Deadlift working muscles. Deadlift: Basics, Technique and Tips

Many coaches confirm that the deadlift is deservedly included in the list of the best exercises for development. muscle mass and strength. It is important to note that the result can be expected only if correct execution exercises taking into account all the nuances.

What is deadlift?

For those who want to work out their body quickly and effectively, it is recommended to include basic exercises in the training that involve many muscles in the work. These include the deadlift, which should be included in the training of people who want to lose weight and work out the muscle corset. Deadlift- This is an exercise for which a barbell or dumbbells are used. To minimize the risk of injury, wrist straps can be used to secure the bar in the hands.

What pumps deadlift?

The popularity and effectiveness of this exercise is due to the fact that it perfectly stimulates muscle growth. During training, the following muscles are more involved in the work:

  1. Back. The main load is concentrated on the lower back, which works on flexion / extension. The latissimus dorsi muscles are still developing.
  2. Legs and buttocks. For those who are interested in what the deadlift is for, you need to know that it works out the most problem areas on the human body, and this is important for women.
  3. Forearms and hands. Needed to hold the bar.
  4. Press. Important for stabilizing the body in order to maintain the correct position.
  5. trapezoid, and inner part hips.

Deadlift - pros and cons

Each exercise has its own positive sides, but in some cases they are harmful, it helps to understand whether it is worth attention or not. Let's start with what the deadlift gives, that is, what advantages it has:

  1. A basic exercise that helps develop several large muscle groups.
  2. Significantly increases the strength of a person, which allows you to perform other exercises with a lot of weight.
  3. Helps deadlift and cellulite from the thighs and buttocks, giving them a good shape.
  4. With frivolous problems with the back, you can cope with painful sensations.
  5. Increases body endurance.
  6. It helps to strengthen the joints, the main thing is to perform the exercise correctly.
  7. It has a positive effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system.

It is important to know what the dangerous deadlift is, as it refers to exercises that often cause injuries, mainly related to the spine. To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the execution technique and monitor the position of the back, which should be straight with a slight deflection in the lower back.

Deadlift - technique

Regardless of the chosen type of traction, it is necessary to take into account a number of important technical points.

  1. Place your feet so that the socks are on the same straight line, since asymmetry is unacceptable.
  2. Start with light weights to hone your technique.
  3. Performing all types of deadlifts, you can not take your heels off the floor. It is recommended to wear shoes with thin and uniform soles.
  4. Use bandages to protect your knees from chafing.

Classic deadlift

The classic version of the exercise is most often used. You should definitely start training with a warm-up, focusing on the lower back and knees. The first set should be done without pancakes to warm up the muscles. To understand how to properly deadlift, it is important Special attention give the starting position.

  1. Put the bar on the floor and stand near it so that the feet are under the bar, that is, it must pass through their center.
  2. The distance between the legs should be natural and comfortable. Socks expand a little to the sides.
  3. Take the bar with a regular grip, placing it at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders. If you prefer to work with a heavy load, then use a mixed grip.
  4. Bend your knees into a squat so that your shins lightly touch the bar. The thighs should be almost parallel to the floor.
  5. During the entire exercise, you need to look forward, otherwise there is a risk of losing balance.
  6. Keep your back straight, because if you round it, you can be injured. The deflection in the lower back should be small.

After all the points of the starting position are completed, you can proceed to the exercise. To understand how to do a deadlift, it is important to go through several important steps.

  1. You can’t jerk the barbell up and you don’t need to pull it. The lift should be natural.
  2. Start moving up from the head, and then, straighten your knees, rising.
  3. When the bar reaches the knees, it is necessary to move the hips forward.
  4. No need to try to fully straighten your knees. Lower yourself down, pushing your pelvis back as if you were trying to push a door away with your buttocks.
  5. The movement of the bar must occur along one trajectory.

Classic deadlift

Romanian deadlift

This option is considered lightweight, so it is more often chosen by the fairer sex. The Romanian deadlift with a barbell, when compared with the classic version, loads the buttocks and hips to a greater extent, but the back muscles are minimally involved. This version of the exercise is performed on straight legs or the knees can be bent quite a bit. The bar is lowered to the midline of the lower leg. Romanian deadlift for weight loss and muscle development is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. How to take the starting position is described above. Hold the bar with your palms facing down. The distance between the arms should be slightly less than the width of the shoulders.
  2. Exhaling, lift the bar, and you need to do this slowly without jerking.
  3. Straighten your torso by pushing your pelvis forward. At the end, exhale.
  4. Lower yourself down again, bringing your pelvis back.

Romanian deadlift

Deadlift on straight legs

This is the most difficult version of the presented exercise, which is also called deadlift. During training, many muscles are involved in the work, but the biceps of the thigh and buttocks receive the main load. Deadlift exercises on straight legs are included in the training program of people who play sports where it is important to run and jump well.

  1. Take the starting position, which was described above in the description of the classic deadlift technique.
  2. Inhaling, lower the bar down, keeping your legs straight. Don't forget to arch your back.
  3. Return to PI on an exhale.

Deadlift on straight legs

Sumo deadlift

The presented version of the exercise was invented by powerlifters in other sports areas it is practically not used. The sumo deadlift is distinguished by the setting of the legs, the width between which more shoulders. Thanks to this, the hips and buttocks work more. If performed correctly, part of the load can be removed from the back, which passes to the legs. The greatest tension is felt on the inner surface of the thigh. The sumo deadlift is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Place your feet wider than shoulder width so that your feet are near the pancakes. Turn your toes out to the sides. Bend your legs and grab the bar. Bend over so that your hands are between your legs and your shoulders are over the bar and slightly relaxed.
  2. Bend at the waist and, inhaling, begin to lift the barbell.
  3. When it is above the knees, move the pelvis forward, stopping the movement. At the same time, the knees should straighten. Another point - the shoulder blades should be reduced.
  4. Go down, starting with the movement of the pelvis back, and then, already bend your knees, lowering the barbell.

Sumo deadlift

Deadlift in Smith

A significant advantage of the Smith machine is that the bar moves in only one trajectory, thereby avoiding skew or displacement of the projectile. Since the stabilizer muscles are not involved in the work, but the load is transferred to the hips, buttocks and back. Performing a deadlift in Smith is similar to the options discussed above.

  1. First, adjust the height of the bar so that it is located in the middle of the thighs. Hold the bar with a pronated grip so that there is a distance between the hands, as the width of the shoulders. The arms should be straight and the knees slightly bent.
  2. Exhaling, tilt, pulling the pelvis back and lowering the barbell down. Do not forget about the back, which should be straight.
  3. Due to the tension of the hips and buttocks, inhaling, return to the PI.

Deadlift in Smith

Deadlift with dumbbells

Another implementation option effective exercise, but instead of a barbell, dumbbells are used here. The scheme regarding how the deadlift is done is almost identical to the classic version.

  1. Hold the dumbbells on the outstretched arms on the front of the thigh so that the palms look down. The remaining nuances of the starting position are described above.
  2. As you inhale, bend down, bringing your hips back and lowering the dumbbells down. The arms should be straight and the back straight.
  3. Exhaling, return to the PI.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift - sets and reps

The execution method directly depends on what the goal of the training was. More often, the deadlift exercise for women is used for weight loss, muscle growth, and endurance. For those who want to improve their body and physical performance in a short period of time, the following scheme is recommended:

  • set number 1 - 5 reps without pancakes;
  • approach number 2 - 5 times with 50% of the maximum load;
  • approach number 3 - 3 times with 75%;
  • approach number 4 - 2 times with 90%;
  • the main approach is up to 10 times with a working weight.

Deadlift - contraindications

Before performing any exercise, it must be borne in mind that in some situations physical exercise are prohibited.

  1. Deadlift for girls is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Training is prohibited for people with curvature, hernia and other problems with the spine.
  3. Contraindications include diseases of the joints of the hands, elbows and shoulders.
  4. Strength exercises are prohibited for hypertensive patients and for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The deadlift is one of the three main basic exercises, the implementation of which leads to a complex increase in strength and muscle mass. Without this exercise, it is very difficult to achieve significant progress in muscle development. In this article, we will consider in detail all aspects of the deadlift, analyze its technique, types and main mistakes.

Why do deadlifts

Pros this exercise weight. Here are some of them:

  1. This is a basic exercise for any bodybuilder. It develops several large muscle groups at once (back, legs, buttocks) as well as many small ones. Muscle work will be described in detail below.
  2. Deadlift allows you to noticeably increase your strength. The growth of the strength indicators of this exercise will be accompanied by the growth of your muscle mass.
  3. In some cases, with a sore back, this is a great opportunity to forget about pain in the spine forever.

When performing a deadlift, about 70% of the muscles of the whole body are included in the work. This is a powerful energy-intensive exercise, which also has a functional basis. After all, in fact, this is the lifting of a heavy object from the ground. And every person faces this task in his life far more than once.

What muscles work

When performing a classic deadlift, the load on the muscles is distributed as follows:

Main working groups:

  • Back muscles. The main load falls on the extensors of the spine, especially their lumbar part. Also part of the work goes latissimus dorsi back.
  • Legs and buttocks. The exercise makes the biceps of the thighs actively work, large gluteal muscles and quadriceps. It is worth saying here that classic style performing a deadlift gives less load on the buttocks and back of the thighs, respectively, it is more suitable for men, but, for example, the Romanian deadlift and deadlift on straight legs are traditionally considered a more suitable option for women.

An additional load is received by:

  • Forearms and hands. Holding a heavy barbell is not the easiest task for your hands.
  • Trapezius muscles.
  • Abdominal muscles (straight and oblique). They stabilize your torso, helping you maintain the correct, secure position.
  • Calf muscles, inner thighs.

Muscle work during exercise.

As you can see, almost the entire body is involved in this exercise.

Types of deadlift

The classic way to perform a deadlift was mentioned above. But there are many variations of this exercise.

We list the main ones:

  • Classic deadlift performed with a barbell.
  • Deadlift dumbbells on straight legs.
  • Deadlift with a barbell.
  • Sumo barbell pull.
  • Short deadlift.

In addition, variations of the barbell exercise can be performed both in Smith and with a free projectile. The bar can be in a power rack, or just stand on the floor.

We won't go deep and tell you about exotic deadlift variations here, because it doesn't make any sense. The exercises in this article are ideal for all cases.

Deadlift in different sports

Unlike powerlifting, the deadlift in bodybuilding is not a 100% mandatory exercise. But it allows you to develop muscles well, make the body stronger and inspire respect. Very famous athletes like Arnold Schwarzenegger did it regularly. Among lifters, this is the foundation of the basics.
Deadlift by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  • Deadlift with a bar is included in powerlifting triathlon.
  • For weightlifting, the deadlift is the basic element of lifting weights off the floor.
  • For wrestlers, this is an important part of training to get the opponent off the floor.
  • This is one of the training elements in sport rowing.

Mostly, in all sports, this exercise is used in order to strengthen the lower back as much as possible.

Making a classic stand

Before we talk about how to properly deadlift, let's talk about how to hold a barbell. I mean, let's talk about grip.

Grip nuances

The grip can be direct, reverse and mixed (different grip).

It is more correct to hold on to the bar so that your hands are turned with your palms to your waist.

If the weight of the bar is too heavy, athletes use this type of grip, in which one arm is turned as described above, and the other is palm away from you. The so-called diversification. It really helps keep even more weight off. But it also has its downsides:

  • The symmetry of the body is broken, one side may eventually become lower or higher than the other. The difference will be measured in mm, visually you may not notice it. However, it is a curvature of the spine.
  • With such a grip (mixed), a torque occurs. The bar seems to turn in one direction. This moment is transmitted to the spine, loading it.
  • You are not training grip strength because you are using the light version.

Proper deadlift technique implies that the hands should be placed with the knuckles outward. If the weight does not allow this, that is, your hands are unclenched, train your grip strength. For this there are special exercises. Choose a barbell weight that you can hold for 6-8 reps. Over time, slowly increase the load.

Exercise technique

The most common option is the classic deadlift on bent legs.
Storyboard exercise.

It can be done both in Smith and in a power rack or from the floor. The deadlift is the base, so you need to do it at the beginning of your workout. Warm up well. Stretch your lower back and legs.

  1. Take an empty bar (usually its weight is 20 kg), stand in front of it, placing your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. The feet should be parallel to each other.
  2. Straighten your back, push your pelvis back (natural deflection in the lower back). You can't have a round back. The neck is a continuation of the back, neither lifting nor lowering the head is necessary.
  3. From this position, we tilt the body forward, we take the pelvis back. With this inclination, the shoulders should go slightly forward beyond the line of the shins. At the same time, the knees will begin to bend (by 10-15 degrees) - this is normal.
  4. The slope of the body should be 40-45 degrees.
  5. Lower your hands down. If you're leaning over correctly, your arms should be in line with the front of your shins.
  6. There should be quite a bit left before the neck. Squat down to take it. Do not lean forward or backward while doing this. Your main task is for the shoulders to move along a strictly vertical axis.
  7. Grab the bar with the right grip (palms facing you).
  8. Gently straighten your legs, and only then unbend your back. When you hang plates on the bar, you won't have to stoop so low to pick up the barbell. Therefore, you will just need to approach it so that the bar rests on the lower leg. From this position, it will need to be raised.
  9. When you straighten up, bring your shoulder blades together.
  10. Then start lowering - first the back is bent somewhere up to 45 degrees (make sure that the shoulders are exactly above the neck), then the legs.

Do 10-15 warm-up reps, then hang plates and work with weights for 6-8 reps 3-4 sets. If the working weight is large, approach it gradually. You should not immediately take, for example, 150 kg.

The bar must slide all the time along the legs - first along the lower leg, through the knee. Further, try not to take him far from the hip, but do not press him there with muscle strength.

The position of the body, arms and legs during movement.

There is also such a thing as the classic short pull. This is when the barbell stands on pancakes, or is located in a power frame at a certain height from the floor. This option is used to work out. This is a deadlift training in the upper phase, when we do not lower the weight to the floor. Another option is suitable for people with limited mobility of the hip joints. It is performed in the same way as the usual classic version, just the weight is set on a hill. Can be done in Smith.

Technique Notes

There are a number of technical points that should be observed no matter what type of deadlift you are doing. These are the moments:

  1. Heels must not be lifted off the floor. Do not wear shoes with soft or springy soles. Large weights will push them into the floor. It is best to wear shoes with a thin uniform sole (sneakers, for example).
  2. Despite the fact that when describing the technique of classical traction, we suggested putting the legs a little narrower than the shoulders, you need to find your own version. You can place your feet shoulder-width apart, or next to each other. Find the most convenient option for you. This will make the technique the most correct for you, with your physique.
  3. Do not load one part of the body more than another while pulling. Distribute the load evenly. This is achieved through right position pelvis. If your back or legs work more, pay attention to the pelvis.
  4. Make sure the bar does not roll on the floor. When you lower it during the approach, it should not slip, roll, etc. In this regard, doing traction in a frame or simulator is much more convenient.
  5. Socks should be on the same line, neither foot should protrude beyond this line. Or not reach it. Asymmetry is not allowed!
  6. Technique needs to be perfected on light weights.
  7. In Smith, it is more convenient to stand on such a side that when removing the barbell, turn the neck away from you (you are standing in the simulator, not in front of it). But, again, do what you feel most comfortable with.
  8. Use bandages to keep your knees from chafing. Or do deadlifts in your pants. Wounds heal for a long time and interfere with training.
  9. Wear an athletic belt.

In Smith, deadlift training is much easier.

  • Firstly, weight can be taken from different levels.
  • Secondly, you can fix it at any point, if it suddenly becomes difficult or painful.
  • Thirdly, it goes strictly up and down, so you won't be able to lift it in any other way, to the side.

Agree - a number of advantages. Perfect for people with back pain.

How to do deadlift in Smith - just like outside the simulator. However, do not forget that you should not do cravings in Smith all the time. You should try to gradually switch to free weights.

In the Smith machine.

It is not necessary for a healthy person to start mastering cravings with Smith. If preparation allows, it is better to immediately take the barbell. It is better to work in the simulator for those who have any problems with the spine. More on this a little further.

Deadlift and Sumo

Let's briefly go over the differences between these types of deadlift from the classic one. You can read in detail about the technique of performing and the features of each exercise in the relevant articles on our website.

Deadlift or deadlift

You can perform this exercise with dumbbells or a barbell. Here you will need good stretch lower back and rear surface hips. Take care of this in advance. Deadlift on straight legs is better for girls, as it perfectly works out the buttocks, back of the thigh and lower back without affecting the quadriceps.
On straight legs.

How to do traction on straight legs - read in a separate article on our website.

This is a light version of the deadlift, so you can do 10-12 reps in 3-4 sets.

If you take dumbbells, keep them on outside hips. Their bars are parallel to your feet. And the feet are parallel to each other.

In the event that your stretching is not enough to properly perform this exercise, it is recommended to take a closer look at Romanian draft. When it is performed, the pelvis is also retracted, but the legs remain slightly bent at the knees. The bar of the bar drops to the middle of the lower leg.
Romanian version with slightly bent legs.

Sumo pull

This is a lifter type of exercise in which the legs are spaced much wider than the shoulders, and the arms are located between them.
The wide stance deadlift is used in powerlifting.

In general, the technique is similar to the classic version, but there are a number of differences, which are also described in detail in the corresponding article.

If your back hurts

Whether to do deadlift with a sore back is a moot point. Most often, the correct load on the lower back strengthens it, and the person forgets about the pain and begins to live fully. There are many such examples. But this is only when correct technique and proper selection of weights.

When unqualified coaches get down to business, everything ends badly - a hernia, a serious injury, an operation. And then you can’t drag a person into the gym by force.

It is best to consult a sports doctor about back pain. Because every case is different!

You should always focus on your well-being. There shouldn't be any pain. If your back hurts after every workout (don't confuse muscle and joint pain), try partial deadlifts (short deadlifts), or always wear a braced brace. If this does not help, postpone classes until a consultation with a specialist.

With a sore back, classes in the Smith machine will be the safest. Work in it for the first month to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the back.

And remember, an ordinary doctor - a neurologist or a traumatologist will most often forbid you from heavy loads. A sports doctor is also a sports doctor to help you continue playing sports. Therefore, if life without a gym is unbearable for you, try looking for such a specialist in your city.

Main mistakes and difficulties


Poor stretching is always a problem for a bodybuilder. Because of it, the deadlift technique can be severely affected. Moreover, this problem applies to any traction option.
Stretching the back of the thighs.

First you need to stretch the lower back and leg flexors, calves. We use the classic methods for this:

  • We take out the floor with our hands on straight legs. The lower you can get down without rounding your back, the better. If you take out the floor with round back- get rid of it. Firstly, it is harmful to the spine, and, secondly, the technique of the exercise we are considering requires a deflection in the lower back.
  • We stretch our hands to the feet, sitting on the fitness mat.
  • We do stretching for the legs - splits, "get the floor with your knees" and others.

It may take you a month to stretch enough in front of the deadlift.

Scale progress

You notice that the weight becomes light and add more. Progress seems to be going fast. But for some reason, the deflection in the lower back disappears, and the back began to round. You lift 150 kg, but in the upper phase bring the barbell to the final point by straightening thoracic spine. And the next day you have a strange chest pain. Congratulations - you have earned thoracic osteochondrosis.

More often people do not feel pain and continue to increase weight. This is how serious injuries happen. What is the problem? In the quick hanging of pancakes. You need to increase the weight slowly, carefully making sure that the technique does not suffer.

If it’s easy for you, add 10 kg each workout. When it gets harder, increase the weight by 2.5 kg. It's long, but effective. The most important thing is the right technique! When the deadlift is performed correctly, you will not get injured, you will get an increase in strength and muscle mass.

Thrust frequency

The optimal training regimen for a bodybuilder is 1 deadlift per week. You can do 2 pulls if one of them is with dumbbells, for example, on straight legs. The second one is classic. If you work with a lot of weight, it is better to leave the frequency of 1 time per week. This is because the load on the lower back is very large, both joints and ligaments are loaded. They need time to recover.

If you really want to pump your back faster, do hyperextension 2 times a week.
Hyperextension for back training.

Breathing and fluidity of movement

After all, you don’t go for world records (by the way, it’s very dangerous to do it here), so do everything without jerking. Gently raise, smoothly lower. Let the muscles work, not tear. A sudden movement will ruin your technique and health.

Lifting the weight begins on the exhale. On an inhale, lower it back down. You can't hold your breath.

Deadlift: execution technique, varieties

Perhaps no other exercise builds strength and muscle mass like the deadlift. When it is performed, the most terrible faces writhe. Get over your fear and do a deadlift in front of a mirror.

For powerlifting, the deadlift is the main driver of strength and testosterone production. Deadlift is traumatic and requires technically correct movements and manipulations of athletes. The exercise heavily engages the spinal muscles and stabilizers. Depending on the goals of the athletes, it is customary to divide the deadlift into 4 types: deadlift, classic, sumo and trap bar deadlift.

Traction classic

Before doing the exercise, you need to stand near the neck, placing your legs at a small distance from each other, but close to the bar. It is allowed to lightly touch it with the front. This type of pull will be easy for bodybuilders with underdeveloped legs and short arms. Physical ability to achieve results and lift maximum weights in exercise, like deadlift, depend on the anatomy of the body and its features.

The variation of the exercise technique depends on the bodybuilder's height, the length of the arms and legs. If you have a weak grip, then you need to use additional bodybuilding accessories, like belts, which is not allowed in competitions.

Deadlift: execution technique

When performing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart or already in a parallel plane. It is necessary to take the barbell with a direct grip, preferably a little wider than the shoulders. The head must be raised and looked up. The shoulders are pulled back, the pelvis drops, and a deflection appears in the lower back.

If the pelvis is located at a low point, then when jerking from a place, the load will fall on the quadriceps. If the pelvis is high, then the entire load will fall on the lower back. When pulling the bar, you need to press the floor with your heels. No need to focus on lifting the weight up, watch your heels.

The bar must be carried close to the legs, as close as possible to them. The knees are extended when the bar is half way through and is near the mid-thigh. The torso must be straightened, meanwhile taking the shoulders back and fixing the weight.

The bar lowers slowly, without hitting the bar on the floor, avoiding injury. It is necessary to touch the floor lightly with pancakes, then pull immediately up. It is always necessary to monitor and control all phases of the ascent. Be sure to use a belt when doing deadlifts.

Deadlift "trap bar"

This type of deadlift does not differ much from the classic version of the exercise. However, pulling with the trap bar is safer because it makes it easier to lower the bar down. The main muscles involved are the buttocks and thighs, the entire upper back and the lats.


The straight-legged deadlift, or deadlift as it is commonly called, is performed without bending the knees. The back must be bent in the lumbar region, and the legs must not bend. The deadlift is not listed as a competitive exercise.

The weight that is lifted is far from the maximum, it is easy to get injured. The most effective influence is felt by all back muscles.

Sumo pull

This exercise is performed with a wide setting of the legs. The toes should practically reach the plates and remain level throughout the entire range of motion of the bar. The load is mainly on the hips.

Risks and injuries

A very traumatic and technically difficult exercise. If done incorrectly, the possibility of injury is quite high. Often, these are spinal hernias or other sprains and disorders of the back, nerves.

When the back is not bent, but straight, then there is a huge load on the intervertebral discs. In order to do the deadlift, you must first strengthen the lower back and holders with hyperextension. Be sure to use a belt and do not pull the barbell if your spine is weak or herniated.

If only the deadlift is listed in the program for the development of strength and mass gain, this is enough to comprehensively work out the legs, back, abs, wrists, arms and include it in training program. A technically uncomplicated exercise will give odds to squats and bench press, which are superior in efficiency to other techniques.

Given that the practice has many modifications, each athlete can choose the option to their liking. The distribution of muscle load depends on

  • leg positions;
  • grip width;
  • lift height;
  • amplitude.

What muscles work in the classic deadlift:

  • flat wide (trapezoid);
  • the broadest;
  • buttocks;
  • quadriceps;
  • spinal straightener;
  • leading;
  • biceps thigh;
  • semitendinous;
  • semimembranous.

For perfect performance, it is important to have stretched Achilles tendons, biceps hips.
How to properly deadlift:

  1. IP - feet on the line of the shoulders, socks turned outward, 1/3 of the length are under the bar and pressed to the floor. It's better to experiment with the position of the legs. Only a comfortable position and turn angle will allow you to distribute the weight of the load between muscle groups.
  2. The back is perfectly flat, the shoulders are deployed, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  3. Taking the pelvis back and bending the knees, we lean towards the bar so that the shoulders hang over the knees.
  4. We take the base with an upper grip (a “lock”, a different grip are allowed). Due to the muscles of the back, we confidently and smoothly raise the projectile.
  5. In the positive and negative phase, the bar touches the body. When the base deviates a couple of centimeters from the body, the back is subjected to excessive stress.
  6. We pull the bar to the knees slowly, after the peak of the lift we work more actively.
  7. Having reached the middle of the thighs, straighten the knees, back, connect the shoulder blades.

Deadlift technique on video:

When lowering the load, proceed in the reverse order.

We do not allow forced repetitions, jerky movements. We do not work when we are very tired.

In a basic exercise with a large load, it is pointless to perform numerous takes. (enough 6-8). The program is best built with a gradual increase in weight with each set.
Recommended weight:

  • guys from 25 kg;
  • girls up to 20 kg.

Dumbbell deadlift

Accent: hamstrings, lower back. Great option deadlift techniques for girls, beginners for practicing at home.

  • hold dumbbells on the sides;
  • we bend at the waist, synchronously lower the shells below the knees (12 x 3);

Working with heavy pancakes we cling to wristlets, bandages are more elastic.

Trap bar row

Technique often becomes an alternative to the traditional option.
The back is unloaded, it is easier to keep balance, the quadriceps are pumped more.

Target Muscles: back straighteners working isometrically. Synergists: gluteal, quadriceps, soleus, adductor. Stabilizers: trapezium, biceps femora, gastrocnemius, rhomboid. Antagonists: abdominal.

  1. We sit down in the trap bar, grab the side handles.
  2. Straightening the body, we raise the projectile.
  3. We take our shoulders back, lower them down.

We avoid pancakes in 25 kg. For deep squats, discs from 10 to 16 kg are suitable.

Focus: lats, buttocks, upper trapezium.
Auxiliary: 4 heads of thigh muscles, back extensors, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, tendons, forearms. Practice Accented loads the inner thigh area, which is not characteristic of other types of traction.

The difference from other techniques lies in the position of the legs, located 1.5 times wider than the shoulders. With such an interval to flexibility hip joint great demands are made. With insufficient development, the distance increases gradually.
The complex includes additional practices for plasticity.

  1. We take the pose of a sumo wrestler: in a wide position we spread our feet at an angle of 40 degrees.
  2. With a straight back, bent knees, we raise the bar with a mixed grip, focusing on the idea that we are pressing on the heels, and not pulling the load up.
  3. We perform a forced breath on the line of the knees, we continue to rise more cheerfully.
  4. We return back in a clear sequence.
  • Girls work with cargo up to 15 kg (13 x 3);
  • menfrom 30 kg 12 x 3-4 sets.

Sumo allows you to lift heavy weights.

Plinth pull

Great exercise for buttocks and biceps. Suitable only for advanced athletes. The technique is almost the same as the classical one, only when the torso is tilted, we spread the knees to the sides, lower the fifth point as much as possible.

  • The barbell stands on the platform up to 15 cm, not reaching the knees.
  • The high podium allows you to lift weights up to 100% of the maximum.
  • It is better to pull the projectile with a jerky grip from above with the arms extended to pancakes.

Girls working with discs of 15-20 kg, bypassing the platform, put the barbell on the floor.
With more weight, the recommended number of lifts is 6 x 3.

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for development two-headed bundles of the thighs, buttocks. Auxiliary: calf, trapezius, triceps, hamstrings, hip flexors.
The technique resembles the classics, but there are fundamental differences:

  • work with straight knees;
  • we lower the projectile to the middle of the lower leg;
  • large weights are ignored.

Amateurs, girls, it is better to perform in Smith. It is better to start with 15 kg without a podium. As we adapt, we increase the weight and work from the platform.

  1. We string pancakes, put locks, come close to the neck. We take a wide grip for the base.
  2. With a straight back, we bend forward in the lower back, moving the buttocks back.
  3. Raise the barbell with biceps in a jerking motion.
  4. Moving along the trajectory, we feel the stretching of the two-headed beam.
  5. The bar slides along the thighs and lower legs strictly vertically. Balance is achieved by purposefully transferring body weight to the heels.
  6. In the position at the top, we feed the pelvis forward to the vertical of the spine.
  7. We lower the barbell to the floor with bent arms.


  • With a powerful weight, it is not recommended to use a different grip - the rotation of the projectile is dangerous for the spine.
  • It is better to use brush straps or remove extra pancakes, reduce the number of repetitions from 10 to 5.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Strengthens the hip flexors, back extensors, large gluteus.
Work: press, biceps, lower back, back of the thigh.

The practice is done in Smith's car and at home.

In priority - the version with a barbell allowing for greater control over movement. However, the light version lengthens the range of motion, more intensively stretches the muscles of the hamstrings and buttocks, and helps to diversify the program. The technique is not fundamentally different from the previous one, for the most part recommended for girls.
  1. With bent hands, we take the shells with a direct grip. During execution, keep the elbow and back fixed.
  2. We make a low tilt forward, lower the shells to the heels. Lingering at the bottom, we allow the back of the thigh to stretch well as much as possible.
  3. Let's go back to IP.

The largest muscle groups located in the lower extremities, so developing the legs is no less important than other parts of the body. To achieve your fitness goals, you need to constantly learn new exercises, increase the load, which will allow calories to be burned not only during, but also after the end of training.

The program, which includes the sumo deadlift, which, perhaps, almost everyone has heard of, allows you to diversify the lesson. The exercise has nothing to do with the martial art of the same name. It in no way turns a person into a wrestler of impressive size.

The movement is almost nothing like martial arts. Its main feature is that it allows you to work out your legs perfectly. Should I include this exercise in my workout or not? This question interests many athletes. It is possible to answer it only by fully familiarizing yourself with the technique of its implementation.

It is much easier for novice athletes to perform deadlift classic. This is due to the natural position of the joints. The exercise is great for short as well as full athletes. A variety of sumo is more suitable for athletes tall, as they get the opportunity to reduce the range of motion and increase the mass of the lifted weight.

This is not the only difference. The classic version allows you to work out the gluteal muscles to a greater extent and to a lesser extent the inner thigh area. Sumo works the other way around. The inner thighs are involved to the maximum, and the buttocks receive minimal stress. Therefore, the choice between these deadlift variations depends on which muscles require more work.

It is best, of course, to alternate options at different stages of training. Because, mastering completely any program, there comes a moment of a kind of comfort. The athlete does an excellent job with the exercises performed. Each movement is brought to automatism, and the weight is easy to give in. On the one hand, this makes training easier, but, on the other hand, it is not beneficial.

Changes in the training program are needed. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Muscles should always be shocked during exercise. If tension and stress are absent, muscle groups adapt to the loads. The increase in volume slows down, and the indicators of strength stop increasing. Consequently, habitual movements no longer shock the muscles. They stop developing as the impact wanes. The athlete ceases to experience pain, waking up the next morning after training, strength indicators and muscle volumes, if they train regularly, do not increase. The rejection of the usual movements with the addition of new ones leads the muscles to tone, as they are constantly tense, which means that volumes and strength begin to grow.
  2. New movements are important for the harmonious development of the body. Due to the variety of exercises, involved various muscles, and, consequently, the muscles develop evenly.

It is not necessary to completely change the training program. Movement when changing the variation of thrust means performing several other manipulations and loads. This is quite enough to muscle fibers began to be worked out in a different way, to adapt to new loads, and, therefore, to grow. The increase in volume takes place with an increase in strength. This cannot be achieved when, when coming to the gym, doing the same exercises again and again.

Without making adjustments to your own training program, you cannot make progress. Sooner or later there comes a time when you have to change exercises. Otherwise, the next set goal will not be achieved. Therefore, traction must be performed in various variations.

The difference between sumo deadlift and other variations

Such a thrust got its name "sumo" for certain reasons. The classic variation of the execution involves the following actions:

  1. the bar with pancakes is in front of the athlete;
  2. descend, doing almost a squat so that the legs are almost shoulder-width apart;
  3. grab the barbell, keeping your back absolutely straight;
  4. making an explosive movement, the projectile is lifted up, the bar is held by the hands, pushing itself out with the force of the lower body.

Thus, almost all muscle groups of the lower body are involved. The lower back area is also involved in the work. If you need to work out the trapezoid, then you should properly hold your shoulders.

The sumo version differs little from the classic. The difference is due to the fact that the legs are placed in a slightly different position, which makes the athlete move differently. staging lower extremities and led to the fact that cravings were called "sumo". Performing it, the athlete is like a sumo wrestler who is preparing to make a throw.

If you imagine a big Japanese wrestler, then he does not just go to battle, but demonstrates his determination to his opponent through a posture that involves broad staging legs. This pose distinguishes the sumo pull from the classic version. The feet are not only wider than the level of the shoulder girdle, but the hips are also turned outward. This position, similar to that of a sumo wrestler, is the starting point for the deadlift.

Proper pulling technique

This traction option is not typical. It is rarely seen in the performance of athletes training in gym. There are fitness centers where no one practices the deadlift in any variation. For those who do the classic version that has become familiar, doing sumo will not be a problem.

Should be remembered

Changing the position of the legs changes the groups of muscles involved. An unusual position requires caution when lifting weights. For those who are doing this version of traction for the first time, you should not take the usual mass. It is better to lighten the load in order to feel the reaction of your own body.

Further, having unloaded the bar, they stand in front of the barbell. Feet are placed shoulder width apart. This can provoke some feeling of tension and tightness in the inner thighs. Therefore, if a warm-up has not been performed, it is better to warm up a little first. You can do several squats from the accepted position. This involves those muscles that will be worked out in the future.


When the position is accepted, the warm-up is completed, go to the exercise:

  1. Grab the barbell, keeping your back straight and level. To take the neck, bend in the lower back. The grip is similar to the classic version, when the hands are approximately the same width as the shoulders. There are no hard grip requirements. You can use a variety of variations. It all depends on your preferences and your own convenience. Use the grip from below, from above, different grip. Experiments are allowed.
  2. They go down, slightly bending the body. Since the stance is wide, the thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Be sure to keep your back completely straight. rib cage, like the gaze, is directed forward. Most of the weight lifted is on the back of the legs. They are straightened with an explosive sharp movement, carried out by pushing off the legs. The bottom line is that the athlete only holds on to the bar, and the projectile is pushed out solely by the lower part of the body.

At the moment when the bar crosses the knees, the pelvis is pushed forward, the shoulder blades are brought together. Through this movement, shoulder girdle becomes more elastic. To increase the load and use the shoulders to the maximum, they linger at this point, keeping the shoulder blades together, and only then return to the starting position. It is always necessary to control the position of the body during the lowering of the projectile. When the bar is down again, it is raised and everything is repeated from the very beginning.

Why do sumo deadlifts?

The similarity of the execution technique with the classic deadlift suggests a logical question, why do sumo if both options are practically the same. There is a difference between them, and it lies in the setting of the legs.

Increasing the distance between the feet causes the projectile to rise to a much lower height. Turning the hips outward allows you to work out the tendons under the knees well. A narrower stance results in the weight evenly loading the calves, glutes, quads, and thighs. The wide position, on the contrary, loads the hamstrings. This makes the sumo deadlift one of the best exercises for this area.

The posterior muscle groups of the thighs are also involved in the work, but they are worked out a little differently than in other exercises where Bottom part torso. Being in a stance that is designed to load the biceps femoris, it should be assumed that the musculature also works in the appropriate way. The load is given both on the inner region and on the biceps. Therefore, performing this row variation helps to engage the muscles throughout the leg, not just the muscles under the buttocks.

By strengthening the inner thighs, it becomes much easier to perform other exercises aimed at working out the lower body.

What muscles work in sumo deadlift

You should not abandon the traditional deadlift. She represents best exercise aimed at working out all the muscle groups of the back of the body. It is also impossible to remove the classic version completely, replacing it with another variation. This also applies to sumo. It is best to include it in addition to the training program, since this thrust also engages the musculature of the back side of the body, but in a slightly different way, which leads to muscle tone.

The sumo deadlift targets the glutes and hamstrings. They receive much more load than with the classic performance of this exercise, that is, with a narrow foot arrangement. This is especially true for tendons. In parallel, the abductor muscle groups are also involved. In addition, quadriceps also work. How much they are loaded is due to the width of the legs. At the same time, the forearms also tense up more, since the bar is held by the hands.

Almost all spinal muscles are secondary muscles. At the top point, bringing the shoulder blades together, the athlete loads, and, therefore, works out the trapezoid. The stabilizing muscles for this version of the pull are the abdominals and rhomboids, as well as the hip flexors.

Who Should Do Sumo Deadlifts?

Trying to do sumo is recommended for everyone. However, considering that in gym it is impossible to spend the whole day honing one or another variant of traction, the exercise should either be added to the main program, or performed every few weeks instead of the classical one, so that the muscles of the lower body do not have time to adapt to one load and monotonous movements.

A feature of sumo is that it gives a much lower load on the spinal region and lower back. Therefore, for those who have suffered an injury or are experiencing pain in this part of the body, this version of the deadlift allows you to train without excessive load in this area, which is an undeniable advantage and reduces risks.

Sample training program

Most weight lifting exercises involve training process either for the purpose of gaining additional volume, or to increase strength indicators. Beginners should not jump straight into big weight. You should start small. Even experienced lifters are also not recommended to lift their usual mass, since changing emphasis requires adaptation.

If strength is your goal, do 3 sets of 4 reps. This is due to the fact that sumo is not the only traction exercise, so there is not much point in striving to give it your all. If the deadlift is done last during classes, then four approaches can be performed, but for the final one, take lighter weights and bring it up to twelve repetitions. This loads the muscles to failure and allows you to completely burn all the remnants of energy in training.

Those who want to increase muscle volume, but not increase strength indicators, should do from eight to twelve repetitions. When the maximum number of repetitions is given without any difficulty, then you should increase the lifted mass. In this case, the number of repetitions is reduced to nine to ten. You need to do three approaches. The sumo deadlift brings maximum benefit only when, after the last repetition, there is no more strength to raise the projectile again. Otherwise, either the weights are too small, or the number of repetitions needs to be increased.


Of the pulling exercises, the deadlift is one of the best, because it involves the muscle groups of the back of the body almost completely. The classic variation must be present in the training program of every lifter, but sumo should also have some place in it.

Unlike traditional deadlifts, sumo works great on the glutes and hamstrings, but from a different angle. This option allows you to do deadlift even for those who avoided this exercise due to injury or pain in the back. It is included in the general training program or periodically replaced by classic traction with sumo to shock the muscles.

This deadlift option should not be neglected. It allows you to diversify the workout, it must be constantly or periodically included in the program, if you want to get the most out of the time devoted to physical activities.