Causes of stretch marks on the legs. Slim and beautiful hips: how to remove stretch marks on the legs

Women often experience stretch marks on their legs! In particular, ladies who have drastically lost weight or, having carried a large fetus, have recovered greatly. Known about the flaws of the skin and men. But there are skin imperfections in the first place in adolescents.

Sometimes stretch marks develop so strong that they make a person seriously worry about the condition of the skin. Pronounced scars give the skin an untidy flabby appearance, they simply disfigure the body. In medical practice, skin imperfections are called striae. A woman finds scars on her stomach, especially in the lower part, on the inside or back of the chest, on her arms, thighs, legs, including calves. Stretch marks in men appear less frequently, favorite places are the back, legs, arms, abdomen, groin. Building muscle mass athletes provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the shoulders and inside hands. Sometimes striae appear in unexpected places: between the buttocks, on the inside of the thigh.

Removing stretch marks on the legs is rarely a top priority. Men, according to statistics, pay attention to a skin defect much less often: when scars appear, they are not very conspicuous. Initially, stretch marks appear gradually, if the number increases, you have to make a lot of efforts to minimize scarring.

An unpleasant flaw is not a disease, but a cosmetic defect. Sometimes stretch marks become symptoms of certain diseases. There are several reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the legs:

  • the skin ceases to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities;
  • protein that produces substances that “build” new cells that give elasticity (collagen, elastin) - the body lacks, the skin becomes thin, fragile, easily torn;
  • vessels rupture, microtraumas are gradually filled with subcutaneous tissue, forming striae.

In other words, the scars do not have time to stretch after the growing skin, skin atrophy occurs.

What causes such a serious imbalance in the body, leading to skin defects? Causes of striae:

If striae show an excess of hair growth, blood pressure rises, body weight increases sharply, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist for a thorough examination. It's better not to postpone.

How to distinguish stretch marks from other skin defects

Stretch marks distinguish young and old. Depending on age, striae acquire color and shape. Scars that appear within six months are considered young, they initially have a pink color. Fresh stretch marks quickly turn from pink to red, purple, purplish, red-brown, or purple. They look like lightning, stripes, waves or veins. There are clear outlines and different lengths, sometimes convex, when pressed, they “fall through” inside. Are located vertically or horizontally.

Old stretch marks are harder to get rid of. Six months later, the color of the stretch marks changes, the scars brighten. White scars, grayish stretch marks are an indicator of their old age. In fair-skinned people, the scars turn into silver-white or pearly. Old scars show indistinct outlines, there is no bulge.

Red striae, with shades from pinkish to reddish-cyanotic, are an indicator of the location of blood capillaries. The closer the capillaries are to the surface of the skin, the brighter the shade of the striae.

Color, size and shape do not depend on the place of appearance - on the back, thighs or between the buttocks.

Is it difficult to treat stretch marks?

Treatment of any skin defects is a long-term matter, especially when it comes to stretch marks. Modern cosmetology has considerable opportunities and knowledge, but getting rid of scars remains a difficult and expensive process. Cosmetic procedures, massages, if necessary - surgical intervention - require considerable costs. The solution of the problem involves the use of cosmetics and special nutrition.

The treatment of stretch marks directly depends on how much money a person is willing to spend to get rid of the deficiency. Traditional medicine offers many ways to reduce the number of stretch marks on the legs. If you apply methods and tools in combination, the result is relatively fast and positive.

Ways to treat stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks on the legs, they know in any beauty salon. Of course, the effect of chemical procedures appears faster than when getting rid of scars at home. Beauticians and dermatologists offer many methods and techniques for getting rid of stretch marks on the legs:

  1. Stretch marks are treated by massage with the application of creams and ointments that promote the breakdown of fats, making the skin supple. Usually massage is recommended to be performed within 2 weeks.
  2. Laser resurfacing is not an easy procedure: in addition to additional preparation with the application of vitamin C to the skin for 1-2 months, the technique requires the use of anesthesia, the procedure is extremely painful. Scars are burned out with a laser, then skin healing with wound healing creams will be required.
  3. Chemical peeling is performed strictly in the salon or clinic. The procedure is associated with the application of a number of types of acids to the skin, and the upper layer of the epidermis is “eaten up”.
  4. Therapy with ultrasound. Ultrasonic massage removes stretch marks, brings the epidermis into good condition. Usually, ultrasound therapy helps to completely get rid of young scars.
  5. Surgery is a difficult way to remove stretch marks. It is performed in extremely severe cases of skin injury.
  6. Wraps. Light pinching massage of the skin of problem areas, subsequent application of cream, ointment and wrapping the skin with cling film for 40-50 minutes, subsequent wrapping with a warm blanket will give good result. Cosmetologists recommend making gruels from crushed seaweed, in particular from spirulina, for wrapping.

How to get rid of stretch marks on legs folk remedies. If you have patience, persistently follow the recommendations of traditional healers, stretch marks on the legs will become less noticeable, they can disappear if the scars are young.

Treatment tips folk methods:

  1. Massage procedures (pinching) with the help of ointment, cream are rubbed into problem areas of the skin (preheat the skin red-hot with a massage brush or a hard towel):
  • for 80 g of any baby cream 1 g of mummy soaked in a tablespoon of water; store in the refrigerator, rub daily 1 time;
  • mix 3 drops of essential oil of lavender, tangerine or patchouli with 30 ml of olive oil or jojoba oil, rub 2 times a day;
  • in a dark bowl 70 ml of olive oil mixed with 30 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice, add 5 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E (liquid), store in a cold place, apply in the morning and evening.
  1. Wraps at home do not differ from professional ones:
  • Take ointment capsikam (has a strong warming effect), ointment contractubex, combine two medicines with any fat cream (ratio 1:1:1). Mix thoroughly, apply on stretch marks, wrap feet with cling film, hold for 40 minutes. in warmth;
  • Melt 70% chocolate, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, apply the ointment on stretch marks, wrap with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes. wrap in a blanket, do 1 time per day.
  1. Baths with a few drops of cocoa or lavender essential oil.
  2. Contrast shower with combined massage of problem areas of the skin.

Measures to prevent stretch marks

Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks, both on the legs and on other parts of the body, is no different. There are a number of requirements that must be met every day, without ignoring any of the points. Provide:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition with sufficient intake of protein, potassium, iron, fluoride (meat, liver, fish, dairy products, beans and lentils, eggs).
  2. Daily drinking of water (at least 2 liters per day).
  3. The use of vegetables, fruits, foods rich in vitamins A, E (bell pepper, cauliflower, pumpkin, red caviar, carrots, prunes, apples, mint, green onions).
  4. Limit your salt intake.
  5. Take baths with herbal extracts and decoctions that stimulate blood circulation.
  6. Systematically do pinch massage of the affected areas of the body.
  7. Lubrication of the skin with special creams for stretch marks.
  8. Performance sports exercises(Pilates).

To avoid stretch marks, you need to remember that preventing the appearance is always easier than treating it later. Preventive methods give excellent results if used in combination.

No matter how beautiful the skin is, everyone has a risk of developing such a defect as red stretch marks. No one is immune from such consequences of pregnancy, obesity, or wrong sports training. This article details the meaning, etiology and, of course, the treatment of striae.

What it is

Red stretch marks are atrophic type scars, different stripes and lines, have different lengths and widths. The medical term for such formations on the skin is striae.

Painful sensations do not cause and are not a separate disease. They can range in color from bluish to pale. Basically, the defect affects the skin in places where it is most strongly stretched. This is the stomach, chest, buttocks and thighs, sometimes, perhaps on the hands.

When they appear

Women suffer from stretch marks more often than men, but they also get it quite often.

The main reasons for the appearance:

  1. Pathology of the endocrine system. As a result of hormonal imbalance, the release of elastin and collagen is disrupted. Since these are the main components of the structure of the skin, striae can also appear in a young organism.
  2. maturation of sexual function. During the restructuring of a young body, the level of the hormone cortisol rises. It leads to a decrease in collagen density.
  3. Pregnancy or breastfeeding is the most common cause. It occurs on the chest and abdomen, as a result of overstretching and thinning of tissues.
  4. With Marfan's syndrome (pathological processes of connective tissue).
  5. When taking hormonal drugs.
  6. With excessive body weight, especially in children.
  7. As a symptom of Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  8. Athletes who are rapidly gaining mass. Mostly localized in the area of ​​the shoulders or hips.
  9. Hereditary factor, in diseases that are characterized by obesity.


Stretch marks develop as a result of any injury to the skin, which leads to tears. Places of tears are replaced by connective tissue.

The red color of the striae is given by the vessels that are in the epidermis and burst en masse. They do not remain bright for long, the color, size and shape gradually change. An important point is the depigmentation of stretch marks, because the connective tissue that filled the tears does not have pigment.

In fair-skinned people, imperfections are less visible than in tanners. Hair does not cover the affected areas as there are no hair follicles.

Interestingly, the direction of the striae indicates possible reason appearance. So horizontal stripes appear when hormonal disorders, and vertical - pregnancy or obesity.

How to remove red stretch marks in the clinic

Getting rid of striae is very difficult and takes a long time. The key to good treatment is the correct interpretation of the cause.

To achieve smooth skin after a scar, you need to remove all the affected layers. Sometimes even deep balls of the epidermis can be drawn into this process. Also, the effectiveness of different methods of healing depends on the duration of the pathological process. Red, fresh stretch marks are most likely to heal without a trace on the affected areas.

The prescribed methods must be comprehensive and ensure a good course of all stages of healing.

Types of treatment for stretch marks:

  1. peeling with chemicals;
  2. laser peeling;
  3. plastic surgery;
  4. microdermabrasion;
  5. wrapping;
  6. mud;
  7. physiotherapy.

Peeling with chemicals is the burning of the epidermis by applying strong acids. Such procedures contribute to the production of your own collagen. The following acids are used: trichloroacetic, phenolic and alpha-hydroxy acids.

The procedure is very painful, so it is carried out only under anesthesia. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are a contraindication, as the drug is very toxic. For best result, before peeling, it is desirable to carry out skin therapy. It is important that this procedure is performed only by a doctor with the necessary qualifications.

Laser applications are a very well-known method of dealing with stretch marks. To this method of treatment, you need to go through special training. For 1.5-2 months, you need to use a cream with a high content of vitamin C. This operation is performed under anesthesia in a hospital.

Video: Means

The essence of the procedure: alternately conducting the laser of each ball of scar tissue. After discharge, swelling and redness of the lesions are possible. It is also advisable not to sunbathe for about 3 months.

Naturally, plastic surgery remains the most effective means. Such a procedure is prescribed for patients who have not only stretch marks, but also accumulations of fat or excess skin in this area. But the cost of such a method is not cheap and not everyone can afford it.

Microdermabrasion is the microresurfacing of the thin, upper layers of the skin using aluminum oxide. Removal of several layers, blood circulation of the skin improves and enhances tissue regeneration. The method is painful, but with red, fresh stretch marks, the pain is tolerable.

The treatment of red stretch marks on the abdomen during and after pregnancy has its own characteristics. The choice of procedures for a nursing mother should be selected only by a doctor, because many chemicals can harm the baby.

With a sharp weight loss, removing red stretch marks on the abdomen is more problematic than in other parts of the body. Subcutaneous fat is coarse and may respond poorly to treatment. Therefore, it is desirable to combine several methods of treatment and adherence to proper nutrition.

Procedures that are carried out in cosmetology centers

Wrapping with algae - thalassotherapy. You can apply spirulina algae, the effect of which occurs after 10 procedures.

Its ability to influence skin tone and supply various microelements and vitamins to it gives a very good result. Fresh, red striae, after such a wrap, can completely disappear, and the skin becomes elastic and embossed.

Vacuum massage is very effective for stretch marks. This method allows you to quickly and painlessly deal with fat deposits and helps to remove unnecessary substances from the tissues.

What can be done at home

It is possible to cure stretch marks at home, but it requires a lot of effort, patience and, most importantly, time.

The most effective home methods are:

  • wheat germ oil;
  • almond oil;
  • hazel oil;
  • olive oil;
  • corn oil;
  • mummy funds;
  • aloe juice
  • blue clays;
  • contrasting water procedures;
  • daily use of the hoop;
  • self-massage;
  • physical exercise aimed at a group of muscles in the stretch area.

Several recipes for home use

Massage using essential oils. You need to mix about 50 ml of olive oil with 5 ml of rosemary oil. Instead of olive oil, you can use shea butter or grapeseed oil. For best results, you can add a little vitamin E. Massage the stretch marks for 20 minutes.

Very good and nourishing cream based on aloe juice. For its preparation you will need: aloe juice, vitamins A and E, olive oil. Before use, heat this cream and rub into defective areas.

Massage with corn oil. This oil has a large amount of vitamin E and is good for such red stretch marks. Before applying, you need to warm up, and then massage

Scrub based on olive oil, salt and sugar. This procedure should be used during water procedures. Apply to stretch marks and rinse with water.

Mask with Mummy tablets. This is one of the most effective drugs in the fight against red stretch marks. Dissolve a few tablets in a teaspoon of boiled water. Mix this suspension with your body cream and massage the affected areas.

Baths with different means give a great effect:

  1. with starch and aromatic oils (dissolve 0.5 kg of starch and a little oil in a bath and wash for 15 minutes);
  2. with sea salt and baking soda (dissolve the components in equal parts in water and lie down for about 20 minutes);

Physical exercise is an integral part of any type of treatment. Exercises are selected with an emphasis on muscle groups affected by stretch marks and are carefully worked out. Particularly important physical exercise with red stretch marks on the thighs, since the skin there is very elastic and you can achieve good results with proper and regular training.

It is advisable to use special elastic sportswear and a bandage. This will keep the skin toned and tighten the stretch marks more quickly.

A good effect with red stretch marks on the legs is a seaweed wrap immediately after a massage with essential oils. This method maximally stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermis of the skin of the legs and increases blood supply.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and legs

If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to prepare your muscles and skin in advance.

The legs and spine - the support of the body - constantly experience significant loads. If the skin becomes less durable, then internal tears appear - striae. How to remove stretch marks on the legs when they first appeared? What to do when? Dermatologists and cosmetologists are often approached with such questions, especially by young patients.

The natural balance of the skin is disturbed - stretch marks appear

Hormonal disruptions lead to metabolic problems in the integument of the body. Violations occur at the level of cells and tissues, collagen biosynthesis changes. Changes in metabolism are often caused by a lack or excess of certain hormones, nutritional problems, hereditary diseases.

It is unacceptable for boys and girls to mask skin defects with clothes all the time. On the beach, on hot summer days, in the pool - there are dozens of places where the legs should remain open.

White striae are less noticeable, and red and purple ones cause aesthetic discomfort. Many are overcome by questions: “Why exactly did I have this defect? What did I do wrong?" Without going into details of the development of atrophic processes in the skin, we note only the relationship of all phenomena in the body

The risk of getting stretch marks on the lower extremities haunts pregnant women, teenagers and bodybuilders. No one is immune from these skin defects, but methods for the prevention and correction of stretch marks are available to everyone. Various cosmetic products contain compounds necessary for the skin. Some increase elasticity, others promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. What are these drugs, are there among them the most useful for the skin of the legs?

Video on how to make home remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks: treat or mask?

The use of creams and ointments to maintain the natural balance of the skin, the early treatment of stretch marks are two of the most important conditions for effectively combating stretch marks on the legs. How to get rid of the defect yourself? Is it possible to do without the help of a beautician? Experts recommend the use of substances that can affect the properties of the skin. These compounds include fruit acids, massage and essential oils, retinoids.

Visiting a cosmetic clinic or salon, many get the desired result - reducing or getting rid of stretch marks.

The peculiarity of these funds is their slow action. Stretch marks treatment can take several months or even years. During this time, it will be necessary to think about how to mask stretch marks on the legs or other open areas of the body. Natural insolation does not affect the connective tissue that fills the stretch marks. They don't tan, they don't grow hair. The solution may be the use of self-tanning, the choice of clothing that is appropriate for the weather and hides skin defects on the legs.

Salon treatments for stretch marks

  1. Specialists with fresh stretch marks use "light artillery" - wraps. Oils and other cosmetic products, such as algae, are used. Wraps are useful for red stretch marks on the legs, when the striae are not yet filled with connective tissue. After applying the remedy, the thighs, stomach, buttocks are covered with a film and a thermal blanket. Heat is an ally for deeper penetration of healing substances into the skin.
  2. Thalassotherapy is one of the most ancient methods of treating all diseases in general. Foot baths with mineral salts, mud are used for stretch marks on the legs. Treatment consists in the penetration of the components of healing substances into the skin, saturating it with the necessary compounds.
  3. Vacuum massage is a hardware technique. Previously, the body is lubricated with one or a mixture of medicated oils. The suction apparatus is driven through the body, which causes changes in the subcutaneous layers. It "shakes up" and revitalizes the metabolism.
  4. Laser resurfacing with the removal of affected skin layers. Also, a signal is given for the active replacement of scar tissue with normal skin. The factors behind why stretch marks appear on the legs are practically not decisive when choosing this technique. Much depends on the "age" of striae, how much they reduce the patient's quality of life.

    The effectiveness of laser procedures is high, as are the prices for the services of cosmetologists working on modern laser devices. Healing usually takes several weeks, all this time the skin needs special care and gentle treatment, for example, limiting insolation.
  5. Peeling is associated with the use of chemicals on scar tissue. Caustic compounds cause damage to defective skin, it dies. Normal tissue is signaled to multiply more intensively and replace damaged cells, which usually cannot be achieved with a cream. The disadvantages of the technique are unpredictable reactions of the body to burns. Scars and pigmentation are possible consequences of this procedure.

Stretch marks on the calves - how to treat?

Increased swelling of the legs fat people, pregnant women often leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the calves. These are not the only reasons why stretch marks appear on the lower leg. In adolescents, they appear during a period of rapid growth; in men, they are associated with certain professions and sports.

What it is

At the initial stage of the appearance of stretch marks (striae), the skin begins to itch and turn pink. When a subcutaneous rupture occurs, bands of a convex shape with shades of red or purple are formed.

Such stretch marks lend themselves well to correction if the right treatment is started in time. Even at home, you can achieve their complete disappearance, while using low-budget funds.

Over time, the striae become flat and light.

Under the sun, stretch marks do not tan and look lighter against the background of natural skin color. This is due to the fact that the formation of melanin no longer occurs at the site of the subcutaneous rupture.

Such old scars from the skin can be completely removed only cosmetic procedures. The use of folk remedies in this form will only slightly reduce the visible defect.

Stretch marks can appear on the surface of the body, where the skin is well stretched.

But in most cases, they form where there is more subcutaneous fat, namely:

  1. hips,
  2. breast,
  3. stomach,
  4. side,
  5. small of the back,
  6. calves and shoulders.

Such a defect without treatment after a certain time period may become less noticeable, but it will take more than one year.

When they appear

The physiology of such a skin defect lies in the insufficient production of substances (collagen and elastin) that are responsible for the ability of the skin to stretch and return to its original size. There are many reasons for this.

And before you start getting rid of them, you need to figure out why they arose.

A qualified specialist, having learned the factors contributing to the appearance of striae, will choose appropriate techniques and methods of correction.

Most often, stretch marks on the legs appear in violation of metabolic processes in the body, hormonal imbalance, this is preceded by:

  • excess progesterone in women, inhibiting the production of collagen. This phenomenon often occurs during pregnancy, menopause, puberty. Due to the rapid increase in body weight at this time, ruptures of tissue fibers occur;
  • disorders in the work of the pancreas and thyroid glands, adrenal glands, which change the hormonal system in the body. This causes a decrease in collagen production;
  • Morfan's genetic syndrome. With such a disease, a person has a defective gene that negatively affects connective tissues. As a result, they become not very elastic;
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. With such a pathology, there is an excessive production of collagen, which is the root cause for the appearance of stretch marks. Symptoms in this syndrome are expressed by intense growth on the body and face, back pain and weight gain without any prerequisites. Stretch marks in this case have a darker shade than usual;
  • the use of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, the use of steroids by athletes to gain muscle mass;
  • hypercortisolism in adolescents. This pathology is expressed in the excessive production of a hormone (cortisol) that destroys protein. This process has a negative effect on the tissue structure, forming strip-like defects on all skin integuments, but more often forming striae.

Also, the factors provoking the formation of stretch marks include:

  • rapid weight gain and loss;
  • heredity;
  • lack of a balanced diet and violation of the drinking regimen. With insufficient intake of essential nutrients, especially protein, the skin stretches worse;
  • strong physical activity, with the help of which a sharp set of muscle mass is achieved. The skin does not keep up with the rate of weight growth, so it is injured. Stretch marks are formed only in those athletes who have a low level of skin elasticity determined genetically.

How to get rid of stretch marks on legs

Currently, unfortunately, no method and remedy has been invented that would help to quickly get rid of stretch marks. But there are some effective ways, confirmed by numerous positive feedback. After their application, improvements are noted, and in some cases it is said about the complete disappearance of stretch marks.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. laser therapy. With the help of special fractional lasers, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, and some of them can be completely removed. For achievement maximum effect required to undergo such procedures. The amount is determined by the severity of the problem and the type of skin.
  2. Ointments, lotions, gels. Today the market is saturated various types and manufacturers of means in the fight against stretch marks. However, experts recommend their use as a preventive measure or treatment in the initial stages.
  3. Mesotherapy. This method is the most requested. It consists in the fact that a specialist makes a mixture of medicinal preparations that are injected under the skin with a special roller with a large number of thin small needles. Using this method, collagen and elastin are produced at the site of the rupture.
  4. Cosmetic surgery. Surgical intervention is indicated only when the stretch marks are large and the skin in these areas has sagged too much. In this case, the sagging skin is removed by the surgeon, subcutaneous fat and some stretch marks.
  5. Chemical peeling. In this procedure, chemicals are applied to the stretched skin, which cause damage and further death. After that, the healing process begins, where healthy skin cells are activated and multiply. The disadvantages of this method are associated with the possible formation of scars and pigmentation.

Video: Beautician Tips

Find out if cellulite is a disease or a norm.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth? The answer is in this article.

What can be done at home

With stretch marks on the legs with an integrated treatment approach, massage gives an excellent result.

A very good effect can be obtained by combining this procedure with peeling, wrapping or using medical cosmetics.

Massage enhances blood circulation and contributes to the rapid and complete flow of active substances into the deeper layers of the skin.

There are several types of massage that can be performed at home:

  1. Honey. To do this, you need to apply a little honey to the stretch marks area with patting movements. Continue this action until all the honey is absorbed into the skin. After such a massage, take a warm shower without the use of soap products.
  2. Canned. The action of such a massage is aimed not only at combating stretch marks, but also cellulite. It is carried out with special jars sold in pharmacies. It is recommended to do it on steamed skin after a bath. Then you need to take a contrast shower.
  3. Manual. It is considered a preventive measure in the fight against stretch marks. It is necessary to perform it when the prerequisites for them exist. This massage is performed using essential oils with pinching movements of the fingers. You can’t stretch the skin, as it already has a tendency to stretch.
  4. Hydromassage. This procedure is performed not only during the period of prevention, but also already formed sprains on the skin. You can perform a contrast shower at home or an underwater massage in a specialized center. In combination with other procedures, scars soften and skin elasticity returns.

You can remove stretch marks on your legs at home with the help of body wraps. A very efficient and effective procedure. To apply this method, polyethylene and a special active composition acting on problem areas.

With the help of polyethylene, a greenhouse effect is created, which increases the temperature level at which there is an active absorption of nutrients and therapeutic substances by the skin. For wrapping against striae, dead sea mud, chocolate, algae, and clay are used.

According to the recommendations of experts, algae wraps are the most effective in the fight against stretch marks. Since brown algae (kelp) contains alginic acid and other useful trace elements and substances that make the skin more elastic and elastic.

Warm baths are very useful in the treatment of stretch marks. Taking a bath can help you relax and relieve stress. By adding nourishing moisturizers, algae, essential oils (geranium, nutmeg, orange, frankincense) there, the skin will become softer and the cell renewal process will be activated. Such baths should be taken three times a week for at least 20 minutes.

Read how to do self-massage from cellulite at home.

How to prepare a mask for cellulite on the legs at home? Details here.

Does honey mustard body wrap help with cellulite? Read on.

Any disease is better to prevent than to cure, and stretch marks on the legs are no exception. To avoid the possible appearance of stretch marks, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • always adhere to proper nutrition. Only foods that are healthy for humans should be present in the diet. Insufficient intake of nutrients and water also negatively affects the skin, making it dry and less elastic. And this increases the risk of tearing the fibers of the epidermis;
  • be sure to exercise to maintain a good sportswear. In their absence, the skin becomes flabby and sagging, which increases the likelihood of stretch marks;
  • during pregnancy, do not neglect prophylactic agents for skin stretch marks. You can seek advice from a gynecologist on the selection of a special complex against stretch marks.

Women often experience stretch marks on their legs! In particular, ladies who have drastically lost weight or, having carried a large fetus, have recovered greatly. Known about the flaws of the skin and men. But there are skin imperfections in the first place in adolescents.

Sometimes stretch marks develop so strong that they make a person seriously worry about the condition of the skin. Pronounced scars give the skin an untidy flabby appearance, they simply disfigure the body. In medical practice, skin imperfections are called striae. A woman finds scars on her stomach, especially in the lower part, on the inside or back of the chest, on her arms, thighs, legs, including calves. Stretch marks in men appear less frequently, favorite places are the back, legs, arms, abdomen, groin. The build-up of muscle mass by athletes provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the shoulders and the inside of the arm. Sometimes striae appear in unexpected places: between the buttocks, on the inside of the thigh.

Removing stretch marks on the legs is rarely a top priority. Men, according to statistics, pay attention to a skin defect much less often: when scars appear, they are not very conspicuous. Initially, stretch marks appear gradually, if the number increases, you have to make a lot of efforts to minimize scarring.

Stretch marks on legs

An unpleasant flaw is not a disease, but a cosmetic defect. Sometimes stretch marks become symptoms of certain diseases. There are several reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the legs:

  • the skin ceases to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities;
  • protein that produces substances that “build” new cells that give elasticity (collagen, elastin) - the body lacks, the skin becomes thin, fragile, easily torn;
  • vessels rupture, microtraumas are gradually filled with subcutaneous tissue, forming striae.

In other words, the scars do not have time to stretch after the growing skin, skin atrophy occurs.

For what reasons do striae appear

What causes such a serious imbalance in the body, leading to skin defects? Causes of striae:

  1. Taking anabolic steroids - drugs that are made from the male hormone testosterone. Accelerate the growth of proteins, there is a sharp increase in muscle tissue.
  2. Puberty. During this period, special changes occur in the body of a teenager. The body grows, the skin does not have time to grow after the skeletal system. In adolescence, the skin, renewing itself, “gets rid” of stretch marks on its own, no additional measures are required to eliminate the defect.
  3. Violation of the endocrine system. A hormonal imbalance develops, often occurring during stress, or as a result of disruption of the thyroid gland, sex glands.

    The appearance of stretch marks

  4. Juvenile hypercortisolism is a disease associated with prolonged oversaturation of the adrenal cortex with hormones.
  5. Pregnancy. Many women suffer due to the fact that as a result of the abundance of amniotic fluid or the large size of the fetus, body weight increases greatly. Gaining up to 17-20 extra pounds.
  6. Obesity either dramatic weight loss- causes that are considered frequent provocateurs of tears on the body, the occurrence of scars.
  7. Adrenal hyperplasia is a disease in which tissue cells of a certain organ increase when scars appear on the abdomen and thighs.
  8. Hereditary or genetic predisposition to stretch marks.

If striae show an excess of hair growth, blood pressure rises, body weight increases sharply, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist for a thorough examination. It's better not to postpone.

How to distinguish stretch marks from other skin defects

Stretch marks distinguish young and old. Depending on age, striae acquire color and shape. Scars that appear within six months are considered young, they initially have a pink color. Fresh stretch marks quickly turn from pink to red, purple, purplish, red-brown, or purple. They look like lightning, stripes, waves or veins. There are clear outlines and different lengths, sometimes convex, when pressed, they “fall through” inside. Are located vertically or horizontally.

Stretch marks on the skin

Old stretch marks are harder to get rid of. Six months later, the color of the stretch marks changes, the scars brighten. White scars, grayish stretch marks are an indicator of their old age. In fair-skinned people, the scars turn into silver-white or pearly. Old scars show indistinct outlines, there is no bulge.

Red striae, with shades from pinkish to reddish-cyanotic, are an indicator of the location of blood capillaries. The closer the capillaries are to the surface of the skin, the brighter the shade of the striae.

Color, size and shape do not depend on the place of appearance - on the back, thighs or between the buttocks.

Is it difficult to treat stretch marks?

Treatment of any skin defects is a long-term matter, especially when it comes to stretch marks. Modern cosmetology has considerable opportunities and knowledge, but getting rid of scars remains a difficult and expensive process. Cosmetic procedures, massages, if necessary - surgical intervention - require considerable costs. The solution of the problem involves the use of cosmetics and special nutrition.

The treatment of stretch marks directly depends on how much money a person is willing to spend to get rid of the deficiency. Traditional medicine offers many ways to reduce the number of stretch marks on the legs. If you apply methods and tools in combination, the result is relatively fast and positive.

Stretch marks treatment

Ways to treat stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks on the legs, they know in any beauty salon. Of course, the effect of chemical procedures appears faster than when getting rid of scars at home. Beauticians and dermatologists offer many methods and techniques for getting rid of stretch marks on the legs:

  1. Stretch marks are treated by massage with the application of creams and ointments that promote the breakdown of fats, making the skin supple. Usually massage is recommended to be performed within 2 weeks.
  2. Laser resurfacing is not an easy procedure: in addition to additional preparation with the application of vitamin C to the skin for 1-2 months, the technique requires the use of anesthesia, the procedure is extremely painful. Scars are burned out with a laser, then skin healing with wound healing creams will be required.
  3. Chemical peeling is performed strictly in the salon or clinic. The procedure is associated with the application of a number of types of acids to the skin, and the upper layer of the epidermis is “eaten up”.
  4. Therapy with ultrasound. Ultrasonic massage removes stretch marks, brings the epidermis into good condition. Usually, ultrasound therapy helps to completely get rid of young scars.
  5. Surgery is a difficult way to remove stretch marks. It is performed in extremely severe cases of skin injury.
  6. Wraps. A light pinch massage of the skin of problem areas, subsequent application of cream, ointment and wrapping the skin with cling film for 40-50 minutes, followed by wrapping it with a warm blanket will give a good result. Cosmetologists recommend making gruels from crushed seaweed, in particular from spirulina, for wrapping.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the legs, folk remedies will tell. If you have patience, persistently follow the recommendations of traditional healers, stretch marks on the legs will become less noticeable, they can disappear if the scars are young.

Treatment tips folk methods:

  1. Massage procedures (pinching) with the help of ointment, cream are rubbed into problem areas of the skin (preheat the skin red-hot with a massage brush or a hard towel):
  • for 80 g of any baby cream 1 g of mummy soaked in a tablespoon of water; store in the refrigerator, rub daily 1 time;
  • mix 3 drops of essential oil of lavender, tangerine or patchouli with 30 ml of olive oil or jojoba oil, rub 2 times a day;
  • in a dark bowl 70 ml of olive oil mixed with 30 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice, add 5 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E (liquid), store in a cold place, apply in the morning and evening.
  1. Wraps at home do not differ from professional ones:
  • Take capsicum ointment (it has a strong warming effect), contractubex ointment, combine two medicines with any fat cream (ratio 1:1:1). Mix thoroughly, apply on stretch marks, wrap feet with cling film, hold for 40 minutes. in warmth;
  • Melt 70% chocolate, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, apply the ointment on stretch marks, wrap with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes. wrap in a blanket, do 1 time per day.
  1. Baths with a few drops of cocoa or lavender essential oil.
  2. Contrast shower with combined massage of problem areas of the skin.

Measures to prevent stretch marks

Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks, both on the legs and on other parts of the body, is no different. There are a number of requirements that must be met every day, without ignoring any of the points. Provide:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition with sufficient intake of protein, potassium, iron, fluoride (meat, liver, fish, dairy products, beans and lentils, eggs).
  2. Daily drinking of water (at least 2 liters per day).
  3. The use of vegetables, fruits, foods rich in vitamins A, E (bell pepper, cauliflower, pumpkin, red caviar, carrots, prunes, apples, mint, green onions).
  4. Limit your salt intake.
  5. Take baths with herbal extracts and decoctions that stimulate blood circulation.
  6. Systematically do pinch massage of the affected areas of the body.
  7. Lubrication of the skin with special creams for stretch marks.
  8. Performing sports exercises (Pilates).

To avoid stretch marks, you need to remember that preventing the appearance is always easier than treating it later. Preventive methods give excellent results if used in combination.

The legs and spine - the support of the body - constantly experience significant loads. If the skin becomes less durable, then internal tears appear - striae. How to remove stretch marks on the legs when they first appeared? What to do with pale striae? Dermatologists and cosmetologists are often approached with such questions, especially by young patients.

The natural balance of the skin is disturbed - stretch marks appear

Hormonal disruptions lead to metabolic problems in the integument of the body. Violations occur at the level of cells and tissues, collagen biosynthesis changes. Changes in metabolism are often caused by a lack or excess of certain hormones, nutritional problems, hereditary diseases.

It is unacceptable for boys and girls to mask skin defects with clothes all the time. On the beach, on hot summer days, in the pool - there are dozens of places where the legs should remain open.

White striae are less noticeable, and red and purple ones cause aesthetic discomfort. Many are overcome by questions: “Why exactly did I have this defect? What did I do wrong?" Without going into details of the development of atrophic processes in the skin, we note only the relationship of all phenomena in the body

For the treatment of stretch marks on the legs and

men's hands

The risk of getting stretch marks on the lower extremities haunts pregnant women, teenagers and bodybuilders. No one is immune from these skin defects, but methods for the prevention and correction of stretch marks are available to everyone. Various cosmetic products contain compounds necessary for the skin. Some increase elasticity, others promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. What are these drugs, are there among them the most useful for the skin of the legs?

Video on how to make home remedies for stretch marks

Stretch marks: treat or mask?

The use of creams and ointments to maintain the natural balance of the skin, the early treatment of stretch marks are two of the most important conditions for effectively combating stretch marks on the legs. How to get rid of the defect yourself? Is it possible to do without the help of a beautician? Experts recommend the use of substances that can affect the properties of the skin. These compounds include fruit acids, massage and essential oils, retinoids.

Visiting a cosmetic clinic or salon, many get the desired result - reducing or getting rid of stretch marks.

The peculiarity of these funds is their slow action. Stretch marks treatment can take several months or even years. During this time, it will be necessary to think about how to mask stretch marks on the legs or other open areas of the body. Natural insolation does not affect the connective tissue that fills the stretch marks. They don't tan, they don't grow hair. The solution may be the use of self-tanning, the choice of clothing that is appropriate for the weather and hides skin defects on the legs.

Salon treatments for stretch marks

  1. Specialists with fresh stretch marks use "light artillery" - wraps. Oils and other cosmetic products, such as algae, are used. Wraps are useful for red stretch marks on the legs, when the striae are not yet filled with connective tissue. After applying the remedy, the thighs, stomach, buttocks are covered with a film and a thermal blanket. Heat is an ally for deeper penetration of healing substances into the skin.
  2. Thalassotherapy is one of the most ancient methods of treating all diseases in general. Foot baths with mineral salts, mud are used for stretch marks on the legs. Treatment consists in the penetration of the components of healing substances into the skin, saturating it with the necessary compounds.
  3. Vacuum massage is a hardware technique. Previously, the body is lubricated with one or a mixture of medicated oils. The suction apparatus is driven through the body, which causes changes in the subcutaneous layers. It "shakes up" and revitalizes the metabolism.
  4. Laser resurfacing with the removal of affected skin layers. Also, a signal is given for the active replacement of scar tissue with normal skin. The factors behind why stretch marks appear on the legs are practically not decisive when choosing this technique. Much depends on the "age" of striae, how much they reduce the patient's quality of life.
    The effectiveness of laser procedures is high, as are the prices for the services of cosmetologists working on modern laser devices. Healing usually takes several weeks, all this time the skin needs special care and gentle treatment, for example, limiting insolation.
  5. Peeling is associated with the use of chemicals on scar tissue. Caustic compounds cause damage to defective skin, it dies. Normal tissue is signaled to multiply more intensively and replace damaged cells, which usually cannot be achieved with a cream. The disadvantages of the technique are unpredictable reactions of the body to burns. Scars and pigmentation are possible consequences of this procedure.

Stretch marks on the calves - how to treat?

Increased swelling of the legs in obese people, pregnant women often leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the calves. These are not the only reasons why stretch marks appear on the lower leg. In adolescents, they appear during a period of rapid growth; in men, they are associated with certain professions and sports.

It alleviates the condition of the legs during pregnancy by wearing compression underwear, putting pillows under the knees and feet so that they are elevated.

Ikram, in general lower limbs, gets less care, home cosmetic procedures. Hormonal disorders, inattention to the condition of the skin, significant stress are the main causes of stretch marks on the legs. The skin of the calves and thighs needs help, for which it should be regularly moisturized and nourished. Effective creams with vitamins A, B, E, massage and essential oils.

One of the sparing procedures that can be used to treat striae in adolescents in adolescence is massage. Oils and medical cosmetics are used for this procedure. Exposure to the skin has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, which contributes to a more active metabolism. The tone of the skin increases, its general condition improves.

Stretch marks or striae are a cosmetic flaw that most women who have children know about. It is during pregnancy that ugly stripes most often appear on the body.

Getting rid of stretch marks on the legs is quite difficult. The longer you wait for the whitish stripes to disappear on their own, the harder it will be to achieve a result. Do not put off the fight against stretch marks. For you - proven homemade recipes from available ingredients.


Before wondering how to get rid of stretch marks, it is important to understand why they occur. Is it possible to prevent the appearance of unpleasant uneven stripes?

What causes stretch marks on the legs? Main reasons:

  • internal ruptures of insufficiently elastic tissues of the epidermis;
  • replacement of "voids" with connective tissue.

When pregnant or quickly gaining extra pounds:

  • the upper layer of the epidermis is stretched too quickly, the fibers are torn;
  • cells feel a constant lack of collagen;
  • metabolic processes in the epidermis are disturbed;
  • the skin loses its elasticity. The result is stretch marks.

In addition to pregnancy and increased body weight, there are other factors that provoke the appearance of unaesthetic stripes on the body:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • high intensity training;
  • breast-feeding.

Striae can be prevented only by constant rubbing of special ointments and creams for stretch marks. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations:

  • moisturize;
  • maintain the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • nourish;
  • give the skin softness.

Note! Large cosmetic companies produce creams, gels, ointments especially for expectant mothers. The drugs have a beneficial effect on the skin. With regular use, the likelihood of stretch marks is minimized.

General rules of treatment

There are many home remedies that have stood the test of time. The list of procedures is quite large.

Consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist listen to the expert's opinion. Perhaps, in your case, only modern cosmetic procedures will be effective.

  • folk methods - masks, scrubs, peelings, rubbing, body wraps, self-massage, baths;
  • hardware cosmetology. The best option– laser skin resurfacing;
  • topical drugs. Effective drugs– Mederma, Contractubex. Ointments and creams eventually remove not only stretch marks, but also scars.

Important! Before starting therapy, decide what you want. The first option is to remove striae quickly, but pay a fairly decent amount. Contact a cosmetic clinic. The second option is to treat stretch marks longer, but at minimal cost. Use home methods.

Best Methods and Recipes to Fight Stretch Marks

Tune in to a positive result, remember how long ago you had stretch marks on your legs. Older formations are easier to remove with laser skin resurfacing.

With more fresh stripes, you can fight on your own. Try it! Everything will definitely work!

How to proceed:

  • cleanse the skin;
  • treat problem areas with special compounds;
  • if necessary, massage the areas with stretch marks well.

Learn all about what a sun allergy looks like and how to get rid of it with medications and folk methods.

ABOUT useful properties grape seed oil and its use in beauty recipes, read on this page.

Scrubs, peels

Home formulations are suitable for mechanical cleaning. Without this simple yet effective pore-opening treatment, stretch marks won't work to their full potential.

Proven Recipes:

  • coffee scrub. Take 4 tbsp. l. sleeping coffee grounds or the same quality ground coffee, combine with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, add 3 drops of orange oil. Rub the mixture from the knees up to the hips, if necessary, in the abdomen. Hold as a mask for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse;
  • scrub with oatmeal. Take 5 tbsp. l. flakes of medium grinding, pour in 3 tbsp. l. thin honey, add 3 tbsp. l. sour cream or sour milk. Add 3 drops of rosemary, lemon, lavender oil, rub the mixture, let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Carefully treat the desired areas, hold on the body for 10 minutes. After the procedure, apply cream for stretch marks;
  • clay scrub peeling. The tool is suitable for processing large areas. Mix 4 tbsp. l. healing blue clay, the same amount of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. oily liquid from wheat germ, crushed pulp of a medium avocado. Prepare a mass of medium consistency, if necessary, add more oil. Peeling cream is suitable not only for the leg area, but also for the chest. Rub the mixture thoroughly, leave until it dries, rinse;
  • fruit peeling. Soft exfoliating agent at the same time nourishes, moisturizes, does not injure the epidermis. After taking a shower, be sure to lubricate the treated areas with a gentle cream. Grate the zest of a medium lemon, add 350 ml of yogurt without dyes and additives, 1 dessert spoon of fragrant peach oil. The duration of each session is 20 minutes;
  • exotic cleansing blend. The active composition with overseas fruits intensively cleanses, rejuvenates, improves metabolic processes in deep layers epidermis. Grind 200 g pineapple pulp, 100 g papaya, add 2 dess. l. thin light honey. The procedure time is no more than five to seven minutes. Rinse off the fruit mixture, apply a moisturizer.


During the procedure, the skin is saturated with useful substances, the production of collagen fibers is enhanced. Metabolic processes are restored, the tone of the epidermis increases, striae gradually brighten.

A few proven recipes:

  • clay-coffee wrap. Prepare a mass of medium density from coffee and blue clay. Take the components in equal proportions. Dilute with water or chamomile tea. Apply the mass, wrap yourself in cling film, wait half an hour. No need to wrap up. The frequency of procedures is twice a week. Be sure to lubricate all treated areas with a gentle cream, otherwise dry the skin;
  • honey wrap. Not recommended during pregnancy. Connect 5 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 3 drops of rosemary, orange, grapefruit or lavender ether. Everything is as usual. You can wrap up for 30 minutes. Check in advance if you are allergic to honey;
  • chocolate wrap. Nice and useful process. Only dark chocolate is good. Melt the tile in a water bath, pour in 5 drops of lemon ether, 1 tbsp. l. nourishing olive oil. Cover the desired areas with a slightly cooled mass, wrap yourself in a film, wrap yourself well. Stay warm for an hour. After water procedures, a light cream is required;
  • seaweed wraps. Buy dry kelp at the pharmacy. Steam seaweed. After half an hour, spread the thick mass over the area of ​​stretch marks on the hips and legs. Then everything is as usual - a film, a warm blanket, a shower. The duration of the useful procedure is 30 minutes.

Oil blends for smooth skin

To the base oil (olive, jojoba, peach, wheat germ), add one type of ester or a composition of several essential oils.

Proportions - 20 ml of nutritional base - 3-5 drops of active ester.

Essential oils will help fight stretch marks:

  • juniper;
  • grapefruit
  • lavender;
  • patchouli;
  • orange.

Foot masks from stretch marks

Pamper your feet with healing formulas. Home remedies are prepared simply, show a good effect. Two to three times a week is enough. The course is long - up to six months. During this period, alternate masks. Let your skin rest for a week after 4 weeks of active treatments.

Best Recipes:

  • with brewer's yeast. Pound 15 g of fresh yeast. Separately, mix 5 dessert spoons of cream and fragrant honey, add yeast, mix thoroughly. After 15-20 minutes, cover the problem areas on the legs with a mass. Take a shower, be sure to rub a gentle cream;
  • grapefruit mask. This composition will help not only from stretch marks on the legs, but also from cellulite. Cut a medium grapefruit in half, making sure to cross the slices. Pour a little sea salt into the slices, wait 5 minutes. Remove the pulp, chop, apply to the affected areas, wrap with a film for 15 minutes;
  • kefir mask. Add to 4 des. l. fresh fermented milk product of high fat content a couple of drops of orange ether. Apply the nutrient mixture to the stretch marks, rub in, leave for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • clay mask. Combine two types of clay - blue and gray in equal proportions. Pour in the same amount of thin honey, rub it. Spread the active mixture on ugly stripes, wait a quarter of an hour, then - water procedures. Moisturize the epidermis.


Add "secret" ingredients to the water - and a pleasant procedure will turn into a useful one. The effect of water and active ingredients removes toxins, tones the skin, refreshes.

Bath compositions:

  • blue or white clay - 8 tbsp. l. + 3 dec. l. honey;
  • esters of geranium, nutmeg - 2 drops each, orange - 5 drops, neroli - 6 drops;
  • steamed kelp - 200 g.

Self massage

A simple, effective procedure gives an excellent effect. Rub the composition thoroughly, massage the striae for 10-15 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily.

Choose the right remedy:

  • rosehip oil;
  • a dessert spoon of fragrant almond oil + 7 drops of rosemary ether;
  • Peach oil;
  • 2 drops each of tangerine and tender lavender ether, 1 drop each of neroli ether and lime oil. Rub in the wheat germ oil after 15 minutes.


After such a procedure, blood circulation is activated, the tone of the epidermis increases, and regeneration processes are enhanced. After a bath or shower, gently rub the stretch marks. Apply the composition with a hard towel or mitten. Then rinse, moisturize the body.

Proven funds:

  • first recipe. Connect water - 2 l, sea ​​salt- 2 dec. l, Apple vinegar 5% - 1 tbsp. l. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a week for maximum effect;
  • second recipe. The tincture is prepared within a month. Combine 0.5 l of good vodka, juice of a medium lemon, 50 g of chopped horsetail leaves. After a month, strain the solution, dilute it half with water. Rub problem areas every other day. Gradually, the striae will definitely brighten.

Learn all about the first signs and symptoms of shingles in humans.

An interesting article has been written at this address on the use of Chlorhexidine bigluconate for acne.

A few tips:

  • during pregnancy, use special creams daily to prevent the appearance of striae on the legs, abdomen, hips, chest;
  • eat right. The lack of vitamins worsens the condition of the skin, reduces elasticity, slows down the production of collagen. Include pears, bananas, dried apricots, nuts, vegetable oils, red fish, seeds in the menu;
  • drink enough liquid. Dry, flaky skin, lack of sufficient moisture in the cells increase the risk of rupture of the epidermal fibers;
  • be sure to do exercises to maintain good fitness. Flabby muscles, sagging skin - a direct road to stretch marks. During pregnancy, choose a special complex for expectant mothers;
  • daily care for the body as carefully as for the face. Cleanse, nourish, moisturize the epidermis. While waiting for the baby, do not be lazy to rub the stretch mark cream. Consult with a gynecologist, select affordable folk recipes for stretch marks. You can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their number.

Now you know how you can remove ugly stretch marks on the legs and other parts of the body. Use available recipes, you will definitely achieve results!

Learn more in the following video useful information about the causes and treatment of stretch marks:

Many of us, unfortunately, had to deal with stretch marks on our legs. And everyone who is not lucky enough to become their owner will surely agree that these white stripes on the skin look unaesthetic. But is it possible to get rid of this scourge and how to remove them at home?

Causes of stretch marks: what can appear on the skin

Stretch marks, or, as they are commonly called, are formed due to damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. There is a rupture of tissues and blood vessels - that is why fresh scars have a rich crimson-burgundy color.

Fresh stretch marks stand out brightly on the skin

Then, gradually, the skin is restored, and a noticeable mark remains at the site of the injury, which eventually turns pale to white. Striae do not cause any harm to the body, but they certainly look ugly. However, no one is immune from stretch marks, but this phenomenon has some prerequisites:

  • A sharp increase in weight is one of the main factors in the occurrence of stretch marks. Whatever caused the mass gain - pregnancy, obesity, body growth in the transition period - the skin is stretched to cover new body volumes. It is at this point that stretch marks occur. Despite the fact that during pregnancy, the stomach first of all increases, often striae form not only on it, but also on the legs, too - after all, many women gain weight dramatically during this period and suffer from severe swelling.
  • Hormonal changes also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks, including on the legs. And here, not only the already mentioned teenagers and future mothers are at risk, but also people with diseases of the endocrine system and those who use hormone therapy to treat any ailment.

Personally, I had stretch marks on my thighs in adulthood during a completely calm period, which prompted me to see a doctor. As a result, for the first time, stretch marks turned out to be one of the signs of subclinical hypothyroidism, and for the second time - side effect from the use of hormonal contraceptives.

  • Dry, inelastic skin is more at risk for scarring. With a lack of elastin and natural collagen, as well as vitamins A, E and C, striae can occur even with small and almost imperceptible weight fluctuations.
  • Heredity can also play a trick on you: you can be a completely healthy person in hormonal terms and still have stretch marks on your legs. In order not to miss this moment, pay attention to the legs of your older relatives and especially relatives. And if their thighs are covered with striae, you may have inherited this feature from them.

How to get rid of stretch marks on legs

The fight against stretch marks is not a priority, but many, especially women, want to have perfectly smooth legs. But stretch marks are not such an easy obstacle, since they indicate that the skin has been damaged strongly and deeply. It is easiest to deal with them immediately after the appearance. But it is completely impossible to remove old stretch marks, as well as old scars - it will only turn out to make them somewhat less noticeable.

How to get rid of stretch marks on legs at home

For starters, you can try to get rid of stretch marks yourself. There are some of the most popular ways:

  • Ointment. First of all, you can go to the pharmacy and stock up on any ointment or gel for scars. Indeed, in essence, stretch marks are scars, which means that they should be dealt with in the same way. A good option may be such means as Dermatix, Zeraderm, Mederma, Clearvin. Most of them contain heparin, collagen and its derivatives, as well as an extract from algae and beneficial plants. You just need to buy an ointment and apply it, clearly following the instructions.
  • Creams. Modern cosmetology offers a fairly extensive range of creams for stretch marks, but there are some general recommendations. For example, it is desirable that the composition contains collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, algae extracts, retinol and vitamin E. All these ingredients stimulate metabolism, promote skin regeneration, as well as its hydration and increase elasticity. Stretch mark products are produced by such giants as Vichy, Lierac, Avent and Clarins. Weleda, 9 months, Mustela and Mama comfort creams are also popular today. All of them are more effective for prevention than for the direct fight against stretch marks. But you can find something suitable among the products of both large concerns and little-known companies, or you can create your own cream.
  • Scrubs. Peeling helps to remove the upper layers of the epidermis, improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of new cells. It is also easy to make and use at home. To do this, you need to mix the base oil - almond, jojoba or shea butter is best - with coarse salt, coffee grounds or sugar. For the best effect, it will be useful to add a couple of drops of tea tree, tangerine, arborvitae, neroli or rose essential oil to the mixture - they all help to eliminate scars and smooth the skin.

Coffee peeling is popular as a remedy for stretch marks.

My recipe for stretch marks: mix blue clay (1 sachet, 50 grams), 2 teaspoons almond oil, 1 tablespoon cane sugar, 2 drops each of mandarin, tea tree and vitamin A essential oils, then add a little chamomile decoction to bring the mixture to the consistency of a thick cream. The scrub helped in combination with the Clearvin cream.

  • Wraps. Another means of local action is plastic wraps. A useful substance is diluted with water or cosmetic oil and applied to the affected area. The leg is then tightly wrapped in layers food film and fixed with tight clothing - leggings or tights.

    For example, 200 grams of clay is mixed with 3 tablespoons of cinnamon, 3 drops of any citrus essential oil and diluted with water to the consistency of pancake batter. This mixture can be kept on the skin for no more than an hour. You can use algae powder (it is sold in pharmacies) mixed with camphor oil in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of powder and 20 drops of oil, then add a raw chicken egg and 5-6 drops of lemon essential oil. This recipe is designed to be used in no more than 45 minutes. One of the most popular options is the Altai mummy diluted with warm boiled water. It must be taken so much that the mushy mixture completely covers the skin areas with striae. The usual proportion is two shilajit tablets per teaspoon of water. Wrapping with this healing substance is considered absolutely safe, some even do it every day or leave it overnight. But it is better to keep the mummy on the skin for no more than a couple of hours. And wraps are recommended to be done at intervals of a day or two, repeating sessions until the desired effect is achieved.

Clay with shungite removes stretch marks very well. I buy a ready-made mask in buckets and do wraps in a day or two. I even apply it on the chest, as there are striae there too. I'm afraid that the chest can "build" from such spas, but these scars just kill. Clay is my most versatile and favorite remedy. I have been using it for my face and body since I was a teenager. There are practically no contraindications, but the sea benefits.


Shilajit really helps girls!!! After giving birth, I woke up only when the child was 6 years old ... I decided to try the mummy, rubbed it every night at night and wrapped myself in cling film ... you will see the result on the third day !!! Now there are only a few left and they are not noticeable at all)))


  • Massage. A daily 10–20-minute massage after a bath or a contrast shower also helps to improve blood circulation and increase muscle and skin tone. The problem area is gently but intensively kneaded and rubbed with hands, sometimes also using pinching and patting. Oil must be used for massage - any vegetable oil is suitable, from olive to apricot kernels. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, or camphor, or rose oil to it. Repeat the procedure until the stretch marks become invisible.

Photo gallery: medications for stretch marks

Mederma is produced by different medical companies, but its composition does not change Imoferase can help to cope with stretch marks Dermatix Ultra - the good old Dermatix, but enhanced Fermencol is available in the form of a gel Contractubex helps with scars, and therefore also with stretch marks Clearvin - an Ayurvedic cream based on natural extracts Zeraderm - ointment for scars and scars

Video: do-it-yourself cream

Home methods of dealing with stretch marks are good because you do not have to pay extra for expensive equipment and the work of craftsmen. Therefore, you can try several products one by one or in combination and not spend a lot of money.

salon products

If you do not trust the people's experience or despaired of an inconclusive struggle - welcome to a beauty salon or clinic. Now services for the reduction of stretch marks are provided almost everywhere, they are in great demand. Prices and duration of therapy will depend not only on the luxury of the salon, but also on the type of procedure. There are several main ways to treat stretch marks.

  • Laser resurfacing is considered one of the most effective means. In fact, it is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis - and, consequently, all the damage accumulated in it - using a laser. The procedure is performed under local or full anesthesia. The course of treatment lasts at least one to two months, as it consists of several sessions. However, the money and time spent will pay off with smooth and even skin.

Laser resurfacing is carried out by professionals using the most modern equipment.

The procedure of laser nanoperfaration helped me a lot, after 3 procedures the stretch marks became barely noticeable, I did not expect such an amazing effect.


  • Chemical peeling is by and large, good old skin scrubbing. But in the salon, instead of abrasive elements, special acids are used - they are exactly the same, but softer and more delicately remove dead skin cells. And stimulation of blood circulation and skin regeneration become a pleasant addition.
  • Salon wrapping differs from home wrapping mainly in the intensity and duration of the session. First, the legs are quickly and strongly steamed so that the skin is ready to receive useful substances, and then covered with a therapeutic agent. It contains extracts of algae and medicinal herbs, as well as vitamins, collagen, elastin and everything that the affected skin lacks so much.
  • Ultrasound exposure to the deep layers of the skin is good for recent scars. Low-frequency radiation causes an increase in the production of natural collagen, which itself smoothes stretch marks, filling them. But if fresh striae can completely dissolve thanks to ultrasound, then chronic scars will most likely simply become less noticeable.
  • Mesotherapy more effective than wraps because it delivers nutrients directly to the deep layers of the skin. This method is an injection of elastin, collagen, vitamins and other components directly into the epidermis, hypodermis and dermis. In this way, metabolism and cell regeneration are stimulated, tissues are restored by themselves and strengthened. The course of therapy consists of several procedures - depending on the condition of the skin, the age of the patient and other features - which are repeated no more than once a week.

Lidaza is injected into old white stretch marks every 2 mm, after 15 sessions they will disappear!

Stretch mark treatment today is carried out not only in beauty salons, but also in clinics specializing in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.

How not to hurt yourself

Despite the fact that the fight against stretch marks in itself seems to us a treatment, there are several universal and individual contraindications for some of its methods:

  • Skin diseases - shingles, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, allergies, fungus and others. Any means of combating stretch marks is designed to act on the skin - from the outside or from the inside. This means that the consequences of its interaction with a skin disease or with medicines for it can be unpredictable. Be sure to first deal with a more serious illness and then wait at least a few weeks after the cure so that the skin can recover.

From my own experience, I note: if you are prone to seasonal allergies, it is better not to start any skin procedures in the appropriate period. It is better to wait out the time of spring flowering of trees and summer flowering of grasses. And if you are allergic to dust, spread the general cleaning of the apartment, house and garden and the fight against stretch marks. Otherwise, the manifestations of allergies on the skin can noticeably increase and put you out of action for a long time.

  • Infectious and viral diseases. They exclude the use of laser, ultrasound, injections, body wraps and any scrubs. As for ointments and creams, you can use those that affect only the upper layers of the skin, but only on condition that your well-being does not worsen after that. From hormonal ointments should refrain. But the best solution is to consult a doctor about the compatibility of medications and your stretch mark remedy.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. It makes sense to postpone laser, ultrasound and mesotherapy, body wraps and chemical peels until better times. No matter how much you want to bring your legs back to normal as soon as possible and no matter how safe the procedures may seem, the health of both you and the newborn baby should be a priority. For this period, it is better to limit the use of special creams for expectant mothers and soft scrubs.
  • Phlebeurysm. If you suffer from this disease, but want to reduce stretch marks, consult your phlebologist and he will tell you which method is right for you - depending on the stage of varicose veins and the characteristics of the body.
  • Renal failure. Your nephrologist will certainly be able to choose a method of dealing with stretch marks that will not cause swelling. The most risky in this regard are laser, wraps, ultrasound and mesotherapy, and more gentle methods may be suitable.
  • Individual intolerance. It can manifest itself with any treatment, in the form of a response to any component. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly the substances and drugs that your body rejects in order to reduce the likelihood of problems. And you should be careful during the treatment process in order to immediately interrupt it if you feel worse than expected.

Prevention measures

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of striae. All people, including men, are subject to them, despite common myths on this topic. However, there are several recommendations that will help minimize the risk of stretch marks:

  • Massage. To improve blood circulation and maintain skin tone, it is useful to regularly massage - both regular and lymphatic drainage. Thanks to him, metabolic processes in the skin are more active, cells are renewed more intensively, the skin produces the necessary nutrients and restores itself.

A full body massage with an Australian cactus dry brush helped me a lot. It is performed from the bottom up, from the toes to the neck. The skin, as it were, is “combed” in one direction, pressing hard enough, but carefully so as not to injure. Despite heredity and set excess weight, new stretch marks on the hips did not appear - largely due to massage.

  • Hydration. Dry skin is more prone to stretch marks, so it needs extra nourishment and hydration. Do not forget to constantly use body cream, oil or milk after showering and bathing. And it is especially good if the product contains vitamins A, E and C, collagen, hyaluronic acid and algae extracts. However, dryness threatens not only the skin - the human body is in great need of water, and dehydration affects all organs. Therefore, do not forget to drink at least two liters of clean water every day.
  • Preventive creams. Most creams for stretch marks for pregnant women are designed not only to combat scars that have already appeared, but also for prevention. They should be applied to problem areas, including on the legs, during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal background. Since stretch marks often appear due to hormonal surges, do not postpone preventive visits to the endocrinologist for a long time. Get tested regularly and do not start endocrine diseases. Be careful with hormonal drugs and take them only as prescribed by a specialist and according to the instructions.
  • Proper nutrition. In order for the body to produce natural collagen, help it by eating healthy foods such as gelatin, seafood, red fish, flaxseed oil, meat, nuts, raw vegetables. And from harmful products- especially alcohol and nicotine - give up completely, because they only destroy collagen.

Even if you failed to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on your legs, or heredity let you down - now you know how to deal with them. Complete elimination of stretch marks is still an unattainable ideal. Nevertheless, you can do everything possible or call on the help of modern cosmetology to make them less noticeable.