Trade guests could not escape. Andrey posnyakov robbery order

…for a pagan there are no inanimate and unintelligent objects. Living and intelligent mountains, trees, rivers, meadows, groves, forests, stones. Everything that exists has a soul.

A. Burovsky. Unfulfilled Russia

May 1603 Shugozerye

Waiting for the creak of the cart wheels to fade away, Mitka quickly got to his feet and got out to a dry place. Having taken off, squeezed out the ports and the shirt, and immediately pulled it on - there was no time to dry it. I had to go, the only question was where? Tonnik argued that the Kholmogory convoy should definitely be somewhere very close, perhaps even approaching the Kuzminsky tract. If that's the case, the merchant guests can't by any means bypass the inn, probably, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they'll just go out to it. And during this time, Demyan Samsonych must resolve the issue with the captives so that they do not catch the eye of the merchants, among whom, as Anempodist noted, there was also the sovereign clerk - a rather big rank. However, on the other hand, what was the robbers to worry about? Well, merchants, well, clerk - and so what? Just think, runaway serfs are sitting in the cellar! They sit for themselves and sit, who is interested in other people's affairs? So the black man correctly calculated: it is necessary to talk with the merchants in advance, to convince, at least to interest, especially the sovereign's clerk. To say, de, the townspeople of Tikhvin and the monk with them were fraudulently seized into bondage to make up. Precisely deceitful, to put pressure on it, and only then, together with the merchants, return to Tikhvin ... if you fail to escape along the way. No, it’s clear that I wouldn’t want to go back to the settlement, but only without outside help it was hardly possible to free myself from the tenacious hands of local villains. Merchants were much less evil. Moreover, the Anempodist promised to confirm every word of the guys - they say, yes, the townspeople, on behalf of the archimandrite, were sent to look for places for new tones. And the girl with them so, for the company linked, to relatives. In fact, it was so, well, almost so, if you do not go into details. Will merchants believe? Anempodist assured that yes. Naturally, not so much to the guys as to him - the monk in the caravan had a familiar merchant. So, we must look for merchants, nothing remains to be done.

By the way, Mitriy now felt much better than in the morning. And the heart beat evenly, and the nose breathed cleanly, even the chills - and that was not. All this from the fact that there was no time to get sick - you need to do the job, help your friends out of trouble!

Otrok got out onto the road, stood a little in the bushes, looked and, making sure that there was no one on the way, quickly walked along the Kuzminsky tract. I walked confidently - there were no other roads in these places. The setting sun shone on the boy's back, and his long shadow grimaced comically on the bumps.

Behind were Kuzminki with their thieves' inn, a long stretching along right hand the lake also ended, but ahead appeared another, round, small, hiding in a hollow in the middle of high hills overgrown with mountain ash.

At the top of the hill, Mitriy looked around - behind, painting the dome of the Church of the Savior with crimson light, the sun was burning in a semicircle, slowly sinking behind the black palisade of trees. On the side, along the path, which seemed like a narrow thread, huts were nestled - an inn and a village a little further away. On all other sides there was nothing at all, except for a forest covered with a bluish haze, stretching to the very horizon. Somewhere out there, between wastelands and hills, a road winded, disappearing into the impenetrable wilds of the taiga.

The youth went there, hoping for a speedy meeting with the merchants. Yes, well ... It would be nice not to meet with anyone else - with a bear, wolves or dashing people. However, all the villains, it seems, were now indulging in revelry on the Spassky churchyard. Celebrated the day of Job the Long-suffering.

Probably, many of the aunts were married, had families in Spasskoye or in the same Kuzminki. They loved their wives, raised children, honored their parents... and from time to time they hunted in a terrible bloody deed! How could they not be afraid of God's wrath? Or did they hope to pay off with rich donations to monasteries? Who knows them? Interestingly, do the robbers' wives and children know about the unworthy trade of their loved ones? Know and support? They are also not afraid of God's wrath.

Mitriy suddenly thought - how would he treat his relatives, if he had them and traded in bloody theft and thievery? How can you even live with it? To know that this one-row with gilded embroidery was taken from a robbed merchant, and that pearl necklace that sparkles so cheerfully around his wife’s neck is from a murdered merchant’s daughter! And that beautiful cloak over there - not a cloak at all, but the tears of a clerk tortured in the forest! And the coins buried in the jug are not coins, but bloody clots. And everything around is innocent human blood. Everything is blood, everything... A chic mansion - blood, a rich courtyard - blood, horses, a herd of cows purchased with thieves' money - also blood, the blood of innocently tortured! Do they sleep at night? Dreaming? That's something scary...

Never understanding how they live at all, these villains, Mitriy suddenly slowed down, and then stopped, peering into the gathering darkness. Like there, in front, a light suddenly flashed. It seemed? Or did the eyes of the night beast sparkle? Here it shines again. And yet - nearby. Bonfires?! Is it a convoy?! Maybe robbers? No, it’s hard for two gangs of robbers to feed themselves in these remote places, even one. So merchants. There could not have been anyone else here, according to the Anempodistus tonic.

And meanwhile the twilight was getting thicker. Flickering yellow stars poured out into the dark blue sky, a silver moon hung over an old aspen, some night bird flapped its wings in the nearby bushes. The road underfoot was barely visible, well, the light of the moon was reflected in numerous puddles, which the lad diligently bypassed and nevertheless landed a couple of times in the cold, dirty slush. Brr!

Shrugging his shoulders, Mitry began to think about more specific things. If there was a convoy ahead - and there seemed to be no one else - then the convoys must have posted a watchman. It's good if the watchman asks who he is. And if not, if they first knock on the head, and only then begin to ask? There have been cases. Then it is better to get close somehow imperceptibly, to take a closer look. Yeah, you'll see the hell of a bald man there in the dark. Then they will definitely take him for a scout. No, it’s better, on the contrary, to be as noticeable as possible. Yeah, but what if it's still not a convoy? If dashing people? Yes, a problem. Okay - Mitry waved his hand - I'll come closer, and then we'll see! At least reach that crooked pine tree, then there will be quite a bit left.

Having judged this, the traveler increased his pace, no longer paying attention to the puddles - they were not very visible, too high and dense trees grew around. However, the crooked pine ahead, on a bald hill, remained clearly visible. What crooked branches!

Alerting his crossbow for big game, Jussi fastened the bindings and rods and, silently leaving the path, headed through the hazel to the hill. He alerted the same crossbows along all the paths, but it’s a pity that there was no convenient place on the road. And who is there to pierce with a heavy arrow - horses harnessed to carts? Also, of course, a good sacrifice, but not for Jussi! The Russians insulted him too much, but they insulted him - this is still an understatement. They attacked like wolves in the predawn foggy hour, burned the settlements, killed their younger brother. Well, at least Jussi's wife and children were absent - they went to visit their relatives on the Black River. But brother had to be avenged! And for the burned house, and for the stolen cows, and for the humiliation that he himself experienced, forced to hide in the tracts. He would not hide, accepted an open battle and died with honor, taking with him to the next world a lot of "vengeful", but only then who would avenge the death of his brother?

Jussi got out on the road - now, now it's good. If the “venials” want to go out of the way - to water the horses, to wash themselves - they will go off the road onto the path leading to the lake invitingly shining behind the trees, and then the heavy arrow of the avenger will hit them. Get it! Who told you, "wowed" that you can kill, burn, rob with impunity?

Please help ex. 140


The city of Smolensk is older than Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal and Pskov. The first mention of Smolensk in the annals refers to the year 863. It was one of the largest cities in Rus', which controlled the route in the upper reaches of the Dnieper. It was written about as a large and populous city. Following from the north to Byzantium, merchant guests could not bypass Smolensk. The Smolensk region was the forest side, and a lot was built here from wood. But this land has always been rich in other building materials: clay, sand, gravel. And at the time of its economic heyday, Smolensk began to build stone structures one after another. These buildings were created from large-sized bricks and were in no way inferior to the buildings of Kyiv and Novgorod in their beauty. about Smolensk - 2 fold., P. p. in the annals - 3 fold. P. p. applies - 2 ref., 3 person in the upper reaches - the top is large - "o" under the stress of the city - 2 cl. P. p. trading - bargaining "not" with verbs separately pass - mine, or pass here - the word is the exception of flourishing - before the deaf - With construction - "o" under stress sand - the dictionary word erect - erects stone - stones were created - before the bell consonant - Z in nothing - prepositions separately did not yield - not with verbs separately

Control questions and tasks

  1. Which words are called dialectisms, which ones are professionalisms, which ones are jargonisms?
  2. Which words are called native Russian, and which are borrowed?
  3. How can we explain why some words fall out of use, while others appear in the language?
  4. How are archaisms different from historicisms?
  5. What role do emotional words play in speech?
  6. What is the name of the section of the science of language in which phraseological units are studied?
  7. What combinations of words are called phraseological units?
  8. What can be found in the phraseological dictionary?

106 . Dictation from words with unchecked spellings, the spelling of which was studied in the chapters "Vocabulary", "Phraseology".

107 . What is the main idea of ​​the text? Which of the underlined words is borrowed? Check your answer for " explanatory dictionary". Write out the words with missing letters and brackets.

My Fatherland Russia

Shield of Moscow

The city of Smolensk is older than Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal and Pskov. The first mention of Smolensk .. in chronicle.. refers to the eight hundred and sixty-third year. It was one of the largest cities of Rus', which controlled the route in the rivers of the Dnieper. They wrote about him as a big ... and crowded city ... Following from the north to Byzantium, the trading guests could not (not) be able to renovate Smolensk.

The forest side was the Smolensk region, and a lot was built (h, s) here from wood. But this one has always been rich Earth and other building materials: clay, p.khkom, gravel. And at the time of my economic ra (s, s) colors began to build Smolensk one after another stone structures. These buildings co(s,s)d..came out of a large-sized k..rpich and were in no way (in) anything (not) inferior to the structures of Kyiv and Novgorod.

(3. Pastukhova.)

108 . Write a free dictation according to the text of ex. 107.

109 . Read. Specify the features of the scientific style.

Words ink And notebook known in Russian since the 11th century. Word ink isco (n, nn) ​​about Russian. At first it meant "a solution of black paint.. used for writing." Word notebook came to us from the Greek language. It originally meant "a sheet folded in four". Then this word changed its meaning: it began to mean "sewn sheets of paper for writing."

They nodded, put a bench under the squeaking, rested, aimed straight at the basement. Petka waved his hand to Ofona:

Open Goose!

A deadbolt, smeared with last year's fat, drove off to the side.

Where? one of the tweeters suddenly growled. - Well, back! I'll fire right away!

The Basilisk, which had just poked its head out, recoiled in fright. The anempodist with Proshka was carefully pushed towards the exit of the recumbent Mitriy.

Can you walk? - with fear inquired Zanoza.

Where to go there, - came from the cellar. He can't even stand on his feet. Yes, feel how it burns!

Yeah, feel it ... - The splinter cautiously moved away. - Yes, where is this Onufry? Onuphry, hey, Onuphry, are you there soon?

Yes, I'm going...

Onufry led a horse harnessed to a cart out of the stable. Crossed himself, fireman, a contagious thing. The owner did the right thing - it is better to leave the diseased in the swamp, where no one goes, than to bury it somewhere nearby. Go and know later what kind of water from the well will you drink?

Touching his boot to the patient lying on the ground, Onufry looked around the audience:

Would you help? I can't do it alone.

Goose, - moving away, Splinter quickly ordered.

With the help of Ofoni, the sick man was transferred to the cart. Onufry himself did not sit there, he went ahead, leading the horse by the bridle.

Courage, dare, boy! - laughing, cheered the tweeters. Creatures!

The sun was already setting when Onufry led the horse to the swamp. The slurry champed under the cart wheels.

Hey… - Onufry jabbed the diseased one with the blunt end of the spear. - Hey… are you alive isho?

I'm running out... - Painful - a dark-haired skinny guy - opened his eyes. He burned with heat - Onufry felt it. Therefore, he jumped aside, gaining courage. The fireman does not like to joke!

He stood for a moment, took a deep breath, and threw back his spear.

Lord, save and have mercy!

He grabbed the sick man by the collar - and into his swamp, into the swamp! In, let it lie like that, it will drag on by night. Look, it's groaning...

After carefully wiping his hands on the moss, Onufry turned the horse around. Thank God, it seems to have worked out. Although ... A splinter ordered the sick man to be sure to pierce with a spear - to be sure. Ordered ... We had such masters! Let him pierce himself, if he needs to. Leading the horse onto a straight road, Onufry crossed himself again and quickened his pace. An orange sun was shining behind him, hiding behind a distant forest. I felt sorry for myself - I evaporated and suffered fear - but the sick guy - not at all. Well, it lies and lies in the swamp, not all the same, where to die? Not a tenant, you can see right away. And what will die without a funeral, so small a bird, just think! Oh, how gloriously he, Onufry, coped with such a difficult task. And after all, he was not afraid of the infection, like some.

Puffing out his nostrils, Onufry cheered up and, whistling merrily, headed closer to the house.

Chapter 8

At the gnarled pine

…for a pagan there are no inanimate and unintelligent objects. Living and intelligent mountains, trees, rivers, meadows, groves, forests, stones. Everything that exists has a soul. A. Burovsky. Unfulfilled Russia

May 1603 Shugozerye

Waiting for the creak of the cart wheels to fade away, Mitka quickly got to his feet and got out to a dry place. Having taken off, squeezed out the ports and the shirt, and immediately pulled it on - there was no time to dry. I had to go, the only question was where? Tonnik argued that the Kholmogory convoy should definitely be somewhere very close, perhaps even approaching the Kuzminsky tract. If that's the case, the merchant guests can't by any means bypass the inn, probably, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they'll just go out to it. And during this time, Demyan Samsonych must resolve the issue with the captives so that they do not catch the eye of the merchants, among whom, as Anempodist noted, there was also the sovereign clerk - a rather big rank. However, on the other hand, what was the robbers to worry about? Well, merchants, well, clerk - and so what? Just think, runaway serfs are sitting in the cellar! They sit for themselves and sit, who is interested in other people's affairs? So the black man correctly calculated: it is necessary to talk with the merchants in advance, to convince, at least to interest, especially the sovereign's clerk. To say, the townspeople of Tikhvin and a monk with them were fraudulently seized into bondage to make up. Precisely deceitful, to put pressure on it, and only then, together with the merchants, return to Tikhvin ... if you fail to escape along the way. No, it’s clear that I wouldn’t want to go back to the settlement, but only without outside help it was hardly possible to free myself from the tenacious hands of local villains. Merchants were much less evil. Moreover, the Anempodist promised to confirm every word of the guys - they say, yes, the townspeople, on behalf of the archimandrite, were sent to look for places for new tones. And the girl with them so, for the company linked, to relatives. In fact, it was so, well, almost so, if you do not go into details. Will the merchants believe? Anempodist assured that yes. Naturally, not so much to the guys as to him - the monk in the caravan had a familiar merchant. So, we must look for merchants, nothing remains to be done.

By the way, Mitriy now felt much better than in the morning. And the heart beat evenly, and the nose breathed cleanly, even a chill - and that was not. All this from the fact that there was no time to get sick - you need to do the job, help your friends out of trouble!

Otrok got out onto the road, stood a little in the bushes, looked and, making sure that there was no one on the way, quickly walked along the Kuzminsky tract. I walked confidently - there were no other roads in these places. The setting sun shone on the boy's back, and his long shadow grimaced comically on the bumps.

Behind them were Kuzminki with their thieves' inn, the long lake that stretched on the right hand also ended, but in front there appeared another one, round, small, hiding in a hollow in the middle of high hills overgrown with mountain ash.

At the top of the hill, Mitriy looked around - behind, painting the dome of the Church of the Savior with a crimson light, the sun blazed in a semicircle, slowly sinking behind the black palisade of trees. On the side, along the path, which seemed like a narrow thread, huts were nestled - an inn and a village a little further away. On all other sides there was nothing at all, except for a forest covered with a bluish haze, stretching to the very horizon. Somewhere out there, between wastelands and hills, a road winded, disappearing into the impenetrable wilds of the taiga.

The youth went there, hoping for a speedy meeting with the merchants. Yes, well ... It would be nice not to meet with anyone else - with a bear, wolves or dashing people. However, all the villains, it seems, were now indulging in revelry on the Spassky churchyard. Celebrated the day of Job the Long-suffering.

Probably, many of the aunts were married, had families in Spasskoye or in the same Kuzminki. They loved their wives, raised children, honored their parents... and from time to time they hunted in a terrible bloody deed! How could they not be afraid of God's wrath? Or did they hope to pay off with rich donations to monasteries? Who knows them? Interestingly, do the robbers' wives and children know about the unworthy trade of their loved ones? Know - and support? They are also not afraid of God's wrath.

Mitriy suddenly thought - how would he treat his relatives, if he had them and traded in bloody theft and thievery? How can you even live with it? To know that this one-row with gilded embroidery was taken from a robbed merchant, and that pearl necklace that sparkles so cheerfully around his wife's neck - from a murdered merchant's daughter! And that beautiful cloak over there - not a cloak at all, but the tears of a clerk tortured in the forest! And the coins buried in the jug are not coins, but bloody clots. And everything around is innocent human blood. All blood, all ... A chic mansion - blood, a rich yard - blood, horses, a herd of cows acquired with thieves' money - also blood, the blood of innocently tortured! Do they sleep at night? Dreaming? That's something scary...

Never understanding how they live at all, these villains, Mitriy suddenly slowed down, and then stopped, peering into the gathering darkness. Like there, in front, a light suddenly flashed. It seemed? Or did the eyes of the night beast sparkle? Here it shines again. And yet - nearby. Bonfires?! Is it a convoy?! Maybe robbers? No, it’s hard for two gangs of robbers to feed themselves in these remote places, even one. So merchants. There could not have been anyone else here, according to the Anempodistus tonic.