Simple exercises for the buttocks at home: tighten and pump up your ass for the summer. Training in the gym: what to do if you are a beginner and came there for the first time

Currently, many people are suffering from excess weight not so much physically as mentally. And it is very difficult for them to pull themselves together, they do not know what to do, where to start. In this issue, you will find the stories of 12 people who were able to dramatically lose weight, and their real advice to help others. fat people take control of your life and change yourself for the better.

(Total 12 photos)

1. Signe Heffernan, lost 57 kg in 2 years: "Make sure you take small steps every day on the path to a healthy body."

“I started with walking, walking home from work for 5.5 km. I did this for six months and gradually switched to a healthy diet: I eliminated sugar from the diet, all processed foods. Then I went to the gym 3 to 5 times a week for a whole year, where I began strength training under the guidance of a personal trainer.

Start small: build a schedule for yourself, do what you can in the beginning, like I did at the very beginning, when I just stopped taking the bus and started walking home. Lose weight with new habits that will become part of your Everyday life, not forgetting to gradually switch to healthy food and gradually start exercising. Constantly set new goals for yourself to spur the process of improving yourself.”

2. Hunter Montgomery, lost 48 kg in a year: "Follow your intuition."

“Today there are so many experts in the field healthy lifestyle life and fitness. You can try the most different techniques, workout and diet. But the main conclusion that I made for myself is that each person is individual and everyone reacts to the same thing in different ways. No one knows your body better than you, and not everyone on the internet is an expert."

3. Olivia Sullivan, lost 45 kg in a year: "If you hate cardio, find something you love."

“My biggest revelation is that I hate cardio. Cardio workouts are very hard when you weigh 125 kg, they make you feel really bad. A friend introduced me to strength training and I immediately liked them. I was able to do them despite my big weight Well, they fit me perfectly. I still did cardio a couple of times a week, but I was drawn to the gym precisely because of strength training. Six months later, I began to go to boxing, became stronger, more enduring, and besides, I really liked such training.

3 days a week I went to boxing and 3 days to the gym. Now I weigh 80 kg and cardio is much easier for me. This summer I plan to take part in a 5 km marathon race!”

4. Diana Nosgaard, lost 41 kg: "If you are embarrassed to go to the gym, try to exercise outside of it until you gain confidence."

“I started with walking (about 15 minutes each) and water aerobics, thanks to which I lost about 7 kg. I continued to do water aerobics 4 times a week for 9 months until I felt that I was finally ready to conquer the gym. I would never have thought that someday I would become a regular at the rocking chair, but here I am. I go to the gym five times a week, do strength training and do cardio.”

5. Jackie Kankam, lost 32 kg in 2 years: “Training can be hard to tears. But always remember, the next workout will be easier.”

“I will never forget my first workout. I cried because it was very difficult, I worked out in the gym at my job, so my colleagues who saw me in this state hid their eyes from me. But then I sat down and thought that I could turn around and leave now, but I could continue, but in next time I won't be so hard anymore. So then I began to train further, because I understood that it was too easy to take and refuse.

My favorite quote: "The difference between falling and failing completely is whether or not you choose to continue on your path." I realized that no matter how hard it is now, it will be easier next time.”

6. Garinder Pabla, lost 32 kg in 3 years: “Don't diet. Embark on a journey to change your lifestyle."

“The most interesting and inspiring thing about my journey was that my life completely changed. It's not about diet, it's not about training, and it's definitely not about diet pills, it's all due to a complete lifestyle change. From time to time, I really wanted to go home so that I could lie on the couch again and eat a whole pizza by myself. But I didn’t go back to the old way of life, because I have a goal and I don’t want to become the person I once was again.

7. Zachary Rieger, lost 24 kg in a year: "Find yourself a community that will support and have fun."

“Surround yourself with nice people. I was lucky because a girl appeared in my life (now she is my wife) who supported me in my endeavors. We went in for sports together, she cheered me up during the races. My parents also rejoiced at my progress and cheered for me when I ran my first marathon. All my best friends supported me, one of them even prepared for the marathon race with me in just a month.

The support of others cannot be underestimated. It is so effective that it can even inspire you to run a marathon.”

8. Timothy Reed, lost 46 kg in 18 months: "Identify your bad habits and find ways to get rid of them."

“It took me 1.5 years to lose 46 kg, and my weight loss continues to this day. Food was my drug, especially sweets. The fight continues.

I started to learn proper nutrition and keep track of your calorie intake. When I started going to the gym and building up muscle mass, then revised his diet again.

It has always been very difficult for me to refuse high-calorie foods, especially sweets. But you have to step over yourself, stop buying harmful products, do not eat fast food. Now I cook at home and buy only healthy products.”

9. Vanessa Nelson, lost 32 kg in 5 months: “Find out what psychological barriers are in your way and change your life.”

“I even started seeing a specialist to deal with my anxiety disorder. I had a lot of fears about losing weight. Maybe it sounds strange, but I was afraid of losing weight. I was terrified at the thought of possible failure. But I let go of all my worries, which undoubtedly changed my life. Now I feel like a different person."

10. Jenn Flores, lost 27 kg in 16 months: "Compete with your friends."

“I weighed 109 kg, suffered from constant fatigue and was ready to finally start losing weight. Then I set a goal for myself to take part in the race for 5 kilometers. When there were only two months left before the race, I never started regular workouts. Then I told my colleague about my plans, and she decided to run a marathon with me. By lunchtime, we were determined to prepare for the race, and then I thought: “Damn, now this is all real!” For starters, we started running on the beach after work.

The first couple of weeks, I could hardly run without a break for more than a minute. But little by little she began to run long distances. A colleague supported me morally, thanks to her I was able to relate to training easier. That run was a turning point for me. I think that’s when I saw the light in my life.”

11. Athena Garza, lost 84 kg in 2.5 years: “Celebrate every victory, no matter how small, reward yourself.”

“At the very beginning of the journey, I lost 2-4 kg per week! But the more I lost weight, the more my weight loss slowed down, and I began to lose 0.5-1 kg per week. In some weeks, I even fell short of 500 grams. I was worried before every weigh-in and was very worried about my progress.

From the very beginning, I thought about how to reward myself for achieving positive results. Now every time I achieve a goal, I go to the store and buy myself a new outfit or shoes.”

12. Kelly Geistler, lost 56 kg in a year: “Know that life can prevent you from losing weight, take failure calmly.”

"I fought with overweight while attending law school. Losing weight worked with varying degrees of success, until I caught a viral infection, which caused terrible pain in the joints and had to take steroids. So in a few months during my third year of study, I gained 32 kilos.

It took me about six months to beat the virus, I stopped taking steroids and started working on my weight again. I lost 33 kg, then another 23, and in the end I lost a total of 56 kg. ”

It is simply impossible not to notice and not distinguish them from the crowd. Some look at them with a grin, others quietly hate.

Check with these examples if you are among the most annoying regulars of the rocking chair.

selfie lovers

No, they, of course, devote time to simulators. True, they take long breaks to create a series of pictures for social networks, from which they choose a couple of the most successful ones.

Often they sin with tender feelings for photographing their favorite celebrities.

As a rule, selfie lovers move around the perimeter of the hall from mirror to mirror throughout the entire workout, gradually looking for the best point for shooting, lighting and background.

Well, if the training takes place in the company of a friend, they will certainly turn to him for help, and banal selfies turn into full-fledged pictures. And often in the most unexpected places and poses, as in the case of Anastasia Volochkova and her namesake, the soloist of the Nikita group Anastasia Kumeiko.

Puffing and screaming "rolling"

You can hear them from almost every corner of the hall. Their main strong point is a lot of weight. They work with him so that everyone knows about it.

During the rest between sets, strongmen breathe loudly and hard, as if informing others that they are definitely not chilling, but only gaining strength before the next jerk.

At the end of the workout, this very weight falls to the floor with a monstrous roar and scream, so that those around them fix it: the work of the strongman is over.

Doves in love

The best rest for them between sets to the simulators is the time spent kissing with their loved one. They are not embarrassed by sweat, fatigue, or dozens of prying eyes around. The main thing is to completely and completely surrender to the feeling, and envious people - to hell with them.

But the couples, who have especially strong feelings for each other, practice joint training before a portion of public kissing, where one necessarily acts as a coach.

"Pretty Women"

If not sportswear, one would think that they were going to a party or a date. As a rule, they come to the hall with a group. Their main distinguishing feature- impeccable make-up, styling and caution during classes (so as not to spoil all this beauty).

They try to choose the simplest physical activities, for example, relaxed walking on the path and pay great attention to talking and taking pictures of each other.

And if they suddenly come to the hall alone, like Olga Buzova, then they limit themselves to numerous selfies.


Almost all gym goers secretly dream about their body. However, this does not make them favorites of others. And all because these people too deliberately demonstrate their achievements - they are engaged with a naked, well, or almost naked, like Stas Kostyushkin from the Tea Together group, torso.

And it's not just a matter of banal envy. Because of such fans to demonstrate the cubes on the stomach, the habitue of the hall says, it is elementary uncomfortable to exercise: during the approaches, the owner of the naked torso sweats, soils the simulator and, alas, does not always use a towel to cover up the traces.


They are not at all interested in photographing, but they are not indifferent to mirrors and their own reflection. Almost after each approach, with burning eyes, they begin to consider achievements, in parallel trying to compare their body with the bodies of their colleagues on the barbell.

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There are more than 500 campuses with outdoor exercise equipment in Moscow. The city is developing a network of courtyard sports grounds. But sports enthusiasts build theirs in the parks! The VM journalist walked through the forest "rocking chairs" made from improvised materials Izmailovsky park, shore of the Red Lake. First, the "walruses" set up a house here to change clothes.

Then next to the house, among the trees, they built simulators. Here is a bench press with a homemade barbell. Here is a horizontal bar, bars welded from pipes, a bench for the press.

The place is excellent.

Engage in and admire the lake.

In the summer, coolness blows from the water, - says retired Vladimir Znamensky, a frequenter of the sports town. - When I get tired of practicing, I go to play volleyball - there is a playground.

And that's right - there is a well-equipped playground with a net nearby.

Similar, on the banks of the ponds, towns - also near the "walrus" houses - are on the banks of the Putyaevsky ponds in Sokolniki and the Upper Tsaritsynsky pond in Tsaritsyn. I found the largest eco-style sports town in a secluded corner of Timiryazevsky Park.

On the glade - spring mud.

Spring, only the snow has gone, - shrugs Evgeny Andreichenko, who has been studying here for more than five years. But the air is so fresh! I can study here for two hours and never get tired! The gym is amazing. The bar, for example, is made of a thick metal pipe, on which are hung ...

car wheels.

The weight is carefully written on the tire - 45 kilograms. If it's not enough for you, you can always hang "pancakes" made from truck disks.

You can make a barbell of any weight, - says Eugene. - Only now the disks sometimes disappear - their migrant workers steal and hand over to the non-ferrous metal.

All machines - blocks for lifting weights, parallel bars, racks for barbells, benches for bench press - are carefully made of wood. Athletes explain that they use only dry fallen trunks. A homemade sandbag hangs here and there is a pole dug into the ground with tires put on it. This is for fighters - to work out blows. Another know-how is a simulator made of two thick logs that imitates the human body. You can turn the logs as you like - sort of like doing a wrestling move and lifting the opponent.

Eh, I would like to pour several trucks of gravel here so that the dirt does not champ under my feet, - sighs another regular of the "rocking chair", a resident of the Timiryazevsky district, Alexei Kolomiets. - And where to evict lovers of picnics! As a weekend - they have parties with fires. And leave heaps of rubbish.

However, according to Alexei, most of the year, "revelers" do not annoy.

Picnics are mostly buzzing in the summer, and we all year round we are engaged, - the sportsman adds. - I come here on skis in winter. And when the snow melts - on a bicycle. Here, after all, you communicate with nature: sometimes you raise the barbell, and next to it a woodpecker knocks ... It's nice, isn't it?


Victor Zverev, Professor of the Department of Athleticism of the Academy. Lesgaft:

It's great that sports campuses have appeared in Moscow courtyards. This is a return to good Soviet traditions, when children were constantly “hung” on the horizontal bars and were much healthier than the current ones.

As for the "forest fitness", this is also a great undertaking. I would advise beginners to practice first on horizontal bars and parallel bars, that is, work with own weight. After a few months, as you get stronger, you can move on to weights.

But - carefully. If you press the barbell in the forest or work out on a simulator, then there must be at least one more person nearby - to insure. Otherwise, the same bar, for example, can be dropped on the chest and get injured. It is necessary to monitor the health of the simulators. Before you practice, evaluate whether they are staggering, whether the bars are stable, whether the horizontal bar is strong.

In general, classes fresh air Much better than at the gym. The body recovers faster and is able to withstand a more serious load. It is not for nothing that all sports schools, including weightlifting, go out of town every summer together with the “iron” and platforms and training process continue there. So go to the forest, exercise, you will be healthier!


Escape from the hustle and bustle of cities

Timur Valeev

It's pretty easy to fall in love with running. For the birth of real passion, it is enough to exhaust yourself with jogging for two or three weeks - then the torment ends, feelings come.

And now you seem to have been replaced: you refer to urgent matters, when colleagues offer to “drive” in the evening to a tavern, you are ready not to have breakfast in the morning in order to have time to run before work, on a weekend evening at a meeting with friends, you advise you to adopt your new lifestyle, because "nothing beats the endorphin kick when you run."

Running is good for everything, numerous medical articles tell us. Because of the already mentioned endorphins (doctors believe that at different doses they are 200 times more effective than morphine), jumping out after 30 minutes of running, the all-filling feeling of happiness becomes your permanent guest. It can be said that “running addiction” is drug addiction in reverse. The body is cleansed and strengthened, the character changes for the better.

A regularly running person controls his emotions more easily, and the increased doses of adrenaline, so often received in the hassle of a big city, do not have harmful effects on his body, as it happens in sedentary people.

Of course, something similar can be said about any sport, but dedicated running believe that no discipline comes close to giving the same sense of freedom. I remember once, after a long break, a bicycle fell into my hands. My first thought was not to sit on it, but to run with it. When you are passionate about running, any inventory seems superfluous, whether it's roller skates in the summer or skates in the winter.

Special mention deserves the work of the brain. When you run, you think easily and fruitfully.

There are also dangers in running, and therefore you should refrain from jogging near factory emissions and give Special attention back. The softer you step, the better.

It's slushy outside now. There is a pattern that is hard to explain in this regard: the more you dislike the weather, the more you enjoy after a run.

Running is a legal basis and an opportunity to be alone. Running provides an opportunity to escape from a number of problems for a while, from some forever.

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning because you can't raise your own body to an upright position? Lifting your cup of coffee in the morning caused you a sprain? After going to the store, do you have to rest for a few days? Maybe it's time to head to the gym. But what if you are going there for the first time? How not to disgrace yourself in front of the harsh jocks, who have iron not only in their hands, but also in their blood? How to behave in gym?

Forget slippers

Seriously, forget it. Are you not at home. Not only does a person in flip flops or house slippers look extremely unsportsmanlike and similar to a sauna fanatic, but it is also extremely unsafe. It’s easy to stumble in such shoes, after which you can fall on the nearest simulator or pitching, who will not like it very much. It will be worse if you injure yourself during exercise.

For training, light sneakers or sneakers with good grip are well suited. It is also desirable to hide the laces somehow, so as not to inadvertently step on them.

Warm up in the gym

Forget about useless bravado. There is nothing honorable in the fact that at the entrance to the gym immediately rush to the iron and simulators. Take proper time to warm up. Don't take on Weight Limit to show others your awesomeness. This will only result in all sorts of injuries and sprains. After this, you run the risk of becoming disillusioned with sports and returning to incubate your tummy in your home chair.

Don't give up base

Any beginner who comes to the gym immediately wants to jump on the simulator, thinking that the smart machine will do everything for him. In fact, wise jocks spend more time basic exercises with dumbbells and barbell. Deadlift, weighted squats, bench press - all this will bring you closer to the regulars of the hall who can help the right advice without the need to involve a coach.

Don't confuse trainers

Usually in the gym there are a wide variety of simulators, but some of them are used exclusively by girls. For example, exercises to reduce the hips are only suitable for the female sex to drive fat from the buttocks and the surrounding area. Sometimes hardened professionals use these simulators to catch up with the figure before the competition. In normal situations, men do not use them, and they look extremely comical on them.

Don't copy jocks in everything

Many beefy iron fans like to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with the GASP and Animal logos. This is a kind of characteristic accessory for bodybuilders, like a leather jacket for bikers. If you are a beginner and put on a similar T-shirt, you will look extremely awkward in the eyes of the regulars of the hall. If you don't have a muscular body, don't even try.

Don't make it up

The worst thing you can do to a newcomer to the gym is to start inventing your own own exercises which you think will be the most effective. Do not twitch with dumbbells and do not try to use all muscle groups at once, otherwise you risk being on YouTube with a light feed from rocking chair regulars.

Clean up after yourself

No, you don't need to sweep the floor. But if you started the exercise on the bar, hung on it required amount pancakes, and after that they simply left the barbell on the counter and left, this can cause disapproving glances and exclamations from the rest of the visitors to the hall. Always disassemble the barbell, this is considered a good practice.

Don't cross the bar

It is strictly forbidden to sit on the bar, kick it or step over it. This was done not only because of safety precautions, but also because of a popular sign. Athletes are extremely negative about those who do not respect the barbell. There is a belief that the barbell can take revenge for such a careless attitude. Especially if you crossed not your own, but someone else's projectile. Previously, they could even give a cuff for this. And a slap on the back of the head with a stern hand of a pumped-up kid can spoil the impressions of going to the gym.

Feel free to ask

In the hall, everyone is equal, here no one will laugh at you and mock you. If you came to the gym, then you took the first step towards correcting the current situation, and athletes respect such people. There is always a trainer in the gym who will give some advice on exercises. If you don’t know how to approach a particular projectile, it’s better to ask so that awkward situations do not arise later.

Don't Forget Your Legs

To date, this is one of the most caricatured situations in which a novice athlete can put himself. Never forget about leg training, otherwise you risk becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of not only other visitors to the gym, but also ordinary people. A man with pumped arms and thin legs looks extremely disproportionate and comical.

    September 1, 2017

  • August 20, 2017

Even if you are an ardent fan of "room" training - do not pass by. Not a single traction movement in terms of the efficiency of pumping the spinal muscles can be compared with the classic "yard" exercise - pull-ups. Bet on functionality - set a personal record in pull-ups and form an enviable back mass.

If you turned to the help of this program, it is assumed that you have already achieved some success in mastering the exercise. Our task is to expand the scope of your current capabilities and improve the quantitative results in pull-ups.

We offer you a pull-up program designed for 90 days of systematic work - 15 cycles with varying volume of repetitions in approaches, adjusted to your physical "format". Do just 16 minutes of pull-ups a day and go from a starting 9 reps to a record 20 reps.

Remember that the maximum number of pull-ups needs to be updated only once a week, at the very beginning, after a day of rest. So each new week will start with +1 reps.

You can dedicate yourself to its passage or perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar in parallel with the main training program. But remember: if you have chosen a combined training option for yourself, review the strength training plan in the gym, temporarily reducing the load on the back muscles and biceps - a powerful portion of this work muscle groups obtained when performing pull-ups.

In order to keep the achieved "bar" in pull-ups and steadily move forward, you will have to train in a six-day mode with a short, but full-fledged break of one day. Adhere to good regularity in your studies: one day of unforeseen rest will throw your progress far back.

So how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar? Most likely, you have already convinced yourself that the strategy of a linear increase in the quantitative load in our business is unproductive - it only depletes the power potential shoulder girdle. You need to act differently.

I bet you used to play pull-ups with the guys when you were a teenager. Therefore, the principle of work should be well known to you. In the proposed training program we will apply the same "simple" method, only we will modify it into a variant of the "reverse" pyramid. There is no doubt about the efficiency of such a technique - polyathletes have long and effectively used it in training.

The scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar in the context of this technique is as follows: you perform 5 sets with a different number of approaches, starting from the most voluminous and gradually reducing the load. The logic here is this: having joined the work with new forces, you will certainly break through the “barrier” and throw in a few more valuable repetitions, and with the last “low-volume” approaches you will fix the result.

Pay attention to how fickle the curve of the training intensity graph is - in each next microcycle, your muscles will experience a new shocking load. The working range for the number of repetitions will expand weekly. Add one rep each week to the last maximum. Consolidate the result and prepare the muscles for the next increase in the bar!

The first session of the new week starts with maximum failure effort - fight for every rep, perform as many "clean" pull-ups as your strength resource allows. It seems to you that this is your ceiling of possibilities, but give your muscles 2 minutes to recover and you will be able to perform 4 more "light" control sets.

Get back to the "polygon" and test the program! “Grow up” a modest result in pull-ups up to the cherished 20 reps and use the achieved advantage in further training.