Airplane exercise. Arm Slimming Exercises

This exercise has many modifications. All of them differ in the position and work of the hands. At the core is the unchanging base of footwork. The essence of which can be indicated here is such a video demonstration:

This exercise is performed like this:

We put the skis in parallel and keep our feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. We make sure that the legs do not stand together close to each other. We launch the skis down the slope and drive 5-10 meters. During this movement, we adjust the stance so that our body is shifted forward, there is no flexion in the lower back, and our hands are raised to shoulder level. At this point, you will feel pressure on your metatarsus and the tongues of your boots.

Without losing position and without changing it, we shift the body in the direction of rotation. At this point, you will begin to bend, the so-called inner leg. This is the foot that is inside the turn. In this case, this is the leg towards which you shift the body.

As your body shifts, your skis begin to sideways on the slope or edge over. And at this moment they begin to move along the arc characteristic of their design radius.

The main thing is not to make any rotational movements and not to lose the displacement of the body forward and inside the turn.

At correct execution this exercise after you there should be two sharp and completely parallel clean tracks from the skis, and the trajectory of your movement should be clearly in the form of an arc, like a compass.

This exercise, despite its apparent simplicity, is not so simple. In practice, almost no one succeeds in simply taking and doing it the first time, having received the correct trajectory of movement.

In the process of execution, you will have some unnecessary movements and errors that are easily corrected by the same exercise, but with modifications. Modifications are obtained by changing the position and work of the hands. Here is an example of one of these modifications aimed at aligning the body and adjusting the stance - "Airplane with sticks in the back."

There are a lot of such modifications and each is aimed at correcting certain errors. Showing all modifications of the exercise does not make sense. When working with an instructor on the slope, depending on your mistakes, the instructor will select the set of exercises that is right for you.

Possible difficulties and solutions:

During the exercise, you may experience some difficulties or incorrect movements. You can track which yourself by the behavior of the skis and the tracks. Here are some recommendations.

  1. Crossed ski noses - insufficiently loaded ski noses. Shift your body weight forward.
  2. The track of one ski is even, and the second is "smeared" - insufficient loading of ski toes, shift body weight forward. Or body rotation. When rotating, it would be nice to understand the reason for the rotation, but this is already more difficult without an instructor. Try to follow the spins, just take your time and let the skis go all the way.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, topic: "Air travel"


To acquaint children with different types of air transport.
Expand the active and passive vocabulary of children on this topic.
Introduce children to the number "3" as a sign denoting a certain amount.
Teach children to correlate number and quantity.
To form a stable idea of ​​color, quantity, size.
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to determine the position of an object in space relative to themselves.
Improve the skills of modeling from plasticine, drawing straight vertical lines with a pencil, painting over with paints, gluing image details, creating a coherent composition.
develop thinking, fine motor skills ability to coordinate words and movements.


Silhouettes of the number "3" cut out of colored cardboard, asterisks (flex).
Picture with the image of three balloons different sizes, three baskets of suitable size, cut out of thick paper, handouts of small figures of nesting dolls.
Balloons with beans inside (in some balloons there is one bean, in others there are many).
Cardboard silhouettes of planes with glued circles of different colors and sizes, matching buttons in color and size.
A road pasted on cardboard, winding, turning into a straight line, small toys-airplanes.
Silhouette image of a helicopter, cut out of thick cardboard, clothespins.
Plasticine, pencils, paints.
A sheet of paper with skydivers drawn at the top and the earth at the bottom.
Circles cut out of napkins.
A picture depicting a helicopter made of geometric shapes, the same figures cut out of cardboard.
Paper airplanes for breathing exercise.
Modeling cardboard airplane wings.
A sheet of paper with drawn parachute lines, parachutists cut out of paper, parachute domes, the sun, cotton wool, glue.
Background picture depicting three aircraft with the numbers "1", "2", "3" on board, colored silhouette figures of paratroopers.
Audio recordings: "Let's build an airplane ourselves", background music for an outdoor game.

Acquaintance with the number "3"

Here is the number three. Let's put three stars on it.


Reading the poem "Balloon"

With warm air balloon.
And under it is a basket,
Under the feet of the earth -
Like in the picture.

Didactic game "Balloons"

Attach baskets to these balloons.

How many balloons do we have? Three. Can you say they are the same? No, they are different. Show the largest ball, medium, smallest.

Put one nesting doll in the basket with the number "1", put two nesting dolls in the basket with the number "2". And how many nesting dolls will we put in a basket with the number "3"? three dolls.

Didactic exercise "How many beans are in a ball?"

Touch with your fingers and show me a ball in which there is only one bean. Now show a ball in which there are a lot of beans.


Button game "Airplane"

Lay out the buttons on the airplane window circles. Choose the right size and color.

Reading the poem "Airplane"

Silver plane.
Only the sun will rise
Takes flight -
Takeoff and landing, flights.
And until evening from dawn
He helped the man.

Breathing exercise and onomatopoeia "Airplane"

Put a paper plane in the palm of your hand and blow on it - send it flying. (Make sure the children blow without puffing out their cheeks).

- And now let's hum together like airplanes: "U-u-u-u-u-uuu."

Drawing with paints "Fuel for the aircraft"

Airplanes need fuel to fly. Aircraft fuel is stored in special containers - canisters. Look, we're completely out of aircraft fuel. Let's fill the canisters with fuel.

Children paint over the image of the canister with yellow paint.

Didactic exercise "Runway"

A winding, turning into a straight path is pasted on a sheet of cardboard. Children walk along it with a toy airplane.

Modeling "Airplane"

A piece of plasticine is divided in half, a sausage is molded from one half by direct rolling, one edge of which is bent and pinched - the tail. Cardboard wings are applied from above, perpendicular to the aircraft body.

Playing crafts

The plane was blinded by ourselves.
Let's fly high above the clouds.
(Raise the plane up)

Let's fly over the mountains
(Mahi with a raised hand with an airplane left and right)

And then back to mom.
(Put the plane on the table)

Musical-rhythmic exercise "Let's build an airplane ourselves"

Children listen to the song and play the tambourines.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

To go flying, you must first fill the tanks with fuel.

Let's start the motors.
(Rotation of hands in front of the chest)

Hands to the sides - in flight
We send a plane.
Right wing forward.
Left wing - forward.
One two three four -
Our plane took off.


Clothespin game "Helicopter"

Make helicopter blades out of clothespins.

Didactic game "Fold a helicopter from geometric shapes"

And now let's fold the helicopter from geometric shapes.


Drawing with pencils "Help the paratroopers down to the ground"

Take your pencils and draw straight lines from the skydivers to the ground.

Exercise "Fold the parachute"

Children fold the circle (from a thick napkin) in half, then in half again.

Application "Skydiver"

Children stick paper canopy of a parachute, a skydiver, a sun and a cotton wool cloud.

Didactic game "How many skydivers?"

You see that a number is drawn on the side of the plane. What is this number? Number one. This means that only one parachutist will jump from this plane - take the parachutist figurine and attach it to the picture under the plane.

(Do the same with the numbers "2" and "3").

Dynamic pause "Pilot training"

"All in the cabins" - run to the chair and sit on it.
"Skydiving" - jumping from the bench to the mat.
"Difficult flight" - crawl under the arc.

For kids about airplanes: an informative fairy tale about the types of aircraft in pictures for children, videos, tasks, games, presentation "What are the planes and why are they needed" for children.

For kids about airplanes

In this article you will find informative information about airplanes and games for children on this topic:

  1. presentation and story "What are the planes" for children with tasks and pictures,
  2. why do we need airplanes
  3. logarithmics"Aircraft",
  4. physical education minutes about the aircraft X,
  5. finger gymnastics about airplanes
  6. outdoor games about airplanes
  7. didactic games for children about airplanes.

What are the planes

Cognitive fairy tale about airplanes for children with educational tasks and pictures

How it all began, or why fly a plane to the Isle of Palms?

Once upon a time there was a very kind person in one city. It was a very famous veterinarian. Do you know who a veterinarian is and what he does? (Listen to the child's response and clarify if necessary.) This is a doctor for animals. And our veterinarian also treated birds, fish, animals. In the city, everyone called him respectfully - Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin. Or simply by last name - Dr. Tabletkin. If a canary fell ill or a dog's paw was injured, the inhabitants of the city immediately turned to him for help. And he helped everyone.

One fine spring day, someone knocked on the window to the vet. "Who is this?" Pyotr Ivanovich was surprised and opened the window. - "A! Galchonok. Fly in. What did you bring? Letter? From whom? Let's read it - apparently, this is something urgent! Pyotr Ivanovich opened the letter and recognized the handwriting of his old friend: “Hello, my dear friend! Now I work on the Isle of Palms in the ocean. We have an epidemic, many animals are sick, we need help. I beg you to urgently fly to our island and help. Please bring a set of medicines with you and more. Your friend Dr. Aibolit.

"I'm leaving immediately!" - decided Pyotr Ivanovich - I’ll just leave the veterinarian Poroshkov on duty here instead of myself and collect my suitcase with medicines for animals. Having done all these things, the famous veterinarian went to the airport.


There was a field next to the terminal building. A very unusual field. Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin saw different fields. He saw a field for football players - it is called "football". He also visited the field for playing hockey, it was called ... Have you already guessed how? (hockey). And the field where corn grows he visited - it was called "corn field". And the field where rye grows is a “rye” field. And a field of wheat. You probably also know what it was called - ? (wheat field).

But he had never been to such a field before. It had only one aircraft. Have you already guessed what this field was and what it was called?

Note: Let the child come up with a name for the field, and then clarify that this field was called "flying". Why? Yes, because planes take off from it! There were a lot of different planes and helicopters on the airfield. Pyotr Ivanovich had never flown airplanes and helicopters before, and therefore he was confused. What plane will suit me and on which one will I fly to the Isle of Palms?

Who is a mechanic (technician)?

Suddenly, our veterinarian saw a small airplane with two wings. And a man came up to him and opened the door to the cockpit. “The pilot has come,” thought Pyotr Ivanovich and rushed to the plane. - "Hello. My name is Doctor Tabletkin. I am a veterinarian. I need to urgently fly to the aid of my friend on the Isle of Palms. A lot of animals got sick on the island. Can this plane fly there? Are you a pilot and could you help me?”

“Nice to meet you,” the stranger smiled back at him. My name is screw mechanic. I am not a pilot. I mechanic and make sure the planes are in good order. My profession is also called "technician". Of course, you can fly to the island of Palms on this plane. He shook his head sadly. “But you will be flying for too long. Better get on a jet plane that flies tomorrow to Madagascar, it will be faster.”

The famous veterinarian was very surprised: “I need to go to the Isle of Palms and I need to fly out right today. Why, then, will I fly not today, but tomorrow, and even to Madagascar? And why would such a strange road be faster?”

Vintov smiled at Pyotr Ivanovich again and explained: “A jet plane flies much faster than this small plane. If you fly out today on this plane, you will fly to the Isle of Palms in five days! And you will have to land several times to refuel the plane with fuel. A jet plane will bring you to Madagascar on the same day. There you will transfer to a small plane and in a few hours you will be in the right place.

Propeller and jet aircraft

The doctor was very interested in this message and asked the mechanic in a puzzled way: How can you tell a fast plane from a slow one? So that I don't make mistakes next time- Look at these two planes. One plane has a propeller. That's why it's called "screw", it flies slowly. Find the prop by the plane in the picture.

And the other plane has no propeller. He called "reactive"and flies very fast!"

Task for the child: Find in the picture propeller-driven aircraft and jet aircraft. How do they differ from each other?

Aircraft wing shapes: straight, triangular, swept.

"Yeah, I got it!" exclaimed Pyotr Ivanovich. “So, if an airplane has a propeller, then it flies slowly!” Is there any other way to distinguish a high-speed plane from a slow one?” Technician Vintov happily began to explain further: “There is another important sign. This aircraft wing shape. Look at this photo. What does the wing look like?

- "To the arrow!" Doctor Tabletkin immediately answered. “Yes,” Vintov confirmed with pleasure. - " This plane has the wing has the form of an arrow, so we call such a wing "swept". If the wing is swept, then the aircraft flies faster, because such a wing cuts through the air better at high speed. And if the wing is straight, then the speed of the aircraft is lower.”

— And also What kind of wings do airplanes have? asked the veterinarian.

- Happens triangular wing, such aircraft are designed for very high speeds (such speeds are also called supersonic). Look at the photo of this aircraft - it has a delta wing.

There are also straight wing aircraft. They fly slower than all other aircraft.

Task for children: find the planes in the picture below: with a straight wing, with a delta wing, with a swept wing.

Answers to the task for children "What are the planes": a blue square is a delta wing aircraft, a green circle is a straight wing aircraft, a yellow square and a red circle are swept wing aircraft.

Why do we need different planes?

- “And what are“ supersonic speeds and supersonic aircraft? ”- asked Pyotr Ivanovich Tabletkin.

— « Supersonic aircraft are planes that fly so fast that they overtake the sound of their flight. The plane has already flown by, but the sound has not yet reached us. Such aircraft fly twice as fast as conventional jet aircraft,” the mechanic explained.

- "I want to fly tomorrow to the Isle of Palms on a supersonic plane!" - Pyotr Ivanovich perked up.

- “It is possible to fly, but most likely it will not work to land. The island is small, and the supersonic aircraft will not have time to slow down on the airfield, ”said Vintov.

- "A why do we need such small planes like the one at which we stand? It has a propeller, which means it flies slowly. And you won't get there fast. Plus, he's small. And this means that you can’t carry a lot of goods on it. Why then is it needed at all? asked Pyotr Ivanovich.

-"ABOUT! This is a very important and much needed aircraft. It has one extremely important property. You see, this plane has two large wings. And they are stacked one above the other, so he can take off and land on very small platforms. And it can even sit on a patch of land on an island or in a forest.

Assignment for children: Do you know what a “patch of land” is and where did this word come from?(Piglet is a five-kopeck coin. Now a five-ruble coin is also called this word. Piglet is also called a very small piece of land. And there is also a piglet - it is also round and small).

Technician Vintov continued: “Where a jet plane cannot land, this plane can land. Therefore, such planes fly short distances to the nearest villages and carry passengers and cargo in them. First, passengers and cargo are delivered by large jets to a large central airport. And already from it, on small planes, they are delivered from this big city and the main airport to small towns and villages.

Military aircraft

Suddenly, Tabletkin saw planes without propellers on the edge of the airfield. And the pilots came in. He joyfully exclaimed: “Here are the planes I need! They are without screws, which means they are reactive. And they have triangular wings, which means they will fly to the Isle of Palms very, very quickly, even faster than sound. Can I fly them to Madagascar today? And from Madagascar I will fly on a small plane to the island I need.

“Of course, this plane flies faster than any passenger plane. But flying on it is not so easy! the mechanic replied. “After all, this is a military aircraft and there is no room for passengers in it. You see, the cockpit is designed for one pilot, and rockets hang from below.

“Look, the other plane has two cockpits. The second cabin, probably, is intended for the passenger? the vet asked.

"No, the navigator should sit behind the pilot in the rear cockpit. He tells the pilot where to fly. This is a military aircraft. On all military aircraft, there are no seats for passengers. Therefore, there are no windows on military aircraft - windows, ”said Screws.

Tasks for children:

Exercise 1. The navigator always sits behind the pilot. Find the pilot's cockpit and the navigator's cockpit in the photo of the aircraft.

Task 2. What do you think, what kind of aircraft is it - passenger or military? Why do you think so? How can you distinguish by appearance military aircraft from a passenger?

Cargo aircraft

“Please tell me how it is possible to transport animals from the island to my clinic for treatment. Elephants and giraffes are very large and heavy, they won’t fit in a passenger plane,” Tabletkin asked.

"ABOUT! There are special planes for this. They are called cargo. There are no windows on the cargo plane. It has very large doors in order to accommodate large loads. Look, here on our airfield, the plane is being loaded. To fit the cargo in the plane, the nose and tail of this plane open outward - as if they were doors!

Here the nose of the cargo plane began to rise. And it opened as if it were not a nose, but a big door to the plane!

Here, instead of its nose, a special ramp is put forward in front of the aircraft, along which equipment can enter the cargo aircraft. And cargo doors open behind the cargo plane. Behind the cargo aircraft there is also a ramp for vehicles to enter the aircraft.

The plane is ready for loading!

Look what a big cargo plane! Such an aircraft can fit another smaller aircraft, and large cars, and even train cars, and a large boat, and even several helicopters, and tanks, and construction equipment, and many cars and a bus!

Task for children: Look at the pictures and say what these cargo planes will carry by air.

Petr Ivanovich was delighted with cargo planes and their capabilities: “Now I will be calm for large animals! And I will know that if necessary, they can be transported to any animal hospital on the mainland. And what other aircraft are there besides military, passenger and cargo?”

What other planes are there?

Mechanic Screws was silent in response and showed Tabletkin unusual photo. Look at him too. What do you think is happening here and what are the strings stretching from the first plane to the others? (listen to any suggestions the children have, and then talk about these planes). He explained:

« These are refueling aircraft. Why do you think they are called so - "refuelers"? (listen to the children's answers and their reflections and guesses). A large fuel tank is placed in a cargo plane and hoses are hung up, to which refueling aircraft dock for refueling. This is done so that they can get fuel right in flight without landing on the ground.

Here is another plane - a tanker.

Is on our airfield and training aircraft. Why do you think they are called that? Yes, they learn to fly on these planes. They are very small. There are only two places in them: for a pilot - an instructor and a pilot who is learning to fly an aircraft.

There are also sport aerobatic aircraft. They have only one place - for the pilot - athlete. He shows aerobatics on this plane.

Suddenly there was a loud noise. And a large passenger plane landed on the runway. “He will fly to Madagascar tomorrow morning,” Vintov said. “And now, after landing and disembarking the passengers, I will go to prepare it for tomorrow's flight. Come tomorrow and you will fly away on it.

Petr Ivanovich Tabletkin thanked Vintov for his help. And the next morning he was already flying by plane to Madagascar.

What is a seaplane and an amphibious aircraft?

Toward evening, the plane landed on the island of Madagascar. And the Veterinarian went to the terminal building to find out how he could fly to the Isle of Palms.

“Sorry, flights to the Isle of Palms have been cancelled. A storm hit the island two days ago and destroyed the runway. Her recovery will take several days, ”the dispatcher told him.

"How can I be?" asked the upset Pyotr Ivanovich. “It is so important for me to get to the island as soon as possible in order to help people and animals in trouble.”

"Let's send you to Palm Island by seaplane!" the dispatcher suggested. “Or by amphibious aircraft.”

"And what is it?" the vet was surprised.

“The word hydro means liquid. Seaplane is an aircraft that does not need a runway. He can sit right on the water. It is even better to use in such cases aircraft is amphibious. Amphibians are creatures that can live both in water and in the air. And this plane can take off both from the ground and from the water, that's why it was called that. An amphibious plane has a bottom like a boat, but it also has wheels like a regular plane.”

“I am ready to fly on an amphibious aircraft,” Tabletkin was delighted.

"Go to exit number 15. The amphibious plane leaves in one hour."

A few hours later, an amphibious aircraft landed on the sea near the Isle of Palms. All passengers were invited to transfer to the boat, and the boat took them to the port. "Hooray! It's good that you came to us so quickly,” Dr. Aibolit joyfully greeted his friend. “I have been sailing here on a ship for a whole month. How did you manage that?". The mechanic of Vintov helped me choose the right plane and route here. I'll tell you more later." And friends went to treat the animals, which had long been waiting for their help.

Children about airplanes: why do we need airplanes

Airplanes were invented by people to ensure the rapid transportation of people and goods. Not a single land and water transport can now move as fast as an airplane.

After getting acquainted with the fairy tale, your child already knows many of the functions that airplanes perform in helping people. Please add this information.

Why do we need aircraft according to their functions:

  • Military aircraft needed to defend the homeland from enemies. It can be fighters, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, attack aircraft, airborne, tankers.
  • Cargo aircraft transport cargo.
  • Passenger aircraft transport people and their luggage.
  • Sports aircraft participate in competitions.
  • training aircraft used for flight training of pilots and navigators.
  • Agricultural planes cultivate crop fields and protect them from pests.
  • weather aircraft- investigate clouds, typhoons, influence the weather (cause rains or stop them, dispersing clouds).
  • Ambulance and rescue aircraft- transport the sick and wounded, provide assistance to injured people.
  • fire planes- put out forest fires.
  • Experimental Aircraft and Aircraft - Flying Laboratories- serve to test new designs and engines.

Logarithmics: airplane

During the educational imaginary journey to the airfield to introduce the child to different types of aircraft, you will want to relax with the children. Do yoga exercises for kids to relax!

Logorhythm "Airplane": the first option

Hands to the sides - in flight
We send a plane.
(straight arms to the side, running in a circle)

Right wing forward
(we put forward the right straightened arm a little forward)
Our plane took off.

Left wing forward
(we put forward the left straightened arm a little forward)
Turned our plane around.

We flew high
(raise hands up)
We were flying low.
(we lower our hands a little)
We flew far
They flew close.

The second version of the logarithmic exercise "Airplane"

Come on, pilots, pilots,
Ready to fly
(children stand straight, hands down, proud posture, shoulders straightened).

They approached the plane
And climbed up the ladder
(we march or depict the entrance along the ladder).

The flight starts
Our plane crashed.
(Children squat down on one knee with their arms spread out to the sides like airplane wings and hum: uuuuu)

It rose up and flew.
(Children stand on their feet, straightened arms to the sides)
The pilot looked to the right
(Turn your head to the right)
The pilot looked to the left
(Turn your head to the left).

Flew fast ahead
Fast flying aircraft.
(Hands to the side, fast run on socks in a circle)

The third version of the logarithmics "Airplane"

Airplane flies
I took off with him.
(point to the sky)

The right wing took
(Extend the right hand to the side, look at the fingers)
The left wing took
(Stretch your left hand to the side, look at your fingers)

I start the engine
(Children do rotational movements hands in front of you)
And I'm watching closely.

I rise to the heights - I fly-u-u-u
(You need to rise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides and run in a circle)

I'm flying for landing
I want to land.
(Children land on one knee, lower their hands)

Didactic game "Airplanes"

Didactic game "Airplanes". Option 1. For older children up to school age. Arrange four airfields: for passenger planes, for cargo planes, for military planes and for sports training and training planes.

Ask the children to guess why the plane shown in the picture is needed.

The child needs to sort the pictures of the planes into groups according to the purpose of the plane, sending each plane to a suitable airfield and explaining why he thinks it is a cargo plane or that it is a passenger plane.

Pictures for this game can be found in the article

Didactic game "Airplanes". Option 2. Game for kids. The goal of the game is auditory development. Invite the child to guess whether the plane is flying high or low. If you hum in a high voice, then the plane flies high, if low - then low.

Didactic game "Airplanes". Option 3. A game for children of primary preschool age.

Lay out 4 - 8 rectangles of different sizes in front of the child (for the smallest, take four figures, for older children - six or eight figures) - these are airfields (airfields). They should be laid out in front of the baby as a serial row - that is, from the smallest to the largest.

Mix up the silhouettes of airplanes of different sizes. The number of airplanes must match the number of rectangles.

The task of the child is to put the airplanes in a serial row in size (from the smallest to the largest) and to select for each aircraft the “airfield” suitable for it. Those. arrange the aircraft on "airfields" in accordance with their size.

Didactic game "Airplanes". Option 4. For the smallest.

Children from 2-3 years old can be given pictures of airplanes cut into pieces. Use for this pictures from the first version of the game "Airplanes". For the smallest, we divide the picture into 2 equal parts, then into 3-4 parts. For older children, you can divide the picture with broken lines into more parts.

Didactic game "The plane is flying." For older preschool children

The game develops the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, tracing the function of the gaze, develops the ability to reduce and separate the visual axes of the child's eyes.

First option.

You will need runway with arrows. Draw a "runway" for the plane - a vertical rectangle. Divide it with a vertical bar into two parts. Draw an up arrow on the right side of the runway, and a down arrow on the left side.

Game progress. Invite the child to repeat the movement of the aircraft with their eyes, focusing on the arrows on the runway. Our plane is moving forward along the runway (sliding eyes on the right side of the rectangle up to the end of the runway). The plane turns left, makes a U-turn and turns back. And it follows the left side of the strip in the direction of the arrow (from top to bottom). Turn around again and move forward. And now we will try to make these movements with our eyes faster.

Second option

You will need square 4 x 4 cells. Draw such a square on a piece of paper. Cells must be very large. In the future, you can increase the number of cells in the square in order to give more complex tasks to the child.

Make two identical squares - you will give one to the child, and the other will be in your hands.

Put a dot in one of the cells. It contains an airplane.

Game progress. You dictate the route of the aircraft, simultaneously moving the chip along the cells of your field, and the child follows it with his eyes. You need to stay on track. At first, the route is 3-4 turns. For example: “One cell up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. Three cells to the left. Can you tell me where the plane is?" The place on your “map” of the flight is compared with what the child did.

If it is difficult for a child to follow his gaze or he is still not very easy to orient himself in space, then at first you can make movements with a chip. And only then do them mentally and track them with your eyes.

Physical education "Airplane"

Physical education can be done at any time when you see that the child needs rest. Choose from this selection about airplanes the physical education session that you and your kids will like best!

Physical education about the plane "We fly above the clouds"

We are flying above the clouds.
(Hands to the side)
We wave to dad, we wave to mom.
(We take turns waving both hands)

We see the river flowing
(Show hands wave-like movement)
We see a fisherman's boat.
(We show with our hands how the fisherman casts a fishing rod)

Watch out: the mountain!
(Tilt left - right)
It's time for us to land!

(Sit down on one knee, hands to the sides)

Fizkultminutka "Planes buzzed"

Children on the first line make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. On the second line, the children straighten their arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane and “fly” (running in a circle). On the third line - squat. On the fourth fly again.

The planes buzzed
The planes flew
They sat quietly in the meadow,
Yes, they flew again.

Physical education "Our plane flew"

Fly, fly
We twirled our hands.
(Children rotate their hands in front of their chest)

Hands to the sides - in flight
Sending a plane
(Children spread straight arms to the sides)

Right wing forward
(Turn the body to the right with the institution of the right hand forward)
Left wing forward.
(Turn the body to the left with the institution of the left hand forward).
One, two, three, four - Our plane flew.

(Running in a circle with straight arms spread apart)

Physical education "A plane has appeared"

We put our hands apart:
An airplane appeared.
(Hands to the side.)

Wing back and forth
(Tilts left and right.)
Do one, do two.
(Turns left and right.)
One and two, one and two!
One and two, one and two!

Keep your hands to the sides
Look at each other.
(Hands to the sides, turns left and right.)
One and two, one and two!
One and two, one and two!

We put our hands down
Sit down quickly! (Children put their hands down and sit in their seats)

Look, there's a plane in the sky
And the pilot is on the plane.
The steering wheel deftly controls
And flies between the clouds.

Under the plane is a mountain
Either a dense forest, or a hole,
That people marvel at the sky,
That hares lead a round dance (Author - Alexander Estafeev)

What movements are made to this song you will see in the video below. The song is first sung in slow pace, then faster and faster.

Physical education for the smallest "Spread its wings plane"

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm starting the motor.
(Rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest).
Spread the wings of the plane
We're taking flight
We are flying to Moscow! (Hands to the sides, running on toes) Arrived.

Physical education "We are planes today"

We are planes today
(Children sit and make rotational movements with their hands - “start the engine”)
We are not children, we are pilots.
(clapping hands).
Hands are nose and hands are wings
(touch your nose with your finger, and then straighten your arms to the side like wings)
The squadron took off. (running, arms to the sides).

For children about airplanes: the mobile game "Airplanes"

Game 1. The game "Airplanes" to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound r.

Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest - “start the engines” and say rrrrr. Then they run in a circle, holding straightened arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane. In the words "Airplanes, landing!" children should quickly "fly" to the airfield and sit on one knee, holding their arms to the sides like wings.

Game 2. Mobile game "Airplanes". In this game, children will get acquainted with the commands that the dispatcher gives to the pilot.

In the game of planes, children will also learn how to act in singhala, as well as run around the playground in different directions without bumping into each other.

Show the children all the play activities.

An adult acts as a dispatcher, gives a signal: “Start the engine!”, And the children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest. Then the adult in the role of the dispatcher says: “Taxi out for takeoff, take off. Let's fly!", and the children spread their arms straight to the sides and fly around the playground.

At the end of the game, a signal is given: “To land! Taxi to the parking lot”, and the children run to the “airfield” (the place where the airfield is located is discussed before the start of the game).

There may be other dispatcher commands: “Fog! Turn around. Fly to the alternate airfield”, “Fly around the storm”, “You are approaching dangerously. Give way to the plane .... (name) "

Note: In this mobile game, the child learns what can happen in flight and how the pilot should react to these events. Children will be able to use this information in their role-playing and directing games with airplanes.

Finger gymnastics "Airplane"

Finger gymnastics "I will build an airplane"

For finger gymnastics we will use V. Shishov's poem "I will build an airplane."

I will build an airplane
I'll put on my helmet and fly.
Through the wavy mists
I'll fly to other countries
Over seas and forests
Over mountains and fields
I will cover the whole globe of the earth,
And then I'll be back home.
V. Shishkov

Hand movements in finger gymnastics "Airplane": option 1.

  • first line. Children bang their fists against each other.
  • second line. Children pretend to put a helmet on their head.
  • third and fourth lines. Wave-like movements with both hands.
  • fifth line. The right palm at the eyebrows as if looking into the distance.
  • sixth line. Left palm at the eyebrows - look into the distance.
  • seventh line - draw a circle in the air right hand
  • the eighth line - we make a figure above the head - the "roof" - with both hands.

Another version of finger gymnastics "Airplane"

  • first line. We spread our straight arms to the sides like the wings of an airplane.
  • second line. With both hands we show a helmet above the head.
  • third and fourth lines. The child puts his palms on the table with the back side up and moves all the fingers on both hands, slightly lifting them from the surface of the table.
  • fifth and sixth line - we make "splashing" movements with all the fingers of both hands at the same time.
  • seventh line - grab an imaginary ball with both hands
  • eighth line - we cross our arms (the left hand looks to the right, and the right - to the left and move the fingers of both hands like the wings of a bird)

Finger gymnastics "Let's build an airplane ourselves"

You will need a regular pencil. Put the pencil in the middle of the middle finger of your right hand (the brush is palm down). Pass another pencil under the index and ring fingers (this is done by an adult). It turns out the plane of two pencils. The child depicts how his plane flies to the verses of A. Barto:

Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.

Then repeat this movement with the other hand.

Finger gymnastics "The plane flies high-high"

The right hand of the child depicts an airplane: you need to spread and straighten thumb and ring finger. These are the wings of an airplane. And keep the other three fingers (index, middle and ring fingers) next to each other, without spreading them apart (this is the body of the aircraft).

The plane flies high, high,
It's hard for him to land!
(Children move their hand - the plane in different directions, making sure that the wings of the plane "look" to the side, and that the body of the plane is one and not divided into separate parts).

The pilot makes a circle around the circle.
His plane is a comrade and friend!
(Children make movements in a circle with their hand - by plane).

The plane landed on the runway
Ran forward - and the flight is over.
(Children lower their hand - the plane is on the table, move it around the table and stop the hand).

The doors opened, under the ladder the earth,
And passengers are met by friends.
(Spread palms)

Presentation for children about airplanes

You can also download the same presentation on an educational fairy tale about airplanes in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the “Documents” group section on the right under the community videos).

Video for kids about airplanes

In this video, children will learn about unusual aircraft - seaplanes, amphibious aircraft. The video will be interesting for school-age children and adults. This is a video of my favorite TV channel "My Joy".

And one more video of the same TV channel for children - a video about giant aircraft and what aeromodelling is.

More about airplanes for kids:

34 riddles for children of preschool and primary school age. Types of riddles How to write a riddle about an airplane with a child.

We prepared this article specifically for the boys of the site "Native Path" as a gift for the holiday of February 23, together with my husband.

An informative fairy tale for children about aircraft and their types and a presentation were created for children by my husband Andrey, an aircraft designer by profession. And I, the author of this site, have developed games and tasks for children on the topic “For Children about Airplanes”. We have included in the article materials only that information about aircraft that a child can use in their travel games, in designing, drawing, modeling, applications, depicting in them different types aircraft.

We tried to take into account the main requirement for a cognitive fairy tale for a child - that he actively participate in it, ask questions, compare, analyze, discuss, draw conclusions, prove, and not just memorize. And I really hope that we succeeded! We will be grateful for your comments on this article.


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Elena Kovaleva
Integrated lesson "Let's build an airplane ourselves" Second junior group

TARGET: On a game basis, create an atmosphere of joy in children. To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfamiliar objects, to know their purpose.



To acquaint children with the method of constructing the simplest model of an aircraft from building parts. Learn to convey essential parts of the subject in the construction. To teach children to consistently reproduce all parts of the building based on sample analysis.

Develop the skill of spatial orientation in the process of placing structural parts relative to each other.

Cultivate a desire to build buildings. Generate interest in activities with wood building material.


Develop creative imagination.

Teach children to navigate in space. Develop intonation and dynamic hearing.

Teach children to sing in harmony.


To form the ability to clearly pronounce words and short phrases, speak calmly, with natural intonations.


To develop the child’s own active position in relation to setting rules for himself that must be followed (you need to play with cubes carefully so as not to hit the player next to him).

MATERIAL: A long bar, bricks, triangular prisms, a building scheme, a toy - an airplane.


Let's go guys, let's go on a trip, but by what mode of transport, you have to guess.

Boldly flies in the sky

Overtaking birds flight,

Man controls it

What's happened.

Children. Airplane.

That's right, today we will fly by air transport - an airplane.

Who is flying the plane?

Children. Drivers. Pilots.

That's right, pilots. Now we will say the magic words:

Left - turn right

And become a pilot!

Now you are not guys, but airplane pilots. They stood up straight, straightened their backs, spread their arms-wings to the side. Is everyone ready?

Then they flew.

Children stand in a circle.

The song "Airplane" (music by M. Magutenko, lyrics by S. Baruzdin)

I want on a plane

Fly, fly.

And to your city in flight

Look, look.

I will fly above the clouds

Above ground, above ground

He's probably bigger.

My city, my city!

Stop, car, flew in, quietly sat down at the airfield.

Children "land" in their places.

Did you enjoy flying in an airplane?

Today we have been with you in the role of pilots, and now we will become aircraft designers who make such big, real planes. (Shows a toy plane.)

Left - turn right

And turn into an aircraft designer!

Children, look, what parts does the plane consist of?

Children. Wings, tail.

Right. The aircraft has a body, which is called the body, inside the body there is a cabin, a room where people, passengers, sit during the flight. The pilots, the pilots who fly the aircraft, sit in the front of the aircraft, the tail is at the back of the aircraft, it is raised up. Where are airplane wings located?

Children. On one side of the plane and on the other.

The teacher invites the children to stand near their places, spread their wings to the sides and back a little.

Physical culture warm-up

We are going to fly, Stand up straight near your seats, arms to the sides.

Let's go on a flight.

Right wing forward, Torso twist with right arm forward.

Left wing forward. Rotate the body with the left hand forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off. Tilts of the torso to the left and right, arms to the sides.

Forward hands twirled, Rotation of hands forward, in front of the chest.

And then vice versa - Rotation of the arms back, in front of the chest.

The plane took off back.

Guys, look, and today they brought us a package. Let's see what's in it?

The educator opens the parcel and takes out building parts from it (a cube, bricks, a long bar, triangular prisms).

What is this?

Children. Brick, cube.

Right. These are construction details, from the construction kit. Each item has its own name. This is a brick, it has a narrow side and a long one, the sides are different.

All the details are different: they differ from each other either in shape, or in color, or in size.

Look, there's something else in the package. What do you think it is?

Children. Drawing, picture

Guys, this is the building plan.

After discussing the scheme, the children get to work.

Let's get to work.

The teacher explains and shows how to build an airplane.

I'll put the long block on the wide side. This will be the body of the aircraft.

I'll take a brick and put it with the narrow side against the long bar against its long side, like this. On the other side of the long block, I will lay another brick in the same way as the first one. These will be the wings of the plane.

To the short side of the long bar, I will put a triangular prism on its side. This will be the cockpit.

I'll take another triangular prism and put it on the other short side of the long bar. This will be the tail of the plane.

Now you build your plane.

Children go to their tables and start building the plane.

The teacher praises the work and offers to go on a journey again with a cheerful song:

Well done, what beautiful planes you got. Let's play:

Musical game "Airplanes"

Did you guys like our trip? But the time has come to return. Let's remember who we were. What have they built? From what details? (children's answers)

Let's leave our planes on the tables. Let toys play with them. And we are going on a new journey - to the group.

Left - turn right

And turn into a girl and a boy!

Massive hands are the problem of every second woman of a large physique. To get rid of this problem, do exercises for weight loss of the hands. It is enough to repeat the exercises 3-4 times a week so that your hands acquire the desired shape after 4-5 months.

Warm-up exercises for slimming arms

Warm-up exercises warm up the muscles, make them more elastic, preparing them for more serious loads.

Exercise "airplane"
Starting position: standing, hands on the belt.
At the expense of 1 - turn to the right, hands - to the sides;
2 - return to the starting position;
3 - turn to the left, hands - to the sides;
4 - return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.
Exercise "spinner small"
At the expense of 1-8 - rotation with brushes forward;
9–16 - back.
Repeat this exercise 1-2 times.
Exercise "big turntable"
Starting position: standing, arms to the sides.
At the expense of 1-8 - rotation of the arms forward;
9-16 - back.
Repeat this exercise 1-2 times.
Exercise "confrontation"
Starting position: standing, hands - palm to palm, in front of the chest.
At the expense of 1-3 squeeze the palms;
4 - relax.
Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.

Exercises for slimming arms on the couch

Exercises for weight loss arms with dumbbells

A large number of repetitions of exercises for weight loss of arms with light dumbbells will help to make the muscles more elastic and the arms beautiful. To perform these exercises, you will need dumbbells of 1.5 kg.

Exercise "elevator"
Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
On account 1 - raise, bending your elbows;
2 - hands - to the sides;
3-4 - hands through the sides - down.
Bridge exercise
To perform this exercise, you will need 2 kg dumbbells.
Starting position: standing, hands in front of the chest.
On account 1 - hands up;
2 - put your hands as far as possible behind your head;
3 - hands up;
4 - return to the starting position.
Exercise "wiring"
Starting position: lying down, arms bent at the elbows - to the sides.
At the expense of 1 - close your hands in front of your chest,
Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Exercise "swing arms to the sides"
At the expense of 1 - hands - to the sides;
2 - return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Exercise "swing arms forward - down"
Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
At the expense of 1 - hands - forward;
2 - return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 30 times.
Finish your weight loss exercises light hands warm-up.