Exercises to correct stoop. How to get rid of stoop

The posture of a person can tell quite a lot about his nature. It also displays the work of muscles and joints. In this article, you will find answers to all questions about posture problems and methods for correcting them, and how to get rid of stoop at home using a set of exercises.

Imagine standing in front of you a strong, confident and influential person. What does his body position look like? No doubt he is standing at full length with his chest outstretched and his head held high. Such a person looks like he is ready to move mountains.

Your appearance and how you feel is directly related to your posture. However, knowing its incredible importance, many of us do little to nothing to correct our stoop. Our lives go by with hunched backs, imbalanced hips, and putting up with pain as normal.

Age-related stoop and living with a twisted posture can be a dangerous thing. Imbalance in the muscles and ligaments that occurs due to incorrect body position can provoke the appearance of various kinds of problems:

  • Chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulders;
  • Injuries to the feet, knees, hips and back;
  • Headache;
  • stiffness;
  • fatigue;
  • Muscle weakness and atrophy;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Disorders of the digestive processes;
  • Pinching and compression of the nerve;
  • Sciatica (sciatic neuralgia);
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist.

But let's figure out how to get rid of stoop in adulthood and start correcting it without delay! By understanding what truly correct posture looks like, you can identify deviations in your own and determine the corrective exercises that work best for you. With the right body position and straight posture, your muscles will become stronger and work more efficiently, you can avoid pain and injury, improve your well-being and appearance.

To deal with the problem, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Most postural curvature is due to an imbalance in the muscles that work to hold the joint in place. In general terms, one muscle group is too tight and another group is too relaxed or weak.

For example, those who stoop often have a stooped back, because they are tense pectoral muscles, which pull the shoulders forward and turn them towards the center of the body. Add to this a weak back and here is the very imbalance that leads the shoulders forward from their ideal position. When such an imbalance occurs, overactive muscles try to compensate for underactive ones, which causes tension, fatigue and discomfort.

The simplest and most effective method do not slouch, correct the imbalance and live with a straight back until old age - stretch overactive muscles and strengthen inactive ones.

Baseline assessment and self-diagnosis

Perhaps you did not pay special attention your posture and you can’t even imagine how twisted it can be. If you are in doubt about whether you need posture correction, first do this check:

Dress in tight clothing so that you can fully see the position of your body. Stand barefoot, upright but comfortable, don't try to force yourself into what you think is the ideal position. To get an honest assessment, walk a little in place with your eyes closed. This will allow the feet to return to their normal position. Stop and freeze in place. Have someone take a picture of you from the front, side, and back.

This is what a properly aligned body position looks like:

Note that in these photos the joints are on top of each other. The ears are located above the shoulder joints, the ribs are above the hips, and the hips are above the heels. The pelvis and spine are in a neutral position. If the position of your body is similar to that described, then everything is fine with you!

Baseline assessment of postural deviations

Back, shoulders, hips and head

If your body position does not look straight, you may have one or more of the following postural abnormalities. Let's figure out how to determine these deviations and with the help of what strengthening exercises and stretching you can correct them.

Deviation 1: Slouching back and leaning back

The thighs are pressed forward and go beyond the front line of the ribs.

Overactive muscles: hamstring, erector spinae, gluteus maximus and medius, quadratus lumborum (buttocks, hamstrings, and lower back).

Muscle Stretching Exercises: Runner Stretches, The Most best stretch in the world", stretching gluteal muscles in a sitting position, lying twists, stretching of the hamstrings, independent myofascial release of the hamstrings (massage roller).

Inactive muscles: iliopsoas, rectus femoris (hip flexors and lower press) and the external oblique muscle.

Strengthening exercises: twisting "Cocoon", folding on a fitball, lifting legs in the hang, "scissors".

Deviation 2: Lower decussation syndrome

Excessive deflection in the lower back, the pelvis is tilted forward

Overactive muscles: iliopsoas and erector spinae (hip flexors and lower back).

Muscle stretching exercises: lunge with knee on the floor, "pyramid" on the fitball, stretching the quadriceps, independent myofascial release of the quadriceps, pulling the knees to the chest while lying down.

Inactive muscles: abdominal Press and the gluteus maximus.

Strengthening exercises: gluteal bridge, glute bridge on one leg, glute bridge on the fitball, twisting with raised legs, pull-ups in the "frog" from a prone position.

Deviation 3: Rounded shoulders

Shoulders go beyond the line of the ears

Overactive muscles: pectoralis major and minor.

Muscle stretching exercises: stretching the front delt, pulling the elbows back, stretching the deltas while sitting on a chair, stretching pectoral muscles on fitball, dynamic stretching of the pectoral muscles.

Inactive muscles: rotator cuff, Bottom part trapezius muscle, serratus anterior (muscles of the back around the shoulder blades and rear deltas).

Strengthening Exercises: Low Block Rows, Rear Delt Rows, Reach with Band, Shoulder External Rotation.

Deviation 4: Head forward

Ears go forward beyond the line of the shoulders

Overactive muscles: levator scapulae (muscles on the back of the neck that tilt the head back), neck extensors, top part trapezius muscle.

Muscle stretching exercises: independent myofascial release of the neck, chin to chest, stretching of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (take your arms as far back as possible with your palms up, turn your head to the side).

Inactive muscles: neck flexors (muscles in the front of the neck that tilt the head forward).

Strengthening exercises: isometric exercises for the front of the neck.

Deviation 5: Superior Cross Syndrome

Rounded shoulders with excessive curve

Overactive muscles: trapezius, levator scapulae, pectoralis major and minor, neck extensors (back of the neck, trapezius, upper back, and chest).

Muscle stretching exercises: dynamic pectoral stretch, self-myofascial release of the neck, chin to chest, front delt stretch, elbow abduction, chest stretch on the fitball, delt stretch while sitting on a chair.

Inactive muscles: rotator cuff, lower trapezius, rhomboids, serratus anterior, and deep extensors of the neck (muscles of the back around the shoulder blades of the dorsal heads of the deltas and front of the neck).

Strengthening exercises: isometric exercises for the front of the neck, pull on the low block, pulling the arms back with a band, external rotation of the shoulder, row for the rear delts.

Deviation 6: Head tilt

The head is inclined to one of the shoulders; may be accompanied by a reversal in this direction

Overactive muscles: the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the same name, inclined towards the center (the sternocleidomastoid muscle stretches from behind the ear to the collarbone, is responsible for tilting the chin down, moving the ear to the shoulder and turning the head).

Muscle stretching exercises: independent myofascial neck release, sternocleidomastoid stretch, lateral neck stretch.

Inactive muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle on the other side of the neck tilted from the center line.

Strengthening exercises: everyday movements (e.g., chew, carry, pull, or lift, use a mobile phone) load both sides evenly, isometric side exercises for the neck.

Deviation 7: uneven shoulders

One shoulder higher than the other

Overactive muscles: trapezius (muscle stretches from the back of the neck to the shoulder girdle) on the elevated side.

Muscle stretching exercises: lateral neck stretch, independent myofascial release of the neck.

Inactive muscles: Serratus anterior (the muscle runs from the top of the ribs to the shoulder blades, passing under the pectoral muscle) on the elevated side.

What exercises to do when one shoulder is higher than the other: perform daily movements (for example, carry something, pull, or lift, use mobile phone, chew food) evenly loading both sides; pull with one hand in the upper block.

Deviation 8: Skewed hips

One of hip joints is higher than the other, because of this, the impression of a difference in the length of the legs may be created

Overactive muscles: erector spinae and quadratus lumborum on the elevated side (muscles along the waist and outer thigh, lower back and thigh), internal and external obliques, hip abductors. Numerous other tissues in the knee, ankle, shoulder girdle, neck and lower back may also be hyperactive.

Stretching exercises: iliotibial tract stretch, tibial self myofascial release, runner stretch, World's Greatest Stretch, sitting buttocks stretch, prone twists, self myofascial release piriformis muscle, stretching for dancers.

Inactive muscles: depending on the situation

Strengthening Exercises: Avoid high impact exercises and high rep exercises (running, plyometrics, etc.) until your pelvis is aligned. This will reduce the risk of secondary injuries to the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back.

Basic Posture Analysis: Foot and Ankle

Feet and Ankles

Like the shoulders, hips and back, the feet and ankles also have their proper position. When properly positioned, the feet and ankles should point forward, not in or out.

Here are some common postural abnormalities in the feet and ankles. If you find yourself with one or more of these disorders, try stretching and strengthening exercises to alleviate the problem.

Deviation 9: Feet turned inward

Socks turned to the line passing through the center of the body

Overactive muscles: Tensor fasciae lata ( extrinsic muscle hips).

Muscle stretching exercises: stretching the muscles of the iliotibial tract, self-myofascial release of the muscles of the iliotibial tract.

Inactive muscles: Large and small gluteal muscles.

Strengthening exercises: glute bridge with band on hips, lateral insertion with band on hips, squat with band on hips.

Deviation 10: One or both feet turned outward

Socks turned away from the center line of the body

Overactive muscles: Piriformis and other deep external rotators (muscles located very deep in the thigh connecting the femur to the sacrum).

Muscle stretching exercises: seated gluteal stretch, prone twist, piriformis self myofascial release, iliotibial tract stretch, tibialis myofascial self myofascial release, dancer stretch.

Inactive muscles: hip flexors and obliques.

Strengthening exercises: "Cocoon", folding on a fitball, hanging leg raises.

Now, knowing what you need to pay attention to, it's time to analyze the position of your body. If you find any of these deviations in your photographs, use stretching and strengthening exercises to correct them.

Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises into your workouts as needed. For example, if you have upper crossover syndrome, use traction and shoulder abduction exercises on your back day as strengthening exercises. We suggest doing 3 rounds of 8-12 repetitions.

At the end of your workout, do some static stretching exercises. Perform exercises so that there is a slight tension in the muscles, but not painful. Hold each position for 15-30 seconds and do 3-5 reps.

6 Posture Correction Exercises

Interesting fact:

Do you know that for every 2.5 cm that your head comes forward in your posture, your neck and upper back muscles pay the price, receiving an additional load equal to 4.5 kg?

For example, a person's head weighs 5.4 kg and extends only 7.5 cm forward beyond the line of the shoulders, resulting in a pressure of 19 kg on the neck and upper back. This is almost the same as putting 3 watermelons on your back and neck.

By neglecting your body position, you are inviting chronic pain into your body and back. Rounded back position while sitting in front of a computer for a long time, standing bent over for a long time, uncomfortable position of the body while you sleep and lifting weights incorrectly can lead to debilitating pain.

Maintaining a natural lumbar curve in the lower back is essential to prevent position-related lower back pain. This natural curve acts as a shock-absorbing element, distributing weight over the entire length of the spine. Aligning postural distortions can help get rid of back pain.

The main way to solve the problem for those who sit all day is to simply stand up! If you regularly get out of a sitting position and do these 6 quick and easy restorative exercises against stoop in between, you can wean your muscles into their favorite position of a hunched caveman.

This exercise can help you get rid of the posture with the head pushed forward by strengthening the neck muscles.

This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting. First roll your shoulders back and down. Direct your gaze in a straight line in front of you, put two fingers on your chin, slightly squeeze it and move your head back (see picture). Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Tip: The stronger you can make the second chin, the better the result will be. Sitting in the car in the parking lot, you can try to do this exercise by pressing the back of your head to the headrest and lingering in this position for 3-5 seconds. Do 15-20 repetitions.

2. Hand raises near the wall

Press your back against the wall, the distance between the feet is about 10 cm. Keep a slight bend in the knees. The back, buttocks and head must be pressed against the wall. Raise your arms bent at the elbows so that the shoulders are parallel to the floor, the shoulder blades are pressed against each other, forming the letter "W" (see picture). Freeze in this position for 3 seconds.

After that, raising your arms up, straighten your elbows so that you get a "Y". Check that the shoulders are not pressed against the ears. Do 10 repetitions, starting with the letter "W", lingering in it for 3 seconds and then raising your hands to the "Y". Do 2-3 sets.

3. Stretching in the doorway

This exercise helps to relax tense chest muscles.

Stand in a doorway and extend your arm parallel to the floor, bending your elbow so that the fingers of that hand point toward the ceiling. Put your hand on the doorframe.

Slowly lean towards the outstretched hand and press it against the door slope for 7-10 seconds. Release the pressure and then press your hand against the jamb again in a slight lunge, so that the chest moves forward behind the doorway (see picture). Perform this stretch 2-3 times on each side.

4. Hip flexor stretch

Stand on your right knee, fingers on the floor, put your left leg in front of you.

Place both palms above your left knee and tilt your pelvis forward until you feel a good stretch in your hip flexors.

Tighten the press and slightly move the pelvis back, keep the chin parallel to the floor (see picture). Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. and change sides.

For the next 2 exercises, you will need an elastic band or expander:

5. X-shaped traction rubber

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper back, especially the rhomboid muscles located between the shoulder blades.

Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Fix the middle of the elastic tape on the feet and cross the ends of the tape forming an "X".

Take the ends of the ribbon and spread your arms out in front of you.

Pull the ends of the tape to the hips by bending the elbows so that they point back (see picture). Hold and slowly return to the starting position. Perform three rounds of 8-12 repetitions.

6. V-rod

According to a 2013 study by the Scandinavian Society for Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine (SSCPNM), this simple restorative band exercise, performed regularly for 2 minutes, 5 days a week, significantly reduces neck and shoulder pain and improves posture.

In a standing position, bring one leg slightly forward of the other. Grasp the handles or the ends of the tape (expander) and raise your hands up slightly moving them away from the body, about 30 °.

Keep your elbows slightly bent. When you reach the line of the shoulders, stop, linger and return to the starting position.

Make sure your shoulder blades remain pointing down and your back is straight. Fulfill this exercise 5 times a week for 2 min. in a day.

6 posture straightening exercises for adults

One of the things that most fans gyms insufficient control: the position of the body outside the walls of the hall. You can do cardio and strength training, but paying attention to everyday posture is also extremely important. Joe Holder, trainer for Nike and S10, says: “If you're experiencing pain or trouble with movement, a posture check can give you the answer to what needs to be corrected and why. A close look at how someone stands, from the feet to the neck, provides a wealth of information about which muscles in that person are overstretched and which are weakened. While your posture doesn't need to be perfect, improving it can reduce pain and increase your athletic performance.

Fortunately, doing some exercises to strengthen your back and stretch your chest will help improve the situation. Below is a list that includes exercises for beautiful posture, selected by Holden, will help correct imbalances and align the position of the body, among them there are both strengthening and stretching exercises. For example, the shoulder rotation exercise helps to get rid of inward-turned shoulders, which are accompanied by tight pectoral muscles and a weak back. (This is about you, fans of sitting at the computer and lovers of texting).

Align and balance your body with the following 6 posture straightening exercises to remove slouching back and make it straight. It's yours complete guide how to become stronger and more majestic.

1. Cuban bench press

Technique: Place your feet hip-width apart. Hold light dumbbells over your thighs in a starting position similar to a bent over row. The back should be straight, arms lowered straight down, just above the knees (A). Rotate your elbows back with the muscles of your upper back, so you get a broken "T" (B). Turn your arms up towards your shoulders (B). Remaining in this suspended position, stretch your arms forward in a straight line and towards your ears (D). Return to starting position (D). This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

2. Swimmer

Technique: Lie on your stomach with outstretched arms and legs. The head is in a neutral position, the gaze is directed down straight ahead. (A). Spread your arms down to your sides as if you are swimming (B). Then, return your arms back to an extended position behind your head (B). Focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and moving away from your lats and middle back. This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

3. External rotation of the shoulders

Technique: Take a dumbbell in each hand or wrap a lightly loaded elastic band around your arms. The palms are directed upwards. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body (A). Move your palms away from your body until your arms are almost completely turned outward. You should feel warmth in the muscles of your back and shoulders (B). Slowly bring both hands back (B). Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

4. Seated T-back openings

Technique: Sit on a chair or bench, put your hands behind your neck, elbows close to each other (A). Raise your chest and elbows toward the ceiling, moving with the muscles in your upper back. Try not to arch your lower back (B). This is one repeat. Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

5. Farmer's walk

Technique: Take a dumbbell in each hand, lower your arms down to your sides. Make sure the shoulders are away from the ears and down (A). Move forward keeping your core tense and taking confident and decisive steps (B). Walk 27-45 meters, then rest. This is one repetition. Make 5-8 such penetrations.

6. Halo

Technique: Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands (A). Lifting the dumbbell up, making circular rotations around the head and returning it to the chest, pull the shoulder blades from the ears - back and down. Keep your head upright, neck in a neutral position (B). Perform 10 rotations in one direction, then 10 in the other. This is one approach. Do 3 sets.

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Slouching can occur in both children and adults. According to the information placed in the biological encyclopedic dictionary, it manifests itself in the curvature of the spine with a pronounced bulge on the back. That is, this violation of posture is also called "kyphosis". About how to fix it will be discussed in our article.

Causes of stoop in an adult

In adults, the back can also be deformed, as in children, which is expressed in the form of a stoop - a rounding of the shape of the spine. The reason for this deformation is:

  1. A consequence of childhood pathology, which manifests itself with intensive growth of the bones of the spine.
  2. "Sedentary" work (for example, for students or office workers).
  3. Getting used to the back to its wrong position (not only sitting, but also while walking).
  4. Underdevelopment of the muscular skeleton of the back and abdomen (typical for children and adolescents, but sometimes also manifests itself in adults).
  5. There is no balance in the development of the muscles of the thoracic region (may occur in lovers of strength exercises aimed at increasing muscle mass).
  6. High growth (with a long spine, it is difficult for the muscles to keep it in the right position, which causes stoop).
  7. Constant wearing of high heels.
  8. With regular lack of sleep (the general tone decreases, so the body takes the most comfortable position for the mind - relaxed, with the head down).
  9. Poor vision or hearing (as a result of such defects, the body can often be bent in an unnatural position).

Also, experts say that stoop can also develop for psychological reasons, which often include emotional pressure. Such reasons work on a subconscious level, that is, the curvature of the back occurs unconsciously.

The main signs of stoop

The initial stage of stoop can manifest itself in the form of the following signs:

  • rounding of the back due to converging shoulders;
  • head tilted forward;
  • protrusion of the abdomen to balance the center of gravity in lumbar due to its deflection.

These signs indicate that pathological changes in the lumbar region occur in the spine. Therefore, having found signs of stoop in yourself, you should think about how to fix it.

Which specialist treats stoop in adults

Solving the problems of stoop is primarily within the competence of an orthopedic doctor who diagnoses the disease and prescribes effective treatment. A specialist vertebrologist conducts an examination of a sick patient, and also gives recommendations on how to eliminate noticeable signs of stoop.

Without consultation with these specialists, it is not recommended to start self-treatment. This is due to the fact that when doing some exercise therapy or taking medications, you can harm your spine, and not cure it. It turns out that slouching is very easy to confuse with the initial stage of scoliosis (and this is a completely different disease).

Methods for correcting stoop in adults

Experts identify several basic methods that are used for adults to correct their stoop.

  1. Therapeutic exercise.
  2. Therapeutic wearing of a corset.
  3. Therapeutic and preventive massage.
  4. Manual therapy.
  5. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  6. Taking painkillers.

All of the above methods should be used only when they are prescribed by an orthopedic doctor. You can fix stoop by combining several of them at once.

So, physiotherapy and drug treatment is used if adults experience pain. Such methods eliminate pain spasms in the muscles of the back, infringement of nerve tissues. Muscle relaxants can be used for this. Therapeutic exercise helps to relieve back pain when the skeletal muscles are in a state of hypertonicity by increasing the range of motion in the spinal column.

To eliminate inflammatory processes during stoop, a qualified doctor may prescribe an effect on the skeleton of special medical devices:

  • thermal;
  • electric;
  • magnetic.

Hydrodynamic procedures improve blood circulation, which leads to the normalization of the tone of the back muscles. We should also mention the Charcot shower, which is used in case of severe curvature of the spine. It is also possible to combine massage and manual therapy, these methods increase the mobility of the articular-ligamentous joints.

To correct stoop, it is customary to combine two methods such as corset therapy + orthotics. Corsets and orthoses exist various kinds, therefore, they cannot be used thoughtlessly, but only as directed by a qualified specialist or the attending orthopedist. They are designed to:

  1. Unload the spine from excessive load on it.
  2. Relieve muscle tension.
  3. Maintain your back in the correct position.
  4. Stimulate muscle work.

For example, experts do not recommend using corsets when correcting stoop as an independent method of treatment, due to the development side effects. They are used only in combination with other methods.

Exercises to correct stoop in adults

The most popular and common way to treat stoop is therapeutic exercise - exercise therapy. The effect of its use becomes noticeable after two months of use. Therapeutic exercise prescribed by the attending physician.

There are several complexes aimed at ensuring that an adult can correct his posture:

  1. Strengthens the middle part of the spinal muscles.
  2. Normalizes the tone of the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. Relaxes the lumbar muscle frame.
  4. Stretches the muscles of the chest area.
  5. Breathing exercises.

Many of the exercises can be done at home or under the supervision of a physician.

Why do some people get slouched? The occurrence of stoop is most often associated with working at a computer, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, incorrect posture while writing, reading, etc.

Children usually with early childhood they teach how to sit at a desk correctly so that later there are no problems with the spine (scoliosis).

The most common disease in schoolchildren is scoliosis. This is a lateral curvature of the spine. In addition, lateral tilt may be accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae. According to experts, scoliosis is most common in women.

Possible causes of scoliosis: stoop, heavy bag, excessive exercise. In some cases, scoliosis occurs due to abnormal development of the spine during the embryonic period. Finally, scoliosis can occur against the background of another disease of the nervous or muscular system. Treatment of the disease depends on many factors. Angle of curvature, age of the patient, gender, presence or absence of other diseases. If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis, then it is better to take treatment.

It is worth noting that stoop is not yet scoliosis. Stiffness can be observed in many modern people even for some athletes. How to correct posture? First, it is important to understand that you are slouching. And your back is not happy about it.

The main causes of stoop in an adult

Slouching can appear in childhood school age, which is usually associated with poor posture when sitting at a desk. If you do not pay attention to this, then in the future stoop can lead to the development of scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

I want to tell you about one of my friends, whose back has been a wheel since adolescence. You can tell she had a small hump on her back, even though she was a teenager. According to her, she did not sit crookedly at her desk, but simply tried to be smaller all the time. Her height was 175 cm, and she seemed like a giant among her classmates. Even in physical education, when all the students were lined up in a row, and she was put first, as the tallest, she stooped. Thus, it is worth noting that stoop may appear due to any complexes.

My friend's stoop was present until the age of 28-30. According to her, the spine never hurt, and some men even liked her stoop.

Recently I met her with an absolutely even posture, like a ballerina. She is already 37 years old and she does not even remember that she was stooped, one might say, humpbacked. The fact is that all complexes disappeared from her, she began to pay more attention to her appearance, health, beauty, and also performed various physical exercises. There are a number of different exercise machines in her house.

My stoop fix experience

For several years now I have been suffering from stoop, i.e. I don't suffer, but I just don't like it. Of course, the back does not hurt and does not bother anything, but the stoop spoils the appearance. My parents claim that as a child I did not have such a problem. And now she's come from sedentary work and lack of exercise. I, of course, agree with them. Many experts say that slouching is not as safe as it seems. After all, it can lead to a number of diseases of the spine, weakening of muscles, problems in work. internal organs, muscle pain, etc.

How did I start correcting my stoop? Half a year ago, I went to the clinic, where I was diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis. I don’t know if this is related to stoop or not, but we will assume that it is connected. I was prescribed exercise therapy, procedures with the Darsonval apparatus.

I want to say that exercise therapy is a thing. Just two weeks right exercises able to make a person walk straight and not slouch. I think that if you do them all the time, then your back will be like a ballerina. Unfortunately, I did not remember all the exercises, but I can give you a part. Perhaps the sequence is also important. My advice: if you have a stoop, or other problems with the spine, it is better to consult a doctor.

Exercise number 1 I called it "Fish": lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, then raise your arms and legs as far as possible for 2 seconds, then lower them. Do not strain too much, do the exercises without much effort, gradually. Repeat several times.

Exercise number 2: stand up, feet together, put your palms together at the level chest, then press your palms closer to each other, alternately: weaker, stronger. Thus, you will feel a slight tension in your shoulders. This exercise also helps for breast growth.

Exercise number 3: get on all fours, stretch your right arm forward, right leg up back, as far as possible; then do the same with your left foot and left hand. Repeat 10 times.

After the exercises, I tried to walk straight, but work, lifestyle still led to a stoop. Today I use a posture corrector when I walk. I think it helps with the problem.

Experts say that stoop appears due to a decrease in muscle strength. In other words, they don't have the strength to maintain proper posture.

Try to keep your head straight, because. when stooping, it is slightly inclined forward. Imagine that you are being pulled up by a string. Stoop should not be corrected by any abrupt and aggressive methods. Better gradually over several months to a year, try to pay attention to your back, do special exercises that will make you hold your back correctly. Exercises should be done in the morning and evening. It is important to set a goal for yourself, and in this way you will achieve results. If pain occurs, reduce the amount of exercise. The number of exercises should be increased gradually.

If you have good posture and no one has ever told you: "Don't slouch, straighten your back!" - do not think that you can not read the article further. You will find an interesting test for checking the presence of stoop. Test yourself! Is it time to start preventive exercises to maintain or improve your posture?

What does a stooped person do when I suggest he straighten up? That's right, he tries to straighten and turn his shoulders. In the end, he moves from the first position (see photo) - to the third, straightens his shoulders, taking them back, which is also not true.

The weight of our head is about 5 kilograms, and the shoulders should hold this weight calmly, without tension, and should remain stretched.

Do you know that the position of the shoulders is very important for beautiful face! Even the most beautiful eyes in the world will not attract attention if the shoulders are pulled back or hanging forward. Right?

In fact, the shoulders should be in line with the back (not in front, and not behind!).

A small test will help you understand if your shoulder position is correct.

We lie down on the floor, bending our knees and placing our feet on the floor. The head lies on the floor, the arms are extended along the body and also lie on the floor. Now see if your shoulders are on the floor too?

If the shoulders are raised and not touching the floor, then turn your hands palms down, spread your fingers and describe a semicircle with your hands, sliding your fingers along the floor. Having reached the maximum, take a deep breath and hold your breath, stopping the movement of the hands. Exhale and relax your arms and shoulders. Do not make any effort to lower your shoulders - otherwise there will be tension in the back of the neck and upper back. It is from the accumulation of tension that pains in this area, headaches, problems with breathing and even digestion can occur.

So, in order to make the shoulders flexible enough, to keep them in place without the slightest effort on our part, in order to prevent the accumulation of tension in this part of the body, I propose to perform in front of the mirror little exercise, which will help you understand how the upper back can straighten on its own without much effort on your part. So,

Stoop Correction:

  1. Let's stand by the mirror. Starting position: hips in a straight position, and feet parallel to each other, one foot slightly in front of the other. Keep your back free, do not try to straighten it and straighten your shoulders back. Notice where your shoulders and back are.
  2. We take the right hand back and forth (up to 8 times), trying to make the movement of the hand more sweeping each time.
  3. We perform wide circles with the same hand - also first back, then forward. We rotate the hand until a slight tingling in the fingers. Do not clench your fingers into a fist, on the contrary - spread them apart.
  4. Now we perform all the movements with the left hand. Don't forget to do circular motions to the feeling of tingling in the fingers! We breathe evenly.
  5. Raise your arms up and shake your hands so that the blood drains from them to your shoulders.
  6. We change the position of the feet and repeat the entire cycle of exercises.
  7. Now look at the position of the shoulders and back. It took a little effort for the upper back to straighten on its own! Remember this position: the back is straightened due to right position spine, and not by pulling the shoulders back!

But this exercise alone will not be enough to correct the stoop and make your posture beautiful, if over the years your back has become accustomed to being stooped. But there is another one that works great

An exercise that allows you to adjust the position of the shoulders.

  1. Starting position: we stand right in front of the mirror, spread our legs slightly wider than our shoulders, relax our arms and straighten our back without taking our shoulders back (remember the final position of the previous exercise).
  2. Now we slowly rotate the shoulder joint back, turning our hands palms forward - towards the mirror. Don't raise your shoulders!
  3. Now relax your forearms, return your hands to their original position without turning the shoulder joint back. Remember this position shoulder joints, as more correct for a slender back and a chic posture!
  4. Do the exercise 8 times. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how you perform the described movements: separately for each hand, or with both hands at the same time. The main thing is regularity!

If your shoulders are already too displaced, then be prepared that it will take time to correct your posture and get rid of your stoop. But if you perform these movements 3 times a week for 1 month, and then 1 time per week for another month to consolidate the result, then the stoop will disappear.

I want to give a few exercises from the Hatha yoga complex, which perfectly help to correct posture and adjust the position of the shoulders:

beauty and grace human body associated not only with the absence excess weight but with correct posture. A stooped person from the outside looks unattractive, this is especially true appearance girls and women. Hunchback and asymmetrical position of the shoulders spoil the impression of a person, even if he has no other problems with the figure. In addition, not only aesthetic problems are associated with stoop. Incorrect posture, as a rule, entails back pain.

Causes of stoop

Stooping can be caused by many reasons, but most often, poor posture is associated with a sedentary mode of action and monotonous sitting work, when a person spends a lot of time in an uncomfortable position. For the most part, this is typical for all office workers who do not break away from the computer during the day. How widespread is this work in modern world, one can judge the extent of the problem.

On formation bad posture also influenced by the absence physical activity, short sleep and lack of rest, when the body simply does not have time to recover. There are more serious obvious causes of stoop. Sometimes problems with spinal misalignment are associated with different leg lengths or with improper formation of the muscular frame of the back, with rickets and tuberculosis of the vertebrae. Often, poor posture is formed in people with poor hearing and vision, when they are forced to constantly bend down and bend their backs in order to better hear or see something.

If we take out the specific diseases that lead to the formation of incorrect posture and the medical treatment of which can correct the situation, there are many reasons that spoil the figure of practically healthy people. It is possible and necessary to fight them, first of all, by strengthening the muscles of the back, especially its upper part.

Devices for getting rid of stoop

For many years one of the most effective ways posture corrections were considered back corsets. Such body position correctors can be soft, semi-rigid and rigid. The principle of their action is to maintain the back in the correct position by fixing the torso and individual groups muscles. The advantage of bandages and corsets is that already at the first use there is no trace of stoop. Gradually one becomes accustomed to correct posture and learns to hold it without the help of corrective devices. Nowadays, some models of corsets are equipped with sensors that are able to determine the position of the body in space, collect information about it, and even signal the need to change posture.

Support corsets for posture correction are used not only to get rid of stoop, but also to treat joint diseases such as osteoporosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, etc. Wearing a bandage may be prescribed after injuries or operations. There are a huge variety of posture corrective devices, and their prices vary from a few hundred rubles to several tens of thousands.

Models of corsets take into account the anatomical features of the structure of the male and female bodies, special devices are developed for children. When choosing a supporting device, it is necessary to determine the model and size, all this should be done after consulting with a specialist. Before making a recommendation, a good orthopedic doctor will definitely check the degree and type of posture disorder, the condition of the spine and muscle corset, and determine if there are any contraindications for wearing a corset.

In most cases, the help of corrective posture modern means you can achieve almost perfect straightening and maintaining the axis of the spine in the correct position. At the same time, it is not recommended to wear corsets for more than 4 hours a day, and to refuse to wear them after the appearance of a lasting effect should be gradual. As a rule, along with wearing a posture corrector, the doctor advises performing a set of exercises aimed at strengthening your own muscle corset. It is also useful to perform such exercises if, with a stoop, a decision has not been made to use posture-correcting devices.

Exercises aimed at eliminating stoop

First of all, it must be remembered that in order to maintain the correct posture of the body, it is necessary to maintain the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder complex in good condition. That is why any sports without excessive loads allow a person to straighten up imperceptibly for himself and forget about back problems forever.

There is also a specially designed set of exercises to maintain the body in the correct position. First you need to learn how to concentrate on the correct posture. To do this, you need to repeat a simple exercise several times a day: insert your back against the wall and straighten your back, touching the wall with your buttocks, shoulder blades, rear surface shoulders and back of the head. It is necessary to fix this position, focus on it and try to maintain the same posture when walking and sitting.

To strengthen the muscles of the back, exercises are recommended that involve arching the back in a standing position forward and backward, while the hands should rest against the wall. The exercises themselves are done without haste while inhaling, mentally fixing muscle tension. The body returns to its original position on exhalation. All exercises for the back should be done several times and in several approaches. You can also arch your back from a prone position, focusing on outstretched arms. Extremely useful exercise a bridge is considered, which is done from a supine position.

Turns are also considered effective for training the back muscles. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 20-30 centimeters, turn slowly to the left, leaning the surface of both palms against the wall, fix this position for a few seconds, then turn to the right in the same way.

The next exercise is tilt. This may be the so-called mill, familiar to many from school physical education lessons. The legs are placed wider than the shoulders, the arms are spread apart, the body is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the back should be straight. From such a starting position, it is necessary to try to get right hand left foot, and left hand - right.

You can do exercises with light dumbbells. The legs should be placed shoulder-width apart and slightly bent, the body should be tilted forward at an angle of 90 degrees, the arms with dumbbells in the starting position should be kept straight down. While inhaling, you should try to spread your arms to the sides, fix the position for a few seconds and lower it down as you exhale.

To complete a set of exercises to maintain posture and strengthen the muscles of the back, fixing the correct position of the body against the wall, as described above.

Back massage for stoop

In combination with a set of physical exercises, to achieve a greater effect, they can be prescribed. Such procedures improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, restore muscle elasticity, tone them. For this purpose, it uses classic massage back with manual impact on various groups muscles, as well as massage with applicators and other aids. To correct posture, as a rule, a course of several massage sessions is prescribed.

Physical exercises and massage are also used as a preventive measure. You should resort to these remedies without waiting for the appearance of tension and back pain, this will allow you to prevent the occurrence of stoop in the early stages, look beautiful and healthy, and maintain grace for a long time.