Physical parameters of Bruce Lee. Bruce could light a match with nunchucks

How tall is Daniel Radcliffe?

The famous actor, who is remembered only for his role as Harry Potter, seemed to have frozen in time and stopped growing. As if, for the sake of the role, someone stopped his growth. Maybe it was the gynecology, or maybe it was on purpose. Someday we will find out. .Nevertheless, there is still debate about how tall he is. Some say 160, others 163 cm, and some 165-168 cm. To clarify these disputes, we will find a photo where the celebrity will stand next to people whose growth is known.

In the photo, Daniel Radcliffe and Jesse Eisenberg are about 171 cm tall. As we can see, the difference in height between them is about five to six centimeters. This means that Daniel Radcliffe's maximum height is only 165 cm or even a little less. If you are puzzled by more repairs in your apartment, than the life of celebrities, then visit the site You will find a lot of useful articles about household appliances, repairs, wall-hung toilets and many other useful articles. Together with this site, your household life will be in order higher.

How tall is Christian Bale?

Born on January 30, 1974 in Haverfordwest, Wales, into a creative family. His mother was a ballerina, and both grandfathers were actors. One of them, in Africa, twice starred in Westerns with John Wayne. The genes did their job - the boy began acting on stage at the age of 10, when the famous English comedian Rowan Atkinson noticed him and took him to the play “The Nerd”. Soon, little Chris was invited to appear on local television in the film “Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna” about a woman who pretended to be the miraculously saved daughter of Russian monarchs. It’s interesting that Bale’s debut in big cinema is also connected with Russia. In 1987, Chris played the role of the boy Yum-Yum in the film adaptation of Astrid Lindgren's children's fairy tale "Mio, my Mio" in the Soviet-Swedish production by Vladimir Grammatikov. Yum-Yum was a friend of the main character Mio, with whom he was transported to the magical country of Desired. From loneliness in the real world, friends find themselves in the space of fictional adventures. The role of knight Kato from the land of Eternal Night was played by the crowned movie villain Christopher Lee.

Christian Bale's height is 183cm

How tall is David Beckham?

The famous and possibly extremely overrated football player is credited on the domestic Internet with heights ranging from 183 centimeters to 185 cm. Foreign sources are more skeptical about height this football player and they categorically claim that he is only 180 cm. In order to personally find out the truth for ourselves, we will find a photo where the celebrity will stand next to other people whose height we know. Then we will compare him and it will become clear who is right, and who doesn't.

In this photo we can see David Beckham, who is credited with a height of 183 cm to 185 cm in RuNet, and next to him stands football player Sergio Ramos with a height of 183 cm. As we can note, Beckham is clearly shorter than 183 cm. This means that this confirms the information that David’s height Beckham is only 180 cm. If you are used to not only finding out your height with your own hands, but also cooking your own food, then visit the website There you can find out how much better it is to cook with your own hands, as opposed to going to restaurants or coffee. This site will encourage you to excellent motivation to kitchen facilities.

How tall is Kirill Andreev?

Kirill Andreev was born on April 6, 1971 in Moscow into a family of civil engineers. Father - Alexander Andreev, builder, originally from Rostov-on-Don (died in January 2003). Mother - Nina Mikhailovna Andreeva, a printing engineer, worked as the chief technologist of the First Model Printing House (died in 2006 from cancer). Parents divorced when Kirill was still little. His grandmother sang in Pyatnitsky’s choir, and his great-uncle danced in Igor Moiseev’s ensemble. The singer’s grandfather, Mikhail Khanin, was a participant in the war, ending it in Poland. Kirill himself learned about this only in 2010, when he was among the guests of honor at the rehearsal of the parade on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The family lived on Ryazansky Avenue. He himself said that his native Kuzminki is “a good area, although troubled.” He went in for sports, at the age of 12 he was selected for a swimming school; according to him, out of a thousand children they accepted only ten, incl. and him, a candidate for master of sports.

Kirill Andreev's height is 188cm


How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin is credited on the Internet with a height of 178 cm. But is this really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of scattered data, we will use a comparison of the heights of celebrities from photographs. We will simply take a photo where our model stands next to other famous models and compare her height from these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178 cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only now we see that our model is shorter than she is credited with.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175 cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178 cm tall, but closer to 175 cm.

40 years ago, young athletes found inspiration in the inimitable physical strength, speed and flexibility of Bruce Lee. Not much has changed since then. Take out the heavy bag and adopt the training principles of the great master!

Openness and flexibility are two characteristic features of Bruce Lee's approach to physical training.

“Absorb what’s useful. Cut off the useless." These legendary words are often attributed to Bruce Lee, and although it is not known for certain whether he actually spoke them, there is no doubt that this principle underlay his philosophy. martial art. The legendary and eclectic martial arts style of Jeet Kune Do, the “Way of the Leading Fist,” is based on striking at the moment the opponent’s attack begins, when any external influence slows down the opponent and leads to a fatal outcome. Thanks to this, Bruce Lee was unpredictable, and his fights were spectacular!

Openness and flexibility are two characteristic features of Bruce Lee's approach to physical training. While his colleagues and their mentors were wasting precious time on empty debates about traditions and futile searches for one-sided, technically and functionally oriented training systems, Lee absorbed the best that various schools had to offer. He took what he needed from martial arts, bodybuilding and other training styles. Lee was loyal to his barbell and his kettlebells, but he also loved circuit training; I practiced kicking and punching every day with complete dedication, but also ran, rode a bike and jumped rope.

In short, he was a well-rounded athlete with a body that Joe Weider described as the most ripped he had ever seen. 40 years after Bruce's tragic death, people continue to be inspired by his unique blend of speed, strength and flexibility. New photos of Bruce Lee without a T-shirt still appear on magazine covers today and become the main topic of the issue.

Of course, Lee never trained just to look good. The main goal was to create a perfectly functioning body, and appearance was just a byproduct of his training. According to Bruce, training is “the art of self-expression human body" We'll tell you how he did it and how you can replicate it.

Train to fight

Lee belonged to sports elite: Since the late 50s, he has been a mentor and fighter, capable of incredible feats of strength such as two-finger push-ups and the "inch punch" that sends opponents flying. However, he reconsidered everything training methods after an event that occurred in 1964. That year, Bruce Lee was challenged by Won Jae Man, a representative of the orthodox branch of Chinese martial arts. According to sources, the reason for the disagreement was Bruce Lee's willingness to teach traditional Chinese martial arts to everyone - even Europeans. According to this version of events, if Lee had lost, he would have been forced to close his thriving martial arts school.

Soon Bruce Lee won and retained the right to teach anyone, anything. However, Lee later admitted that although the fight lasted only three minutes and ended with him running after Meng around the pavilion, the fight took much longer than expected and required more effort than Lee expected. Angry with himself, Lee decided to overhaul his training program and began searching for what his wife Linda called “more sophisticated and grueling training methods.”

Very soon, Lee switched to an intensive program of strength development and general functional training, which he adhered to until his death in 1973. He constantly changed the content of his training and always recorded it on video. This means that while we can't recreate Bruce Lee's exact "workout routine," we can piece together his favorite exercises and routines. In short, if you want to leave behind a “muscle treasure map” for future generations, or simply want to draw one for yourself, follow the example of Bruce Lee and take as many travel notes as possible.

Train hard, hit hard

Any conversation about training principles Bruce Lee has to start with his signature martial art style. Development martial arts Bruce began under the guidance of the great master Ip Man - the patriarch of the school of Wing Chun (style of Kung Fu). Having learned the basics, Lee continued to develop and over time created his own style - Jeet Kune Do. Unlike traditional schools, Jeet Kune Do is not tied to any fixed tenets. According to Lee, it is “style without style,” a free-flying martial arts that embraces whatever works.

But does this mean that Bruce did not need to carefully practice his technique? On the contrary, he had to keep his entire arsenal of techniques in full combat readiness, and therefore he devoted the lion's share of his free time to training. Here is a typical list of kicks and punches that Lee practiced.

Punching the punching bag

Punching: Monday/Wednesday/Friday

  • Jab – pneumatic bag, wall pad, punching bag and floor bag
  • Cross – wall pad, heavy punching bag, punching bag and floor bag
  • Hook – heavy punching bag, wall pad, punching bag and floor bag
  • Cross from top to bottom – pillow, heavy punching bag
  • Series – heavy punching bag, punching bag and floor bag
  • Speed ​​training with a pneumatic bag on a platform

Kicks: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday

  • Side impact
  • Side leg hook
  • Turning kick
  • Front and back kick
  • Heel strike

Lee often said that a punching bag cannot be punched automatically, without emotion. Imagine that the bag is your worst enemy, and hit him with all your heart. He also emphasized how important it is to remain invulnerable during an attack - even in training. Lee constantly moved, made distracting maneuvers, feinted punches and stepped aside even while working with a boxing bag, thereby simulating a real fight. He firmly believed that a fighter who does not take training seriously will never be able to apply his skills in a stressful situation.

Rod path

Even before the fight with Won Jae Man, Lee understood that no fighter could do without proper strength training. However, it was this fight, which coincided with the beginning of television and cinematic activities, that became the beginning of Bruce Lee's serious relationship with heavy iron.

dragon flag

Lee started by doing bicep curls all day long. reverse grip to pump up the muscles of the forearm. Feeling the full benefit strength training, he transitioned to comprehensive strength training. On an ongoing basis, Bruce used two alternative training programs to develop incredible strength:

Alternate workouts A and B every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Workout A

Workout B

In his ability to simultaneously work on muscle development and functional training, Bruce Lee was ahead of his time. Hungry for knowledge, he looked for evidence of the effectiveness of each technique and made his choice consciously, based on the results of research and experiments. As a result, he managed to transform himself from a skinny 50-pound guy into a 65-pound warrior who strikes with the force of a jackhammer.

At the intersection of meditation and functional training

Lee did not neglect endurance training. He understood that strength training was of little use without adequate endurance, so he used a variety of techniques to achieve amazing functional fitness.

Lee asked someone to throw medicine ball on his stomach while he lay on the floor and tensed his abs

Run. For Lee, running has always been not only a way of general physical training, but also a unique form of meditation, because at this time he was alone with his thoughts. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday he started by running a few kilometers. 6 kilometers was his favorite distance, which he ran in about 20-25 minutes, varying his running pace. After a period of calm, even running, he did a sprint run at short distance and then returned to moderate pace– very similar to what we today call high-intensity interval training.

Jumping rope. The jump rope not only helped Lee develop endurance and leg muscle strength, but also allowed him to flit easily during sparring and fights. As a rule, Lee worked out with a jump rope on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, devoting about 30 minutes to this exercise.

A ride on the bicycle. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Lee completed his jump rope workout with a spin on the exercise bike, which required even more endurance and finally finished off his leg muscles. He raced on his trainer at high speed for 45 minutes.

Lee's famous shield

Bruce Lee, as well as other outstanding representatives of martial arts, abdominal Press It was needed not only for beauty. It was a real shield, capable of repelling any blow. To specifically target his abs, Lee would often have someone throw a medicine ball onto his stomach while he lay on the floor and tensed his abs.

However traditional exercises for the abs, such as torso raises, leg raises and lateral crunches, were also part of it training program. Here is one of the workouts that he did on a daily basis:

Bruce Lee Abs Workout

Feed the dragon

No athlete will jump from 50 to 65 kilograms without an adequate nutrition program. Like us, Lee had a penchant for protein drinks and made his own from powdered milk and some ingredients like root and royal jelly, with powerful doses of vitamins added.

He was very careful about his diet and never used foods that could harm the body or negatively affect performance. Coffee was blacklisted, but Bruce loved tea. At the same time, Lee was an ardent admirer of traditional Chinese cuisine. In his view, Chinese cuisine was built around quality plant-based carbohydrates from rice and vegetables, in contrast to Western cuisine, which was overzealous in its use of proteins and fats. It was carbohydrates that Bruce considered an essential nutrient for people with high level physical activity, and he distributed the carbohydrates evenly between 4-5 meals.

U Faktrum there are as many as two dozen facts proving that Bruce Lee was not an ordinary person, but had truly phenomenal abilities!

Bruce Lee is a martial artist, instructor, philosopher, director and founder of Jeet Kune Do.

1. Slow motion

Photo source:

Bruce Lee mastered his movements so fast that he could catch a grain of rice in the air using only chopsticks. He was so fast that the filming of his films was deliberately slowed down so that viewers could see his movements.

2. Coin trick

Bruce Lee could grab a coin lying in a person's open palm and replace it with another coin before the person noticed his movements and clenched his hand into a fist. He never stopped experimenting with his workouts to achieve better results.

3. "Game of Death"

Bruce Lee played main role in the film “Game of Death” after... his death. The film contains footage taken at his funeral, with Bruce in the coffin. Since the actor died before filming was completed, some scenes were done using editing and doubles.

4. Don't make me angry

Bruce Lee hit his partner so hard that he broke his arm, which he used to defend himself from the blow. This happened when Lee cut his hand with a bottle due to a mistake made by Bob Wall. So he hit him with his other hand in the next scene and misjudged the force a little. In fact, Wall expected the blow, but did not think it would be so strong.

5. 11 seconds

In 1962, Bruce Lee managed to throw 15 punches and knock out his opponent in a fight that lasted 11 seconds. Also Bruce Lee fans are still trying to imitate him famous kick"from one inch."

6. 50 one-arm push-ups

Bruce Lee could do 50 push-ups on one arm, pressing only his thumb and forefinger into the floor. He could also do 50 pull-ups on two fingers of one hand. Many of today's athletes are trying to master Lee's push-up technique.

7. Hong Kong Champion

Bruce Lee became the Hong Kong cha-cha dance champion in 1958. The legendary Bruce was only 18 years old.

8. Spinal injury

Bruce Lee managed to overcome a serious spinal injury. As a result of unsuccessful training, his fourth vertebra was damaged. This meant the end of a career for any athlete, and doctors also said that Bruce would have to learn to walk again within six months and avoid exercise for the rest of his life. But Lee proved the doctors wrong in their verdict. He developed his own therapy and soon left the hospital to become even stronger and faster than before.

9. Took Jackie Chan

He once accidentally beat up Jackie Chan. In Enter the Dragon, Jackie was hit in the face with a staff by Bruce, but played it off as a joke and simply enjoyed the opportunity to meet and hug his idol.

10. Coca-Cola Can

Lee could put his finger through a closed Coca-Cola can. Moreover, at that time, banks were made from much thicker tin.

11. Breaking boards is boring

But he stated that “beating boards is boring because they don’t resist” and preferred sparring with people.

12. Broken pear

While training with Coburn, Bruce Lee broke a 68 kg punching bag. James Coburn was one of the screen stars whom Lee taught martial arts.

13. Bruce is stronger than Chuck

Chuck doesn't like to talk about it, but he once admitted that his friend Bruce Lee could easily defeat him in a fight.

14. Idol idols

Bruce Lee was a fan of the Great Gum, the only undefeated wrestler in the world. The Great Gam's career lasted for 50 years.

15. Bruce the peacemaker

In Bosnian Mostar, a statue of Bruce Lee was erected because he was liked by all ethnic groups living in this city. The statue was later destroyed by vandals.

16. Lee studied boxing techniques

Bruce Lee was a big fan of Muhammad Ali and constantly watched tapes of his fights. Lee studied the boxer's movements in great detail.


Bruce Lee died from an allergic reaction to a painkiller. He died at the age of 32 from an allergic reaction to the drug Equagesic.

18. 0.05 seconds

Bruce Lee's speed was officially recorded: reaction and impact from a distance of 1 meter took about five hundredths of a second (0.05 seconds). There is a fight scene where he takes down 50 opponents in a few seconds.

19. A quarter German

His mother Grace Ho was half German and Catholic.

20. Yip Man and Bruce

Yip Man, the man who taught Bruce Lee martial arts, opened his own school to make money from opium. Bruce Lee promised his teacher that he would reserve kung fu techniques only for the Chinese and would never show them to foreigners, but he did not keep his promise.

The personality of Bruce Lee, a world-famous film figure and unsurpassed martial arts master, is still surrounded by an aura of mystery. During his relatively short life (1940-1973), he managed to achieve a level of skill that still remains not only unsurpassed, but is generally beyond understanding. He is credited with a huge number of achievements, many of which are poorly documented. In our article we will highlight all of Bruce Lee's significant records - both official and unofficial.

Guinness Book of Records

If anyone thinks that Bruce Lee specifically convened commissions to confirm his records, he is mistaken. In the famous Guinness Book of Records, Bruce Lee's record was recorded only once, and not for partial achievements: he was listed there as a man who had over 800 fights in the ring during his career. Although there is practically no documentary evidence of this.

Bruce hated fighting in public, and if anyone challenged him, the fight took place in private on Bruce's own property. There were no cameras, so only the only officially confirmed battle of the great master reached us. Here is his short video.

But although Bruce Lee was not particularly featured in the Guinness Book of Records, many of his achievements are officially confirmed and unbeaten to this day. Let's move on to them.

Officially confirmed records

These are the achievements that have ever been made before the eyes of journalists, and which have been consecrated in the credible serious press, memoirs and other literary works of famous personalities. Bruce Lee's officially confirmed world records include:

  • The ability to strike at such a speed that the video technology of the time - 24 frames per second - simply could not have time to film these strikes. To film Bruce's fights, he had to be filmed at 32 frames per second, but the lines were blurry.
  • Bruce's ability to hold a "corner" (legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body with the knees straight) with emphasis on his hands for more than 30 minutes at a time.
  • The ability, with a weight of 65 kg, to hold a 34-kg weight on an arm extended parallel to the earth's surface for more than 3 seconds.
  • The ability to break through the steel of the then steel beer bottles with the fingers.
  • The ability to do pull-ups while hanging on a bar using only your little fingers, and do push-ups while pressing two fingers of one hand into the ground.
  • The ability to toss and catch grains of rice in flight using chopsticks.

Records recorded by unofficial sources

Bruce Lee's records include the following achievements:

  • The strength of it side impact was such that he used it to tear the fabric of hanging bags made of thick burlap filled with rice.
  • Bruce cycled 16 km on an exercise bike in one approach (duration - 45 minutes).
  • He could knock down a 200-kilogram man with just a touch of his hand (he called this the "Master's Touch" or "Chiya Strike").
  • Once the master managed to break a helmet to protect his face with a blow of his fist, which during the test could not be broken with a sledgehammer.
  • Bruce could kick a punching bag weighing 136 kg and send it flying so that it hit the ceiling.
  • Demonstrating his speed, he could easily replace a coin of one denomination in a person's palm with a coin of a different denomination while the person had time to clench his palm.
  • He could do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, hanging from one arm, over 50 times.
  • From a standing position he could jump to a height of 3 meters.
  • Bruce has never lost a fight in the entire history of his fighting career.

Records and facts from the cinema and gaming industry

Bruce Lee's records extend not only to athletic and physiological achievements. He especially “inherited” the cinema and gaming industry. Here is a list of the main well-known facts:


Bruce Lee is still a legend and unsurpassed master. World-famous film actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger said that Bruce's body is the standard for the complete absence of fat in the body. This great man died at the age of 32 and was buried in the state of Washington, in Seattle.

Bruce Lee is a cult personality in the world of sports, martial arts, and cinema. A man with a huge history and a whole list of achievements. But today he became the guest of our article for a reason. We can talk about his biography endlessly. Lee's story is known throughout the world, and especially to the generation of the 80s and 90s. We are not interested in his film career, nor in his becoming a master of his own martial arts. Now people are only interested in one thing - how Bruce Lee achieved his excellent physical fitness? How did he maintain such a low body fat percentage throughout his life without the use of various diuretics, doping, or other modern “tools”? We collect interesting facts about his training and analyze all this from the point of view of modern fitness, physiology and endocrinology.

Bruce Lee had a slender physique with a minimal percentage of body fat. He did not have the enormous muscle mass of Schwarzenegger or any other bodybuilder, but at the same time, the amount of fat was truly minimal, comparable to bodybuilders at the peak of competition. Why does this attract people so much?

The fact is that bodybuilders work for months to reduce the percentage of body fat, and despite a huge number of actions, the result can only be maintained for a few days - during the competition. Bruce maintained a low body fat percentage throughout his life, until his sudden death. Well, who doesn’t want to be slim and fit these days? all year round? Do not forget about the amazing fact from Li’s biography: he did not follow exhausting diets, and in general ate like an ordinary average resident of China and America. Differences emerged due to Bruce's frequent travel. But first things first.

Sports facts about Bruce Lee

Low body fat is not Lee's only achievement. He had excellent strength indicators and good strength endurance, as evidenced by his ability to hold a 32 kg weight in front of him for 4 seconds.

Lee's weight fluctuated only in the range of 1 to 2 kg, that is, it can be called stable throughout his adult life. The achievement looks impressive, despite the huge amount of physical activity, high-calorie nutrition and frequent changes in the food basket due to constant travel.

The speed of strikes and reaction were at their best, and this is largely due to special training, which we will talk about below. Among Lee's physical achievements, it should be noted that he completely abandoned weight training equipment. He actively used dumbbells and kettlebells, occasionally a barbell, but never used cable, lever or block simulators, because I didn’t feel the muscles in them properly. According to his statements, the machines felt like someone was doing the exercise for him, and he was just a tool for it.

Bruce Lee's training secrets

Surely you are waiting for unique secret techniques from ancient China, which Lee learned from his eminent master Ip-Man. The reality, alas, is not so mythical. Thanks to modern knowledge of humanity in physiology, biochemistry and kinesiology, it is possible to conduct a full analysis of Bruce Lee’s training and understand what his “secret” was.

Not much of Lee's training is captured in the video archives, but some of them are recorded in full. To this we can add the stories of those who began training with Bruce or studied Jeet Kune Do under his leadership.

A unique feature of his training is the use of negative repetitions. Of course, at that time Bruce was not aware of this training method from the world of bodybuilding. He was guided by what he learned in his historical homeland from the stories of his mentor.

Bruce has always been distinguished by his inquisitiveness and sharp mind. Having seen ancient paintings of Chinese strongmen and circus performers, he became interested in this topic. They were able to hold huge weights with their arms outstretched forward, above their heads, etc. Their strength was great, but it was not suitable for martial arts or kung fu.

Lee tried to find and create a kind of symbiosis of training of ancient Chinese strongmen and modern methods strength training. Thanks to the teacher, he learned that strength increases through painful static exercises. Long-term holding of light dumbbells or weights in front of you, above you, behind you and in other possible positions significantly increases strength.

So Bruce began training using statics. He took small weights and froze with them in certain poses, like a mime caught in Gym. Over time, his strength grew and he became able to hold quite heavy weights, but he did not achieve anything unusual.

Lee continued to search for his unique technique, which would allow him to apply strong and at the same time fast strikes. He noticed that static training greatly exhausted his nervous system. After a day of such training, he needed several days to recover. This had a bad effect on his kung fu training and life in general. He became irritable, tired, and simply dissatisfied with his lack of progress.

Thanks to an accident, he independently discovered the technique of negative repetitions. While holding a dumbbell in front of him for the next time, he was distracted by his friends. He had to constantly interrupt the approach and start it again. This continued for an hour, and the next day Bruce was shocked by severe muscle pain, which at first was mistakenly thought to be due to illness or a cold.

Over the course of several weeks, Bruce slowly but surely moved towards his invention, which had long been used by American bodybuilders. Lee noticed that when performing exercises in the classical manner, he did not feel a significant load, and increasing the weight did not allow him to perform the exercise correctly. At the same time, holding it for a long time was exhausting and did not give significant results.

He decided to combine the two methods into one. He lifted the weight in the classic manner - quickly, took a significant pause for 4-5 seconds, and very slowly lowered the weight back, spending another 5-6 seconds. Thus he “invented” negative repetitions. At first, Lee used negatives in only one exercise - dumbbell raises in front of him. After two months of such training, his strength and speed of punches increased dramatically. One of the reasons can safely be called negatives - a new unusual load for his muscles, which served as a new stimulus for muscle development.

All this reinforced in him the idea that the chosen training plan was correct. He decided to rest for a month, which conveniently included a trip to China and back. Upon arrival, he made himself a combat dummy, bought several weights and a small barbell with dumbbells. The number of barbell plates was small, as the main emphasis was on kettlebells and dumbbells, which featured removable components. In those days it was a very expensive purchase. However, Bruce had no regrets at all, both at the time of purchase and several months later. He had a feeling that this would play an important role in his training.

He began to actively train every day. Alternating between strength training, active cycling and walking with kung fu and the development of his own martial arts system (jeet kune do) required enormous strength and effort, but nevertheless he managed. Bruce used a conventional strength program that he “invented” intuitively.

The logic was simple: it is necessary to load all the muscles, and place emphasis on the shoulders, arms and legs, so that this brings the greatest benefit in the context of martial arts. After a month of such training experience, Bruce was finally convinced that he would follow the invented tricks and nuances of the training for the rest of his life. The simplest use of negatives in his training led Lee to a number of discoveries that subsequently made it possible to leave a significant mark on the history of martial arts.

How to become like Bruce Lee?

When a person asks such a question, he is talking about a low percentage of fat and pronounced relief, and not about the historical heritage and other interesting facts of his biography. It would seem that it is enough to follow a low-calorie diet and work out in the gym, and after a few months you will become as ripped as Bruce. But in reality everything is a little more complicated.

Look at everyone losing weight. Anyone who loads the body with strength training against a background of a lack of calories rapidly loses not only total weight, but also muscle mass. There is no dryness, relief or stiffness of the muscles. The reason is simple - the body does not expel water and glycogen from the muscles due to a lack of calories. It breaks down muscles and body weight decreases.

Any actions to preserve muscle mass while losing weight will result in their gradual loss. It is almost impossible to achieve pronounced relief and venousness. Bodybuilders drive away water and the last remnants of fat with the help of heavy artillery: they change the water-salt balance, eat less salt, limit the flow of fluids, limit carbohydrates, etc. and so on. And all these methods are aimed only at short-term results - for 1-2 days of competition, nothing more. Next, the body takes its toll and either returns the lost fluid, or you lose muscle mass, so this method is not suitable for you and me.

Evil tongues say that Bruce Lee used various doping, stimulants and diuretics to be in such ripped shape all year round. Of course, this is not true. Standard doping does not suit him, and diuretics and various stimulants simply would not allow him to recover before each new day.

The truth is much simpler: he did not torture his body with a small amount of calories. On a calorie deficit, a person loses muscle mass - this is a fact. Some are fast and some are slow, it’s inevitable. But despite this fact, Bruce managed to maintain his shape and even improve. The secret lies in a special type of training. Negatives force you to work muscle fiber at the limit of its capabilities. When lifting a weight, 50 to 75% of the fibers are activated, while returning the weight activates 75 to 100%, depending on the weight of the weight.

Add to this a negative execution technique with a deliberate slow return of the projectile to the starting point. Muscle involvement in movement will be 100%, and this wastes a huge amount of energy. By performing absolutely all the exercises in this manner, Bruce Lee, without knowing it, turned his entire training process a complete waste of calories. He loaded his muscles with a huge load, not at the expense of heavy weight burdens, but due to the slow negative phase. To develop the speed of his legs and arms, he lifted weights and dumbbells as quickly as possible, but again, lowered the equipment extremely slowly.

Against the backdrop of such training, Bruce Lee ate quite a lot, especially for a guy of his weight. He ate plentifully, nutritiously and even correctly. There were forbidden foods in the diet, but the main emphasis in the food basket was always concentrated on good carbohydrates and valuable sources of protein, but we will talk about nutrition later.

The secret of Bruce Lee's figure is the huge caloric intake of the diet and the same huge waste of calories. That is, he did not use a low-calorie diet, which looks like 100% stress for the body. Instead, he supplied the body with abundant energy from food, and at the same time spent exactly the same, and sometimes even more.

A high activity ratio, constant employment, martial arts training, and of course, the use of negative repetitions in my strength training allowed me to build a functional physique with a minimal percentage of fat. Now you know how Lee was able to maintain his excellent ripped shape all year round, without interruption.

He simply ate a lot and spent even more. Power training and active aerobic exercise developed not so much strength as strength endurance. Glycogen accumulation, reduction subcutaneous fat and so on. made his muscles look like an anatomical atlas, which in turn was noted even by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bruce Lee workouts

There was no single training scheme, or it has not survived to this day. It is known that Bruce Lee trained in the full-body style, loading all the muscles in one workout. The overall workload was reduced to allow time for recovery. On average, it was 3-4 approaches per muscle, and 1-2 for small assistant muscle masses, such as biceps and triceps.

Between sets, Lee rests for about 2 minutes, using not a stopwatch, but an ordinary hourglass. Interesting fact: Due to an inaccuracy or incorrect assembly of the hourglass, it was not counting 120 seconds, but 111. So technically he rested 111 seconds between sets.

Every approach strength exercises consisted of a quick lift of the weight, a distinct pause at a critical point with tension in the target muscles, and a slow return of the projectile back in the style of negatives. The number of such repetitions was in the range from 8 to 10, no more and no less. In the final approaches, it was often necessary to work to failure, but Bruce was not embarrassed by this, he saw this as another challenge.

The list of exercises was quite simple: basic exercises, but almost everywhere Lee replaced the barbell with dumbbells or weights. He tried to perform exercises with both hands with one, one at a time. For example, he replaced the dumbbell upward press to develop the shoulders with a standing kettlebell press, first with one hand, then with the other. He performed curls for biceps alternately with dumbbells, and not simultaneously with a barbell, but you know firsthand about push-ups on one arm from his filmography.

Bruce Lee Nutrition

Lee did not have a diet as such. He was taught to eat carbohydrates in China. The main sources of carbohydrates were: rice, broccoli, some types of bread and regular table sugar. Of the proteins, Lee preferred fish and lean beef, which he most often cooked and consumed with broths. At the same time, Bruce was not afraid of the fast food that was developing in those years. As a resident of America, he actively consumed all trendy food inventions, starting with the Big Mac and ending with pizzas from various pizzerias.

Its high activity coefficient made it possible to do this without fear of losing muscle mass or, on the contrary, gaining fat. It is important to note that since childhood, Lee's parents taught him minimalism. He never ate too much, strictly listening to the signals of his body. The slightest signal of satiety was enough to stop eating.

It is safe to say that in addition to its unique physical and sporting achievements Bruce was a proponent of intuitive eating, and one of the best at that. He ate foods of varying caloric content, and at the same time knew his calorie limit very well. Lee literally felt it. It will be extremely difficult to repeat this, especially to modern man with a huge amount of excess on grocery store shelves.

Therefore, to become like Bruce Lee, at least in terms of diet and nutrition, you will have to scrupulously count the calories burned and received. This is very difficult, which explains such a small number of people with a similar figure. In addition, not every disciplined person can maintain a high activity coefficient like Bruce Lee.

Bottom line

Bruce Lee was a unique person in the field of martial arts, but from a fitness point of view, he was not remembered for his achievements in cinema or martial arts. A low percentage of fat, muscle rigidity, definition and the absence of any strict diet - this is how Lee can be characterized.

Bruce did not delve into physiology or sports biochemistry, but at the same time he was able to independently “find” the right training plan that suited his lifestyle and ambitions. Negative repetitions, intense training, regular martial arts training, yoga and philosophy - such an explosive mixture gave him an incredible physique. Alas, it is almost impossible to become like Lee using his methods. You need a more precise approach, with calorie counting and calculating training load with appropriate planning.

However, we recommend that you try to combine several types of activities. If you want to have sculpted muscles, you need to teach its functionality. This could be martial arts, running, gym, yoga and even swimming. From a physiological point of view, such training should simultaneously develop various muscle characteristics: endurance, strength, strength endurance, static strength, etc.

But be careful, because the negative repetition technique takes too much energy from your body. nervous system. First of all, have time to recover, and getting sculpted like Bruce Lee is impossible without complete recovery of your muscles and body.