Kremlin aerobics for the muscles of the skin and face. Exercises for slim legs

Keeping youth, harmony, mobility is the dream of any woman. What methods are not resorted to in order to achieve it: these are expensive creams, dietary supplements and even a surgeon's scalpel. Dangerous, expensive, often ineffective! We invite you to use the methods of "Kremlin medicine", developed at one time for the party elite of our country. The book presents a unique system of youth and beauty. This is the restoration of skin elasticity, getting rid of wrinkles, excess weight, disfiguring the legs of varicose nodules and asterisks. Today, the “Kremlin” sets of exercises and cosmetic procedures are coming out of the “Secret” label and gaining a wide audience. Stop spending money on expensive cosmetics! You have everything you need to be young and beautiful.

A series: Success School

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by the LitRes company.

Kremlin aerobics for the muscles of the skin and face

In this chapter, I will tell you what to do so that at any age your face is fresh, well-groomed, so that your features do not blur, your skin is stretched, your eyes shine and shadows do not lie under them and grayish bags do not hang, so that your cheeks retain a pleasant roundness , lips - plumpness and juiciness. In a word, I will give you recipes, applying which you will become the real masters of time.

Are you hoping for the help of expensive creams? Do you think that the more you pay for a branded jar, the better the results will be? And why would they be better? Do you know where wrinkles and wrinkles form? Do you think it's on the surface of the skin? By no means! The folds and grooves are too deep, so deep under the skin that no cream can get there. And even if he had, what would it have been? Cream is a lubricant. Wrinkles are breaks in our tissues that occur in the deep layers. Is it possible to fill fractures with grease? Try to take a piece of ... meat. Cut it with a knife. Slightly spread the notched edges. Now brush on top with soft butter. Will the incision be removed? Not really! The oil will be absorbed into the meat, something will remain on top of a greasy film. But at the same time, the incision will remain! The example is rough, the analogy is weak, I know. But, nevertheless, basically everything is exactly like that. You won’t get rid of wrinkles with the help of a cream, no matter what cosmetologists inspire us, striving to sell another “revolutionary” drug. What then gives the cream? Moisturizing and anointing the upper layer of the skin - of course. Toning - yes. Antiseptic effect - yes. User satisfaction - yes. And, perhaps, everything. Creams can and should be used, but by definition they cannot give the effect that many people buy them for.

In the same way, masks, even branded ones, even homemade ones, will give little. All this is good, but it has its own limited range of action. Ask what to do then?

Let's proceed from the fact that our face is formed by ... muscles. In their youth, their tone is high, their condition is perfect. Over time, some of them stretch, the other dries out, they perform the function of a frame for the skin worse and worse. As a result, the face “hangs”, folds and wrinkles form on it, in some places it becomes a lot, in others - a little. The same thing as with the face happens with other parts of our body. In the same way, the stomach, buttocks, etc. sag over time. Do you know what to do so that the stomach does not sag? Right! You need to do gymnastics! Here is the same thing to do with the face.

Systematic training of facial muscles is the key to his youth, excellent skin condition, absence of wrinkles, bags under the eyes and puffiness.

Have you heard about miraculous devices like muscle stimulators? This is when you take a pair of electrodes, bring them to your face, and under their action an involuntary contraction of micromuscles begins, which results in an improvement in their tone and skin tone. Such devices are really effective, but much more effective if you do the gymnastics yourself. After all, doesn’t it seem unnatural to you, instead of independently putting your muscles into action, stimulating them with electrodes? But what if we do it ourselves?

Now you are holding in your hands a unique book that contains just such a program! We ourselves can force our muscles to come into action, begin to contract and stretch. Each person at any time convenient for himself can do gymnastics for the face! And the results, as they say, will be evident. I will give you instructions to follow to achieve the best results.

This program was run for three years by my friends who enrolled in my health school. How do they look now? As expected, they look great!

If you are interested in specifics, please (although I will tell you about some special cases later, they are painfully indicative; they ask to be told separately).

One lady, Alexandra D., came to class two years ago. She was 42 years old, she was preparing for an early menopause, she was in no mood, her face was grayish and lowered, or something. There are wrinkles around the eyes and lips, on the forehead and the bridge of the nose there are more serious wrinkles, a distinct double chin. And the eyes themselves are somehow faded, tired, tortured. (Even then I thought: it’s only good to sing about “love tired eyes” in a song; it’s unlikely that this will inspire someone in life.)

To her horror, Alexandra has recently begun to notice that young guys and (what is most unpleasant) girls, no, no, and even give her a place in public transport. She naturally took this as a signal of an impending disaster. And I decided to try to do something with myself. A friend of mine just told her about my school. Here Alexandra, without thinking twice, took the phone from that and signed up for a consultation. When she came to me, she told me that she had tried a bunch of all sorts of cosmetics, but they gave so little that her hands dropped. I gave her the Kremlin aerobics complex for the face (that's what I call this program, the history of which I will tell you a little later) and ordered ... to go home to clean up. She was very surprised, began to ask about simulators, special devices. I answered her in the spirit that, no matter how hard she tried, she was unlikely to be able to sip a barbell or dumbbell with the help of facial muscles - and even pedal some kind of exercise bike.

Each person always has with him the main tool for carrying out the necessary exercises - this is own muscles. They need to be trained. And it’s absolutely not necessary for such training to go to some special place (gym or gym), that’s the whole point.

Alexandra listened attentively to me, asked permission to come in the future for clarifications and consultations, and went to implement the program we had outlined. She did exercises on the muscles of the face and neck without fail in the morning and evening, and also tried to do them in any free time.

In three months, she achieved results that not every plastic surgeon would have given her.

Firstly, she has a 70 percent decrease in the depth of wrinkles and wrinkles. Naturally, something remains, but it is impossible to completely turn back time. You are adults, you should understand this.

Secondly, the tendency to the second chin has completely disappeared.

Thirdly, there is no trace of the emerging "brills" (this is when the cheeks sag on the sides of the chin).

Fourthly, puffiness under the eyes disappeared, the skin ceased to be edematous.

Fifthly, the complexion has improved - it has turned pink.

Sixth, the eyes came to life and began to glow.

In general, Alexandra began to look about a dozen years younger. That is, to be more precise, she turned into a clearly young, well-groomed, flourishing woman, whose age simply cannot be determined by eye. Something a little over 30 ... Something like that. The girls stopped giving her a seat in the transport, and began to look enviously at her. But the guys, on the contrary, became more active - but not out of respect for their age, but wanting to attract her attention. What happened to her next? Having achieved success in working with appearance, Alexandra did not stop there. She decided to take on her life and remake it completely for herself in accordance with her desires. Would you say fantasy? No, not at all.

A person can do a lot, it's just that he is either too lazy to use his abilities to the fullest, or does not know about them, or is shy, or all together. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that our potential is often unclaimed.

So, Alexandra finally decided to claim him and succeeded in this.

At 42, she was a divorced woman who worked from home as an accountant. Her twenty-year-old son had by that time begun to rent a room, and she was left alone with the cat, restless, boring to herself, aging.

Rejuvenated thanks to the Kremlin aerobics for the face, Alexandra cheered up. Within two years, she achieved the following:

✓ opened her own business (now she has a flower shop);

✓ passed on the rights;

✓ bought first one, then the second car;

✓ traveled abroad eight times (finally fulfilled her long-held dreams of seeing the world);

✓ met great man 5 years younger than himself (and he did not even know about this age difference, believing that Alexandra, on the contrary, was younger than him);

✓ gave birth to a daughter from him;

✓ moved with her daughter and cat to live with him in a cottage!

Is there a result? Still would! We sometimes call Alexandra on the phone, she reports to me about her new achievements. We have been talking on "you" for a long time. Following her, I had a bunch of her friends. Kremlin aerobics for the face helped everyone without exception (of course, everyone who systematically practiced it). Do not make an exception and you. Take control of your own age, your life - reshape it in accordance with your desires. Good luck!

Dear ladies! You will not find in my book those cosmetology terms that you might be used to on the packaging of creams or on consultations with cosmetologists. Excuse me for this. I see my task in telling you as simply as possible what to do with yourself in order to solve the tiring and tormenting issues of aging. We will not talk about the benefits of liposomes and their differences from nanospheres, although this is a very important topic. Just take with you and turn back time. Let's work on ourselves. Do you agree? Then go ahead.

Daily Kremlin aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face will allow you to:

✓ tighten the oval of the face;

✓ get rid of cosmetic problems such as enlarged pores, excessive fat formation, a tendency to acne, comedones, pigmentation;

✓ get rid of bags and circles under the eyes;

✓ reduce the number and depth of wrinkles and wrinkles by 70 percent or more;

✓ refresh complexion;

✓ tighten the skin on the neck;

✓ get rid of the second chin;

✓ refresh the mouth area, making the lips more plump and juicy;

✓ make cheeks more rounded;

✓ have a fresh, well-groomed appearance;

✓ Look at least 10 years younger than your age.

What gives aerobics for the face

From the synopsis of the Kremlin Masters.

On the face of a man there are fifty-seven various muscles. They provide the potential opportunity to give the face almost any shape, change it at will. You can “pump up” the muscles and increase some volumes. And you can provide such exercises to drive out of right places excess fat- and reduce volumes. Everything is in our hands, depends on our will and perseverance in achieving our goal.

With age, each person not only becomes wiser, but also changes greatly in appearance. You can tell from his appearance that he is not young. Sometimes even up to a year to determine the age. Particularly susceptible age-related changes women. This is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system. Women age quickly "naturally", losing their attractiveness. Already after thirty years, the face begins to lose subcutaneous fat, as a result, by the age of fifty, many skin becomes dry and sagging. This is not surprising, because we usually use a limited number of muscles, smiling, crying or angry. Most of the muscles remain unused. Since the muscles of the face and neck work much less than all other muscles, the skin on them quickly loses its tone and color, sags and dries. With age, the mood or state in which a woman is most often imprinted on her face is imprinted. For example, she got used to being angry with her husband and children, and by the age of forty her face betrays emotions - her lips are angrily stretched, and a wrinkle has formed between her eyebrows. Frequent stress and fatigue create another “mask” on the face - the corners of the mouth are mournfully lowered and the eyebrows seem to hang over the eyes, from which tears are about to flow. The faces of optimistic and always benevolent women with age are decorated with “fun” wrinkles under the eyes and in the nasolabial folds. All this is the work of the muscles.

Aging occurs "naturally" - that is, when not all muscles are involved or those that work are only half-strength involved, etc. "Natural" aging can be prevented, slowed down, reversed by starting to purposefully give a load to the muscles of your face. The more they work, the more fresh and elastic the oval of the face will be, the less wrinkles and swelling, wrinkles and other dubious "decorations" will appear on it.

Look at yourself in the mirror, not trying to change your facial expression, but on the contrary, keeping it the way you usually walk, and tell me if it suits you. If not, then know that change is not only possible, but necessary. And special gymnastics will help in this, which we will call the Kremlin aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face, with the help of which you will learn how to control various muscles, and they will work for you. Firstly, the muscles will become more mobile and will not allow your negative emotions to “freeze” on your face in the form of stubborn folds and wrinkles. And secondly, with the help of muscles, you can act on wrinkles that have already formed, and on those that are still in the project, because the skin will become more elastic and able to restore its shape.

By engaging all the muscles of the face and neck, we will reverse the aging process of the skin. Moreover, with the help of facial gymnastics, many women manage to change the skin color from pale gray to peach, because the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the face increases blood circulation. Gymnastics will even help correct congenital defects - too thin or, conversely, thick lips, a long nose or sunken eyes, a square chin, make scars and other skin defects invisible, in general - it will restore attractiveness and charm to the face. The secret is simple - the work of the muscles, which allows you to work wonders.

Once again I will sign what the Kremlin aerobics gives for the muscles and skin of the face:

1. Strengthens weakened muscle tone. The skin receives a more perfect frame and therefore becomes more elastic.

2. Eliminates traces of stress and tension.

3. Improves skin structure.

4. Improves skin color, giving the face freshness.

5. Enhances the brightness of the eyes.

6. Improves the oval of the face.

7. Smoothes wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

8. Returns a young and "lively" expression to the face.

9. Eliminates cosmetic skin problems - flabbiness, scars, acne, unwanted pigmentation, comedones, etc.

10. Allows you to improve facial features.

11. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Rules for conducting special facial gymnastics

In principle, a set of Kremlin aerobics exercises for the face can be done anywhere and anytime. The main thing is that at the same time you should be comfortable and that oncoming people do not shy away from you when they see that you are grimacing. But you must strictly adhere to a number of rules:

✓ You can do exercises on the go only after you master the whole complex in front of the mirror. First you need to control everything to the smallest moments. Otherwise, you will pull some of the wrong muscles and hurt yourself.

✓ As soon as you decide to do mimic gymnastics, you should carry out exercises before any use of cosmetics - applying masks, creams, etc.

✓ Immediately before gymnastics, you can not apply cream on the skin of the face and neck so as not to close the sebaceous glands.

✓ It is better to do mimic gymnastics in a well-ventilated room or even on the street (ideally), the option is on the balcony. Never in a room where someone has smoked before.

✓ The neck should be free, no collars or scarves should pull it together.

✓ Ideal to complement gymnastics proper diet. The purpose of the Kremlin aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face is to strengthen the muscles of the face. Therefore, proteins must be constantly present in food - the building material for muscles. This means that you need to consume enough daily protein products: fish, eggs, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, legumes.

✓ In the work on your appearance, the right attitude is important. Start each day with the Inner Smile exercise. This will set the tone for your mood. And just before doing aerobic exercises for the face, say, smiling at yourself in the mirror, a special mood. It is an essential element of the course. After mimic gymnastics, the muscles should be allowed to calm down. Ideally, if you turn on calm music on the player, put on headphones and lie down relaxed for five minutes. It doesn't work - no problem. Just close your eyes, lean back while sitting on the back of a chair (or chair) and mentally slowly count up to 150. Then you can open your eyes and return to normal activities.

✓ After gymnastics, it is best to walk on the face with an ice cube. It can be ice from plain water, a weak decoction or infusion of chamomile, wild rose, horsetail, birch leaf, lingonberry. Then blot your face with a dry cloth (towel). Then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

✓ Dear ladies! I know how difficult it is, and for some it is almost impossible. Still, I strongly recommend that you quit smoking if you smoke. Or at least halve the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. I cannot but repeat the truth: smoking worsens the complexion. Every cigarette you smoke causes a microspasm of cerebral vessels. This adversely affects all vital functions of the body. Try to give up the habit of swallowing smoke, no matter how long-term it may be with you.

Complexes of exercises of the Kremlin aerobics for the face

Now I will introduce you to different complexes Kremlin aerobic exercises.

LITTLE NUANCE. Keep in mind that, "sitting down" on the Kremlin aerobics, you need to know: this is a measure not localized in time, but for life. What does it mean? If, for example, you study for three months and achieve excellent results, and then abruptly interrupt classes, then after the next three months, deterioration will occur. What follows from this?

Having started to practice and having achieved the effect, you should not rest on your laurels. You need to keep practicing. Albeit with less intensity - but continue. Any gymnastics, and any diet works on the same principle. The results must be constantly maintained, you can not dissolve - otherwise everything will come to naught.

Now about the complexes. I advise everyone to start full complex No. 1 special exercises for the face and neck, which give a load on individual groups muscles. The exercises are easy. Check yourself on the first complex, see how it is for you, is it enough - or, on the contrary, you may feel that these exercises are too much for you. Do the exercises of the first complex for two weeks, at least twice a day - in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime, for 10-15 minutes.

After two weeks, you can move on to complex number 2. It includes more specific exercises. We need just such a sequence - complex No. 1-complex No. 2. Nothing else. It is impossible to start classes from the second complex, if you have not done anything like this until now. It's more intense, and you can overstress your muscles so much that instead of positive effect get negative: the muscles will overstrain, the blood supply to the skin will be disturbed, it will turn gray or go pimples. This will of course improve with time and doing the right things, but I think that it is better not to arrange such problems for yourself, but to do everything right from the very beginning. Agreed?

Exercises of complex No. 2 are also done in the morning and in the evening for 10–15 minutes.

If you are a business woman and you are sorely short of time, but you need to take care of yourself, you can use a special set of exercises that involves doing gymnastics during working hours or on the road, that is, in the car and at the computer. The complex is called “Here and Now”. However, this complex has one limitation that should be kept in mind. Since the exercises must be done "dry" (without cream and makeup), be prepared to "paint the face" after the class. You can also do this: quickly remove makeup with a special lotion, do exercises, take a break, wipe your face again and only then apply cream and makeup again. Just be prepared for the fact that you need to provide some time for "coloring".

There is another set of very lightweight exercises, which is called "Afterward". It is intended for those women who have already achieved decent results with the help of the Kremlin aerobics for the face and want to reduce the intensity of their workouts, but at the same time not lose their shape. Exercise can be done everywhere - at home in front of the TV, in the elevator, on a walk, in the kitchen while preparing dinner. True, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules: the exercises are done “dry”, after them you definitely need to relax and wash (wipe your face).

By the way, all four complexes can be combined with each other. The main thing is not to overwork and not to pull the muscles.

Remember that any load must be dosed. Therefore, my advice to you: do not do Kremlin aerobics for the face for a total of more than half an hour (maximum - 40 minutes) a day. But there can be several approaches: from the basic two (in the morning and in the evening) to 5–7 (during the day, you can practice several more times for several minutes). And remember that before you start mastering high-intensity exercises, you need to master less intense ones.

The right attitude

As I said before, your attitude is extremely important. Setting is actually half the battle. If you are not nice to yourself and see life exclusively in boring gray tones, no matter how your muscles tighten up, your face will still look lifeless, extinct. And vice versa, the more optimism and love of life you radiate, the more you believe in yourself, the faster the process of your rehabilitation will go. You literally every day will begin to notice changes for the better in yourself. How to properly tune in?

Rule 1

Begin each morning with the Inner Smile exercise. It will not take your time or energy, and the results will be amazing. Do it always, fill yourself with the energy of your own smile and creation. Life will turn to you with its best facets, you'll see!

This exercise is designed to fill our eyes with light and energy and through the eyes influence health, well-being, and emotional state.

The exercise is done in front of a mirror.

Go to the mirror, look into it. Smile at your reflection. Pay close attention to whether your eyes are smiling. They should be filled with the light of a smile. Make a motion as if you are about to smile. A smile is about to appear, but you don't let your lips blur. At this time, shift your attention to the eyes. What happens to them at this moment? They come alive. Your eyes fill with energy. Go on and keep smiling with your eyes. See what happens to your face, eyes. At first, you may be intimidated by your own gaze, this quickly passes. For people who are insecure, notorious, this is a first-class exercise that will help restore the joy of communicating with the world and get out of their secret "shelters". strong people This exercise will help you get even stronger. Because in their eyes, in addition to will and determination, kindness will appear. And kindness, as you know, is a force that no one has yet been able to break. With the help of the light of the eyes, you will be able to absorb the energy of the world of plants, water, and stars around you. Lighting a smile in your eyes, filling yourself with it, you use your inner energy of youth. Youth and love of life come to life in you, fill you, you feel amazing strength and love in yourself - for yourself, those around you, for the whole world.

How long will this exercise take? It is enough to devote a couple of minutes to it. Just put a smile on your face and that's it.

Rule 2

Look in the mirror at least five times a day. And every time smile at your reflection and mentally (and it will turn out - out loud) say encouraging words to yourself, like: “And you look very good today!”, “Well, you, mother, give! Here is your pace! Yes, if it goes on like this, you will soon pull on a twenty-year-old!”, “How beautiful you are!”, “How I love it when your eyes laugh!”,

“You are even better today than yesterday! Prettier day by day!”, “I’m proud of you, honestly!” It is very important that at the same time you turn to yourself as you, as if looking at yourself from the outside and giving an objective assessment of your appearance. As if this is an outside admiring observer looking at you and rejoicing at your transformation!

Rule 3

Before each session, devote half a minute to staring your mirror double in the eyes and at the same time say (to yourself or out loud, as you prefer, this time speaking in the first person - I, my face): “I really love my face. It is the most beautiful in the world. And I want everyone to see it. I get tired, so I get wrinkles, my skin starts to fade, my eyes don't look as bright as they used to. But I will return the skin to its former smoothness and delicate color, the eyes - brightness and liveliness, my cheeks will become rounded again, the neck - long and graceful. I will help myself with this. After each session, I feel that my wrinkle has become less, that my skin has brightened and turned pink, my eyes have come to life. I restore youth and freshness to my most beautiful face in the world. I love myself because it is impossible not to love me! Smile to yourself as you say this monologue. After all, it is intended for the most important thing in your life and - by right - your most beloved person! To yourself!

Rule 4

After each lesson, carefully look at yourself in the mirror, be sure to find even the most microscopic changes and say to yourself: “Well, one more wrinkle less, minus a couple more months! I've started the countdown! I succeeded!” And joyfully wink at yourself: “Will there be more!”

Rule 5

Make it a rule to constantly smile and laugh. It is difficult to find a situation in which it would not be possible to find funny sides. Look for them and have fun from the heart. Joke at the first opportunity, laugh at other people's jokes, relieve yourself of tension, do not let apathy, despondency, boredom take possession of you.

Rule 6

Engage only "out of love", that is, experiencing a real need for change, being keenly interested in them, having an inner readiness for them. Never do any exercises in a hurry, do nothing, because "it's necessary", for the proverbial tick.

Special exercises for the face and neck

Complex No. 1

Complex number 1 - basic. To prepare for it means to prepare in general for gymnastics, for the changes that will occur against the background of its application. It is very important to properly launch a rehabilitation program for your appearance. The effectiveness of all subsequent classes depends on this.

If you decide to do Kremlin facial aerobics, first study your appearance properly. Mercilessly mark all age-related changes. Make a list. This is what you are going to fight with the help of special gymnastics. Make a table. In the left column, place a list of your shortcomings. On average, how long would you like and are going to get rid of them. Leave the right column to record the achievement of the result. When it is reached, you will indicate the date of the obvious change that you found. Pay attention to the following details of your appearance: wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead, around the mouth, on the neck, sagging "flews" on the sides of the chin, flaccid skin, its unhealthy color. How to designate for yourself an adequate time frame for the elimination of these problems? All these unpleasant details of your appearance have been formed over a number of years. Take two weeks as your baseline. For each year after age 35, prescribe one week for wrinkles in the mouth and eyes, two for wrinkles on the forehead, ten days for nasolabial folds, 12 each for jowls and wrinkles on the neck, five days each to improve skin color and get rid of pigmentation.

Having compiled a table, you have prepared a training program for yourself, set specific goals for yourself, and outlined the deadlines for achieving them.

Now set aside time in the morning and evening for facial aerobics. The first complex will require maximum discipline; the time of the classes, while you accustom yourself to them, should be fixed. You may have to get up earlier or stay up late to carve out those 10-15 minutes that you can spend alone with yourself. It is important to get used to the exercises, to begin to perceive them organically. At first, you can look pretty ridiculous doing facial exercises. Therefore, try to ensure that no one sees you, does not ask questions, does not comment on your classes. This is also necessary so that you can focus on the exercises performed, concentrate your energy in order to get the greatest possible and best effect.

Begin each exercise by feeling how all the energy in your body is helping you. The tension of the muscles of the face is work, followed by relaxation. Therefore, the energy that comes to the rescue must be constantly replenished. This will help correct breathing. You need to breathe with your stomach, that is, when you inhale, draw in your stomach, when you exhale, relax and inflate a little. To practice proper breathing, you can practice: lie on your back, put a glossy magazine on your stomach. It should rise when you exhale and fall with your stomach when you inhale - then your breathing will be correct. Before each exercise, take a few deep breaths and slow exhalations, saturating the whole body with energy. During each exercise, imagine how the energy fills those muscles that are in this moment work.

You can choose any pose for gymnastics - the main thing is that it is comfortable for you. For someone it will horizontal position on the couch, while others are more comfortable sitting in a chair. But the legs, buttocks and back at the time of exercise should be relaxed.

Some exercises are uncomfortable to do while lying down, so you will have to lean on the back of a sofa or bed. Be sure to set a mirror in front of you, it will help not only to do the exercises correctly, but also to immediately see the results. After all, after the first exercise, the skin changes right before our eyes. Tracking these changes will give you extra confidence, will become a natural encouraging factor. (When you master all the exercises of the complex and bring their execution to automatism, you can do them without looking in the mirror. But you must start classes in front of the mirror.)

Strengthening the muscles around the mouth

From the synopsis of the Kremlin Masters

Age reveals the condition of the skin in several of the most problematic places: around the mouth, in the region of the nasolabial folds, on the forehead, in the region of the eyes, and on the neck. It is here that the muscle tone is weakened in the first place. And the skin responds to it. The only way out is to train the muscles. There is an alternative point of view. It boils down to the fact that, on the contrary, wrinkles appear from excessive facial mobility. Experience shows that this is not the case. The more you train the muscles of the face, the smoother and healthier the skin looks, the less wrinkles and wrinkles on it. Another thing - the skin should not be stretched. She then has to “sit back” for a long time. However, stretching the skin is also not fatal. And this process can be reversed - if there is will and perseverance.

So, the first exercises are against wrinkles in the lip area. Against the background of these exercises, the skin is smoothed; the corners of the mouth rise, creating a youthful expression; lips become stronger and fuller.

1. Slowly, with tension, stretch your lips, as if you are going to make the sound "O". Pulling out, open as wide as possible. The number of repetitions is 2-10 (every day add one repetition).

2. Squeeze your lips tightly, then tighten the corners of your mouth, trying to pull them up to your teeth, but do not clench your teeth. Your task is to raise and lower the corners of your mouth. Help yourself with the pads of your index fingers, which need to be pressed loosely to the corners of your mouth. The corners go up and down a little. The number of repetitions is 5–10.

3. Close your lips tightly. Place your index fingers in the middle of your lips and press down, feeling the tension of your lips. Then slightly move your fingers from the middle to the edges of the lips. Move, pressing on the lips, until you reach the corners of the lips, then walk your fingers, as if crushing the lips in the opposite direction to the middle. The number of repetitions is 5–10.

Strengthen the eye muscles

These exercises reduce swelling and bags under the eyes; tone the upper and lower eyelids, allowing them to “open” the eyes wider, making them larger and more expressive; smooth wrinkles under the eyes; do not allow new ones to form; remove wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes, the so-called "crow's feet".

1. Keep your head still. Close your eyes. Start rotating your eyes clockwise - 10 times, and then against it - also 10 times.

2. Place the pads of the four fingers of both hands over the eyes under the eyebrows and press firmly against the skin. Raise your eyebrows a little. Squeeze your eyelids tightly, counting to five, then open your eyes, slightly loosening the pressure of your fingers, then relax for five seconds. The number of repetitions is 5-10.

3. Close your eyes and remember a funny situation or funny anecdote. Answer it with facial expressions, trying to smile as widely as possible. Now play sad. Imagine yourself as a sad Pierrot and give your face a natural expression of sadness with the help of facial expressions. Look at yourself in the mirror: eyebrows should be lowered, eyes slightly narrowed. Imagine the funny situation again. Alternate "masks" of laughter and sadness. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

Strengthen the muscles of the chin

The purpose of the exercise is to remove double chin, round too sharp chin, make plump more accurate.

1. Push your chin forward, pressing your lower lip against your teeth and pulling it into your mouth. With effort move the lower jaw to the right and left. The number of repetitions is 5–8.

2. Pull the ends of the lower lip alternately to the right, then to the left, downwards. The right and left muscles of the chin and neck will tense alternately. Make sure that the upper lip remains motionless. Perform the exercise for 20 seconds in 2-3 sets.

3. Sharply tilt your head back, opening your mouth. Straining the muscles of the chin, close the jaws, pushing the lower one forward. Return your head to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5-7 times.

4. Rest your elbows on the edge of the table and prop your chin on your fists. With effort, tilt your head forward, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Then relax. The number of repetitions is 5-7 times.

5. Clench your hands into fists, put them in front of you one on top of the other, lean on your upper fist with your chin. Press your fists on the chin from below, trying to raise it; counteract the pressure with your chin, trying to lower it. Perform the exercise for 10 seconds in 2-3 sets.

Strengthen neck muscles

With the help of these exercises, you can get rid of the effect of "goose bumps" on the neck, which appears as a result of excessive dryness of the skin; wrinkles from the neck gradually disappear, the skin becomes toned, a layer of subcutaneous fat appears.

1. Grasp your neck with both hands - one under the other. Now move your head to the right and left, and with your hands create resistance to this movement by slightly pressing on the skin. The same, but the head moves up and down. Perform the exercise 5-10 times in different directions.

2. Grit your teeth, tilt your head back and, as if trying to tear your head away from your shoulders, pull your shoulders down with an effort.

3. Sit on the floor or sofa with your knees drawn up to your stomach. Stretch your neck while lowering your shoulders. Tilt your head forward, then slowly tilt it back as far as you can. Return your head to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5-10 times.

4. Sit in a Turkish position, shoulders should be lowered, back straight. Without moving your torso, turn your chin alternately to the right and left shoulder, keeping your neck straight. Repeat the movement to each shoulder 5-7 times.

5. Do it circular motions head, trying as much as possible to take the neck forward, backward and to the sides. The number of repetitions is 7-10.

6. Stretch your arms at your sides, straighten your shoulders, your back should be straight and your head down on your chest. Close your eyes. Tilt your head to your left shoulder, trying to press it tightly against it, then lean back. Now tilt your head to the right shoulder with the same effort. And again lower your head to your chest. Repeat the exercise in reverse order. The number of repetitions is 3-5 times. Make sure you don't get dizzy!

Exercise smoothes fine wrinkles on the forehead and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. In addition, with the help of these exercises, eyebrows are raised and take on a more defined look. Exercise is also good because it helps to relieve fatigue and headache, refresh your head.

1. Press the palms of both hands firmly against the forehead so that they cover the entire forehead to the roots of the hair. Now quietly close your eyes without squeezing your eyelids. Start rotating your eyeballs without opening your eyes: 5 times clockwise, 5 times counterclockwise.

2. Open your eyes wide, while raising your eyebrows high. Freeze for 2 seconds. Close your eyes and relax your facial muscles. Repeat the exercise 5 times, gradually speeding up the pace.

3. Keep your thumbs on your temples, and press the rest of your fingers firmly against your forehead. With a sharp movement, try to raise your eyebrows high up, and prevent this with your fingers, trying to pull the skin of your forehead down. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Then, without taking your fingers off your forehead, massage your forehead with them left and right, up and down, then in circular motions, pressing especially vigorously on your eyebrows.

Strengthen the muscles of the cheeks

Exercises help prevent sagging cheeks, the appearance of age-related "brown lines", smooth out wrinkles and wrinkles, improve the oval of the face, make it clearer and smoother. As a result of this gymnastics, age spots from the skin of the cheeks disappear, it acquires a delicate peach shade.

1. Puff out your cheeks, tensing their muscles. Count to five, then slowly release the air. Repeat 10 times.

2. Having puffed out your cheeks, “roll” the air from one cheek to another, working with the corners of your lips. Then, in the same way, “roll” the air up under the upper lip and down under the lower. Do this exercise for 20 seconds. Relax your cheeks by releasing the air. Repeat 3 times.

3. The mouth is closed. Massage with your tongue inside cheeks: first the left side, then the gums above the upper teeth, then the right cheek and gums under the lower teeth. Pass the tongue 5 times clockwise, then another 5 times - against. Rest 3 seconds, repeat the exercise 2 more times.

4. The mouth is still closed. Clench your teeth with tension, then open them. Repeat the exercise 10 times, tensing the muscles of both cheeks to the maximum.

Smooth out nasolabial folds

Exercises eliminate deep wrinkles near the nose, make the skin of the face more even and smooth, help remove large and small wrinkles in the nose and lips.

1. Open your mouth wide and pronounce all the vowel sounds in turn in any sequence and order. Sounds should be pronounced loudly, loudly, clearly and energetically.

2. Take a wooden stick or pencil in your mouth, hold it in your teeth and, pushing your chin forward, “write” circles and eights in the air. You need to "draw" 5-10 shapes in each session.

We strengthen all the muscles of the face

Exercises help keep the skin of the entire face in good shape, improve the oval of the face, thin face make it pleasantly rounded, and too round - slightly pointed. In addition, they contribute (due to the flow of blood to the skin of the face) to improve complexion and moisturize the skin, eliminate the feeling of dryness and flabbiness.

1. The mouth is closed. Fold your lips in a "bow" as if for a kiss. Then smile broadly with your mouth open, raising your eyebrows. Do the exercise 5 times. Then close your eyes and repeat the exercise 5 more times.

2. Place your index, middle and ring fingers on the sides of your cheeks. Now stretch your mouth in an asymmetrical smile without opening your lips: first, with an effort, pull the right corner of your mouth towards your right cheek so that your mouth becomes “crooked”. Use your fingers to help bend the mouth even more (pull the right cheek up and the left cheek down). Then remove that "smile". Straighten your mouth. And start smiling in the other direction, that is, pull the left corner of your mouth onto your left cheek, helping yourself with your fingers (pull the left cheek up and the right cheek down).

3. Put your palms on your cheeks, press them firmly against the skin. Fold your lips in a "bow", as for

kiss, and with tension slightly pull forward. Start moving your jaws up, raising your eyebrows. Help yourself with your hands, pulling your cheeks slightly to the sides and up. Now move your jaws down and lower your eyebrows, also helping yourself with your hands and pulling your cheeks a little to the sides and down. Perform the exercise 5 times up and down. Then close your eyes and relax by counting to five.

Complex No. 2

From the synopsis of the Kremlin Masters

When the muscles of the face have already received sufficient training, you can complicate your tasks. is running new complex, more intense, but also bringing more tangible results. The rules for its implementation are the same as the first complex. However, now you need to pay even more attention to the internal energy of the body, which will help the work of the facial muscles. Each exercise should begin with the mobilization of this energy. "Light up" the energy, activate it, feel how it goes to the muscle that will be involved in the exercise. Then, after it is over, be sure to completely relax and “release” the energy with a calm, slow exhalation. Deep inhalation and slow exhalation of the belly will contribute to both relaxation and replenishment of the body with energy.

So, the second complex is “advanced”. It will allow you to consolidate and improve the results obtained as a result of using the exercises of the first complex. Your face will “clear up”, turn pink, “appear” even more. This is another step towards rejuvenation and recovery.

For exercises of the second complex, a sitting position in an armchair or on a comfortable chair is most suitable. It is best to sit in front of a dressing table on which there is a mirror, or just in front of a mirror. As always, your attitude matters. Remember, you are not doing exercises “to be”, but to obtain a certain result. So tune in to this result, wait for it, state every day all the changes in your appearance. Praise yourself for the work on yourself and remember that THE ROAD WILL BE POWERED BY THE GOING.

Please note: in the second complex, the sequence of exercises changes. Do them in the order given in the book.

Strengthening exercises eye muscles

1. Tilt your head slightly, looking slightly up. Place the middle fingers of both hands just above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, and press the index fingers to the outer corners of the eyes. Tighten the lower eyelids, trying to squint, while the upper eyelids should remain motionless. Tighten the muscles of the eyelids with effort, and then relax them. At the same time, with your middle fingers, press between the eyebrows, and with your index fingers, on the outer corners of the eyes, directing your effort towards the ears. Look at yourself in the mirror, control correct execution exercise and enjoy yourself. The number of repetitions is 5-10.

1. Position your fingers as in the previous exercise. Slightly pressing on the place between the eyebrows, close your eyes with tension, tightly squeezing the eyelids. Count to five, open your eyes wide, as if surprised. The number of repetitions is 3-6.

2. Place the index and middle fingers on the temples closer to the eyebrows. Press lightly on the skin and pull it out to the sides. Continuing to pull, slowly open and close your eyes, holding your gaze at three points: below at knee level, straight ahead (find some object) and above your forehead. Thus, the eyelids take positions: closed, half-open and fully open. Do this exercise with great concentration and attention. Do not hurry. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles around the mouth

1. The lower lip, together with the lower jaw, move alternately to the right and left. In this case, the upper lip remains motionless. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

3. Press the upper and lower lips inward so that they touch the gums of the upper and lower teeth, respectively. In the mirror, you will see that instead of a mouth you have a thin fold. Pull the muscles of the nose down, and pull the corners of the mouth slightly to the sides with tension. Reach the highest tension of the mouth and count to five. Now relax all your muscles and count to five again. The number of repetitions is 5–8.

forehead wrinkle exercises

1. Grasp your head with your fingers so that the little fingers of both hands are pressed to the skin under the eyebrows above the upper eyelids, and the index, middle and ring fingers lie on the forehead. Press all fingers firmly against the skin, press on it for three seconds, trying to slightly stretch the skin and lift it, straining your eyebrows. Watch yourself in the mirror. Then release the pressure of your fingers on the skin. Relax for a couple of seconds. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

2. Inflate your cheeks with air and tighten them. Now raise your eyebrows high and with effort, as if surprised, then slowly lower them, trying to frown. Follow the movement of the eyebrows, not forgetting to puff out the cheeks. The number of repetitions -10 (5 movements of the eyebrows up and down). Now let the air out of your mouth and relax. Count to five slowly. Repeat the exercise again 10 times.

1. We work only with lips, without straining the muscles of the cheeks. We make a grimace in front of the mirror so that the lips move in different sides: left and right, then up and down. The movements should be strong and tense enough, and the cheeks should remain relaxed.

1. Push the lower lip forward as far as possible. Now sharply, with force, pull it back, while pulling forward the upper lip and covering the lower one with it. Cheeks should be tense. Do the exercise slowly, the main thing is to feel the tension of the muscles in the cheeks. The number of repetitions is 5–8.

2. Pull your lips forward and open your mouth with tension to make a large circle or oval. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

Chin exercises

1. Pull your lower lip forward and move your lower jaw up and down. Repeat 10 times.

2. Press your lips inward, pressing firmly against your teeth. Slightly open the corners of your lips. Pushing the chin forward, open and close the mouth with the help of the corners of the lips. Do the exercise slowly and with concentration, making sure that the lips do not come off the teeth. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

3. Pull the corners of your mouth inward, stretching your mouth into a smile, but not opening it. At the same time, pull your chin down. In the mirror, you will see how your chin has become sharper. Pull it down even more, counting to three. Then slowly return your lips to their normal position, from which immediately pull them forward with a tube, tucking your chin. Also count to three. The number of repetitions is 5–8.

Neck exercises

1. Lie on a flat surface with your arms extended at your sides, feet together. Slowly raise your head, tensing your neck. Then slowly lower. This exercise requires training, so start with 5 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10-15 times.

2. Sit so that your head can be tilted back and placed on the cushion or back of the chair. Tilt your head back as far as possible, trying to see the floor behind you. Count to five. Now return your neck to its original position and rest for five seconds. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

Exercise for smoothing nasolabial folds

Open your mouth so that the lips take the shape of the letter "O". Now, pressing the upper lip to the teeth, with tension stretch the lips in the shape of an oval, mainly working with the lower jaw. In the mirror, watch how the nasolabial folds disappear. Place the pads of your index fingers on the skin on either side of the wings of the nose. Press your fingers firmly and make five movements with them up - not reaching the lower eyelid, and down to the corners of the lips, but without touching them. Relax and repeat the exercise again. The number of repetitions is 2–5.

Cheek Strengthening Exercises

1. Slightly open your mouth and stretch your lips folded in the letter "O" a little forward. Now, with tension, stretch your mouth in a smile, but only with the help of the muscles of the lips (not the cheeks!). On the contrary, with the effort of the muscles of the cheeks, hold back the smile. Continue stretching your mouth while tensing your cheeks for 30 seconds. Relax the tension in your cheeks and allow yourself to smile broadly and calmly. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

2. Place the middle fingers of both hands on the skin under the eyes so that they are parallel to the eyebrows, while the index fingers should be perpendicular to the eyebrows and, as it were, frame the face on both sides. Press firmly with all fingers. Start smiling with your mouth wide open as your cheeks move up, and you must create resistance by pressing your middle fingers against the skin, but do not interfere with the movement of the cheeks and the smile in general. Now stretch your mouth "tube" forward, straining your cheeks and helping them with your middle fingers. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

After the exercises of the Kremlin aerobics for the face

If you perform gymnastics correctly and diligently, you will feel a pleasant fatigue in the muscles that were involved. After exercise, you can and should proceed to cosmetic procedures. Facial exercises are a great way to prepare for them. However, depending on when the exercises are performed - in the morning or in the evening, one or another procedure should be chosen.

After morning exercises for the face, wash the face well with contrasting temperature water. Then refresh it with an ice cube. If you have a few minutes in reserve, lie on your back, close your eyes and put cucumber slices or cotton pads moistened with freshly brewed tea on your eyelids (tea bags will not work, sleeping tea leaves - too; only high-quality, fresh, undiluted tea leaves are taken for lotions!). Lie down like this for five minutes. Then remove cucumber slices or tea lotions from the eyelids, do not wash your face, apply a cream appropriate to your skin type on your face and neck. Let it soak for 5-7 minutes (you can have breakfast or coffee at this time). After that, do your makeup.

After an evening aerobics session, it is good to take a relaxing herbal bath or sea ​​salt. While in the bath, exfoliate your face (do it 2-3 times a week). Gymnastic exercises will bring greater effect if you combine them with massage. After the bath, it's time for this procedure. Read more about massage. Then it is a good idea to apply a mask on the face and neck, depending on the type of your skin. I will also talk about recipes for masks below. On non-masking days, apply an appropriate night cream. On this procedure for the face and neck can be completed. You will feel incredible pleasure, feeling how your skin began to breathe, how it was filled with fresh forces and acquired vitality.

Look in the mirror: even after several sessions of gymnastics, your face will noticeably look younger. This will give you an incentive to keep going.

The main thing is not to miss days, otherwise you will not feel the real effect, although in this case the improvement will be very noticeable. But if you have set yourself a serious goal - to get rid of wrinkles and lose a dozen or two years, then stock up on patience and perseverance. Moreover, taking care of yourself is not only necessary, but also a pleasant thing.

A set of exercises that are done in any free time

These are lightweight exercises that can be done anywhere - in the car, on the tram, at work, in line at the store, while preparing dinner, in front of the TV and even at the movies. Try to remember them when you have a free minute during the day. Giving them very little time, you will provide the skin with an enduring tone.

Remember: the more you take care of yourself, the more often you do the exercises, the more obvious the result will be - rejuvenation and the faster you will get it. But, ladies, try to do without fanaticism. Don't give up on everything and personal life and from morning to night, only to do that "make faces." Everything is good in moderation!

Breathing exercises stimulating facial skin tone

1. Slowly inhale air through the nose (the breath should be deep), straining the wings of the nose. Just calmly and slowly exhale the air through your mouth. Make sure that the exhalation is even, not jerky. The number of repetitions is 2-3 with an interval of 3-4 seconds.

1. Inhale deeply through your nose and hold your breath, straining internal muscles faces. You will feel the blood rush to your face. Without exhaling, close your lips and puff out your cheeks. Count to three, then forcefully exhale through your mouth. The number of repetitions is 3–4.

2. Take a deep breath through your nose, pulling in your cheeks at the same time. Hold your breath for a second. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth. At the same time, the lips should be slightly closed, and the cheeks should be puffed out. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

3. Inhale air through the nose, greatly expanding and stretching the wings of the nose. Then exhale slowly and calmly through your mouth. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

4. Close your teeth. Inhale air through your mouth, while pulling the corners of your mouth to the sides. Exhale slowly through your mouth. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

5. Close your teeth. Inhale through your mouth, and exhale air, stretch your lips with a tube. Inhale through your mouth again. Exhale not with a full mouth, but with the corners of the lips: either through the left corner of the mouth, then through the right one alternately. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

6. Close your teeth. Inhale and exhale air through your mouth, but puff out your cheeks as you exhale. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

7. Breathe in through your nose while pulling in your cheeks. Exhale slowly through your mouth. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

8. Inhale air very slowly through your nose, tilting your head back. Now exhale slowly through your mouth, returning your head to its original position. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

9. Inhale air very slowly through your nose, while tilting your head as close to your right shoulder as possible. As in the previous exercise, the movement of the head should be very smooth and distributed throughout the breath. The shoulder should not move. Exhaling air through your mouth, return your head to its original position. Now repeat the exercise with the head tilted to the left shoulder. Do it 5 times on both sides.

Eye exercises

1. Close your eyes, tightly squeezing your eyelids. Count to three. Then open your eyes as wide as you can and count to three again. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

2. Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on the skin at the outer corners of the eyes and lightly press. Close your eyes tightly at the count of “one”, and at the count of “two”, open them, holding the skin with your fingers. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

3. Look ahead. Slowly pull the lower eyelid to the upper, as if squinting; upper eyelid it must remain motionless. Hold the tucked up eyelids for two seconds, lower the eyelids and relax. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

4. Keep your head straight. Slowly rotate your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

5. Look ahead. Then slowly look to the right and left without moving your head. Look ahead again. Then just as slowly move your eyes up and down. Return your eyes to their original position. Close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids, then open and squint a few times. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

6. Open your eyes very wide and hold them in this position for several seconds. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

7. Press your palms to your cheeks, place your index and ring fingers near the corners of your eyes. Use your middle fingers to lightly squeeze the eyelids of your open eyes. Close your eyes with force, counteracting with your middle fingers. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

8. Keep your head straight, lift your eyes up to failure, without wrinkling your forehead, and then lower them down. Hold your eyes up and down for 20-30 seconds. Then close your eyes for the same amount of time. The number of repetitions is 4-5.

9. Count to ten, blinking your eyelids at each count. Pause for 3 seconds with your eyes closed. The number of repetitions is 3-6.

10. Squeeze the muscles, trying to slightly lower the corners of the eyes. Exercise is very effective for smoothing out wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes (“crow's feet”). The number of repetitions is 3-6.

Neck exercises

1. Slowly rotate your head first to the right and then to the left. Make sure you don't get dizzy. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

2. The same exercise, but with breathing and holding the head in the “straight” position. On a slow breath, make the maximum turn of the head to the right. On exhalation through the mouth - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. The number of repetitions in both directions is 3-5.

3. Press your right ear to your right shoulder, then your left ear to your left; inhale, lower your head down to the right, then down to the left. Then exhale and drop your head to your chest, relaxing your neck muscles. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

4. Tilt your head back to the limit. Cover the top lip with the bottom. Then quietly lower your head forward until your chin touches your chest. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

5. Stretch your neck forward, slowly lift your chin as high as possible. Lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

6. Place your palms on the back of your head with your fingers interlaced. Lower your head forward. Tilt your head back in five small jerks, overcoming the resistance of your hands. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

Mouth exercises

1. Move slowly lower jaw from side to side, stopping at each extreme point of this movement. The number of repetitions is 3–5.

2. Do the same, but quickly and continuously, not at the expense, but for one and a half to two minutes.

End of introductory segment.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Slimness, youth, beauty. The Complete Kremlin Encyclopedia for Women (Konstantin Medvedev, 2009) provided by our book partner -

You can take care of your face every day, use expensive cosmetics, go for procedures, but the years will still take their toll. At the age of 40-50, the face fades, deep wrinkles appear, the oval of the face deteriorates, the skin loses its tone. To keep youth as long as possible, cosmetologists recommend resorting to facial gymnastics. The exercises are safe for beginners, and the first results can be seen in a few days.

The benefits of gymnastics for the face

To keep the body fit, it must be constantly trained. The rule also applies to individuals. Without proper training facial muscles weaken over time, lose their elasticity and, consequently, begin to sag, and the face becomes unattractive. But daily gymnastics will help to cope with the listed problems.

The benefits of gymnastics for the face:

  • Increased blood circulation in the tissues of the face;
  • Return of color, tone and healthy radiance of the skin;
  • Tight and neat face. The contour is improved by toning the muscles;
  • The rate of appearance of wrinkles decreases due to increased influx of nutrients;
  • Hydro exchange improves and toxins are released;
  • Eliminates the second chin, which is the result of sagging muscles.

By doing facial exercises before bed, you can relax tense muscles and eliminate the appearance of morning swelling.

Basic rules for execution

Any remedy has contraindications. Gymnastics for the face is no exception. If a person has a pathology facial nerve or he suffered Botox injections, it is contraindicated to engage in this type of load. Temporary or permanent contraindications are approved for individuals who have recently undergone facial plastic surgery. Before engaging in such gymnastics, first consult with a qualified specialist.

The following rules will help to increase the efficiency of the exercise:

  • Facial skin and muscles are amenable to gradual exposure. You need to start small. In the first classes, do a small number of repetitions. This will already be a good start in the recovery course;
  • Practice in front of a mirror. This way you have full control over the process. Sit on a chair and straighten your back. If there is outerwear around the neck, remove it;
  • Before starting the exercise, cleanse and moisturize the skin with a cream. Such preparation will prevent microtrauma during the exercise;
  • Concentrate on relaxing and tensing your facial muscles. So you can achieve more effective results;
  • When performing exercises, the muscles need to be strained as much as possible. The optimal time for tension is 10 seconds. The number of repetitions depends on the type of exercise. Initially, 5-7 repetitions will be enough. This figure must be increased daily by one repetition;
  • Breathe properly. Muscles should tense on the inhale and relax on the exhale.

Facial exercises should be done twice a day. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. Only with regular repetition, you can achieve the desired results (tighten facial muscles, smooth wrinkles, remove swelling under the eyes).

Facial exercises

As mentioned above, before starting the exercise, the skin of the face must be cleaned and moisturized with a special cream. However, it should be noted that facial gymnastics can be combined with the application of nourishing masks, oils, tonics, creams or anti-aging cosmetics.

Gymnastics for the face is different:

  • From wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Against wrinkles on the forehead;
  • To strengthen the lips;
  • For cheek lift;
  • Against mimic wrinkles;
  • For the muscles of the chin;
  • Japanese for wrinkles;
  • Chinese gymnastics;
  • Gymnastics for the face from Carol Maggio.

Let us consider in more detail the instructions for performing various exercises for face correction.

From wrinkles around the eyes

With the help of exercises around the eyes, wrinkles can be removed in several sessions. The complex of daily exercises includes:

  • You will need a weight on a thread or a pendulum clock. Within 5 minutes you need to follow its movement without turning your head;
  • Repeat the exercise above. However, hang the clock higher, do not raise your head;
  • Look at a distant object for a couple of seconds, then quickly shift your gaze to a nearby object;
  • Close your eyelids tightly, count to 3, and then open and count to 3 again. This exercise should be repeated up to 10 times;
  • Press the eyelids with three fingers. The eyes must be closed. The index finger should be outside century, the middle one is in the center of the eyebrow, and the nameless one is based on the inside of the eyelid. Squint your closed eyes, and try to open them with your fingers, entering into resistance;
  • Look forward and at the same time with two fingers pull the lower eyelid to the upper one. Count to two and then release your eyelid.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes, you need to monitor your daily routine. Go to bed early and try to get more rest.

For forehead wrinkles

If you follow daily workouts, a woman will be able to get rid of wrinkles on her forehead on her own. After all, even the most insignificant wrinkles can give the expression of a girl's face a frown and gloom.

Exercises to eliminate horizontal wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror. Place your elbows on the table and place your fingertips along the hairline. Pull the skin up slightly. Hold her. The head should look straight ahead. Position your fingers in such a way that you do not encourage new wrinkles to form. Slightly press and pull the skin of the forehead in five consecutive steps. Close your eyes at the same time. In this position, hold the skin of the forehead for a few seconds, and then gently release.
  2. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows high. Repeat exercises 10 times. With each subsequent exercise, increase the pace of execution.
  3. Stretch your arms at your sides, back straight, shoulders straight. Lower your head to your chest. Throw your head to the left shoulder, back, then to the right shoulder and over the chest.
    Please note: when performing the last exercise, your head may feel dizzy. To prevent this, do the exercise with your eyes closed.

In a set of exercises to eliminate vertical wrinkles on the forehead includes the following:

  1. Tighten the muscles of your forehead and neck. Grab your head with your hands. The thumbs should be on the back of the head, and the index fingers on the forehead. Move the skin of your forehead to the center with your index fingers. Then raise your eyebrows and count to 7. Watch your own fingers so you don't create new wrinkles.
  2. The pads of the middle fingers should be in the middle of the eyebrows. Raise both eyebrows up and frown at the same time. Count up to 7. Then do the same, only in reverse order. Muscle tension in this case should be directed upwards, and pull your fingers down. Position your fingers so as not to create unnecessary folds.
  3. Impact on the muscles of the frontal and subfrontal parts. Use the pads of your index, middle, and ring fingers to pull back the skin under your eyes. Try closing your eyes and counting to 7. At the same time, you can try to tighten the muscles of your cheeks.

To obtain the desired result (smoothing wrinkles on the forehead), you can combine daily exercises with the application of smoothing masks.

To strengthen lips

In addition to strengthening the lips, gymnastics can increase their volume. Injections and miracle pills are not required. Just 10 minutes of exercise a day is enough. Another benefit of doing daily gymnastics is the smoothing of nasolabial folds.

Exercise to relieve swelling in the nasolabial folds must be performed after moisturizing the lips with thermal water. How to do the exercise:

  • Spread your fingers to the side. The index and middle fingers should form one group;
  • Place your index and middle fingers above your upper lip, and your ring and little fingers under your lower lip. The lips should be between the fingers;
  • Shift the weight of your head towards your palm. Create an enhanced attraction. The fingers may start to slip a little to the side, but this is normal. However, make sure that your fingers do not pull the line of the lips;
  • Then move your fingers towards the earlobes, as if you were involuntarily drawing a smile.

To strengthen the circular muscles of the mouth rotate the tongue under the lower lip 30 times clockwise. Then you can use the same number of repetitions, but already counterclockwise. This exercise will help strengthen the circular muscles of the mouth and make them more elastic.

For cheek lift

Cheek lift exercises are also effective. They give muscle tone. In order to tighten your cheeks, you can perform several exercises:

  • First exercise: the head must be raised up and to the left. Wait until you feel the tension in your neck muscles. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Repeat the same with the other side. Turn your neck vigorously to the right and left. Repeat 10 times.
  • Second exercise:as much air as possible must be taken into the mouth, which will create tension in the cheeks. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds. Release the air as quickly as possible. The exercise must be repeated several times.While holding your breath, roll the air to the right and left.
  • Third exercise:place your palms on your face so that they cover your lips. The fingers should be on the cheeks. Use your fingers to create resistance, and then smile. Repeat the exercise several times.

Against mimic wrinkles

To get rid of wrinkles, perform a daily easy set of facial exercises. If you do not skip classes, then the muscles of the face will gain tone. The skin of the face and deep layers will noticeably tighten and the face will acquire a beautiful oval. Similar exercises will also help a woman get rid of the second chin.

A set of exercises against mimic wrinkles:

  • Squeeze your lips. Pull them out with a straw. Place your palms in front of your ears and press down on your cheekbones. The lips need to be relaxed. This exercise stretches the skin in the cheekbones;
  • Make an "O" with your lips. Then close your lips for 6 seconds and relax your muscles. Thanks to this, the corners of the mouth will not fall with age;
  • Interlace your fingers and place them on your forehead. Then try to move your eyebrows. There will be serious hand resistance. Then wait in this position for 7 seconds and relax your muscles.

The above simple exercises help a woman cope with unwanted mimic wrinkles. The main rule is to repeat them regularly.

For the muscles of the chin

To get rid of the second chin, you need to eat right and exercise special exercises for the face and chin.

A set of exercises for the muscles of the chin:

  • Ladle. An easy exercise in which you need to open your mouth and catch your lower lip on your lower teeth. Imagine that you have to scoop up water using only your lower jaw, then close your mouth and raise your head up at the same time. Please note: while doing this exercise, simultaneously raise your head up;
  • Pull-ups. Hyoid muscle leads to the appearance of a second chin. Therefore, it also needs to be given attention. Stick out your tongue as much as possible. Try to reach the tip of your nose. The lips should be relaxed. Repeat 5 times;
  • Exercise "kiss the giraffe". Imagine that you really wanted to kiss a giraffe or other very tall individual. Raise your head up, move your lower jaw slightly forward, and close your lips with a tube. If everything is done correctly, there should be tension in the neck. Hold this position for 8 seconds. Repeat the procedure 5 times.

To tighten the muscles of the face, you can perform the exercises “smile” and “letter”. Each of them is performed for 5-6 repetitions.

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles includes various exercises. They affect different areas: eyes, forehead, nasolabial folds.

Japanese exercises for wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Fix the pillows of the middle fingers on the inner edges of the eyebrows. Move the skin to the bridge of the nose as far as possible, and then in the opposite direction. This must be done slowly;
  • Place your fingertips in the center of your brows. Pull the skin down while creating resistance with the muscles of the face. Pull your eyebrows up. Lock in this position for a few seconds. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Gymnastics from wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Close your eyes and relax. Place the tips of your middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Without pressing hard on the skin, slide your fingers towards the inner corners of the eyes. Then gently move on to the eyebrows, forming a circle around the eyes. The number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • Re-fix the tips of your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Move your fingers towards the inner corners, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the procedure 10-15 times.

To get rid of wrinkles in the nasolabial fold, fix the tips of your index fingers at the base of the nasal wings. Now make a few movements around them and go to the bridge of your nose. In the direction of the nasolabial fold, make a few strokes with moderate pressure.

Chinese gymnastics

Chinese anti-wrinkle gymnastics also has a different name - "8 drops of dew collected from spring flowers." Before doing this, you need to cleanse and moisturize your face. Gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Lightly move your fingers over the surface of the forehead, around the eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and bridge of the nose. If necessary, you can also capture the neckline.
  2. The exercise "second dewdrop" includes patting movements in the areas indicated in the first paragraph. There are 5-7 cottons for each region.
  3. Each area of ​​the face must be stroked with the palm of your hand.
  4. "The fourth dewdrop" - kneading the area around the eyes, nose, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose and forehead area with the pads of bent fingers.
  5. Kneading with light pressure above the listed areas on the face.
  6. A fist is formed from the fingers, and stroking is carried out with the knuckles of the fingers. During the “6 drops of dew”, the skin of the face should not move.
  7. During the “7 drops of dew”, light pressure and warm-up alternate.
  8. The last reception is carried out visually. Imagine that you have gold-colored threads in your hands and try to mentally lay them out on your cheeks, chin, and in the neck area.

The course of Chinese gymnastics for the face from wrinkles - 3 times a week for a month. Its duration is from 20 to 40 minutes per session. We recommend to carry out Chinese gymnastics in the morning hours.

Gymnastics for the face from Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio is an American cosmetologist who was the victim of an unsuccessful rhinoplasty. After that, she took up the study of the anatomy of the female body and developed a set of exercises for the face and neck. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the forehead and above the eyebrows, Carol Maggio suggests the following exercise:

  1. Index fingers are placed parallel to the eyebrows. We fix them in this position. Gently raise your eyebrows up, holding them with your fingers. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  2. We hold the eyebrows in a raised state, holding them with our fingers. We make gentle pushes with pads until a slight burning sensation appears.
  3. After the appearance of unpleasant sensations, we fix the eyebrows and count to 30.
  4. Relax and gently massage the arches of the eyebrows.

Such a simple exercise will help a woman even out the texture of her eyebrows and smooth out unwanted wrinkles. You need to repeat the exercise several times a week.

Basic Mistakes

Facial muscle training is painstaking and hard work. When performing exercises, it is important not to make major mistakes in order to achieve the desired result. Among the main mistakes when doing facial exercises for wrinkles are the following:

  • Holding strength training face every day. With excessive zeal appear muscle spasms, which is bad for a woman's face;
  • Lack of relaxation exercises. At the end of each exercise, the facial muscles should relax and rest;
  • Intense exercise. Don't think that the harder you train your muscles, the better. more efficient result. This is wrong. If your facial muscles cramp, you won’t do better to yourself;
  • Performing exercises with a face in makeup. Before any muscle training, you should clean your face of cosmetics and moisturize it to avoid microtrauma;
  • Performing exercises without a mirror. It is important to follow the sequence in which you perform the exercises in order to avoid mistakes.

If you follow all the rules for performing facial gymnastics against wrinkles, then you can smooth them out. Don't expect quick results, everything has its time.

Over time, our face inevitably undergoes age-related changes. One of the most unpleasant among them is the nasolabial folds. Surely every woman over 35 years old noticed them. Of course, they do not color anyone, give out age and add it, and these mimic wrinkles can appear even in young girls. One way to combat this phenomenon is Botox, but the price of this procedure is quite high. An alternative can be found at home. Effective Exercises for the face from nasolabial folds help fight nasolabial folds without financial investments. The main thing is to do them regularly, because you want to look young and attractive?

The main reasons for the formation of nasal folds are the loss of elasticity and mobility of the muscles, which manifests itself with age. Both hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles can lead to this trouble:

  • Muscle hypotension. If drainage is disturbed as a result of venous or lymphatic stagnation, edema appears, decreases muscle tone and the skin sags. As a result, the eyelids droop, and this provokes nasolabial folds.
  • muscle hypertonicity. Occurs when facial muscles shorten. Muscle spasm provokes stretching of the skin, and it loses elastin and collagen.

Of course, we cannot live without a smile, and while smiling, we cannot always control how do not damage the skin. But you can get rid of the problem or significantly reduce its manifestations using exercises from the nasolabial folds. Special gymnastics helps to eliminate nasolabial folds that have already appeared and prevent the appearance of new ones. Consider what gymnastics against nasolabial folds can be, and how to perform it correctly.

The classic set of exercises from nasolabial folds

Classical gymnastics from nasolabial folds includes several useful exercises. Do them every day and you will be able to make clear progress.

  • Puff out your cheeks to the maximum, and then relax.
  • Open your mouth, make vowel sounds, trying not to close your lips.
  • Fold your lips into a tube and pull them forward as far as you can.
  • Push the lower jaw forward. Squeeze your lips hard. At this moment, you should feel how the muscles of the face tense up. Then open your mouth and relax.
  • Roll the air from one cheek to the other. When moving, you must feel the work of the muscles, otherwise the result will not be achieved.
  • Take a deep breath to rib cage filled up completely. Puff out your cheeks a little and hold your breath. Now push the air out in portions, short and sharp jerks.

Perform exercises against nasolabial folds several times, daily.

"Kremlin gymnastics"

Effective exercises for the nasolabial folds of the face, which are desirable to perform in front of the mirror so that we can control the correct movements.

  • The first exercise in the Kremlin gymnastics will be next. Open your mouth wide. Pronounce all existing vowel sounds in turn in any order. Do it loudly and vigorously. Speak the letters clearly, loudly, with high-quality articulation.
  • Take a pencil and hold it between your teeth. Now push your chin forward, start drawing circles and figure eights in the air with it. Draw 5-10 figures in one session.
  • Open your mouth so that your lips form an "O". Press the upper lip to the teeth as tightly as possible. Straining, stretch your lips with an oval. The main part of the load should be placed on the lower jaw. Looking in the mirror, you should observe how the nasolabial folds are smoothed out.
  • Now the main exercise begins. Place your index fingers on both sides of the wings of the nose. Press the pads firmly, make five upward movements, about a centimeter short of upper eyelid. Now you need to make five movements down, without touching the corners of the lips.

Now relax, then repeat the movements again. In total, it is recommended to do up to five approaches. Kremlin gymnastics for the face from nasolabial folds is very effective, while it is quite simple and does not require much time.

Exercises for nasolabial folds with plastic bottle

Facebook building for nasolabial folds can also include a plastic bottle activity. volume of 0.5 liters. The exercise program for the week will be as follows:

  • First day. Pull out your lips, hold a plastic container with them for three minutes.
  • Second or fourth day. Pour about 50 ml of water into the bottle. Extend your lips again and hold the weight with them.
  • Fifth-seventh day. Pour a little more into the bottle, about 60 ml, and repeat the exercise again.

Increase the load gradually. Every three days, increase the amount of liquid in the bottle by 10 ml. But be aware that Weight Limit bottles should not be more than 250 grams.

Nasolabial Fold Exercise by Carol Maggio

American beautician Carol Maggio developed a system of exercises for the face, which act like a facelift. With such a problem as nasolabial folds, gymnastics will be performed in this way:

  • The lips should be pressed as close as possible to the teeth.
  • Open your mouth as wide as possible, without relaxing your lips, give it the shape of an oval.
  • Begin to drive the pads of your index fingers along the nasolabial folds. When you feel a slight burning sensation, complete the exercise.
  • Now tap your fingers on the wrinkles. Repeat this movement thirty times.
  • Finishing the exercise, exhale the air through your mouth.

Carol herself claims that this exercise is very effective. Although it is quite difficult, the result is worth it.

Massage techniques for nasolabial folds

If we remove nasolabial folds with gymnastics, then we can supplement our measures and massage, which is available at home and is very effective.

  • Place the tips of your index and middle fingers on the pits near the wings of the nose. Now open your mouth a little, press your upper lip tightly against your teeth. Now five times you need to outline the wings of the nose, move up and down.
  • Place your middle and index fingers on the bridge of your nose. Open your mouth and pull your upper lip over your teeth. Fix this position. Next, you need to do four smoothing movements. To do this, lower your fingers along the surface of the bridge of the nose, now slightly down and to the sides.
  • The muscles of the face need to be completely relaxed, the mouth slightly open. Place the ends of the middle and ring fingers on the wings of the nose. Make light circular motions, heading over the skin to the ear. It is recommended to repeat them at least six times.

A good addition to Facebook building nasolabial folds can be acupressure. It perfectly removes wrinkles provoked by muscle hypertonicity.

  • Sit in front of a mirror so that the process is completely under your control. The back should be straight, the mouth should be open, give the lips an oval shape and press them firmly against the surface of the teeth.
  • With the tip of your index or ring finger, press along the line of nasolabial wrinkles. Your manipulations should be done slightly up and to the side.

The force of pressure plays a role. It should be strong enough, but not provoke pain. You should feel under your fingers not only the skin, but also the muscles. Acupressure always starts from the nose.

  • On each of the lines you need to do four clicks. In just one procedure, you need to walk three times. Acupressure is not recommended to do more than five times a week.

If you perform the movements correctly, then wrinkles will soon become less noticeable, and after that they may disappear altogether.

Masks for nasolabial folds

You can supplement the exercises for nasolabial folds, the videos of which will help you understand how to do them, with special homemade masks that will increase efficiency. One of them involves the use gelatin and is done like this:

  • Place a tablespoon of gelatin in a cup, a quarter filled with water, leave for half an hour to swell.
  • Mix four spirulina tablets (you can buy them at the pharmacy) in a spoonful of water, combine with ready-made gelatin.
  • Add a small amount of lemon juice and a couple of drops of vitamin A to the mixture.
  • Soak gauze in the composition, apply it on your face. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. It is recommended to repeat this procedure every three days for two weeks.

It also helps to cope with nasolabial folds, the exercises from which we have already considered, the use of bay leaf. Take 15 sheets, fill them with 30 ml of boiling water, let it brew for five minutes, filter. Beat three eggs, add a tablespoon of olive oil and a couple of spoons of burnt alum into them. Add a spoonful of bay leaf infusion to this mixture. Now the composition is ready. You need to take a small piece of bandage and soak the mixture in it. Gently apply it on the nasolabial folds, hold for about 40 minutes.

Apply the mask for three days, then take a break for the same amount of time. Remove the remaining composition with warm water. Keep going until you see clear results.

As you can see, getting rid of this problem is quite realistic, and reviews of exercises from nasolabial folds confirm their effectiveness. You can also watch a video of gymnastics for nasolabial folds, which presents correct technique its implementation. Exercises are recommended to be supplemented with massage and special masks - an integrated approach will help to quickly and effectively eliminate this trouble.

Useful video about gymnastics for the face

Facebook building video tutorial

Slimness, youth, beauty. Complete Kremlin encyclopedia for women Konstantin Medvedev

Kremlin aerobics for the muscles of the skin and face

In this chapter, I will tell you what to do so that at any age your face is fresh, well-groomed, so that your features do not blur, your skin is stretched, your eyes shine and shadows do not lie under them and grayish bags do not hang, so that your cheeks retain a pleasant roundness , lips - plumpness and juiciness. In a word, I will give you recipes, applying which you will become the real masters of time.

Are you hoping for the help of expensive creams? Do you think that the more you pay for a branded jar, the better the results will be? And why would they be better? Do you know where wrinkles and wrinkles form? Do you think it's on the surface of the skin? By no means! The folds and grooves are too deep, so deep under the skin that no cream can get there. And even if he had, what would it have been? Cream is a lubricant. Wrinkles are breaks in our tissues that occur in deep layers. Is it possible to fill fractures with grease? Try to take a piece of ... meat. Cut it with a knife. Slightly spread the notched edges. Now brush on top with soft butter. Will the incision be removed? Not really! The oil will be absorbed into the meat, something will remain on top of a greasy film. But at the same time, the incision will remain! The example is rough, the analogy is weak, I know. But, nevertheless, basically everything is exactly like that. You won’t get rid of wrinkles with the help of a cream, no matter what cosmetologists inspire us, striving to sell another “revolutionary” drug. What then gives the cream? Moisturizing and anointing the top layer of the skin - of course. Toning - yes. Antiseptic effect - yes. User satisfaction - yes. And, perhaps, everything. Creams can and should be used, but by definition they cannot give the effect that many people buy them for.

In the same way, masks, even branded ones, even homemade ones, will give little. All this is good, but it has its own limited range of action. Ask what to do then?

Let's proceed from the fact that our face is formed by ... muscles. In their youth, their tone is high, their condition is perfect. Over time, some of them stretch, the other - dries out, they worse and worse perform the function of a frame for the skin. As a result, the face “hangs”, folds and wrinkles form on it, in some places it becomes a lot, in others - a little. The same thing as with the face happens with other parts of our body. In the same way, the stomach, buttocks, etc. sag over time. Do you know what to do so that the stomach does not sag? Right! You need to do gymnastics! Here is the same thing to do with the face.

Systematic training of facial muscles is the key to his youth, excellent skin condition, absence of wrinkles, bags under the eyes and puffiness.

Have you heard about miraculous devices like muscle stimulators? This is when you take a pair of electrodes, bring them to your face, and under their action an involuntary contraction of micromuscles begins, which results in an improvement in their tone and skin tone. Such devices are really effective, but much more effective if you do the gymnastics yourself. After all, doesn’t it seem unnatural to you, instead of independently putting your muscles into action, stimulating them with electrodes? But what if we do it ourselves?

Now you are holding in your hands a unique book that contains just such a program! We ourselves can force our muscles to come into action, begin to contract and stretch. Each person at any time convenient for himself can do gymnastics for the face! And the results, as they say, will be evident. I will give you instructions to follow to achieve the best results.

This program was run for three years by my friends who enrolled in my health school. How do they look now? As expected, they look great!

If you are interested in specifics, please (although I will tell you about some special cases later, they are painfully indicative; they ask to be told separately).

One lady, Alexandra D., came to class two years ago. She was 42 years old, she was preparing for an early menopause, she was in no mood, her face was grayish and lowered, or something. There are wrinkles near the eyes and lips, on the forehead and bridge of the nose there are more serious wrinkles, a distinct double chin. And the eyes themselves are somehow faded, tired, tortured. (Even then I thought: it’s only good to sing about “love tired eyes” in a song; it’s unlikely that this will inspire someone in life.)

To her horror, Alexandra has recently begun to notice that young guys and (what is most unpleasant) girls, no, no, and even give her a place in public transport. She naturally took this as a signal of an impending disaster. And I decided to try to do something with myself. A friend of mine just told her about my school. Here Alexandra, without thinking twice, took the phone from that and signed up for a consultation. When she came to me, she told me that she had tried a bunch of all sorts of cosmetics, but they gave so little that her hands dropped. I gave her the Kremlin aerobics complex for the face (that's what I call this program, the history of which I will tell you a little later) and ordered ... to go home to clean up. She was very surprised, began to ask about simulators, special devices. I answered her in the spirit that, no matter how hard she tries, she is unlikely to be able to sip a barbell or dumbbell with the help of facial muscles - and even pedal some kind of exercise bike.

Each person always has with him the main tool for carrying out the necessary exercises - these are his own muscles. They need to be trained. And it’s absolutely not necessary for such training to go to some special place (gym or gym), that’s the whole point.

Alexandra listened attentively to me, asked permission to come in the future for clarifications and consultations, and went to implement the program we had outlined. She did exercises on the muscles of the face and neck without fail in the morning and evening, and also tried to do them in any free time.

In three months, she achieved results that not every plastic surgeon would have given her.

Firstly, she has a 70 percent decrease in the depth of wrinkles and wrinkles. Naturally, something remains, but it is impossible to completely turn back time. You are adults, you should understand this.

Secondly, the tendency to the second chin has completely disappeared.

Thirdly, there is no trace of the emerging "brills" (this is when the cheeks sag on the sides of the chin).

Fourthly, puffiness under the eyes disappeared, the skin ceased to be edematous.

Fifthly, the complexion has improved - it has turned pink.

Sixth, the eyes came to life and began to glow.

In general, Alexandra began to look about a dozen years younger. That is, to be more precise, she turned into a clearly young, well-groomed, flourishing woman, whose age simply cannot be determined by eye. Something a little over 30 ... Something like that. The girls stopped giving her a seat in the transport, and began to look enviously at her. But the guys, on the contrary, became more active - but not out of respect for their age, but wanting to attract her attention. What happened to her next? Having achieved success in working with appearance, Alexandra did not stop there. She decided to take on her life and remake it completely for herself in accordance with her desires. Would you say fantasy? No, not at all.

A person can do a lot, it's just that he is either too lazy to use his abilities to the fullest, or does not know about them, or is shy, or all together. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that our potential is often unclaimed.

So, Alexandra finally decided to claim it and succeeded in this.

At 42, she was a divorced woman who worked from home as an accountant. Her twenty-year-old son had by that time begun to rent a room, and she was left alone with the cat, restless, boring to herself, aging.

Rejuvenated thanks to the Kremlin aerobics for the face, Alexandra cheered up. Within two years, she achieved the following:

She opened her own business (now she has a flower salon);

Passed on the rights;

I bought first one, then the second car;

Traveled abroad eight times (finally realized her old dreams of seeing the world);

I met a great man 5 years younger than myself (and he didn’t even know about this age difference, believing that Alexandra, on the contrary, was younger than him);

She gave birth to a daughter from him;

I moved with my daughter and a cat to live with him in a cottage!

Is there a result? Still would! We sometimes call Alexandra on the phone, she reports to me about her new achievements. We have been talking on "you" for a long time. Following her, I had a bunch of her friends. Kremlin aerobics for the face helped everyone without exception (of course, everyone who systematically practiced it). Do not make an exception and you. Take control of your own age, your life - reshape it in accordance with your desires. Good luck!

Dear ladies! You will not find in my book those cosmetology terms that you might be used to on the packaging of creams or on consultations with cosmetologists. Excuse me for this. I see my task in telling you as simply as possible what to do with yourself in order to solve the tiring and tormenting issues of aging. We will not talk about the benefits of liposomes and their differences from nanospheres, although this is a very important topic. Just take with you and turn back time. Let's work on ourselves. Do you agree? Then go ahead.

Daily Kremlin aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face will allow you to:

Tighten the oval of the face;

Get rid of such cosmetic problems as enlarged pores, excessive fat formation, a tendency to acne, comedones, pigmentation;

Get rid of bags and circles under the eyes;

Reduce the number and depth of wrinkles and fine lines by 70 percent or more;

Refresh complexion;

Tighten the skin on the neck;

Get rid of the second chin;

Refresh the mouth area, making the lips more plump and juicy;

Make cheeks more rounded;

Have a fresh, well-groomed appearance;

Look at least 10 years younger than your age.

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Not only women, but also men do exercises from nasolabial folds. Are they really that effective? Smiling causes wrinkles on the face. This can happen even at a young age.

First of all, nasolabial folds appear, which make a person older. But by performing, you can reduce these wrinkles.

Exercise rules

To get rid of nasolabial folds, you should perform certain exercises that you can do at home. Before starting classes, you need to consider some rules:

  1. Before exercising, you need to wash your hands, thoroughly clean your face.
  2. When doing exercises, it is worth straightening your back. You must be in a standing or sitting position.
  3. It is recommended to exercise in front of a mirror. In this way, you can protect yourself from additional creases.
  4. At the end of each exercise, the muscles of the face should be in a relaxed state. At the end of the lesson, you should lightly pat the skin of your face with your fingertips.
  5. To better notice the result, it is recommended to take a picture of yourself every week.
  6. It is necessary to abandon the exercises if there are contraindications. Classes are prohibited for viral skin pathologies, inflammation of the facial nerve, the appearance of pustules, an allergic reaction, active rosacea.

Classic exercises for nasolabial wrinkles

Special exercises can help get rid of nasolabial folds. Classes will provoke strengthening the right muscles, so wrinkles will begin to smooth out, and the skin will tighten. Here is a list of popular exercises:

  • The cheeks are strongly inflated, after which they are sharply blown away. It is worth repeating such manipulations a dozen times.
  • The lips are pulled forward, folding into a tube. In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds, after which the muscles relax. This exercise is repeated 10-15 times.
  • The index fingers are placed on the corners of the lips, which are stretched in different directions by half a centimeter. After that they are returned back. Such manipulations are done 40 times.
  • The lips are folded into a tube and stretched forward as much as possible. A person pronounces the sounds "y" and "o" alternately. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • The lower jaw protrudes forward. Applying force, the lips are compressed, after which muscle tension is well felt. Such movements are repeated ten times.
  • The breath is taken through the nose. The lips should be in a relaxed state, stretched forward. Air is slowly released through them.
  • A breath is taken and the cheeks are puffed out. Air is transferred from one side to the other.
  • You need to take a deep breath, puffing out your cheeks. First, the breath is held, after which it is necessary to exhale in portions, pushing out the air.
  • The muscles of the cheekbones are taken with two fingers. Gradually, the person begins to smile and freezes in this position for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • A spoon is inserted into the lips clamped by the teeth. After that, it gradually rises, and the person tries to smile. It is worth staying in this position for a few seconds. These manipulations are repeated 10 times.
  • The palms are placed on the cheeks. The little fingers are placed on the nasolabial folds. 1 minute hands move up, pressing on the skin.

To better understand the exercises from nasolabial folds, it is recommended to watch the video at the link:

bottle use

There is another effective exercise for nasolabial folds using a bottle. Despite its unusualness, it can be used to achieve good results.

For starters, you should get a small plastic bottle. For beginners, a container with a capacity of 0.5 liters is suitable.

In this state, you must hold out for 20 seconds. It is recommended to try to carry out the maximum number of repetitions.

There is another effective exercise that involves the use of a bottle. It must be empty. Its volume does not matter, a two-liter container is ideal.

Initially, all air is exhaled from the lungs. After that, the neck of the bottle is captured by the lips without using teeth. Next, you need to take a deep maximum breath. The bottle will begin to shrink.

In this position, you need to stay for 5-10 seconds. After that, you can exhale. It is recommended to repeat the exercise until the lips get tired.

Performance this exercise with a bottle shown only in this English-language video:

Kremlin gymnastics

There are other effective exercises that help get rid of nasolabial folds. They are called the Kremlin gymnastics. It is recommended to carry them out in front of a mirror. This will help control all movements.

Here is a list of exercises:

  1. The mouth opens wide. In any sequence, the pronunciation of all vowels is carried out. You must try to pronounce the sounds clearly.
  2. For next exercise you need to prepare a pencil. It is squeezed between the teeth. With an extended chin, the number 8 and circles are drawn in the air. It is worth displaying 10 imaginary figures.
  3. The open mouth should resemble the letter "O". The upper lip is as close as possible to the teeth. If you look at yourself in the mirror, you can notice the smoothing of wrinkles.
  4. Index fingers are placed in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose. They must be well pressed. Then 5 times they move up 1 cm. After this, the movements should go 1 cm down. It is worth noting that the fingers should not touch the eyelids and lips.

After the manipulations, you need to take a short break. After that, it is worth repeating the exercises for 5 approaches. This gymnastics easy to perform. If you do this regularly, you can achieve good results.

very interesting and efficient technique exercises from nasolabial folds are recommended by Evgenia Baglyk, a video with them is presented below:

Facial Yoga by Lourdes Doplito

Yoga from Lourdes Doplito will help eliminate nasolabial wrinkles, strengthen the muscles in the neck. To do this, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • The upper lip is held by the index finger and thumb. After that, it pulls down 5 mm. Thumb while it is inside the mouth.
  • Air is inhaled deeply. The eyes must be open. After that, you should smile well, but during the smile, wrinkles should not appear.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • After a slow exhalation, the breath is again entered with a delay.
  • Next, you need to slowly exhale, wait a couple of seconds and do repeated exercises three times.

Yoga is done with open eyes. But, if wrinkles appear under the lower eyelid during execution, then you can close your eyes. Also, do not press hard with your fingers on the lip.

Carol Maggio exercises

Carol Maggio's exercises are considered quite effective. They help to rejuvenate and eliminate certain defects, as evidenced by the photos before and after the completed course of classes.

Also, such gymnastics includes exercises that help remove nasolabial folds. To do this, it is necessary to carry out such manipulations:

  1. Take a seated position. The back should be straight.
  2. Next, two points are figuratively drawn, located in the middle of the upper and lower lips. They are pulled to the formation of an oval. The lips should be pressed to the teeth, but you need to make sure that wrinkles do not appear near them.
  3. Next, you should relax and imagine the movement of energy from the corners of the mouth to the nose. You need to move your index fingers along this path. When they go down, you need to imagine how the energy returns back to the corners of the lips.
  4. Such manipulations are repeated until a burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​nasolabial wrinkles. After that, it is worth 30 times to tap these folds with your fingers.
  5. Finally, exhale slowly through your mouth.

This is not just one exercise. It can be done in the following order:

  1. It is necessary to take a sitting or standing position and pull the muscles of the skull back.
  2. The mouth opens again until an oval is formed. Lips should be well pressed against the teeth.
  3. Next, rub your palms to feel warm. They are placed over the nasolabial wrinkles, but do not come into contact with the skin. After a while, you should feel warmth from your hands. It is necessary to imagine how the smoothing of wrinkles, skin rejuvenation.
  4. When the radiation of heat is well felt, you need to quickly move your hands in different directions. After such manipulations, you should feel how the skin warms up. After that, the palms are placed on the nasolabial folds, and the mouth is closed.
  5. At the end, you need to relax, blow through your lips and tap on wrinkles.

Such exercises become real helpers when folds form with hypotonicity and hypertonicity. It is important to learn how to perform them correctly using the visualization method.


It is necessary to sit or stand in front of a mirror. The back should be straight. The mouth opens until an oval is formed. The lips are well pressed against the teeth.

Visually, lines are drawn from the nasolabial fold along the cheeks up and to the sides. The middle fingers move along these lines, pressing on the points.

You need to try to press hard, but pain should not appear. In this way, not only the skin is felt, but also the muscles. You need to press on the points so that the skin does not shrink.

It is recommended to repeat the massage several times in a row. This must be done 5 times a week. If this procedure is carried out correctly, then you can notice a rapid decrease in folds. Even if a person achieves a positive result, you should not forget to periodically massage the skin as a preventive measure.

Question answer

Exercise really does help. But you need to understand that in order to achieve good result, prolongation of youth, it is worth taking care of the skin comprehensively. To do this, you need to eat right, lead healthy lifestyle life, use cosmetics that are suitable for the type of skin. In addition, it is recommended to think about going to various cosmetic procedures.

It is recommended to do exercises with early age as a preventive measure. If wrinkles have already appeared, then you need to understand that such exercises will not be able to completely remove them. Their action is aimed at toning the muscles, improving the condition of the skin and slightly smoothing wrinkles.

In this area of ​​the face, creases appear if a person has too active facial expressions, muscle tone has decreased, swelling often appears, weight has sharply decreased, bad habits are present, age-related changes occur.

Prevention of the appearance of nasolabial folds

To prevent nasolabial wrinkles from appearing for a long time, you should follow these rules:

  • On sunny days, it is recommended to use protective creams. This must be done even in winter.
  • It is worth carefully taking care of the face, providing good cleansing and deep nutrition.
  • It's best not to sleep on your stomach.
  • It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water daily. This volume is distributed throughout the day.

If wrinkles, nevertheless, have appeared, and the exercises do not help, then it is worth leaning towards radical ones.

Effective masks and folk methods as a supplement

To improve the effect of exercises from nasolabial folds, you can use proven methods from the people, which are also easy to use at home. To do this, you must follow these rules every day:

  1. Wash your face with warm water in the morning. After washing, wipe the desired area with ice. It should be frozen in advance, using decoctions of medicinal herbs. Many people take St. John's wort or chamomile for this purpose. After such manipulation, do a simple set of exercises that was described above.
  2. Use a warm compress before bed. Initially, brew green tea, add olive oil to it. Soak cotton pads in this mixture, which are applied to the problem area. The compress should stay on the skin for about a third of an hour, but every 5 minutes you need to moisten the cotton pads, as they should be warm.

Will benefit the skin, reduce the age-related manifestations of the mask with the use of natural ingredients:

  1. Fruit applications. To do this, the selected fruit is cut and placed on the nasolabial area. Bananas, apples, peaches are beneficial. Such an application lasts a quarter of an hour, and at the end the face is smeared with a moisturized cream.
  2. Useful decoction. About 15 bay leaves are taken, water is added to them (the third part of a glass). All this should boil and stand on fire for 5 minutes. The prepared broth cools a little, then 1 tbsp is added to it (it will take 0.5 tsp). l. olive oil, 5 quail eggs, less than 1 tsp. burnt alum. All this is superimposed on the face for a third of an hour. 3 days you need to apply the mask, after which there is a break of up to 5 days.
  3. Massage with sour cream. You can also use cream. The face is pre-cleansed, steamed. The selected product is applied to it and massage is done. For example, you can use the secrets of Carol Maggio.