What do you need to open a children's pool. Approximate opening times

Today, swimming pools are popular with almost all segments of the population. The attendance of the average pool is about 300 people per day.

Corporate clients take up about half of the time the pool is open. This guarantees stable profits. The main thing for this business is water, the attendance of the pool largely depends on its quality. It is this component that requires special attention: annual repair and replacement of the engineering part, water purification. It is advisable to refuse chlorination. With a pool turnover of about 2 million rubles. per month, to maintain it in the norm, you need to spend 500 thousand rubles.

Experts believe that now the pool complex is a promising and profitable business, with low competition. The state cuts taxes and organizes tenders. The investment pays off in about three years.

For a city of five million people, at least 160 pools are required. At the moment, their number is approaching only 80. There is practically no competition between them. The pools are fully loaded, due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. 5-10 clients per month are interested in the construction of pools over 20 m.

In large cities, there are several forms of existence of pools:

Sports (which are financed from the city budget)
- Complexes (fixed at educational institutions or manufacturing enterprises that earn part of the money by organizing self-supporting groups)
- Private pools
- Swimming pools built as an additional service at fitness centers, hotels, bath complexes. For them, the presence of a pool in the list of services is an opportunity to attract additional customers (increases the number of customers by 30-40%).

The payback of the pool depends primarily on the level of services provided, and then on the location, water quality, cleanliness of the premises. The size of the bowl is also important.

Pools 20-25 m long, with three to six lanes are popular with the average resident. Accordingly, they are the most profitable. But athletes prefer 50-meter tracks.

According to experts, the construction of the pool, including premises, equipment and civil works, will cost 1.5-2 million euros.

For the arrangement of the pool, a room with an area of ​​​​at least 1500-2000 m2 is required. Here are a few options for purchasing it:

Rent in a business center
- buy out and modernize the old building (according to experts, it is not difficult to install a bowl and equipment for a pool in a finished building)
- build a swimming pool from scratch, getting a place and a building permit. For this there are standard projects FOB (sports and recreation pool), which provides for all services health complex including sauna and gym. Such a complex can be ordered in disassembled form, its construction will take from six months to a year and will cost 1-1.5 million euros.

For construction swimming pool a water filtration system, heating, lighting, dividing paths and starting tables are needed. An economical option will cost 50 thousand euros.

Depending on the thickness and quality of the walls and the waterproofing system, the cost of the pool bowl varies. So a bowl 25 m long, 8 m wide and 1.5 m deep with a filtration and heating system will cost approximately 40 thousand euros, lining at the rate of 100 euros per 1 m2. Sauna or bath equipment - 3 thousand euros.

It is necessary to obtain a building permit from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of your city. When opening a health pool, you also need permission from the State Fire Supervision and SES. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining these documents can take longer than the construction itself.

It is also necessary to conclude contracts with suppliers of water, energy and heat. The difference from the construction of other objects is in accounting. Institutions physical culture have tax benefits.

As for the personnel, at least four people will be needed to maintain the pool, who will monitor the chemical and bacteriological composition of water, equipment, and be responsible for the smooth operation of the equipment. In addition to them, there should be a director, an accountant, 3-4 administrators, 1-2 cloakroom attendants, 3-4 cleaners, a nurse, 1-2 aqua aerobics instructors and 3-4 swimming coaches.

The provision of a standard set of services will require an increase in costs by several tens of thousands of euros. Also, you may need a special license for services such as massage. But, despite this, the opening of the pool is a profitable business.

Who suits: athletes

Resources: pool room, bowl, dividing paths, lighting design. Employees, permits

Capital investment: for an average pool from $80,000 to $100,000

With each passing day people preferring outdoor activities and a healthy lifestyle, it becomes more. There are people who prefer to play football, there are those who like going to fitness centers, there are people who like martial arts that give them a feeling of confidence.

Each person finds a feeling of complete physical and emotional satisfaction in some particular sport. Among all existing sports events, there are those that suit and benefit everyone and everyone. These are morning work-out, running and swimming. And if for charging and running you need only desire, then for swimming you need a pool filled with water.

Of course, in the warm season, a natural reservoir located close to the house (if there is one) can perfectly cope with the role of the pool. So, some people live near a lake, river or seashore. In general, in the summer it is much easier to find a place where you can splash around for free.

As for the period from autumn to spring, not everyone can swim in natural reservoirs. For this reason, most swimmers for this period prefer pools in which the optimum temperature is maintained all the time.

It is worth noting that not every city in our vast Motherland has swimming pools, which deprives lovers of such an opportunity to swim in the cold season. Given this circumstance, start-up entrepreneurs can build their own swimming pools in such cities, thus creating a non-competitive and profitable business.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Pool visitors

The visitors of the pool are people of all ages: from preschoolers to the elderly, because it is so nice to swim in warm and clear water, which once again confirms the observation of vacationers on the beach. You can also add athletes to your potential clientele, especially if there are competitions in some water sport in the city. Of course, it is worth including in the list of visitors and the corporate layer of the clientele.

pool opening

It is quite natural that a high-quality commercial pool requires a large investment. The construction of a large complex, which includes several pools at the same time, will require about three million dollars. Such a project is especially relevant for large metropolitan areas, for example, for Moscow.

For a small region or city, an average pool will be enough, since it is likely that a large complex in a provincial town will not pay off. So, the construction of an average pool will cost between 80-100 thousand dollars. Typically, pools pay off already in the third year of operation.

Having decided on the city in which you plan to place private pool, it is necessary to proceed to the choice of premises. The most common version of the pool is a pool with three swimming lanes, reaching a length of twenty meters.

The next step is the purchase of the pool bowl. A medium-sized bowl, which is 20 meters long and 6-8 meters wide, costs approximately 50 thousand dollars. It is also necessary to decorate the premises: facing tiles, dividing paths, lighting.

You can start building your own pool only after obtaining a license from the SES and permission from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture. During construction work, it is necessary to bring the power grid, water supply and sewerage. And the final stage will be the selection of personnel. So, you will need a manager, an accountant, cleaners, paramedics and, of course, a swimming coach.

Once all of the above is in place, your own pool doors can be opened.

Opening a swimming pool is a business with a humane goal. If you are interested not only in making a profit, but also in introducing people to a healthy lifestyle, then this is your area. At the moment, the market really needs such complexes. Actually, it’s in your favor, because you can just rent old pool and to restore it, it will be much cheaper than building a new one. The opening of the pool is the entrance to an almost non-competitive market.

Swimming complex is a capital-intensive, but profitable and large-scale business. Its main advantage is that in order to develop and attract customers, you only need to provide high level service. After all, to open such a project and grow into sports complex easier than starting with a global project.

Services that can be provided:

  • occupations of individuals;
  • organization of group visits;
  • holding competitions;
  • entertainment activities;
  • swimming training.

When running a business of this format, there are always opportunities, and sometimes the need to open additional medical and preventive services.

Additional services:

  • bath;
  • massage;
  • gym.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

In order for the pool business plan to be more useful, you need to decide whether you will build it or whether it is possible to rent an already finished one.

Opening a pool as a business requires the following steps:

  1. Exploration of the market and competitors in the region.
  2. Definition with options to build or rent.
  3. Drawing up a financial plan with calculations for a large investment.
  4. Purchase of the necessary sports equipment.
  5. Purchase of chemicals for disinfection.
  6. Search for permanent and one-time personnel.
  7. Development of a pay-per-visit model.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

Set of documents to open water complex standard. If you want to build it, of course, building acts and plans are added to the permits themselves.

Main set of documents:

  • IP certificate;
  • SES permission;
  • certificate from the water utility;
  • concluded contracts for periodic disinfection of the pool;
  • customer safety regulations;
  • documents confirming the instructor's qualifications.

Stage 2 - finding a room

In this case, it is better to rent the premises or restore the finished one. If you decide to invest in the pool as a business, be prepared for big expenses. In this article, we will consider the most budget option - this is renting an old, but operating basin.

Accommodation options:

  • reconstruction of mothballed or old;
  • rent;
  • building.

The minimum building area should be from 1500 sq.m. In the case of construction, you should take into account that in addition to the location of the pool itself, you also need a bathroom with showers, a coaching room and a pantry for inventory.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Basically, the list of equipment directly depends on the services that you will provide.

Pool standard equipment list:

  • Sports Equipment;
  • medical preparations;
  • chemicals and cleaning equipment;
  • detergents for bathrooms;
  • purchase of furniture for the administrator and coaching room.

Stage 4 - recruitment

The availability of qualified personnel is directly envy of the scale of the services that you are going to provide. The list given by us is relevant for a project with a standard set.

  • nurse;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Instructor;
  • administrator.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Promotion channels:

  • promotions;
  • Internet resources.

Financial plan

The list below is for rent, no restoration or construction costs.

List of minimum required investments:

  • rent of the complex (from 400,000 r);
  • swimming equipment (from 40,000 r);
  • disinfection chemicals (up to 35,000 r).


  • instructor: (35,000 r);
  • cleaner (20,000 r);
  • administrator (30,000 r);
  • nurse (25,000 r).

Total: 585,000 rubles.

Possible risks

In this business, the risks are mainly related to safety and sanitary standards. We have given the main factors that can negatively affect the enterprise.

  • accidents in the water;
  • unprofessional instructor;
  • poor sanitary conditions of the premises;
  • water pollution.

Growing popularity healthy lifestyle life in our country and in countries near and far abroad is constantly increasing. More and more more people begin to realize the beauty of active pastime. Someone is playing football in the yard with friends. Someone signs up for a fitness center to get in shape and change appearance. Someone decides to take up martial arts, which will help not only significantly improve their appearance, but also allow them to gain self-confidence. In general, everyone finds the sport that is right for him. But in all this diversity, there are such active events that are suitable and recommended for almost everyone without exception. Such sports include morning exercises, running and, of course, swimming. And, if nothing special is required to do the first two, then a reservoir is simply necessary for swimming.

Places where you can swim

In the summer, you can use the nearest natural as a place to practice. Its appearance depends on the specific location. Someone has access to a small river or a pond, someone can swim in a large lake, and someone is lucky enough to live right on the sea coast. Actually, it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that in the summer most people still have the opportunity to engage in water sports. But in the colder months - from autumn to spring - swimming in natural reservoirs is quite problematic. The reason is low water temperature. Therefore, many swimming enthusiasts during these periods move to artificial reservoirs - pools. Of course, in the summer, many of them visit the pools, but it is in the cold season that a real boom is observed.

But in many cities there is quite unpleasant situation. The number of pools is not enough to meet the needs of all potential customers. In other words, demand exceeds supply. Not everywhere, of course, not in all cities, but in many it is precisely this state of affairs. Although the situation is unpleasant for swimmers, for us - for entrepreneurs - it is, on the contrary, very favorable. After all, before us looming simply ideal conditions to create your own business - construction.

What does the client audience of this business look like?

And she looks very colorful and diverse. After all, almost everyone loves to swim in clean and pleasant water. Starting from school children and even preschool age and ending with the elderly. If your city is experiencing a real boom in aquatic species sports, then athletes can become another large category of customers. But, again, it all depends on your particular city. If you look at our huge country in terms of the geographical distribution of popularity various kinds sports, you can see interesting feature. Almost every city is famous for its heroes. Wrestling is popular somewhere, so the entire population is completely engaged in sections martial arts. Somewhere (there are most of such cities) it is a success. And somewhere in fashion swimming. If you live in such a city, you are very lucky, as the circle of potential visitors to your private pool is expanding significantly.

Another large audience of potential pool visitors is corporate clients. According to experts, very often they take up to half of total visitors.

How to open private pool?

It should be said right away that building your own pool is an expensive task that requires serious investments. If we talk about specific amounts, then a large complex with several pools will cost 2-3. Such an object will be relevant in a large metropolis, for example, in Moscow. If we are talking about a regional town, then it is not advisable to invest in such a serious construction. Such an object may simply not pay off. In the provinces, it is best to build medium or even small pools. The creation of such an object will cost 70-100 thousand dollars. As for the payback of this business, then, according to the calculations of the same experts, on average it takes up to three years. That is, it is a kind of medium-term investment. You can't make quick money.

If you are determined to build your own pool, then you should start by finding a suitable room. Its area depends on the size of the proposed artificial reservoir. The most common (and one of the most popular) format is a pool about 20 meters long with 3 swimming lanes. It is better to acquire the premises as property, since starting expensive construction in someone else's building is quite risky.

The next stage is the acquisition of the bowl of the future. The cost again depends on the size. A medium-sized bowl (20 meters long and 6-8 wide) will cost about 50 thousand dollars. The necessary heating and water purification systems are already included. But lighting and dividing paths will have to be purchased separately. As well as facing tiles, which will cost another 15-17 thousand dollars.

In addition to certain financial investments, to open a private pool, you will need a building permit from the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and a license from the SES. Obtaining all permits may require additional financial and time costs. Also, do not forget about the supply of water, sewerage and power networks and the conclusion of contracts with the relevant services.

The final stage is recruitment. Of course, a lot depends on the size of your pool. But, in general, the situation with employees is approximately the following. One manager. One accountant. Two administrators. Two medical workers. Two cleaners. And several instructors and swimming coaches. In this composition, your pool will be ready for the initial flow of visitors. And then you will look at the situation and, if necessary, hire certain additional employees. That, in fact, is all. Successful business to you!