Express training for all muscle groups. Men's express training: a complex for those who do not have enough time for the gym Express training

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Do you want to get stronger, tighten your muscles, lose a few extra pounds, but most importantly, become happier? Join our Total Body workout. With our fitness plan, all these goals are easily achievable.

In order to realize everything conceived in the shortest possible time and have time to put the body in order for the new bikini season, it's time to turn on the fifth speed. Your training program should include 2 cardio sessions and 3 strength sets (don't panic, these are weekly plans). Set aside two days for rest and recovery. You can choose any type of cardio load from our offer or build any other workout of the same intensity. In a programme strength training- multi-component exercises that involve several muscle groups at once.

Cardio 1

explosive burpee

Time: 12 minutes

Training program:

Warm up for 5 minutes; perform 8 squats, rest 15 seconds, then perform 10 jumps from the squat position (lower into a deep squat, angle under the knees 90 degrees, and, pushing off the floor with your heels, jump as high as possible, land softly into a squat) and again take 15- second pause. Finish the set by doing 8 burpee reps.

Cardio 2

In defense of the bark

Time: 13 minutes

Training program: 3 sets with 1 minute rest in between.

Warm up for 5 minutes; perform the “Caterpillar” exercise (from a vertical stance, lean forward without bending your knees, and, rearranging your hands, go to the plank position. Rearranging your feet, gather again in the “fold” and rise) 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, then do it in 30 seconds as many repetitions of the “Alpinist” exercise as possible (in the plank position, alternately bring your knees to the elbow). Restore breathing for 15 seconds and repeat the "Caterpillar" exercise.

Cardio 3

Wider step

Time: 10 minutes

Training program: Complete as many rounds as you can within the allotted time.

Warm up for 5 minutes; perform 12 reps of reverse lunges (take a wide step back, lowering the knee of the abducted leg as low as possible to the floor, maintaining a 90-degree angle under the knee), then perform 12 jack jumps (jump up as high as possible) and 10 repetitions of the burpee.

Workout plan

Train 3 times a week, doing 4 sets of each exercise with a 30-second break in between.

You will need

A pair of dumbbells weighing 3-4 kg

"Tin soldier"

The muscles of the arms, legs, stabilizing muscles work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body at the sides. Lean forward from the hip, place your palms on the floor and, without bending your knees, moving your hands, go to the plank. Quickly return to the vertical position in reverse order and bend your knees on the rise and, pushing off the ground, jump up, stretching into a string (as in the photo) and turning 90 degrees to the left. Continue for 30 seconds.

Balance squats

The muscles of the legs, buttocks and stabilizing muscles work.

Stand straight, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, take dumbbells in each hand and hold on the sides of the hips. Lower into a deep squat, then, pushing off with your heels, rise, while simultaneously bringing your left leg bent at the knee in front of you to the level of the thigh (as in the photo). Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. This will be 1 repetition. Do 2 sets of 6 reps.

Toe climbs

The muscles of the thighs, buttocks and calf muscles work.

Stand up straight, put your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, take dumbbells in each hand and hold on the sides at the hips. Lower into a squat and slightly tilt your body forward from the hip, rise on your toes (as in the photo). Get down on your heels and, without changing the position of the body, repeat the rise. Do 10 reps.

Lunges - "curtsy"

The muscles of the thighs and buttocks work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, take the dumbbell by the widest part and hold it in front of you at chest level, elbows as close to the body as possible. Do right foot step back and to the left (so that the feet are on the same line), lower yourself into a lunge, the angle under the knees is 90 degrees (as in the photo). Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. Continue for 45 seconds, alternating sides.

"Hero Attacks"

The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body at the sides. Keeping the left foot motionless, lunge to the right, at the same time pushing the body forward, and bringing the arm behind the back (as in the photo). Return to starting position. Continue for 45 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Kick from the "table" position

The muscles of the arms, thighs, buttocks, calves and stabilizer muscles work

Take a table position (palms strictly on the line of the shoulders, fingers pointing towards the body). Keeping your hips in line with your shoulders, kick up with your left foot, pointing your foot towards the ceiling (as in the photo). Return to the starting position and repeat the kick with your left foot. Continue for 45 seconds.

In contact with

For some, it is only important to correct problem areas, while others, due to age or injury, cannot do exercises for all muscles. Don't be discouraged - now you have a workout in which different parts of the body are worked out separately!

Please note that such exercises are much safer than complex ones. You need to do it on the floor or at the support, and this reduces the load on the spine, knees and hip joints.

Therefore, we recommend our gymnastics primarily to those who have a significant excess weight or a long-standing habit of a sedentary lifestyle. If you are not sure that traditional training is within your power, start with split training!

Express training for problem areas

Wondering how to train in the summer? As always, our express workouts will help you.

Express training means express weight loss, but only if you watch your diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Do not put off until tomorrow to achieve the desired result!

Modern men, successful and purposeful, work from morning till night, and then they also sit up at unscheduled meetings and brainstorming. Such men need a special express workout that will allow them to keep fit in time pressure. Moreover, it should be high-intensity, high-quality and energizing.

D home workouts for men- a topic that is very relevant today, many instructors pay great attention to this issue. The right advice about the organization of self-studying is given by the AnySports coach, a world-famous expert, in the past professional boxer— Jim Barcena.

Jim Barcena, personal trainer Sylvester Stallone and Matthew McConaughey, developed a set of exercises for men, which takes very little time, but can be compared in terms of effectiveness with a full two-hour workout in the gym. The complex proposed by Jim is circuit training for menso busy that there is simply no time left for fitness training in the group.

Bulgarian split squat

By reading the name of the exercise, you must have been preparing for something like the Bulgarian lunges. But the essence this complex somewhat different and not only your hips and buttocks work here, but also the core, muscles of the back, shoulders and chest.

Starting position - stand in the bar, and then start at a fast pace to alternately pull the knee of the leg to the elbow of the same hand. Do 8-10 shifts and turn into an inverted plank position, but keep your legs bent at the knees closer to the buttocks. Then do 8-10 leg extensions and return to the starting position. Perform the complex for a minute. Trainer Jim Barcena recommends doing 3-5 sets.

man maker

To accomplish thisexercises for men (video) to youdumbbells are required. In fact, this is a plie squat, combined with a dumbbell press up and a biceps curl. Are you a little confused? Yes, man maker is not chess for you, you need to think here! But you just need to do a complex a couple of times at a leisurely pace, tracking technique, and then speed up.

Starting position - legs slightly wider than shoulders, socks turned outward. Begin to squat in a plie, allowing your arms with dumbbells to hang quietly along the body, which is slightly tilted forward. After a couple of reps, stay in a deep squat and do dumbbell curls. After that, stand with your legs straight and complete the circle with a dumbbell press up.

The complexity of the exercise is offset by its effectiveness: try to do at least five repetitions in one minute set! They say that especially gifted characters take poods and weights instead of dumbbells. Sounds terrifying, but you can try it too!

On this topic:


The subscription to the pool has long expired, and it takes about half an hour to get to it. Why waste precious time? We lay a rug or just lay down on the floor with our stomach and “swim” a kilometer breaststroke! It's a joke - we just row with our hands, at the same time bending in the back. Hands during the "stroke" are retracted to shoulder level and bent at the elbow, and then return to their original position. You do not need to row with your feet, rest your toes on the floor.

Flexible and pumped back guaranteed! If you feel prepared, put weights on your arms.

Cross reach + 3 sky jumps

In fact, this is some kind of preparation for the boxing ring. Instead of gloves, you have kettlebells! The essence of the technique is that you need to do a squat, holding the dumbbells bent at the elbows and pressed to the chest, and when lifting, turn the body to the left side, imitating a strike with one hand. Then again we go into a squat, from which we repeat the same thing, but on the right side. Cheer yourself up by imagining an opponent or even several in front of you. Keep up the pace and work at full power for a minute. And then you can squeeze the T-shirt!

Triple squat

Nobody canceled deep squats. And this exercise is interesting because it develops the muscles of the legs and helps to gain excellent coordination. After the squat, you have to jump high when lifting, making movements with your hands, like a skier. A few minute sets and you will be imbued with this exercise!

These exercises from California coach and permanent AnySports expert Jim Barcena aregreat workout for men body. The program is specially designed for those who are ready to devote only 10-15 minutes a day to training. The main principle that Barsena adheres to is that work takes place mainly with own weight. All the mainhome workouts for men.Try it too!

Weight loss training consists of a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Express exercises for weight loss: TOP-5

We start the workout with a warm-up. You can do exercises, stretching, run for 15 minutes on a treadmill or on an exercise bike.

Exercise #1

Starting position: you need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Now we squat parallel to the floor, hands on the belt or in front of us. It is very important that you do not fall forward while doing this exercise. You can also use dumbbells of 2 kg in each hand.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, legs and buttocks.

Exercise #2

Starting position: we become parallel to the floor and begin to do push-ups. If this exercise is difficult for you, push-ups can be performed not from the floor, but from a chair.

Exercise is good for the muscles of the whole body: it strengthens the muscles of the arms, back, abs, legs and buttocks.

Exercise #3

Starting position: it is necessary to lie with your back on the mat, bend your legs at the knees. Now push the pelvis up as high as possible.

Exercise is good for strengthening gluteal muscles and the press.

Exercise #4

Starting position: you need to lie with your back on the mat, raise your legs up, and hold the mat with your hands. Now we push the pelvis and stretch our legs up. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower press.

Exercise #5

We fix a set of express exercises for weight loss with the help of a plank.

Starting position: you need to stand parallel to the floor. We rely on the forearms and socks. Now we tighten the stomach and stand in this position for 50 seconds, then rest and repeat the exercise 4 more times.

If you have tried all kinds sports training and individual sets of exercises in the hope of losing weight, but for some reason have not yet reached the desired goal, perhaps your body needs more intense exercise. One of the most effective among modern sports training complexes is Tabata. And now you will learn about this type of training in more detail.

What is Tabata

The famous interval physical training increased intensity Tabata for many people- the shortest way to perfect body. The “trick” of this set of exercises is the short duration of classes - only 20 minutes to train all muscle groups! The second important feature of Tabata is the increased intensity of training.

The history of the training

The Tabata system was originally developed for Japanese speed skaters. Head coach To improve the performance of his athletes, Irisawa Koichi developed a short but very intense workout that consisted of 8 episodes separated by 10 seconds of rest. One of the coaches of the team, Izumi Tabata, analyzed the effectiveness of the training, and the results showed that in just 6 weeks of the experiment, the aerobic power of the test subjects increased by 28%. Later it turned out that this method of training can be applied not only to skaters and others. professional athletes but also to ordinary average people.


The method lies in the fact that in four minutes of intense exercise at a fast pace, you lose weight more actively than in an entire hour of exhausting training. With Tabata-style training, you need to be especially careful for those people who train little and irregularly, since even for trained people, Tabata is a rather difficult workout with a large load. Experts recommend engaging in such short-term intense exercises no more than two to three times a week with intervals between workouts of 48 to 72 hours.

Interesting Tabata Training Facts:

  1. After a workout, your body continues to actively burn fat during the day for some time. This is a great bonus, right?
  2. During the exercises at a fast pace, train as hard as possible (20 seconds), after which you can rest calmly for 10 seconds.
  3. 5 Tabata cycles (4 minutes each) 3 times a week will help to quickly tighten the body and remove a couple of centimeters from problem areas.
  4. Tabata exercises help, as for training individual groups muscles, and for the whole body - it depends on the complex that you choose.