Exercises for the back and chest. The most effective exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home

Spine gymnastics is one of the main types of treatment. The main direction is restoration (full or partial) motor activity. Rarely, improvements come from one session of therapy, so the doctor paints several options for exercises at once. The approach and technique of execution changes every time.

Description of pathology

Osteochondrosis is a disease associated with the destruction of bone tissue, replacement of the intervertebral space with connective tissue and deformation of the vertebral bodies with loss of physical activity.

The exact reason has not been established. Suggested factors may be infection, trauma, or occupational characteristics.

Dystrophic destruction of the bone substance is a slow process and often, with timely treatment, it stops without strong anatomical changes.

Main clinic:

  1. Pain. Localization is variable ( upper limbs, back).
  2. Limited range of motion (upper limbs).
  3. Violation of sensitivity (numbness, tingling in the fingers).

With the thoracic region, the cervical region is also affected, and then it is added to the listed symptoms.

Indications and contraindications

With thoracic osteochondrosis physiotherapy pursues a number of goals:

  1. Movement recovery.
  2. Reducing the processes of destruction in bone tissue and its replacement with a connective tissue layer. In advanced conditions, dystrophic processes in the bone capture several vertebrae at once.
  3. Physical activity provides intense local blood flow and, as a result, an increase in metabolic processes and the launch of tissue regeneration.
  4. As a method of preventing the development and progression of osteochondrosis in office workers and other persons whose work is associated with a lack of physical activity.
  5. During periods of remission to prevent the progression of dystrophic processes.

A number of contraindications for exercise therapy:

  1. Severe pain syndrome (not relieved by medication).
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Intervertebral hernias.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases in the period of exacerbation (hypertensive crisis, arrhythmia).
  5. Mental illness.
  6. Diabetes mellitus type I.

If concomitant diseases (ulcer, thrombophlebitis) are detected, which are not the general contraindications listed above, the doctor decides whether to prescribe or prohibit classes.

Rules for therapeutic exercises

With breast osteochondrosis exercise therapy has a number of features. When observed, the risk of complications is reduced ( muscle spasm) and increase efficiency. Below are general rules, but taking into account the anamnesis and concomitant diseases, they can be supplemented strictly on an individual basis (after a thorough examination).

  1. Respiratory gymnastics - enhances the study of muscles and their saturation with oxygen.
  2. The first course with a specialist (physician - rehabilitation specialist). Correction and adjustment of classes for the patient.
  3. Before starting a mandatory warm-up to prepare for loads and prevent overstretching.
  4. Not earlier than 3-4 hours after eating.
  5. Start with minimal physical activity. Attempting to perform a complex and complete version of the exercises at once will lead to muscle spasm.

Warm up

Therapeutic exercise for any pathology requires the preparation of muscles for stress.

Pinching of the nerve roots between the deformed vertebrae will lead to a bright pain syndrome and hospitalization.

The warm-up is carried out general rules and features noteworthy, does not have. An example of some movements:

  • body/head tilts;
  • circular movements of the body / head / limbs;
  • flexion / extension of the body / limbs / head;
  • swings of the upper / lower limbs;
  • walking in place;
  • lunges forward on the right / left leg.

The number of executions is variable, but not less than 3-5 for each. Number of approaches 2. The combination of movements is individual.

With thoracic osteochondrosis physiotherapy is the third necessary component (inferior to drug and physiotherapy).

Despite this the most effective method in the restoration of muscle activity and range of motion.

They are divided into two groups:

  • static;
  • dynamic.

In addition to the therapeutic function, it provides strengthening of posture and the whole organism as a whole.

Classes are held daily and preferably at the same time of day.

Beneficial features:

  1. Positive dynamics after 2-3 cycles of exercise therapy.
  2. Positive charge of energy. Often, patients before coming to the doctor tried a large number of different methods of self-treatment, which did not bring results. Positive dynamics stimulates the acceleration of recovery.
  3. Posture correction.
  4. Strengthening the muscular frame.

The course of procedures is 14 days (individually adjusted). Runtime 30–40 min.

Complex from a standing position

With thoracic osteochondrosis, exercises in a standing position are best performed at the last stage. In this position, the load on the spine is maximum. Exercise options:

  1. Perform standing, feet shoulder width apart. Tilts alternately left / right 5-7 times in each direction.
  2. The position is the same, but forward/backward bends with fixation for 5 seconds in the maximum bent or unbent position. Quantity 5-7 times.
  3. Circular movements of the body clockwise / counterclockwise. Quantity 10 times.
  4. Flexion / extension of the upper limbs. Hands bend in elbow joints, while the brushes touch the shoulders, and then straighten with extension upwards. Quantity 5-7 times.
  5. Abduction / adduction of the upper limbs. Straightened arms are taken away from the body to the sides and then lifted up (and in the opposite direction). Quantity 5-7 times.
  6. Hands at the seams. Up/down movement only shoulder joints. Then move forward / backward and circular. Quantity of each 4-5 times.

Movement should not be accompanied by pain. If it is impossible to fulfill full complex it is possible to reduce the number of actions.

Complex from a lying position

This position is most optimal for the elderly and those with a subacute clinical form. The minimum load ensures the implementation of procedures in full.

Exercise example:

  1. In the supine position, bend the spine in the thoracic region and return to the starting position. Quantity 5 times.
  2. Stretch your arms forward in the supine position and lift the upper part of the body. Quantity 5-7 times.
  3. Take the position as when performing the bar. Next lower lower part corps and lower limbs on the floor, leaving the emphasis on the hands. Bend the spine inward to the maximum possible angle. Quantity 3-5 times.
  4. Position, lying on your back, perform abduction / adduction of limbs. Hands are located at the seams, then they are taken to the sides and wind up behind the head (and in the opposite direction). Quantity 5-7 times.
  5. In the supine position, raise the upper limbs and stretch them up as much as possible. The number of lifts is 5-7 times.

Optionally, it is possible to supplement the exercises with any gymnastic equipment (sticks, kettlebells, gymnastic ball).

Complex from a sitting position

It is performed in the middle of exercise therapy. The load on the spine is moderate, but when attached lumbar(or suspicion of it) is not recommended for implementation.

Exercise example:

  1. Sitting on a chair, perform maximum arching / flexion of the spine. If you feel pain, stop doing it. Quantity 5-7 times.
  2. Adduction / abduction of limbs and maximum extension upwards. Quantity 5-7 times.
  3. Hands are closed in the castle. Further, the maximum extension forward and the institution behind the head with a deflection in the thoracic region.
  4. Tilts to the side and forward. The main condition is not to tear off the buttocks from the chair (only the upper part of the body works). Quantity of each 5-7 times.

Another best option for the elderly.

Standing on all fours

From a lying position, the patient moves to a position on all fours (gradual transition to a vertical position).

Exercise example:

  1. Upper and lower limbs shoulder width apart. Bending/bending in the thoracic spine with fixation for 5 sec. Quantity 5-7 times.
  2. Transfer the load to the lower part of the body (bend your knees and lie with your body on bent legs). Maximum forward extension of the upper limbs.

Do not make sudden movements to prevent pinching the nerve.


With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, exercise therapy includes various stretching options. In this context, it should not be taken literally. The main task is to fix the body in a state of maximum extension for a few seconds when performing any exercise.

Classical stretching (twine, wheel) is unacceptable in treatment, as it leads to even more deformation and displacement of the vertebrae.

The only available stretching option is a lightweight version of yoga.


Breathing techniques are an addition to general motor activity.

Performance benefits:

  • oxygen enrichment of muscles;
  • increased concentration;
  • elaboration deep layers muscle tissue;
  • increased metabolism and metabolic processes.

Breathing exercises include:

  • breathing only through the nose;
  • exercise at the height of inhalation, and on exhalation return to the starting position;
  • a few deep breaths and exhalations at the peak of the movement.

Proper breathing is done like this: inhale through the nose, then gradually raise the collarbones (apex of the lung), involve the chest wall, then the diaphragm, and ultimately the abdominal wall. Exhale in reverse order.

In the absence of contraindications (otitis media, thrombophlebitis), the doctor may prescribe a course of water aerobics. This type of exercise is done exclusively in the presence of an instructor.

A set of approximate movements:

  • side bends;
  • circular movements of the body;
  • jumping in place with arms raised above head.

This complex of treatment is quite specific and is not suitable for everyone. The downside is the risk of joint strain and the development of acute arthritis (as a complication).

Often use additional gymnastic devices (sticks, balls, balls).

Classes in different periods of the disease

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, therapeutic exercises are dependent on the course of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the vertebrae.

Difference in exercise:

  • load force;
  • rest periods between exercises;
  • number of approaches;
  • execution frequency;
  • period of time for a refresher course.

All these nuances are taken into account when drawing up an individual treatment plan during periods of exacerbation and remission.

Exercise therapy during exacerbation

Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region during the period of exacerbation has its own absolute limitations when performing:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • concomitant diseases in the form of intervertebral hernias.

In other cases, it is permissible to perform a lightweight set of procedures. Differences from standard gymnastics:

  • reduction in the number of approaches (no more than 2);
  • remove all stretching movements (tilts);
  • reduce the execution time to 20 minutes per day.

During an exacerbation, in general, it is worth refraining from physical activity. The course is only with the strict recommendation of a doctor.

During this period, the optimal treatment consists of drugs (NSAIDs, chondroprotectors) and physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, UHF).

During the period of remission

The best time to start treatment exercise therapy exercises. Any combination of the above is acceptable, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. As a rule, 2 exercises from each group are taken for optimal muscle development.

Features with this form:

  • periods between courses therapeutic exercises no more than a week (best result);
  • high intensity (strength, frequency).

Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region leads to pain in the upper half of the body - arms, neck, head, back. To get rid of pain, you need to strengthen the muscles that support the vertebrae in correct position. This will help make special exercises for the thoracic spine. Their implementation allows you to reduce pressure on the spinal column, because the muscles play a major role in this.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with exercise

Since the muscles support the spine, by strengthening them, we can achieve a reduction in the manifestations of the disease. The pain will go away, the mobility of the joints will be restored, the blood supply to the surrounding tissues will improve.

Exercises for the cervicothoracic spine of our spine are also very useful for internal organs. They contribute to a better blood supply to the heart, stomach, relieve fatigue and stimulate the tone of the intercostal muscles, back and chest.

Why do we always talk about the cervicothoracic region? In each exercise, not only the upper back is involved, but also the neck, so the therapeutic effect extends to it as well.

A set of exercises

Below are exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, which will allow you to restore health and get rid of pain.

Breeding and bringing the shoulders while standing

The first exercise consists of several stages, in each of which your hands will be positioned in a certain way.

Stage 1

Starting position - standing on straight legs. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, spread our arms to the side, palms turned to the floor.

  1. Hands parallel to the floor. We begin to move them so that the thumbs of each hand touch each other in front of you. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. When the hands touch, we continue the movement by rounding the back and spreading the shoulder blades. You are trying to bring your shoulders together.
  3. Then we return to the initial state, bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible, straightening the shoulders and arching the chest.

We do these movements 10 times slowly and thoughtfully.

The torso and arms are relaxed, the tension in the legs is just enough to keep you upright. We breathe in such a way that when you inhale, your hands go back, and when you exhale, they touch in front of you.

Why you need to breathe this way: when you round your back, lung capacity decreases dramatically. If you do this while inhaling, then the air entering the lungs will prevent compression chest. You will not be able to bend as much as possible. As well as on exhalation, when there is nothing left in the lungs, the chest will decrease in size. And at this time you straighten your shoulders. In order for breathing to help, and not hinder you, breathe in the indicated way.

Stage 2

We turn our palms up. The rest of the pose repeats the previous version.

We bring our hands together and spread them apart. We do everything smoothly, as if you are practicing wushu skills. From the outside, this really resembles the practice of ancient Chinese martial arts.

While bringing your hands together, you should lower your head slightly down, with your chin to your chest. This helps to bend the chest back. At this stage, the exercises of the brush touch each other with the little fingers.

Flattening the shoulder blades while sitting

All exercises, starting from this, are suitable for the treatment of the entire cervicothoracic region.

The starting position will be - sitting on a bench, bench, hard sofa. Soft chairs in which the body is buried are not suitable. Requires a firm surface. You should bring the shoulder blades together and stay in this state.

The arms are lowered down, the angle between the body and the elbows is about 15–20 degrees.

  1. Due to the movement of the elbows back, we take the shoulder blades towards each other. We make an effort to bring them together as much as possible.
  2. Additionally, turning the palms up to the side from the bottom up helps to bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax and return to the starting position. We repeat this element 3 times.

With prolonged static stress, you can feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the back - if the muscles do not reduce, do not pay attention to it.

We spread our shoulders on the inhale, relax on the exhale.

Deflection of the chest while standing on all fours

You get on all fours on the couch or floor (after laying the rug), the thigh is located perpendicular to the surface. Initially, there is no deflection in the lower back.

  1. Your arms are bent at the elbows on which you stand. The knee flexion angle is straight. The arms are parallel to the hips up to the elbow. Palms on the same line.
  2. We bend on inspiration, lowering the head to the chest and rounding the back. The head helps to bend even more.
  3. We hold in this position for 5-10 seconds and exhale, unbending as much as possible. Here there is a deflection in the lower back, and the head rises up. We freeze again for 5-10 seconds.
  4. We repeat this healing element 3-5 times.

This exercise is interesting in that you can work out the entire thoracic spine due to different position elbows. If you move your elbows forward, the upper vertebrae will work. If you bring your elbows closer to your knees, then the lower vertebrae. The lowest position is when the elbows are slightly closer to the knees (by 5 cm) than in the starting position.

To treat and strengthen the entire chest, you need to do an exercise in 5 points, moving the elbows from the knees forward. The extreme forward position of the elbows is 15-20 cm from the starting position, when the elbows are perpendicular to the floor.

Deflection of the chest standing on all fours on straight arms

This exercise completely repeats the option on the elbows. The only difference is the straight arms. Another name for this movement is.

Elbow twists

Starting position - standing on your knees and elbows. We tear off one hand from the floor, bend it and put it with the palm of our hand on the shoulder of the same name. Now we take the elbow to the side from this position and turn the shoulder girdle up as much as possible around the axis of the spine. At the end of the amplitude, we make several springy movements, as if turning even further. In this case, you stand on one elbow, turning around due to the movement of the other elbow. We do 10-15 times in each direction.

Twisting on straight arms

And this version of the exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis repeats twisting on the elbows. Here you also need to perform 10-15 repetitions. It differs in the position of the hands (they are unbent), and we put the palm of the working hand not on the shoulder, but on the lower back.

Maximum flexion

We sit on our knees, tucking our legs as much as possible. Place your hands near your feet, placing them on the back of your hands. During the movement, the palms will move backward. We bend so that the chest lies on the hips. The head should end up resting on the knees. On inhalation, bend the thoracic spine as much as possible, and on exhalation, you need to relax. In a tense state, you need to linger for a few seconds.

We repeat this exercise to strengthen the cervicothoracic region 3-5 times.

Back extensor stretch

You need to sit down, stretch your legs forward. right hand place your palm on your left thigh, and place your left hand on the back of your head. Twist the body to the left and bend as much as possible, feeling the stretching of the muscles in the cervicothoracic region on the right side.

As you inhale, press the back of your head on your palm for 3-5 seconds, and as you exhale, bend and turn even more. Inhale - push, exhale - relax.

We do this movement 3-5 times in one direction and in the other. The entire cervicothoracic region works.

So, this is a complete set of exercises for the thoracic spine, also affecting the neck. You can complete it completely or choose the most suitable for yourself. In order for the treatment process to be effective, it is advisable to practice at least three to four times a week.

In order not to face the problem of pain in the spinal region, and in particular in its thoracic region, you should keep your posture straight at all times and no matter what happens. Then you will save yourself from such a common disease as osteochondrosis. It is recommended to practice your posture from childhood, but if you are already 30 or 40 years old, then at this time it is also not too late to correct everything. Always keep your back and shoulders straight while standing.

Some types of exercises for straight posture

The following are exercises for the thoracic spine, as well as the neck area:

  • You need to stand up straight, connect your legs, hands down. As you raise your arms up, exhale. When bending back, a breath is taken. When lowering your arms, arch your back in an arc, lower your neck down and exhale. 10 times to start will be enough.
  • Sitting on the surface with a back, hands are placed on the back of the head - inhale. The back bends back up to 4-5 times, while the shoulders are pressed against the back of the chair - exhale.
  • The position on all fours. The back is arched, while breathing is held. Head in a straight position. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your stomach, hands resting on the floor. In a bent position, lift your lower limbs and head off the floor.
  • In the same position, only straighten your arms along the body. Also, lift your head and legs off the floor.

These exercises should be done daily, in between work. Also, if desired, do them in the morning or in the evening.

Therapeutic exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is not as common as, for example, cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis, but, nevertheless, its treatment is carried out for a long time. This disease is dangerous due to pinching of the nerve roots in the segments of the spine, which leads not only to pain, but also to some malfunction of the internal organs. Therapeutic exercise and massage in this case should be carried out with extreme caution. For example, many stretch marks are prohibited with such a disease.

It is known that there are 12 vertebrae in the thoracic spine. They are among the most inactive in the entire spinal column, so choosing a set of exercises for them is not so easy. Experts nevertheless developed a number of exercises that can be done at home:

  1. Start by tilting to the left, then to the right, do not forget about breathing exercises. If you experience pain when bending lower, then you should not do deep bends.
  2. Alternately raise your shoulders, while the head should tilt towards the raised shoulder. Repeat several times in all directions.
  3. Sit on a hard surface, move your fingers into the lock in the neck, while the elbows should either be spread apart, or bend forward. When breeding the elbows, you should freeze in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Press your back against the wall in a standing position, start to go down without lifting your back from the wall, then go up without changing your body position. In this case, you should ensure that the back remains straight.

Remember that before each gymnastic exercises produced by warming up the muscles by massage.

Some exercises are recommended to be done even at the time of exacerbation, so the vertebrae will stretch faster, which will allow the pinched nerve to relax. But, with intense pain sensations, all gymnastics is carried out slowly, and at the first sign of acute pain, the actions stop.

Is twisting allowed with thoracic osteochondrosis?

Twisting is a movement performed while lying down, when the spine is turned in different sides. In our country, such an exercise has found popularity in the study of yoga. It should be noted that ignorance can cause damage to the thoracic spine. Therefore, such an exercise should be performed under the supervision of a specialist, very carefully, and at the moment of calm of the acute period. In addition, despite the fact that such movements bring a positive shift in the treatment of the disease, they can be very painful when performed. Therefore, doctors advise, when doing exercises for the thoracic spine, to resort to twisting in extreme cases.

Today, almost every person is faced with problems with the spine. Experts explain this by the fact that many people move too little. Especially often those who have a sedentary job suffer from pain.

When should you not do gymnastics?

Doctors believe that gymnastics for the thoracic spine, which was developed by experienced specialists, can help many people. But it is worth noting that it can only be used if it is recommended by a doctor. After all, improperly selected can only aggravate the patient's condition. As a rule, doctors do not advise doing gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease, when a person is worried about quite severe pain. Also, patients should be aware that it is far from being able to help with all diseases - for example, if the cause of pain has become, there will be no result from the exercises. That is why if you have any health problems, you should immediately consult a qualified doctor and follow his recommendations.

Even in the case when exercises are performed to prevent diseases of the spine associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a doctor's consultation is necessary - the patient may have problems that he himself does not know about, and active training can aggravate the condition. If a person has different ones, then the wrong choice of a complex for training or an incorrect technique for performing individual movements can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition and the occurrence of serious problems, requiring, in some cases, even orthopedic correction or surgical intervention.

Complexes of exercises for the spine

The main convenience of properly selected exercises for the back is that after completing a very short course of study (1-2 lessons), a person will be able to perform all subsequent workouts on their own.

At home, it is much easier to choose the right time for gymnastics, if necessary, you can even break the workout into several parts and independently control the number of repetitions.

Chair exercises

This exercise is effective in both chronic and acute forms of diseases affecting the thoracic spine. It allows you to improve the mobility of the spinal column and chest. You need to carry it out by controlling your own pain sensations. If acute pain occurs, it is necessary to stop exercising and consult a specialist again.

In order to perform this simple exercise, you need to sit on a chair that has a straight and rigid back. Hands must be clasped at the back of the head, while bending back so that the spine is pressed against the top of the back. During this exercise, that part of the thoracic spine that is pressed against the back bends. You need to repeat this exercise four times.

And you can do these movements a little differently, training not only the spine, but also the lungs. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. In this case, the upper back (thoracic region) should rest on the upper edge of the back of this chair. It is necessary to bend back and perform forward bends in the same way as before, but at the same time monitor your breathing. When bending back, you need to take a breath (deep), and when tilting - exhale. This will make breathing easier and will also help train your lungs. You need to repeat the movement four times.

Roller exercises

Before doing this exercise, you need to make a rather hard roller, the diameter of which will be about 10 cm. To do this, you can take a medium-sized towel and carefully wrap it around a rolling pin. After that, you need to lie on this roller so that it is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thoracic spine. In this case, hands should be placed behind the head. Then you have to bend over. Then raise a little upper part body. In order to evenly develop different parts of the thoracic region, the roller should be rolled along the spine. Experts advise repeating this movement four times. When bending back, you need to take a breath (deep), and when lifting - exhale.

Towel exercise

To perform this exercise, you need to take a sitting or lying position, picking up a towel. After you need to wrap this towel lower half chest, picking up its free ends. Then you need to take a breath (as deep as possible), and as you exhale, try to pull off the towel as much as possible. Then you need to loosen the tension and take a breath again, and on the exhale tighten it again. You can repeat this movement ten times. It will improve the mobility of the ribs, and will also contribute to the development of deep breathing.

Many people who have, for example, such a common problem as the spine - gymnastics in which it is very effective, prefer to be treated on their own. But such a position is erroneous, because only a qualified doctor is able to assess the degree of damage to the spine and prescribe the right treatment, including and. In some cases, therapy is joined, and in case of severe pain syndrome, medications prescribed by a doctor.

Performing exercises for the thoracic spine is a mandatory measure for many diseases, in particular, for osteochondrosis. It helps to eliminate its unpleasant symptoms. Physiotherapy exercises are necessarily included in the complex of solutions aimed at combating the development of pathology. What exercises to strengthen the thoracic region should be adopted? We will talk about this in our publication.

What is the effect of physical therapy?

As a rule, the cause of the formation of osteochondrosis of the chest and neighboring cervical becomes the minimum daily activity of a person. Regular workouts, aimed at strengthening the presented area, make it possible not only to relieve local discomfort, but also to improve well-being in general. Proper execution exercises for the cervicothoracic spine allows you to achieve:

  • Elimination of the consequences of hypodynamia.
  • Increased muscle tone, positive changes in the structure of ligaments and joints.
  • Relaxation of the clamped muscle frame.
  • Reducing the likelihood of pinched nerve endings.
  • Removal of severe pain syndrome.
  • Saturation of tissues with an abundance of oxygen and nutrients due to the activation of blood flow.
  • Elimination of stagnant processes in the vessels, improvement of metabolic processes.

Features of the exercise

In order to achieve good results when performing exercises for the cervicothoracic spine and avoid harming the body, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  1. The last word should always be with the attending physician. In other words, it is necessary to resort to performing exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region only after the approval of such actions by a specialist.
  2. Increase the load on the muscles and joints of the target area gradually. Classes should systematically strengthen and tone local tissues, but not cause a feeling of fatigue.
  3. Thoracic exercises that cause even more discomfort should be excluded from the training program. Over time, when a progressive improvement in well-being is observed, you can try to return to previously rejected methods.
  4. In the process of training, resort exclusively to smooth, rhythmic movements. Keep track of maintenance correct breathing. Do not allow any kind of jerks.
  5. In order for exercises for the muscles of the chest to give the expected result, follow the intended training program daily. Try not to miss classes, even for good reasons.

Body lifts in the prone position

Perform the exercise for the thoracic back according to the following scheme. Lie comfortably on the gymnastic mat with your stomach down. Pull the upper limbs forward. Gently lift your shoulder girdle. Hold for a moment in the top position and slowly lower yourself down. Move your arms along the body and repeat the exercise.

Then join the palms in the lock behind the back, at the level of the waist. Performing a leisurely rise of the torso, pull your elbows towards the ceiling. Pay special attention to the tight reduction of the shoulder blades. Perform each version of the exercise for the thoracic region about 5-6 times during one workout.

Standing back bends

Take an upright stance with your feet at shoulder level. Squeeze your palms into fists, put them behind your back at a level between the shoulder blades and the lumbar region. Slightly pressing on the spine, slowly bend back. Feel the muscles in your chest tighten. Try to stick to static position for 10-15 seconds.

Next, slouch your back. Tilt your head forward. Embrace your chest with your crossed arms. Hold the position again for a few moments. Then straighten your body. Perform the chest exercise as instructed above for about ten repetitions.

Head tilts to the side

The exercise is ideal for working out the cervicothoracic region right at the workplace. The essence of the training is as follows:

  • Gently tilt your head back, trying to reach the back of your head to your back.
  • Tilt your head forward, touching your chin to your chest.
  • Move your head to the right, and then to the left side, reaching with your ear to your shoulder.
  • Perform movements on each side about 7-8 times during one session.

Lying chest compression

Lie on your stomach with your upper limbs along the body. Enlist the help of a friend who should be behind you. Take a deep breath. The assistant needs to lightly press the palms on the ribs, creating a moderate resistance to the opening of the chest. Exhale and try to relax your body as much as possible. During one workout, do 7-8 repetitions of the exercise.

Body tilts to the side

Take the initial vertical position of the body, placing the feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your upper limbs. Grab your right hand with your left hand. Lean your body deeply to the left side, making the movement as smooth as possible. At the end point, pull your left hand with your right, reaching the ultimate stretch of the muscles of the core. Hold in a static position for a couple of seconds. It is important to feel tension in the chest area. Next, straighten the rack, returning to the starting position. Change hands and repeat the exercise, tilting the body to the opposite side. Do 5-6 reps on each side.

Study of the cervicothoracic region while sitting on a chair

Sit on the edge of a chair, moving your spine away from the back. Lean forward slightly. Put your straightened arms behind your back, crossing your palms in the castle. Stretch your clasped limbs up, trying to open your chest as much as possible. Take deep breaths to full lung capacity. Hold the position for a few seconds. Then relax your body, returning to the starting position. Repeat steps 3-4 times.

Sitting on a chair, spread the upper limbs to the sides parallel to the floor. Hold your hands on weight for 5 seconds. Then move them to a position stretched over your head. Stretch towards the ceiling. Alternate actions by doing 4-5 repetitions.

Place your hands behind your back and place your palms together so that your fingers point up. Alternately take deep breaths and exhale for 10-15 seconds. Then relax well.

Perform gymnastic routines as described above during sedentary work with a frequency of 2-3 hours. Periodically doing exercises during the day, you can carry out excellent prevention of the development of osteochondrosis, as well as eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of an existing disease much faster.

Backbends with a gymnastic ball

Get it gymnastic ball small size, or use an elastic roller as an alternative. Lie down on your back. sports equipment put in the area between the shoulder blades. Put your palms behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides. After taking a deep breath, arch your back through the gym ball. As you exhale, gently stretch your shoulders and head up. Try to pull your elbows forward. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

How to keep your back healthy

To prevent a problem from occurring, doctors advise following these recommendations:

  1. Try to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Stick to a balanced diet, add to your daily diet foods that are a source of vitamins and essential trace elements for the body. Focus on the use of green salads, an abundance of vegetables and seafood. The complex of solutions will allow avoiding the occurrence of degenerative changes in the tissues of the cervicothoracic spine.
  2. Visit the pool regularly in winter. In the warm season, swim in natural waters. Active water procedures remarkably affect the state of the body and contribute to the improvement of general well-being.
  3. Rest on an orthopedic mattress with a moderate degree of rigidity. As an alternative to a soft pillow, use a tightly folded towel roll.
  4. Try to get rid of overweight. Obesity negatively affects the condition of the skeleton. Overweight cause the musculoskeletal system to experience unnecessary, unnecessary stress.
  5. Do yoga, which will allow you to achieve high-quality stretching of muscle tissues and ligaments in problem area. Systematic exercises make it possible to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for maintaining the body in the correct position.
  6. Perform preventive massage. Even self-workout of muscles shoulder girdle and neck with light massaging movements after prolonged sitting in awkward posture helps to slow down the processes of oppression of the tone of local tissues. The solution helps to eliminate the effect of muscle leakage and ensures the activation of blood circulation.
  7. Try not to slouch, keep your body upright. If you constantly stoop, it is difficult to avoid the development of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine.