurance is moderately strongly determined by the influence of hereditary factors (heredity coefficient from 0.4 to 0.8). The genetic factor significantly affects the development of the anaerobic capabilities of the body. High heredity coefficients (0.62-0.75) were found in static endurance; for dynamic strength endurance, the influences of heredity and environment are approximately the same.

Hereditary factors have a greater effect on the female body when working at submaximal power, and on the male body when working at moderate power.

Special exercises and living conditions significantly affect the growth of endurance. In those involved in various sports, the indicators for endurance of this motor quality are significantly (sometimes 2 times or more) superior to those of those who do not go in for sports. For example, athletes who train in endurance running have 80% or more maximum oxygen consumption (VOC) values ​​or more than the average person.

The development of endurance occurs from preschool age to 30 years (and to loads moderate intensity and above). The most intensive increase is observed from 14 to 20 years.

Tasks for the development of endurance. The main task for the development of endurance in schoolchildren is to create conditions for a steady increase in overall aerobic endurance based on various kinds motional activity provided for mastering in compulsory physical education programs.

There are also tasks for the development of speed, power and coordination-motor endurance. Solving them means achieving versatile and harmonious development motor abilities. Finally, another task arises from the need to achieve maximum high level the development of those types and types of endurance that play a particularly important role in sports chosen as a subject of sports specialization.

Distance running Yume move

The test is carried out by two educators on a treadmill with a length of at least 30 m, a width of 2-3 m, with a sand or asphalt surface. On the line of the beginning of the 10-meter segment (i.e. start) and the finish line, 2 racks are installed. The child begins to accelerate for 10 m so as to gain top speed to the start line. The assistant teacher stands strictly on the start line. At the moment when the child has caught up with the start line, the assistant makes a sharp signal with a flag. At this signal, the teacher standing at the finish line starts the stopwatch and at the moment when the child crosses the finish line, the stopwatch turns off.

Necessary equipment: stopwatch, 2 stands for start and finish, chalk, marked treadmill. The test can be done with two participants on a treadmill.

30m running

On the site of the kindergarten, a straight asphalt or densely packed path is selected, 2-3 m wide, at least 40 m long. The test can be carried out at the stadium. On the track with racks or flags

start line and finish line are marked. The location of the start and finish line should be such that the sun does not shine in the eyes of a running child. Testing is carried out by 2 educators, one with a flag - at the start line, the second with a stopwatch - at the finish line.

At the command "Attention!" two children come to the start line and take a standing starting position - “High start”. The command "March!" Follows, and the signal is given with a flag. At this time, the teacher standing at the finish line turns on the stopwatch.

Children start running. During the run, you should not rush the child, correct his run, suggest elements of technology. The go-ahead with a flag should be given by the teacher on the side of the starting children and clearly. When crossing the finish line, the stopwatch stops. The time is fixed by the teacher standing at the finish line.

The test is intended for children from 4 to 7 years old.

Required equipment: 2 stands or flags, 2 stopwatches, marked treadmill.

« shuttle run» 3*10 m

The test is carried out on a flat area at least 15 m long, on which 2 parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 10 m from each other. On each line, 2 circles with a diameter of 0.5 m are applied with a center on the line.

At the command "Attention!" the child approaches the starting line. At the command "March!" the child runs to the cube placed in the opposite circle, picks it up, runs back to the starting line and puts the cube in the empty circle. Then it comes back.

The time from the “March!” command is taken into account. before returning to the finish line. Throwing the dice is not allowed. If this rule is violated, a second attempt is assigned. One attempt is made.

The test is intended for children 4-7 years old.

Necessary equipment: stopwatch, cube (5 cm 3), chalk.

Test by definition of endurance

Running at a distance of 90, 120, 150, 300 m (depending on the age of the children)

It is carried out at a stadium or a marked area of ​​a preschool institution by two educators.

There are start and finish lines at the distances. At the command "Attention!" the children come to the starting line. At the command "March!" the go-ahead is given with a flag and the start for the runners, the stopwatch is turned on. When crossing the finish line, the stopwatch stops. One attempt is made.

The test is intended for children: 5 years old - distance 90 m;

6 years - distance 120 m;

7 years - distance 150 m.

A test run for a distance of 300 m is carried out for children aged 5-7 years to complete the distance, without regard to time.

Ecology of health: With the help of these tests you will be able to independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a training program ...

How to create an individual training program

With the help of these tests, you will be able to independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a training program.

When determining physical fitness, a calculator is used, when compiling individual program classes - adder and dispenser.

Physical Condition Calculator is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness according to the KONTREKS-2 scoring system (express control).

The CONTREX-2 system was developed by Russian scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (KONTREKS-3), current (KONTREKS-2) and self-monitoring (KONTREKS-1).

Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below.

CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are evaluated as follows:

1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at the age of 50, 50 points are awarded, and so on.

2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated according to the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

men: 50 + (height - 150)x0.75 + (age - 21) / 4

women: 50 + (height - 150)x0.32 + (age - 21) / 5

For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal mass body will be:

50 + (180 - 150) x 0.75 + (50 - 21) / 4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age limit by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points.

3. Blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is estimated at 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values ​​determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: ADsist. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight;
ADdiast. \u003d 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight;

women: ADsist. \u003d 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man with a body weight of 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg. Art.

The age norm of systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg Art.

Norm of diastolic pressure:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mmHg Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are subtracted from the total.

4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a pulse of 70 per minute gives 20 points. With a pulse of 90 and above, points are not awarded.

5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with legs straightened at the knees, a forward lean is performed with a touch of the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of the feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point, equal to or greater than the age norm given for men and women in Table. 1, is estimated at 1 point, if the standard is not met, points are not awarded. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted.

For example, a 50-year-old man, while bending over, touched the mark 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to Table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total amount is 3 points.

Table 1. Norms of motor tests for assessing basic physical qualities

Age, years Flexibility, cm Speed, cm Dynamic force, cm speed endurance Speed-strength endurance General Endurance
10-minute run, m 2000 m, min.
husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female husband. female
19 9 10 13 15 57 41 18 15 23 21 3000 2065 7,00 8,43
20 9 10 13 15 56 40 18 15 22 20 2900 2010 7,10 8,56
21 9 10 14 16 55 39 17 14 22 20 2800 1960 7,20 9,10
22 9 10 14 16 53 38 17 14 21 19 2750 1920 7,30 9,23
23 8 9 14 16 52 37 17 14 21 19 2700 1875 7,40 9,36
24 8 9 15 17 51 37 16 13 20 18 2650 1840 7,50 9,48
25 8 9 15 17 50 36 16 13 20 18 2600 1800 8,00 10,00
26 8 9 15 18 49 35 16 13 20 18 2550 1765 8,10 10,12
27 8 9 16 18 48 35 15 12 19 17 2500 1730 8,20 10,24
28 8 8 16 18 47 34 15 12 19 17 2450 1700 8,27 10,35
29 7 8 16 18 46 33 15 12 19 17 2400 1670 8,37 10,47
30 7 8 16 19 46 33 15 12 18 16 2370 1640 8,46 10,58
31 7 8 17 19 45 32 14 12 18 16 2350 1620 8,55 11,08
32 7 8 17 19 44 32 14 11 18 16 2300 1590 9,04 11,20
33 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 16 2250 1565 9,12 11,30
34 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 15 2220 1545 9,20 11,40
35 7 8 18 20 42 30 14 11 17 15 2200 1520 9,28 11,50
36 7 7 16 20 42 30 13 11 17 15 2200 1500 9,36 12,00
37 7 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1475 9,47 12,12
38 6 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1460 9,52 12,20
39 6 7 19 21 40 29 13 10 16 14 2000 1445 10,00 12,30
40 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1420 10,08 12,40
41 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1405 10,14 12,48
42 6 7 19 22 39 28 12 10 15 14 2000 1390 10,22 12,58
43 6 7 20 22 38 27 12 10 15 14 2000 1370 10,30 13,07
44 6 7 20 23 38 27 12 10 15 14 1950 1355 10,37 13,16
45 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1950 1340 10,44 13,25
46 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1900 1325 10,52 13,34
47 6 7 20 23 36 26 12 9 15 13 1900 1310 10,58 13,43
48 6 6 21 24 36 26 12 9 14 13 1900 1300 11,05 13,52
49 6 6 21 24 36 26 11 9 14 13 1850 1285 11,12 14,00
50 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1850 1273 11,19 14,08
51 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1800 1260 11,25 14,17
52 6 6 22 25 35 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1250 11,34 14,25
53 5 6 22 25 34 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1235 11,40 14,34
54 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 14 12 1750 1225 11,46 14,42
55 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1215 11,54 14,50
56 5 6 22 25 33 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1200 12,00 14,58
57 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1190 12,05 15,06
58 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1180 12,11 15,14
59 5 6 23 26 33 23 10 8 13 12 1700 1170 12,17 15,20
60 5 6 23 26 32 23 10 8 13 12 1650 1160 12,24 15,30

6. Speed. Assessed by the "relay" test for the speed of compression by the strongest hand of the falling ruler. For each centimeter equal to the age norm and less, 2 points are awarded.

The test is performed in a standing position. The strongest hand with extended fingers (palm edge down) is extended forward. The assistant takes a 50-cm ruler and sets it vertically (the number “zero” is facing the floor). In this case, your hand is approximately 10 cm below the end of the ruler.

After the “attention” command, the assistant must release the ruler within 5 seconds. The subject is faced with the task of grabbing the ruler with the thumb and forefinger as quickly as possible. The distance in centimeters is measured from the bottom edge of the palm to the zero mark of the ruler.

The test is carried out three times in a row, the best result is counted.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 17 cm, which is 4 cm better than the age standard. For fulfilling the norm, there are 2 points and for exceeding it 4x2 = 8 points. The total amount is 10 points.

7. Dynamic strength (Abalakov's test). It is estimated by the maximum height of the jump up from a place. For each centimeter equal to and exceeding the standard value given in Table. 1 is awarded 2 points.

Test execution: the subject stands sideways to the wall next to a vertically fixed measuring scale (student ruler 1 m long). Without lifting his heels from the floor, he touches the scale as high as possible with his more active hand raised up. Then he moves away from the wall at a distance of 15 to 30 cm, without taking a step, jumps up, pushing off with both legs. With a more active hand, he touches the measuring scale as high as possible. The difference between the values ​​of the first and second touch characterizes the height of the jump. Three attempts are given, the best one counts.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result is 40 cm. This exceeds the age norm by 5 cm (see Table 1). For fulfilling the standard, 2 points are awarded, for exceeding - 5x2 = 10 points. The total is 10+2 = 12 points.

8. Speed ​​endurance. The maximum frequency of raising straight legs to an angle of 90 ° from a supine position in 20 seconds is calculated. For each lift equal to and exceeding the standard value, 3 points are awarded.

For example, in a 50-year-old man, the result of the test was 15 lifts, which exceeds the age norm by 4. 3 points are awarded for meeting the standard, and for exceeding 4x3 = 12 points. Total 15 points.

9. Speed-strength endurance. The maximum frequency of bending the arms in a lying position (women in an emphasis on their knees) is measured for 30 seconds with 4 points awarded for each bending equal to or exceeding the standard.

For example, when testing a 50-year-old man, the frequency of bending the arms in support for 30 seconds was 18 times. This exceeds the age standard by 4 and gives 4x4 = 16 points, plus 4 points for fulfilling the standard value. The total amount is 20 points.

10. General endurance.

1) Persons not previously involved in exercise or those who have been exercising for less than 6 weeks can use the following indirect method.

Performing five endurance exercises (running, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing or skating) for 15 minutes at a heart rate of at least 170 per minute minus age in years (the maximum allowable heart rate is 185 minus age) - gives 30 points, 4 times a week - 25 points, 3 times a week - 20 points, 2 times - 10 points, 1 time - 5 points, none and if the rules described above regarding the pulse and training equipment are not followed - 0 points.

For fulfillment morning exercises points are not awarded.

general endurance is estimated by the result of a 10-minute run for the greatest possible distance. For the implementation of the standard given in table. 2, 30 points are awarded and for every 50 m distance exceeding this value, 15 points. For every 50 meters below the age limit, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points scored on this test is 0. The test is recommended for self-exercised individuals.

3) With a group form of classes the level of development of general endurance is assessed using races of 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women. The control is the standard time given in table. 1. 30 points are awarded for meeting the regulatory requirement and 15 points for every 10 seconds below this value. For every 10 seconds more than the age limit, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points for the test is 0.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result of a 10-minute run will be 1170 m, which is 103 m less than the age standard. Therefore, the total score for this test will be 30–10 = 20 points.

11. Recovery of the pulse.

1) For those who do not exercise after 5 minutes of rest in a sitting position, measure the pulse for 1 minute, then do 20 deep squats for 40 seconds and sit down again. After 2 minutes, measure the pulse again for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6. Compliance with the initial value (before the load) gives 30 points, exceeding the pulse by 10 beats - 20 points, by 15 - 10 points, by 20 - 5 points, more than 20 beats - Subtract 10 points from the total.

2) Exercising for more than 6 weeks heart rate recovery is assessed 10 minutes after the end of a 10-minute run or a 2000 m run for men and 1700 m for women by comparing the pulse after running with the initial value. Their coincidence gives 30 points, exceeding up to 10 strokes - 20 points, 15 - 10 points, 20 - 5 points, more than 20 strokes - 10 points should be subtracted from the total.

For example, in a 50-year-old man, the pulse rate before running was 70 per minute, 10 minutes after a 10-minute run - 72, which practically coincides with the initial pulse value and this provides 30 points.


After summing up the scores obtained for all 11 indicators physical state evaluated as:

- low– less than 50 points;
- below the average– 51–90 points;
- average– 91–160 points;
- above average– 160–250 points;
- high- more than 250 points.