Bracelet electronic for iPhone. Smart fitness bracelets for iPhone - how to choose the best tracker for iPhone

One of the most common questions I get asked is: "What to choose - Apple Watch or a fitness bracelet?" I already have an impressive collection of various fitness trackers at home, and today I want to systematize my experience and talk about the pros and cons of each gadget...

If you need a quick answer, then immediately go to the end of the post in the "summary" section, and first I want to analyze each gadget in detail and describe its pros and cons.

Apple Watch

Apple has ditched step counting and put "active calories", "active minutes" and "active hours" at the heart of its system. All this was beautifully visualized, but it turned out to be nonsense.

Active calories are the calories you burn when you move and exercise. That is, if you lie down all day, then your body also spends calories, but the clock does not take them into account. You can set a daily goal for active calories. I have a goal of "900", but I do not reach it every day.

In general, the clock counts these calories very inaccurately. Basically they only understand running and walking. All other sports and active rest they do not understand. Moreover, if you turn on the "training" application on the watch, the watch will count significantly more active calories than when the application is turned off, despite the fact that you do not change the pace and load. In general, they lie.

Active minutes are minutes when you play sports, or when the clock thinks you are doing sports. At the same time, I can do push-ups, pump the press and squat for an hour and the clock will not count me a single minute of activity, and then go down and throw out the trash and the clock will count as many as 5 minutes of exercise. In general, they lie again.

Active hours are hours when you have been moving for at least a couple of minutes during an hour. If you sit at a computer or in front of a TV set for an hour, then at 50 minutes of this hour the clock will beep and offer you a couple of minutes to take a walk. It is enough to get up and go to the kitchen or to the toilet. Apple is sure that you should have at least 12 “warm-up hours” per day. By the way, this is the only indicator where the watch sends you any signals and motivates you to do extra movement.

The watch can also measure the pulse, but they do it extremely inaccurately and irregularly. Moreover, the pulse is not visualized in any way through the application and can only be viewed in the Apple Health program, which also leaves much to be desired.

There are many other applications in the watch, but they are inconvenient to use.

Pros: They vibrate when a telegram, message or letter arrives on the phone.

Minuses: Price. Inconvenient app. Not waterproof. The battery must be charged every day, and if you turn on the "training" program, then it may not be enough for half a day. Does not measure sleep. Bulky and uncomfortable to wear around the clock. I want to take it off when I get home.

Conclusion: A beautiful fashionable gadget that makes sense to buy only if you are an ardent Apple fan. From a fitness standpoint, so-so.

Now a couple of introductory words about fitness trackers. They must perform three main functions:

Up3 by Jawbone

One of the hyped bracelets with good functionality and an app for four. Measures sleep and steps well. There is no display on the bracelet itself, which is a clear disadvantage, although due to its absence, the battery lasts about a week. You can only control your settings through the app. After updating the firmware, I began to measure the pulse before waking up. Sleep began to "notice" automatically, but often misses and for the first couple of hours it thinks that you are still awake. But the phase of sleep determines accurately. There is a smart alarm that wakes you up during your light sleep phase.

The app is very motivating. During the day, there are many messages about things to do. For example, that you have already walked 4 thousand steps and you have only 11 thousand left to reach your goal. Perhaps, best app in terms of motivation for additional movement.

Pros: Sleep measurements. Motivational app.

Minuses: No display. Not waterproof. No optical heart rate monitor. The connection between the bracelet and the phone is periodically lost. You have to wait a few days until it is completely discharged and only then can you connect it to the phone again.

Conclusion: A good bracelet, but the unreliability and lack of a display are frustrating.

Runtastic Orbit

Runtastic makes great fitness apps. It is with their help that I do push-ups, squats, press, walk, etc. Moreover, they made excellent scales that measure not only weight, but also muscle mass, and a bunch of other options. So I had a very big credit of trust in this company and I bought their bracelet without reading the reviews.

For his price, he does not know how to do anything. Its only advantage is that it is waterproof, so you can swim in the pool with it, but the screen is so dim that you can hardly see anything in the water anyway.

In order to start tracking sleep, you need to press the button, and when you wake up, press the button again. IN real life Of course you forget about it.

Pros: Waterproof

Minuses: Cannot automatically track sleep. No optical heart rate monitor. The application is weak.

Conclusion: I would choose another bracelet.

Very fancy bracelet. This is not even a fitness tracker anymore, but the next step is a medical bracelet. The instructions say that he can measure blood pressure and ECG. The pressure really measures quite accurately - I checked it several times, but the ECG - the developers got excited. This is not an ECG and the cardiologist will not be able to determine anything from it.

The bracelet can be purchased with a wide range of accessories, such as a special T-shirt, to which a sensor is attached in the heart area and measures the pulse.

An unusual way to measure. You need to remove the bracelet, unfasten the strap, hold it between your index fingers and wait a minute while the measurement is in progress. This is not very convenient.

The application is beautiful, but so far damp.

Pros: Pressure measurement. Large selection of accessories.

Minuses: An inconvenient way to measure heart rate, pressure and other indicators.

Conclusion: If you suffer from pressure, then this can be a very convenient and compact option in order not to carry a bulky blood pressure monitor with you.

Fitbit Charge HR

After I walked around with all the bracelets described above, I had a picture with a "dream bracelet" in my head. It should be with a display, waterproof, with an optical heart rate monitor, be able to automatically track sleep, and most importantly, it should have a convenient application that would show not only current parameters, but also previous statistics and dynamics.

Two bracelets more or less fit these parameters - Fitbit Charge HR and Garmin Vivosmart HR. I went through a bunch of reviews and ended up choosing the Fitbit. It is a little simpler than Garmin and not waterproof, but it has a more convenient and functional application, which was decisive for me. As a result, I now go with Fitbit "ohm.

Pros: Display. Great sleep stop. Great customizable app. Measuring the number of flights of stairs.

Minuses: Not always accurate heart rate measurement. Not waterproof.

Conclusion: I am satisfied.

Summary: If I were choosing my first fitness gadget, I would start with a bracelet, not a watch. All bracelets are slightly different. See which pros and cons are most important to you and make your choice.

You should also pay attention to Xiaomi bracelets. I have not tried them myself, but the price is very attractive and the reviews are not bad. Perhaps it a good choice to get started and understand how much you need a fitness bracelet.

Modern technologies do not stand still. A striking representative of the most useful and inexpensive gadgets is a fitness bracelet. Xiaomi is one of the largest manufacturers of these devices. The assortment includes both devices designed for synchronization only with Xiaomi phones, and those configured for the iPhone.

Fans choose fitness bracelets for iPhone active life and owners of "apple" smartphones. Devices from Xiaomi are a wide functionality, ease of settings, reliability and ease of use.

How useful is a gadget? The fitness bracelet replaces the watch, monitors the pulse, counts steps, and also monitors sleep. Thus, the device will be useful not only for people leading an active lifestyle, but also for everyone who monitors their health. In addition, the accessory perfectly copes with the role of an alarm clock!

Choosing an accessory is easy. The store offers a variety of products with a wide range of prices. Here you can choose a fitness bracelet for iPhone 7, iPhone 6 and a number of other models. If you have any difficulties with the choice or questions, you can always contact our consultant through the online form on the right. All devices come with a manufacturer's warranty.

Modern portable electronic gadgets, which functionally interact with a smartphone, have long been a fashionable and even necessary purchase. If earlier Bluetooth-headsets were very popular, then at the present time the demand for them has decreased significantly. And today they have been replaced by "smart" bracelets for the iPhone.

History of occurrence

Since the second half of the last century, a comprehensive study of indicators has become available to residents of Western countries. human body. However, at that time, for research, it was necessary to connect more than a dozen different wired devices to the human body. Since the early 2000s the ability to measure heart rate, calories burned and distance traveled has become an absolutely accessible function of modern home sports simulators. The emergence of a portable gadget-controller was not yet known.

And only since the end of 2011, you can observe the appearance of the first "smart" fitness bracelets for the iPhone. It was during this period of time that Jawbone confidently introduced its own “smart” fitness product. At that time, there was no complete confidence in the rapid consumer demand. Then no one could have predicted that the presentation of a fashionable device could cause a complete revolution in the modern fashion industry for the production of accessories for a comfortable, active, healthy lifestyle.

Let's move on to reviewing the most popular models of "smart" fitness bracelets for iPhone, analyze their functional component, highlight the advantages and obvious disadvantages of these modern fashionable gadgets.

Functions and characteristics of sports models

Currently, one can observe the special popularity of a healthy pace of life. The important role of its relevance is guaranteed by modern gadgets. Of course, they are not urgent items, but they add comfort to their user. Fitness bracelets are the absolute sporting know-how of the modern world.

Such accessories are conveniently fixed on the wrist of a person in the pulse area and provide precise control over the heartbeat. A person has the ability to independently choose the level of load, change the intensity of training, thanks to clear and understandable information on the instrument display. This advantage significantly increases the efficiency of training and reduces the unnecessary burden on the human body.

This is far from the only feature that these "smart" devices perfectly demonstrate. Manufacturers of women's fitness bracelets offer a wide range of different models, the system of which is distinguished by the possibilities of their functionality. Thus, all of them have both their own characteristics and advantages, as well as differences that form their individuality and uniqueness. Let's make certain comparisons of fitness bracelets with an indication of their main "chips" and purposes. This will help you fully evaluate modern devices and make the right choice.

Accessories with built-in alarm clock and heart rate monitor function

Not only do these devices help you control your heart rate, but they also do a great job of waking you up in the morning. Of course, the alarm clock is a very controversial and ambiguous function. Many owners simply hate him for his persistent morning reminders and the compulsion to leave cozy beds for routine matters. On the other hand, this is an absolutely necessary component. An additional plus is that the design of the fitness bracelet is endowed not with a standard alarm clock, but with a “smart” one.

Many will rather be surprised, considering this a significant exaggeration. All of us have long been accustomed to the unpleasant sound that wakes us up every day at a clearly defined time period. The same devices operate in a different way. In the process of sleep, the alarm clock monitors the position of your body, fixes the phases of sleep.

After studying the state of the body and assessing how well you rested, the device independently determines the right moment when it needs to earn. In addition, you hear not an intrusive sound, but a vibration of a soft and relaxed style.

In cases where you need to get up at a clearly defined period of time, then you should not fully rely on this alarm clock, however, the functional component of the device itself, of course, deserves special attention.

"Smart" models for pressure control

Control blood pressure in humans, this is another functional advantage of fitness bracelets, in addition to equipping them with a heart rate monitor function. Of course, the indicators of this mechanism are not a full-fledged analogue of a medical device. The pressure control function does not exclude measurement errors, however, giving a “smart” device the ability to control did not set the goal of creating a medical device.

It is still not worth declaring the absolute uselessness of such a function, since it is used to determine the minimum and maximum blood pressure indicators. Pressure control is a very important component in the process of long workouts and exhausting physical exertion. Modern fitness devices are endowed with the ability to record other indicators related to the medical field.

For example, fitness bracelets calculate the ratio of the level of adipose tissue human body in percentage terms, they read the level of sugar content, as well as respiratory rates, etc. The exceptional accuracy of these readings is quite approximate, so it should not frighten or mislead you.

Sports accessory with pedometer function

Most modern models of fitness bracelets are highlighted by the option to count the steps taken. This feature allows you to develop personal systems and training plans, individual modes for weight loss. The number of steps you take while walking and the result of calories burned are recorded by the sensors of this "smart" device.

Any person can easily set the norm for the day that he wants to achieve. And as soon as this norm is reached, your bracelet will notify you of a joyful result with a special signal. The device will not allow lazy people to forget about themselves and will quickly remind you about not doing the exercises with the help of vibration. Thus, the bracelet will hint what to shirk from physical tasks will not work.

iPhone sync function

Absolutely all models of fitness bracelets work with both smartphones and computers. Currently, the iPhone is no longer a sign of luxury, but is a completely standard gadget that representatives of any age have. This device can be found both in a teenager studying at school and in a wealthy oil businessman.

Review of the best

Stylish smart fitness bracelets have long gained huge popularity in the sports fashion gadgets market. Let's consider the best of them.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

This bracelet model from the well-known Xiaomi brand works with OC Android and iOS devices. The advantage of the device is a backlit touch display. The model is reliably protected from splashes and raindrops, although it is definitely not worth diving in it consciously. And although this option is not endowed with holes for using headphones, the device has a built-in heart rate monitor and is able to monitor both physical activity, and sleep. Thanks to the non-removable battery, the standby mode gives the wearer 480 hours of activity.

Onetrak sport

The model is equipped with much more powerful functionality. In addition to the advantages that were indicated in the first model, one can note the function of protection against various blows, up to hammer blows. The device device includes information about almost 16 million different dishes, restaurant menus with detailed details of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them.

The battery of the model perfectly performs its functions and requires a single charge for 7 days.

Teslawatch T-Band

The first thing worth noting is the lack of a screen, all functional components are based on the operation of smartphones of the OC Android and iOS platform. The "smart" device is also protected from moisture, counts calories, physical exercise, the user's sleep time.

Of the minuses can be noted:

  1. rubbing of the silicone strap (after a month of active use) and, accordingly, the loss of a presentable and beautiful appearance;
  2. complaints about the device software and the lack of necessary support for customers were recorded.

Apple Watch 42mm

Apple Watch 42 mm, block wristband. The device offers its users the necessary information and performs daily tasks at a fast pace. The accessory is endowed with the ability to instantly connect with loved ones. The delicacy of touch, which distinguishes this model from others, is a completely new version of notifications - physical. At the same time, you can easily turn on a quiet audio signal, which will additionally pleasantly notify you of the planned action.

To read messages, emails, the user just needs to raise his wrist. For an instant response, you can easily dictate a message, select a short reply, or use the built-in microphone.

This device is perfectly fixed on the wrist and guarantees safety and comfort during fast walking and training. The battery allows you to actively and safely use the device all day. Night charging is fully sufficient for daytime use to the fullest.

Operating principle

There are certain sensors on the fitness accessory that accurately capture the desired indicators. sports works person. After doing given condition, through the Bluetooth function, they send this information to a special mobile application that is installed on iPhone devices.

Of course, this application must be downloaded in advance and correctly fixed in order to comfortably use all the functions afterwards. sports bracelet. As soon as the application is installed, it is necessary to make the required settings for all the necessary indicators on it, fix the main goals that are required to be achieved in a day.

The image of the time indicator, as well as all other information about the current process, will be located on the display of the fitness device.

Absolutely all statistics on the results and achievements for the day will be displayed on your mobile device. Among these indicators: daily load, the distance traveled per day, the number of calories burned, as well as the amount of time spent in sleep and its quality.

Thus, we can say with confidence that a fitness bracelet is the same fitness trainer that analyzes your performance indicators and determines a program of effective training that will help keep your body healthy and fit.

Constant motivation and support on your way to achieving the desired result is an additional resemblance to a real trainer. Of course, the trainer in the gym does this as convincingly as possible, however, warnings and daily reminders from a trendy fitness accessory also perfectly motivate to fast pace, accelerated movements, the implementation of planned actions, etc.

Companies producing "smart" gadgets are well aware that the majority of people use two operating systems in their mobile devices - iOS and Android. It is clear that the best option is the production of devices that support not one, but both of these operating systems. Of course, we are mostly interested in fitness devices that are functionally synchronized with the iPhone.

Portable electronic devices that are functionally connected to a smartphone have long been in vogue. In the past, Bluetooth headsets were in demand. However, their popularity quickly subsided. Today, "smart" bracelets for the iPhone have replaced them.

Excursion into history

A comprehensive study of body parameters has been available to the population of Western countries since the middle of the last century. But at that time, diagnostics required connecting dozens of wired sensors to the body.

In the early 2000s, the functions of measuring heart rate, calories burned, distance covered became available to users of newfangled home exercise equipment. However, before the creation of a portable controller was still far away.

The first "smart" bracelet for the iPhone appeared on store shelves at the end of 2011. It was at this time that Jawbone presented its "intelligent" gadget in the form of a wrist device. It was hardly then possible to assume that the appearance of the device will cause a real revolution in the industry for the production of accessories for a healthy lifestyle.

Most likely, the forecast about the distribution of tens of millions of copies of gadgets by 2020, which has been repeatedly stated by numerous experts, will never come true. However, portable trackers actually cause considerable interest from the consumer.

Let's look at the most popular "smart" bracelets for the iPhone, try to understand their functionality, determine the obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages.

Jawbone UP24

At the moment, the portable gadget is the most successful and recognizable on the market. Such "smart" bracelets for the iPhone are presented in the form of an elastic spiral, which is placed on the user's wrist. Various sizes and colors are available to consumers.

Installing special applications allows you to recognize the calorie content of consumed products and read bar codes from various products. However, these features are not very popular.

Most often, Jawbone UP24 is used as a "smart" sleep bracelet for the iPhone. While the owner is resting, the gadget draws special graphs on the smartphone screen based on the received data on the state of the body. The device reads and can also work as an alarm clock, controlling the timely awakening.

Physical activity is recorded thanks to the functioning of the bracelet in separate modes corresponding to a particular sport. "Smart" applications offer the user analytics, identify new challenges for the body, give useful advice.

Polar Loop

"Smart" wristbands for the iPhone in this category have an extremely attractive design. The gadget is attached to the wrist with a reliable metal clasp. Another advantage is absolute protection against moisture. Therefore, the bracelet can not be removed when taking a shower or going to the pool.

Used by Polar Loop, according to by and large, like a pedometer bracelet for iPhone, a device for determining calorie consumption, recording general physical activity. If the user remains inactive for a long time, the gadget starts sending appropriate notifications.

A distinctive feature of the device is the ability to connect to a special belt. The symbiosis of two portable devices allows you to monitor your heart rate, determine the optimal time to start and end workouts.

Withings Pulse O2

Such "smart" bracelets for iPhone claim leadership in the production of functional gadgets for a healthy lifestyle. There are several objective reasons for this.

First, the bracelet looks appropriate on both men and women. In addition, the device goes well with various clothes.

Secondly, the portable device has an attractive, functional touchscreen, which is easy to operate on an intuitive level. But the main feature of the bracelet is an effective heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can get objective data about the state of the body at any time.

Misfit Shine

"Smart" bracelet for has the status of the most glamorous gadget of all solutions on the market. Calling the device a bracelet can be a stretch, as it is often fixed on clothes or worn around the neck.

The device is able to monitor the intensity of running, measure steps, helps to practice various exercises, determine the state of the body when practicing certain sports. The original color indicator tells you how effectively you have completed your daily activity limit.

Communication with a smartphone is carried out by installing a special application that is synchronized using Bluetooth protocols. Among other features, it is worth noting the water resistance of the device, battery operation, which consumes a minimum of energy.

Fitbit Flex

Currently, the consumer has five separate color options for the gadget. The divisions on the clasp do not make users puzzle over choosing the right size.

As for the configuration, here the manufacturer has done a great job. The device is synchronized not only with a smartphone, but if necessary, easily connects to a computer or laptop. The design of the bracelet is decorated in a minimalist style, which reflects main point adaptations - fixing the level of physical activity.

No matter how the device is bent, it is quite difficult to damage it, since the design includes several separate modules. In addition, the bracelet is waterproof. Therefore, you can safely swim in it or perform hygiene procedures.

The device does not contain a display and buttons. Management occurs by tapping on the body. At a certain point, the color indicator informs the user about the fulfillment of the norm of physical activity.

They are present here for the iPhone, which not only perform a standard function, but also wake up the user at the most favorable time for starting activity.

Nike + Fuelband SE

As you know, between the development company sports equipment, Nike, and popular manufacturer of times smart gadgets, Apple has long established a strong business relationship. Ultimately, the collaboration grew into replication of a new fitness bracelet.

It should be warned right away that Fuelband SE refuses to synchronize with smartphones based on the Android operating system. The developers attribute this shortcoming to the imperfection of Bluetooth technology. However, the reason is likely more obvious.

If we talk about the functionality of the gadget, then it successfully copes with all the functions typical of the portable devices listed above. Of the basic features, it is worth noting:

  • Fixing the number of steps.
  • Informing the user about the amount of calories lost.
  • Display of time on the display.
  • Monitoring the state of the pulse.

To my great disappointment, the bracelet is afraid of water. Therefore, when using it, it is better to stay away from sources of moisture. There is no vibration mechanism here to notify the user, as well as an alarm clock, which can also be added to the disadvantages column.


Each bracelet that has received attention in the review has advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, a universal portable gadget for monitoring the state of the body has not yet been invented. However, based on the information provided, the user will be able to choose not only a useful device, but also a stylish accessory that will arouse the interest of others.

I greet everyone who stopped their eyes on the blog of the project "On the Edge". Traditionally, I touch on certain aspects of life, as well as those products that accompany these aspects. Fitness bracelets for Iphone are in the center of current attention.

Indeed, it is quite difficult to find a type of activity where certain equipment or devices are not required, even clothes can be designed specifically for some kind of activity.

The largest selection of fitness bracelets for iPhones and Android devices on Ali Express!

I am sure that any of you who started doing, for example, jogging in the morning, will definitely come across the need to buy a comfortable sports shoes, clothing that would allow air to circulate freely, etc. The same applies to fitness bracelets, which are gradually gaining more and more popularity.

You must have met in Everyday life people with plastic bands on their wrists. However, it does not have to be gym or treadmill- such people can be found even in a business setting, office and other places that have absolutely nothing to do with sports. It is impossible to say that they are quite aesthetic and emphasize the style of a person, then a completely reasonable question arises - what is it, why are they needed at all and what function do they perform? Well, let's take a closer look.

Fitness bracelet for Iphone - fashion for health

The era when the representatives of the weaker sex valued in men a certain rebelliousness, indifference to public opinion and other qualities that betrayed a sort of "bad boy" is gradually fading into oblivion. Now there is a real fashion for healthy lifestyle life and all that goes with it. This is not surprising, because seeing a person next to you who takes care of himself and his body is much more pleasant than some elderly rocker in a leather jacket and with a bottle of beer. The comparison, of course, is a bit sketchy, but the message of the statement is quite clear.

Naturally, a sports lifestyle presupposes the presence of certain gadgets, which, although not essential, are an unconditional benefit and convenience. Accessories such as smart fitness bracelets are the latest know-how in the field of sports life.

Fitness bracelets are worn on a person's hand in the pulse area, exercising control over the work of the heart. Seeing the readings of the device, a person can independently decide to reduce the load, or change the intensity of training, which significantly increases their effectiveness, and also reduces the load on the body.

This is far from the only function that a smart bracelet performs or, as it is also called, a fitness tracker. There are quite a lot of different models with certain functionality embedded in their system. Accordingly, they all have their own characteristics and differences, which form their individuality.

In order for you to be able to fully appreciate them, I will try to make a certain comparison of bracelets, indicating their main "chips" and purpose.

Bracelets with alarm clock and heart rate monitor

A fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor will not only help you control your heartbeat, but also wake you up in the morning. Of course, the alarm clock is a very controversial thing, many people hate it because it makes us get up from a cozy and warm bed, going to work and other things, but, you see, this is simply a necessary device. And if you consider that the design of such a bracelet contains not an ordinary alarm clock, but a smart one, then this seems to be an additional plus.

Many of you might be surprised to think that I'm exaggerating when I call the alarm clock "smart". We are all used to the fact that he makes his little pleasant sounds that wake us up at a strictly defined time, which we set ourselves.

This device operates in a slightly different way. While you sleep, the alarm monitors your postures, determines the phases of sleep, etc. Then, he himself determines the moment when he will work, having studied the state of your body, or rather, the degree of how much you rested.

At the same time, not a nasty tinkle is heard, but only a soft and relaxed vibration. Of course, if you need to get up at a strictly defined time, then you should not rely on such an alarm clock, but the functionality of the device itself deserves increased attention to itself.

Blood pressure tracker

There are fitness bracelets equipped not only with a heart rate monitor, but also with a device that measures blood pressure in a person. Of course, such a mechanism cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for a tonometer, because it can have a rather large measurement error, but it was not originally planned as a medical device. However, it cannot be said that this is an absolutely useless function in the bracelet, because it allows you to determine the minimum and maximum values blood pressure, and this is very important in the process of physical activity.

Such bracelets can also read other information related to medical topics. In particular, they determine the percentage of adipose tissue in the human body, sugar levels, respiratory rate, etc. However, the accuracy of these measurements should not mislead you - it is quite approximate.

Fitness bracelet with pedometer

Most smart bracelets have a step counting function that allows you to create individual training systems and weight loss programs. Special sensors record the number of steps you have taken, as well as how many calories have been burned as a result. At the same time, the person himself sets the norm for the day, which must be achieved. As soon as the result is achieved, your bracelet happily announces this with a special signal. If you are lazy, then even here the bracelet reminds of itself - it emits a vibration, as if hinting to you that you are idle and do not complete tasks.

How to connect a fitness bracelet to iPhone

In general, absolutely all fitness bracelets work with two types of electronic devices - with a smartphone or a computer. In the current era, when the Iphone has ceased to be a luxury item, but has become a completely ordinary gadget that almost everyone goes with - from a teenager studying at school to a respectable businessman with a couple of oil rigs.

Fitness bracelets for Iphone operate according to the following principle. The fitness tracker has special sensors that record certain parameters of human activity. After that, they transmit this information via Bluetooth to a special . Of course, you need to download and install it first so that you can manage all the functionality that is included in the smart bracelet.

After installing the application, you must configure the main parameters on it, indicating those goals that are mandatory for execution during the day. On the bracelet itself, a time indicator or other information about the current process will be displayed.

Absolutely all the statistics of your activities for the day will be displayed on your iPhone: what loads did you bother yourself with, how many distances were covered, how many calories were burned, as well as how much sleep you had and how good this dream was. In fact, this is the same fitness trainer who analyzes your performance, and then determines the program of your workouts that help keep your body in good condition.

Another similarity with a full-fledged coach will be the constant motivation of you to action. Of course, the trainer in the gym does this more convincingly (even with physical assault in places), but the reminder from the bracelet also makes you increase the pace, move more, etc.

What to choose from?

Manufacturers of smart bracelets are well aware that the vast majority of people use two operating systems in mobile devices - iOS and Android. It is not surprising that they are trying to make devices that would support both operating systems, and not just one. We are more interested in bracelets that sync with an iPhone, so the fact that they also support Android is not of decisive importance to us.

So, you are a happy owner of an iPhone and, by a lucky chance, you are actively involved in sports. You have an idea in your head to buy a fitness bracelet compatible with your smartphone. Well, the desire is quite understandable, so I, with your permission, will present a kind of rating of such devices, based on the data that I received on the Internet. Naturally, I cannot try them all on in order to make pathos statements, such as “I experienced it the hard way”, etc. But even the data that is in the public domain is quite enough for a comparative assessment.

What should be a fitness bracelet - basic requirements

Before proceeding to the list of brands, there are several aspects that shape the quality and demand for smart bracelets. There are several of them:

  • Reported monitoring values ​​must be accurate or with minor errors.
  • If possible, the bracelet should be synchronized with several operating systems.
  • The device must have a sufficiently powerful battery so that you can not be distracted by recharging.
  • A mobile application for working with it should be as clear as possible, without unnecessary troubles.
  • The bracelet should have at least minimal protection against moisture. Of course, only a few models from manufacturers can fully function in the water, but at least protection from raindrops or showers must be present.
  • The presence of an LED panel, which would reflect various information.
  • Discreet design, in this case, will only be welcomed.

Manufacturers of fitness bracelets

The presence of the above points is not mandatory, but if they are, then such a fitness bracelet will rightfully claim the title of the best in this segment. In general, it is quite difficult to choose the best fitness tracker, because there are quite a few devices comparable in quality and functionality, so it is rather difficult to give the palm to someone.

Bracelet X iaomi Mi Band

This device works with iPhone, as well as with smartphones that support the Android axis. Among its advantages, I would like to note its elegant appearance in black and other colors. Its design is notable for the fact that it will look advantageous on both men and women. In short, a kind of "unisex".

But such devices are not valued for their appearance. In particular, MiBand can last almost a month without recharging, which is a very worthy indicator. Among its functions there is a pedometer and a sensor for recording calories burned, i.e. those main aspects that characterize a quality fitness bracelet.

In addition, in its "stuffing" there is a sensor of your sleep, which allows you to monitor your awakening. There is also protection against moisture, but I still do not recommend swimming with it for pearls to a depth. With all its merits, its cost is about 1500 rubles, which is just a ridiculous price compared to other fitness trackers.

I would like to point out the Jawbone UP24, which has a laconic design that suits not only a sporty lifestyle, but also a business style. It also contains a pedometer function, calorie counting sensors, in a word, all the essential components of a high-quality fitness bracelet.

There is also a smart alarm system that reflects information on the iPhone about how much you slept, what time, etc. The charge lasts about a week, which is not very much when compared with the previous "Chinese", but the cost will be an order of magnitude higher - about 5-6 thousand rubles.

In general, with regard to Chinese fitness bracelets, their quality is getting higher every year. Despite the fact that we are all used to being very skeptical about Chinese electronics, practice shows that fitness trackers released in the Middle Kingdom are no worse than branded models. I don't think it's necessary to mention that they cost even less. Of course, you can’t call them ideal devices, but in terms of price-quality ratio, they will give odds to any expensive models.

On this thoughtful note, I will end my story today. I hope that my efforts were of at least some interest to you and, what the hell is not joking, I helped you at least a little in choosing a fitness bracelet for your iPhone. In principle, any choice is purely individual, so all possible ratings and reviews can only play an exploratory role, so that a person understands the pros and cons of individual devices. It's the same story with fitness trackers, so study, read and analyze - this is the only way you can make the right choice.

Until we meet again, friends, on the pages!

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