Exercises with a hoop for the press. Fancy exercises with a hoop for your waist

The rotation of the hoop at the waist as entertainment was known to ancient people. So, according to archaeologists, people began to make hoops no later than 3 thousand years ago. For example, in Egypt, children dried vines, wove them into a hoop and rotated it. For a long time, the hoop was just fun, although there is evidence that the rotation of the hoop was recommended by the ancient Greek doctors. obese people. But widely available and popular sports equipment the hoop became only in the middle of the 20th century.

“Unwind” the hoop as a gymnastic apparatus for everyone and everyone began in the USA. Therefore, all over the world gymnastic hoop known by the name Hula Hup (hula hoop): hula - dance of the natives of Hawaii, Tahiti and other Polynesian islands; hoop - hoop. American name for this sports simulator means that in order to rotate the hoop, you need to perform the same hip movements (swinging, rotating) that the famous Hula dance is famous for.

Michelle Obama, like a true American, also loves to spin the hoop

Hoop classes: benefits

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, located in the United States, conducted a study to find out what kind of load the body is given by classes with a hoop and what is the use of hoop to keep the body in good shape.It turned out that dancing with the simultaneous rotation of the hoop to the music in terms of physical stress refers to high cardio loads. The scientists concluded that hoop training can be equated to easy run on the treadmill. Therefore, the hoop is no less useful and the right simulator for those people who prefer to study at home.

1. Cardio training. Rotating the hoop, you have to apply some effort, which leads to an increase in heart rate and an increase in oxygen consumption. This means that the heart is training, and the cells are actively saturated with oxygen. Such is the use of the hoop for general health organism.

However, there is an opinion that hoop exercises are very light, so such training is ineffective. Yes, if you compare jogging and just spinning a hoop, the difference will be obvious: in an equal amount of time running will burn more calories .

But not everyone can endure a long run, while the hoop can be rotated indefinitely, especially while watching your favorite movie. In addition, classes with a hoop can be complicated, about which we will talk below.

2. Slimming hoop: burning calories. Is the hoop for weight loss effective? Naturally, after all, any physical activity leads to intensive burning of calories.

30 minutes of simple hoop rotations can burn 150-200 calories , and a complicated lesson with a hoop will help to part with 250-300 calories .

Complicated classes with a hoop - these are exercises or dance movements combined with the rotation of the hoop. Entire areas of hoop training have appeared: hula hooping, hoopdance, hupnotika etc. These programs aim to use hoop for, muscle strengthening and overall health improvement.

3. The use of a hoop for the spine. The rotation of the hoop is very beneficial for the spine, as this exercise helps to strengthen the muscles around the spinal column, which makes the spine stronger. By the way, the rotation of the hoop is effective, because it is impossible to rotate the hoop correctly and at the same time stoop or bend strongly.

4. Hoop for the waist and press. When the hoop rotates, the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, and calves work. But the most high load test the muscles of the press: front and side.

Regular rotation of the hoop leads to the fact that the muscles in the waist become stronger and toned. That is, the waist of hula hoop lovers is, as it were, “gathered”, and not blurry. Of course, if initially you do not have a very pronounced waist, the hoop will not turn it into a wasp. Moreover, it must be remembered that it is forbidden exercise or diets to reduce one, specific part of the body. You can act locally to strengthen and increase muscles, but fat is burned throughout the body.

Therefore, it is not worth waiting for a waist swollen with fat to become thin thanks to short hula-hoop exercises. It is necessary to normalize the regimen, increase physical activity, and then the fat will begin to leave, including from the waist area. A regular exercise with a hoop will make this area more elastic and strong.

In addition, the rotation of a heavy or special massage hoop This is a waist massage. This massage improves microcirculation and accelerates lymph flow. Thanks to this, cellulite disappears from the waist area, and the skin becomes firmer, smoother, more elastic. In a word, if you want beautiful waist, the use of a hoop is what you need.

How to deal with a hoop?

To see results after 8 weeks, it is advisable to exercise at least 20 minutes daily . In this case, it is imperative to rotate the hoop half the time in one direction and the same amount in the other. To increase the load, put weights on your legs, and take dumbbells or carpal expanders. Consolidate the load- rotate the hoop and at the same time train your arms, shoulders, neck area.

To increase the effectiveness of classes, it is better to rotate the hoop with the abdomen drawn in. However, you can combine the position of the press: rotate it with a retracted stomach, then with a relaxed one. How to rotate the hoop, no one can say for sure. The main thing is to keep it in rotation for as long as possible, and for this the vestibular apparatus must be well developed. Constantly exercising with a hoop, you are thereby training your vestibular apparatus, called the “organ of balance”.

Hoop exercises

1. Exercise with a hoop "Alternate rotation". Start rotating the hoop in one direction, do 3-5 rotations, stop the hoop and turn it in the other direction. After doing 3-5 rotations, change direction again. And so about 30 changes in the direction of rotation.

2. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation with closed legs." Put your feet together, rotate the hoop for a few minutes in one direction and a few minutes in the other. Depending on the position of the legs during rotation, certain muscles are involved. Thus, by changing the position of the legs, you can work out more muscle. After rotations with closed legs, do exercise 3.

3. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation of the hoop with legs apart." Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, rotate the hoop for a few minutes in each direction. Then put your feet shoulder-width apart (the wider the legs apart, the more the buttocks are involved; the closer the legs are to each other, the more the thigh muscles are involved) and rotate the hoop for several minutes in each direction.

4. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation in a semi-squat." Stand with your feet hip-width apart, spin the hoop and squat as low as you can while keeping the hoop spinning. Lock in a semi-squat and rotate the hoop in this position for several minutes in one direction and a few minutes in the other. This hula hoop exercise is effective for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

5. Exercise with a hoop "Rotations with squats." Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, begin to rotate the hoop and at the same time do slow squats - as deep as you can do this without losing the rotation of the hoop.

6. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation of the hoop alternately on the hips and waist." Start rotating the hoop at your waist, then let it drop down to your hips. Rotate the hoop at your hips and let it rise to your waist. Alternate the position of the hoop several times. Then repeat the exercise, rotating the hoop in the other direction.

7. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation of the hoop with a change of legs." Put one foot in front of the other, start spinning the hoop. Without stopping rotation, change the position of the legs: if the right foot was in front, put it to the left, then put the left foot forward; after a few rotations, change the leg again. Continue to do the exercise, increasing the frequency of changing legs and amplitude - try to put your foot as far forward as possible. If possible, you can bend it, making small lunges.

8. Exercise with a hoop "Rotation and march in place." Rotate the hoop and march at the same time, trying to raise your knees as high as possible. Don't forget to move your hands as well.

9. Exercise "Rotation of the hoop and walking." Rotating the hoop, walk around the room.

Video hoop exercises:

Buy a hoop:

Everyone knows that one of the most effective ways fight against overweight is physical activity. All kinds of exercises are aimed not only at losing weight, but also at developing muscles, improving joint mobility and more. Some people prefer to work with shells, in particular, they practice gymnastics with a hoop. Such a simulator is quite simple, does not take up much space. Charging with a hoop does not require special skills and perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Waist hoop exercises and their benefits

The hoop has been used since ancient times, when it was made from a flexible vine or thin tree trunks. In the middle of the 20th century, it gained popularity under the name "hulahup", which literally translates as "dance with a hoop."

Hoop exercises, which are performed at a certain pace to rhythmic music, train the heart muscle well. The sports load during such activities is lower than during a run, but training can be combined with watching TV or other activities.

Exercising for half an hour a day, you can burn 200-300 calories, remove excess fat from the waist, hips and buttocks. The abdominal muscles are also perfectly worked out, since you have to not only move the waist, but also maintain balance. The projectile also works as a massager, improving the blood supply to the tissues, due to which the skin acquires additional elasticity.

How to choose the right hula hoop

If we talk about the usual hoop, which many twisted in childhood, then it is better not to use it as a sports equipment for weight loss. This hoop has no big weight, so the load on the muscles will be minimal.

To successfully lose weight, it is better to take a specialized collapsible hula hoop. When assembling the simulator, you can set the appropriate diameter. There is a filler in the cavity, with the help of which the training load is dosed.

Other types of hula hoops:

  • Weighted - with their help you can quickly lose weight. When you exercise, you burn a lot of calories. However, classes require some preparation;
  • Massage simulator - weight loss is stimulated by plastic or metal bulges, ribs or spikes, which increase the impact on the waist and buttocks. There may be bruising at first.
  • Flexible - these hoops are versatile in use, with their help you can get rid of excess weight, as well as develop the muscles of the arms, legs and back.
  • Designs with gadgets - equipped with sensors or rev counters that determine the duration of classes, as well as calorie counters.
  • Combined - connection different types, for example, weighted and massage.

When choosing a hoop, be sure to consider your weight and height. With too light hoops, classes will be ineffective, and too heavy will cause discomfort. The best option is a hoop, the diameter of which is greater than the distance from the waist to the feet by a length of up to three fingers. If possible, it is better to try it right before buying. Recommended weight - from 250 grams to 3.5 kg. A heavy projectile is very difficult to spin, and a light one is very difficult to hold. For beginners, it is best to start with a slightly weighted hoop.

Duration of classes

To get the maximum benefit from classes and quickly lose weight, you need to exercise for about half an hour a day 2-3 times a week. Do not overdo it, it is better to do 4 sets of 5 minutes than at one time. Thus, you will quickly get rid of the stomach and bring the waist line in order. Alternate directions of movement, especially if you have a weak vestibular apparatus. To avoid dizziness, rotate the hoop in turn in different sides. Beginners are advised to tie a towel or scarf around during classes.

How to practice

Complexes of exercises with a hoop for weight loss should be performed taking into account such recommendations:


Hoop training has its own contraindications:

  • critical days;
  • pregnancy;
  • period after surgery or caesarean section;
  • problems with digestive system and other authorities (exception - permission of a specialist).

A set of exercises with a hula hoop for the abdomen and not only

  • Put your feet together and turn your shoulders. Bend your arms at the waist and spread them out to the sides. Spin the hoop and change the pace periodically.
  • One foot should be placed one foot apart in front of the other and turn your shoulders. Press the hands to the shoulders, move the hoop and change legs. In the process of classes, you can move around the room in small steps.

Useful exercises for the hips and buttocks look like this:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your arms to the sides. Rotate the hoop and move it down towards the hips, and then lift it to the waist and lower it again;
  • In a half-sitting position, spread your arms to the sides, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Twist the hula hoop, first straighten up, and then half-squat again. Repeat several times.

In addition to the movements themselves, you can perform the following set of exercises:

The exercises are quite simple and if done regularly, they will help you to always stay in shape.. If you find it difficult, then find an instructional video on this topic on the Internet.

And remember, in order to achieve the desired result faster, combine classes with the right and healthy eating, and also do not eat anything within half an hour after the end of the workout.

The gymnastics hoop is an excellent simulator. Such designs have an attractive appearance and in terms of application it is much easier compared to other simulators, they are compact and do not take up much space. Often, after the exercise, minor pains in the hips and waist appear, however, with systematic exercises, this disappears.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many women and men dream of losing weight without limiting themselves in food and without working hard. If training at the same time can be carried out in any convenient place - and at all perfect option. An ordinary hoop can help get rid of excess fat deposits in problem areas. To train with him, you do not need to have special physical training or buy special clothing. You can perform exercises with a hoop (hula hoop) in nature, in the country, and even in front of a computer or TV screen while watching interesting stories. A more affordable projectile for weight loss is hard to find.

Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop

To achieve something, you can bruise yourself before you learn and become a professional. Starting to use a belly slimming hoop, bruising cannot be avoided. After a week, their number will decrease, over time they will completely stop appearing. But there will be a feeling of pleasant tension in the muscles of the press, back, buttocks. The figure will begin to change into better side.

In comparison, a person loses about 100 calories in 10 minutes of running. The same number of calories are lost in 10 minutes of hula hoop exercise. The result is the same, but the body is less exhausted and there are forces left for other things.

While watching your favorite TV series or program, you can train with a hoop, and 20-40 minutes of pleasant pastime will also bring benefits to the body. During training with a hoop, the rectus and oblique muscles of the press, the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, and the back are involved - the most problematic places on the female body. Regular loads on these zones contribute to the improvement of the figure and well-being. Since this projectile has a gentle effect on the body, weight loss will be long-term. Weight loss and waist reduction will occur over several months with daily exercise. The beginning of weight loss is when the daily duration of training exceeds 45 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hulahoop got its name from the fusion of English and Hawaiian words, the translation of which means dance with a hoop. Watching the tricks of gymnasts or circus performers, it's hard to argue with this. The simplest sports equipment for women, which is second only to a jump rope.

Hoop Benefits

  1. Practicality - you can train at home, while doing other things at the same time.
  2. Ease of learning - you can deal with people without the slightest physical training.
  3. Static execution.
  4. Cardio Machine - Changing the speed of rotation can replace cardio in the gym.
  5. Massage effect on the skin - warming up, eliminating the "orange peel", accelerates the blood throughout the body.
  6. Improvement of peristalsis due to massage actions.
  7. Strengthening the core muscles.
  8. Training of coordination of movements, vestibular apparatus, respiratory system, flexibility.
  9. elimination excess fat in "problem" areas.
  10. Compact - it doesn't take much space to store it.
  11. Variation of loads on the body.

The list of positive aspects of exercise with a hoop for weight loss is impressive.


Unfortunately, it has its drawbacks and contraindications:

  • painful bruises in the pelvis and knees - they will appear in the first week of training, then disappear;
  • slow result, it takes a long time to wait for the first loss of the first centimeters;
  • it is forbidden to engage in pregnant women and in the postpartum period;
  • it is not recommended to train at the beginning of "these" days, when the pain threshold in the lower abdomen is exceeded;
  • hula-hoop classes are contraindicated in diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • prohibited in the presence of skin diseases;
  • you can not train with diseases of the back.

Not such a long list of restrictions and contraindications. Bruises are a passing phenomenon. Therefore, you need to be patient, get a circle and go ahead - lose weight while watching your favorite show or series.

How to choose

Considering all the variations and upgrades, right choice hoops is a troublesome process. First you need to choose something simpler and easier. Having gained experience in handling it, you can acquire more complex models. The diameter of the hula hoop varies from 90 to 120 cm. Calculate it perfect size easy enough for a human. You need to put a circle in front of you if its height reaches " solar plexus» - this hoop is perfect for you.

When choosing a hoop, you should pay attention to the material of the product, its weight and modifications. They are usually made from plastic or metal. Beginners are advised to purchase a hoop weighing up to 1.2 kg. Advanced athletes increase its weight to 2.5-3 kg. Depending on the type, the effect of the hula hoop exercise for the abdomen will be different.

Puzzled by the question “which hoop is better for losing weight?”, You need to start with the level of preparation for handling it. You can start spinning the hula hoop on plastic ones, borrow it temporarily from someone. A children's hoop for weight loss and spinning is not suitable - you can fit in it, but you won't be able to twist it. After a couple of weeks, you can switch to weighted or massage. The action of a collapsible circle will be equivalent. It is more transportable, and you can independently change the diameter.

The hoop simulator, known as "Make the body", can be used for its intended purpose, and it also has a large number of variations as expanders for various parts of the body - the abdomen, arms, back, buttocks, legs. The hula hoop can be used indoors, at home and even outdoors. It does not need much space to store it, it can even be hidden behind a closet or other furniture.

How to twist the hula hoop

If you do not know the rules for handling sports equipment, you can cripple or just kill wasted time. In our case, it will be a waste of time.

When performing exercises with a hoop for losing weight on the abdomen, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Beginners put their feet shoulder-width apart, more experienced ones together.
  2. The hula hoop is taken from opposite sides with hands and put on.
  3. It should be placed at the waist, pressed to the back.
  4. Stand up straight without slouching.
  5. The lower back needs to be moved left and right along the hoop.
  6. Engaging the muscles of the press, back, buttocks, thighs, start rotational movements body. Should only move Bottom part corps.
  7. Breathing should be even and deep, not stray.
  8. One hand must be raised in the air, the other hold the hoop.
  9. As you exhale, with the hand that holds the hula hoop, push it to spin around the body.
  10. Hands rise to chest level.
  11. To commit with the body circular motions, the amplitude of which is much less than the circle of rotation of the hoop, but sufficient to keep it on the body.

Before performing an exercise with a hoop, it is necessary to free up space about one and a half meters away from you so that it does not cling to anything and the rotation does not go astray. To prevent the whole body from rotating behind the waist and the hoop, you can “fix” yourself with the old method - put a book on your head and try not to drop it. In this case, concentration of attention and coordination of movements increase.

Hoop exercises for weight loss

Slim waist, no "ears" on the sides, slim stomach, beautiful hands and the neck is the ideal of many women. Hard training with a hula hoop will help everyone to achieve their dream figure. Classes with a hoop help to lose weight in the most popular "problem" areas - the abdomen, buttocks, back, neck, sides, legs and arms. His actions will be directed to those places where he rotates. The basic movement for all body workouts is pretty much the same. The differences are small. They will be emphasized when describing the exercises.

If you need to work out your hands, then you need to stand straight, put your hand in front of you, put a hoop on it and start rotating it vertically. The hula hoop can rotate in one place, or it can “walk” along the arm. It is also allowed to rotate on two outstretched arms at the same time, taking out each of them in turn. The larger the study area, the better. At the same time, the hand should draw the letter “O” in the air. To begin with, it is enough to perform this exercise for 2 minutes for each hand, gradually increasing the duration.

The "second" chin is the most harmful body fat, which is usually difficult to eliminate on its own. You can help get rid of it with the help of a hula hoop. You also need to stand straight, rotational movements are made not by the waist, but by the neck on which it spins. Especially losing weight in this area - the hoop should be up to 1.5 kg in weight. Neck muscles weaker than the core muscles, and they will not be able to keep a lot of weight in motion.

Most best exercises with a hula hoop for the waist:

  • change of rotation speed - accelerating, then slowing down the movement only with the body, without the help of hands,
  • steps - to do on the spot, exposing each leg in turn forward or moving around the room.

Changes in rotation speed or steps increase tension in the abdominal and back muscles. Due to this, a more intensive study of the waist occurs.

To work out the buttocks and hips with a hoop, you need to add dynamics to the exercise:

  • squats - legs slightly wider than shoulder width, slowly squat not deep and rise, rotating the hula hoop;
  • "Lambada" - or rather, rotation of the pelvis, as under this song, so that the hoop falls on the sides and hips, then rises again to the waist.

A simple hoop can help you lose weight in the most unexpected places. The main thing is to choose the right one for yourself and not be lazy to do it every day. If you replace the next portion of goodies useful exercise- The result will not be long in coming. With additional sports loads you can achieve the perfect figure much faster.

One of the simplest, most common and effective sports equipment for training at home is a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop). To work with him does not require special skills, the load is moderate, and the result is subject to regular workouts- conspicuous. A balanced set of exercises will help to lose weight and tighten the muscles of the problem area.

From the outside, hoop workouts seem plain and boring. But for its rotation requires good coordination of movements, the ability to control your muscles. Only with the correct use of the hula hoop exercises will be beneficial. Let's learn how to spin the hoop correctly!

The first stage is a warm-up. Before training, the muscles need to be warmed up a little. An elementary exercise - the hoop is raised above the head, the legs are spread shoulder-width apart. Make smooth inclinations to the right - to the left, forward - back. The next is to make turns in different directions while holding the hula hoop in front of you.

The torsion of the hoop is performed in tight-fitting, but not restrictive clothing - a tight T-shirt and leggings. Wide T-shirts and sweatpants are not the best clothes. Bracelets and other jewelry are also recommended to be removed. Learning how to spin a hoop is easy - just follow the detailed instructions.

Rotation technique instruction:

  1. Choose the right size sports equipment. It should reach the waist or at least mid-thigh. The increased diameter makes it easier for beginners - due to the slow rotation, there is time to adapt to the rhythm.
  2. Stand in the center of the hoop.
  3. Grab the edges of the hoop, lift it up to your waist. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back.
  4. Turn the body of the body, unwind the hoop clockwise. Immediately begin to rotate your waist while maintaining the hula hoop. Try to find the optimal range of motion. Hold the projectile at the waist as long as possible.

At first, rotating the hoop may seem difficult. The first few attempts, he will slide from the waist, fall to the floor. Gradually, you will learn to catch his movement and keep it on the same level.

Once you can spin the hoop for 20 minutes without falling, try making it harder for yourself. To increase the effect of the exercises, increase the speed of rotation, lower the hula hoop to the hips, move it up and down.

The effectiveness of exercise depends on many factors. First of all, it is a systematic study. Only daily training will give the expected result. Some useful tips will be useful to you at the stage of mastering the technique of rotation.

  • At first, bruises from the hoop on the sides may often appear. Until the muscles get used to the pressure and loads, the use of a thermal belt is allowed. Alternatively, you can wear two thick T-shirts.
  • You can't exercise on a full stomach. After the last meal, about an hour and a half should pass.
  • Workouts start with three to five minutes. Each time increase their duration, bring it up to half an hour. During this time, up to 300 calories are burned!
  • Watch your posture and body position. Keep your back straight, try not to spread your legs.
  • So that your hands do not interfere with the trajectory of the projectile, take them away - hook them into the lock, lift them up or stretch them to the sides.
  • Make sure that only the abdominal area is mobile - rib cage remains motionless. This is the first sign correct execution exercises.
  • At first, it is easier to unwind the hoop clockwise. Gradually, the direction of rotation will need to be changed to achieve maximum effect.

To quickly master all the subtleties of the technique, choose the right weight for the simulator. A projectile that is too light will be difficult to keep at the desired level, a very heavy projectile will begin to deliver unpleasant or even painful sensations in five minutes. The optimal weight of the hula hoop for beginners is from 1 to 1.5 kg.

The optimal set of exercises

Hula hoop exercises don't have to be monotonous. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to make the maximum possible number of muscles work. It is recommended to perform a set of exercises.

Exercises for the hips and waist

Most get a hoop to work out problem area– volume reduction, tightening of weakened muscles. They start with elementary techniques, gradually switch to more complex ones. A complete workout should include the following exercises.

  1. Basic exercise. Begin the lesson with the most common rotation. When the muscles warm up, move on to other exercises.
  2. Back and forth. Starting position - the back is straight, one leg is forward, the knees are slightly bent. The trajectory of rotation is at the level of the waist. To maintain movement, weight is transferred from the back leg to the front leg and vice versa. The position is changed by putting forward the other leg.
  3. Legs wider than shoulders. Starting position - the back is straight, the legs are wider than the shoulders. Rotation is supported by the movement of the hips strictly to the sides. The movements are intense - during rotation, the hoop hits the hips. Look ahead, watch the press - keep it a little tense.
  4. Change of direction. Perform five rotations in one direction, stop and change direction. Do several repetitions. There is an increased load on the muscles, the press and the entire femoral zone are perfectly trained. Legs try to put as tightly as possible.
  5. With a squat. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straightened, shoulders straightened. Unroll the hoop. Without stopping the rotation, they gradually begin to squat. You need to sit down as low as possible. In this position, continue to twist the hula hoop for a few more minutes. The exercise is not easy, but it helps to speed up the process of losing weight, it involves the muscles of the entire lower body.
  6. With offset. Begin to rotate the hula hoop at the waist. They allow him to go down a little lower, to the level of the hips, perform a few turns and lift him up again. Perform at least 10 repetitions. Change the direction of movement, perform another 10 repetitions. exercise reduces body fat in the abdominal area.
  7. "Arrow". Another exercise to work out the abdominal muscles. The back is straight, legs together. Spin the hula hoop, rise on toes. Hands with folded palms are raised as high as possible. The body resembles an elongated string. It is enough to perform the exercise for about 10 minutes a day.
  8. Rotation with walking. Start regular spins. When the hoop is well untwisted, step forward without letting the rotation stop. Gradually the number of steps increases. You can walk both forward and backward.

Doing these exercises with a hoop every day, in just a few weeks you will notice the first changes - the stomach will tighten up, ugly "ears" from the hips will disappear, and flabbiness will disappear.

Additional exercises for other muscle groups

Supplement exercises to work out the remaining muscle groups if you are not going to use other sports equipment.

  • Overhead rotation. Place the hula hoop on the floor, grasp it with your hand. Raise your outstretched arm above your head, keeping the hoop parallel to the floor. Scroll once and take it in your hand again. Repeat several times and change hands. The second option - the hoop is rotated on one hand. They put the second hand in, pressing it close to the first. Rotate non-stop for two to five minutes. Gradually, the exercise can be complicated. At the same time, squat, do lunges, try to stay on one leg.
  • Rotation in the hands. Hold the hula hoop in front of you parallel to the floor. Take it clockwise, bring it behind your back, grab it with the other hand and complete the circle. Repeat the exercise several times. After mastering, complicate walking, squats and lunges.
  • Jumping. Everything is simple here - use a hoop instead of a jump rope. For this exercise, you need a hoop of a sufficiently large diameter.

Don't forget to warm up before hula hooping. Any exercises are best done on well-warmed muscles. This will not only make training easier, but also increase efficiency.

If you are expecting an immediate effect, you may be disappointed. As with any other sports equipment, consistency is important when working with a hoop. Daily workouts for 20–40 minutes, combined with a diet, will soon give long-awaited results - body shapes will become more toned, excess weight the skin will become elastic.

According to statistics from overweight affects 30% of the world's population. But the percentage of women who are dissatisfied with their figure, and especially their waist, is much higher among women. If you do not have time to regularly visit a fitness club, it can be replaced by using a hula hoop at home. This will help you lose weight and flatten your belly.

The benefits and harms of practicing with a hoop

Sports activities are beneficial for everyone, regardless of gender and age. The benefits or harms of hula hooping are considered in terms of therapeutic effect which they provide.

Benefits of hula hooping:

  1. The main effect is on the muscles abdominals and hips. It is in these places that excess fat is deposited.
  2. At the moment of contact between the hula hoop and the muscles, specific “percussive” massage techniques arise. The vibration created by the hoop tones the muscles and makes them work.
  3. Thanks to the massage, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, the load on the abdominal muscles increases, and the muscles of the spine are strengthened, which affects posture. As a result, excess weight disappears, the figure becomes slimmer, well-being improves.
  4. As with any physical activity, calories are burned, blood flow and oxygen supply to cells improves, which creates the desired effect.
  5. Hula-hoop massage allows you to tighten the skin, eliminate cellulite.
  6. Classes have a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus and improve coordination of movements.

Did you know?No one knows exactly when willow or rattan hoops came into use and were supplemented by a system of exercises, but the image of a man with a hoop is found on ancient Greek vases around 500 BC.

Among the advantages of the hula hoop, they note the ability to conduct a lesson without looking up from watching your favorite show or listening to music. Classes are feasible for everyone, and for this you do not need special training. The hula hoop is also useful in the fight against overweight.
The hula hoop is definitely good for healthy people. But for some diseases, it is not recommended or even harmful.

Hoop training is prohibited:

  • pregnant women - due to mechanical shocks and vibration created by the hula hoop;
  • V postpartum period- the body needs rest and recovery after labor;
  • after abdominal operations - internal organs a period of healing and recovery is also needed;
  • during menstruation - so as not to increase bleeding;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, kidney disease, gynecological pathologies, hernia.
The hoop is undesirable in oncology, since it can speed up intracellular processes in the body and lead to undesirable consequences. You need to carefully approach the choice of sports equipment and people with diseases of the spine. Before starting any activity, they should consult with their doctor.

What muscles work when the hula hoop rotates

Among the main muscle groups involved in rotation, the following are noted:

  • abdominal muscles, small pelvis;
  • muscles of the lower spine;
  • muscles of the lower extremities.

The movement of the hoop along the body gradually turns on the work different groups muscles. Synchronous study of the above muscle groups forms an excellent posture and burns excess fat deposits on the hips.

Did you know?WordThe "hula" in hula hoops comes from the Hawaiian hula dance, which has similar moves to those performed by a hula hoop. Now hula hoops is used for fitness, although it used to be a means of entertainment, as well as a tool for circus tricks.

Types of hoops

The modern market offers several varieties of hoops. To understand which one to buy, you need to familiarize yourself with their features.

The main types of hoops and their characteristics:

  1. The simplest one is plain smooth plastic or metal. It is also called classical or gymnastic. Such a hoop is in any sports store. The model is perfect for a child or a beginner. The weight of the classic hula hoop is no more than 1 kg.
  2. . Such a hoop is necessary in order to increase the load on the muscles. But it is not recommended to start with it: it will be uncomfortable for you to rotate it. The weight of this model is about 3 kg.
  3. Massage hoop (with balls)- This is a weighted design designed to enhance the massage effect. Massage balls will quickly cope with cellulite and overweight. But still, such a model is recommended to be used after your muscles have adapted to the rotation of a regular hula hoop. The massage option consists of several sections. The more of them, the larger the diameter and the more difficult it is to rotate.
  4. flexible hula hoop- used for training various muscles just like the expander. Such a hoop is used less frequently than previous models.
  5. Gymflextor (inflatable hoop)- made of rubber. It is softly springy and allows you to work out the muscles more deeply than with the classic hula hoop. It can be used by both beginners and those who have been practicing such activities for a long time.
  6. Collapsible hoops can be of different types (classic, massage). The effect of their use is no different from non-separable models. But such a hoop is much more convenient to store or carry.
  7. The most advanced model is hula hoop with built-in counter. He knows how to count the number of revolutions, the speed of rotation, the number of calories burned. This allows you to regulate the process of losing weight and measure its effectiveness.

Did you know?The longest recorded spin duration for a single hula hoop is 74 hours and 54 minutes. The record was recorded in Ohio (USA) at the end of 2009. The hoop was rotated by Aaron Hibbs.

Which is better to choose

For beginners, the classic hula hoop will be the best tool to start classes. You just need to learn how to spin the hoop without straining. For those who have been exercising for a long time, you can stay with your model or replace it with a more complex one to increase the load on the muscles. You should not immediately choose a weighted version of the hula hoop, because your muscles will get tired faster from overexertion.
You need to purchase a more complex model if you:

  • think that the existing projectile is too light;
  • you hardly notice a 20-minute workout.
A projectile with an increased mass is recommended for people with good sportswear. A hoop weighing 0.8 kg is recommended for children, and for adults - from 1 to 2 kg. The diameter should depend on the growth of the student. The norm is when the hula hoop placed next to you reaches the navel. It may also be slightly above the navel, but not reaching the chest.

Important!To reduce body fat on the sides, it is best to purchase massage hoop. It improves blood flow and guarantees the reduction of deposits on the hips and waist. To avoid bruising, the hoop should have soft inserts.

How to twist and how much to lose weight

The starting position for rotating the hoop is classic: you stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. The hula hoop can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. The back should be straight and breathing even. You need to hold the hoop at the waist, while simultaneously performing rotations with the hips.

You should start classes with 5-minute workouts in the morning and evening, gradually increasing the load. Need to work on empty stomach. It is also not recommended to eat within 1.5 hours after training, so as not to disturb the bowels. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to exercise 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Video: how to twist the hoop for weight loss Get noticeable result in a few days, of course, it is impossible. You can notice it only after a month from the start of classes, subject to the regularity of training.

Moving on to the third month of training, the daily training scheme can be replaced with “every other day”. This will tone the muscles as they gradually get used to the load, which reduces its effectiveness.

Important!The position of the legs affects the number of muscles involved. The closer the legs are to each other, the more muscles are included in the work. That is why, starting from the classic position of the legs, it is desirable to gradually reduce the distance between them.

A set of exercises

As with any workout, you need to start by warming up the muscles. For this, slopes with a hoop are especially effective. Take a starting position and place the hula hoop in front of you. Roll it to the side, simultaneously stretching in the direction of movement with the whole body. Return to the starting position and stretch to the other side. This helps to relax and warm up the back muscles.
Performing basic exercises:

  1. The basic hula hoop movements are performed from the starting position. The hoop touches the back. Give it a circular rotation while helping with the waist and hips. You can complicate this simple movement if you stretch your arms up - this will include the muscles of the upper spine in the work.
  2. If the purpose of the rotation is to burn excess fat, then the main movement is complicated by the rotation of the hula hoop with a slight lunge on right leg and then to the left.
  3. The rotation of the hoop on the arm allows you to develop its muscles. To do this, the hula hoop is put on an elongated brush and given a rotational movement.

The whole workout should not take long. It is better to try to do the exercises 1 time per day, but regularly. The effect of such activities will be undeniable. In addition to the main actions, you can sing, dance, or otherwise express emotions that overwhelm you. Remember that the path to perfect figure not so difficult, but it requires regularity of action.