Proper walking with Scandinavian. Everything you need to know about Nordic walking

nordic walking, Nordic, Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian - you can call it differently. But this does not change the fact that it is practiced in more than 40 countries around the world.

Nordic walking great option maintaining physical form and health promotion for people aged

How to walk Nordic walking and how to choose sticks for this sport? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

It's that kind physical activity, which is a hybrid of walking and skiing. Relatively the new kind sport, which has already managed to win a lot of fans of all ages in different countries of the world.

Nordic walking appeared around the 1940s, when Finnish skiers, who wanted to keep fit outside the ski season, began to perform exercises for skis without them. One of the fitness trainers spied on these workouts and created Nordic walking based on them. It was first described in 1997. At the same time, the first walking sticks were released.

Why this species physical activity so quickly won success? Than he better than running, walking or the same skis?

An additional advantage of such activities is their energy consumption, which leads to increased fat burning. It also trains the heart well.

Firstly, it is a universal sport that can be practiced at any time of the year: both in the June heat and during snowfall, because sticks will help you overcome snow drifts. In addition, due to the unique combination of walking and skiing, 90% of all muscles of the body are involved, while with normal walking only 70%. During such training, the back muscles are perfectly worked out and shoulder girdle. You won't achieve this result just by running.

Another bonus is the improvement in posture, because properly leaning on sticks, you will not be able to slouch.

Since the muscles of the upper half of the body are involved in Nordic walking due to the use of sticks, unlike ordinary walks, the respiratory volume of the lungs increases by more than 30%. For those who regularly engage in this sport, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, bowel function improves, metabolism normalizes, toxins are eliminated faster, which generally contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

Well, of course, this type of activity will be appreciated by people who have knee pain, there are overweight and just old people. After all, sticks take part of the load on themselves, which means that you can go a greater distance and burn more calories at the same time.

How to walk Nordic walking (video)?

Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks for beginners

Experts describe the technique of classes as natural. And it's true: walking is an integral part of our life and we don't think about how and where to put our hands and feet. General rule: the movements should be smooth and easy, you need to "roll" from heel to toe, and not put your foot flat.

Initial position: lean on your right hand, slightly bend it at the elbow and put it forward. The left one is lowered down, with its help it will be necessary to push off with a stick. The body is slightly tilted forward.

Bend your left leg at the knee, bring forward and step on the heel. The weight of the body remains behind, on the right leg. Roll over your left foot from heel to toe, bringing forward your right hand with a stick and partially transferring body weight to your left foot and right hand (those in front).

Stand fully on your left foot. With your right foot and left hand (those that are now behind), push down and back with force. The stick after repulsion is behind in an almost straight hand.

Proper walking technique with Scandinavian sticks

Relax the hand and fingers as much as possible, practically not holding the stick - it will not fall, as the brush is threaded into the loop on the handle. Without this relaxation, your wrists can start to hurt.

Now step forward with your right foot and bring your left hand forward with your hand still relaxed. Partially transfer your body weight to them, push off with your right hand and left foot - and repeat everything again and again.

Do not stretch your arms too far forward. The stick should always be tilted "under itself": its sharp lower tip is closer to you than the handle. If you do the opposite, it will be impossible to lean on the stick, it will not hold you, and you may fall.

While walking, your body should not be static: along with your arms and legs, your hips, chest, shoulders and back of your head should also move.

How to choose sticks for Nordic walking?

The choice of equipment for any sport is a responsible issue. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right sticks for the upcoming activity. If the height is incorrectly selected, the load will be incorrectly distributed on the ankles, knees, and back. This can lead to pain and sprains.

How to choose the right Nordic walking poles?

It should be noted right away that, despite the fact that Nordic walking is a hybrid of ordinary walking and skiing, nevertheless, ski poles cannot be used for it. The sticks you need are shorter and lighter, made from a solid composite or the lightest carbon fiber. They can be of fixed length or telescopic, i.e. with variable length. This option should be determined in advance.

Special straps (lanyards) are fixed on the handle of the sticks, which resemble sport gloves without fingers. Thanks to this design, there is no need to squeeze the handle for repulsion, which saves your hand from blisters. In addition, this way your hands will not slip off the stick, that is, the design is quite stable.

There is a spike at the bottom of the stick. This is necessary for training on uneven or soft surfaces: sand, grass, snow. For walking on asphalt, a special tip is put on the spike. If it is not included in the kit, then take care of buying several pieces, because. it is a consumable item. This tip dampens impacts on hard surfaces and reduces noise, and generally extends the life of the poles.

Handles can be made of plastic. Such sticks are cheaper, but not very convenient to use: when your hands sweat, they slide on the plastic.

And a few more words about the material from which your assistants can be made. They can be made of aluminum alloys, carbon and fiberglass. The presence of carbon affects their weight and cost. Metal poles are cheap and durable, but stiffer (worse dampening vibration) and heavier than carbon poles.

When choosing sticks, remember that these are your helpers, so you should be comfortable with them. We strongly recommend that you buy them in an offline store where you can touch, weigh and test them.

Nordic walking poles how to choose the length - height and size table

General rule: sticks are selected according to your height. To do this, it must be converted to centimeters and multiplied by 0.68.

Manufacturers produce sticks in increments of 5 cm. If your height is 165 cm, then sticks are needed with a length of 165 * 0.68 = 112.2 cm. What to do, because there is no such length. Take shorter ones if you are over 50 or overweight. If you are younger and fitter, then choose longer sticks - they will increase the load.

In general, sticks of a fixed length are considered more reliable. they have no moving parts. Below is a table of correspondence between growth and their length.

Telescopic poles are more versatile. They allow you to adjust the height for growth, as well as for the terrain and tasks. When climbing uphill, the length of the sticks is reduced in order to transfer part of the weight to the hands and thus unload the legs. When descending - on the contrary: the height of the sticks is increased so that the load on the legs is more effective. When walking along slopes, you can adjust the height in different ways. The most optimal is their length, in which the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees.

Nordic walking with sticks for weight loss: reviews

The effectiveness of this sport for weight loss has been proven by many examples.

Anna, 28 years old. I have been doing Nordic walking for a year now. At first it was difficult to allocate time, but then I got involved. And now I go every day with my husband "for a walk" (as we call it). During this time, my figure tightened up, the “ears” on the hips disappeared, I became more cheerful, insomnia disappeared. I highly recommend to everyone!

Marina, 32 years old. Nordic walking was one of the points of the weight loss program after the birth of a child. Several times a week I walked with sticks for 2-3 hours. I didn’t get tired in an hour, but after two hours of training I felt the abs, arms, and legs. An integrated approach (diet, exercise, and, of course, Nordic walking) allowed me to lose 15 kg in six months.

Katya, 23 years old. I was encouraged to do this sport by a friend who wanted to lose 20 extra pounds. Three months of our training have already passed and I see that my body has become more slender and toned, and the figure has acquired pleasant roundness  My friend is also very pleased. She has already lost 7 kg, and she did it very easily! All in all, I'm very satisfied and would recommend!

For those who want to lose weight with Finnish walking, here are some tips:

  1. Classes should be regular and constant: at least four times a week and at least 40 minutes.
  2. Use a heart rate monitor to monitor. Fat begins to be burned when the heart rate is about 60-70% of the maximum value. The maximum is calculated simply: 220 minus the number of your age.
  3. It is important to increase the range of motion of the arms and legs in order to lose more energy and increase the load on the legs and buttocks.
  4. Change routes, because. the load largely depends on the surface on which you walk: sand, asphalt, grass, gravel.
  5. Change the pace: at first you can go fast, then slowly. It also contributes to the expenditure of more energy.

Nordic walking: contraindications

In general, Nordic walking is very healthy and is recommended even for pregnant women. However, even this positive activity has a number of contraindications.

Here are the main ones:

  • Decompensated respiratory or heart failure
  • Hypertension
  • Recovery period after abdominal surgery

a) flat feet; b) injuries of the hands and shoulder joints

  • Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system
  • Acute respiratory and viral diseases accompanied by fever
  • Anemia
  • coronary insufficiency
  • Problems with the spine and joints lower extremities
  • Recent heart attack or stroke
  • Aneurysm of the heart and aorta
  • Exacerbation of thrombophlebitis
  • Possibility of bleeding
  • Glaucoma and progressive myopia
  • Thyrotoxicosis and severe diabetes mellitus (not controlled by insulin)

In addition, if you have had a long break from training, it is advisable to first undergo a medical examination before starting Nordic walking.

Often there are cases when a person is contraindicated group lessons, but prescribed individual, under the supervision of an instructor. These can be early stages of recovery after operations on the joints of the lower extremities, falls within the last three months, diseases with moderate or severe impairment of coordination and balance (for example, Parkinson's disease), visual impairment that does not allow you to see obstacles in your path, and others. In this case, classes are possible, but under control and according to a lightweight program.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about shoes: they should be light, comfortable and well fixed around the ankle in order to avoid injuries.

Good luck with your training!

A special kind of fitness is gaining popularity around the world. Nordic walking is useful how to walk correctly and how much, you should know for weight loss and keeping fit. Classes on fresh air develop endurance, normalize the work of all systems and organs.

If there is no experience, how to start training

Very convenient way take care of good health, you only need free time for classes. Many are interested in - if there is no experience, I just bought sticks: how to start? Initially, it was a kind of training for ski types sports. Today, the direction helps to maintain and restore people's health indicators different ages and level physical training.

  • important right choice equipment other than sticks will be required sportswear according to the season, as well as hiking shoes, they should be as comfortable as possible;
  • do not exercise on an empty stomach, this can lead to pressure surges, dizziness, weakness, the optimal meal time is 1.5 hours before and a couple of hours after training;
  • the first lessons are best done under the guidance experienced trainer, this will allow you to refine correct technique, choose an individual pace;
  • you should not immediately sign up for a group of experienced athletes if the ultimate goal is to restore joint mobility or lose weight.

It is important if there is no experience, I just bought sticks: how to start choosing best time and a place to walk. Desirable Smooth surface, without slopes and elevations, and classes are best done in the morning or in the evening, no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Nordic walking how much to walk

This is a sport, not an ordinary walk in the fresh air. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired results, you need to clearly follow the rules of the training. Nordic walking is useful, how much to walk depends on physical fitness, in contrast to the walking step, more than 46% of kcal is burned. And, most importantly, this type of fitness will save the joints, restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Correct Nordic walking how much to walk:

  1. A loss extra pounds, as well as an increase in endurance, directly depends on the distance traveled, by initial stage you need to gradually increase the route.
  2. Then you can move on to acceleration, the pace can be increased after the full development of the technique.
  3. Walking time starts from 20 minutes, after the first 15 minutes of movement, carbohydrates begin to break down, you can devote an hour to Nordic walking as much as possible.
  4. Changing the intensity of the pace for 40-45 minutes helps to normalize blood circulation and oxygen saturation of tissues, improves brain activity, cognitive abilities.
  5. It is necessary to alternate days of training and rest, otherwise the body will not recover, which will lead to the accumulation of reserve kilograms, it is enough to devote 3-4 days a week to dynamic outdoor sports.

Technique - how to walk and breathe correctly

Before you start training, you need to properly warm up the muscles. To do this, you can conduct a standard warm-up, which will involve the neck, torso, upper and lower limbs. For the effectiveness of the lesson, it is important to know how to walk and breathe correctly, also to avoid injuries. The advantage of Nordic walking is its versatility, you can start training at any age, with different levels of training.

  1. A wide step starts from the heel, then it is transferred to the center of the foot and toe, the push is made with the toes, and the second step is parallel to the heel on the ground.
  2. Upper torso held straight, lean forward slightly to reduce drag, legs slightly bent at the knees, shoulders back and down to allow open chest and strengthen the spine.
  3. At first, it is better to master the technique without sticks, after 2-3 workouts you can use them, you should keep them closer to the body, arms bent at the elbows, the stick should be at an angle.
  4. Breathing is an important component, the speed of metabolic processes will depend on the volume of air.
  5. On the plains - a deep breath through the nose for 3 steps, exhale through the mouth for 4 steps, when mastering the slopes - inhale through the nose for 2 steps, exhale through the mouth for 3 steps.
  6. Successful Nordic walking how to walk correctly and how much will depend on the experience of the athlete, first limit the time to half an hour, then gradually increase the pace, be sure to alternate days of training and rest, in order to consolidate the results.

It is important to keep the water balance, during the lesson be sure to drink clean water in small sips.

Features of the route - is it possible to walk in a circle

The advantage of Norwegian walking is the ability to practice in any territory. In the conditions of the metropolis, suburbs, mountainous areas, sea coast, park area– You can successfully master the technique everywhere. Many believe that more calories are burned if a new route is laid every time. For beginners, the question often arises - is it possible to walk in a circle? If there is no special device - a pedometer, this is the most successful way to gradually increase the distance. Also, overcoming the same distance regularly, you can feel the dynamics of endurance development - the day before yesterday, 1 km was covered in half an hour, today - in 20 minutes. In the future, you can increase the number of circles, move from plains to steep and gentle slopes. The question will not arise - is it possible to walk in a circle, in winter period of the year. Classes continue regardless of weather conditions and snowdrifts.

Can Nordic Walking Help You Lose Weight?

The advantage of Norwegian walking is the ability to engage in any degree of obesity. It will turn out to independently reduce weight without the participation of a trainer and special individual programs. The main muscle groups are involved, the load is evenly distributed. are being burned body fat in all problem areas- thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms.

How will Nordic walking help for weight loss:

  • to maintain shape, you need to devote at least 15 minutes to walking, to lose weight - from half an hour to 45 minutes;
  • too intense training - more than 1.5 hours daily can lead to the opposite effect, an exhausted body will keep kilograms;
  • you can’t train on an empty stomach, 1.5 hours before the start of the lesson you can eat yogurt, scrambled eggs or fruit, after walking it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours, the subsequent meal should consist of complex carbohydrates and protein - vegetables with cottage cheese, meat or fish;
  • whether Nordic walking will help for weight loss also depends on the frequency of classes, it is optimal to carry out at the same time, 3-4 times a week, to maintain weight, 2 times is enough;
  • the technique of movement and breathing remains classic, to accelerate weight loss it is recommended to increase the amplitude of the arms and legs, this increases the load on the hips, buttocks, rear surface hands, while the stomach should be in tension;
  • how to walk correctly and how much to accelerate the desired results it is worth changing the pace, moving from slow to fast and vice versa, a variety of routes will help - asphalt / country road, snow, sand.

Nordic walking - what to do for older people

Many are interested in what to do for the elderly to feel good and correct chronic diseases. This is one of the types of load that has no contraindications and age restrictions.

Benefits for the elderly:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels, the work of the heart, the respiratory system;
  • prevention of heart attacks, strokes;
  • decrease pain in osteochondrosis;
  • immune properties increase.

Relying on sticks allows you to deal with various chronic conditions, hypertensive patients, obese patients, and diabetes mellitus. The basic rules of what to do for older people is to train in moderate pace, regularly taking walks lasting 20-30 minutes.

A popular type of activity is Nordic walking, how to walk correctly and how much depends on individual characteristics. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

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There are a large number of sports in the world. One of the most popular these days, especially among older age groups, is Nordic walking with sticks: the benefits and harms of classes have been proven, so you need to carefully study the list of contraindications and consult a doctor before starting training. It is extremely important to follow the technique, it is she who will ensure the proper result and avoid accidental injuries of the musculoskeletal system and other body systems.

What is Nordic Walking

Nordic or Nordic walking is a special type of physical activity that uses a special walking technique with sticks. Helps to increase and maintain the tone of a large muscle group, the overall improvement of the body.

Nordic walking - popular view sports among people of all ages

Foreign Scientific research show that regular classes significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, contribute to weight loss, increase the tolerance of physical and stressful loads, improve general state.

Nordic walking differs from other sports in its simplicity, relative safety and high accessibility. There are no restrictions on age, gender and fitness level.

What muscles work

In the process of practicing this sport, almost 90% of the striated muscles of the body work. The greatest load is placed on the following muscles:

  • deltoid muscle;
  • Subscapularis muscle;
  • pectoralis major;
  • Triceps;
  • A group of muscles that flex the forearms;
  • External and rectus abdominis muscles;
  • The latissimus dorsi;
  • infraspinatus muscle;
  • The entire group of gluteal muscles;
  • Quadriceps femoris;
  • Quadriceps;
  • Calf muscles;
  • Anterior and posterior tibial muscles.

Muscle groups involved in walking with and without sticks

It is important! Nordic walking is superior to many sports in terms of the efficiency of the musculoskeletal system. For example, when cycling (45% of the muscles are included), about 300 kilocalories are burned in 1 hour, while running (50% of the muscles work) - 500 calories, and with Nordic walking - 700 calories.

The method has received wide popularity for the rapid weight loss. Due to the well-coordinated work of almost the entire muscular apparatus of the body, calorie consumption increases by more than 2 times compared to normal walking, with sports running- by 40%. After intense training, the human body is in a “state of increased activity” for several hours, in which fat cells continue to be utilized.

In the process of classes, all types of metabolism are activated, the intensity of blood flow increases, while there is no significant load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Benefit and harm

The main advantages of the direction include:

  • Maintaining the tone of the muscles of the upper and lower body at the same time;
  • Significant burning of kilocalories with relatively low expenditure of effort, low level of physical fitness;
  • Weak pressure on the knees and spine (with age, the frequency of damage to these segments of the musculoskeletal system increases);
  • Posture correction;
  • Improvement of the general condition, training of coordination of movements and balance (important during the rehabilitation period after injuries and fatal vascular accidents);
  • Increasing endurance and tolerance of any load.

This sport is extremely beneficial for health.

For young people

For young people and people of the middle age group, Nordic walking allows you to correct various defects in the musculoskeletal system acquired during school years or present congenitally (posture disorders, neck curvature), stabilize gait, and increase coordination of movements.

A distinctive feature is the early prevention of almost all components of the metabolic syndrome (obesity, type II diabetes, hypertension, and even gout). In constantly active young people, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are less common.

For the elderly

With age, a significant bundle of diseases from the endocrine, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Nordic walking, due to its simplicity, allows people to feel in a new way: traction and interest in life increase, general condition improves, reliable prevention of a number of disorders is provided.

This sport increases the utilization of glucose by the cells of muscle and adipose tissue, not only by increasing the needs, but also by activating insulin receptors. This allows you to maintain an adequate glycemic background.

Active muscle contractions outdoors moderately increase the total peripheral vascular resistance, heart rate and cardiac ejection fraction. Against this background, the intensity of metabolism in myocardial cells increases and coronary blood flow accelerates. Even against the background of stage II and III hypertension, the features described above do not pose a danger. As a result, prevention coronary disease heart (if present, the frequency of angina attacks and myocardial infarction decreases), as well as ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.

With age, the frequency of atrophic and degenerative pathologies of the brain (Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease) increases. Prevention of these disorders is carried out by activating mitochondria and increasing ATP synthesis.

It is important! Scientific works note a low incidence of breast, prostate and lung cancer (70% less) with regular workouts(from 5 times a week).

Harm can only be obtained if the Nordic walking technique is not observed or if there are contraindications. In all other cases, this sport is completely safe. The main perks include:

  • Joint and ligament injuries;
  • Overload individual groups muscles with symptoms of convulsive activity;
  • Inadequate reaction from the cardiovascular system (development of arrhythmia attacks, aggravation of the course of coronary heart disease, etc.);
  • Respiratory failure (increased respiratory rate, cyanosis, dizziness, etc.).

Contraindications: who should not exercise

Unfortunately, there is a fairly large list of conditions in which Nordic walking is a prohibited sport. Before starting classes, be sure to consult with a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly assess the general condition of the body and make a decision regarding the appropriateness and safety. Contraindications include:

  1. Severe heart failure with symptoms of oxygen deficiency;
  2. A period equal to 30 days after myocardial infarction and 2 months after a stroke;
  3. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  4. Severe lung diseases, in which there are symptoms of respiratory failure or the vital capacity of the lungs is reduced by 50% or more;
  5. Active forms of arthritis of any etiology;
  6. The course of infectious and inflammatory diseases (during the period of chronicity or remissions, classes are possible);
  7. Arterial hypertension: training is prohibited only in malignant forms;
  8. Unstable angina pectoris;
  9. Fatal lesions of the musculoskeletal system, in which the restoration of articular and bone tissues is impossible (requires surgical correction);
  10. Arrhythmias, accompanied by an increase in heart rate, which are present on this moment or history.

In case of joint diseases, you should consult a doctor before starting training.

It is important! Thus, the Scandinavian type of walking is practically not dangerous for people of older age groups in the absence of the above conditions.


Special poles are used, which are much shorter than ski poles. On the handles of the sticks there are special straps that are fixed on the hands and resemble fingerless gloves. This allows you to operate inventory without significant effort.

For Nordic walking, you need to purchase special sticks.

The second stage is the selection of shoes. It is best to use sports shoes with a shock-absorbing sole or insole to reduce the load on the joints of the lower extremities and the spine.

How to choose Nordic walking poles

There are 2 types of sticks: fixed and telescopic, which can be adjusted by adding retractable elements. They have the lowest possible weight. For this, aluminum, carbon fiber or high-quality composite materials are used.

The basic selection rules are as follows:

  1. The handle should be comfortable and sit well in the hand.
  2. The strap should not hang freely or unnecessarily squeeze the hand.
  3. Correct tip selection. For hard surfaces, rubber is used, for walking on ice, snow and the tropics - a spike made of solid materials (metal, plastic).
  4. Adequate length.

The choice of equipment for training should be approached responsibly

How to adjust sticks for height

Choosing the right stick length is the most important step. The size of the inventory depends solely on the height of the person, and not on the degree of desired load or age. Neglect of these circumstances will lead to a significant load on the pelvic apparatus, knee joints and spine. For ease of understanding, a table is presented.

Human height, cmStick height, m
195 and up1,35
187–194 1,30
181–186 1,25
174–180 1,20
168–173 1,15
162–167 1,10
153–161 1,05
145–152 1,00

Technique for beginners

Starting to engage in this sport, you do not need to strive for special “victories” and deliberately load your body. Before starting, you definitely need a warm-up, which will ensure the preparation of the body and will allow you to get the maximum benefit from Nordic walking.

Warm up

For the preparation of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up. It allows you to warm up the muscles and speed up the metabolism in them, increase the intensity of the cardiovascular system. The duration of this stage should be from 5 to 15 minutes. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Walking at low speed (2–3 km/h). Sticks must be held in hand.
  2. Performing breathing exercises.
  3. Swing exercises for large joints.
  4. Muscle stretching.

Warm-up is an important part of the workout.

Below is a set of exercises. Each must be performed 10-15 times:

  1. Rolls. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent in knee joints, head is straight, hands rest on sticks. You need to get up on your heels and smoothly roll onto the pads of all fingers, while the weight should be concentrated on the sticks.
  2. Mahi leg. Starting position: legs straightened, arms extended forward and leaning on sticks. You should alternately move your legs back and forth. The amplitude should be as large as possible.
  3. Lunges with sticks. You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. A long step-lunge is performed with one foot forward, hands rest on sticks, the back is straight. After returning to the starting position, the lunge is repeated with the other lower limb.
  4. Lateral torso. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, head and back straightened, stick wound over the shoulders over the head, hands holding both ends of the inventory. It is necessary to fix the pelvic area (it should not rotate or tilt) and tilt the body to the right and left (alternately).
  5. "Skier". Starting position: right leg forward, left back, each hand holds sticks in the center. You need to swing your arms back and forth, while slightly squatting on the supporting leg. After changing legs, the movements are repeated.
  6. Pulling up. You need to stand up straight, raise your hands up and take the stick by the ends. You should stretch up as much as possible, holding inventory. Heels must not be lifted off the ground.

Nordic walking: how to walk and breathe correctly

Breathing is the most important part. It is necessary to inhale air exclusively through the nose (this contributes to its heating and provides physiological work respiratory apparatus), and exhale only through the mouth. For each breath - 3 steps, exhalation - 4 steps.

With each step, you should first step on the heel, then transfer the weight to the sole and only then to the toes. The knees are slightly bent, the shoulders are laid back, the torso is straightened. With sticks you need to push off with each step forward.

The place of training is a park and forest zone. Conducting classes in urban areas is impractical due to the high pollution of the surrounding air. The duration of the classes is 45-70 minutes.

Video: Nordic walking technique for beginners

Thus, Nordic walking is one of the most progressive sports that has a lot of benefits for the body. During classes, it is necessary to observe the technique and perform a warm-up to maximize the benefits. It is also recommended that you consult your doctor to avoid accidental injuries musculoskeletal system.

Nordic walking with sticks, which has gained incredible popularity all over the world in recent decades, is an excellent way to combine business with pleasure. Contraindications for practicing this type recreational gymnastics practically non-existent, and Nordic walking lessons for beginners are extremely simple, understandable and very quickly absorbed.

According to the degree of intensity, speed and saturation with special movements, also called Nordic, they are divided into four varieties:

  • general wellness;
  • special wellness;
  • fitness;
  • sports.

The first of them differs little from a regular walk in the park, but at the same time significantly improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuro-sympathetic systems of the body as a whole, simultaneously strengthening muscles, improving joint mobility and correcting posture.

The second focuses on the development of a particular muscle group, as well as the elimination of problems associated with the consequences of diseases, recent surgeries and, in essence, is a rehabilitation program.

The goal of the third is body modeling and weight loss, which is why Nordic walking with sticks for beginners and experienced is often included in various cardio training complexes.

Finally, the last, fourth variety is a way to maintain optimal shape in the intercompetitive period for professional athletes(primarily skiers and biathletes).

It should be noted that Nordic walking for beginners is usually taught to inexperienced beginners by certified instructors. Only they, at the first stage of your classes, will be able to give you a qualified suggestion - where, how and how much you need to walk, what principles to choose sticks and equipment, what mistakes to avoid, what video lesson on Nordic walking for beginners is recommended to study, etc.

Basics of Nordic Walking Technique

The Scandinavian style of walking with sticks (as, indeed, any other) is based on mastering the methodology of its main element - the step. The skill necessary for this does not come immediately, and therefore is introduced into the “muscle memory” in stages.

Selection of sticks

Nordic walking for beginners obliges to provide for another important parameter - the length of the sticks themselves. For professionals, it is calculated using a rather complex formula, and for amateurs, using a simple coefficient multiplied by your own height. It is equal to:

  • 0.66 - if you are planning lightweight, health-improving workouts;
  • 0.68 - for those who want to engage in a fitness version of this walk;
  • 0.70 - size for sports use.

Since the height of all people is different, the length of standard sticks may be very far from the recommended figure. For this reason, it is better to purchase telescopic options, the adjustment of which will not be difficult for growth.

Tip: On soft ground (grass, dirt) use a standard stick tip. On hard surfaces (asphalt, tiles, paving stones) - a special rubber knob

How to keep them?

It's just not worth worrying about this. The design of all high-quality models without exception provides for the presence of a special loop that securely fixes the hand, and a lanyard with a special surface configuration, on which the fingers lie almost like a glove.

At the same time, the length of the loop is easily adjusted with a clasp - and therefore you will not be threatened with damage to your wrist or losing a stick. All that remains is to learn not to strain your hands, and then the grip and repulsion technique will be fixed at the subconscious level.

How should the hands work?

Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks for beginners necessarily provides for the correct movement of the hands. In fact, it is similar to the actions when skiing:

  • arms slightly bent;
  • when lifted up, the bend angle decreases to about 45 °;
  • when lowering down, the arm goes to the thigh, the angle increases to 120 °.

How should the legs work?

The main thing here is the movement of the feet. The fulcrum at the push of the supporting leg gradually passes from the heel to the pads, then to the fingers, almost immediately - to the heel of the second leg and then in a circle. Try to create a uniform load on the entire foot - in this case, the muscles will not get tired.

Common Mistakes

As a result of processing a huge number of stories and reviews about the first, not only days, but even minutes of Nordic walking without competent preparation, we managed to compile a list of the most common mistakes allowed by enthusiasts of this type of recreational sport:

  • the use of walking sticks used in any other sport;
  • incorrect position of the hands, in which the sticks go back and literally cross behind the back;
  • attempts to “help” oneself by turning the body towards the forward moving hand;
  • pressure on the stick with a brush, and not all by hand from the elbow (not only reducing efficiency useful action, but also quickly tiring wrist);
  • “Wagging” with the feet (in the absence of equal pressure on the right and left parts of the foot, not only the legs get tired quickly, but also “corns” form over time and the skin cracks);
  • rarely, but still occurring “gait of a pacer” (a feature that is very much appreciated by mustangs when running, first rearranging only the left, and then only the right pair of legs is absolutely not suitable for a person);
  • the use of only one pair of socks - which is equivalent to the diagnosis of "corns" (two pairs must be worn - moreover, they fit perfectly on the leg and only from high-quality materials).

Water and nutrition

  • Water should be consumed as much as the body requires, signaling this with a feeling of thirst. Although it is desirable to distribute these approximately 2-3 liters as follows: 60% in the first half of the day and 40% in the second. And drink slowly, in small sips.
  • The daily dose of calories is selected depending on whether you want to get better, lose weight or maintain your current weight. But at the same time, you need to eat right - often, but little by little, avoiding unhealthy foods and monitoring full consumption. required amount vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not eat later than 2 hours before Nordic walking.
  • Do not drink coffee or energy after a long load - much more benefit Plain water or a smoothie high in carbs (but not sugar!) will bring.
  • Drink BEFORE you eat, not AFTER. This stereotype, which has been established in our country, needs to be changed.

Clothing and footwear

Clothing should be selected depending on the weather conditions - but always breathable and comfortable. This is even more true for shoes - because bad and cheap shoes will cause you and your feet so much harm that no amount of exercise can compensate.

And be always healthy!

In conclusion, two video lessons from experienced instructors.