Multi-joint exercises with own. What are single-joint and multi-joint exercises

All strength exercises are divided into multi-articular And single-joint. We are talking about the elementary basics of training, and without them it’s the same as going to school without an ABC book. Without understanding this difference, you will alternate exercises at random. Meanwhile, in fitness, the sequence of certain exercises is considered fundamental. It is in arithmetic that the sum does not change from changing the places of the terms. In strength exercises, by rearranging them in places, you can get unexpectedly different results.

So, first about the character strength exercises- they force to work either several joints at once, or just one. A typical example is barbell squats. When you squat, flexion occurs at the ankle, knee and hip joints. But in the ascent to the biceps, only one joint works - the elbow.

From time immemorial, it was believed that the first to do multi-joint exercises. The logic here is clear: the more joints work, the more muscles work. Well, a large number of muscles need to be “loaded” with a lot of weight. For curls, 10 kg is a huge weight, and for squats, it's ridiculous. Well, the more weight, the more you get tired.

This suggests the supposedly correct conclusion: you need to do it first, while you are “fresh”. And leave the “nonsense” like bending the arms for later. If you do the opposite, you will waste strength, and they may not be enough to give your best in heavy squats.

Flawless logic? For beginners only! Latest Scientific research showed that advanced fitness women should do exactly the opposite. First do single-joint exercises, and only then multi-joint ones. It sounds methodical dissonance, but it works flawlessly.

Single joint exercises

Single-joint exercises, you guessed it, use only one joint (or two identical joints on different limbs). Movement in much better isolates the specific muscle that is receiving maximum load.

Why is isolation needed? It turns out that as the length of training increases, the difference in strength between large and small muscles increases. Large muscles gain strength faster than small ones. They also become stronger, but in absolute terms they do not reach the big ones. Moreover, the difference makes itself felt after a year and a half of strength training.

The fact is that all multi-joint exercises are done by the strength of large and small muscles. Small muscles do the work of assistants, but this does not make their role less important. So it turns out that over the years, multi-joint exercises become less effective.

Let's say you're doing a leg press. The main driving force here is the quadriceps - a large muscle on the front of the thigh. She straightens knee-joint, and you push the platform up. Help her hamstrings (muscle) and gluteal muscle(in other words, the buttock). Since the strength of the quadriceps and assistant muscles is not equivalent, they will “leave the game” before the quadriceps receive all the load due.

It will seem to you that you managed to squeeze everything out of the quadriceps until the last repetition. And how else, if an extra repetition does not work? Meanwhile, the load on the quadriceps will be clearly insufficient. It's embarrassing, right?

This “rule” applies to all multi-joint exercises, including those designed for the upper body. A striking example is incline presses lying. They are often recommended for women with protruding collarbones. The secret is that this exercise targets upper area pectoralis major - it becomes thicker and masks the collarbone. The problem is that along with pectoral muscle weight is squeezed up (muscle rear surface arms from shoulder to elbow) and deltas. Both of them are small muscles lagging behind in strength from the pectoralis major. They give up earlier and force you to quit the exercise, although chests still need a couple of repetitions.

Well, what about single-joint exercises? Remember, they target only one muscle. And this means that by performing a single-joint exercise first, you can lower the power potential of the “main” muscle and thereby equalize it with small assistant muscles. Believe me, this will be a real breakthrough in terms of intensity!

Putting the principle into practice

  • Start training a specific muscle with a single-joint exercise. Do 1-2 light weight warm-up sets first. Then set your working weight, but add another 5-8% of the load - after all, you are now doing the exercise first, and you have more strength.
  • For the next multi-joint exercise, you need to take less weight than usual. By the way, after a single-joint exercise, such a weight may seem even heavier to you. This circumstance makes this technique indispensable for fitness athletes with injuries. If your knees hurt, heavy squats would be dangerous and exacerbate the pain. Well, after single-joint extensions, you will squat with less safe weight.
  • In a single-joint exercise, there is no need to set strength records. Enough 10-12 repetitions per set until a burning sensation in the muscle.
  • You can first do all the sets of a single-joint exercise, and then move on to a multi-joint exercise. However, you can do it differently. Combine single-joint and multi-joint exercises into supersets. First, complete a set of single-joint and without rest, take on a multi-joint. You will rest between such paired supersets.
  • You will do multi-joint exercises at the end of the workout, when fatigue is already taking its toll. To avoid injury, perform them under the supervision of a trainer. There is another way out: do multi-joint

Physiological classification of physical exercises

In their daily activities - at home, at work, during classes physical education and sports - a person performs a wide variety of motor actions: From the point of view of physiology, a set of continuously interconnected motor actions(movements) aimed at achieving a specific goal (solving a motor task) is an exercise.

In a competitive sports exercise, a set of motor actions (movements) is aimed at achieving the maximum possible sports result(examples sports exercises: high jump, javelin throw, shooting, sport game, running or swimming for a certain distance).

A huge number of physical, including sports, exercises necessitates their classification. Physiological classification combines into groups physical exercise with similar functionality. On the one hand, these are such exercises, for the successful implementation of which, to a certain extent, similar modes, means and methods can be used. physical education(sports training). On the other hand, one group combines physical exercises that can be equally used in the system of physical education ( sports training) to increase the functionality of the same physiological organs, systems and mechanisms, and therefore the same physical quality. Thus, the possibilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which determine the level of endurance development to the greatest extent, can be successfully increased when using different physical exercises of the same group: long run, cycling, swimming, skiing.

General physiological classification of physical exercises

The most general physiological classification of physical exercises can be carried out on the basis of identifying three main characteristics of the activity of the muscles that carry out the corresponding exercise:

1) volume of active muscle mass;

2) type muscle contractions(static or dynamic);

3) strength or power of contractions.

Local, regional and global exercises

Depending on the volume of active muscle mass, all physical exercises are classified into local, regional and global.

Local exercises include exercises in which less than 1/3 of the entire muscle mass of the body is involved (archery, pistol shooting, certain gymnastic exercises).

Regional exercises include exercises in which approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of the entire muscle mass of the body takes part (gymnastic exercises performed only by the muscles of the arms and waist upper limbs, trunk muscles, etc.).

Classes with own weight often cause controversy among professionals about the degree of effectiveness of such training. Many argue that such training does not give good result due to lack of sufficient weight. But for those who start exercising with their own weight, you need to remember that such training will give an excellent result in improving strength and partially mass performance, subject to the following conditions:

  • regular training and repetition of selected techniques;
  • optimal load distribution and regular rest;
  • increasing load over time (not working weight, but repetitions and approaches).

When all conditions are met, training with your own weight, no doubt, will give a positive result. But, unlike weight training, this result will be limited.

Exercises with your own weight at home: all the pros and cons

Depending on the goals, the bodyweight training program may vary. For mass gain, multiple repetitions and slight weighting are not suitable, but for the formation of a beautiful relief and increase in strength indicators, you can successfully use training with your own weight. If the goal is to lose weight, then it is best to opt for Tabata style. The training is quite intense, but for people who are obese, it is not always suitable.

The benefits of bodyweight training are as follows:

  • no need for early stages spend on sports equipment;
  • training zone - your home or sports ground;
  • the training program can be modified, supplemented with various exercises with varying degrees of intensity;
  • several muscle groups are involved at once;
  • correction of posture and restoration of impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  • not suitable for obese people;
  • does not allow you to gain weight;
  • to develop your performance further, you will need to purchase dumbbells or a barbell.

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises: why are they effective?

Multi-joint exercises with own weight - most effective method working out several muscle groups at once. Such techniques are often called basic ones, which are mandatory for most athletes. Regular workouts with the implementation of multi-joint exercises allow you to quickly gain weight, remove excess fat and make a beautiful relief.

For those who study at home and do not have the opportunity to purchase sport equipment, exercises with their own weight are perfect. Push-ups, pull-ups and squats are considered classics. To diversify the complex, add rollover lifts, Australian pull-ups to it.

A set of bodyweight exercises for men - the most effective techniques

To achieve certain indicators, it is necessary not only to correctly select the exercises, but also the density of training. The best option is to alternate several exercises with a small number of repetitions in several approaches. For example, you need to do 20 squats and 20 push-ups - do 5 push-ups and after 5 squats, and so 4 sets. Such supersets perfectly develop several muscle bundles at once.

The list below contains best exercises with their own weight, which give the body maximum load and make large and small muscle groups work immediately:

  • burpee or burpee. To increase the effectiveness of this exercise, try to get your feet up to an object fixed at a certain height while jumping. You can also diversify the exercise by introducing pull-ups into it;
  • bar - for beginners, a straight line is suitable, for a more advanced level - lateral;
  • stepping up a hill and squatting on one leg - great exercise for legs with their own weight;
  • jumping rope, regular running and other cyclic exercises that can fill in the pauses between workouts to strengthen blood vessels, heart and increase endurance;
  • leg raises to the crossbar with a delay of a few seconds;
  • handstand and push-ups in this position - an exercise with an increased level of complexity, suitable for well-trained athletes;
  • as cardio elements, you can do interval and shuttle running;
  • push-ups with legs on a bench with a narrow arrangement of hands - a load on the shoulders and back;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars and bench press Indian;
  • Stretching is an essential element of bodyweight training, both for training in the gym and at home.

An important point: since the exercises are quite easy, the training should be

The effectiveness of bodyweight training for many professional athletes is controversial and doubtful. There is an opinion that exercises without additional weighting agents do not give excellent results. However, for beginners in sports functional training Ideal for improving strength and increasing muscle mass.

Pros and cons of bodyweight exercises

If your goal is to improve your body shape, then a bodyweight exercise program is right for you. But for a set of muscles, training with a large number of repetitions without weights is not suitable at all. Professionals in sports very often advise the Tabata exercise complex. This functional training fights well with overweight. However, for obese people, such training can be dangerous. It is better to first seek the advice of a doctor in this case.

Benefits of functional training:

  1. No expenses for sports equipment are required at the first stages of sports.
  2. You can train at home or on the sports ground.
  3. Adjust the training program for yourself by changing or adding exercises.
  4. Correction of problems of the musculoskeletal system and posture disorders.
  5. Performing multi-joint exercises, several muscle groups are trained simultaneously.

There are also disadvantages of such training:

  1. Not suitable for overweight people.
  2. Impossible to gain large muscle mass.
  3. In the future, there will be a need to purchase sports equipment for effective workouts.

During classes without equipment, follow the correct breathing and exercise technique.

The main principle of the respiratory system during exercise physical activity is exhalation of air during exertion and inhalation - at an easy stage of exercise. Without adhering to the execution technique, you will not only not achieve desired result and possibly injure yourself. Before you start, watch the videos sports activities and evaluate the technical composition of the exercises. Also, during the first classes, stand in front of a mirror. This will help track your mistakes and execution technique.

No need to rush when doing a workout, do all positions of the program slowly. Do not make long stops before repetition or between approaches, during exercises, try to load the muscle group on which you are doing the approach as much as possible. Put in the effort and get the most out of your workout.

At the end of each workout, be sure to dedicate 15-20 minutes to cardio. If you are a beginner, then do the first exercises at an average pace. No need to exercise at a frantic pace, it's better to keep correct breathing and do more cardio. Ideal for this interval running or climbing stairs.

The effectiveness of multi-joint exercises

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises are an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight in a short time. excess weight or give relief to the body. A large number of exercises are basic techniques, they are mandatory for most athletes. If you perform such training systematically, your strength indicators will grow more intensively.

If you are unable to attend gym, then training without equipment is perfect. Basic training includes the following exercises: push-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, etc. If it is difficult to perform, for example, push-ups, you can find an analogy in an easier form. Combine basic with additional exercises, try to pay attention to all muscle groups during training, namely: muscle groups of the legs, chest, back and arms.

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Bodyweight Training Program for Men: Effective Techniques

Requirements for beginners:

  • regularity of training and repeated repetition of exercises;
  • optimized loads and systematic rest;
  • increasing the number of sets and repetitions for a quality load.

To improve the quality of the body professional athletes recommend not only to choose good training positions, but also to follow the rhythm of classes. It is recommended to train with a large number of repetitions, for example, in one session, perform: 30 squats (10 repetitions in 3 sets); 18 push-ups (6 reps in 3 sets). Follow the same principle for other exercises.

  1. Burpees to increase the intensity, try to jump higher each time. (10-12 times in three sets).
  2. Plank, there are many variations of the exercise. Beginners should start with a 20 second bar, gradually increasing the time to 60 seconds.
  3. Raising the legs to the crossbar with a delay at the highest point. (15 times in three sets).
  4. Push-ups on a bench with a narrow position of the hands will perfectly pump the muscles of the spinal region and shoulders. (12-15 times in three trips).
  5. Push-ups on the bars. (8-10 reps per leg).
  6. Slow twists will help bring the abs into shape, pay attention to breathing when performing. Do about 30 reps per workout.
  7. Stepping up the hill: 30 times on each leg.
  8. Raising the legs from a prone position. (12-15 times in 3 sets).
  9. Lunges, in a confined space can be done in place, 30 reps per leg.

Be sure to observe the pauses between classes, give the muscles time to rest. For unprepared people muscular system recover slowly, after training, see a small stretch, and before training, warm up for 10 minutes.

Very often, with recommendations when compiling a training program, there is a reference to certain types of exercises. As a rule, exercises are divided into basic (multi-joint) and isolating. Here you can also add an intermediate type - exercises of a local nature.

Let's see how they all differ from each other.

Basic (or multi-joint) exercises.

This is a group of exercises that involve more than two large joints. A classic example of such an exercise would be the barbell squat. In this case, during the exercise, work occurs in the knee and hip joints.

Thus, when performing squats with a barbell, almost all the muscles of the body are involved - not only the legs, but also the back, and other large muscle groups. That is why it is recommended to build a training program on basic exercises - you use much more muscle for the same time.

In addition, such exercises develop your central nervous system, give a stronger hormonal and metabolic response, which allows you to increase muscle mass. In fact, this is an interconnected process: you can get the best hormonal response only by using big weight weights, and you can use a lot of weight only in multi-joint exercises that involve the legs and back - the strongest muscle groups.

List of multi-joint exercises:

  • Squats
  • Deadlift
  • Straight Leg Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift
  • Bent-over barbell row
  • Bench press
  • Standing press
  • Pull-ups
  • Bent over with a barbell
  • Hyperextensions

local exercises.

The exercises of the Zhanna group include all those that, for a number of reasons, are not included in the group of multi-joint ones, but they cannot be called isolating either. We can say that these are exercises that involve one large muscle group (legs, back).

List of local exercises:

  • Lunges
  • Block pulls to the chest or to the belt
  • Dumbbell pull to the belt
  • Seated Barbell Press (with back support)
  • Seated dumbbell press (with back support)
  • This, in fact, can be attributed to pull-ups.

isolation exercises.

This group includes exercises, the task of which is to isolate 1 muscle group as much as possible in the work. Very often, the exercises of this group are the main ones in training programs, which is not very correct for a number of reasons:

  • In these exercises, it is physically impossible to use a large weight of weights, which means that the hormonal response will be small;
  • Even if you try to lift a lot of weight, you will create an excessive load on the joints, which are not adapted for this, unlike large joints;

The purpose of these exercises is to give a pumping effect, promote sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, increase the blood supply to the muscle due to the multi-repetition mode of work. These exercises should not be abandoned, but they should not be put at the forefront either.

But they have a plus - using such exercises, it is difficult to overtrain.

This group of exercises includes everything that involves small muscle groups, or isolating large ones.

  • Various lifts for biceps with a barbell, dumbbells or simulators;
  • Various extensions for triceps;
  • Lifting and wiring dumbbells on deltas (shoulders);
  • Wiring and presses dumbbells (pectoral)
  • Machine leg exercises (leg press, squat in Smith machine)

Of course, one must understand that such a division was created, first of all, for the convenience of the trainees themselves. A number of these exercises, if desired, can be attributed to other groups. For example, pull-ups definitely cannot compete in effect with squats or deadlifts, but they still should be classified as basic exercises, since their analogue on simulators - traction - definitely belongs to the local group.

Also, if desired, heavy presses and dumbbell wiring can be attributed to the local group. I classify them as an isolation group, because using a lot of weights in this case is stupid - there are barbell presses for this.

Any training program is built, for the most part, from exercises of a multi-joint and local group. It is quite possible to combine them - for example, on leg day, put the squat as the first exercise, and the second - lunges with the barbell in place. Or, when training your back, start with a deadlift, continue with pull-ups, and finish off with dumbbell and block pulls.

In the same way, when compiling a full body program, you can give heavy, multi-joint exercises for one muscle group(For example, deadlift) and in the other - simpler ones (for example, pulling a barbell or dumbbell to the belt).

The main thing is not to make a common mistake and not build a training program only from isolating exercises, as there will be little sense from this.

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