All equipment in the gym and equipment. Gym equipment

When shopping for new machines for your gym, knowing all the machines may not be a priority. But if you want to know the names of gym equipment just to better understand how each machine works with your body, then continue reading this article.

The main characteristic of exercise machines is that most of them are specifically designed to work with certain muscle groups in your body. In other words, they are designed for isolation exercises.

If you want to pump up certain muscles, then there is no better way than doing isolation exercises. As the name suggests, these exercises involve movements that target a specific joint or muscle group.

However, if you want to get the most out of any isolation machine, then you need to know and understand how each one works and what you can expect from each one. Also keep in mind that since isolation exercises are designed for specific joints and muscle groups, it's always a good idea to do them in combination with other exercises in order to train in a balanced way.

Isolation exercises are also useful for those who are in the process of recovery or for those who want to correct muscle imbalances.

Most popular trainers

This short review the most popular and most common exercise equipment, and you can buy strength training equipment at EtoSport with delivery for home workouts.

1. Chest press machine

This machine is perhaps the most famous gym equipment. It is designed to train the chest, but also affects the shoulders and triceps. All machines in this category have adjustable seats, weight plates and are all seated, head up or head down on an incline.

2. Exercise machine for pectoral muscles "butterfly"

This simulator is designed for only one muscle group - the chest. Available in two patterns: seated or recumbent (on your back), these machines are equipped with cushions for increased comfort and allow you to adjust the distance between them. Although the exercises performed with this machine also involve the triceps and shoulders, they only act as stabilizers, so they do not build up or strengthen while using the machine.

3. Shoulder press machine

As the name suggests, this machine works the shoulders, but it also tones and strengthens the triceps. The arms are raised above the head in a smooth and controlled motion and lowered to the level of the ears, with the elbows always bent.

4. Upper block for back training

This machine is designed for complex exercises that work the muscles of the shoulders, biceps, neck, upper and middle back. The lower back must be supported throughout the exercise to prevent injury, and the muscles must be contracted for maximum benefit.

This simulator is also designed for complex exercises. It mainly works the upper and middle back muscles, but also engages latissimus dorsi back, biceps and lower back, toning and strengthening them.

6. Scott bench for biceps

Designed for isolating exercises, the main task of which is pumping the biceps. One of the easiest trainers to use, the adjustments needed are limited to fixing the seat height.

7. Triceps Row Handle

Isolation tool for triceps muscles. It is also very easy to use. For correct execution exercises the press should be firmly supported, the chest is at the top, and the back is straight.

8. Leg press machine

For complex exercises that work on the quadriceps, calves and hamstrings at the same time. The simulator is equipped with a backrest, adjustable seat and leg press. To perform the exercise correctly, the legs should be bent and extended slowly, and the knees should be apart.


Unlike the leg press, the leg extension only targets the quads. In addition to the fact that during the exercise the muscles are contracted, you should also pay attention to breathing, exhale when straightening the legs and inhale when returning to the starting position.

10. Simulator for adduction and breeding of legs

Equipped with backrest and seat with adjustable cushions. The exercises performed on this simulator include, as the name implies, the reduction and extension of the legs, aimed at pumping the inner and outer thighs.

11. Abdominal trainer

An isolation machine designed only for the abdominal muscles. It is actively used to engage in the press by people with torn abdominal muscles. For getting notable results and injury prevention, the elbows should be against the pads while the head and neck should be kept in a neutral position.

12. Exercise machine for pumping the back

Ideal for isolation exercises. Focuses on the muscles of the lower back, but does not work with the muscles of the press, despite the fact that they are also involved. The support surface should be adjusted to a 90 degree angle with respect to the knees and the hips should be in line with the seat.

The best thing about this machine is that while it targets both biceps and triceps, you can easily adjust the weight and perform a range of different exercises. With weight plates, adjustable cables and other accessories, you can shift your focus to any of your core muscles. This machine is especially recommended for women, as it can be very easy to use, especially for beginners.

Those who go to the gym for the first time are often confused and do not know how to properly work with the equipment. Different Kinds Of Exercise Equipment Installed In T...

Types of simulators: photos, names and reviews of manufacturers

By Masterweb

09.04.2018 14:00

Those who go to the gym for the first time are often confused and do not know how to properly work with local equipment. Various types of simulators installed in such rooms are designed to work with different muscle groups, and for effective classes In sports, an athlete must know everything about the rules for working with them.

Why is it important to do it right?

Quite often, in the gym you can observe beginners who are confused looking at the existing simulators and do not know what capabilities of their own body they can develop with their help. As a rule, such people have no program, no personal trainer, no motivation, so they can visit the institution once or twice, after which they forget about their desire to become more beautiful and slimmer. Even the presence of subscriptions with a long expiration date does not save, such people do not even feel sorry for their own money.

The first thing to do is to honestly admit to yourself that the types of simulators in gym bring you into a frenzy. Ignorance will push you further and help you understand how to properly handle them. Next, you will need to develop a program of exercises that you will perform to develop and strengthen the muscles of your body. This can be done with the help of a professional instructor, if you do not have enough money for this, you can find a large number of sets of exercises suitable for use on the Internet.

All tasks must be performed correctly, only in this case it will be possible to achieve desired result and avoid injury. Follow strict instructions, use the right types of equipment in the gym, adjust your diet - these are the main recommendations for those who are just starting to work on their health.

How to work out biceps?

At first glance, working on your body seems quite simple. For example, in order to achieve developed biceps, it is necessary to use suitable types of simulators for this, photos of athletes with pumped "banks" cause burning envy among those who are on initial stage. One of the devices that can help in working on the muscles of the arms is the machine for pumping the biceps and latissimus dorsi, it is very easy to use.

To perform the exercise, you will need to grab the bar so that the palms are facing forward. The arms must be stretched out, the chest straightened, and the press must be strained as much as possible. Once you have reached the starting position, pull the bar towards your chest. The muscles of the hands should be involved to a minimum, the main emphasis should be placed on lateral muscles back, if done correctly, you will feel a peculiar sensation. Hold the bar in this position for 3-5 seconds, after which you can slowly return to the starting position. One set consists of 8-10 repetitions this exercise, and in each workout should be performed three sets.

Exist combined types simulators that are aimed at developing several types of muscles at once. These include rowing, with which you can develop the press, biceps, quadriceps and back, in addition, it is great option cardio. Every self-respecting gym should have such equipment, because it is very popular among athletes.

Grasp the handles and put your feet on a special platform. During the exercise, your abs should be tense and your back straight. As soon as you are in the desired starting position, you need to start pushing off the platform with your feet and at the same time pull the bar towards you. The legs should be as straight as possible, and the elbows should not go beyond your torso. The correct return to the starting position involves bending the hips, no need to lean forward.

Equipment to develop biceps shoulders, is very popular, and all beginners want to try their hand at it. The list of suitable simulators also includes the Scott bench, and the so-called "biceps machine", however, they can not be found in all sports clubs.

What equipment is suitable for working on the legs?

Only a systematic approach using certain types of leg trainers can help achieve high results. Some athletes alternate sports and arrange separate workouts for the corresponding muscles. The most popular of them is the Hackenschmidt simulator, it can be found in every club, it is convenient to use and helps to work out not only the buttocks, but also the quadriceps.

Sit on the machine, then lean back and place your feet on the platform. Once you are in the starting position, begin to slowly push your legs forward so that your knees are slightly bent, but your legs are not straight. Next, you need to pull your knees to your chest, lowering the weight, so you get one rep. To consolidate the effect, you need to do this exercise 25-30 times. Start with a small weight, and focus on how you feel. At the slightest sign of weakness, stop the task.

The muscles of the legs are one of the most difficult to work out because they are deep. To work them out, you will need to use special types of simulators and conduct training with high intensity. It is important to reach the point where you can lift heavy weights and perform at least an average number of repetitions (10-15 reps) without any difficulty.

Most of the necessary equipment for working on the legs can be found in sports clubs, regardless of their position and status. Special simulators for calves are suitable, as well as those that allow you to train flexion / extension of the legs at the knees in the lying and sitting positions. The largest queue, as a rule, is formed at the health-improving machine, similar to the invention of Hackenschmidt, but with one difference - a platform is used here.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles?

According to athletes, every self-respecting man should have powerful arms and chest. If you know the types of simulators suitable for working on this muscle group and how to use them, you have every chance to outdo the guys who annually demonstrate a luxurious figure on the beach. Pay attention to the fact that you need to work out both the internal and external parts of the muscles in order to achieve a really good result.

One of the most popular chest simulators is Peck Dec, with which you can also pump your arms. To use it correctly, you need to sit on it so that your back rests on the equipment. Grasp the holders, and then begin to bring your elbows and hands together. It is important to ensure that they almost touch each other. The pectoral muscles and arms must be tense at the time of the exercise, otherwise there will be no sense. Then you need to return to the starting position. It is recommended to perform at least 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

To get a visual dynamics, alternate different types of simulators in the gym, photos of your own pectoral muscles taken at intervals of 3-4 weeks will help you understand whether you are really on the right track. For breast development, you can also use a crossover and a Hammer car, but not every sports club has them. Recently, a large number of sports equipment has been installed on special sites in courtyards and recreation parks, try to look for the necessary units there.

Luxurious press - myth or reality?

The cherished six cubes on the stomach is the dream of many people who are far from sports. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that even experienced athletes do not always manage to achieve such a result. To have embossed belly, you can use the most suitable types of exercise equipment for the press, it is best to combine them with additional exercises at home.

The easiest way is to use a special bench in this case, it is available in absolutely every room. Starting position - sit on it and hook on the rollers with your feet, then fold your hands behind your head so that your neck and shoulders are in line. To complete the exercise, you will need to gently lean back, your shoulders should be a few centimeters from the bench. Tighten your abs and try to lift yourself, pay attention - you need to lift your back, you don’t need to pull your head forward. It is recommended to perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

You will also be able to stabilize the body with the most suitable species simulators in the gym, you can find photos and instructions for their use either on the equipment itself or on additional stands nearby. It is very important to use several types of machines for working on the press, in particular, Roman chairs, reclining benches, gymnastic rollers, even an ordinary Swedish wall will do.

What are the benefits of cardio equipment?

It is especially important to have complete information about the types of simulators and their purpose for cardio training, since we are talking about the main system of the body - the cardiovascular system. The basic equipment here is a treadmill, it should be used at the very beginning of each session so that the muscles of the body are invigorated and ready for active work. But she is most often busy, so alternative options should be considered, for example, rowing machine or cross station.

The latter helps to work out absolutely the entire body and has an effect similar to a treadmill and does not require undue effort. The intense impact caused by sliding along the arc is achieved by correctly performing the exercise. You just need to take hold of the handrails, and then start moving your arms as if you are running right now along the stadium track. The hips must be straight in order for the muscles to be worked out correctly. It takes 15-20 minutes to do this car.

Separately, in this case, exercise bikes should be considered, which have a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and also help develop the muscles of the buttocks and legs. Such types of sports simulators are divided into magnetic and mechanical. The first ones are smoother, the load there will directly depend on the distance between the flywheel and the magnetic surfaces, in the second case, on how much the belt is pulled.

Is it possible to strengthen the back with the help of such equipment?

In your school years, physical education teachers constantly forced you to pull up, but you never mastered this exercise? You have a chance to catch up with your own knowledge. You don't need a trainer who knows how to work with different types simulators in the gym, photos of physically strong athletes in various magazines will no longer cause you burning envy, because you yourself have the secret knowledge of how to develop your own back and make it really strong.

One of the most famous machines that help to work out the corresponding muscle group is the gravitron. Easy enough to install desired weight, which you plan to lift, then grab the handles and kneel on special platforms. Then you need to start pulling up in such a way as if you were doing it on a regular horizontal bar. With the help of platforms, it will be much easier for you to go down and up. It is recommended to perform three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Bench for extensions, block simulators, T-bars - all this is suitable in order to work out a large muscle layer that protects the spine and spinal cord. imposing appearance everyone can gain precisely due to the massive back, so it is definitely worth working out properly. Special types of simulators in the gym will help you achieve good results, traction exercises at first will be given to you with great difficulty, but gradually you will feel what invaluable benefits they bring.

What cars are popular with girls?

The fair sex, for the most part, rarely understands the types of simulators and their names, when they come to the gym, they make new acquaintances and often pass on the experience of successful training along the chain. Most often, girls can be seen on steppers, with the help of which an exercise similar to climbing stairs is performed. You can set up the machine in such a way that each pedal will have its own load, which will make it possible to increase the intensity of the exercise.

Ellipses are special machines for sports that combine the functionality of several of their relatives at once. These types of simulators, photos of which are often published on the covers of sports magazines, are very easy to use. Girls prefer to use them to strengthen the buttocks, thighs and legs, as well as reduce stress on the ankles and knees. The upper body - chest, shoulders and arms can also be strengthened with such equipment.

What's good for guys?

It is believed that some types of simulators in the gym are only suitable for men, but this is far from the case. It all depends on the needs and desires of the athlete, for example, guys want to have developed deltas, and constantly pump this muscle group. Girls can also work out the deltoid with dumbbell shrugs or on a special “butterfly”, the main thing is that the exercise must be performed correctly, otherwise there is a risk of harming your health.

Girls love guys with big, powerful and strong arms, which is why the latter constantly train not only biceps, but also triceps. Among the types of simulators most suitable for working out these types of muscles, bars and block frame. They are designed for those who are not satisfied with the usual work with free weights and various barbells, and who want to achieve impressive arm size.

What other trainers are there?

In addition to the usual strength equipment in sports clubs, you can find sets for aerobics and Pilates. Although they are not as popular as some types of machines in the gym, photos of girls with hoops, mats and small dumbbells, published in various magazines, have long symbolized healthy lifestyle life of the population.

As a rule, such optional equipment used in carrying out group lessons, you can sign up with the administrator sports club. In most cases, their visit is included in the price of the purchased subscription, but it is best to clarify this information before purchasing it. Since gym goers want to lose weight, and in one way or another affect problem areas, there is usually a large queue for the shells. To avoid it, it is best to practice at a time when there are few customers in the club - at noon and daytime.

Do I need to go to the gym at all?

Despite the fact that gyms continue to open in megacities at an incredible rate, not all athletes are in a hurry to get there. Some people prefer to exercise at home, and for this they even buy exercise equipment, they find the types and descriptions of exercises on the Internet and try to put their body in order on their own. Not in all cases they succeed, because they do not take into account the capabilities of their own organism.

Subscriptions to the gym are quite expensive, but in return, its buyer will be able to use all the necessary equipment for their own recovery. In addition, large organizations periodically arrange sales where you can save money and buy a ticket to the hall at a discount of up to 50%.

It is quite expensive to purchase simulators at your own expense, you can do this only if you plan to constantly use it. A separate problem is the choice of the most suitable place for installing equipment. It is most convenient to use the simulators in the presence of a private house, if it is located outside the city, then in addition to a beautiful figure and well-being, you will receive an additional dose fresh air positively affecting health.

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Going to the gym is always fraught with excitement, especially if this event is planned for the first time. Huge iron aggregates seem so complex that studying them and starting classes is a question that, on a subconscious level, is postponed until later. Learning the name of the equipment in the gym with pictures is the first step to overcome all fears and feel prepared.

All gyms can be conditionally divided into zones corresponding to the types of load:

  1. cardio(the main goal is to lose weight and wake up the body's endurance reserves)
  2. power(exercises help build muscle, tone and gain mass).

In order for women and men who crossed the threshold of the gym for the first time to gain self-confidence and make a minimum of mistakes, it is worth taking a mini-tour of the equipment. It is conditionally divided into several categories:

  • simulators - this includes all devices that purposefully affect certain muscle groups, it also means working with weights;
  • fitness equipment - hoops, sets of dumbbells of different weights, balls, steppers and other female assistants in pursuit of harmony;
  • power sport equipment- barbells, vultures and pancakes.

The main types of simulators

Each gym, which is popular among visitors, has several varieties of exercise equipment. This helps to get the maximum in one "simulator" and not look for other options that enhance the effect.

Trainers are divided into the following types:

  • cardio equipment (orbitrek, Treadmills and other aggregates that increase endurance);
  • lever - their design provides for free weights, which can be adjusted at your discretion (or using the advice of an experienced instructor);
  • block - built-in weight, there is a movable pin that helps to regulate it;
  • simulators in which the main driving force is the weight of the athlete;
  • power frames (the second name is “named”, as a rule, they have their own name).

exercise bike

It has a positive effect on the strengthening of the cardiovascular system, is indispensable for the legs, forms attractive reliefs of the calves and thighs, strengthens gluteal muscles. Modern models are equipped with a display that displays the pace, speed, various individual indicators.


An effective way to lose extra pounds, speed up metabolism. Excess calories are burned faster, the degree of load depends on the angle of the torso. The athlete independently regulates the speed of movement. One of the simplest simulators, every woman intuitively understands how to use them.

Elliptical Trainers

This type of equipment in the gym can be classified as universal, they perform two types of exercises - for a stepper and a treadmill. Strengthens ligaments and muscles. During classes, simultaneously involved muscle fibers legs, buttocks. Stress on knee-joint minimal, the presence of handles allows you to pump up your arms, form beautiful shoulders and strengthen the pectoral muscles. Can be equipped with a display.


An effective simulator for the buttocks and leg muscles. The athlete chooses the pace independently. Depending on the model, it is possible to adjust the load for each pedal separately, in other cases the pedals are connected into one system. The name of the simulators in the gym, the video with a demonstration of which is located below, will help you determine its type at a glance at the new unit.

rowing machine

Allows you to quickly form a beautiful shoulder girdle and hands regular classes have a positive effect on respiratory system. During the exercises, the legs are involved, the minimum load on the ankle allows you to increase the intensity of the lesson. A good simulator for the press and maintaining the tone of the pectoral muscles.


Women's simulator, the purpose of training on which is a well-developed biceps. Perfect option for girls who prefer to train long and hard. Simulators belong to the category of complex ones, they are called so, displaying the essence of the exercise. In the package there are several sets of weights for adjusting the load.

Bench for extension

The main areas that are worked out are the back and legs. The photo shows a female version of the simulator, which is not difficult to use. On it, you can do various modifications of exercises, having previously coordinated the load with the trainer. A woman can start with a more gentle program, gradually increasing the load.


An interesting and new model of simulators, the main purpose of which is to train all the muscles (abs, arms, legs). The lesson resembles an imitation of rock climbing, not suitable for beginners. The beginning of classes on the climber (in English CLIMBER) requires endurance and remarkable physical fitness from the athletes.


A sports device shaped like scissors. Designed to strengthen muscle tone and weight loss. Ideal option for women. "Rider" works out all muscle groups, works the press, shoulder girdle, legs and arms. The simulator is equipped with a display with which it is easy to track your pace, calories burned, the number of repetitions per minute is displayed.

Roman chair

This name of simulators in the gym combines several types of devices, the main function of which is to fix the legs when pumping the press. The athlete takes a sitting position, the load on the joints is reduced. The rectus abdominis and obliques are well worked out. There is such a simulator in every gym, it can be used by men and women, regardless of the level of physical fitness.

Butterfly trainer

The main purpose is to train the pectoral muscles. High back bench (back support) and two moving parts for right and left hand. Smooth mixing and spreading of the arms to the sides in just a few months regular workouts able to form a beautiful high chest, working with muscles that are quite difficult to get close to. Simulators come in various modifications, but the working mechanism for all models is identical.

Strength training equipment for legs - slender and graceful

The muscular corset is supported by the tone of different muscle groups, in particular those located in lower limbs. The depth of their occurrence is quite large, therefore, large scales and an average number of repetitions are recommended for study.

Hackenschmidt simulator

During classes, the gluteal, semitendinous muscles, quadriceps are involved, the effect on the calf muscles is mediocre.

Platform trainer

It is used to work out all the muscles of the legs. Preferred for those with back problems. When performing exercises of varying intensity, this part of the body is not involved.

Seated knee extension

The main feature of the simulator is to unload the knees, which allows you to protect the joint from overload.

Clying knee bending

A similar effect on the muscles of the legs, only the position of the athlete changes.

Every beginner who decides to go to the gym is faced with the question: “what are the types of simulators, and how to use them?”. Indeed, today such inventions are represented by a wide variety, so it is quite difficult to understand the principle of their operation, purpose and other subtleties. It is not entirely correct and even embarrassing to clarify the names of simulators with specialists, therefore, novice bodybuilders choose the simplest and most understandable devices (as a rule, this is a bench for pumping the press) and begin to “pound” their stomach throughout the session.

Really, to study existing simulators for the arms and back, the belt and the gluteal zone, as well as other muscle groups, sometimes it takes a very long time. Even after a long visit to the gym, not all beginners know how everything works here, and why the coach can assign individual devices. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles and pump up your body with high quality, it is necessary to correctly assess the basic subtleties and key points.

The history of the creation of sports simulators

Depending on the size and type of the gym (someone is training in a large, state-of-the-art gym on several floors, and someone in an ordinary basement with basic fixtures), the set of constructive content may differ significantly. Nevertheless basic set The “gentleman”, represented by handy shells and simulators, is almost the same everywhere. Therefore, it makes sense to deal with the basic minimum, which is found in almost any room.

Before proceeding with the study of such inventions, it is necessary to know a little background their origin and evolution. available modern people there is a wide variety of devices that can make the body toned and athletic. However, this was not always the case, and our ancestors had to download different groups muscles by banal running on hilly terrain and carrying loads. But the rapid development of science in the field of health and physical activity led to the active improvement of the new industry.

So, in the description of simulators, it is mentioned that they are mechanical or electrical devices that are able to simulate a number of different loads and situations. As for sports simulators, they are intended to perform special exercises for pumping and developing the muscle base, training the cardiovascular system, as well as the balanced functioning of various muscle groups.

In 1864 Wilhelm Sander(a famous doctor) founded the Institute of Sports Training Equipment in Stockholm, where 27 of his own developments appeared at once. These models were particularly diverse and were presented:

  1. A mechanical aerobics horse attached to a pacing motor.
  2. Devices for squatting and lunging.
  3. Power frames.
  4. And much more (for deadlift and bench).

Soon the trend was picked up by Hanrik Klingert, who in the 19th century came up with a device resembling a bicycle trainer. This design differed incredible simplicity and was a chair on which a board and a handle were installed, and pedals were attached to the bottom. Then, in 1952, the first prototype treadmill was released, and a real evolution began in the world of sports equipment.

What does a multifunctional gym look like?

If you are going to sign up for a gym and have come to the appropriate institution, then before starting to study the use of simulators, it is necessary to conditionally divide the audience into two groups:

  1. For men.
  2. For women.

Representatives of the first group come here to increase volume and develop endurance. Second - to get rid of nasty fat. Due to this feature, gender division is often practiced in gyms: girls - to the right, boys - to the left. But this is not always the case. It is necessary to consider the general, universal case, i.e., the purpose of specific pieces of iron and units. Basically, the entire inventory of the gym can be divided into:

Trainers can be separated, depending on the task being performed, on:

  1. Cardio exercises (treadmills, ellipticals, bicycle trainers and so on.).
  2. Block (equipped with built-in scales, which are regulated using a movable pin).
  3. Lever (have free weights that "throw" on the car).
  4. Power racks/machines (“named” simulators released by specific inventors).

The last four groups belong to the category of strength training equipment. Most gym goers prefer the individual type of "machines", but sometimes you can find beautiful girl around some strength training equipment.

Female models

Most women attend gym with one goal - to tighten problem areas (hips, buttocks, waist), as well as get rid of extra pounds weight. Therefore, their favorite shells are cardio machines, hoops, benches for pumping the press, compact dumbbells and mats.

However, in the arsenal beautiful ladies often there are also "male" products, such as a butterfly, which is intended for the development of the chest, as well as simulators for working out the legs. In any case, the whole Sports Equipment designed to build endurance, strengthen cardiovascular activity, as well as the rapid burning of calories.

As for aerobic models, they are intended for the development of respiration and the active fight against overweight. In the description of such devices, there is a parameter - heart rate, which implies an assessment of the load on the heart in order to increase the effectiveness of classes. An exercising woman can examine her current heart rate while monitoring a number of other indicators, including:

  1. calorie consumption.
  2. distance.
  3. time.
  4. and others.

For such purposes, the design is equipped with a special computer analyzer with a bunch of sensors.

Among the standard set of cardio equipment for girls:

  1. Bicycle models.
  2. Treadmills.
  3. Orbitreks.
  4. Steppers.
  5. Rowing machines.

Description of each variety

Male models

Asking questions about what types of male simulators can be, how to use them and what functions they have, pay attention to the following list. It is important to understand that the effect on the male body is significantly different from the similar effect on the female. Therefore, such products are difficult to classify by muscle group. So, among the existing models:

1. Leg trainers. It is no secret that the muscles of the legs are large and deep, therefore, in order to work them out qualitatively, it is necessary to apply intense loads with heavy weights and a repetition rate of up to 10-15 times. 2. For pumping up the press. A visit to the gym is often accompanied by a desire to stabilize the body and strengthen the press. For such purposes, it is customary to use the following shells:

After a thorough study of the basic varieties of simulators and their functions, you can begin to work hard. But do not forget that, in addition to the above models, gyms often have related equipment, for example, equipment for working with free weights. The complex use of all devices will effectively develop your body, making it athletic and attractive.

As you can see, dealing with the basic features of sports simulators is not as difficult as it seems initially. The main thing is to choose the right approach and know what different devices can be called, how they work and what they are intended for. In this case, the time spent will not be useless, and the end result will give you only a pleasant experience. In addition, you can teach valuable skills to inexperienced friends and beginners.

Attention, only TODAY!

One visit to the local gym and you feel like entering the matrix: lots of equipment and you're not sure you understand how to work out. In this article, we will look at what types of simulators are in the gym and how to use them.

Below you will find reviews of the most popular fitness equipment their varieties, what they are intended for and how to use each of them for maximum results. All descriptions are accompanied by a photo of the equipment itself, the muscle groups that they pump and a video with the correct technique for performing the exercises.

We have compiled this equipment manual to give you detailed information about all types of fitness club simulators in one place and how to use them. This guide will help you compose effective program exercises.

Description: In the case of doing squat exercises. In fitness and strength training, this exercise trains your entire body. All serious training programs must include this simulator.

Pro tip: Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Squatting this low is essential for proper execution and ultimately strong core, leg, and back muscles.

Try to keep your knees at the level of your fingers, your buttocks should sag during the squat. Don't arch your back, keep your head up and tighten your abs to make the squat easier.

The location of your legs should be slightly wider than the width hip joint, and both feet should look slightly outward.

Working muscles: Squats target mainly the hips, knuckles, glutes, quads, and hamstrings.




Additional piece for a squat rack. The bar is the most important element for strength training, it holds free weights or sometimes weights (pancakes) are attached to its ends.

Pro tip: The barbell is arguably the most versatile of all gym equipment. You can do hundreds of different exercises with these iron bars.

A common technique used in barbell exercise is good posture and keeping your body from swaying; to keep your body stabilized, such as when exercising on a machine.

Because it is very easy to cheat and rock your body in order to make the exercise easier, so when using a barbell in this way comes the word of caution - injury.

It is extremely important to remain careful when performing exercises with a barbell, especially when lifting it from the floor or vice versa, since this is the moment the risk of injury is especially high!

Working muscles: Almost all muscles are involved in training with a barbell, especially when performing deadlifts. To better understand which exercises to perform and which muscles they affect, check out "hundreds of barbell exercises" (link) and try them the next time you're in the gym.


bench press

Description: Used for an upper body exercise where you lift weights up while lying on your back. Do you want perfect breasts? To do this, use this particular simulator.

Pro tip: When you do the chest press, don't arch your back, it means your legs are placed too low. Try not to take the bar off your chest, even if you think it makes you super macho.

Also, don't lower the bar to your neck or belly, as this can cause serious harm as you are overweight and out of control, even for a moment.

And finally, do not fix your elbows when full raising barbells, keep your head, legs and back straight.

Working muscles: Biceps, triceps, latissimus dorsi, chest, upper back. There are many techniques when doing a chest press, but there are 3 main ones: narrow grip, wide grip and a narrow grip with elbows inward.

Incline Bench Press

Description: At its core, this is an elevated bench press, but the elevation affects the muscles used.

Pro tip: Common mistakes that people tend to make when pressing on an incline bench: setting the bench at a sharp angle (more than 50 degrees), arching the back, moving the bar from the chest, fixing the elbows.

Try to avoid the above mistakes by keeping your body straight and keeping the incline of the bench below 50 degrees.

Finally, your position matters. thumb. Grab the barbell with your thumbs as opposed to the rest, this is a more natural grip and safer to lift.

What muscles are loaded: The upper chest is slanted, as are the shoulders and triceps. Also, dumbbells are often used instead of a barbell.

Hammer - lever trainer

Description: A favorite among athletes, it focuses on explosive power.

Pro tip: When working with the simulator, do not heavily load your triceps. Also avoid locking your elbows while lifting the weight, and also try to maintain equal force in hand.

Target Muscles: Different lever simulators are aimed at different muscle groups. First of all, the chest, then the shoulders and triceps, trapezium, etc.

Description: A very versatile machine in terms of the number of exercises and their types that can be done by attaching handles to the end of the cables.

Pro tip: When you use the machine, it is very important to use the correct weight. If you are underweight, you will not work effectively, if you are overweight, you will overstress your muscles, which can lead to injury.

There are many various kinds exercises that you can perform on this machine. Like the bench press that works your trapezius, shoulders, and triceps. There is also a one-handed crossover that also affects the trapezius and shoulders, but also the biceps.

All these types of exercises make the simulator one of the most powerful, wherever you are.

Muscles involved: The connected design and versatility allows you to significantly affect every muscle in the body. The example below shows a cable crossover exercise designed for the chest and shoulders.

Description: The first piece of equipment that most people think of when they hear of "bodybuilding". different weight, but the same concept, handles with pancakes on opposite sides. An essential part of any training program. There are even dumbbells with adjustable weights.

Pro tip: Dumbbells have many advantages, mainly they are not expensive compared to other machines. But when used correctly, they can offer as much, if not more, than some of the more profitable equipment.

When you work with dumbbells, try not to lock your elbows and don't force yourself to do the last few reps if you don't have a friend or belayer around in the gym.

Dumbbells force you to work other muscles, even if you are training some of the primary ones; this is because your body is in balance and all the stabilizer muscles come into play.

What muscles can be pumped up: You can build up good muscles with dumbbells. Below is an example of a seated dumbbell press and dumbbell extension. These exercises work the biceps, shoulders and triceps. The muscles you can train with dumbbells are chest, shoulders, traps, biceps, lats, glutes, quads, tendons, and calves.

Pull-up bar

Description: The best tool for exercising and strengthening the upper body. You can pull up with either grip, although the palms-in grip is the most popular. Different grips and hand positions affect various groups muscles. You lift your body until the chin is above the horizontal bar.

Pro tip: Pull-ups are very difficult, especially for beginners. That is why you must master them. They are really good, and yes, very difficult. Train upper part body.

When performing the exercise, your movements should be vertical, even and full. After a while, if you become an expert at this, you will be able to load the lower back with weight for additional resistance.

If you are a beginner, then you should probably start with a deadlift machine. upper block, which will build muscle and prepare them for pull-ups.

Common Mistakes: Performing the exercise quickly, with uneven movements, rocking the body, arching the torso forward to get help from the pecs, bending the knees to push.

And finally, do not straighten your arms completely when moving down.

Working muscles: Torso, arms, shoulders, abs, pelvic muscles, arms and forearms. Different types of pull-ups affect different muscle groups. There are several most common types of pull-ups: behind the neck, to the body, inside grip, wide grip.

Description: Used to strengthen the latissimus dorsi, or wings as they are called. Pull the weight towards you, keeping your elbows and back straight. Google a picture of Bruce Lee and you will see the wings you can achieve with this machine.

Pro Tips: This may seem counterintuitive to some people, but don't lower the plank to your stomach; if you do, it means you are underweight.

Avoid bending your torso to help your chest and abs, complete all movements when using the machine. Your grip should not be too wide, and it should be even.

Target Muscles: Upper and lower back. Partially biceps and latissimus dorsi (as the name suggests).

Description: Raise the weight with your quads, holding it straight for a couple of seconds. This machine is suitable if you are recovering from an injury or just trying to strengthen your quads.

Pro Tips: Avoid twisting your hips when lifting the weight as well as when lowering it. Avoid sudden movements just to speed up, remember that form is superior to everything else in bodybuilding.

Bending and/or straightening the leg does not change the work done by the quadriceps.

Muscles used: Quadriceps, glutes.

Leg curl machine

Description: Lying on your stomach and looking at the floor, lift your legs towards your lower back. Squeeze your legs at the top and hold for a few seconds, feel the contraction in your hamstrings. A good exercise machine for maintaining muscle tone and building strength in the legs.

Pro tip: In addition to lying leg curls, some of the most popular species exercises: toes in, toes out, one foot, standing on the foot, and also sitting.

The most common mistakes are: lifting the knees as you lower the weight, lifting the weight too fast to speed up the execution, placing the knees out of line.

Interestingly, this simulator (both recumbent and standing) is more specific and safe, but just as effective as the barbell row in an incline ( deadlift) when directed at the hamstrings.

Even if the machine uses less weight, on the other hand, bent over rows work with more weight, but this is due to the fact that you are also training other muscles.

Muscles used: Biceps femoris, hamstrings, gracilis femoris, sartorius, gastrocnemius, hamstrings.

Hyperextension simulator

Description: while on the machine in an angled position, face down, move top bodies up and down. It's not uncommon to do chest weight exercises to increase intensity, but be careful as doing this too hastily can lead to injury.

Pro Tips: When doing the exercise, especially if you are using free weights for additional resistance, make sure you don't lift your torso too high. Also, do not jump when gaining momentum, take your time and be in shape.

It is considered dangerous to turn as you rise and lift your torso, and to relax your hip on the cushion of the machine without the opportunity to lean.

Hyperextension is a good way to train the lower back. In addition, this is a fairly simple exercise and beginners in the gym should not experience any problems.

Muscles used: Erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis, latissimus dorsi, spinous, multifid, gluteus maximus, hamstrings. Essentially, the glutes and hamstrings.

Description: Holding on to the handles (one in each hand), lower and raise the body. It is important to keep good form in order to avoid any shoulder injury.

This is a great alternative to the head-down bench press, but parallel bars require more strength. Therefore, although it is generally not recommended for beginners, the ease of implementation is not hindered.

When you do push-ups, it will seem to you that the triceps are doing all the work and all the load goes to them. However, it is important to focus on pectoral muscles Same.

You should feel a stretch as you push up and then a contraction as you lift your body. Always do this exercise slowly unless you are a professional athlete. And finally, avoid exercising if you have injured your elbow or shoulder.

Muscles used: Shoulders, triceps, Bottom part chest. Push-ups can be performed with or without weight, keeping the body upright.

Smith simulator

Description: A simulator that helps with squatting with a barbell. Think of it like a squat stance when you don't have anyone to help you with the exercise. Very good trainer for squat practice. If you have injured your back, then you should use the Smith machine to strengthen it.

Pro Tips: There are many exercises to do on the Smith machine that may seem the same as on other machines. But remember that it is when working with him that you can do many of the above exercises.

The machine helps you by keeping the chosen weight the same so that you can pick it up from any position.

The main advantage of the simulator is that you can train in the gym on your own when you do not have anyone to secure, but you want to be safe; just turn and lock the bar. It is ideal for squatting on its own due to the balance provided by the machine.

One of the advantages of the machine can also be a disadvantage if you are not careful. It provides balance, which can make you want to lock your elbows when lifting the barbell. Try to avoid it.

Muscles used: When working with the simulator, all muscle groups can be involved. One of the most popular exercises is the standing press (military press), shown below. Focuses on training the shoulders, triceps and traps.

Bench for biceps (Scott's shop)

Description: When sitting, the bench helps isolate and train the biceps. Ideal for beginners to start their biceps workout by using a lighter barbell and moving it up and down, or dropping the weight.

Pro tip: Sit on a bench, place your armpits at the top of the simulator, rest your biceps on the pillow. Follow this technique regardless of the exercise being performed.

Contrary to popular belief, this exercise is not excellent at building a biceps peak. But it keeps you from cheating while exercising and provides precise muscle contraction.

Do not extend your arm too far as this may cause injury. Also, don't move your body as you lower the weight. Most importantly, don't use too much big weight and do not combine this with excessive lowering of the barbell or dumbbell down.

Muscles used: Biceps, shoulders, forearms.

Description: Designed for the press. Similar to the hyperextension simulator. It is important to practice and stay in good shape with this machine. Especially if you decide to train with extra weight.

Pro tip: Doing this exercise forces your hips to flex, which engages the muscles that work in that area, specifically your lower back and anterior quadriceps.

So it's not as specific as just a ab workout, so make sure you feel the muscles because more than one muscle group must be involved in the exercise.

A few types of squats to try: crunch, weighted, incline, vertical.

Muscles used: Press (rectus abdominis). Also internal and external muscles abdomen, lumbar, quadriceps, transverse abdominal (pyramidal).

Leg press platform

Description: Basic leg trainer. Lying on your back, lift the platform up without straightening your joints.

Pro tip: This machine is just as good as the squat machine because it strengthens and develops the muscles, meanwhile, the machine is also good for protecting the back, as it keeps it in a certain position.

The most common mistake made when working with a simulator: lifting the hips while reducing weight. It is also recommended to avoid locking your knees while your legs are fully extended.

Incomplete and/or exaggerated movement will also not result in effective training. Finally, avoid using too much or too little weight, and be sure to lift the platform evenly with both feet.

Muscles used: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, adductors of the thigh, hamstrings.

HACK Squat Machine

Description: Combines the leg press machine and the squat machine. Another good exercise machine to use on leg day.

Pro tip: Common mistakes people make when working with a machine are: squatting too low with a heavy load, which is called a deep squat.

Another mistake is fixing the knees when lifting the weight up. This is dangerous because you are putting weight on your ligaments instead of putting pressure on your leg muscles. In addition to this, if you don't push evenly, it also results in bad form.

The glute muscles are the longest and strongest in our body, so you need to use really heavy weights to develop them. Interestingly enough, they are not used when walking, check if in doubt!

Muscles used: Glutes, quads, adductor magnus femoris, hamstrings, lower back and spine.

Description: Raise the weight up with your feet by pushing out using your fingers. Exist Various types simulators, but the one shown in the picture above is the most common.

Pro tip: Correct execution involves sitting with knees bent at right angles on toes on a footrest. During training, your heels should be free.

Raise your heels as high as you can, pressing down on the pillows as much as possible. Once you reach maximum height, hold for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Also remember to breathe naturally during the exercise.

Don't jump up without keeping the weight under control, and avoid taking off one leg when finishing a set. Remove the weight first and then the legs.

Target Muscles: Mainly caviar. Secondary muscles include: long and short peroneal, gastrocnemius, tibia and plantar.

Simulator for adduction and breeding of legs

Description: Open and close your legs, pushing the resistance of the weight outward. The most popular leg machine for women, ideal for training the legs and buttocks.

Pro Tips: This is a very specific exercise for the adductors of the thigh, partly for the large adductors. The simulator is good for both beginners and professionals.

To avoid injury, before using the simulator, make sure you warm up well.

Never rush and do the exercise slowly, as making sudden movements can damage the muscles.

Once you've warmed up on the machine, avoid these mistakes: underweight, spreading your legs too wide, doing the exercise too fast.

Working muscles: Adductors of the thigh, mainly. Secondary muscles: gluteus maximus, pectineus, gracilis, quadratus femoris, obturator externus, iliopsoas, hamstrings.

Butterfly simulator for chest

Description: This type of simulator is designed for isolating exercises and chest training. A favorite for beginner bodybuilders as it has a unique movement that is fun to perform.

Pro tip: To work properly with the machine, sit with your elbows back at a 90-degree angle at mid-chest level. Then bring your hands together in front of your face.

Inhale as you bring your arms together, as far as you have enough flexibility (but be careful when working with heavy weights), exhale when spreading your arms.

Common mistakes include moves that are too small or too large. Small ones reduce the effect of exercise, while large ones can lead to injury. Do not separate your elbows from the planks.

Target muscle groups: Chest (large chest) and shoulders (deltoid).

Description: Kettlebells have become very popular in the fitness world and there are many exercises you can do with kettlebells. Fitness enthusiasts use them for strength or cardio training. Watch a video about various ways use of kettlebells.

Rachi muscles: Lots of muscle groups. Depends on the exercise you choose.

Crossfit ball

Description: Combine with the squat by throwing and catching it. Repeat over and over. Ideal for those who are focused or want to incorporate cardio and aerobic exercise into their program.

Working muscles: Legs, core, chest, shoulders, abs.

Foam roller

Description: Ideal for relieving muscle pain, sprains and increasing flexibility. The best way use a foam roller - include it in your program, it will reduce the load on the body and help its circulation.

Target Muscles: All. But you can also choose between muscle groups.

Description: The most versatile tool for fitness enthusiasts. There are many exercises for working with the ball. A great way to use the machine is injury recovery, stretching, balance. Usually fitness enthusiasts have such a ball in their home gyms, or just use it at home at any convenient time.

Target Muscles: All muscle groups can be used when working with a fitball.

Use this guide to master sports equipment

The good thing is that when you learn all the names and types of machines, you will be relieved of the initial shock and fear. The more you learn, the less fear you have of choosing the wrong machine or being a laughing stock.

This guide will help you become familiar with the machines and equip you with knowledge of the most popular equipment and related workouts. With it, you will also be prepared even to build your own gym if you rent or own a house with spacious rooms.

Important things to remember when using exercise equipment

It is important to have a clear understanding of the equipment that is in your gym or when it is built, as this will help achieve the desired results in bodybuilding and fitness.

Another important thing to mention is that proper form when using these machines cannot be overemphasized. When choosing between heavy weight on the machine and compliance with right position with less weight, always choose the second option based on your fitness level.

This will help you achieve best results but more importantly avoid injury.

Now you are all ready for the gym!

Using this guide, you will now be able to confidently identify the name of the machine, and from the above list, you will also get an idea of ​​the cost of machines when building your own gym.

We hope you find this guide useful and we look forward to using it in your fitness activities. As always, let us know if we missed anything that you feel should be here!