Retraction of the hand from behind the head. Extension of arms with dumbbells from behind the head while sitting and standing

As you know, there are several options for performing the French bench press, which are performed using different sports equipment and trainers. We will now consider one of these exercises. It is called - "French bench press sitting with dumbbells from behind the head" or " extension of arms with a dumbbell sitting from behind the head ".

The arm extension with a dumbbell is an isolating one, it is aimed at developing the three heads of the shoulder muscle or triceps. Triceps consists of three heads: long, lateral and medial. If you want to learn more about the topic of pumping triceps, I advise you to look here. This exercise can be performed both standing and sitting. As practice shows, during training it is necessary to minimize the load on the spine, since this is a very important part of the body and it is not eternal, it must be protected. Therefore, if the exercise has two options for performing: sitting or standing, I advise you to always choose the sitting option. Performing the exercise while sitting on a bench, you minimize the load on the vertebrae, and if there is something to rest against with your back, then you can even more concentrate the load on the pumped muscle group.

Extension of arms with a dumbbell has a greater effect on outer part triceps, namely on its long head. You can include dumbbell extensions in your workout, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of exercises. Need to know .


Extension of the arm with a dumbbell sitting on a bench from behind the head.

1. Sit on a bench and lean back against the back. Grab a dumbbell with both hands, resting your palms on inner part dumbbells. Raise it above your head. The legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, the stomach should be pulled in and the spine should be completely straightened. This will be your starting position.

2. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head while inhaling, while exhaling, straighten your arms and return to your starting position.


1. During the exercise, try to keep your shoulders vertical without spreading your elbows to the sides.

2. Lower the dumbbell low, stretching your triceps as much as possible and then fully extend your arms. This is done so that the triceps receive the maximum load and the effect is also maximum.

3. You can perform this exercise with each hand separately. This will help you concentrate more and allow you to work each triceps individually more insulatingly.

4. You can perform the exercise without a back support, but if the weight is large, it is better to raise the back of the simulator to rest against it.

5. Perform the exercise in full amplitude and never spread your elbows to the sides.

Borrow initial position- standing or sitting. Grab a dumbbell with one hand. Raise a slightly bent arm with a dumbbell above your head. Place your other hand on your belt.

  • Take a breath. Lower the dumbbell behind your head without moving your elbow to the side.
  • Straighten your arm with the dumbbell.
  • Breathe out.

This exercise perfectly works out the long head of the triceps. It will also be perfect if you want. pump up triceps at home.

Pay attention to the technique of this exercise! Do not allow the elbow to swing to the side or forward. To do this, if possible, do the exercise in front of a mirror. It is allowed to hold the elbow with the free hand.

One arm dumbbell overhead extension is considered to be a powerful isolation exercise for the triceps. This exercise is especially effective for increasing the volume and relief of the long head of the triceps. His execution technique and the mechanics of the impact on the muscles are very similar to the exercise "extension of the arms from behind the head with one dumbbell." They differ in that this exercise is performed first with one hand, and then with the second. Firstly, it allows you to work out the triceps of each arm more concentrated, which is especially true if the muscles of one arm are lagging behind. Secondly, the weight per arm becomes 2 times more compared to a similar exercise. In other words, if you did the overhead extension with one dumbbell of 20 kg, then this weight roughly corresponds to a weight of 10-12 kg for extension of one arm with a dumbbell from behind the head. Thus, an exercise with less weight is not inferior in efficiency to its counterpart, and less weight means less stress on the spine and less chance of injury.

It should be noted that this exercise is not recommended for beginners due to the fact that it requires a certain level of physical and technical training. One-arm overhead extensions are usually not the first choice in triceps training. It is traditionally held by the French Press or Bench Press. narrow grip. But in the role of the second exercise for triceps, this exercise shows itself perfectly. Its advantages are, first of all, that when extending the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head, you have the opportunity to feel the triceps of each arm separately. This is an absolute plus, because during exercises where the triceps of both hands work at the same time, more strong hand takes on more load and the lagging arm remains lagging behind. The second advantage is the amplitude, it is noted by many athletes. Try this exercise and you will feel your triceps stretch as you lower the dumbbell down.

To get your triceps maximum effect From this exercise, you need to follow some recommendations. Although amplitude is a key benefit of overhead dumbbell extensions, it must be limited in lowest point. Try to keep the angle between the shoulder and forearm not about 90 degrees or slightly less. Do not lower your arm down "to the limit", this does not have any positive effect on triceps training, but it is traumatic for elbow joint. This exercise can also be done while sitting.

There are many options: bench press, sitting. In turn, each type of bench press has several execution techniques. French from behind the head while sitting is no exception. Today we will focus on this type of load.

Description and benefits of the exercise

The strong are always an advantage, the path to which is purposeful and diligent. The extension of the arms from behind the head with a dumbbell is an isolating exercise aimed at developing the triceps muscle of the shoulder (). This muscle, if trained enough, forms the main arm, so if you want to achieve results from normal smartness to visible relief, enter this type of load into your training complex"Must do" series.

What muscles work

The extensor muscle has three bundles: long, middle (medial) and lateral (lateral). Depending on the position and , each beam is involved unevenly. The dumbbell press from behind the head affects the entire triceps, involving in the work for the most part exactly the long bundle - the largest part of the elbow extensor.

How and how many times to do

The key to correctly and well-developed muscles is compliance with the technique of performing the exercise.

Correct execution technique

Before starting the extension of the arms from behind the head while sitting, take the starting position:

  1. Sit on .
  2. Take the projectile at the base of the upper pancake.
  3. Stretch your arms above you as far as they will go.

Start execution on inspiration:

  1. Slowly lower the projectile, moving your arms back.
  2. As you exhale, return to the starting position by straightening your arms above you.

Important!Choose the right dumbbell: when lowering the projectile down, the discs should not touch the head.

Number of sets and repetitions

The number of approaches depends on the level of your physical training. On average, to obtain the optimal load on the extension triceps must be done in three sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Exercise variations

The exercise can be varied by performing:

  • dumbbell press from behind the head with two hands;
  • extension with a change of hands;
  • extension from behind the head with one dumbbell;
  • extension from behind the head, sitting with two dumbbells;
  • sitting extension with a curved bar;
  • extension sitting on.

To achieve the desired result from training, you need to load the muscles correctly and with caution.

Common Newbie Mistakes

  • breeding elbows to the side;
  • muscle relaxation at extreme points;
  • too fast change of position;
  • improper load distribution;
  • falling to the side;
  • lumbar deflection.

Subtleties and tricks for implementation

  • perform the load with maximum amplitude;
  • keep your shoulders parallel;
  • when performing, the elbows should look straight;
  • make an effort on exhalation;
  • performance this exercise with two dumbbells makes it more effective.

This exercise is effective at any level of fitness and is suitable for both strengthening the extensor muscle and for stretching it.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head This is an isolation exercise aimed at working out the triceps. This exercise targets the long head of the triceps brachii. In bodybuilding, the overhead dumbbell extension is often used to correct the imbalance between the left and right triceps.

By including this exercise in your training complex, you can achieve a clear separation of the three heads of the triceps from each other (long, lateral and medial), visually isolate them from deltoid muscles and show muscle fibers(make the muscle "striped").

It is important to understand here that the exercise works mainly on the relief of the muscle, and not on the mass. You can perform extensions from behind the head not only with dumbbells, but also with a barbell or on a block simulator. You can stand, or you can sit on a bench. In case of block simulator extensions can be done on your knees. The position of the body, in this case, affects mainly the stability. The execution principle remains the same.

Also, you can perform dumbbell extensions with each hand in turn. This will require more concentration and will work the muscles more in isolation.

In this case, consider doing extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head sitting on a bench.

Initial position:
sit on the bench. Place your feet firmly on the floor;
take a dumbbell with both hands and lift it above your head (the dumbbell should be fixed. Palms look up);
straighten your arms completely. Keep your back straight and tighten your abs.

! Don't put your head down. Chin parallel to the floor. The gaze is directed in front of you.

Execution technique:
while in the starting position, while inhaling, gently lower the dumbbell behind your head (do not spread your elbows to the sides. Try to keep your shoulders vertical);
then slowly, on exhalation, due to the efforts of the triceps, lift the dumbbell up and return to the starting position.

! For maximum load lower the dumbbell as low as possible, and at the top point, fully straighten your arms. Performing the extension with one hand, lightly hold the elbow of the working one with your free hand..

During the exercise, do not spread your elbows to the sides.
Forearms and hands should always be extended in one line.
Don't swing your body. By tilting the body forward or backward, you can simply lose your balance and fall off the bench. Tension of the abdominal muscle plays an important role in stabilizing the position. This prevents arching of the lower back.

Extending the arms with dumbbells back is one of the the best exercises for triceps. It allows you to effectively work out the mentioned muscle, add volume to the arms and emphasize the relief. Girls can use this exercise to improve their shape and get rid of sagging on the back of their arms.

Despite the apparent simplicity, it can be difficult for beginners to complete the exercise correctly the first time. And it's not about complexity, but rather about the technical side of the issue.

What does the exercise give?

Bent over arm extension engages all three heads of the triceps: long, lateral, and medial.

The emphasis of the load in the exercise falls on the triceps.

Exercise can be done by men and women. Such training is undemanding in terms of shoulder and core strength, it acts in isolation on the triceps.

  1. Dumbbell extensions can be recommended for those who need to work on the symmetry of the triceps. Performing a different number of repetitions with your right and left hand, you will gradually align their volume.
  2. Also, the exercise can be performed by beginners who are just starting upper body workouts. It will help develop the basic strength of the triceps for the transition to complex training.
  3. The exercise is suitable for women who have “wings” formed on their shoulders - flabby skin that appeared after losing weight or as a result of natural age-related changes.
  4. Triceps exercises such as reverse push-ups or close-grip bench press, put stress on the wrists and can cause pain. When with dumbbells, the hands are in a natural position.

Possible contraindications

Contraindications include, first of all, injuries of the elbow joint.

  • For pain in the elbow during training, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions.
  • In some cases, you need to exclude the exercise for 1-2 weeks.

Execution technique

To complete the exercise you will need:

  • one or two dumbbells of suitable weight;
  • a horizontal bench or other surface for knee support.

You can perform the exercise without a bench. We will discuss this separately, as a variation of the extension of the arms in an inclination.

Extension technique.

To avoid confusion in terminology, it should be mentioned that the shoulder is the part of the arm above the elbow, and the forearm is from the elbow to the hand.

Initial position:

  1. Stand with one knee on the bench.
  2. Grasp the bench on the same side for body support and balance.
  3. Lean forward a little so that the body is parallel to the floor. The spine must be straight. The neck is level with the back. The gaze is directed forward. The stomach is pulled in, the abdominal muscles are tense.
  4. Place your other foot on the floor for support.
  5. Take a dumbbell in your free hand and bend your elbow at a right angle. This is the starting position.


  1. Raise your bent elbow until your upper arm is parallel to the floor. The forearm with the dumbbell is directed downward. Take a breath.
  2. Exhaling, straighten the elbow straight back until the arm is completely straight. The triceps at this moment should be as tense as possible, and the position of the shoulder should be fixed.
  3. Hold the dumbbell in a straight hand for a few moments.
  4. As you inhale, slowly return your arm to its original position.
  5. Repeat as many times as needed and switch sides.

The main technical point is that the shoulder remains absolutely motionless throughout the entire exercise. Movement occurs only in the elbow joint.

Beginners often swing the dumbbell, getting inertial abduction of the shoulder and rocking the body. This is wrong and even dangerous. Movements should be clear rhythmic and controlled. Remember to also breathe evenly and focus on the tension of the triceps when extending the arm.

Standing extensions without a bench

You can skip the bench and do both arms at the same time. In this case, the exercise is performed in a standing position with.

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and, keeping your back straight, tilt your body forward.
  3. Bend your elbows at a right angle and take your shoulders back.
  4. Extend your arms back, keeping your shoulders in a fixed position.

Triceps training in a standing position.

In order for the extension of the arms to give the maximum result, follow the recommendations below when performing the exercise.

  • When performing an exercise on a bench (when the body is parallel to the floor), the elbow should always be on the same level with the shoulder joint.
  • Starting position - a right angle between the shoulder and forearm.
  • The forearm cannot be swung like a pendulum. Pulling the arm with a dumbbell back under the influence of inertia will not give the expected result.
  • It is not recommended to use very heavy dumbbells.

The arm extension does not involve the use of large weights, since in order to be performed correctly and effectively, you need to keep your shoulder in a fixed position.

Medium and large number of repetitions are performed in several sets (2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions).

Most common mistake

A typical mistake when doing dumbbell curls is to unconsciously lower your elbows.

  1. When the elbow drops, the range for extending the arm decreases. At the same time, the tension of the triceps at the end point of extension decreases.
  2. The person tries to compensate for this lack of amplitude by bending the arm more than the exercise requires.

Sometimes the cause of the elbow drop can be a dumbbell that is too heavy. Pick up a different weight at this stage of training.