How to start going to the gym. Effective start: how to start exercising at home from scratch

“Hurry up, make people laugh” is a folk wisdom that is relevant at all times. Often this proverb comes to mind when observing beginners in the gym. As a rule, the mistakes they make are typical and easily predictable. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid all errors - but it is still possible. To do this, you need to choose a coach for yourself, study with him first basic principles, terms, concepts, and only then go to the simulators.

An important task of a trainer is to show you the technique of performing various exercises on simulators, help you calculate the load and choose effective exercises. Classes "under supervision" will help you avoid injuries, quickly achieve the desired result.

What is important to know before starting training

It is very important to organize your own. So, between the last meal and classes there should be a break of 1-1.5 hours. After training, it is better to eat after 0.5-1 hour. In order not to disturb the water balance in the body, it is necessary to drink water before, during and after training. In addition to internal comfort, external comfort is no less important: it should be comfortable, it should not tighten or dig into your body, it should give you room for action. It is also worth thinking about this in advance.

The most common mistake newbies make is over-enthusiasm. In the gym, a beginner does a lot of exercises on various simulators, trying not to miss anything. This leads to overwork and refusal to train in the future. It is better not to hurry in this matter.

If the exercises were performed correctly, the muscles should hurt a little, stiffness is observed in them. This feeling goes away after 2-4 days. If pain occurs in the joints and spine, you should immediately stop training. If these symptoms are observed, most likely, the exercise technique is incorrect or the weight is chosen incorrectly.

Training must necessarily consist of 3 parts - warm-up, main part, relaxing exercises.

The task of the warm-up is to activate the work of the respiratory and circulatory systems, to warm up the muscles that will be loaded in the main part of the workout. Usually, the main problems for beginners come from ignoring the warm-up (injuries, post-workout discomfort, etc.). The warm-up should last at least 10-15 minutes. It should include at least 5 minutes of cardio on any cardio machine to prepare the heart, an easy complex articular gymnastics, dynamic stretching and exercises with own weight to prepare the joints.

The task of the main part is to perform exercises for the planned muscle groups. The number of exercises, sets and repetitions depend strictly on individual goals and may vary. In the main part of the training should be 6-8 exercises. Each muscle group should have 1-3 exercises. For beginners, it is important to work out all the muscles in one workout in order to teach your body to move correctly and remember the technique. Exercises are arranged in training according to the principle from complex (multi-joint for large muscle groups) to simple (single-joint for small muscles). At the end of the workout, pay attention to working out the press.

The number of approaches for beginners should not be large - 2-3 approaches in each exercise are enough. The number of repetitions in each approach is 10-12. Rest between sets - until the restoration of breathing and heartbeat. When you feel ready, continue training. On average, rest after each approach is 1.5 minutes.

Let's decipher such concepts as the number of approaches, the number of repetitions. For example, you train your leg muscles by doing the exercise "squat with a barbell on your shoulders." We went to the racks, took the barbell on our shoulders, did 8 squats with it, then put the barbell back. In this case, you did 1 set of 8 reps. You can rest and repeat the exercise 1-2 more times, and then rest again and move on to the next exercise.

The purpose of the third part of the training is to normalize breathing and blood circulation. It is recommended to take 5-10 deep breaths, perform a simple stretching complex and hang on the bar.

In fitness centers, there are 3 types of equipment: these are strength machines, cardio machines and free weights (dumbbells and barbells).

Strength training equipment is needed to work out the muscles in anaerobic mode with the help of weights. On them you give a load skeletal muscles. Most of the exercises in the main part of the beginner should be performed on machines. The fact is that a novice athlete still feels bad about his body and does not have that knowledge of the technique of performing exercises that would allow him not to make mistakes. The trajectory of movement in power simulators is thought out in advance, which will allow you to feel your muscles.

Give mostly total load on the body in aerobic mode. On them you train the endurance of the cardiovascular system. They are suitable for those who want to lose excess weight or warm up before a more serious workout.

These are dumbbells and a barbell. There are basic (basic) exercises for each muscle group, and the bulk of the basic exercises are performed using dumbbells and a barbell. In order for your muscles to get the proper load, regardless of the goals, do not forget about this species equipment. However, free weights should be added gradually. This is especially true for technically complex basic exercises.

Beginner Program Example

Warm up: 5 minutes per elliptical trainer and articular gymnastics.

Main part: 8 exercises, each perform in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  1. Leg press in the simulator;
  2. Leg extension in the simulator;
  3. Flexion of the lower leg in the simulator;
  4. thrust vertical block to the chest;
  5. Horizontal block thrust;
  6. Press from the chest in the Hammer simulator or push-ups (possible from the knees);
  7. Mahi with dumbbells through the sides;
  8. Twisting lying.

Cooldown: 15 minutes of cardio and a simple stretch routine.

As the level of fitness, you can replace the leg extension with a more complex basic exercise - lunges in place in the Smith machine, learn the squat technique in the same machine. Then gradually expand your vocabulary of exercises, mastering the technique of new movements with barbells and dumbbells.

Many beginners think that muscles become stronger and more enduring in training, but this is not at all the case. During training, the whole body receives an impulse in which direction to move, and they themselves occur during rest. For example, you did a workout to lose weight, adipose tissue in this case will be split mainly after training.

From this we conclude: proper nutrition combined with quality rest is the key to successful training that brings results.

Good luck in this difficult task - building a figure!

This collection of tips will be useful to everyone who is engaged in the gym. From beginners to experienced jocks!

Humans tend to make mistakes. Even many years of experience visiting the gym does not mean that we do not make many mistakes in training. What can we say about newcomers who bought a subscription for the first time and crossed the threshold of a fitness club!

In the article I will give advice on proper training and point out typical mistakes while exercising in the gym. As a result, your workouts in the gym will become much more effective and correct.

How to exercise in the gym

Before you a good vault good advice from professional trainer, who spent more than one year in training, saw everything and made many correct observations and conclusions.

Do not train only on cardio machines

Modern cardio machines are a powerful thing! And burning calories is beneficial to a certain extent. But, unfortunately, cardio equipment will not help to significantly strengthen and pump up the right muscles. They are designed to train the aerobic abilities of the body (heart, blood vessels, lungs, red muscle fibers). But this is not all that health depends on and appearance. Moreover, the development of aerobic abilities may not affect external data at all. Cardio will tone your muscles and help you burn some fat. But without strength training, the result of training will not be very bright.

The fact that you walked, ran or pedaled for an hour does not mean that the body has received a full load. Moreover, the load is proportional.

Use non-standard exercises

To stimulate fantasy 🙂 when exercising in the gym, I recommend this video with unusual exercises, which can rarely be seen in gyms. Filmed a long time ago, but still relevant.

Men without numerous exercises such as push-ups, twists, legs do not see the relief details of the body. Only rough unsightly pieces of "meat".

I do not get tired of repeating, there are no purely female and purely male exercises! Everything depends on the goals. And the differences are only in the working weights on the bar and in the simulators. In men they are much larger, in women less. And this is perhaps the only difference.

Correctly select working weights on simulators and barbells

Have you seen guys in the gyms who bench press 120 kg for 10 reps, and then squat with a barbell weighing ... 60-80 kg for the same 10 reps? I have seen many times! And it's not the norm, that's for sure.

There are correct proportions in working scales for different exercises. For example, if you bench press 80 kg for 10 times, then in squats, be kind to lift at least 100-110 kg for the same 10 times. And in the simulator horizontal thrust» pull at least 85 kg for 10 repetitions. These ratios are not taken from the ceiling, but are dictated by human anatomy and physiology, so that unhealthy imbalances do not occur, leading to spinal curvatures and joint deformities.

Do not neglect the help of others and the coach

A common mistake is "I can do everything myself and I know, I saw it on YouTube." I saw something. But seeing and knowing, seeing and being able, seeing and understanding are two different things.

Many exercises on machines and barbells that seem easy actually require correct technique and skill. They begin to turn out correctly in 2-3 weeks. regular execution. And then, provided that you received the correct feedback from external observers (coach or people nearby). Someone needs to look, evaluate and point out errors. And provided that you work with a sufficiently large working weight. Often, correct technique cannot be achieved until you take a heavier barbell.

Other exercises for the desired effect should be performed with a weight that you most likely cannot lift in the last repetitions. Here you need insurance, which will be provided by an assistant.

Just take my word for it, the coach is good. Even if it's a beginner. It's better than nothing.

If possible, use the services experienced trainers. It always pays off.

If you are lucky enough to run into a trainer-methodologist, you will be doubly lucky. Like my clients...

Of course, you can work out in the gym without a trainer. And quite successfully. But training with a coach will be much more effective, since the coach usually knows all the pitfalls and mistakes. And simply will not allow them to be done, saving your strength, time, nerves. And along the way, teaching you the many tricks of the gym.

Go beyond women's/general group programs

This is mainly for girls. The mistake here is the popular stereotype that "we pumped all the muscles and worked out cardio" in a group workout. And this is in a small mirrored room without a single piece of iron? And this despite the fact that every time for several months or even years the same set of exercises is performed with the same load? Made fun!

Bodyweight exercises, statics, jumps, stretches, step platforms, even minibarbell work, etc. - this is amazing! But it has its natural limits. And the very structure of group programs in clubs is such that the coach, in principle, cannot control the load and exercise technique. You don't even notice what you're doing wrong. Jumped and everything is fine! Do you feel what I'm talking about?

Replace your habits from time to time group training qualitatively different strength training that will turn on the muscles at full capacity. For example, month visit group lessons, a month - a simulator. Include in the set of exercises simulators and a barbell, dumbbells and kettlebells.

And the programs need to be changed every 1-2 months, even if everything suits. And especially if you can handle it easily. This is a sign that you are no longer developing. Development is always associated with difficulties in training.

Or you can after the usual group program, perform several approaches with a barbell on the desired muscles.

Don't just do strength training

This is a favorite mistake of beginners in the gym. We pass from the simulator to the simulator, forgetting about the barbell and dumbbells. It's easier and more interesting!

Well, to satisfy curiosity, you can walk around the simulators for the first few workouts like this. But for a full-fledged result, you need to follow a useful formula.

70% of the workout should be done with free weights (barbell, dumbbells, bodyweight). And only 30% - on simulators. This Golden Rule workouts in the gym.

The fact is that most simulators are designed for isolated workout individual muscles. This is very useful in two cases:

1. If a person has an injury, and he needs to purposefully strengthen these particular muscles. Or get at least some load.

2. If this is a professional athlete seeking to improve the shape and tighten the details of individual muscles. Or a strong man working out the weak points of the trajectory of some of the exercises he needs.

In all other cases, it is necessary to train muscles in conjunction with other muscles. This is very beneficial for health and is simply beneficial for reasons of increasing the overall muscle mass and acceleration of metabolism.

This effect is easily achieved using barbells, dumbbells, weights.

Include barbell squats in your workouts deadlift, vertical thrust, pull-over, swing dumbbells to the sides, bench press on incline bench, lunges with dumbbells in hands, hammer with dumbbells, etc.

Don't Overdo Your Abs Workout

Of course, it is necessary to train the abdominal muscles. But even this needs a measure.

Do not forget that the press is one of the muscles that make up the musculature of the core.

Excessive training of some parts of the core without sufficient compensatory load on other parts of it leads to deformities in the waist and pelvis. These are various posture disorders (insufficient or excessive lordosis), problems with the hip and knee joints, problems in cervical region, stoop.

I remember one hero from my childhood - a young man from a neighboring yard, Eugene, who managed to pump up luxurious muscles on the horizontal bar and uneven bars at our school stadium. When he passed through our yard, we simply did not breathe, looking at him with undisguised awe! His mighty biceps, ball shoulders, triangular torso, powerful pectoral muscles they pulled on a snow-white T-shirt so that it seemed to burst at any moment!

However ... Now remembering his magnificent press cubes, I remembered another of his features - hunched back, excessive lumbar lordosis, insufficiently powerful legs. Eugene could not reach the floor with his fingers ...

Despite the excellent muscles of the torso, shoulders, arms, this guy had no idea about the balance of the core muscles, which is so important for general health and aesthetics. But then, back in the eighties, it seemed unimportant, because we didn’t know anything about it ... But now we know!

Therefore, when pumping the press, do not forget about other elements of the core: oblique muscles, buttocks, back extensors, hamstrings. Don't forget about flexibility too.

In this case, the load balance is much more important than development one muscle.

Do not only crunches or leg raises, but also oblique crunches, hyperextensions, gluteal bridge, side bends with a dumbbell in hand, sitap ...

Avoid contact with doctors and medical care

We don't like doctors and those damn municipal clinics! We have every right to do this, given the low level of service.

However, without medicine in fitness anywhere. We somehow need to monitor our health: take tests, monitor hormones, notice the early signs of emerging diseases, treat our teeth in the end.

Try to take the time to find the right doctor for you. Better paid. Visit him every 2-4 months. Check blood pressure, vision, hearing, take general tests, some special tests (cancer test, for example), go through required courses treatment, massage, preventive procedures. Bring the treatment you have started to its logical end (especially if you are taking antibiotics).

Believe me, this will be a great investment in health. After all, you will have a chance not to miss any serious problem, and start solving it long before it gains strength and leads to irreversible consequences.

After all, health is one of the most important reasons to go to the gym!

Before the beginning regular workouts in the gym, a visit to the doctor is required!

Learn elementary ways of self-control in training

Not monitoring your breathing and heart rate during a workout in the gym is a bad habit.

Learn to count your pulse manually. Use available gadgets, services and applications for this.

It is better to shoot the exercises performed on video and view them after training, comparing with the standards. Or show the video to the coach. For example, I can immediately see even minor mistakes (and problems with the musculoskeletal system) just by watching the videos performed by my wards.

Many exercises serve as an excellent test for various body parameters (flexibility, endurance, curvature of the spine). But this information is rather for coaches and specialists.

You also need to master the basic skills of self-control: monitor your heart rate, recognize signs of fatigue, do not exceed the recommended levels of activity, do not exercise if you are sick.

Leaving a workout on time is sometimes more important than finishing it completely.

Keep a workout diary

It is impossible to remember everything that you are going to do or have already done in training. Yes, and it is not necessary. It is enough to write it down in a special notebook or notebook. This gives you the opportunity to fully control the process and analyze errors. Lead!

There is no diary - it is not clear why the set of exercises did not work or why the injury occurred.

Keep a diary! It's not difficult and very useful.

I hope now you know more about how to properly train in the gym. I wish you not to make these mistakes. Put my advice into practice, train correctly! I will be glad to your questions and comments.

Finally, the decision has been made, and tomorrow will be marked by your acquaintance with the world of iron sports.

Yes, be prepared for the fact that there are a lot of nuances and hitherto unknown little things associated with such a serious turn in your life, however, your Bone Broad is always with you and keeps ready high-quality articles for every taste, as they say 😉

What are you waiting for, check it out!

So, after we figured out how many times it is worth training, we need to understand what to do for the first time in the gym? By the way, if you have not yet studied the article, then be sure to correct this error: without the knowledge described in it, you have nothing to do in the hall!

When we first come to the gym, our muscles are so weak that at first we need to bring them to at least a minimum tone cheer up, so to speak. The training program for beginners is designed to build and strengthen the functional base of the body.

In power sports, it is very important to start training correctly, it is precisely the incorrectly compiled initial training program can lead to failure, cause health problems and disappoint you in iron sports.

Important principles of sports at home and in the gym

Where to start in the gym for a beginner and how to exercise at home from scratch:

The main rule: do not get into the wilds of dietology or diligently unravel the “secrets” of ideal workouts. At this stage, this does not make any sense, you will only get confused in an avalanche of conflicting information.

Try not to listen to anyone's advice "from friends" at all, otherwise you will get a complete mess in your head. Get information either from a trainer or from trusted sources (such as our website 😉)

It is right to play sports so that there is an effect: how?

Gym workout starts at home. This does not mean that before the first workout you need to pack a bag under the Eye of tiger, watch hundreds of motivational videos or buy leggings for 7 thousand rubles.

All you have to do is just sit down at your computer and read a few articles for beginners. The site in the appropriate section has all the necessary information with which you can conduct the first correct training.

You do not even need to search all over the Internet, moving from site to site, just click on the tag FOR NEWBIES(the button is located on the side in the tag cloud or on the button at the top of the screen) and read the articles located there.

Having decided on the program, start learning the technique of performing exercises. Try to watch the video for each exercise with a detailed explanation. But not all at once, otherwise the head will burst from an overabundance of information.

Start like this: see what exercises you are doing tomorrow. Study them, read the description, watch the video in a relaxed atmosphere. If something is not clear, look again. Then go to the hall and do it all.

Do this before every workout. If some exercise does not work out, watch the video lesson with it right before training. Then you better remember everything and when you come to the hall you can repeat it.

Actually, that's the whole secret of where to start exercising in the gym. It is simple, but few people follow it.

So, exercises in the gym for beginners for the first 4-6 weeks:

Complex training

    workout #1:

  1. workout #2:

    • Number of approaches: 3-4. The number of repetitions in the approach: 15. Working weight: we start with empty simulators, gradually increasing the load incrementally.

  2. workout #3:

Sports activities improve health and allow a person to feel attractive, strong and resilient.

Many do not have experience in fitness training, so they do not know how to properly start joining physical activity.

You can work on your own body from scratch without exercise equipment and other sports equipment organizing training at home.

A person who decides to go in for sports on his own without a coach, first of all, needs to assess the state of his health.

How to start training for a beginner

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune diseases during the period of exacerbation, recovery after surgery, acute viral and infectious diseases are contraindications to physical activity.

If a person suffers from obesity and wants to solve the problem through sports, then it is necessary to lose weight under the supervision of specialists - a nutritionist and a personal trainer.

Before starting fitness at home, a person should plan a rough workout schedule.

The key to the effectiveness of sports training is their regularity.

To lose weight, build muscle and train endurance, you need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

If a person who wants to fully train leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he should not immediately start intensive training. Several weeks should be given to preparing the muscles for power loads. To do this, you can devote half an hour daily to running, walking at a fast pace, dancing, cycling. Cardio loads train the cardiovascular system and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is important to combine exercise with a healthy diet that will help you lose extra pounds and maintain a normal metabolic rate.

Be sure to check out:

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Optimal exercises at home for beginners

When choosing the right fitness techniques to perform at home, you need to focus on the expected results. It is also worth considering gender, since there are separate optimal fitness techniques for both men and women.


The following fitness techniques are suitable for beginner girls:

  1. Complicated squats: legs are wide apart shoulder girdle, and the toes of the feet are set apart. The posture is straight, and the chin is slightly raised. On exhalation, the pelvis is brought as close to the floor as possible, but the posture remains even. In order not to overload the joints, you need to try so that the buttocks remain in line with the knees when squatting.
  2. Standing dumbbell press: one arm works when performing a set. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, and the knee joints are slightly bent. You need to take a dumbbell in your hand, and put the other limb on your waist. After inhaling, the dumbbell is lifted up and, lingering for a few seconds at the maximum point, exhale.
  3. Lunges without weighting in the hands: stand up straight and raise your chin. Right foot step in front of you, fixing the body in a new position. The knee joint should form a right angle, playing the role of a support for the whole body. The second leg stands behind, but its knee joint is directed perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Twisting on the floor: they are laid on their back, but then they return to a semi-sitting position, putting their legs in front of them. It is necessary to control that the limbs bent at the knees are parallel to the floor. Alternately stretch one leg in front of you, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds. Hands should be located along the body.
  5. Bicycle: they are laid on a straight back, and the hands closed in the lock are placed under the back of the head. The legs are straightened, raising them 10 cm from the floor surface. Alternately pull the knee to the opposite elbow, trying to keep your back straight. The shoulder blades when performing a fitness technique are divorced.


For men, it is optimal to start with power loads with an emphasis on arms, abs and legs. Simple sports equipment, for example, dumbbells, will help to train correctly.

What you can do yourself:

  1. Push-ups: you need to lie on the floor, and then rise parallel to its level on straight arms and socks. The pelvis is in line with the back. On exhalation, bend the arms at the elbows, tilting chest to the floor. On exhalation, they return to the starting position.
  2. Dynamic lunges without sports equipment: legs are placed in parallel. The weight of the body is transferred to the working leg, and the second one takes a wide step back, putting it on the toe. Both legs are bent at the knees, trying to do a deep squat. When the knees are extended, the left leg is substituted for the right, after which the weight is transferred to the left.
  3. Incline Dumbbell Row: Choose a dumbbell weight that is comfortable for you. The right knee is on horizontal bench for the press. With your right hand, you need to lean on it. Angle in hip joint level up to 90 degrees, while the back remains flat. The left leg is slightly retracted to the side. The head is parallel to the floor. The neck of the projectile must be parallel to the line of the body. The weighting agent is pulled to the lower back, trying to bring the elbow to the highest point. At the peak point, you need to stay for a second, lowering the dumbbell.
  4. Glute Bridge: Lie on the floor with your arms along your torso. Feet, fully planted on the floor, are placed shoulder-width apart, bending the limbs in knee joints. On exhalation, tensing the muscles of the shoulder blades and calves, tear off the fifth point from the floor and hold it in the highest possible position for several seconds. On inspiration, lower the pelvic region to the floor.

What are the goals of sports

How a person will start playing sports from scratch depends on his goals.

A set of exercises for weight loss

To lose excess fat deposits, such a complex is suitable:

  • cardio warm-up - 5 minutes of slow jumping rope;
  • squats with dumbbells (can be replaced with lunges) - 15 times in 3 sets;
  • lunges without weights - similarly;
  • push-ups from the floor - 10 times, 4 sets;
  • gluteal bridge - 15 times, 3 cycles.

You can engage in the principle of circular training - performing the approach of each exercise one after another. Then, after a half-minute break, the circle is repeated.

Strength Program

For the development of physical endurance, the following training program is suitable:

  • squats with dumbbells - 20 times, 3 sets;
  • dumbbell incline press - similarly;
  • push-ups from the floor - 15 times, 3 sets;
  • twisting on the floor - just like that;
  • hyperextension on the floor - 10 times, 3 cycles.

There are practically no breaks between each fitness session. To develop endurance, you need to train at a fast pace.

Complex for pumping muscles

Exercises for the effect of a pumped up body:

  • swinging the press with twists (on the floor) at a fast pace - 20 times in 2 sets;
  • deep squats - 10 times, 4 cycles;
  • lunges with dumbbells - similarly;
  • standing dumbbell press - 15 times, 3 sets;
  • push-ups reverse - 15 times in 3 sets;
  • tilt dumbbell row - similarly;
  • plank - 1 minute.

Try to increase the number of repetitions with each workout.

How to train properly to be successful

The correct technique for performing the selected fitness techniques is not the only condition for a productive workout. There are other components of success in playing sports from scratch.


Any person who decides to join fitness should clearly know what he wants to achieve through his efforts. The trainee should know that at least a month is needed to get the expected result. regular classes combined with a healthy diet.


To train the body and improve the figure, you need to draw up a training regimen and follow it. Doing exercises 2-3 times a week, the rest of the days should be given to half-hour dynamic loads. It can be running, cycling, skiing and other outdoor activities depending on the season.

To normalize metabolism, you must also follow a healthy daily routine, avoiding overwork.


Musculature after exercise requires rest from training, because during the recovery period it adds in volume. Therefore, trainings are organized with an interval of 1-2 days.

Experts in bodybuilding, fitness and healthy lifestyle life will tell you what to consider for those people who want to start productive training.

Semenikhin Denis, bodybuilder

Sports activities begin gradually, starting to organize trainings from 2 times a week. Changes in diet should also be introduced smoothly. A sudden change in habits will lead to quick loss motivation.

Matesovich Marika, fitness trainer, author of a video channel dedicated to fitness

A warm-up with an emphasis on cardio will help you get into the training pace. This approach to organizing classes helps not only to warm up the muscles and speed up the metabolism, but also psychologically tune in to fitness.

Stitch Eugene, fitness blogger

For beginners who want to pump their muscles, it is recommended to start the complex with push-ups. This is a good warm-up exercise that also helps build physical endurance.

Useful video

Main conclusions

  1. Getting Started sports training from scratch, you need to take into account the final goals, as well as your gender.
  2. In training, you need to combine strength and cardio loads, without ignoring the warm-up at the beginning of the complex.
  3. You need to do 2-3 times a week, giving the muscles time to recover after training.
  4. Fitness combined with proper nutrition, observance of the regime of activity and rest, as well as with a dynamic lifestyle.

According to statistics, about half of the visitors to the gym prefer to work out without a trainer. But the abundance of incomprehensible metal structures can confuse a beginner. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem. If you have any questions, you can always contact the gym instructor. However, he is not obliged to follow your training and, moreover, to draw up a program. Therefore, let's look at the main aspects of independent proper training in the gym.

First of all, you must follow the following rules for training in the gym:

  • Always start your workout with a warm-up. This will allow you to tone your muscles, warm them up and prepare them for the upcoming work. Warm-up is the performance of simple cardio exercises. It can be running on a treadmill, jumping rope, lunges without weights, jumping, riding an exercise bike. Muscles after a warm-up are more supple and less prone to injury.
  • Before the main workout, it is recommended to properly stretch the joints with the help of leisurely rotational movements. Start from the neck, then move on to the shoulders, elbows, hands, then knead the torso and spine with the help of inclinations in different sides. And the last to work out the joints of the legs and lower back.
  • Directly on the simulators should be exercised with caution. Do not start with large weights if you are a beginner. At the introductory training, set the minimum weight values ​​​​and only then, when you confidently master the technique, you can gradually increase the load.
  • After completing the main workout, you need to return to the cardio machines, as well as do some stretching exercises. This will significantly reduce or completely relieve you of muscle pain the next day after training.

Training regimen: what days to go, how many times a week, the difference between women's and men's training

The training regimen depends on the goal that you pursue when you come to the gym, as well as on your characteristics: gender, age, body structure. For example, workouts for weight loss and weight gain will be significantly different. There is also a difference between female and male training. Consider the basic principles of training for such goals as: losing weight for women, acquiring a beautiful body relief for women, losing weight for men, gaining mass for men, as well as an overall increase in strength and endurance for men and women.

General principles of weight loss for women in the gym

  • High intensity short workouts alternate one day with low-intensity cardio the next day, then take a day off to recover.
  • by the most effective way lose weight will be classes about five times a week. But it will be useful to alternate classes in the gym with long runs in the fresh air.
  • Be sure to watch your diet. The most important principle is that the number of calories you consume should be less than the number of calories you spend.
  • Observe the drinking regime. A person who goes in for sports or fitness needs more water than a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

General principles of weight gain and volume for women in the gym

As a rule, women who are not professional athletes, when they come to the gym, do not want to pump up and do not pursue the goal of gaining a powerful torso and impressive size, therefore, moderation should be observed in training for gaining muscle mass for women. To tighten the figure and acquire a beautiful relief, you must follow the following principles:

  • Use basic exercises with free weights, gradually increasing it.
  • Do three times a week, and on the other days give your muscles a good rest.
  • Watch your diet and ensure that the calories consumed are more than the calories burned. At the same time, food should be a useful building material for muscles: proteins and complex carbohydrates.
  • Mass training is often associated with high weight and other risks, so it is worth at least the first workouts with a personal trainer.

General principles of weight loss in the gym for men

  • Use medium weights for training. Too light a weight even with a high number of repetitions will not give the desired effect, and too much is good for gaining muscle mass, not burning fat.
  • Perform 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions for each strength exercise.
  • Use basic exercises with free weights, while the weight is not increased or increased gradually.
  • Rest between sets should not last longer than 2 minutes.
  • Going to the gym is worth 3-4 times a week.
  • Strength exercises should be alternated with long-term cardio. You can do cardio and strength exercises within the framework of one workout, or you can focus on strength one day, and focus on cardio the next.
  • Diet and calorie deficit.

General principles of mass gain for men in the gym

  • The duration of one workout should not exceed 50 minutes.
  • To gain mass, it is enough to train three times a week, and on the other days to give a good rest to the muscles.
  • Perform basic exercises and exercises with weights, while gradually increasing the weight without increasing the number of sets and repetitions.
  • Do not do more than three sets per exercise.
  • Make a program in such a way that the break between workouts for one muscle group is about a week. For example, on Monday we train the shoulder girdle and back, on Wednesday the legs, on Friday the press.
  • Follow the diet: there should be an excess of calories.

General principles of training to increase the strength and endurance of men and women

For this purpose, high-intensity circuit training. General principles of such training:

  • Interval. Alternate cardio and strength training.
  • Do no more than 4 days a week, take breaks.
  • Increase the intensity of the workout by increasing the weight and increasing the amount of training time (but not more than an hour). At the same time, beginners can start from 15-20 minutes.
  • Monitor your well-being during training and give yourself enough rest after.

The main types of exercises on the simulators and the technique of execution, how to train correctly

So you came to the gym for the first time. Where to start training, which simulator to approach in the first place? You should start with a warm-up on a cardio machine. Then you can work different groups muscles. But it is recommended to execute the base first - this is multi-joint exercises, which involve several muscle groups, and then work out local muscle groups. It is worth compiling a program for yourself, based on general principles workouts described above.

Consider the most popular exercises for training in the gym.

Cardio equipment

The treadmill is the most common exercise machine in any gym. On modern tracks it is possible to adjust the speed and angle of inclination.

Treadmill running technique:

  1. Get up on treadmill and choose the mode that suits you best.
  2. Adjust the angle if necessary. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with a straight track.
  3. Use the handles exclusively for checking your heart rate.
  4. The main indicator of the intensity of the training will not be the speed, but the heart rate. The heart rate should be at least 120 and not more than 160, although some calculate their maximum possible heart rate using the formula: 220 minus your age. In this case, the indicator of the effectiveness of training will be a heart rate of at least 70% of the maximum.

For example, you are 30 years old. Your maximum heart rate is 220-30=190. Effective training will be at a heart rate of 133.

You can do cardio training not only on the track. There is also an exercise bike, as well as various steppers and rowing machines. If the track is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, then the exercise bike and steppers also partly develop the muscles of the press, and the rowing machines imitate the movements during rowing, helping to strengthen the shoulder girdle and the entire muscle corset.

During classes on any type of cardio equipment, you need to follow approximately the same recommendations for heart rate as on a treadmill, taking into account the specifics of each.

Traction on block simulators

Block simulators are simulators based on blocks, due to the rise of which you purposefully pump up one or another muscle. The advantage of such simulators for beginners will be their relative safety and simple technique performing exercises. This is an alternative to free weight training for those who have not yet learned to feel their muscles.

Pull-ups on block simulators are basic exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. Let's take a closer look at the main and most popular of them.

Vertical block pull to the chest

The muscles of the back work, as well as the shoulders and muscles of the arms. An alternative to pull-ups if you don't already know how to do them. By doing this exercise the following execution technique should be observed, carefully monitoring correct position body and hands:

  1. We set up the simulator, adjust the height of the rollers so that it is comfortable to sit and hold on with your feet.
  2. We sit down in such a way that the bar is directly above the head, we hold the bar with our hands, the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. The back should be arched in the lower back and tilted forward or backward. It is important to understand that the thrust must be performed not at an angle, but strictly vertically.
  4. We lower the handle to the upper part of the chest, while the work of the shoulder blades should be felt.
  5. Then we raise the neck to its original position, slightly not bringing the arms to full extension.
  6. We repeat the exercise.

Horizontal traction in a block simulator

This exercise is aimed at the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders.

  1. The starting position is sitting on the simulator, the back is bent at the waist, the legs should remain slightly bent at the knees.
  2. We take the handle with outstretched arms, on the exhale we take our shoulders back and try to bring the shoulder blades together, we put our elbows behind our back as far as possible. In this case, the intensive work of the back muscles should be felt. To use your back as much as possible, you can experiment with the grip and handles.
  3. While inhaling, we slowly return the projectile to its place, stretching the back muscles just involved as much as possible.

Leg exercises

Leg training is an important element of programs for both weight gain and weight loss.

leg press

This is a basic exercise, which consists in raising a special platform by bending and extending the legs. The platform can be positioned horizontally or at an angle of 45 degrees. Exercise allows you to work out the buttocks and hips. It is ideal for those who are contraindicated in classic weight squats due to back problems. When performing a leg press, the following technique should be observed:

Lunges in Smith

Lunges in Smith are an exercise that is gaining popularity for pumping the muscles of the front surface of the thighs, as well as the buttocks. Smith's Classic Lunge Technique:

Squats in Smith

Effective exercises for working out the hips and buttocks. Technique:

  1. We set the desired weight, place the barbell on the back in the same way as in the previous exercise. The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders, the legs are also slightly wider than the shoulders are on the floor. The shoulder blades are brought together, the back is straight.
  2. Slowly squat while inhaling, lowering the neck and bending your knees to a right angle. You can imagine that you are sitting on an invisible chair.
  3. We rise up to the starting position, straightening the legs, the main weight falls on the heels. We repeat required amount once.

Exercises for the abs

The abdominal press is a set of muscles that make up the abdominal wall. To lose weight in the abdomen, do not do abdominal exercises daily or every workout. You can do a couple of ab exercises on your easiest workout day. At the same time, keep an eye on your diet. In order to pump up noticeable relief muscles of the prss, you need to understand that fat will not turn into muscles, even a pronounced relief may not be noticeable if you do not regularly dry.

Consider the most popular exercises for the press in the gym.

Rise of the body on a Roman chair

This exercise engages the rectus abdominis. For weight loss, it is enough to use the weight of your body. If you want to pump up the press, then you can use weighting agents. Technique:

  1. The starting position is lying on the simulator, the lower back is pressed against the bench, the legs are comfortably on the rollers and fixed.
  2. As you exhale, slowly raise the body up, slightly rounding the back.
  3. On inspiration, we lower the body down without lying down on the bench, and then again repeat the rise up on the exhale.

Twisting on a Roman chair

Twisting allows you to keep your abdominal muscles in good shape. It is very important to consider that this exercise is performed slowly and calmly, without sudden movements to avoid possible back injuries. Technique:

Raising legs on uneven bars

This exercise allows you to qualitatively work out the muscles lower press and remove the protruding tummy. The exercise has a good effect, while the execution technique is simple:

  1. We stand on the bars with straight arms (if it’s hard on straight lines, you can on the elbows), we tilt the chest forward a little. The head and chest are on the same line.
  2. We raise the legs bent at the knees to the chest.
  3. We lower to the starting position.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Don't be chasing abs or toned buttocks forget about the chest muscles. But here it should be taken into account that the principles of women's and male workout breasts should be different. Women should focus on upper muscles breasts and do not pump the lower ones. And for men, the load should be distributed evenly.

Let's take a look at a few chest exercises that are popular in the gym.


To perform this exercise, a “pack-deck” simulator is used, consisting of a bench with a back and two levers. The essence of the butterfly exercise is to bring the levers together. Let's look at the technique in more detail:

  1. We sit down on a bench, press our backs and the back of our heads to the back, feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the handles with your palms.
  2. On the exhale, pushing the levers, we bring our hands together in front of us. We linger for a second in this position, straining the pectoral muscles.
  3. While inhaling, slowly and smoothly return the hands to their original position.
  4. We repeat the exercises as many times as necessary.

Bench press in the Hammer simulator

Exercise to work out the muscles of the lower chest.


  1. We sit in the simulator, tightly pressing the body to the back. The shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. On exhalation, we gently push the simulator forward, tensing the pectoral muscles and focusing on the elbows.
  3. In the extreme position, we linger for a couple of seconds and, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.

Hammer bench press, video

Exercises for the shoulder girdle and arms

Arm muscles should be effectively worked out for both men and women. After all, the structural features of the hormonal system will not allow a woman to pump her hands without using additional funds. However, it is worth considering the difference in weight and the number of approaches for losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

Bending the arms on the Scott bench

The exercise works well on the shoulders, back and biceps. Technique:

Bicep Curl

To perform a biceps workout in isolation, you can perform curls on a biceps machine. The technique is simple, the exercise is safe even for beginners.

  1. We set the desired weight, sit on the bench, put our elbows on the stands and take hold of the handles. The elbows are in line with the shoulders.
  2. Using the strength of the forearms, as you exhale, raise the handles.
  3. Slowly lower the handles to the starting position while inhaling and repeat the exercise again.

Projectile exercises

Also, exercises with shells have become classics of training in the gym, most often dumbbells or a barbell are currently used. Consider a few classic exercises with projectiles.

Bench press with a barbell

The bench press is an exercise aimed at working out the muscles of the chest, back and arms. Considered basic. Bench press is best done on a bench. Technique:

  1. We lie down on the bench on our back so that the bar is at eye level. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet are flat on the floor, the main weight is distributed on the heels, the lower back is slightly arched, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. We take the neck with a direct grip.
  3. As you exhale, raise the neck above you so that it is slightly above the bottom of the chest.
  4. On an inhale, lower the bar back to the starting position.


Exercise to work out the muscles of the body, as well as the shoulder blades and buttocks. When performing a deadlift, you must clearly follow all the instructions, in no case arching your back up. It can be performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. Consider the technique of performing with a barbell:

  1. The starting position is standing in front of the bar, the legs are slightly narrower than the shoulders, the back is straight, the pelvis is laid back, the head looks straight.
  2. We tilt the body forward with simultaneous abduction of the pelvis and bending of the knees, arms lowered down.
  3. Without deviating in the body, we squat a little to take the bar.
  4. We take the bar with our palms towards us.
  5. As you exhale, gently straighten your legs, then unbend your back, holding the bar in your hands.
  6. While inhaling, we lower the neck into place, avoiding the rounding of the back. We repeat again.

Deadlift technique, video

Is it possible to continue exercising in the gym if you overworked and your muscles hurt after a workout

Often beginners have muscle soreness the next day after training. And many people ask themselves: is it worth going to a workout when you overwork and feel pain in your muscles, or is it better to skip it?

If the pain is tolerable and evenly distributed to all muscle groups involved in the training, then it is worth continuing to exercise according to the chosen scheme, perhaps slightly reducing the intensity. The pain after warming up the muscles will be less. Still, it's worth taking the time to recover. It is better to do it not every day, but every other day, while alternating trainings for different muscle groups.

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then pain serves as an identifier for the recovery of a particular muscle group. In order for the muscle to increase in volume, it is necessary that after each workout it is fully restored. This explains the recommendation of trainers to work out one muscle group about once a week.

In general, it is worth understanding that muscle pain after training is absolutely normal, and you should not be afraid. However, you need to pay attention to pain if:

  • something hurts very much, locally and interferes with normal life;
  • pain is localized in the joint area;
  • swelling and redness are observed.

These symptoms may indicate injury or inflammation. However, the most common cause of post-workout muscle soreness is lactic acid, which is produced during exercise. To reduce the manifestations of pain after training, you can adhere to general rules and the principles described at the beginning of the article.

Now you know all aspects of self-training in the gym, all that remains is to walk and swing. Gym is a great place for sports. Firstly, because each simulator helps to work out a certain muscle group purposefully. Secondly, because the very atmosphere that reigns in the gym often motivates you to achieve your goals more than single home workouts. Therefore, if you want to lose weight or build muscle, exercising in the gym will be one of the best options. Especially now that you know the basic principles and techniques for performing exercises on simulators.