Effective interval training is the secret to a lean body. interval training interval training

If we talk about fitness in general, about sports among amateurs, then one simply incredible fact surprises me.

It turns out that the vast majority of visitors to gyms and stadiums do not know anything or know very little about the most effective methods workouts. Here there is a certain stereotype of training and it never occurs to most people to move away from it in order to get a really serious result.

For some reason, most beginners and even experienced bodybuilders believe that the bench press, performed according to the 5 sets of 8 reps scheme, will definitely make them pectoral muscles just huge. But in fact, it turns out that the majority, having good muscles in general, have very unsightly pectoral muscles. This "classic" scheme is not for everyone! For example, I got the maximum benefit for the chest muscles with push-ups on the uneven bars. And on narrow bars.

For some reason, men who, by definition, should just live in an aerobic gym, especially those who want to pump up a really impressive muscle mass, will NEVER come down to classes. But aerobics is vital in order to increase your physical capabilities, which, in turn, will allow you to pump muscles above average.

Somehow the women coming in Gym, immediately get on the cardio machine and begin tedious and monotonous work with a martyred expression on their faces. No vigor! And they don’t even use the built-in simulator programs! But they were not created by fools ...

For some reason, few people use most effective methods supersets, trisets, giant sets, and interval training. But it's worth it! These methods can really advance you, dear reader, in any sport you practice.

And there are just a lot of such examples.

In this article, I would like to talk a little about one of the most outstanding methods of training the body - interval training. Oddly enough, only advanced users of simulators know about this method 🙂 Yes, and they use it somehow very sluggishly and illiterately. But it is very good for solving a wide range of problems, especially when losing weight and when gaining a good athletic shape.

What is interval training?

While still in high school, most of us were introduced to examples of interval training in physical education classes. Yes, don't be surprised. Remember how the teacher gave warm-up commands when you had to run around the school gym or stadium? First of all, he gave the command to move in a circle with an easy run.

You run easily and slowly. Having run several laps in this way and having warmed up considerably, you, at the command of your teacher, sharply increased your speed and raced with maximum speed within 20-60 seconds. Then they again slowed down the run for 2-3 minutes, and then again switched to fast run within 20-60 seconds. And this had to be done several times. In our school it was called "running with acceleration."

It was a load at the so-called "jerky pace", when you alternated between minor efforts and significant ones. In another way, such training is called interval training.

An excellent example of interval training is active team games in basketball, football, and hockey. Usually they have to alternate between slow and fast movements across the field. Why not interval training?

Boxing and wrestling rounds of 2-3 minutes, or cycling on hilly terrain, alternating between slow and fast swimming are also great examples of interval training.

So, interval training is the execution of exercises at a “torn pace”. Slow execution is replaced by acceleration and then again by deceleration. And this should be done several times.

An interval is called one cycle: slow movement + acceleration. It is like one approach to the selected exercise, followed immediately by the second same approach.

During interval training, the intensity of the exercise fluctuates along a sinusoid. She is higher and lower. And it is this feature of interval training that makes it very effective. After all, it allows you to perform a much larger amount of work in a lesson per unit of time without much fatigue. And this is the main secret.

It would seem, well, what else is there to talk about interval training?

But no! It is interval training, in my opinion, that deserves the closest attention of sports fans. And behind the external simplicity lies incredible efficiency, time savings and a serious variety of ways to use it.

A bit of theory

Let's start with the human body.

The metabolic rate is the amount of energy used by the body for its own needs: maintaining a constant body temperature, maintaining the constancy of the chemical composition of tissues, maintaining the desired blood pressure, fluid circulation rate, and so on. And the faster our energy is used, the less it is stored in reserve (especially in the form of fat).

Everyone knows that playing sports contributes to some acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Aerobic exercise, for example, causes the metabolic rate that has increased during exercise to remain elevated for about an hour after exercise. Not bad!

But when I tell my trainees in the gym that interval training so accelerates the metabolism that it remains accelerated for about 20 hours after a workout and even more, there is a pause ... They think and count ... And then they eagerly begin to ask how to do interval training what exactly to do, how to include them in your complex, how often to use, etc., etc.

What follows from this figure: 20 hours? And this is a simple fact.

If you want to lose weight, then you will not find a better training system than interval training.

To lose weight, you need to speed up your metabolism. After all, there is a direct connection: the faster the physiological and biochemical processes in the body proceed, the slimmer and more mobile a person is.

You can do simple cardio work every day and increase your metabolism for an hour after a workout. And you can train three or four times a week using the interval method and lose weight much faster.

There are experimental data showing that people practicing interval training for 10-12 minutes three to four times a week reduced their weight 9 times (!!!) faster than people practicing regular cardio training for 40 minutes the same three -Four times a week. Impressive?

Go ahead

How long should I train using interval training?

There is no typo in the previous paragraph. Indeed, interval training for 10-12 minutes has such a serious effect on metabolism that it remains accelerated for almost a day after class. Interestingly, this time is many times different from the time that should be spent on other types of aerobics. The time savings are evident.

And the professor's method generally prescribes to train for only 4 minutes a day.

Of course, you can also do longer interval workouts up to an hour or more. But such training is needed to solve specific problems. sports tasks in professional rowing, marathon and other sports. To achieve a good healing and weight loss effect, 10-12 minute sessions are enough.

Another one interesting feature interval training is its speed component. Many of the exercises that are used for interval training allow for a speedy manner of execution. For example, the same run.

The combination of speed training with an interval style of performance gives simply stunning results in transforming your body from a shapeless cloud into a toned silhouette. This is especially true for beginners and absolutely unsportsmanlike people. They need interval training like air.

What exercises to use?

I give a list of the most simple and affordable exercises:

A ride on the bicycle. Especially over rough terrain.
-Walking. Alternate fast and slow walking.
-Run. Alternate fast and slow running.
-Swimming. Alternating fast and slow swimming in different styles.
- Working on a cardio machine. Work with acceleration and deceleration. You can also use a special built-in simulator program.
-Jumping rope. Jump with acceleration and deceleration.

There are many other uses for interval training. Including a combination of various exercises.

The subtleties of interval training. Where without them?

Do not practice interval training for more than 2 months in a row. It is best to alternate it with regular cardio training. It is associated with strong physiological effect interval work and possible "burnout".

Intense interval training does not lead to an increase. Therefore, from time to time (every 1-2 months, this parameter should be developed separately with the help of long-term cardio of medium intensity (see link).

According to statistics, more than 40% of people in the world suffer from overweight. Various programs and exercises developed by experienced instructors allow you to get rid of this problem. Over the past few years, interval training has become especially popular, in which classes are held with an increased level of complexity.

Interval training involves alternately performing aerobic and power loads for an hour. In this case, the exercises are performed in blocks, after each there is a short break and the continuation of classes again.

This training technique is used in professional sports, now in fitness. This approach allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercises performed and reduce the total training time. Interval training combines push-ups, running, jumping jacks, and other high-performance exercises with occasional rest. The duration of each session is at least half an hour, but the result from this and the level of stress that goes on the whole body is simply stunning. Interval training is based on super-intensive human work. For very a short time it is necessary to perform a set of certain exercises, then take a break, and repeat all over again.

For novice athletes, this training method allows you to strengthen the main muscle groups and the cardiovascular system.

Since interval training is a complex of exercises of an increased level of complexity, not all members of the club attend it. Such classes are preferred by avid lovers of fitness and thrills. Of course, grueling workout not everyone can endure, because it is very painful and unpleasant. At the same time, interval training contributes to a very rapid burning fats. Most fitness instructors believe that getting rid of excess weight maybe in a year, or maybe in two months.

Interval training is ideal for busy people who don't have time to hit the gym multiple times a week. This method is also good for those who want to get excellent results in a short time. Interval training is a three-in-one set of exercises. A person performs an aerobic and power load, while pulling up flabby and tired muscles.

You won't be bored with these workouts. This is a kind of army discipline, where you will need to clearly follow the instructions of the instructor without stopping.

The main tasks and goals of interval training

Interval training is based on alternating intervals with different intensity levels exercise. The measurement of intervals is carried out using various ways– heart rate, time periods or distance.

The main principles of interval training:

  • The duration of physical activity can vary from two to twelve minutes. In the future, the time can be increased to fifteen minutes.
  • The intensity of the loads should be from sixty to eighty percent. In this case, the maximum heart rate must be taken into account.
  • Time for rest is equal to the time for physical activity.
  • The number of loads and rest in one workout can vary from five to ten pieces.

The repetition of exercises in the process of doing interval training will be as much as necessary for each lesson.

Interval training has a beneficial effect on general state body and increases its ability to perform physical work.

In most cases, this method is used by people who are preparing for competitions. They practice this technique a few weeks before the main start.

main goal this training is the maximum preparation of the body in a short time to perform super-intense physical activity. This is exactly what is required of athletes in competitions.

For the result to be effective, it is recommended to start interval training with short-term physical activity with long breaks. In the future, the periods of loads can be gradually increased, and the time for rest can be reduced. The result of using this technique is the endurance of the body and increased ability to perform intense loads.

Interval training is not meant to be done over a long period of time. It usually takes place over a short period of time. After 3-4 weeks of such classes, experienced instructors strongly recommend switching to training at a regular pace.

Today, there are several methods of interval training.

According to the principle of Waldemar Gerschler

This person is the ancestor of such training. His interval training is based on achieving the desired result in 2 months. This method is designed for runners who want to achieve perfect results.

First of all, you need to know exactly your record results in time at distances - 100, 200 and 600 meters. The first stage will be a 100-meter run three seconds behind your record. After that, you need to rest for two minutes. This helps to reduce the pulse to one hundred and twenty beats. The second stage is a second run of a hundred meters, followed by a rest for another two minutes and counting the pulse. Interval training ends at the stage when the heart rate stops recovering after each run during the rest period. Interval training according to this principle takes no more than half an hour.

Fartlek method

Based on a change in the intensity of movements in one run. At the start, you need to apply cruising speed, then the next two kilometers you need to run at a calm pace.

This training is also called "playing for speed." You will need a companion to complete it.

In essence, it is a race run that starts with an easy jog for ten minutes. Then the run must be accelerated and run in this rhythm for two kilometers, smoothly switch to fast walking and restore breathing. The duration of this training is twenty minutes.

Tabata technique

This is a high-impact second-to-second interval workout designed to complete four minutes of exercise. Implementation allows you to achieve stunning results. The effectiveness of such exercises is nine times higher than with regular jogging.

To carry out such exercises, you will need a stopwatch. Then you need to choose one of the fitness exercises - squats, abs or jumps. Try to do it at least twenty times in twenty seconds. After that, you need to rest for ten seconds and do it all over again. For achievement good result alternate periods of stress and rest must be at least 8 times for four minutes.

Fit-Mix Method

Developed by instructor L. Zaitsev. This interval workout combines some exercises from fit-boxing, anaerobic strength training and breathing practice. Exactly this method, according to Zaitsev, is highly effective and allows you to get rid of excess weight very quickly. At the same time, it is very important to choose the right rhythm and intensity of physical activity for each person, as well as time for rest. The complex of classes consists of twelve lessons - three lessons per week.

This training takes no more than thirty minutes to complete.
Each of the methods is individual and has its own approach to performing exercises. So the choice is yours! Better yet, seek the help of an experienced instructor who will guide you through right choice.

Anyone who wants to drop overweight, usually recommend doing cardio.

If you work on them at an average pace, the source of energy for the muscles is fat, which is burned in the process of exercising in significant volumes.

At the same time, the results become more significant if you combine training with a diet.

However, for those who want to lose extra pounds quickly, it would be better to turn to interval training.

This method allows you to start the combustion process excess fat to the maximum, in terms of efficiency it is several times greater than the cardio load.

Interval training involves alternating the phases of maximum and minimum load during the training process: for example, when running, you need to alternate between sprinting and jogging.

In this case, in the phase of intense load, the body goes into an anaerobic mode of operation, in the low phase, it returns to aerobic.

  • In aerobic mode, fats serve as an energy source. In this case, the process of their oxidation with oxygen takes place (“aerobic” literally means “with oxygen”). It is in this mode that all cardio workouts take place.
  • Anaerobic mode involves the use of carbohydrates as energy for muscle work. Oxygen in this case does not participate in the oxidation reaction. IN anaerobic mode training with free weights and on simulators in bodybuilding and powerlifting.


Interval training is one of the the best views workouts to burn fat. They are much more effective than cardio.

Interval training has a delayed effect - it starts the fat burning process, which continues after the end of the workout.

In addition, long-term cardio training leads to burning muscle tissue. Interval training is devoid of this drawback - it only helps to strengthen the muscles, but not to destroy them.


The disadvantages of interval training include, first of all, the fact that they have contraindications. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, hypertension, atherosclerosis and others.

If you have one of these conditions, you should definitely consult with your doctor before starting interval training.

In addition, this type of exercise is not suitable for all beginners: if you are just starting to practice, such a load may be too heavy for an unprepared body.

If there are contraindications to interval training, it is worth giving preference to working on cardio machines.

Classes at a calm pace will also allow you to effectively get rid of extra pounds. Losing weight with cardio will take longer, but the stress for the body will be less.

Results of interval training

Regular exercise allows you to start a quick process of fat burning. In addition, interval training helps strengthen ligaments and muscles, increase endurance and strength.

Do not forget that the most important condition for successful weight loss is the transition to proper nutrition.

If you have longstanding problems with overweight, without changing the diet, any load will not bring a good effect.

To work with intervals, you can simply use standard views cardio, alternating intervals. It can be:

  • exercises on an exercise bike;
  • classes on an ellipsoid, etc.

There are also training methods designed specifically for interval training.


This technique was named after Dr. Izumi Tabata, who developed it with his research team in the late nineties.

It involves alternating high-intensity loads with rest and takes a minimum of time. In this case, you can use almost any type of load - swings with dumbbells, work with expanders, work on cardio equipment, and so on.

An example is the following: you squat for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds. rest and start a new approach. And so you need to repeat for 4 minutes (i.e. 8 cycles).

Then change the type of exercise and do it in the same way.


Fitmix is ​​a training complex developed by instructor Leonid Zaitsev. It involves the alternation of different movements: imitation of evasion from the blows of an opponent in the fighting ring, tilts to the sides based on a pole, kicks, and so on.

Lesson time - up to half an hour.


Fartlek is a training program that involves running with alternating segments of different intensity. Intervals can be measured not only by time, but also by steps. An example of such a workout:

  • 10 steps at a fast pace;
  • 10 jogging steps;
  • 20 pace steps;
  • 20 jogging steps;
  • 30 steps at a fast pace and so on.

In this way, you can increase the number of steps in one interval to 100 or more, and then reduce them to 10 in the same way. Count only the steps of the right or left foot.

The duration of one lesson is up to 20 minutes.

Rules and principles of training

Before training, be sure to warm up. It can be jumping rope, running, working on an exercise bike, etc. Five minutes is enough. At the end of the interval training, a hitch should be done in the same way.

In order to navigate the phases of work, at the beginning of training, you need to use a heart rate monitor: the body works in an aerobic mode, when the pulse does not exceed 85% of the maximum heart rate.

This frequency is individual for each person, it depends on age. You can calculate it using a simple formula: 205.8 - (0.685 x AGE). With some experience, you can navigate by feeling, moving from one phase to another.

With interval training, it is necessary to correctly choose the duration of the phases of maximum and minimum load.

On initial stage the first should last 3-5 times less than the second. At the same time, the duration of the phases should be short - 10 seconds will be enough for a high-intensity phase, and a low-intensity phase, respectively, should last from 30 to 50 seconds.

People trying to lose weight are looking for ways to quickly and efficient combustion fatty deposits. At the same time, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, including the revision of nutrition. Are there such physical exercise that allow you to achieve maximum results in a short time? The answer is unequivocal - yes, and such training is called interval training.

Description of fitness practice Interval

The practice of Interval came from professional sports - it was used to train track and field athletes. The main advantage is a small time investment.

Now interval training is actively used by fitness trainers to quickly get rid of excess weight.

Short breaks between exercises are the main difference in this direction, which reduces the duration of the session without reducing efficiency. With such training, a sufficient frequency is maintained heart rate for active fat burning.

It absolutely does not matter which exercise is chosen, the main thing is the alternation of the active part with short breaks (10-30 seconds / 5-15 seconds, respectively). In time, the training will take up to half an hour maximum, which in our time is very important due to high employment modern people with the lack of sufficient time for full-fledged activities in the gym.

Here are some areas of interval fitness practice:

  1. The combination of aerobics with movements from martial arts - Tai bo.
  2. An aerobic complex is performed on the step platform and strength exercises, which is called Total body workout.
  3. AND Circuit training, which is the author's, which uses all kinds of sports equipment.

There is another type of interval program that is popular among show business stars called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It was specially developed to accelerate the processes of body shaping and individual problem areas including exercises for various muscle groups. Such a workout can last up to 2 hours with intervals of power loading up to 10 minutes and cardio - 1 minute. But it is only suitable for people who already have good physical fitness.

To conduct such classes, you need some experience in order to correctly calculate the optimal period for alternating the load. For example, intense exercise in the form of running, squats, jumping and push-ups alternates with a short rest. The load change is repeated up to 10 times. Wherein important point: the pulse in the rest phase should not be less than 50% of the maximum, and in the intensive phase it is brought up to 80%.

You can arrange such training for a couple of weeks, and then switch to your usual activities, changing the aerobic complex every 2 months, and the strength complex - 3.

Interval Training Techniques

There are several methods of interval training, often used to get rid of excess weight in a short time:

  • a team of researchers led by Dr. Izumi Tabata invented a method called Tabata - high-intensity exercise alternated with rest, allowing you to use any exercise. It is performed for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and so on for 8 cycles (4 minutes). Then the next one follows the same pattern, and so on;
  • the Fitmix complex was created by instructor Leonid Zaitsev, where different movements of combat types alternate - with deviations from blows, tilts to the sides based on a pole, kicks, punches, and so on. The time to receive the load reaches half an hour;
  • workouts that involve running and alternating segments of varying intensity are called Fartlek. Here, not only time is regulated, but also steps: for example, you need to quickly walk 10 steps, then the same amount of jogging, 20 again quickly, the same number of jogging steps, 30 quick steps, and so on according to the same principle. An increase in steps can reach up to 100 or more, after which their similar decrease occurs. The entire workout takes 20 minutes.

To get rid of excess body fat, there are a huge number of exercises from different types fitness, any of which can be applied to interval training. And depending on the chosen program, certain muscle groups will be involved: upper shoulder girdle, press, back, buttocks and legs.

Even a beginner can use the Interval fitness practice, but starting with a low load from 6 to 30 seconds interval, gradually increasing it, monitoring your well-being.

There are no age restrictions for such activities - they are used both in sports practice and in wellness for better functioning of the cardiovascular system, including weight loss.

Necessary equipment and shoes

For such training, you can use a variety of equipment:

  1. Step platform.
  2. Running track.
  3. Exercise bike.
  4. Skipping rope.
  5. Any power simulator, including dumbbells, a barbell or bar from it, and so on.

The main thing is regularity and focus on results.


Choose shoes based on the planned load: each workout has its own. For example, if the complex will consist of running exercises, then you will need sneakers with shock absorbers that reduce the load on the spine and joints when the foot comes into contact with the surface. Outwardly, they look like this - a massive heel and a sloping front. The material of such shoes should be airtight and light, allowing you to feel weightless while moving. These shoes are also suitable for strength training.

Dance lovers can be advised to purchase Jazz shoes, which are comfortable, light and soft, allowing you to freely pull the toe and bend the foot.

You can only do barefoot stretching, yoga and Pilates, since there is no shock load on the feet and spine during such activities. And bare feet at the same time receive an additional massage of nerve endings, which will restore strength, give flexibility and tone to the body.

Tip: when choosing shoes for training, choose the right size. Otherwise, you will feel discomfort, increase the risk of injury and ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

Interval training at home

Interval training is also available at home, but with one condition - there must be sufficient experience in fitness. This is explained high load similar activities. And it is also very important to perform all the exercises correctly, which is impossible without practice.

Therefore, to begin with, it is worth at least 3-4 months to go to gym and under the guidance of a fitness instructor to master basic movements: squats, push-ups, lunges, abdominal exercises and others.

About the rules, principles of interval fitness and some recommendations

  1. Before starting the main set of exercises, a warm-up is required, which will prepare your body for an intense load. For this, jumping rope, running in place, an exercise bike and other types of cardio load are suitable - it will take about 5 minutes.
  2. For orientation in the phases of work, use a heart rate monitor - in aerobic mode, an increase in heart rate above 85% of maximum values. It is calculated as follows - 205.8 - (0.685 * age).
  3. The length of the workout depends on the level. physical fitness- from 2 minutes to 30. The load increases gradually, starting small, based on well-being.
  4. With half an hour training, it is enough to give an interval program 3 times a week. The mistake of many beginners is more frequent exercises, which lead to a state of overtraining and, as a result, the rejection of such loads altogether.

If the following symptoms are present, the schedule should be reviewed:

  • persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • constant pain in the muscles;
  • increased heart rate even on non-training days.

Another tip - to increase efficiency, you can start taking nutritional supplements containing green tea extract and caffeine. Enough 400 mg of the first and 250 mg of the second, taken 45 minutes before the load - and fat will be burned much faster.

About contraindications

Interval training, of course, is much more effective than other methods in terms of getting rid of excess weight, but not everyone is shown it:

  1. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. It is impossible to apply such loads in various chronic diseases.

Therefore, before starting to engage in this technique, it is imperative to visit a specialist to obtain approval and recommendations on permissible loads.

This also applies to beginners in fitness, which will protect against negative consequences and maintain health.

You can master interval training at the Protrip team.

Exercise for pleasure, strengthen your health and make your body slim and fit!

Interval training has been around for decades. Previously, this method was used only in professional sports to prepare athletes for upcoming competitions, but today such exercises are used everywhere, and it is considered that this is one of the most effective ways solve the problem of being overweight.

By alternating periods of high load and low-intensity training, the body alternately changes the course of the metabolic process, due to which the metabolic processes in the body are gradually accelerated. Thus, interval training differs from other weight loss methods - the effect of burning calories continues after training, for 2-3 days. In addition, muscle tissue is strengthened, and the endurance of the body is significantly increased.

One of the fundamental in these workouts is the heart rate. It is important to keep your heart rate within limits not exceeding 95% of your maximum.

So, the mechanism that ensures fat burning is triggered as follows:

  1. We start with a warm-up. This, as an option, can be any physical activity, whether it's an easy jog, maybe running in one place, jumping or tilting.
  2. Start the load with a small time interval, gradually you will increase this period, for example from 2 to 15 minutes.
  3. The rest time should correspond to the time of classes, that is, 5 minutes of exercise and 5 minutes of rest.
  4. Rest does not mean the cessation of any activity, during this period you also perform exercises, but at a more moderate pace.
  5. This is necessary so that the pulse remains within the required values.
  6. With each new week of training, your load should increase by 10%.
  7. The workout includes 5 to 10 sets.
  8. It is not recommended to exercise more than twice a week.

High Intensity Interval Training

Such a cardio session may include exercises with free weights. Such as, for example, dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells. Such a training program is particularly effective due to the short rest intervals between increased loads. The break can be only 5-10 seconds. It is worth noting that high-intensity interval training is a shock to the body, because in a short period of time it involves a considerable amount of muscles, accelerates the pulse to maximum limits and significantly increases the amount of oxygen consumed. Therefore, you should train no more than 20 minutes and, preferably, no more than twice a week. Include so-called warm-ups and cool-downs in your workout, during which the muscles are warmed up and stretched, respectively. This will protect muscle tissue from injury.

Tabata protocol.

This Japanese method weight loss, named after the scientist who conducted many in-depth studies on the professional and effective training of athletes.

His theory was the principle “It must be hard”, that is, during the training process, it is necessary to use the maximum amount of muscle tissue at a time, and in order not to injure them during exercise, it is recommended to eat complex carbohydrates before starting loads, an hour and a half, such as porridge or muesli. It is also necessary to generate energy, which will be involved in the breakdown of fats.

The following exercises are suitable for the Tabata protocol:

  • push-ups, from the floor, or from the bench - it doesn’t matter;
  • squats, with or without a barbell;
  • jumping rope, alternate with jumps, pulling your knees to your chest;
  • twisting press;
  • pull-ups, you can use weights.

Hershler method.

Waldemar Gerschler was a coach of athletes who focused mainly on short distances. The meaning of his training was as follows: you need to run a 100-meter segment with a result that is 3 seconds less than the previous record. This is followed by a two-minute break and again approach to the distance. As long as the pulse has time to recover in the 2 minutes allotted for rest, the training will continue.


Or a game of speed. The essence of the phased interval running, where 2 or more people compete.

  1. At the first stage, the athletes warmed up by jogging for 10 minutes.
  2. This was followed by intensive running in the same time period.
  3. Then it was necessary to restore breathing through sports walking.
  4. Racing in a straight line passing a hundred meters, the same as climbing a slope.
  5. Restoration of breathing in the process of slow walking.

This is an example of the most famous high-intensity interval training methods, in fact, many more have been developed.

Training plan

Beginners in this method can use a generalized simple plan of action:

  1. A warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscle tissue. Walk or jog. Bends or squats are also suitable.
  2. Before increasing the load, the body must increase the movement of blood. Run fairly quickly until you feel warmth in your muscles.
  3. Slow down, jog a little.
  4. Again, run for a few seconds at maximum speed.
  5. Rest a bit until your heart rate returns to normal, just don't stop completely, a light jog will do.
  6. A few seconds of maximum speed.
  7. Such intervals should be performed up to 20, if you feel a strong tension, stop training.
  8. To complete the exercises, go to a quick step.

You should start gradually, gradually increasing the load.

interval running

Of course, running is the most accessible type of training, which can be performed without additional equipment and visiting the gym. There are several important rules to achieve the desired result without harm to health:

  1. Remember that in any kind of exercise you can overtrain. This should not be allowed, do no more than 2 times a week with the interval method, the rest of the days, if desired, use other options. Rest must be complete.
  2. Do not start classes on an empty stomach, but not earlier than a couple of hours after.
  3. To tone up, and to make your workout more enjoyable and productive, run to groovy, rhythmic music. Choose songs that will favorably affect your mood, this is important.
  4. You should not accelerate too much, make sure that when accelerating your breath does not go astray, ideally you should be able to speak without choking.
  5. At the end interval running It is recommended to take a contrast shower.
  6. Get a heart rate monitor and a stopwatch, they will help you correctly calculate the load and get the most out of your workout.

If during the interval you experience discomfort and pain, then, unfortunately, this species It is better to stop exercising or consult a doctor. There is a possibility that such loads are contraindicated for you, possibly due to some diseases.

Interval training: reviews

Most of the reviews about interval intervals are definitely positive. They note a variety of types of classes in conjunction with undeniable efficiency. You can find tips that can alert. There is an opinion that these classes are not for beginners, because they are very exhausting. Here, an erroneous approach was probably applied, with a correctly distributed load and a gradual increase in the pace of training, the body gets used to it and does not overwork.

They also note a significant improvement in body relief, increased endurance, a beneficial effect on the state of muscle tissue and improved well-being.

Interval training: video

We advise you to study several video clips available on the network with illustrative examples of interval training. This will allow you to have a clearer idea of ​​the upcoming loads and choose the most suitable training option for yourself.