Exercise big tree heals. A big tree

I mentioned exercise Big tree (Zhang Zhuang, or pillar standing)- a fundamental, powerful qigong technique for recruiting and transforming Qi energy. I myself have been doing it regularly for several years, so I can fully recommend it. By the way, qigong (see) used to regularly combine with some exercises from yoga (now on a whim). Some believe that combining different practices should not be, and it is even harmful. But I have a slightly different, individual view on this, which, however, I do not impose on anyone.

Here I will consider this exercise, basically. It has many different subtleties of execution, but I, perhaps, will attach a video below, in which the principle of execution and its multifaceted action is chewed up in the smallest nuances.

Exercise Big Tree multifaceted, this is the so-called standing meditation. Its main goal is to provide Qi energy to the lower dan tian (xia dan tian), the main energy center located in the navel area. In short, the Qi that is in the lower dan tian, transforming, also nourishes the other dan tians - the middle and upper ones (in yoga they can be called chakras). Those. is a kind of furnace for the whole organism. Both health and well-being, cheerfulness, optimism, efficiency depend on the filling of the lower dan tian energy; in general, it provides everything that many people strive for so much. IN Everyday life there are stresses, various excesses, there is an overexpenditure of this basic energy, so it must always be replenished. And the qigong exercise Big Tree is a great help in this.

Qigong has several stages of this practice. In the first stage, there is a "pumping" of the lower Dan Tian, ​​in the second - the middle one and for the most advanced masters - it is already allowed to work with the upper Dan Tian. For beginners, the first stage can last six months or more, and the master determines when a particular student can move to the second. If these are solo classes, then you need to develop your own feelings according to your capabilities.

It is important to remember that Qi is a somewhat loose concept, the very quality of this energy is important. When doing the exercise (focusing attention on an imaginary energy ball), you should not think about something bad, and if negative thoughts come up (for example, you just suffered a lot of stress), it is better to postpone the practice until a more appropriate time. Since Qi tends to be programmed with negative mental images (by the way, like the one we drink every day), there will be no sense from the exercise, and most likely even harm. Before doing the exercise, you should try to think about something positive, bright, but then it’s better not to think at all during the exercise :). That is, it is still meditation, albeit standing, and thoughts need to be calmed down. This is just the main key that opens many gifts (see about). So, from words to deeds.

Exercise technique

Once I did this exercise in an apartment, living on the fifth floor. Now, having moved to the ground, I prefer to do it in the forest nearby, standing with my feet on the ground in the shade of trees, under the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds and the chirping of cicadas. All this additionally relaxes, it is definitely better in nature. In general, they themselves give energy as if by default, and then the practice of qigong is just super. If you don’t have the opportunity to go out into nature every day, to a place where there is no industrial noise, at least try to ensure complete silence in your apartment, put aside all your affairs, and so that no one distracts you. You can also play relaxing music quietly.

Rack. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, the stand should be comfortable, because. you will have to stand in it as a "tree" for 30 minutes, no less. The knees are slightly bent, just a little.

The tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate.

Now connect your imagination. Your legs are the roots of a mighty gigantic tree, they grow into the ground to a great depth.

There are roots, now the crown.

You grow to the very sky, your head is a powerful crown of a huge tree, and it is above the clouds themselves, almost in space.

All, You are the Big Tree.

Next, extend your branches (arms) as if you were holding a large ball that rests on your navel. Hands do not need to be pulled far forward (you will get tired quickly), you just need to slightly raise them, slightly bending them at the elbows (see photo). The palms are turned towards the abdomen, the hands are relaxed, the whole body is relaxed, thoughts are released.

The ball that you are holding is translucent, slightly luminous, it is filled with energy that comes from the roots (earth energy) and from the sky (sky energy). Yin and Yang. [to confess, now, when I am writing, I cannot remember which of them is yin, which is yang. Yes, in fact, terminology is not so important for me, in general, you should not become attached to any terms and dogmas, only the principle and essence is important. Often people have meaningless and energy-consuming disputes, because of these bindings and conventions, and because the same things are called by different names, while missing the very essence ..]

It is necessary to imagine well how the energy of the earth is absorbed into the roots, rises along the trunk and fills the ball - this can be imagined simultaneously with inhalation. And with an exhalation - as the energy of the sky enters the crown, and again, passing along the tree trunk, fills the ball. Two types of energy are mixed in a ball.

So you can visualize 3-5 cycles of inhalation / exhalation. And then forget about it.

Attention. Further, throughout the exercise you need to keep your attention on this ball. Attention should not wander and be distracted by other things, all half an hour of the stand in the Tree - only on the ball, and attention should not be involved anywhere else.

In the course of the exercise, you may even get a feeling of the density of the ball. There may be other side effects - for example, swaying, itching. This may indicate that the energy is moving. And since the chakras, dantians, we can be “clogged”, clogged somewhere, this can cause various phenomena that should not be afraid and focus on them too much attention (you can just calmly observe).
Concentration of attention (together with visualization) is key moment in exercise - where attention is, energy "stretches" there. AND the quieter the mind, the better it happens.

Finishing the exercise, you need to "press" the ball into the lower dan tian. Those. bringing your hands to the navel to imagine how it shrinks, becoming smaller and smaller. And when you have already closed your palms on your stomach (for men, the left palm is under the right, for women, vice versa), the ball became a little larger than a tennis ball, its luminosity increased. You need to hold this ball for a minute (imagine that it is in the stomach under the navel), and squeeze it into a point. This exercise is over.

Do warm-up exercises- shake your body, rubbing your palms, pat yourself from head to toe, jump, in a word, disperse the blood, because standing in one position for half an hour is not so little.

You may also be interested in (one of the varieties of qigong).

In this video, in the smallest detail describes the execution this exercise, its action, features.

"Big Tree" - the main qigong exercise

All previous exercises are only preparatory to the main exercise of the Zhong Yuan Qigong complex, which unites Heaven, Earth and Man and fills you with great power.

The practice of the "Big Tree" increases vitality and prolongs life.

The same exercise was given to us by my first qigong teacher, Grand Master Yap Chen Hai, only in a slightly different form, without changing its essence. He also talked about the amazing healing power of this exercise. So, one of his old friends, with the help of the "Big Tree", got rid of the pain in his heart that had tormented him for a long time. And he gave many such examples.

Practicing the "Big Tree" should be for everyone who wants to gain strength, improve their health and heal from a variety of diseases. While you are “standing in a tree”, as qigong practitioners say, you become, as it were, invisible to all people and energies hostile to you.

We can safely say that the practice of the Big Tree exercise helps a person get rid of the evil eye, the targeted negative impact of ill-wishers.

Moreover, over time, you strengthen your energy. The strength of the protective energy cocoon around you (your aura) increases so much that you become inaccessible to the evil thoughts of other people. Your productivity will increase, you will become less tired and get much more done in less time.

Those who have been practicing this exercise for a long time claim that when a person enters the “Big Tree” state, some invisible but powerful system turns on, which automatically feeds him with energy. Thus, you enter the legendary trinity: Heaven - Man - Earth.

So, I invite you to take part in this useful and beautiful meditation act-exercise.

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The main exercise in the Zhong Yuan Qigong system is the Big Tree (Da Gu Shun).

This exercise is several thousand years old. In one form or another, it is performed in various wushu qigong schools. However, in them it is called zhang zhuang and is translated as "pillar" (sometimes - "high stump"). This is a literal translation without taking into account the deep meaning. When practicing in these systems, students were instructed to stand motionless for a long time, like a pillar.

In system Zhong Yuan Qigong this exercise is also one of the most important, and its various forms are practiced in the four steps. Here it means A BIG TREE.

If in China they talk about the “Big Tree” with such a pose, then they always refer to the fact that it is borrowed from the Zhong Yuan qigong system. Compare for yourself: a high stump or pillar means something motionless and inanimate, and a large tree contains the power and breath of life.

Since ancient times, people have thought about the question of why a human life ends at 60, 70, 80 years. Few people live to be 90 years old. And very few cross the 100-year milestone.

We said that the system Zhong Yuan Qigong can prolong life. But in order to live longer, you need to be healthy. What does the phrase "live longer" mean? I would ask another question: "How long can you live?" If we simply say that we should live longer, then this will not be entirely accurate. Other factors are decisive. For example, now you are 50 years old, and after practicing qigong you feel like you are in your twenties. From this point of view, we can say that you have become younger. And if you are 20 years old, and you look like 50, then in this case you cannot say that you are really 20 years old. We can judge the age of a person not by the number of years lived, but in terms of the stock vital energy. Sometimes we may not even know the real age, but talk about the amount of vital energy. What is meant by this scientifically?

Now scientists around the world have come to the conclusion that life expectancy can be determined by the presence of sexual potency. It is this, and not age and appearance tells whether a person is old or not. Until the age of 12, most people do not have these functions, then they appear and begin to fade away at about 50 years old. Then they say that this person is no longer young. But by practicing qigong, you can feel young even at 80 ... In real life everything goes wrong. In very many people who are just over thirty, sexual functions are weakened. And with the practice of qigong, they begin to recover quickly.

And yet, how to prolong life? You know that in our world, many plants and animals live much longer than us. The biggest centenarians are trees. No one is surprised if a tree is 200, 300, 400 years old. And if 1000 years, 2000 years? Therefore, if we want to live longer, we must learn from the trees. Why do trees live longer than us? Let's analyze.

We suffer from emotions, we are always in a hurry somewhere, we are nervous. At the same time, we experience discomfort in extreme heat and suffer in frosts ... The flora is a completely different matter. Many trees live hundreds of years. In winter and summer, in cold and heat, under the sun and rain, they grow without feelings and desires. Their roots go deep into the ground and receive from it water and all the substances necessary for life, which rise along the trunk up to the leaves. Their crown rushes up, washed by rain, swayed by the wind, bathed in the sun's rays during the day, and at night receives the light of the stars and the moon. And all this enters the leaves, branches, trunk and descends along it to the roots. Thus, the tree receives nutrients and energy from below, from the Earth, and from above, from the Cosmos. And they move along the trunk towards each other, accumulate and enable the tree to grow and live. And so the tree combines the Earth and the Cosmos.

What if a person becomes like a tree? If a person also receives yin from the Earth and yang from the Cosmos, can this prolong his life? Whether this is actually so can only be known through practice. According to experiments over thousands of years, it has been empirically established that this method (imitation of the pose of a tree) can indeed extend life. Very soon we begin to feel an increase in our vital energy. Therefore, from a health point of view, the practice of the Big Tree lengthens life.

It should be noted that similar methods of practice were known and cultivated among many peoples. The first known stylist was St. Simeon in the 5th century AD The bottom line was that a person climbed a pillar, on which he remained for a long time in prayer. Pillars were found, pillars were specially built. There were not many pillars of this kind, and this was considered a feat. In Rus', pilgrimage had a slightly different character, and was cultivated in some monasteries. It is known that Seraphim of Sarov, St. Sergius of Radonezh, his closest students and followers were "stylites". What does this mean, why and how was it done?

In the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century, monks who took tonsure sometimes, at the behest of their souls, went to hermitage in the wasteland (the forest thickets, remote from the settlement of the laity, were called wasteland). Living in seclusion for years, they cut their own homes, equipped them according to Christian customs and prayed away from temptations and worldly fuss, listening to their hearts and recognizing only God and conscience as a judge.

Gradually, the news of such a hermit spread around the district, and the inhabitants of first the nearby villages, and then the distant ones, up to the county towns, visited him, bringing with them the most necessary for a secluded forest life. Those who were poorer traveled on foot, those who were richer - on a cart ... The road to the wasteland was not close. So it was possible to stay for the night, and therefore, to pray together. And so they cut down housing for visitors, a stable, a church for prayers. And it had to be organized according to the rules. And then they applied with a petition to some monastery or parish, and often, by decision of the synod, they brought to this new church an icon that became the main one in it, and they consecrated both the church and this place as the basis of the future monastery, and the hermit monk became the head future community. So was founded by Sergius of Radonezh a monastery in the Belovezhskaya Pustosh.

And the monastery became a crowded place. And it was not always possible to retire to talk with God, since the daily routine was strict, and mentoring and household chores took up a lot of time. And in the distance from the monastery, they found two trees growing side by side in the forest. They were cut down about half a meter from the ground and leveled the place of the log house. And then a person stood on these two stumps with his feet, imagined himself to be their continuation - those trees that were cut down - and merged with nature, lifting up prayers and renouncing himself. And he stood like that for an hour or two, and sometimes, according to some testimonies, for 6 hours in a row. In two years regular practice such a monk had the gift of a healer, and sometimes a seer. And if such a monk was brought to another monastery, then he passed on this practice to his students and followers there. So the Monk Job came to the Pochaev Monastery with his practice.

And from the point of view of qigong, this exercise allows you to unite with the entire Cosmos. We connect together Heaven, Man and Earth - the three outer yuan are combined into one. At first we imagine ourselves as a big tree, later this concept disappears and remains big man that brings it all together. Of course, not immediately, but after the practice of all three steps.

In the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong, the Big Tree is performed as follows.:

1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent, back straight, for which the pelvis is slightly forward. (You can adjust the position of the body so that in addition to the legs there is a third point of support - the tail, like a kangaroo) The chin is slightly lowered so that the neck is straightened. In this case, the head is, as it were, suspended by the top of the head. The body is relaxed. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed.
2. Imagine that both of your feet grow deep into the earth and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, and, like the roots of a tree, absorb moisture, nutrients and yin energy from the earth.
3. Imagine that your torso grows high into the sky, above the clouds, towards the sunlight, towards the light of the stars, the moon. And from there you receive and absorb light, wind, rain, the energy of the Cosmos yang. And you yourself become huge, like the Cosmos.
4. Raise your arms so that the palms are at the level of the navel. Elbows set back from the body, as if under the armpits are fragile, like eggs, tennis balls. The lines of the arms are rounded and relaxed, as if embracing a large inflatable ball. Imagine and feel an elastic ball between the palms and the navel.
5. Forget about yourself, about your posture. Feel how the Earth qi rises through the root-legs, and the Cosmos qi comes from above. Feel this movement and energy ball between your palms and your navel. And forget again.
6. Modification of point 5. Imagine and feel how this ball begins to grow, becomes bigger and bigger, goes beyond your body, and you find yourself inside it. Feel inside this ball when you and the ball are as big as the Cosmos. Then the ball begins to decrease in size. It is getting smaller and smaller, and the energy inside it is getting denser and denser. Its shell, decreasing, passes through your body, and here it again fits between your palms and the navel. Then it increases in size again, and you are inside the ball. Then it decreases again. And so several times.
The minimum duration of the Big Tree is 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that blood and qi pass through all the vessels and channels of our body in 30 minutes. Therefore, it takes at least half an hour for the qi that begins to enter the body, together with the blood, to reach all areas and all cells of the body.
After some time, when you get used to this position, the duration of the Big Tree can be increased to two hours.
7. Finishing the exercise, one should concentrate the qi in the lower dan tian. Fold your hands in this area (women - right hand on the navel, left from above; men are the opposite). In this case, the center of the lower palm (Laogong point) should coincide with the center of the navel. Mentally concentrate and squeeze the ball in the lower dan tian into a point. Feel a hot spot or pulse under your palms. This is the Xia Dantian center. Then slowly open your eyes.
Women during menstruation are advised to keep their hands and the ball in front of the middle cauldron - Zhong Dantian, in order to avoid bleeding. During pregnancy A big tree performed without the help of hands and without feeling the ball at the level of the lower boiler.

Pay attention to the fact that during the Big Tree exercise, a lot of saliva is formed in the mouth. At first it tastes familiar to you, then sweetish, and after certain period practice gives a whole range of taste sensations, up to the nectar of flowers. Previously, such saliva was called jade, gold, diamond, thereby emphasizing that it is just as precious for the body. As saliva accumulates in the oral cavity, it must be swallowed slowly. Modern research has made it possible to establish that such saliva contains a lot of trace elements, and it has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. As you swallow it, you should feel how it goes further into the lower dan tian. Later, such saliva is not swallowed, but is transformed into foam, actually transformed into gong.

It is practiced at the initial stage for cleansing and gaining energy.

This exercise is several thousand years old.

In one modification or another, it is performed in various schools of qigong and wushu.

However, in them the name is translated as a pillar (sometimes a high stump). This is a literal translation without taking into account the deep meaning. When practicing in these systems, students were instructed to stand motionless like a pillar for a long time.

In the Zhong Yuan Qigong system, this exercise is also one of the most important, various forms of it are practiced in the first three steps. However, here it means a big tree.

And if in China they talk about the “Big Tree” with such a form, explaining the meaning of the exercise, then they always refer to the fact that it was borrowed from the Zhong Yuan qigong system. Compare for yourself: a high stump or pillar implies something motionless and inanimate, and a large tree is powerful, living, breathing.

Since ancient times, people have thought about the question of why a human life ends at 60, 70, 80 years. Few people live to be 90 years old. And very few cross the 100-year milestone. At the same time, we experience discomfort in extreme heat and suffer in cold weather. The plant world is a completely different matter.

Many trees live hundreds of years. In winter and summer, in cold and heat, under the sun and rain, they grow without experiencing feelings, desires, emotions.

Their roots go deep into the ground and receive from it water and all the substances necessary for life, which rise along the trunk up to the leaves. Their crown rushes up, washed by rain, swaying from the wind, bathed in the sun's rays during the day and receives the light of the stars and moon at night.

And all this enters the leaves, branches, trunk and descends along it to the roots. Thus, the tree receives nutrients and energy from below, from the Earth, and from above, from the Cosmos. And they pass along the trunk towards each other, accumulate and enable the tree to grow and live. And so the tree combines the Earth and the Cosmos.

What if a person becomes like a tree?

Will it prolong his life? Long years the forms of this practice were selected and worked out until it was found that regular exercise of this kind really allows you to accumulate the energy of the Yin Earth and Yang Cosmos, lengthen life and get rid of many diseases.

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent, back straight - pelvis slightly forward for this.

(You can adjust the position of the body so that in addition to the legs there is a third point of support - the tail, like a kangaroo).

The chin is slightly lowered to keep the neck straight.

At the same time, the head is, as it were, suspended by the top of the head (like a Christmas tree toy). The body is relaxed. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed, but not completely closed.

Imagine that both of your feet grow deep into the earth and turn into the roots of a mighty tree and, like the roots of a tree, absorb moisture, nutrients and Yin energy from the earth.

Imagine that your torso grows high into the sky, above the clouds, to the sunlight and to the light of the stars, the moon. And from there you receive and absorb light, wind, rain, the energy of Cosmos Yang. And you yourself become huge, like the Cosmos.

Raise your arms so that your palms are opposite your navel. The elbows are set back from the body, as if tennis balls are under the armpits, fragile as eggs. The lines of the arms are rounded and relaxed, as if embracing a large inflatable ball. Imagine and feel an elastic ball between the palms and the center of the navel.

Forget about yourself, about your posture. Feel how the Earth qi rises through the root-legs, and the Cosmos qi comes from above. Feel this movement and energy ball between your palms and your navel. And forget again.

The minimum duration of the Big Tree exercise is 30 minutes.

This is due to the fact that the blood washes all parts of our body in 30 minutes. Therefore, it takes at least half an hour for the qi that begins to enter the body, together with the blood, to reach all areas and all cells of the body.

After some time, when you get used to this form, the duration of the exercise should be increased to two hours.

Exit: concentrate the qi in the lower dan tian. Slowly open your eyes and fold your hands in this area (women - right hand on the navel, left - on top; men - vice versa). In this case, the center of the palm (Laogong point) of the hand located on the navel from below should coincide with the center of the navel.

Mentally concentrate and squeeze the ball in the lower dan tian into a point. Feel a hot spot or pulse under your palms. This is the center of your Xia Dantian.

ATTENTION: During the regulation, women are advised to keep their hands and the ball in front of the middle cauldron - Zhong Dantian, in order to avoid bleeding. During pregnancy, the Big Tree is performed without the help of hands and without feeling the ball at the level of the lower cauldron.

Final exercises

  1. Rub your palms until you feel heat in them.

  2. “Wash” their face up (from the chin to the hair) - with a slight movement, then to the sides (smoothing the forehead) and down (through the temples to the chin) - with pressure. In this case, with your thumbs, run along the auricles from top to bottom.

  3. Intensively pat with soft palms on the head in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead.

  4. “Comb” the hair with the pads of your fingers in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temples to the back of the head. In this case, the fingers should massage the scalp through the hair with intense pressure.

  5. Rub the auricles, kneading them between the fingers, from top to bottom, and the tragus - until the sensation of "burning ears" appears.

  6. Intensively pat the hand with a soft palm from the shoulder to the wrist along the outer and inner sides (alternately: first the left, then the right).

  7. With both hands, simultaneously clap the body from the front from top to bottom (from the neck to the pubis) and at the level of the waist (from the sides to the Xia Dan Tian).

  8. Clap the legs from top to bottom from all sides, starting from the Huantiao point.

  9. Slap the back from the bottom up along the spine.

  10. Rub your palms again and place them on the kidney area. Listen to how the warmth of the palms passes into the region of the kidneys, adrenal glands.

Explanations for the final exercises

1. Intensive rubbing of the palms Helps balance yin-yang. Before rubbing, you can check the balance of yin-yang after doing the Big Tree. If the temperature of the palms is the same, then the yin-yang are balanced, if they are different, there is no balance.

2. When performing the exercise, the palms are activated, an intense qi field arises around them. "Washing" the face with such palms improves blood microcirculation in the skin, enhances metabolic processes. There is a massage of the skin with a field of qi. Imagine and feel your palms smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes.

At regular performance With this exercise, the skin of the face is rejuvenated, it becomes fresh and healthy.
In ancient times, this was one of the cosmetic ways to rejuvenate the skin with qi energy without any ointments, creams ... There are no side effects.

This method is still in use today. When you wash your face, then regularly, without realizing it, massage your face. The same thing happens when rubbing creams into the skin.

But when using cosmetics, it is sometimes observed by-effect as different people have different skin sensitivities. In addition, addiction to the same preparations is possible, and with prolonged use of cosmetics, the skin loses elasticity without it, ages, looks stale and requires its constant use.

This is due to the fact that the regular introduction of various materials into the skin from the outside reduces or completely stops the function of producing the necessary substances by the skin itself.

You can do without any cosmetics, if you take a little water in an activated palm and gently rub it into the skin, while mentally massaging with your qi energy.

3. Slap on the head with activated palms with an intense qi field around them, it helps to open channels and active points located in the head area, normalize the movement of qi in these areas, and with it the blood, and, as a result, get rid of headaches (who have them).

In addition, brain nutrition improves.

4. "Combing" hair leads to an improvement in blood microcirculation in the skin (due to the simultaneous massage of the skin with the energy of qi fingers). If you perform 300-500 such movements 2-3 times a day, then within a month the hairline begins to recover even in bald people.

5. On auricles ah there are many BATs associated with all internal organs of the body / Intensive rubbing of the auricles with activated fingers is equivalent to a massage of the whole body and its internal organs. Points that cause pain should be rubbed longer and especially actively, as this indicates a violation in the organ associated with this point.

6. Clap hands, feet, torso are produced along the energy channels in order to open BAPs located on these channels and improve the qi circulation in them. If this is done intensively enough, then a person acquires a kind of kung fu, in which his body becomes less sensitive to blows. This type of exercise is included in the practice of hard qigong.

REMEMBER : Before performing the Big Tree, you need to open the channels on the fingers (and if the situation allows, then the legs), and after its completion NECESSARILY do the final exercises, as they contribute to the even distribution of qi in the body. Otherwise, headaches, a burning sensation or bursting in certain areas, and an uncomfortable condition may occur.

Associated phenomena:

At the first stages of the exercise, 8 sensations are distinguished, which are classified as normal (listed below).

The intensity of sensations depends on many factors, but primarily on the state of the body, both physical and psycho-emotional.

Normal Phenomena

1. COLD or HEAT the practitioner may experience if the yin-yang in the body is not balanced.

The concentration of qi in the lower or middle dan tian usually produces a sensation of a warm or hot ball. At correct execution With a large tree and an intense intake of qi from the environment, sometimes there is a feeling of such intense HEAT that it is difficult to endure. Heartbeat quickens, profuse sweating begins.

Sometimes a practitioner feels chills for several days, begins to wrap himself up, but still cannot get warm. Then you need to practice more. This indicates the beginning of the restructuring in the body.

2. The opening of active points is accompanied by a sensation goose bumps or itching. If these points were blocked somewhere (especially on the head), then the itching can be simply unbearable. Usually such intense sensations pass quickly, and after that the practitioner begins to experience relief and lightness in this area. He can breathe through it.

3. LIGHTNESS, WEIGHTLESSNESS body awareness arises when you manage to “forget about yourself” during the exercises — you move into a different state in which the body does not interfere and does not limit your perception, your sensations. This is the first stage of the QIGONG STATE. From this moment begins the next stage of your development.

4. Feeling HEAVY arises both from the inability to relax and accept correct posture(then the unusual position of various parts of the body causes heaviness or pain, numbness, etc.), and when entering the image and filling with qi energy. Filling with qi also causes a feeling of fullness: the fingers swell (it is difficult to bend them), the legs swell ... Over time, the redistribution of energy automatically begins to occur throughout the body.

5. Sensation of VIBRATION often associated with the flow of qi from outside and the passage of energy through the channels. Sometimes it seems that there are “buzzing wires” in the body.

6. EARS BURNING, HUM, as in an airplane with a change in flight altitude, are associated with receiving a large amount of qi from the outside and its entry into the brain. In the future, the practitioner may be able to hear individual sounds and conversation at a very long distance.

7. FLASHES OF LIGHT in front of the inner eye are associated with the activation of BAP in the area of ​​the Third Eye, when a sufficient amount of qi enters this zone.

8. VISIONS: images or communication with Jesus, Buddha, saints, conversations with them, pictures from various epochs of earthly life, pictures of the worlds, voices, advice, etc.

At the first stages of qigong, all these are models produced by our brain, consciousness, psyche and based on the information available at the conscious and subconscious levels. This is not true. These are nothing more than phenomena. They should not be emphasized, no matter how interesting they may be.

Visions and sensations will change all the time, as this is due to changes in the body and consciousness. If you pay attention to such phenomena, you can easily go off the road leading to the top and never reach the final goal.

9. PAIN may be due to several reasons. If the practitioner is healthy and has enough qi that rises up to the head and third eye area, then:
a) pain occurs when BAP is activated in the area of ​​the Third Eye and when it is opened, as well as when the points of the upper part of the head (along the perimeter) are activated and opened. This is the preparation of the body for the possibility of a future exit of the soul;

b) if a practitioner has or had any diseases, injuries, surgeries, etc., then pain is inevitable. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

The Phenomenon Related to Practitioner's Illnesses

- Pain sensations. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, at any site of the localization of the disease (current or past), there is a narrowing or “blockage” of the channels through which the qi energy circulates. This causes stagnation or obstruction of qi through this area and, as a result, disturbances in blood circulation.

During the execution of the Big Tree, qi begins to enter the body from the outside. As it accumulates, it automatically “flows” to those areas where it was lacking. Qi is redistributed. And when it begins to pass through a narrowed or clogged section of the canal, the person experiences pain.

In China, they say: "Qi fights the disease."

It happens that the practitioner did not hurt anything and felt good until ... he began to practice. And as I practiced, I began to experience pain. This is a reliable self-diagnosis.

REMEMBER: Where qi flows without difficulty, one never experiences pain or discomfort. Pain signals that there are violations in this area. Therefore, first try to remember if there were any injuries, operations, fractures here - some time ago, or in early childhood.

And if you can’t remember anything, then this means that you have some violations in this area and you need to take action. If the pain is tolerable, continue to practice, and it will disappear, taking the disease with it, and if the pain is very strong, consult a doctor and examine this part of the body.

Longevity, Eternal youth, high vitality even in old age - is it all just a dream or a real opportunity? Modern medicine and science have undoubtedly increased human life expectancy, but this is not the limit and you will always want more. Increasingly, we are looking for answers not in scientific research, but in the experience of our ancestors. That is why Qigong, which has a high potential for extending a person's age, is becoming more and more interesting.

Longevity exercise

If we list the most famous earthly centenarians, then the newly discovered, actually immortal jellyfish and Galapagos tortoises will come to mind first. But, it is unlikely that anyone will immediately attribute trees to the age-old inhabitants of the Earth. But they are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. The age of some giants reaches incredible figures: aspen-shaped poplar in North America has been growing for about 10,000 (!) Years, spruce in Sweden - 9550 years, baobab - more than 5000 years. Against the background of these figures, the oldest tree in China, Ginkgo, seems like a very young man, although specimens with more than two thousand years of history are known.

The ancient Qigong masters were closer to nature than we are the children of urbanization, so they could fully appreciate the life potential of flora and fauna. Peering into the laws of the surrounding world, drawing inspiration from the creations of nature, the oldest followers of Qigong created practices that repeated natural forms.

Following the growth of the tree, its greatness and power, the ability to withstand any weather attacks, the ancient Chinese developed one of the most effective and miraculous exercises - the Big Tree Pose. This practice has deep meaning. Just as a tree, holding tightly to the soil with its roots, feeds on the energy of the Earth, and absorbs sunlight and the energy of the Universe with its crown, a person in the position of the Tree feeds his internal energy reserves with the forces of nature.

Long-term growth of trees is also ensured by their unique self-healing abilities. Accumulating in themselves the energy of the Earth and Space, they resist any aggressive effects of snow, rain, wind and quickly heal wounds, cope with most damage, continuing to slowly but surely grow upwards. Regular practice of the Tree Pose gives a person strength and health, helps to fight chronic ailments and acute diseases.

Taking the pose of a tree, identifying oneself with plant giants, a person opens channels for replenishing internal energy reservoirs from the bowels of the Earth and outer space.

Exercise technique

Qigong practices, especially entry level have apparent simplicity. For beginners who are just starting to learn, the deep meaning of each position is not immediately revealed. But the effect of the practice begins only with a full understanding of the exercises performed. Only by passing all physical actions through the spiritual and mental level, you can feel the importance of every subtle nuance.

Qigong exercise Big tree. Order of execution

  1. Now the thought phase begins. It is important to completely renounce everyday adversity, from heavy thoughts. It is necessary to mentally dissolve from your body shell and take on a new appearance - to become a Big Tree. You can choose a specific plant and match yourself with it. It can be an ancient pine, or a majestic baobab, or a giant ginkgo. Next, a connection with the Earth is being established: the legs are no longer just limbs, but mighty roots that go to the very center of the planet, feeding on its moisture, its strength. So the yin energy will begin to flow into the body.
  2. Next, you should begin mental growth towards the sky, higher and higher, reaching the clouds themselves. The body becomes a strong trunk, and the head becomes a luxurious emerald crown. Each leaf of it begins to absorb sunlight, the energy of the Universe. So the human body is saturated with yang energy. Now is the time to fully feel like a Big Tree.
  3. Perhaps the most important thing in the correct implementation of this practice is the initial posture. To make it easier to accept it, you can mentally add a tail to yourself, which can act as an additional support, as, for example, in a kangaroo. Then it will be easier to catch the balance and not deviate unnecessarily back. So, the feet should be parallel to each other, spaced at shoulder level. Legs should be slightly bent knee joint, slightly pushing the pelvis forward, so as to give the back the most even position. In order to straighten the neck, the chin should be lowered. It is important to catch a feeling of relaxation and lightness, despite the fact that the head should be as if pulled up to the sky. Check the correctness of the accepted posture, you can repeat it against the wall. If the heels are firmly pressed to a vertical surface, the back should be rejected from it. Another possible test is holding, for example, a book on the head. The starting position is completed by an incomplete drooping of the eyelids, a soft smile and a raising of the tongue to the tubercles behind the teeth (“building a bridge” between Think and Renmai).
  4. Next, you need to raise your hands to the navel line, turning your palms to your stomach. The elbows should be away from the body so that the armpits become free. Then the hands are moved forward. One can imagine that between the body and the palms there is a certain energy clot that must be protected. But the hands should be relaxed, the mental ball of energy is weightless and there is no need to hold it with effort.
  5. For next stage it is important to throw away all thoughts again and stop thinking about the adopted position. Now it is necessary to concentrate on internal energy flows, feeling the rise of Qi energy from the Earth and the lowering of Qi from the sky with every part of the body. Two streams merge into one center of power - into a bunch of energy, guarded by hands from the very beginning of the exercise. Once you feel this, release your thoughts completely again.
  6. Now you can complicate the previous state. To do this, you need to return to the energy ball again and force it to expand with the effort of thought. It should stretch to a size that exceeds the height of a person, absorbing him inside himself. You should delay this sensation, enjoy the surrounding melodic sounds and energy fields. The ball is huge, like the universe itself and the person in it is great and powerful. Gradually, the ball will shrink, condensing the energy, reaching the original size held in the hands. This process of stretching and compressing the ball must be repeated several times.
  7. Completes the cycle of the Big Tree, a mental return to your body shell. The activated ball of energy, held in the hands, should be gently compressed to a small size and imagine how it enters the body through the navel, moving into the lower energy store. Pressing the palms to the stomach can help this process. Women are supposed to close the navel with the right palm, and put the left on top. For men, the sequence of hands is reversed. The palms should have their center - the acupuncture point Laogong - coincide with the navel, and thumb the hand lying on top should be wound behind the lower palm in order to create a certain “lock”. The last sensation should be the heat in the lower abdomen, where the collected energy is concentrated. After that, you can open your eyes.

The minimum practice time is half an hour. This time is necessary for a full circle of blood circulation in the body, so that Qi enters every cell of the body. With regular performance, the time may soon be increased. Experienced Qigong masters can perform the Big Tree a couple of times a week, but for several hours at a time.

Exit Big Tree Pose

To correctly return to reality and minimize possible risks from mistakes during the exercise, it is necessary to end the practice as follows:

  • rub your palms vigorously;
  • warm hands to run over the face and ears;
  • effortlessly pat through the hair from the back of the head to the crown;
  • run your fingertips through your hair from top to bottom, combing them;
  • carefully rub the ears so that they “burn”;
  • tap your palms on the opposite hand from top to bottom;
  • knock on the body from top to bottom simultaneously with two palms;
  • go down with tapping movements on the legs;
  • knock up the back along the line of the spine;
  • rub the palms again intensively and attach them to the body in the area of ​​the kidneys, giving off heat to the adrenal glands.

Regular correct and complete execution of the Big Tree gives a person natural strength. It makes the body strong and firm, the spirit confident and strong. Sick organs heal, clarity of thought and desire for life return.

Zhong Yuan Qigong - Big Tree