The best time to catch silver carp. Tips for choosing tackle and bait for catching trophy silver carp in winter

Fishing has become an indispensable hobby for many people, a way of spending leisure time. Sometimes having a catch doesn't really matter. But the enthusiasm and excitement experienced during biting and catching are irreplaceable. And when you manage to fish out a significant trophy, then days and hours are literally counted until the next opportunity to go to the reservoir. The silver carp sometimes reaches such an impressive size that such prey is a significant reason for the pride and boast of any fisherman. To achieve this goal, they go to very costly tricks - they use special gear,. But do-it-yourself bait for silver carp is prepared very simply, it is no less effective and at the same time economical.

The homeland of the silver carp is the warm Amur River. It was from there that this type of fish was artificially distributed to other habitats. in different reservoirs, but will breed only in warm running water. These aquatic inhabitants come in two colors:

  • white;
  • motley.

Individuals of white color are larger in size compared to variegated ones. Silver carps can have different dimensions and body weight (up to 20 kg on average). Nevertheless, a young specimen weighing 1.5 kg is a great success for the angler.

Silver carps, unlike other fish, do not give the usual bite, they completely swallow the bait with a hook. Previously, seeing no other possibility, they were caught only with nets. This fish feeds on plankton, and due to its physiological structure absorbs food by filtering water. Therefore, muddy water, saturated with planktonic microorganisms, is most attractive to them. It is this nuance that is used by modern anglers. Now floats are used, together with purchased technoplankton or do-it-yourself bait for catching silver carp.

The use of technoplankton in the hunt for silver carp

Technoplankton is an artificially synthesized bait, which is produced in the form of tablets, consisting of a pressed powder. It is sold in specialized fishing stores. This agent, gradually dissolving in water, creates a muddy area, similar to a natural accumulation of plankton, actively attracting silver carp to the required place.

Technoplankton in its composition has flavored components that increase the appetite of fish. Successful scents:

  • vanilla;
  • honey;
  • strawberries;
  • anise and the like.

Soaking in the water, technoplankton gives off a fragrant wave, to which the olfactory organs of the silver carp react. A hungry fish goes to Right place, actively absorbs food, falling on the hook. Catching silver carp using technoplankton is very successful, but has a significant disadvantage - the high cost of this bait. Everyone wants the ends to justify the means. Therefore, fishermen find alternative ways.

Advice! Bait for silver carp, made with your own hands from inexpensive products available in every home, if properly prepared, is no less effective than purchased.

Components used for bait for silver carp

This fish can also be caught on porridge, the main thing is to add ingredients that can be sprayed to create the appearance of saturation with natural plankton, which lures these aquatic inhabitants.

You can prepare bait on your own from any cereal, but with the obligatory addition of one or more components:

Advice! Self-prepared bait significantly saves financial resources. But still, you do not need to use low-quality products if you want to achieve the effectiveness of the resulting product.

It serves as a good basis for preparing bait for silver carp. At the same time, it is important that it boils well, so you need to purchase high-grade peas. To prepare bait, which is enough for several fishing trips, it is enough to take 1 kg of the product. Then divide it into parts and store in the refrigerator until the next outing to the reservoir.

Each angler has his own recipes and ingredients for attracting silver carp, but there is a rule that must be followed by everyone.

Advice! The bait should have a pasty consistency, and also include components that will contribute to the gradual dissolution and the formation of a cloudy cloud, similar to a large accumulation of planktonic microorganisms.

Bait recipes for silver carp

Bait can consist of a wide variety of ingredients, so when preparing it, fishermen turn on their imagination and often experiment. But it is important to observe the measure in additives. Since an excess of aromas, as well as the use of components that are unpleasant or unappetizing for the silver carp, can scare away the fish. To avoid a bad experience, we offer the following do-it-yourself bait recipes, the effectiveness of which has been proven over the years.

Groundbait with a base of peas


In a large saucepan, at least 5 liters, it is necessary to heat the water to a hot state, but not boiling, and pour 1 kg of yellow peas of the highest grade into it. Peas can quickly burn and boil away, so it's best to keep an eye on them while stirring. As soon as it boils, add a tablespoon of soda and put on a small fire. Next, wait until the peas are completely boiled, on average it takes about three hours.

If you do not want to wait until the peas are completely boiled, then you can do this. At a certain stage, the resulting puree must be rubbed through a sieve, since then only porridge without solid particles will be needed. Place it again on the stove, and after boiling, begin to gradually fall asleep, stirring regularly to avoid the formation of lumps.

Advice! Make sure the peas don't burn. The silver carp will never go for the slightest smell of burning. And also thoroughly knead the bait to prevent the formation of lumps and clots.

Next, remove the semi-finished product from the heat and continue adding semolina, as well as active mixing, until a pasty mass is obtained. It must be placed on a surface previously sprinkled with semolina, and kneaded until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

Then melt the honey in a water bath and add it to. For better mixing, you can divide the dough into parts by adding honey and kneading each separately. The finished product is enough for several forays into the reservoir. Temporarily unnecessary bait is stored in the refrigerator.

Bait based on flour, bran and milk powder


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 kg;
  • bran - 1 kg;
  • dry milk - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • potato starch - 50 g;
  • sand, ideally from the shore of the reservoir where fishing is planned (but any other is possible).

In a deep saucepan, mix flour, milk powder, starch, vanilla sugar. Gradually add boiled water to the mixture, stirring constantly to avoid the appearance of lumps. Thus, you need to achieve a creamy consistency. In order to achieve the required density, add bran and sand to this mass, mix thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour until fully cooked.

Preparation of bait for silver carp does not imply any particular difficulties and financial costs. Simple inexpensive ingredients that do not have a strong odor are used. The main thing is to avoid burning and get a pasty product, without clots, which, when dissolved, will create a cloud of turbidity, reminiscent of the favorite plankton of silver carp.

On warm days, closer to dinner, on a fresh water reservoir, when the bite of crucian carp, carp and carp is reduced, you can see the huge backs of fish near the surface of the water. It feeds near the surface of a flock of silver carps. However, it is not easy to catch them. In this article we will talk about how to catch this cautious fish.

A distinctive feature of these fish is a large head, low-lying eyes, and the structure of the mouth, unusual for fish, with the lower jaw extended forward and upward. This is due to the fact that it filters water with food, swimming up to the food from below.

Silver carp - imported freshwater fish, which has taken root in Russian reservoirs. A well-heated lake without running water is the main condition for its habitat.


Together with plankton, which is the main food, the silver carp absorbs blue-green algae, so this fish is a kind of orderly of the reservoir, preventing the water from “blooming”. For this purpose, it is often bred in ponds with standing water. If there is not enough food, algae, insect larvae, and fry go to the silver carp.

Strongly complicated by the peculiarities of his diet. It reacts weakly to various baits, especially when there is enough natural food in the water. Therefore, for many, especially beginner anglers, the question arises, how to catch a silver carp, which can affect the positive outcome of fishing?

Choosing the right place is one of the keys to successful fishing. You can get a trophy in the form of a silver carp only if the place of fishing satisfies the following conditions:

In addition, fishing for silver carp depends on the season and time of day. The best period for biting is the middle of spring - the beginning of autumn, when the reservoir has already warmed up. Regardless of the time of year, silver carp should only be caught during daylight hours. In addition, the bite will be weak, or it will not occur at all if there is enough food in the water for all individuals. With the beginning of autumn, the amount of food decreases, respectively, the chances of catching fish increase.

Throw gear and bait preferably in a favorite place of this fish - trough margin offshore. And before you catch silver carp, you need to find out where this place is located. To improve the bite, bait of plant origin is used, which is loosely stuffed with a feeder with large cells. If the food is chosen correctly, its particles rise to the top with the slightest movement of water. As a result, a kind of cloud forms around the feeder, resembling the usual food of silver carp - plankton. With intensive feeding, after a while you can see fish jumping out of the water. In this place, after a while, intensive fishing can begin.

Tackle for fishing

You can catch silver carp both with a float rod in shallow water, and at the bottom with special gear. It must be borne in mind that both the float and the bottom fishing rod for catching silver carp must be very strong and withstand powerful jerks and extraordinary movements of the fish if it has been hooked. At the same time, both of these types of gear are very similar, but there are differences:

  • in a fishing rod designed for fishing from the bottom there is no float;
  • when bottom fishing, foam balls are put on the hook to raise the baited hook above the bottom;
  • equipment installation.

float rod

If you fish with a float rod, Special attention should be referred to the following equipment features:

The more food around the hook, the more promising the opportunity to catch silver carp. At the same time, it must be remembered that a wave or current can carry tackle from food particles floating in the water. Therefore, when installing equipment use a sliding sinker, allowing you to keep the rod in one place. It is better to cope with this problem without a rigidly fixed float. Such an assembly will help to fix the tackle relative to the rod and load, when it is thrown into the water, the fishing line with the feeder and hooks is afloat, held by the float, while the sinker lies on the bottom.

By equipping the rod with a feeder with bait or technoplankton, the possibilities of a good catch increase many times over. After all, trying to suck the feeder with bait, the silver carp swallows the hooks located near the feed.

When choosing bait and bait, you need to focus on the usual silver carp food in the reservoir chosen for fishing. The smaller the current, the looser the bait should be. Lures are more effective when they are at a depth of 50 cm.

To increase the chances of being caught, attachments are attached to the hook of the fishing rod. A variety of plant products can serve as bait, for example, corn, bread, peas. Bait and bait should not contain artificial flavors, because a strong smell will only scare away the fish.

Also there are several factors, preventing catching silver carp on a bait:

  • the timid silver carp does not come close to the shore where the fisherman is, and at the slightest noise goes into the depths;
  • at an average depth where the silver carp “grazes”, the equipment can be carried by the current away from the bait;
  • tackle must be thrown far, which is sometimes difficult;
  • it is desirable to catch in a camouflage suit.

With a lack of food on the surface of the water, the silver carp goes to the bottom in search of food. In this case, it is advisable to use bottom gear for fishing.

How to catch

Since the silver carp is afraid of everything unfamiliar to him, his bite is very cautious. In order not to miss this moment while fishing, it is necessary follow the float. When biting, the float antenna begins to slowly sink, here it is important, after holding for 2-3 seconds, gently, without jerking, hook the fish and raise the rod vertically. If you do not have time to do this before the silver carp has time to make a breakthrough, then, most likely, the gear will break.

Without resistance, the fish will not give up, and in order to surely catch the trophy, it will take a long time to fish it out. This process takes a long time, while it is necessary to direct the rod away from the reservoir, parallel to the plane of the water, if the fish moves towards the shore, or, put it almost vertically when the silver carp turns around and swims to the middle of the reservoir.

You can pull a silver carp to the shore only if he's frazzled enough. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is impossible to get fish out of the water with your hands, because the silver carp can make a powerful jerk with its last strength and injure the fisherman. In addition, violently resisting, the silver carp may try to escape into the thickets, and if he succeeds, then all attempts to bring him back will be hopeless.

Catching silver carp is very difficult, and this fishing is different from catching other fish, so constant experimentation and the use of various gear are the main assistants for successful silver carp fishing!

In the waters of central Europe, the silver carp is known to anglers as a too cautious and shy inhabitant, which is not only difficult to lure, but also to drop out of the water.

The fish is uncommonly strong and can put up a "heroic" resistance, sometimes forcing the fishermen to dive behind them. Fleeing, the silver carp goes into the jungle of coastal vegetation.

For a good catch and enjoyment of fishing, you need to choose the right tackle and bait wisely. Below we will consider how to prepare lure, bait, features of gear and fishing by season.

Who it

Silver carp is a freshwater schooling fish of the carp family. They call it differently silver carp, and because the silver carp eats algae abundantly, the Chinese called him water goat. Subspecies of silver carps are variegated, white, hybrid. Some individuals reach sizes over 1 meter and weight 50 kg; ordinary average weight- 5-20 kg.

The meat of silver carps has a specific delicate flavor, fatty and juicy. It is baked in the oven, fried, minced meat for cutlets or meatballs. A rich ear is obtained from the head, which, even at a low room temperature, can freeze into jelly.

This species of fish is widely distributed in the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere of Eurasia and America. The annual amount of industrial catch by nets is estimated at tens of thousands of tons, and the size of catches for amateur fishermen will depend on the time of year, places and fishing techniques.


At the age of 5 or 6 years, silver carps begin spawning. The female lays floating eggs, numbering about half a million pieces. This process occurs during the summer flood of early June at a water temperature of 18-22°C, mostly in places of whirlpools or strong currents. Further, the size of the eggs increases and thus they begin to develop. A fish from a fry turns into an adult, ready to be caught, after 1.5 years.

What does it eat

Zooplankton- the basis of the diet of juveniles. After three months from frying, the fish will switch to a mixed diet including detritus, phytoplankton and underwater vegetation. It happens that silver carps are specially bred in overgrown ponds, as they are excellent "ameliorators" of reservoirs.

Where does it live

Mouths of tributaries. At the confluence, the water is more enriched with oxygen, and this is the main reason for the abundance of food. In this part of the water area, silver carp should be caught in calm, and where the current is most calm.

Depths. For fishing deep places you can not do without a boat. Catching a silver carp at a depth is quite a troublesome task, but trophy specimens come across.

Coastal zone. Fishing from the shore is easy, as silver carps love to come out onto the sun-warmed shallows to feed. But even here there are difficulties - a large fish will uncontrollably try to slip into the coastal thickets, and then it will not be pulled out from there. Large specimens near the coast are rare, most often they appear if there is a cliff to the depth nearby. In such places, it is good to catch on tackle, nicknamed the “silver carp killer”.

Underwater braid. Standing in shallow water, it is easiest to catch a silver carp. Near the spit, there is usually no food base, and the fish here are more willing to take any bait.

Flat bottom with little current. In such an area, silver carps love to relax. In appearance, the place is good for fishing, but not for the silver carp. The problem is the supply of complementary foods; The fish just gets scared and leaves. Sometimes they try to correct the situation using a boat, but this option is also ineffective.

What time of year to fish

Often at sunset, flocks of silver carps come close to the shore, and with the first rays of the sun they swim away for long distances. This behavior is explained by the abundance of food in the coastal zone and the caution of the fish. In the cold months of the year, when the water temperature does not rise above 10 ° C, you can no longer see the silver carp near the shore; the fish goes to the depths for "wintering".

Fishing in the spring

With the first warmth, the silver carps are still at the bottom and feed on detritus. After a few sunny days, schools of fish begin to gradually approach shallow water, where you can feast on young algae. As they grow, the zhor becomes more intense, therefore, the bite becomes more active. Best time for fishing in early spring- middle of April when zoo- and phytoplankton had already appeared; end of May - the beginning of spawning.

In summer

The last week of May and the first third of June is the spawning time for silver carp. During this period, it is recommended to give the fish the opportunity to calmly release offspring. Therefore, this type of fish begins to peck from the end of June. In summer, silver carps have an appetite for a herbivore, they now and then engage in gluttony in grandiose volumes (most likely, that is why they grow to the same size).

In summer, the activity of biting depends little on the weather (as with all cyprinids), and the largest peak is observed at dawn (from 3 to 5 o'clock) and in the morning at 7-9 o'clock.

On a note. Due to their excessive fearfulness, silver carps never come too close to the shore if there are people there or noise is heard. Therefore, anglers often have to build shelters and exclude the slightest sound.

The instability of the bite, even with an attractive bait, occurs due to water blooms in early August. Due to the abundance of natural food, fish pay less attention to complementary foods or baits. Often the complete absence of biting is observed on hot sunny afternoons.


With the intensity of cooling, aquatic vegetation also disappears. Silver carps are forced to gradually retreat in search of food to the depths of water bodies. Until the beginning of October, when the coastal water temperature does not yet fall below +10, fishing can be successful at any time of the day. And the days are not too hot, and in aquatic environment the heat-loving silver carp is comfortable.

At the silver carp good bite during protracted bad weather, which just abounds autumn season. late autumn fish completely refuses to bite, as well as from food in general. The fish that have fattened during the warm period of the year begin to occupy places for wintering in deep bottom pits. The latest time of the year for catching silver carp is rare sunny and warm November days. There is also winter fishing with its own characteristics, but this is the plot of another story.

What to catch


Technoplankton is called compressed food placed in a small barrel. Technoplankton dissolved in water comes out of this tank, creating a cloud of turbidity on the water surface, which attracts silver carps.

Attention! When buying technoplankton on the market, do not take cheap stuff. In such cases, it is highly likely that the food in the water will not dissolve properly or at all, and the barrel will simply sink to the bottom.

Tackle killer

"Big Killer"- This is a tackle for surface fishing, based on a feeder with several hooks and a large float. The distance between them is 30 cm. After casting, a cloudy sphere is created around the hooks, similar to the concentration of natural zooplankton. The fish, unaware of the trick, swallows this cloud of turbidity along with the hooks.

Attached to the fishing line above the float "anchor". Due to this gravity, the float occupies a vertical position, and the feeder descends under the surface of the water to a certain depth.

Low probability of line tangling and reduced windage of the system are considered the main advantages of this gear. However, the “silver carp killer” is difficult to use in strong currents, when every now and then you have to recast tackle.

On the float

For float fishing silver carp is used special equipment specially for technoplankton. The kit includes a short and flexible rod (up to 5 m) with guide rings, which is equipped with spinning coil with reliable brakes.

The main fishing line should be nylon, 0.3-0.4 mm thick. The leash can be made from braided line with lower breaking force than the main line. Hook sizes should be in the range of numbers 5-8, they should be light and strong enough to cope with powerful jerks and turns of a strong silver carp.

On a note. When one fish is off the hook, the whole flock of silver carps will leave the place of fishing.

The float should be of greater carrying capacity, in contrast to the mass of the equipment. Usually sliding varieties of floats are used - from 30 to 40 grams. The range of movement of the float is limited on the sides by rubber dampers. Above the float, a weight (anchor) is attached to the line, which lowers the line to the bottom.

Bottom tackle

Bottom gear is used for catching silver carp at a considerable distance from the coastline. It can be either a regular donk or a feeder. Changes were also made to this equipment in connection with the use of technoplankton.

The rod should be short and stiff. A silver carp stick is tied to the main line - mesh feeders with a central loop. Barrels with technoplankton are placed in the feeders. 2-3 leashes are tied to the branches of the trempel.

What to feed

The natural diet of silver carps is underwater plants, larvae, drowned insects, phytoplankton. For bait, cereal bran, garden green leaves, bloodworm, maggot, as well as flour or flour consistency from other products are used. It is needed to create a nutrient cloudy cloud in the water, and this is the main condition in catching silver carp.

Important! Both groundbait and bait should be free of artificial flavors. The fish will not go for strong odors. For cooking, it is enough to use natural products that do not deplete odors when dry, but they will certainly appear in water.

Groundbait Recipe #1: Millet

To prepare an enticing mixture for silver carp, you need to take:

  • 2 kg of millet;
  • half a pack of breadcrumbs;
  • a glass of cake;
  • 50 g of dry milk.

Cooking is simple. Millet should be divided into two parts: 700 and 1300 grams each. Boil the larger part, stirring for 15 minutes, then let stand in a closed saucepan for a couple of hours. The second part of the millet must be ground to the consistency of flour and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Boiled frozen millet should be divided into small pieces, wrapped in a flour composition and laid out to dry.

Recipe number 2: pea with honey

There is also a feeding option. To prepare it, you need to collect the following components:

  • 20 g of honey;
  • 1.5 kg of dry peas;
  • 3 kg of semolina.

Peas need to be boiled. To do this, it does not need to be soaked, just pour it into boiling water and cook over low heat for 3 hours. To get a homogeneous porridge, it is necessary to periodically stir the contents of the pan all this time.

Next, you need to properly cook semolina. It is cooked for 4 minutes with a maximum of water. After this time, the water must be drained, leaving only the level of porridge. Then, on a minimum heat, you still need to cook, be sure to stir, until a consistency that will not stick to your fingers.

On final stage mix semolina, peas and honey. Divide the mixture into small pieces and leave to dry. The result should be hard, but not brittle balls. They will be suitable for fishing for a week if they are stored in an airtight container at a temperature not exceeding +5-8°C.

Recipe number 3: corn-rice

For the following recipe for an attractive lure for silver carp, we will prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 2 cups corn kernels;
  • 2 cups of breading;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • parsley.

Cooking is also very easy. Rice must be boiled so that a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained. Boil corn. Add corn, breading, honey, grated greens to this rice mass and mix thoroughly. When cooling, a consistency is obtained, which, after the formation of balls, becomes dense and elastic, and will gradually dissolve in water.

fishing technique

Catching a silver carp is distinguished by unpredictability, like sea ​​fishing. An excellent catch in such fishing is often replaced by disappointment and a long rest.

On technoplankton

The method of fishing for technoplankton is unique. Bare hooks are located above the barrel of food. All this is kept afloat thanks to the foam shells put on the keg and the base of the hooks. The bait dissolves in water, forming a nutrient haze, in which the hooks are invisible. Unaware of the trick, the silver carp swallow these muddy areas along with the hooks.

The secret of fishing technique for technoplankton lies in the correct preparation of the bait. It should dissolve in water not too quickly and not too slowly, creating an opaque cloudy cloud that can stay in one place for a sufficiently long time. Fishing for technoplankton does not depend on the season, except for the winter months.

Catching a "killer" silver carp

If there is a lot of food around the hooks, then the probability of catching a silver carp is significant. The essence of this tackle is the ability to hold hooks and floating food around them in one place. This function is assigned to a sliding sinker and a loosely fixed float. In such an assembly, the tackle is held relative to the load and rod during casting.

The load acts as an anchor at the bottom, pulling the fishing line with the feeder and hooks to a certain depth. The angler can adjust the level of immersion by setting the desired length of line from the feeder to the float.

On the bottom tackle

Bottom line fishing usually promises a big catch. It's all about fishing technique. big fish not only difficult to pull ashore, but also to pull her towards you. catch on bottom tackle better away from aquatic vegetation. When pulling up, the fish goes to the sides, and if it swims into the algae, then all attempts to pull it out of there will be doomed to failure.

A large silver carp can be pulled to the shore only if its strength is already at the limit and it is already almost exhausted. Thus, bottom fishing for large trophies takes time from half an hour or more. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is impossible to pull large individuals onto land; this is a strong fish, and its sharp jerk can easily injure the fisherman. To get a silver carp out of the water, you need to prepare a hook or a landing net of the appropriate size in advance.

On the float

One feature of silver carp fishing on a float can be distinguished. When the float antenna has just begun to go underwater, it is important pause for 3 seconds, and only then, without a jerk, make a soft hook, lifting the rod vertically. Due to the peculiarities of the behavior of this fish, silver carps, being afraid of something wrong, make jerks themselves. If you rush to make a cut, then the fish in most cases breaks down.

A sharp jerk with the rod can also lead to a break in the tackle. if a large copy is caught. Here it is worth recalling that when you are going to catch silver carp, it is not advisable to take gear with a fishing line with a thickness of at least 0.4 mm.

On a spring

The technique of fishing on a spring is not much different from other types of fishing described. The spring is a feeder, twisted in the form of a rhombus, technoplankton is placed in it. Leashes with hooks are attached to the ends of the spring trempel. A loaded spring creates a cloud of pseudoplankton that hides the hooks. Tackle with springs is best suited if you plan to catch silver carp not deep from the surface.

The silver carp is an overly cautious and shy fish, and often, failing to cope with one individual, you can ruin the whole fishing; the flock will just go somewhere else. It is recommended to adhere to the utmost silence, to use disguise.

It is not advisable to collect gear with a main line with a diameter of less than 0.3 mm. To fight a silver carp, you should prepare a small hook and a landing net with a handle commensurate in length with the rod.

To provide lucky catch on the river, you need to take care of protecting the gear from the influence of the current; a sliding sinker helps a lot with this.

There is heavy and light bait. A heavy one creates a denser haze cloud, a lighter one provides additional attraction.

Catchability does not depend on the type of gear, both float and bottom gear have their advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the living conditions of the fish in a particular place.

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil. I am a professional fisherman.

Catching silver carp in autumn has its own specifics and differs from summer fishing to which most anglers are accustomed. However, during this period, hunting for this fish can also be successful. To do this, it is necessary to study the reservoir in detail, to know the habits of this underwater inhabitant, to select suitable gear and baits.

Over the summer, the silver carp puts on a decent weight and accumulates a considerable amount of fat. This fish has the most delicious meat just in the fall. Therefore, with the onset of this period, you do not need to put off gear and switch to a predator, but you should definitely try to get out to a suitable promising reservoir and try to catch this underwater giant.

For bottom fishing or feeder fishing, powerful rods with reinforced rings, an impressive margin of safety and good long-range characteristics are used. If there is a high probability of biting a significant trophy, then it is advisable to choose a carp fishing rod.

Photo 2. Bottom mounting on a silver carp.

The leashes used should be thinner than the main fishing line, but not so much that it is easy to tear from jerks even of a medium-sized silver carp. Suitable monofilament fishing line with a diameter in the region of 0.20-0.25 mm. In reservoirs where it is known that trophy fish are not found there, you can take nylon 0.15-0.18 mm thick.


The best bait for this fish at any time of the year is technoplankton. It is with this nozzle that you can achieve the most impressive results in the fall. Its properties make it possible to hunt for silver carp in any body of water, regardless of the presence of a current and the composition of the food supply. Or corn

Catching silver carp in the summer is highly productive, since during this period there is a lot of organic food in the reservoir. And, given that this is a bright representative of vegetarians among other freshwater inhabitants, it can only be caught on natural baits.

The silver carp is a rather secretive, cautious and strong rival, which can reach over one meter in length and weigh up to 40 kg, in order to catch it, you will have to make a lot of effort and have certain knowledge. In particular, you need to know what the silver carp pecks at in the summer, where to look for it and what gear you need to choose.

Behavioral Features

IN summer season When there is a large amount of living and plant food base in the reservoir, the silver carp practically does not pay attention to artificial baits. This is especially evident in hot weather, the food becomes more diverse and it is difficult to surprise the fish with something, to attract its attention.

It is necessary to catch fish in the early morning in areas of a reservoir with clean water. In muddy water, which is overgrown with grass and duckweed, a flock of silver carp does not live.

In summer, the most effective gear is shown float rod and spinning tackle. Fishing takes place at a depth of 2-3 m from the surface of the water - in clear weather, but on cloudy days the object of fishing hides in burrowed places and driftwood, it is recommended to cast the rod a little deeper.

Algae are considered the best bait for a voracious silver carp. It is also called a "meliorator", the reservoir literally begins to come to life in a short time, all excess vegetation is destroyed.

In Germany, in 1933, a specimen of record weight was caught, its mass was 47 kg.

Behavior features:

  • The fish shows maximum activity at a temperature in the water of 25 degrees, since it is a heat-loving aquatic inhabitant. The biting in such conditions is quite active, while the rest of the representatives of the reservoir try to lower it to the bottom, to a cooler place.
  • You should not count on bites in cloudy and cold weather, the fish does not react to any bait. If the water temperature drops below +8, then it goes to the depth.

The fish grows slowly. Its weight by the year is only 60 g, by four - up to 4 kg. Given this feature of the white silver carp, it is almost impossible to meet it in the wild.

The silver carp is able to jump to a height of up to 2 m in case of sudden and unexpected sounds.

Where the fish live and the choice of promising places

June is the busiest summer month in terms of silver carp fishing. The water in the reservoir is already warm enough, the food base is in abundance. The fish tries to eat after a long winter. Hunting for her will be successful in almost any body of water where she prefers to live. But, the catch is most often made up of small and medium-sized specimens.

Catch a silver carp in July will be somewhat more difficult, bites will be short-lived. This month there is some calm, here you have to pick up a catchy bait by experimenting with baits.

In August, silver carp fishing becomes effective again, the probability of catching a trophy individual is high. Lures of natural origin are given priority.

It is better to hunt silver carp in summer in rivers, lakes and reservoirs where there is no strong current. The largest accumulation of fish is found in the shallows, as the water there heats up faster under the rays of the morning sun.

The flock's favorite places include backwaters, bays with warm water. Fish are caught at medium depths. It happens that fishing is profitable in reservoirs and canals located near power plants, in areas where there is warm water.

Especially many specimens can be found in lakes and rivers with dense vegetation, heavily overgrown with grass, with a muddy bottom. Effective fishing for silver carp in ponds with stagnant water.

You can verify the presence of an object of fishing in a particular reservoir as follows:

  • In the proposed place of fishing, it is necessary to break off the stalks of reeds.
  • Drop them into the water.
  • Do the same manipulation at several fishing points.
  • After some time, check the reeds for integrity.
  • A gnawed plant will indicate the presence of fish in this place.

Summer to choose promising place needed for the following:

  • The bottom in a particular section of the reservoir should be rocky, sandy or clay.
  • The optimal depth is from 2.5 to 3 m.
  • It is better if the wind direction is oncoming.
  • There should be clean and clear water at the fishing point.

Clear water and rocky bottom are the favorite habitats of silver carp. It is not found in water areas with dirty water.

Planning fishing is more effective in warm and windy weather.

What are the requirements for baits

Given that this is a herbivorous inhabitant of the reservoir and its mouth is adapted to collect plankton from the bottom, it is recommended to choose the bait more carefully than when catching other fish. Here it is important to attract his attention by using a sinking bait that can create a cloudy cloud around itself.

The use of a bait mixture will increase the chances of a catch. It should be a dense mass with a pleasant aroma for fish (vanilla, honey, strawberries, raspberries, etc.)

To prevent the bait from sinking to the bottom and being above its surface, you need to put a small foam ball on the hook.

There should be several bait options in the arsenal. Experimenting with them, the angler selects the most catchy ingredient (grains of canned corn, boiled peas, pieces of vegetables, etc.).

What are they catching

From natural catchy baits you can note:

  • Grains of green peas, which are planted on a hook in 2-3 pieces, masking a sharp sting.
  • Canned corn grains, they are used similarly to peas.
  • Small pieces of vegetables, such as cabbage leaves.
  • Porridge. The most popular is semolina and millet porridge.
  • A crumb of white bread. The main thing is that the sting must be completely closed.
  • Fragments of young reed shoots that grow near a reservoir.

As part of the bait mixtures, algae should be present as a favorite delicacy of fish.

Of the store baits, ready-made technoplankton is especially effective. This is a compressed plant food, which, under the influence of water, begins to gradually soak and form a cloudy cloud attractive for prey. It contains various taste and aromatic components.

In specialized outlets, you can buy technoplankton with the addition of anise, strawberries, honey, vanilla, blood, raspberries, bloodworms. The bait looks like a small barrel and is used when fishing with a bottom rod.

High-calorie technoplankton to attract silver carp

It happens that you can also catch a voracious individual on foam balls 5-8 mm in diameter, put on 2-3 pieces per hook. A good catch can be obtained using only a bare hook, which is pre-wrapped with algae.

You can attract the attention of prey with such an interesting bait as mashed boiled peas with the addition of breadcrumbs. It is served in a feeder net; in this case, the sinker does not need to be used.

Using Makukha also gives high score. The main thing is to choose a fresh and fragrant product. The time of decay in the water of the cake is 15-60 minutes, while creating an effective cloudy cloud with an attractive smell. Silver carp is sure to pay attention to such a bait.

For information! Makukha should not be dipped in vegetable oil, it will not be able to completely spray.

There are several effective recipes making your own bait mix:

  1. Pour 4 liters of water into a container and bring to a boil. Pour 1 kg of peas into it, reduce the heat and cook until cooked for 4 hours. The main thing is to make sure that the peas do not burn. After that, boiled peas must be filtered through a colander and boil 2.5 kg of semolina in the resulting broth. Porridge should be without lumps. The cooled semolina is kneaded until it sticks to the hands. You need to store the bait in the refrigerator, after adding 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  2. It is necessary to mix semolina (500 g), corn flour (500 g), breadcrumbs (300 g), hominy (30 g) and sugar (3 g), a small amount of water with honey is added to the resulting mixture.
  3. Beat condensed milk with a mixer (1 jar), gradually adding 1 package of powdered cake and powdered milk. The consistency of the resulting substance should be similar to market sour cream. Place the mass for 40 minutes in the refrigerator. If necessary, you can add water if the mass is too steep.


Tackle for catching such a strong opponent as silver carp must necessarily be distinguished by increased strength. You can catch it with bottom or float gear.

To complete the bottom gear you will need:

  • leash 0.4 mm thick;
  • high-quality hooks with a sharp sting (No. 8,9,10);
  • strong rod up to 5 m long;
  • durable scaffolding 0.5 mm thick.

The classic version of bottom gear for silver carp

Fishing on the bottom gear does not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is that it should be a powerful tackle that can withstand the strong resistance of the object of fishing. The fishing thread used must also be of high quality and durable. It is good to use bottom tackle equipped with a springy feeder with a float. If hunting is carried out in water areas with a current, then it is recommended to mount feeders at a distance of at least 6 m from each other, which will prevent their entanglement.

To complete the float gear, you need to prepare:

  • inertialess coil model;
  • quality forest;
  • float, which top part painted blue, and the lower one is brighter;
  • sliding version of the float for mounting the sinker;
  • fishing rod up to 5 m long;
  • strong line, equipped with a sliding weight for choosing the depth of fishing;
  • a bead that will act as a stopper for the float;
  • bite alarms.

float tackle for catching silver carp

It is necessary to fill the feeder with plankton as tightly as possible so that the food can evenly wash out when immersed and create the necessary turbidity to attract fish.

High results are obtained by the use of a special tackle "silver carp killer", equipped with:

  • big float;
  • a feeder equipped with sharp hooks located 25-30 cm from the float;
  • large hooks that hang from the end of the tackle to hit directly into the muddy plume at the fishing point;
  • a sliding sinker installed a little higher from the float (a kind of anchor).

Gather tackle as follows:

  • thread the weight through the main forest;
  • string the float and limiter on the fishing line;
  • mount a crusher equipped with a bead;
  • tie a wand of a silver carp;
  • attach a feeder stuffed with food with hooks;
  • equip tackle with a spring;
  • lead the leashes from the stick out;
  • tackle is ready for use.

Whatever option of tackle is chosen, it should always be remembered that all its components must be of high quality and with a sufficient margin of safety. After all, you never know what size the catch will be.

Catching silver carp attracts with its unpredictability and a sense of adrenaline. In order for the catch to be of high quality, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this event: study the habitats, taste preferences of fish in a particular reservoir, prepare powerful gear. Do not be afraid to experiment with baits, this will only increase the chances of catching a trophy specimen.