Pump up the elbow muscles at home. Arm muscles and their training


What groups are the muscles of the hands divided into. What movements are they responsible for and where are they located. What exercises can be worked out.

The muscles of the hands are part of the body, the volume of which is 5-7% muscle mass person. At the same time, their study and the addition of muscles does not greatly affect weight gain. But it is also impossible not to pay attention to the hands. Depends on their shape appearance torso and its beauty.

Why swing your arms?

Training these muscles is essential for the following reasons:

  • According to statistics, women pay attention to the hands of a man, and only after the rest of the parts. Strong arms partners give a sense of confidence in the future, complement the feeling of comfort.
  • Pumped up body muscles look beautiful in the warm season, when only a short-sleeve shirt is worn on the torso. At the same time, their beautiful shape- a sign of a responsible attitude to sports and health.
  • When someone asks to show pumped muscles, the first thing an athlete boasts about is the size of his biceps and triceps.
  • Strong muscles in women are an advantage in everyday life when you need to carry heavy bags or a child. In addition, for the fair sex, tightened triceps are an opportunity to avoid an ugly “jelly” in the area between the elbow and shoulder joint.

General structure

The anatomy of the human arm muscles is easy and understandable. Each group participates in certain movements.

So, they are conditionally divided into:

  1. Shoulder muscle groups y, which is also divided into two categories:
    • anterior (belongs to the category of flexors) - humeral, biceps, coraco-brachial;
    • back - three-headed and ulnar.
  2. Forearm muscles. There are two categories to be distinguished here:
    • shoulder (called brachialis);
    • brachioradialis (called brachiradialis).

You can also classify them from the position of occurrence. Here stand out:

  • Deep musculature - that which lies under the main muscle.
  • Surface type. The main difference between such a group is being on the surface (under the skin). Such muscles are clearly visible. These include the biceps, brachiradialis, triceps, and extensor wrist. Main function- extension and flexion of the human arm at the elbow.

Muscle Anatomy

For a better understanding, the muscle groups on the hands should be considered separately:

  1. Biceps- a muscle that is located between the elbow and shoulder composition and is formed from two heads (short and long). Each of them begins in the region of the shoulder joint, and from below is fixed in the elevation of the forearm bone. The human anatomy is built in such a way that the heads unite in the middle part of the bone. The biceps performs several functions - flexes the shoulder (forearm), upper part hands and acts as an arch support for the forearm. In addition, it is he who is responsible for the upward movement of the palm.

  2. Triceps. The peculiarity of this muscle group is the presence of three heads and occurrence on the back of the shoulder joint. Each of the heads has an individual name - long, medial and lateral. All groups unite near the ulna. In this case, the medial and lateral heads "start" from humerus, and long - from the scapular region.
    The functional anatomy of the triceps is as follows:
    • a long head helps the spinal muscles when performing a pullover (lying on a bench), its task is to bring the arm to the body;
    • extension of the arm at the elbow and its straightening. Triceps - the main extensor of the elbow joint, forearm and humerus.

  3. Forearm. There is a complex anatomy of the muscles here. This group consists of four types of muscles:
    • Brachialis - muscle fibers, which start from the humerus and approach the rise of the forearm. It is he who is responsible for the movement of the human elbow joint (flexion).
    • Brachiradialis. It starts from the lower part of the shoulder, passes through the elbow and reaches for the radius. It's easy to see him. To do this, it is enough to tighten the muscles of the forearm, take thumb left or right. The brachiradialis is located near the elbow joint, in close proximity to the biceps tendon. The main functions are assistance in the vertical movement of the forearm and flexion of the elbow joint.
    • Extensor of the wrist (radial, long). The main difference (when compared with another group - flexors) is less strength. It is located near the brachiradialis and is part of the five main muscles that provide wrist movement. Their anatomy is such that when the fist is clenched, the extensor works and sticks out of the total volume of the muscles.
    • The coraco-brachial is a muscle group that is distinguished by its narrowness and unusual length. In shape, it takes the form of a beak. It starts from the scapular region and ends near the front of the arm. It is believed that "KPM" is a flexor of the elbow joint, but it is not. Its function is to bring the hand to the body at the moment when the elbow is bent.

Rules for their training

Anatomy is not the most important thing in sports. To achieve results, it is worth knowing the features of working out a particular muscle group. The following rules apply here:

  • To work out the biceps, exercises are suitable in which the projectile rises up and is brought to chest. To develop this area of ​​the hand, you need to work with supination (bending the hand inward). Suitable exercises are pull-ups (reverse grip), seated dumbbell raises, and standing barbell (dumbbell) raises.
  • Triceps is a large muscle group that occupies 70% of the base of the arm. With a lack of volume, athletes recommend first of all working on working out the triceps and only after that proceed to the biceps. To pump up this group, it is worth including in training program basic exercises arm extension with free weights. As for isolation, it is less effective. The preferred exercises include the bench press (narrow grip), push-ups on the uneven bars (triceps style), reverse push-ups on the bench.
  • Forearm. Despite the fact that this muscle group makes a minimal contribution to the volume of the arm, its importance should not be underestimated. For example, the brachialis is the basis of the biceps, which is involved in creating its shape. This area develops well when lifting the bar for biceps. reverse grip. Brachiradialis is connected when working with dumbbells (“hammer” exercise). As for the coracoid muscle, it works when laying dumbbells lying down or in the process of lifting the projectile in front of you. Effective exercises for the forearm are Hammer raises, spider curls, reverse and straight (carpal) barbell lifts from the bench (kneeling position).


As you can see from the article, the anatomy of the hands is quite easy to learn, and the muscle groups are amenable to training. The main thing is to understand the principles of the muscles, think over the training program and be attentive to the signals of the body.

Still, it is necessary, because they highlight the appearance of the torso, and harmoniously fit into the developed muscles of the body.

Muscles of the human hand:

The muscles of our hands include a fairly large number of large muscles that are involved in our daily activities.

Muscles of the upper limbs:

  • Shoulder muscles
  • Forearm muscles

From the point of view of occurrence, it is customary to distinguish:

  • Surface muscles
  • deep muscles

The muscles that are located in the upper part of the arms carry out flexion and extension of the forearm in elbow joint. For the process of flexion of the forearm, a whole group consisting of 3 is responsible big muscles: brachialis, biceps and brachiradialis. Let's take a look at each of these muscles in more detail.


This muscle is quite large and thick, it is a fusiform muscle, and it is located on the upper part of the humerus, which, in turn, consists of 2 heads - short and long. Both of these heads begin their formation in the shoulder region, then, in the middle of the shoulder, they are combined into one, and already below they are attached to the round elevation of the forearm bone.

The biceps performs the following functions:

  • Functions as an arch support for the forearm, allows you to turn and move your palms up
  • Flexes the shoulder
  • Allows you to raise your arms forward and up

The best exercises for biceps:


It is a fusiform, triceps muscle, which is located on rear surface shoulder. All 3 heads are fused into one in the region of the olecranon of the ulna.

Consists of 3 heads:

  • Lateral - originates in the region of the humerus
  • Medial - originates in the region of the humerus
  • Long - originates in the region of the scapula

Triceps performs the following functions:

  • Allows you to straighten your arm
  • Allows you to bring the arm down towards the body

The best exercises for triceps:

Muscles of the forearm:


In our forearm there are a large number of thin muscles that provide the process of moving the wrist, the hand itself and moving the fingers. Brachialis is a flat fusiform muscle that is located under the biceps. The beginning of the brachialis is attached to the bottom of the humerus, and its end is attached to the bone eminence of the forearm.

Brachialis performs the following functions:

  • Responsible for the process of bending the elbow in any position of the hand


Already familiar to us, the same fusiform muscle, which in this case is located on the front surface of the forearm. Lower outer part shoulder - this is its beginning, then it crosses the elbow and stretches to the radius. In order to better understand what kind of muscle it is, tighten your forearm and pull towards the side of your thumb. By following this simple procedure, you will be able to notice how the brachiradialis will appear in the elbow area, closer to the tendon of your biceps.

Performs the following functions:

  • Allows elbow flexion
  • Facilitates rotation of the forearms up and down

The extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum longus are also called extensor muscles and are located on the back of our arms.

Next to the brachiradialis is one of the five important muscles that provide the process of movement of our wrist - the long radial extensor of the wrist. It is not difficult to notice this muscle, for this it is enough to squeeze your fist, and it will appear from under the skin.

Coracobrachialis muscle:

Its name is exactly that, thanks to the shape that resembles a beak. It is narrow and rather long, does not act as a flexor of our elbow, and is located on the inner surface of the shoulder. At the top, it is attached near the process of the scapula, and at the bottom it is attached to the front inside of the arm.

The coracobrachial muscle performs the following functions:

  • Allows you to bring the arm to the body with a bent elbow

Best forearm exercises:

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands (biceps & triceps): a complete educational program with all the subtleties and secrets ...

By arms, people most often mean BICEPS. However, in addition to the biceps, there are also TRICEPS and FOREARMS. See explanatory photo below:

Well, let's deal with each component in order. Let's start with the biceps.

The bicep is made up of two heads:

  1. Long(a long tendon, but a small muscle) is located on the outer part of the arm.
  2. short(a short tendon, but a large muscle) is located on the inside of the arm.

Both heads have their origin on the shoulder blade, only in different places ... in other words, both heads are connected into one tendon, which is located next to the elbow joint. Subsequently, both heads form a common abdomen, which passes into a powerful tendon (the tendon itself is attached slightly inward (to the side of the forearm)), which is attached to the radius, and despite their name, both heads are the same length, because the long head has in fact, a longer tendon with which it is attached below to the bone.

The biceps flexes the forearm and rotates it outward (this is supination), which means that in addition to the fact that the biceps can simply bend the arm at the elbow joint, it can also supinate it (i.e. turn the palm towards the thumb).

Through short head the biceps takes part in bringing the arm, and the long one takes part in the abduction of the arm.

In addition to the biceps, the anterior group of muscles of the shoulder also consists of the brachialis brachialis muscle, which is located below the biceps, as if pushing it outward. The main function is flexion of the forearm.


According to statistics, there are no problems with the development of a short head (the one that is on the inside of the arm), it responds well to the load, and grows well from any bending of the arm. But, with the development of a long head, the one that is on the outside of the arm, most people have problems!


  • To fight outer head (long), you need to take your elbows as far as possible behind your back, only in this way the outer part of the biceps will turn on.
  • To fight inner head (short), on the contrary, you need to bring your elbows as far forward as possible.

GRIPS when working on BICEPS

  • The wider your grip, the more the inner head will work.
  • The narrower your grip, the more the outer head will work.


This is the shoulder muscle, plays a very important role. It is located under the muscle (i.e. under the biceps) and is involved in most of the work when training the biceps (about 50-70% takes over). It is this muscle that allows you to work with heavy weights in standing barbell curls, and not the biceps themselves.

The best exercises for training biceps:

  • Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip


The triceps has three heads:

  1. Lateral head (aka external)
  2. Medial head (it is also medium or small ulnar, located next to the elbow)
  3. Long head (it is also internal, attached to the back of the shoulder blade)

  • The external head begins at the top of the humerus near the shoulder joint and is outside shoulder section of the arm.
  • The medial head is located on the humerus and is partially covered by two other heads.
  • The long head begins on the scapula and is located on the inside of the shoulder section of the arm.

All three heads are in the same bundle, in the elbow area, and that is why all three heads work simultaneously in all exercises that involve the triceps. However, each head is not trained evenly! Those. each of the heads receives its own degree of load (it depends on the mechanics of performing a particular exercise).

Each of the 3 heads (connected because they work in conjunction) but they can be either short or long. This thing depends on your genetics. And this, by the way, can be easily checked, and find out which one you have:

  • If your triceps is short, then it looks longer and more massive.
  • Well, if it is long, then the triceps looks short with a peak.

By body type, most often the mesomorph and endomorph have long and massive triceps muscles. But in ectomorphs, on the contrary, most often short triceps with a peak. Of course, in mesomorphs and endomorphs - triceps mass will grow faster, but in ectomorphs - triceps muscles will look more athletic in terms of AESTHETICS.

Triceps have two main functions: straightening the elbow joint and bringing the arms to the body.

The best exercises for training triceps:

Flexibility, strength and light muscle relief female hands make their owner very attractive. Unfortunately, the muscles of the hands lose their shape with age, weaken. To keep your arms in good shape, you need to load the muscles with work.

You can prevent sagging and sagging upper arms with fairly simple but regular home workouts with dumbbells or a band expander.

What will we download

The main attention when pumping up the muscles of the hands of girls at home is given to the upper part (shoulder) and the lower part (forearm).

The main function of these muscles is flexion and extension upper arms. First of all, you have to download:

  • biceps- biceps, that is, it has two tendon-heads for attachment to the bone, the muscle of the shoulder, located on the front side from the shoulder to the elbow. Flexes the arm, allows it to be turned palm up, and also participates in rotation of the forearm and stabilizes shoulder joint, preventing its dislocation;
  • triceps- the triceps muscle, located behind, mirroring the biceps. Extends the arm at the elbow;
  • forearm muscles- help to bend the elbow, rotate the forearm and wrist.

How and how much to train

In order to pump up the hands of a girl at home, each session should begin with a short, 5-10 minute warm-up to warm up and fill the muscles with blood as much as possible. This will prevent possible injury and make the exercises more effective.

For example, starting walking in place, raise your hands up while inhaling, lowering them as you exit. Then do how circular motions shoulders and arms. It is also good to stretch the neck, shoulders and legs. Read more about the warm-up.

  • dumbbells of small weight, 0.5 - 2 kg;
  • plastic bottles filled with water;
  • elastic expander.

Exercises are performed 10 - 15 times in 3 sets, with short breaks, no more than 1 minute. The load increases gradually. To enhance the effect when working with weighting, you can linger for 3 seconds in the position of maximum contraction of the muscle being worked out.

You need to complete the workout with a mandatory stretching of the worked out muscle groups. described in the related article.

Muscle tissue needs time to recover and grow, so it's best to work the arm muscles three times a week, and on the days in between, focus on other muscle groups to develop the whole body harmoniously.

Beginners can move on to pumping the forearms after building up the base. By the way, when working on large groups muscles, for example, with hammer bends for biceps, small muscles also grow.

To decide on a combination of exercises, you need to understand what goal you are pursuing:

  1. To build muscle mass, increase their volume, you should use heavier dumbbells and do fewer repetitions. Additionally, you can split the study different muscles for different training days.
  2. To draw the muscles of the hands, you should rest less between sets. You should also do the exercises in sets. In this case, work takes place on opposite muscle bundles (biceps-triceps) without a break, and after a set of two exercises, rest.

In any case, it is better to load the muscles sequentially, to control their contractions. Exercises should be performed slowly, carefully and with tension. It is also good to change the exercises in each workout.

The muscles of the hand can be pumped up not only with a circular expander (rubber donut). The grip is well strengthened if, when performing repetitions, the dumbbell handles are firmly squeezed.


After warming up, you can move on to the main exercises.

Arm exercises with dumbbells

  1. Raise straight arms forward.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest forward, shoulder blades together, elbows slightly bent.

Alternately, while inhaling, we raise straight arms forward to the chest line, while exhaling we lower them to their original position. During the exercise, do not raise your shoulders and do not fill up the brush forward. Raising the dumbbells in front of you gives relief to the front deltas, that is, with this you will pump up the upper arms.

The following two exercises are the most effective for arm training at home. Pi regular performance at home, the first results will appear no later than 2 weeks later.

  1. Biceps raise.

Having lowered straight arms with dumbbells down, we press our elbows to the body and bend our arms alternately at the elbows, raising the hand from the dumbbells to the shoulder. If we are working with a tape expander, then we perform the exercise to bring the brush to the shoulder by standing in the middle of the tape and holding its edges in the hands. In the lower position, the elbow is not fully extended.

The exercise is often called the "hammer" or "hammer curl" and is performed with a neutral grip (when the back of the hand is turned outward in the starting position) or an underhand grip (when the palm faces the ceiling when lifting). Often, starting with neutral grip, at the top point, at shoulder level, supination is performed (a slight turn of the brush towards itself).

Lifting dumbbells for biceps has many options. Can be performed:

  • simultaneously with both hands;
  • alternately, that is, at first only the right, then only the left;
  • alternately: once with the right, once with the left.

From a standing, sitting, lying position.

When performing the exercise, it is important not to lean towards the working arm and firmly fix the wrists, do not throw dumbbells. To pump up the muscles of the hands and not get injured, you need to make smooth movements.

  1. Press from behind the head.

This is a triceps exercise. But depending on the options, it allows you to train other muscles.

  • We raise both hands with dumbbells up, while the elbows are slightly bent and look forward. We bend the elbows, lowering the forearms back until they touch the biceps. On exhalation, we return to the original vertical position.

You can keep your arms parallel, squeezing one dumbbell in each, or you can connect your hands, working with one dumbbell as in the picture. Also, to change the load vector, perform the exercise " french press dumbbells ”- performed lying down. Details of execution can be found in .

You can use the barbell bar, grip palms forward, the distance between the hands is about 10 cm.

If a rubber or spring expander is selected, then top link, for example, from the “scissors” position, when one leg is pulled back and holds the end of the expander, the other end of the elastic band is clamped in the working hand. The trajectory of the forearm is the same as when working with a dumbbell.

Triceps exercises can be done standing or sitting.

  1. Flexion and extension of the wrists.

If the biceps and triceps are sufficiently inflated, and the forearm looks disproportionate compared to them, which is unlikely in girls, you can separately train the muscles of the forearm after working on the biceps. The main exercise is flexion (grip from below) and extension (grip from above) of the arms at the wrists in a sitting position. Here is one possible exercise.

We take a sitting position, so that the knee of the supporting leg looks a little at the floor (this increases the load compared to the horizontal knee), put the elbow on the prepared leg, take the dumbbell with a grip from below, so that the palm looks exactly up.

We lower the wrist with weighting as far back as possible and slowly bend it towards ourselves, the second hand is motionless. Only the muscles of the forearm work.

You can complicate the exercise by increasing the amplitude by lowering the dumbbell to an extremely low position, when it rests only on the bent fingers of the palm laid back. Then the fingers are gradually twisted and then the whole wrist rises. This complication simultaneously strengthens the fingers and stretches the muscles and tendons of the forearm.

After 10 repetitions, we turn the hand 90 degrees, so that the fingers look to the side, and the dumbbell clamped in them is vertical, and with the maximum possible amplitude, slowly bend and unbend the wrist up and down.

The hand should be relaxed, and the movement is carried out by the muscles of the forearm. After 10 repetitions, we again turn the brush 90 degrees, so that the closed fingers look at the floor, and repeat the flexion-extensor movements 10 times.

It is important to strain the hand here, you can tilt the body to the side in order to fully load the forearm.


Push-ups are the most popular bodyweight exercise.

  1. Push ups.

From the position of the emphasis lying, arms shoulder-width apart, we bend our arms at the elbows, lowering the straight body to the floor. The light version is performed from the prone position with support on the knees, the hands are parallel, the fingers are looking forward, the press is tense.

You can make three springs (three times we lower the chest to the floor and raise it without extending the elbows to the end), and on the fourth count, return to the starting position. We repeat 10 times.

  1. Reverse push-ups (dips).

We put our hands shoulder-width apart in support from behind, legs extended forward, you can bend a little at the knees. Bend your arms until your elbows are parallel to the floor. We return to the starting position.

Crossbar exercises

Right Pain

The main criterion for proper work when pumping muscles is burning, tolerable pain in the muscles. If the next day the muscles hurt, then everything is done correctly, they did a good job. But still, for maximum comfort for a beginner, after class you need to stretch and take a warm shower.

Having originally full hands, it is better to lose weight at the same time as the start of training, do exercises to pump up your arms fat girls it will take longer - the features of training for weight loss of hands are described in ours. If the goal is to pump up the arms, the emphasis should be on them, but in training it is necessary to maintain a balance, developing the body harmoniously, alternating exercises for the development of arm muscles with a load on other muscle groups: chest, back and whole body.

Regular training not only forms a beautiful relief of the body, but increases strength and endurance, increases the vitality of the body, and improves mood. Let's start with the hands, and then - everything will be in our hands.

For harmonious development, you should work on the whole body:

  • Training program.
  • Training program for weight gain for girls -.
  • - Just!

My respect, my dear kachata and fitonyashechki! Sunday is a boring day on the project, and all because we are considering theoretical questions, today, for example, it will be the anatomy of the muscles of the hands. After reading, everyone will have an idea about the structure of this muscle group, its functions, and will become more reasonable in choosing pumping exercises.

So, sit down, good gentlemen, let's go.

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands: what, why and why?

Who loves theoretical articles, raise your hand ... a forest of hands. Usually there are very few such people, to be honest, I also get sleepy from reading a sheet from a thuja heap of symbols, and even of an anatomical nature. Therefore, I do my best to avoid excessive theory, but not to the detriment of the quality of the note. On the other hand, many of you understand that you cannot go far without a foundation, and such notes are extremely important and necessary. So today we will continue the glorious tradition of compelling and consider the question "Anatomy of the muscles of the hands." Whether you fall asleep or not, we will find out about this at the very end of the article, so let's start moving towards it.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why you need to swing your arms

Yes, actually, it’s not necessary to download them and it’s not really necessary :), because they make up 5-7% of all muscle volumes of the body, therefore, they cannot theoretically give any significant increase in mass. Often, many training programs, for example, for an ectomorph, exclude this muscle group altogether or devote the least time to it. Of course, the hands are involved in almost all movements and receive their load indirectly, but still it cannot be compared with targeted and highly specialized work. Therefore, you need to swing your hands, at least here's why:

  • as various polls show (including posting notes), ladies pay significant attention to the hands. In muscular arms, they feel the strength and ability to protect and not give them offense;
  • pumped up arms look good in summer in various sleeveless t-shirts - this is a sign of good physical form their owner;
  • when you are asked to show inflated muscles, you always show your biceps;
  • V men's world volumes decide, so if you have frail hands, then the attitude towards you is appropriate;
  • strong hands are the ability to resist captures / suffocations and deliver a crushing blow to the enemy;
  • for women, pumped up arms and strong forearms / hands are a plus in everyday life, such as carrying bags or carrying a child;
  • for women - this is the absence of jelly and various sagging under the arms;
  • with muscle-toned arms, you can afford dresses without sleeves and with bare shoulders.

In my opinion, an impressive list in order to learn a little more about the anatomy of the muscles of the hands and take care of your playful little hands.

Arm Muscle Anatomy: Atlas

The arm muscles have many large, externally visible muscles that help us with daily activities, such as changing clothes or using a PC.

muscles upper limbs are divided into:

  • shoulder muscles, which in turn are divided into the anterior group (flexors) - brachial, coracobrachial, biceps and back (extensors) - ulnar, triceps;
  • the muscles of the forearm are the largest, these are the brachial (brachialis) and brachioradialis (brachiradialis).

From the point of view of occurrence, it is customary to distinguish:

  • superficial (well visible on the surface)- biceps, triceps, brachiradialis, long radial extensor of the wrist, deltas;
  • deep muscles - lie superficially deep.

The muscles of the upper arm are responsible for flexion/extension of the forearm at the elbow joint. Flexion of the forearm is achieved by a group of three muscles - brachialis, biceps and brachiradialis. In general, in the literature on anatomy, it is not customary to translate the names of muscle groups, i.e. there for the preservation of the original Latin names, for example, brachialis would be musculus brachialis. In this regard, a more correct “Latin anatomical picture” of the arm muscles will look like this.

Let's look at the main large muscle units separately.

No. 1. Biceps

Large thick fusiform muscle of the shoulder, located on the upper part of the humerus, consisting of 2 heads - long and short. Both originate in the region of the shoulder, below are attached to the round elevation of the bone of the forearm, and unite in the middle of the shoulder.

The biceps performs the following functions:

  • works as an arch support for the forearm by turning and moving the palm up;
  • flexes the forearm/shoulder;
  • flexes the upper arm (raise hands forward and up).

No. 2. Triceps

The triceps fusiform muscle, which lies on the back of the shoulder. It has three heads - lateral (lateral), medial (medial) and long (long), which merge on the olecranon of the ulna. Lateral and medial head triceps originate on the humerus, long - begins on the shoulder blade.

Triceps performs the following functions:

  • extends the elbow joint / helps to straighten the arm - acts as an extensor of the forearm in the elbow joint and humerus in the shoulder;
  • the long head also assists latissimus dorsi back during the pullover exercise on the bench, bringing the arm down towards the body.

Summing up the “head” muscles, the combined anatomical picture of biceps + triceps looks like this.

No. 3. Forearm muscles

The most famous and largest muscles of the wrist are: brachialis, brachiradialis, long radial flexor wrist and coracoid muscles. Let's consider them in more detail.

3.1. Brachialis

Most of the muscles that move the wrist, hand, and fingers are in the forearm—they're as thin as a strap. Brachialis is a flat, spindle-shaped muscle that lies under the biceps on the lower front surface of the shoulder. The beginning is attached to the bottom of the humerus, and the “end” is attached to the bone elevation of the forearm.

Brachialis performs the following functions:

  • the main and strongest elbow flexor - is responsible for bending the elbow in any position of the hand (supination, pronation, neutral).

3.2. Brachyradialis

This is a fusiform muscle located on the front surface of the forearm. Originates at the lower outer part of the shoulder, crosses the elbow and extends to the radius (outer bottom). To see the muscle, tighten your forearm and move your thumb to the side, the brachiralalis will “appear” near the elbow closer to the biceps tendon.

The shoulder muscle performs the following functions:

  • flexes the elbow;
  • plays an active role in the up/down rotation of the forearm.

3.3. extensor carpi radialis longus

On the back of the arm are extensor muscles such as the extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum longus, which act as antagonists, the flexors. The extensors are somewhat weaker than the flexors. The long radial extensor carpi is located next to the brachiradialis and is one of the 5 the main muscles that help move the wrist. When a person clenches his fist, this muscle is actively involved in the work and protrudes from the skin.


Muscles on the anterior side of the forearm, such as the flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum superficialis, form a flexor group that flexes the hand at the wrist and each of the phalanges. Inflammation of this area can lead to pain and numbness, known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

3.4. Coracobrachial muscle

A long, narrow, beak-shaped muscle located on the inner surface of the shoulder. At the top, it is attached near the coracoid process of the scapula, and at the bottom - to the anterior inner part of the arm. This muscle is not an elbow flexor

The coracobrachial muscle performs the following functions:

  • bringing the arm to the body with the elbow bent.

The combined atlas of all the muscles of the forearms is as follows.

Actually, we are done with anatomy. Friends, are you still here ... or am I shaking the air for nothing? :). Let's move on and now let's talk about practical training aspects.

Supination and pronation - what is it?

These are two special movements produced by the muscles of the forearms - supination (turning outward) and pronation. (turn inward). Supination is performed by the biceps and muscles of the round supinator of the forearms, pronation - by the muscles of the round pronator of the forearms.

It turns out that a different grip of the projectile (for example, dumbbells) provides different type hand work and varying degrees of involvement of the muscles of the biceps / triceps and forearms.

Actually, let's move on to the practical part of the note.

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands: how to train correctly

Let's go over the anatomical features of the muscles of the hands and, as a result, derive some rules for them. effective workout. And we'll start with...

No. 1. Biceps

The biceps is a superficial muscle, so the indicative appearance of your hand muscles will depend on its qualitative development. The main movements in which he participates are the lifting of the projectile from the bottom up, i.e. bringing it to the chest. To create a peak of the biceps, it is necessary to use supination lifts during the exercise - turning the brush up when the palm looks at the ceiling and the little finger is located above the thumb, or lifts with an already supinated brush.

The best exercises for biceps:

  • standing barbell/dumbbell lifts (straight/EZ bar) ;
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip;
  • lifting dumbbells sitting at an angle upwards from a stretched position;

It should be understood that the shape of the biceps is laid down in you by mother nature, it can be long with meek ligaments or short with long ends of ligaments (like Schwarzenegger).

No. 2. Triceps

Triceps make up 2/3 part of the volume of the arm, therefore, if the arms do not have enough volume, then it is necessary first of all to “hollow” the triceps and only then the biceps. The main “profession” of all three heads of the triceps is the extension of the arm in the elbow joint, while the medial one is the most active of all the heads. Triceps Antagonists (biceps, brachialis) are physiologically more powerful than the triceps, which manifests itself in a slight bend of the arms at the elbow when they hang freely during rest.

For quality development triceps brachii, it is necessary to use flexion / extension exercises with free weights. Quality means an increase in the volumetric-strength characteristics of a given muscle group. Don't waste your time on isolated machines. (guys, leave them to the girls) better use multi-joint exercises in which all 3 triceps heads.

The best exercises for triceps:

  • reverse push-ups from the bench;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • narrow grip bench press.

No. 3. Forearm muscles

Qualitative anatomy of the muscles of the hands requires good development this muscle group. shoulder muscle(brachialis) creates a supporting platform for the biceps, as if pushing it to the “surface”. The brachialis is activated by static flexion of the elbow and works in all biceps exercises, but it “clings” best when lifting the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip.

The brachioradial (brachiradialis) muscle is actively involved in the work when lifting dumbbells with a hammer grip, i.e. when the thumb is pointing up. The coracoid muscle plays an important role in the development of hand muscles and is clearly visible in the front double biceps pose. The coracoid muscle is best “beaten”: lifting dumbbells in front of you, breeding dumbbells lying on a bench.

Best forearm exercises:

  • spider flexion (reverse barbell lifts);
  • hummer lifts (lifting dumbbells with a hammer grip);
  • carpal direct / reverse lifts of the barbell from the bench while kneeling.

Phew, well, that's all, now let's sum up and say goodbye.


The anatomy of the muscles of the hands - that's what we studied today. Now you know what and how the stump is arranged :) and how to swing it correctly. It remains quite a bit - to translate the theory into practice, so we blow into the hall and swing.

That's all, I was glad to write for you, until we meet again!

PS. Dear, what exercises for training your hands do you use?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.