Relief or mass, which is cooler. What do you need: relief or mass? Example of a program for relief

In our civilized world, people devote more and more time to their health. In an age when cars and elevators replace a person's legs, taking care of one's physical shape is simply vital. To combat the lack of movement, fitness clubs and sports sections are opening everywhere. Gyms are especially popular with men. Thousands of people sign up for training every day. All of them, as one, dream in a month to have "cubes" of the press and hands, like Roni Coleman. But, unfortunately, the cruel reality disappoints most of the newly minted Stallone. Muscles do not grow, weights do not increase, and fatigue drives away from the gym. And all because novice bodybuilders do not follow the basic principles of training. After reading fashion magazines, the layman uses some unknown sets of exercises, which in the end give nothing. In fact, there are only two main types of training - mass and relief. All professional athletes understand how important it is to be able to distinguish between these two areas in training. Their coaches carefully plan the cycles of classes, because the final result depends on it. Therefore, let's find out what is the difference between training for mass and relief.


The beauty of this type of training lies in the relatively rapid increase in all muscle groups. In addition, with the growth of muscle fibers, the indicators of the maximum strength of the athlete also increase. But "mass" training has its drawbacks. First, it is a set of fat mass. Surprised? Yes, unfortunately, with muscle building, the body stores fat. There's nothing you can do about it. Secondly - a decrease in the relief of muscles, again, due to fat. Not all "experts" properly train for weight gain. The main principle of such training is the minimum number of repetitions, but with maximum effort. The key is the ratio of energy expended in training to that which a person receives from food. If you burn more calories in one workout than you get, then the muscles do not grow. To demonstrate this visually, we can compare the physiques of a powerlifter and a cyclist. Suppose they have been in their sport for a long time. The first is massive, large and strong, the second is thin, hardy and embossed. Why do you think so? Just a cyclist in training performs a huge number of light movements. He spends too much energy to build massive muscles. Powerlifter is the opposite. He strives to do the minimum number of repetitions, but with maximum effort. You can not train in this way more than 3 times a week. The duration of such a lesson cannot exceed 1-1.5 hours. Of course, this does not apply to the so-called "chemists" who use steroids and can literally not leave the gyms. During classes, MirCovetov recommends giving preference to basic exercises: deadlift, barbell squats, bench presses (regular and incline), pull-ups on the bar and push-ups on the bars with weights, vertical press and press exercises. Doing isolated exercises is not rational. They don't give you enough of a boost to bulk up, they just waste your energy. But if, nevertheless, you can’t wait to “pull up” some parts of the body, give preference to push-ups from the floor, shrugs (lifting the bar with the efforts of the trapezius muscles) and dumbbell layouts. For one training it is not recommended to do more than 4 exercises, each of which needs to be done in 4-5 approaches. In this case, the number of repetitions in one approach cannot exceed 5-6 times. If you can do 10-12, then the weight is not enough, and this is already a relief workout. That is, the efforts that you make should be maximum. It doesn’t matter how many kilograms you can do, the main thing is that it is hard. This will give impetus to growth. When planning training cycles for mass, MirSoveto advises to proceed from the athlete's subjective indicators. If you are a beginner, then work on the mass, at least the first 1.5-2 months, before you start working out the relief. Then after 2-3 weeks of such work, return to the previous strength program. More experienced lifters usually plan cycles based on competition and personal preference. There are a lot of options and disputes here. To build muscle, you need to eat hard. This does not mean that you need to overeat or eat one meat. So you only pollute the body with toxins. During this period of training, the body requires a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and other essential nutrients. If you don't like messing with diets, buy some kind of protein-carb mixture. Just do not save on your health and give preference to expensive manufacturers. It is also advisable to purchase creatine, as it accelerates the recovery of muscle tissue and increases strength. By the way, protein shakes and creatine are not steroids and can be safely used. Beginning bodybuilders, regardless of their physique, are recommended to engage in mass. This is logical, because before you build beautiful muscles, you first need to build them up.


You've probably seen the guys on the cover of fitness magazines a lot. All of them have beautiful and well-defined muscles. The bodies of professional bodybuilders seem to be carved from wood, every tendon is visible. However, they are by no means skinny. This state of the muscles is conditionally called relief. It is achieved by reducing the fat layer that closes the muscles. In addition, the relief is increased by special exercises for additional drawing of individual muscles. These include the oblique muscles of the body and the press. Of course, it is very beautiful. Most beginners want to be embossed. But MirSovetov highly discourages novice athletes from paying great attention to the relief. Otherwise, you will have small relief muscles. The disadvantages of such trainings are the reduction muscle mass. When fat is burned, muscles lose weight in parallel. Relief training involves dynamic work with light weights and high reps. This includes any exercise own weight: push-ups from the floor, pull-ups, work on the uneven bars, leg lifts and various complexes for the press. Trainers recommend doing a lot of isolated exercises: dumbbell chest and delta raises, barbell presses from behind the head, all kinds of bicep curls, and others. If during the mass gain they were undesirable, then they are very useful for working out the relief. When you work out with iron, you need to select weights that you can lift up to 15 times. Exercises with your own weight, you need to do 20-30 repetitions in one approach, for the press - from 40 times. You can also do all the basic exercises, only with reduced weight (about 60% -70% of the maximum) and a large number of repetitions (12-18 times) per set. In addition to power complexes, it is necessary to give the body intense aerobic exercise: running and swimming. They are able to give impetus to the race excess fat. You can train for relief more often than for mass. 5 times a week is the best option. Of these, 3 are strength, 2 are cardio (running, swimming, cycling). In each workout, try to do 5-8 exercises, about 5 sets each. It is important to understand that the amount of energy expended should be slightly more than the amount consumed with food. I would like to draw the attention of readers of MirSovetov to the fact that during training for relief, you should try to eat less fatty and carbohydrate foods. It is preferable to eat fruits, especially citrus fruits: lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Also, for "drying" it is useful to drink sour-tasting juices. Such training is recommended for athletes who already have sufficient muscle volume and have been doing it for a long time. Of course, no one forbids beginners to engage in this way. In this case, they are waiting for the figure of a runner or a maximum of a lightweight boxer. When should you stop terrain training? There is no definite answer to this question. There are so many different methods and opinions that it can be confusing. It's easiest to experiment on your own. Often, amateurs train in the autumn-winter season for mass. But when the “beach” period comes, everyone wants to “dry out” and look more embossed. If you're a beginner, try no more than 3-4 weeks of terrain training in late spring. Then return to the main loads for mass and strength. It is not recommended to simultaneously develop in two directions. Although some experts advise doing just that, contrary to established opinions. Therefore, try to determine for yourself what will be the most effective for you. As we can see, both types of training are very important for building a beautiful male figure. So what to focus on more? Mass or relief? It is rather a matter of taste. Most men want to look big and strong. Therefore, we recommend doing first of all on the mass, and then on the relief. Some people prefer to have a more lean and chiseled body, like a dancer or an athlete. To do this, it is not necessary to load your joints by lifting heavy weights. It is enough to practice on the horizontal bar, uneven bars, do push-ups from the floor, pump the press and regularly run cross. Choose for yourself what physical form you want to achieve. In any case, everyone has their own ideals, so there is no single universal program. We only helped to correctly place the emphasis on training. We wish you great results!

MASS OR RELIEF: WHERE TO START? Find out where to start training, proven tips in practice that will help you make the right choice - first mass or relief! Many beginners, having come to the gym, think for a long time, first gain mass and muscle volume or improve relief in order to have an athletic figure with well-defined muscle groups. Not knowing the important points of training, most likely, the wrong path will be chosen, which will reduce the motivation for training and may lead to their complete abandonment, so that this does not happen. Let's look at 3 ways to train. MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOMB BODY - 1. FIRST RELIEF, THEN MASS This training option involves first reducing the fat layer and only after increasing the volume of muscles. On average, each 1kg. lost fat carries 0.4-0.5 kg. lost muscles, in other words, at the end of the journey, you can become thin without fat, but also without muscles. To do this, use a simple formula: - for women: your height is 112, for example, if you are 165 cm tall. - 112 \u003d 53 kg., If your weight is above 53 kg., Then you have chosen the correct training scheme, in which first the relief, and then the quality mass, if 53 kg. and less then this scheme can not be used. - for men: in principle, the same thing, only the formula for your height is 100, if a man with a height of 180cm is 100 = 80kg. weighs, then at the beginning you don’t need to lose weight, if the weight is more, then this training scheme is just right. 2. FIRST MASS AND THEN RELIEF From the above formula it is immediately clear that this training method is suitable for those whose weight is below the number calculated by the formula. Usually a man gains mass, women less often, with the exception of rounding the buttocks and creating athletic legs. Therefore, this method of training can be called in a historical manner - gladiatorial, and the first - the method of Cleopatra;). Remember that a set of fat mass in the region of 0.4-0.5 kg is considered normal. per 1 kg. pure muscle mass, if more fat is gained. then pay attention to your diet. MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOMB BODY SITE - 3. MASS AND RELIEF AT THE SAME TIME There is also such a scenario, only it works effectively for beginners in the gym and only for the first 6 months of training, then if you train in this manner, there is mainly maintenance of shape and a gradual slowdown in growth. Remember that everyone has their own genetic maximum, then go to sports nutrition and that anabolic steroids are not desirable. This is due to the fact that an untrained body receives severe stress due to physical exertion, for it this is a new and not at all comfortable state, in order to eliminate it, our body begins to concentrate its efforts as much as possible to remove this discomfort. This manifests itself in the form of an accelerated recovery of damaged muscle fibers, when the site of a micro-rupture of the muscle is overgrown with denser muscle fibers in order to prevent a repeated rupture. This effect is achieved when proper nutrition which you can find out about here. CONCLUSION Let's highlight the main points of solving the problem of mass or relief, so as not to go down the wrong path: 1. If the weight is equal to or less after calculating the above formula, then first you need to choose a mass gain method, if on the contrary it is more, then you should first work on the terrain. 2. If you are a "teapot" in sports, then work for the first 6 months at the same time on relief and mass, and then calculate your weight based on the formula, and then switch to the first or second training method. 3. These calculations are averaged, our body is a unique system, so look in the mirror, it will not deceive. I wish everyone to feel the pleasure of training and get a great result! MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOMB BODY SITE -

Hello friends! Today there will be a short, but no less interesting and important post! Now we will consider how not only to gain a couple of tens of kilograms of muscle mass, but also to have great shape muscles. We will also touch on errors that can lead to a non-aesthetic physique, as well as how the mass and relief of muscles differ from their shape.

When it comes to the beautiful shape of your muscles, you MUST pay attention to the technique of performing exercises. You need to do this for two reasons:

  1. The load may go to other muscles or muscle bundles.
  2. The load can be unevenly distributed along the working muscle.

This can lead to the formation of a non-aesthetic, non-proportional physique.

What affects the beautiful shape of the muscles?

There are only two factors to be considered here:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Exercise technique.

Many will disagree with me and say that steroids can also determine the shape of the muscle. This is not true. Steroids can really change the volume of the muscle, but they are not able to change the shape of the entire muscle.

Does genetics really determine muscle shape? Yes, definitely! Your muscle length, thickness, etc. and is really determined by genetics, BUT TECHNOLOGY REVEALS their form, or vice versa destroys if you have problems with and correct execution exercises.

As thin couch experts and fat women like to say: “What kind of constitution is given by nature, you have to walk with such! You can't go against nature!" There is also an opinion that the main thing is the mass (especially for a man), and everything else is gloss, smacking of metrosexualism with admixtures of homosexuality.

Wrong guys. If you are a bodybuilder, then form will be decisive! In bodybuilding competitions, being the biggest and heaviest doesn't guarantee victory.

Mass is great, but it's just material that you've built up that still needs to be worked on. Create your sculpture. Sculpt from yourself an ideally built, in YOUR opinion, athlete.

This is all great, but what if genetics were not lucky and nature tried to outrage your desire to become an amazingly built athlete?

How to correct the shape of the muscles

OK. Everything is clear, but how exactly can you influence the shape of the muscles and mitigate the consequences of not quite good genetics?

Errors can be corrected using right choice training programs. We will not change the shape of the muscle, but we can develop its bundles (parts) in different ways. For example, we can easily shift the load from the long head of the biceps to the short head.

I'm talking specifically about stressing the load. Don't think what I mean, if you have flat biceps, then you need to bomb it every workout until your arms are dead. No. Emphasizing is almost a jeweler's work.

Your technique must be perfect! You must feel which muscle you are contracting, you must think about it, imagine how the movement is carried out. That's why I don't advise you to think about each muscle group until you have gained at least 10-15 kg of lean muscle mass. You just can't feel what you're cutting.

Usually, beginners make a few hard mistakes that prevent them from building a truly great body with great muscle shape.

The first mistake is related to the weight on the projectile. Usually, in order to show off with super-powerful biceps, they take TOO HIGHER WEIGHT. Naturally, there is no question of at least some, not to mention the ideal, technique.

The second mistake is elementary ignorance. Just a lack of knowledge about the biomechanics of the movements of a particular muscle or muscle group.

A lot of technical errors are associated with a decrease in control over the weight being lifted in any part of the amplitude.

Common mistakes in technology

  • hunch your back in any back row. This takes the load from the back and working muscles and transfers it to the spine, for which he will not thank you. Keep your back straight;
  • lowering the bar too quickly (throwing the weight down). For example, lower the barbell very quickly when lifting for biceps. It loads a lot elbow joints and ligaments;
  • amplitude reduction in exercises (truncated amplitude). While it may be useful in some cases, it is often because the lowest point movement (lower phase) the muscle is anatomically weaker and therefore there is a desire not to lower the bar to the end (for example, in the same lift for the biceps). With a regular repetition of such a mistake, the lower section of your biceps will lag behind;
  • non-symmetrical arrangement of the limbs when performing exercises (one arm is lower or higher, legs are at different distances, etc.);
  • beat the bar of the bar from the chest with bench presses. This means that at the bottom of the range you are not in control of the barbell. You must keep the weight under control at all points of the amplitude;
  • too strong jerky movements in basic exercises. Uneven, multidirectional load can easily lead to injury to the joints and ligaments;
  • tilting the body back when you do a dumbbell or barbell press while sitting (for the shoulders). So the load goes from the deltas to the chest;

If you recognize these mistakes and also make them, then correct them as soon as possible, because. this will negate your efforts to form a great muscle shape.


  1. The control of the lifted weight should be in all parts of the range of motion (do not take a weight that is not lifting for you).
  2. On early stages do not use truncated amplitude.
  3. Take a picture and analyze your physique. Only visual analysis will give you a clear understanding of what works and where you went wrong.

OK it's all over Now. I hope that the article was useful for you. Watch the shape of your muscles so that you look not like a bag full of potatoes, but harmoniously, proportionately and amazingly.

All the best to you, friends.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Recently, more and more often I see super programs for pumping mass, for relief, for weight loss, for strength, etc. Only now all these programs have nothing new, they are published and copied from each other in different sources.

I want to introduce you to a completely new approach to training. She can make you stronger, bigger, more functional and more embossed at the same time? It is this program that meets the moveout philosophy 100%.

Meet hybrid training.

You can target strength, mass, endurance and terrain, all in one workout. One sight - four targets. The advantages of such a scheme are obvious - you simultaneously become bigger, stronger and more prominent. Although it may seem unrealistic to you at first, remember that different fibers respond to different types irritations, but they all form appearance, size and performance of your perfect body.

How do you approach achieving all these goals through training? Indeed, some of them even contradict each other. It all starts with the distribution of exercises within the training of one muscle group. For practical reasons, we will take a scheme of four exercises for one muscle group and apply a hybrid method to it. Each exercise has its own goal, its own rep range, angle and shock tactics designed to stimulate the fibers responsible for their specific tasks. Based on this approach, you can form any of your movements, the main thing is to follow some principles.

So, the main provisions of this program.

Variable rep range.

Most important criterion– choosing a weight that will help you reach the point of muscle “failure” at the right time. For example, you will do the first exercise with a very heavy weight in order to work on strength as much as possible. If you do not work with weights, then you can apply the same principle to simple exercises, For example, big weight= maximum effort exercise.

Research shows that a rep range between 4 and 6 is best for strength gains. Next exercise performed with a lighter weight (which allows you to do more repetitions), allowing you to achieve muscle hypertrophy. Here you should do 8-12 repetitions "to failure". By analogy, the third exercise is performed with an even lighter weight, which will help in the development of muscular endurance (12-15). The last exercise is performed with your own body weight (or very light weight in some cases) to pump muscles full of fluids and nutrients, stimulating chemical reactions that improve relief. The number of repetitions in the last exercise per muscle group will increase to 20 (or until "failure").

However, the repetition scheme is only part of the battle. In order to achieve the high goal of performing the full range of tasks with maximum efficiency, you must learn to use all the tools in your arsenal. If you have previously neglected certain types of equipment or machines in gym Now it's time to break out of the shackles of the ordinary. In order for you to successfully ignite all the mass and terrain cylinders with maximum efficiency, you will need to pick up a couple of key weapons and learn how to use them.

Weapons of Mass Creation

Some people think that free weights, machines, and blocks are interchangeable, but that's the beginner's mentality. As you progress, you will have to use the type of equipment that will clearly match your goals. In this sense, one type may be better than another. Let's watch:

Barbells for strength

Your first hybrid workout exercise will be a barbell exercise. Why? Because your first exercise should be multi-joint in nature (except for the biceps, of course). In other words, we choose the barbell because we want as many muscles and joints as possible to move at the same time. maximum weight, and in achieving this goal, nothing can compare with the barbell. Also, this should happen when your muscles are still full of energy at the beginning of the workout, before they are depleted, so after a few warm-up sets, you start attacking, say, your legs with squats, using a weight that will “turn you off” between 4 and 6 reps .

This doesn't mean that between 4 and 6 reps you'll just stop, you should actually "cut out" in that rep range. That's the only way you can ignite muscle fibers responsible for strength. (Note: this "off" principle applies to all rep ranges we recommend for each exercise.)

Dumbbells for size.

The next exercise will be another multi-joint movement using dumbbells. Dumbbells allow you to combine the benefits of using two sets of joints that involve a lot of muscle groups, with an increased need for balancing and stabilization. All this stimulates muscle growth. In addition, dumbbells allow you to work out each side of the body separately. In some exercises, you are much stronger if you use only one limb, because you can use the torque and tilt of the body. Mix this type of movement with a weight that “turns off” the muscles for 8-12 reps and you have the ingredients for optimal muscle growth.

Block and lever simulators for endurance.

In the third exercise, you move on to exercises on block and lever simulators designed to isolate the working muscle (single-joint movements). A block simulator gives something that neither a barbell nor dumbbells gives - constant tension. This means that the muscle cannot relax throughout the entire range of motion, from the bottom to the top point (which happens quite often in free weight exercises). If you can dip a muscle into a pool of constant tension, then it will definitely respond and become bigger, stronger and more resilient.

Using the machine, you can work the target muscle without the help of other muscle groups or the need to maintain balance. Mix it with resistance that only allows you to do 12-15 reps and you can develop muscle endurance.

If you do not have a subscription for the hall in which there is good trainers, you can replace them with various exercises on the horizontal bar, bars with weights.

Bodyweight and/or plyometrics for pumping and sculpting.

Finally, your last exercise is a pure bodyweight (or very light) movement designed to build explosive power and pump. For example, after your first three exercises, you can move on to explosive pushups (chest) or jump squats (legs). Each exercise based on plyometrics creates an excellent muscle tone in the loaded area. More specifically, these exercises send water and blood to the muscles, and therefore more anabolic hormones, nutrients and oxygen. In fact, the hybrid combination of these exercises and the previous ones, this program differs favorably from others.

Plyometric and other bodyweight movements are very good at stimulating fast muscle fibers that are responsible for muscle size.

Plyometrics are not just “spring” movements, they develop explosive strength, or even better, “disinhibit”. Let's take push-ups for example. When doing standard push-ups, you deliberately slow down your upward movement so that your hands do not leave the floor. In plyometric push-ups, you order a huge number of fast fibers to contract so that your hands are off the floor, if only for a fraction of a second. When doing any plyometric movement, be it for the legs, chest, back or even biceps, you try to push your body or weight as high and hard as possible until the muscles fail or you do the planned number of repetitions. And this requires not slowing down, but, on the contrary, accelerating during work. After reaching the “failure” moment of a plyometric exercise (and this moment will not take long), you can extend the set by continuing to do the standard version of the same movement also to failure.

If you don’t know what these exercises are, then I advise you to familiarize yourself with our complex for increasing explosive strength.

Know Your Angles

This hybrid approach to training will make you think not only about various types equipment (from barbell to body weight) and rep schemes (heavy to light). With each change in weight and exercise, you will also change the angles at which you attack your body. You probably already know that changing the angle automatically turns on different muscle fibers, which, regardless of weight, might not have worked so actively before. Thus, the more often you change angles, the higher your chances of achieving symmetry and perfect development.

The most obvious example of using different angles is bench presses. horizontal bench, on incline bench and upside down; each of them works pectoral muscles in its own way, i.e. emphasizes the load on various areas of these muscles. The same principle should be used for all other muscle groups.

Observe the principle of overload

Resist the habit of doing the same exercises every week. Even in this particular training scheme, where we constantly change angles and reps per set, it is very easy to fall into lazy monotony. The best and most reliable way to avoid stagnation is to change exercises every week, forcing the body to adapt to different training conditions.

Either way, in the end it all comes down to the principle of overload: your body will only change according to the level of stress it is experiencing. And you load it different weights, different exercises, different angles and shock techniques. Don't train in your "comfort zone". Hybrid training takes into account almost all the factors that will help you achieve all your goals.

End of workout

How you end your workout is very important. You can achieve muscle burning, admire yourself in the mirror and leave, or you can finish off your muscles to the maximum, which will be mega-effective. Here are a couple of methods to blow up your muscles completely.

Drop sets

After reaching complete muscle failure, quickly remove the same weight on each side of the bar, take lighter dumbbells, or rearrange the clamp on the weight stack. Continue doing the exercise until the next muscle failure, then remove more weight to do even more repetitions.

Drop sets help push the muscles beyond their initial working capacity limit, forcing them to continue contracting with less resistance. failure, quickly remove the same weight on each side of the bar, take lighter dumbbells or rearrange the lock on the weight stack. Continue doing the exercise until the next muscle failure, then remove more weight to do even more repetitions.

Drop sets help push the muscles beyond their initial working capacity limit, forcing them to continue contracting with less resistance. This leads to increased levels of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1, which are the keys to muscle growth, increased strength and burning excess fat.

Forced Reps

When you just can't do another rep on your own, have a partner help you do 2-3 more. This is useful even with a large number of repetitions in the approach.

One of the building examples

Hybrid moveout training method

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However, starting to visit the hall, a completely logical question often arises - what to choose at the beginning of the mass or relief? Each of these states has both advantages and disadvantages. Today we will try to answer this rather difficult question.

What to choose at the beginning of mass or relief: advantages and disadvantages

It should be noted right away that muscles can develop in one of two directions - to be hardy or large. And they are opposite, and you need to choose what you want to achieve. It is on the athlete himself that the answer to the question of what to choose at the beginning of mass or relief largely depends.

To achieve each of these goals, there are special sets of exercises. Not every novice bodybuilder knows that in our body there are different types of muscle fibers responsible for endurance or strength. If you have already searched for information on this topic, then you have probably come across recommendations for consulting with an experienced trainer.

We also advise you to do this in order not only to decide on the purpose of training, but also to master the technique of all exercises. Since different muscle fibers perform a specific task, there are no athletes who compete in bodybuilding and powerlifting tournaments at the same time.

In bodybuilding, the main focus is on gaining mass and giving the muscles a high-quality relief. At the same time, athletes are also working on increasing power parameters. In powerlifting, the amount of muscle mass is not of fundamental importance, and strength comes to the fore. Because training process representatives of power triathlon is aimed at achieving only this goal, then their body relief wants to leave the best.

In turn, bodybuilders cannot lift weights with the weight that is used in powerlifting. Once again, what to choose at the beginning of the mass or relief - the athlete himself decides. Of course, while working on strength parameters, muscle mass will also increase, but not as rapidly as during special training used by bodybuilders.

It is quite obvious that such a question is of interest only to those people who have a normal physique. If a guy comes into the hall with a lot of subcutaneous fat, then his first desire is to eliminate excess weight. If you have a thin physique, then it makes no sense to talk about the relief, because there are practically no muscles. In such a situation, you first need to gain weight and this is a fact.

But when a person's figure is close to ideal, the question of what to choose at the beginning of the mass or relief becomes very relevant. Today we will try to answer it, and for this it is necessary to consider everything from the point of view of the anatomy and physiology of our body.

We have already decided that you do not have excess subcutaneous fat (in large quantities), because otherwise this question would not exist. However, in percentage terms, muscle mass is still less compared to fat. As a result, you need to gain muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. To answer the question of what to choose at the beginning of the mass or relief, you need to consider the various options for your possible actions.

First mass, then relief

If you go this route, then you will gain muscle mass, but fat will also increase. It is impossible to avoid this, and the best option is the situation when with every kilogram of muscle mass comes a pound or a little less fat. Admittedly, for most men, this option is very attractive, because they do not worry about fat as much as girls.

Relief first, then mass

In this case, you will actively get rid of fat, but at the same time you will lose muscle mass, which you do not yet have very much. The ratio of muscle and fat loss is almost the opposite of the case we considered above - with every kilo of fat, 500 grams of muscle mass is lost. As a result, you can get rid of fat, but at the same time remain without muscle.

You may begin to feel that in each of the situations we have considered, the outcome is unsatisfactory. However, this is not the case, if a man’s weight turned out to be less than the difference between height and 100 (100 must be subtracted from your height), then you have lost weight. By the way, for girls, 112 must be subtracted from the growth rate. In this case, we recommend that you first gain muscle mass, and then start working on the relief.

Let's take as an example a guy whose height is 180 centimeters, and his body weight is 75 kilos. First, you should increase the mass and bring it to at least 90 kilos, and only after that think about the relief. If a man's body weight turned out to be more than height minus one hundred, then it is necessary to do the exact opposite and first get rid of fat, and then gain muscle mass.

Mass and relief at the same time

This is the third option, which is also possible, and in a certain situation is the most acceptable. However, this is only possible for novice athletes and only for a few months. This fact is due to the fact that in an untrained person the body's response to strength training significantly different from experienced athletes.

If your body is trained, then it is already used to physical activity. This leads to the fact that the rate of gaining muscle mass slows down, as does the process of burning fat. You simply cannot “surprise” your body much and put it into a strong stressful state. Beginning bodybuilders who have not trained before are another matter, any load for their body is a powerful stress.

As a result, even with not the strongest loads, muscles grow, and fat goes away. But once again we say that this is possible only during the first two or maximum three months. After that, you have to decide what to choose at the beginning of the mass or relief.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? First, if you have just started visiting the gym, then you can work on solving two problems at the same time. Choose a program for relief and train. As we have said, for the first two or three months, you may be able to achieve two goals at once. After that, you will again be faced with a choice.

Secondly, if your body weight is below the physiological norm, then start gaining muscle mass, and then dry out. If the body weight exceeds the norm, then do the exact opposite. It is also necessary to say that all the figures that we talked about today are averages. Each person has a unique body and it is necessary to use an individual approach to training and nutrition.

What is the difference between mass and relief training?

The differences between these training programs are not very large. In any case, the basis of your training should be basic movements. But the number of sets and repetitions, as well as the number of isolated movements, will differ. For example, representatives of power triathlon may not perform special exercises for the development of biceps and triceps, and bodybuilders actively use simulators during the drying period.

You can often find statements that in order to gain mass in one set, you need to perform from 8 to 10 repetitions, and for relief, their number will be from 12 to 15. However, athletes with experience will tell you that body type is of great importance in this matter. The figures given just above can only be used by mesomorphs, and lean athletes, when performing 12-15 repetitions, will completely “dry out”. If you have excess weight, then you must always perform a minimum of 12 repetitions.

If you seek help from a professional athlete, he will tell you about the presence various types muscle fibers, movement list and number of sets - all these parameters have strong influence the number of repetitions that must be performed to solve the problem.

You must understand that bodybuilding is not just lifting weights and in this sport you need to think and constantly improve your knowledge. If you do not have at least basic information from the field of anatomy, physiology and nutrition, then it will be very difficult to achieve the desired result.

There are a lot of nuances that need to be considered when training each specific muscle group. For example, when working on the muscles of the legs, it is necessary to perform many repetitions, since these muscles are extremely hardy. Another example is when doing pull-ups every day, don't expect your strength parameters to skyrocket when you press the barbell.

While working on improving the strength parameters, you may not notice tangible results for quite a long time, but you must continue to increase the working weights. To obtain a high-quality relief, many repetitions will have to be performed using average working weights.

As you can see, everything is quite complicated in bodybuilding, and even if you want to train for yourself and do not think about competing in tournaments in the future, you need to approach training with full responsibility. Otherwise, a long lack of results has brought you disappointment, and you may stop exercising.

What to choose relief or mass? More information in this video: