Abs workout schedule at home. Effective training program for the press on the upper and lower abdominal muscles

On the pages of magazines and on the Internet, you can find many programs and training complexes for pumping the press. However, the vast majority of them have only one goal - to load it to the maximum. At the same time, it often comes to absurd methods that offer almost several hours to perform exercises on the press. This approach is not only fundamentally erroneous from the point of view of the result, but simply harmful. In our today's article, we will analyze the correct method for training the abdominal muscles, as well as the optimal set of exercises.

An important feature of the press training

Different muscle groups may have their own characteristics of training. With regard to the press, this is most relevant, because, unlike other muscle groups, the press does not need muscle growth, but a relief appearance. It is from this fact that one must build on the construction of training programs.

Since only the relief appearance is important for the press, classic strength training will not suit him. Moreover, they will be harmful, since hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles leads to their shortening, which in the future ends in pain in the neck and back. Therefore, training should be without weights and be of a voluminous multi-repetitive nature - 3 sets of exercises for 15-20 repetitions. This method of training the press is optimal.

What determines the relief of the press?

To ensure beautiful appearance your abs, training alone is not enough. From past articles, we know that the relief of a particular muscle largely depends on how much subcutaneous fat contained in its area. The less subcutaneous fat, the more prominent the muscles, and vice versa. At the same time, if the visual quality and relief of other muscles depend on their size and the amount of subcutaneous fat, then in relation to the press, the amount of subcutaneous fat plays a key role, and muscle development is secondary.

Thus, it is necessary to clearly and clearly understand that due to diet alone, you can achieve a relief press, but due to exercise alone, you cannot. This is the most important key difference between the abdominal muscles and other muscle groups.

The right training program for the press

Next, we present the optimal training program for pumping up the muscles of the press. It includes 3 exercises - on the bottom, top and oblique muscles of the press. Perform it once a week, at the end of the workout of any muscle group. More frequent training does not have any benefits and does not provide faster results. The recommended frequency of ab workouts is optimal.

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Twisting on a Roman bench 3 15-20
Reverse crunches 3 15
Twisting with body turns 3 15-20

Technique for performing the above exercises.

© chesterF - stock.adobe.com

    What will be required

    Ab training is an integral part of any sports discipline. It is difficult to imagine an experienced athlete who would not pay attention to this muscle group. To get a relief press, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with everyday intense workouts in gym. It is quite possible to create beautiful cubes on the stomach at home. For this, only your desire and a minimum inventory like a horizontal bar and dumbbells are enough. Plus a competent training program for the press at home.

    But remember that pumping up the abdominal muscles is only half the battle. To give the press relief, you need a low-calorie diet to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. If you have an excess of adipose tissue on the abdomen and waist, there will be no cubes, even if you train the press five times a day. Visually, the abdominal muscles become embossed when the percentage of body fat falls below 10-12%. If there is more fat in the body, the abdominal muscles will become stronger, but it will not work to gain a visually athletic and aesthetic torso.

    In this article, we will tell you how to train the press for men and women at home and what exercises are best for this.

    The press is a stabilizer in all basic movements, and if he is your weak link, then serious weights in squats or deadlifts will never submit to you.

    Press exercises:

    • improve the functioning of internal organs;
    • normalize digestive processes;
    • have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system.

    The external aspect is no less important: embossed belly- a universal indicator of your relationship to your own body. In addition, it increases attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

    Putting emphasis on the abdominal muscles in your training program is quite simple. It is enough just a couple of times a week to perform complexes of 2-4 exercises at the end of training other parts of the body. If you eat right and exercise right, progress will follow immediately. If this does not happen, there are two reasons: slow burning of subcutaneous fat (or lack of it) and insufficient volume of load (or improperly built training process generally).

    Frequency and volume of training

    The most frequently asked question that fitness trainers hear is: how often should I train the abs? The answer is simple. The press is the same muscle group as everyone else. How many times a week do you train, for example, legs? With too frequent training, the muscles do not have time to recover, which nullifies the result.

    Almost always, after a good workout, the abdominal muscles hurt so much that it is impossible to even get out of bed. This is an indicator proper training. If the next day the abdominal muscles do not hurt, then you trained something else, but definitely not the press. Optimal frequency workouts - no more than twice a week, for beginners, once will be enough.

    Next important point: training volume. Many do thousands of twists, naively believing that this will make the abdominal muscles more prominent and burn belly fat. This is a common misconception. Local fat burning does not exist. For this reason, the press should be trained in the classic strength style - 2-4 exercises of 10-15 repetitions. It is advisable to add static elements like a plank or a vacuum, this will make the abs stronger and the waist narrower.

    Load distribution

    When compiling a home workout program for the press, it is important to correctly distribute the load throughout the entire training week. Do not train the press the day before training the back or legs. You won’t have time to recover, and squatting or deadlifting with “killed” abs is a bad idea. Too much load will fall on the extensors of the spine, and when working with serious weights, this is fraught with injury.

    Work with own weight- this is good, but to achieve the greatest progress, you will need optional equipment. It can be kettlebells and dumbbells to do classic exercises like crunches a little harder.

    A good option is a press roller, with its help you can fully load the rectus abdominis muscles, the latissimus dorsi, pectoral and anterior deltas. It is sold in any sports hypermarket and is inexpensive. If a medicine ball is lying around at home, it’s great, but if a horizontal bar hangs in a room or in the yard, even better. How more exercise arsenal, the more varied and productive the training process will be.

    Distribute the load evenly - train both the upper and lower part press. The oblique abdominal muscles should also not be ignored.

    Many people find the lower abs to be very demanding and perform countless hanging leg raises. This is another misconception. The relief of the two lower cubes is 90% dependent on the amount of fat in the lower abdomen. If your subcutaneous fat layer is large, no amount of super-volume training will help.

    Training Intensity

    Train hard. The press is a small muscle group, you should not spend a lot of time training it. If you work really productively, then training the press at home, you can easily keep within 20-30 minutes.

    Girls should be more careful when training the oblique abdominal muscles. If they are hypertrophied, visually it will make the waist wider. It is unlikely that any of the girls want this. The oblique muscles are small in size and do not require a large amount of work. Perform for them one exercise in 3-4 sets once a week. This will be quite enough to keep the muscles in good shape, but not increase in volume.

    It is not necessary to do a separate workout for the press - it is compatible with almost any muscle group. This is true for both home workouts and gym workouts. Exercises for the abs - great option workouts and breaks. You can also perform them in between sets for other muscle groups.

    The only subtlety in this moment is that you should not pump the press after training the legs. Firstly, you have already spent all your strength, and it is unlikely that the training will turn out to be productive. Secondly, leg exercises increase intra-abdominal pressure. Abdominal exercises exacerbate this condition. There may be cramps in the rectus abdominis muscle, weakness and a feeling of nausea. In the long term, the risk of an umbilical hernia increases.

    Homework program for girls

    In pursuit of a flat stomach, girls often exhaust themselves with constant abdominal training, not realizing that this muscle needs time to recover, and fat burning does not depend on exercise at all.

    Below is a weekly abs workout program for girls, which is suitable for all ladies who are actively involved in sports:

    Workout #1
    lying on the floor4x15
    Lying leg raises on the floor4x15

    30-60 seconds

    © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com
    Workout #2
    30-45 seconds

    © logo3in1 - stock.adobe.com
    30-60 seconds for each side

    © ikostudio - stock.adobe.com
    10 max

    Another good option for practicing at home without any additional devices:

    © artinspiring - stock.adobe.com

    Here, exercises 1-5 are performed in the 3x10-15 mode.

    Home workout program for men

    If you work out regularly in the gym and do basic exercises such as deadlift, barbell squats, bench press and bent over row, then it makes no sense to strain especially while training the press. In these exercises, he does about 20% of the work. However, if you want to make it stronger and more prominent, you can use special program abs workouts for men:

    Workout #1
    Crunches with extra weight3x10-12

    © fizkes - stock.adobe.com
    © splitov27 - stock.adobe.com
    60-90 seconds
    Workout #2
    Raised leg crunches3x12

Developing the abdominal muscles is not as difficult a task as it seems to many beginners. However, in order to pump up the relief abdominal muscles, it is not enough just to perform the most effective exercises on the press. More details about how, Fitseven already told. Successful abdominal training involves the ability to keep the abs in conscious tension during exercise.

Since the abdominal muscles are closely connected not only with the muscles of the body, but also with the muscles of the back, with incorrect execution exercise creates a load on the lower back, provoking the development of chronic pain. Before moving on to "advanced" exercises, it is important to learn how to pump the press correctly with the help of a set of exercises for beginners, presented below.

Abs Workout for Beginners

It must be remembered that the purpose of the home set of exercises for the press presented below is, first of all, the development correct technique for beginners, and not at all setting records for the number of repetitions. More effective will not be a hundred quick twists, performed "somehow" and with poor technique, but ten technical ones, perfected with a full feeling of involving the abdominal muscles in the work.

It is also recommended to include in your workout - it is useful not only for strengthening the internal muscles of the press, but also for reducing the waist circumference. Ultimately, abdominal development should be based on both hypertrophy training and performance. static exercises(e.g. planks).

Exercises to burn belly fat

Let us remind you once again that to see the press cubes and slim stomach you can only after you achieve overall thinness with a diet and special ones. It is important to understand that abdominal exercises help rather to improve the shape of the abdominal muscles, and not at all to get rid of the existing fat layer.

Not a single abdominal exercise, even the most difficult and performed in the most advanced simulator, can lead to fat burning. To get rid of a pound of fat, you will need to perform 500,000 crunches in a row - with belly fat being the last to burn due to metabolic and genetic differences.

Press pumping scheme

When doing the following training complex on the press, you must constantly remember that the meaning of any exercise is to involve the abdominal muscles in the work - for example,. When twisting, you should feel the muscles of the abdomen, and not the back, legs, or any other parts of the body. Only in this case you will be able to achieve cubes on the press.

For training various types muscle fibers of the abdominal muscles, the program includes both dynamic exercises with movement and repetitions, and motionless ones, in which it is necessary to linger in a certain position for a few seconds, creating a static load on the muscles of the body (various variations of the Planck exercise).

A set of exercises for the press

Press exercise Type of exercise Recommendations for implementation
Static // Obliques of the abs and torso20-30 seconds on the left and 20-30 seconds on the right side of the body. In total 2-3 approaches.
Dynamic // Oblique Abs10-15 reps on the left side of the body, then a 30 second break and 10-15 reps on the right side of the body. A total of 2-3 sets on each side.
5-7 repetitions on each side of the body with a delay of 5-10 seconds at the top point. A total of 2-3 sets on each side.
4. Plank (elbowstand)Static // Rectus Abs and CoreHold the plank position for 20-40 seconds, then take a 30 second break. In total 2-3 approaches.
5. Exercise "Scissors"Dynamic // Rectus and Oblique Abs10-12 slow reps followed by a 30 second break. In total 2-3 approaches.
Dynamic + Static // Oblique Abs7-10 repetitions on each side of the body with a delay of 5-10 seconds at the final point. A total of 1-2 sets on each side.
Dynamic + static // Rectus abdominis10-20 seconds at the top of the exercise, then rest 20-30 seconds. Only 3-4 approaches.
Dynamic // Rectus abdominis, lower abs3 sets of 10-12 reps
Dynamic // Rectus abdominis3 sets of 7-12 reps
10. Stretching your arms forwardStatic // Core muscles10-20 seconds with each arm extension, 3-4 total on each side of the body.

Home set of exercises for the press

Leaning on the elbow, keep the body stretched in a straight line from the head to the tips of the toes, consciously keeping the abdominal muscles in tension. During the exercise, maintain a normal breathing rhythm and make sure that the pelvis does not drop too low.

Lying on your back, left foot on the floor, right on the knee of the left. On the exhale, tensing the muscles side press, lift your left shoulder slightly off the floor, bringing your elbow toward your right knee. Keep your right shoulder firmly pressed to the floor and make sure that the neck muscles are not tense.

With the strength of the lateral muscles of the abdomen, lift the body up, as if trying to reach the tips of the toes with your elbow, but do not push off the floor with your right elbow and make sure that there is no excessive deflection of the neck. Hold at the top of the exercise for 5-10 seconds.

4. Plank (elbowstand)

Keep your body as straight as possible, keeping your abs lightly contracted while looking down to keep your spine in a natural position. It is important not to raise the buttocks too high - for this you need to slightly “twist” the pelvis inward.

5. Exercise "Scissors"

Lying on your back, arms crossed and placed under the buttocks. Due to the strength of the abdominal muscles, lift the outstretched legs, then begin to make alternating movements with them. Move your legs slowly and with the feeling that their weight is on the press. Maintain a normal breathing rhythm.

Slowly move your locked hands to the left, while pulling your right leg towards you. Hold at the extreme point for 5-10 seconds, feeling tension in the abdominal muscles, then return to the center, lower your legs to the floor, rest 10-15 seconds and repeat for the other side.

Lying on your back, stretch your arms forward and slightly raise your legs. As you exhale, lift your torso off the floor with the strength of your abdominal muscles, stretch your fingertips towards your legs. Hold at the top of the exercise for 10-20 seconds, while straining the press, then take a break of 20-30 seconds.

At the exit, tensing the abdominal muscles, direct your knees to your chest, trying to slightly tear your lower back off the floor. As you inhale, slowly lower your legs down, but do not put them on the floor. Maintain conscious tension in the abdominal muscles for 10-20 seconds, then repeat the exercise.

This exercise performed almost last in order to tired lateral muscles the press made it possible to fully include the rectus abdominis muscles in the work. Twist as you exhale, as slowly as possible and while looking forward and up.

Get on your knees, leaning on your hands. As you exhale, tighten your abs and pull your stomach inward as much as possible, then pull it out right hand forward and the left leg back. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds without lowering your leg and constantly reaching forward with your arm. Change sides.


The first rule in training abdominal muscles is a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, achieved by fat burning training and diet. The second rule is the conscious involvement of the abdominal and core muscles in the work, which requires the performance of both static and dynamic exercises. The third rule is the slow rhythm of the exercises and control over their technique.

In this article, you will learn how to pump up the press so that the cubes are visible using this set of exercises for the press! The article covers everything you need to know about training, nutrition and supplements for building abs.

When working on a relief press, the most difficult thing is to take the first step. And it's not only hard physically, as you're also facing conflicting advice coming from all directions. That's why we've put together advice from some of the best athletes and experts to create this comprehensive guide to building the perfect ab.

Do you think working on a definition is the main thing in training? Wrong! We'll cover everything you need to know about meal plan and timing, full body exercises, core work, and supplementation.

When creating the guide, we consulted with professionals in their field who know how to quickly pump up the press to cubes.

Keep in mind, how long it takes to pump up the press to cubes depends very much on the fitness of the abdominal muscles and the amount of subcutaneous fat that hides the press cubes.

So, let's begin!

Step #1: Get ahead of your calorie and macronutrient needs

The path to muscle definition begins with nutrition that meets your goals. One of the proven ways to determine required amount protein, carbohydrates and fats is to use an online calorie calculator that will help you establish the need for each of the macronutrients. Just enter your age, height, weight, level physical activity and also how much fat you would like to burn.

The calculator distributes macronutrients to create a high-protein, moderate-carb, moderate-fat diet: 40% of calories come from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 20% from fat. In addition, it will set a daily calorie deficit that typically ranges between 300-700 kcal, depending on your weight and activity level.

The emphasis is on proteins, as they are digested more slowly, help build and maintain muscle mass and stimulate the production of appetite-suppressing hormones. Without enough protein in your diet, you'll feel hungry and your body will tend to use your hard-earned muscle as the energy source you need for your workouts.

The data obtained using the calculator will allow you to lose 0.5-1% of the weight every week. This is a safe and steady pace that will help you achieve amazing results in 12 weeks. For example, a person weighing 80 kg will be able to lose 400-800 grams per week, or about 1.8-3.6 kg per month.

You may shed a few extra pounds in the first week, due in part to additional water loss. If your weight doesn't start to come off after two weeks, then you may be consuming too many calories. In such a situation, change the proportion of macronutrient intake to more actively burn fat within 2-4% of body weight per week.

Step #2: Make a Carb Cycling Plan

In the gym, you work on your abdominal muscles, but until you get rid of the fat that covers them, no one will ever see your achievements. Our experts agree that in order to burn a significant amount of body fat and maintain a high quality of training, it is necessary to practice carb cycling.

The portion of carbohydrates that you calculated using the calculator in step #1 is for those days when you consume them in moderation. On low-carb days, cut that number in half to reduce your daily calorie intake. The easiest way to do this is to load up on fiber-rich, low-calorie foods. carbohydrate products such as leafy greens, broccoli, and low-sugar fruits. Eat much less starchy foods these days, such as regular and sweet potatoes, yams, or bananas. Also avoid grains such as bread, pasta, rice, noodles, cereal, couscous, oats, barley and tortilla.

Staying on a long-term low-carb diet can affect your energy levels, and depending on the training approach you choose, your body may draw energy from precious muscle mass. To avoid such undesirable consequences, stick to a carbohydrate split 3/2. That is, for 3 days, consume this macronutrient in a small amount, and then 2 days in moderation. In total, you will repeat this 5-day cycle about 17 times over the course of a 12-week program. Make sure you get your carbs from a variety of sources.

On moderate carb days, eat most of your daily carb intake before and after your workouts. This strategy will provide energy and allow you to replenish muscle glycogen stores. Remember, this is not a low carb diet, this is carb cycling, so don't follow the "less is more" rule!

Step #3: Combine carbs and cardio wisely

The next step in your ab workout is to incorporate cardio into your workout routine to burn even more calories. To be precise, you must combine high-intensity interval training(HIIT) with stationary cardio.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is effective method burn more calories in less time. Unlike stationary cardio, it involves alternating high and low intensity intervals in which your heart rate rises and falls respectively. To optimize fat burning, perform high-intensity intervals at a pace that you would not be able to maintain for very long. Use low-intensity intervals to recover and prepare for the next high-intensity session.

HIIT burns more calories than stationary cardio and boosts your metabolism so that your body continues to burn them for longer. high level for up to 24 hours after training. Increased fat burning is due to excess post-workout oxygen consumption, when the body generates more heat than normal. In addition, HIIT training can stimulate muscle growth.

If you have never done a HIIT workout before, start with a light warm-up and then alternate 1 minute fast run with 3 minutes of slow (jogging). If such a load seems too intense for you, then use 30-second intervals: 30 seconds of fast running, and then 90 seconds of slow running. Over time, when you strengthen the cardiovascular system, try to alternate cycles in a 1: 1 ratio.

Stationary cardio

Stationary cardio involves maintaining a steady pace and heart rate while exercising at elliptical trainer or treadmill. The session usually lasts 30-45 minutes, and the heart rate is in the range of 60-75% of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Although this type of cardio has a "bad reputation" today and is criticized for being ineffective, it should have a place in your program. For example, it is well suited for recovery periods and can reduce soreness in the muscles. Because stationary cardio is not too intense, you can do it on low-carb days. Finally, it helps build endurance, a quality that will help you get the most out of your workouts. Therefore, you should not pay attention to the words that you should choose either HIIT or stationary cardio. Most people are best suited for their optimal balance!

Bmp - beats per minute
MHR - maximum heart rate
The optimal range for burning fat is 60-75% of MHR

Below is a 2-week carbohydrate schedule combined with the appropriate type of cardio. Combine HIIT workouts with a moderate intake of carbohydrates to have more energy for them. Follow this pattern for 90 days.

Resurrection Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

LHC - low carbohydrate intake

THC - Moderate Carb Intake

SC - Stationary Cardio

If you have your own preferences in the way of conducting HIIT training (rowing or exercise bike, etc.), you should not give up on them. If you are a beginner or want to make changes to your program, then alternate the following 2 workouts:

HIIT Workout #1: Bodyweight Exercises

Repeat cycle 4 times, resting 10 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between cycles

  1. Squat jumps - 4 sets of 12 reps
  1. Jumping with a change in the position of the legs - 4 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
  1. Jumping on the step platform - 4 sets of 12 reps
  1. Burpee - Pushup Superset 4 sets of 12 reps
  1. Pushups - Burpee Superset 4 sets of 12 reps
  1. Climber - 4 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
  1. Running in place with high knees - 4 sets of 12 reps (each leg)

HIIT Workout #2: Ellipsoid

  • 1 set, 3 minutes (low intensity, 1 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute ( moderate intensity, 6 SVN)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (low intensity, 3 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (moderately high intensity, 7-8 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (low high intensity, 3 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (high intensity, 8-9 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (low intensity, 2-3 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (high intensity, 8-9 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (low intensity, 2-3 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (high intensity, 8-9 RH)
  • 1 set, 1 minute (cool down phase, 2-3 RH)

What is SVN?

One of the most simple ways measure the intensity of the exercise - use a measure of subjective perceived tension (SIR) on a scale of 1 to 10. SVR allows any athlete (from beginner to advanced) to evaluate their efforts during training, as well as determine its difficulty from easy (1) to the most difficult ( 10).

Step #4: Do Strength Training to Boost Your Metabolism

Now is the time to add strength training to your program to build and maintain muscle mass even when you are on a low calorie diet.

Strength training is based on a 1/2/1/3 split. Each week you will do 5 workouts, 2 of which include ab exercises. The program starts with a rest (Sunday in this case) followed by 2 days in a row strength training(Monday, Tuesday), then another rest day (Wednesday), followed by 3 days of training (Thursday, Friday, Saturday). This schedule is designed to ensure optimal recovery between workouts.

Split 1/2/1/3


  • Squats
  • Leg Press/Hack Squat
  • Lunges
  • Leg curls
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Standing/sitting calf raise

Shoulders/ Abs

  • Army bench press
  • Pull to the chin
  • Raising arms with dumbbells in front of you
  • Breeding arms with dumbbells to the sides in an inclination


  • Bent over row
  • Pull-ups
  • Negative Pullups
  • T-bar pull
  • One arm dumbbell row


  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell press lying head up
  • Bench press head down
  • Reduction of hands in a crossover


  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps incline bench
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with support on the elbow
  • Curl for biceps in a crossover
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars
  • Extension of the arms from behind the head
  • Crossover Arm Extension
  • Extending the arm back

You can break down the sets and reps for each exercise as follows:

  • 1-4 weeks: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, rest 45-60 seconds. On the first two sets of all exercises, stop within one or two reps of muscle failure, and on the last set, reach it. Try to increase the number of repetitions or working weight every week.
  • 5-8 weeks: 3 sets of 12-15 reps, rest 45-60 seconds. On the first two sets of all exercises, stop within one or two reps of muscle failure, and on the last set, reach it. Try to increase the number of repetitions or working weight every week.
  • 9-12 weeks: 3 sets of 8-10 reps, rest 30-45 seconds During these 4 weeks, perform various variations of the exercises. For example, do front squats instead of regular squats, and use dumbbells instead of barbells for bench presses. On the first two sets of all exercises, stop within one or two reps of muscle failure, and on the last set, reach it. Try to increase the number of repetitions or working weight every week.

Step #5: Do Abs Workouts

By using proper nutrition you get rid of body fat, cardio burns extra calories, and strength exercises work out all muscle groups, adding relief to them, and also help burn fat. Now it's time to talk about the main thing - how to build a press training program so that those cherished 6 cubes appear on it.

Each week you will do 2 of the workouts below in addition to the main program. That is, during the workout you will need to perform 4-5 ab exercises, starting with a moderate number of repetitions and working out not only the upper but also the lower abs, as well as the obliques of the abdomen (the last two areas are often overlooked).

Both workouts start with the most difficult exercises and gradually move on to simple ones. The easy ones won't feel easy, though, as you'll be ending each cycle with 3 sets of 15-20 reps on bodyweight exercises. Rest no more than 30-45 seconds between sets.

Press training program No. 1

  1. Hanging leg raises - 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Incline Bench Upside Down Crunches – 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Fitball crunches - 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Side plank - 3 sets of 15-20 seconds on each side
  1. Reverse crunches - 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Training program for the press No. 2

  1. rollouts from gymnastic roller- 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Crossover Crunches – 3 sets of 12 reps
  1. Oblique Crossover Crunches – 3 sets of 12 reps each side
  1. Bicycle + Crunches – 3 sets of 15-20 reps each side
  • 1-4 weeks: 3 sets of 12 reps, rest 30-45 seconds. In the last exercise, try to complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps. On the first two sets of all exercises, stop within one or two reps of muscle failure, and on the last set, reach it. Try to increase the number of repetitions or working weight every week.
  • 5-8 weeks: 3 sets of 15-17 reps, rest 30-45 seconds. For the last exercise, aim for 3 sets of 25 reps. On the first two sets of all exercises, stop within one or two reps of muscle failure, and on the last set, reach it. Try to increase the number of repetitions or working weight every week.
  • 9-12 weeks: 3 sets of 12 reps, rest 30-45 seconds. In the last exercise, try to complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps. Also during these 4 weeks, try to increase the working weight and perform various variations of exercises with your own weight, reaching muscle failure. For example, instead of crunches on a horizontal surface, do them on an incline, and do not bend your knees when lifting your legs in a hang. You can also attach weights to your ankles or use other types of weights to make sure you reach muscle failure around the 12th rep.

Step #6: Take Supplements to Maximize Fat Burning and Performance

A sports nutrition alone will not make your abs sculpted. But if you follow all the previous 5 steps, then taking some supplements will help burn fat, maintain muscle mass, and improve the quality of your workouts.

Here are the products that will help you succeed in this program:

  • Pre-workout complex: Caffeine and other anti-fatigue agents can help you train when your calorie intake is relatively low.
  • Branched chain amino acids: BCAAs help maintain muscle mass during "drying".
  • Protein: qualitative Whey Protein will help replenish your daily macronutrient intake as well as promote growth and recovery when taken after workouts.


As you've seen, getting the perfect abs takes a lot more than crunches from time to time. It takes a whole program and now you have it!

Stick to it as closely as possible, and then you will definitely achieve amazing results!

muscles abdominals or, simply put, the press is a great way to emphasize the sophistication of the figure, for both women and men. Most beginners tend to pump up the press as quickly as possible, and then brag to friends of both sexes: “look at my abs! See how many cubes!

They quickly acquire literature on this topic such as: “beautiful abs in 7 days for 10 minutes a day” or “how to build abs in a week”, and then ... Rupture of the abdominal muscles, impaired posture, impaired intestinal motility are just some of the negative consequences of such workouts. In fact, building abdominal muscle mass is a whole science. If you don't believe me, ask any professional bodybuilder! Let's talk about how to build up abdominal muscles, which in appearance are almost as good as the muscles of a professional and without harm to health.

Common Mistakes

Any beginner, when pumping the press, makes many mistakes that subsequently affect health. It often happens that the press is not pumped as we would like, and the body malfunctions, as most do? They quit training, believing: “let me not have beautiful press, but I will normally go to the toilet, my stomach and back will stop hurting. You can avoid the above problems by simply not making these mistakes.

The most common mistake is made after the first workout. The next morning after the first session, the abdominal muscles are quite sore. Many stop working on the press, thinking that this will always be the case. In fact, a muscle that has not worked for a long time is freed from excess lactic acid. In bodybuilding slang, this process is called "strengthening" and is completed after 1-2 workouts.

Many people think that if they need to pump the press, then they need to give a load only to the press. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Working only on the press leads to: posture disorders (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis); excessive load on the cardiovascular system; appearance disharmony. We will talk about which muscles to alternate pumping the press with below.

Often, a beginner, at the very first workout, begins to perform the most difficult exercises, hoping to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. Such haste, in more than 50% of cases, leads to a rupture of the abdominal muscles. Such an injury heals for more than 1.5 months.

Violations of the last repetition rule. Among professional bodybuilders, there is an unspoken rule of the last repetition: "you need to end the set on the repetition when every fiber of the muscle is felt." This is not pain, but a feeling when the muscle, as it were, burns. Fewer repetitions reduce the effectiveness of the workout, and more can injure the muscle. The load is considered optimal when this sensation occurs during the 6-8th repetition.

Before a serious load, it is necessary to carry out the so-called warm-up complex. An unheated muscle is easily injured.

TO sports nutrition need to get used to. If a beginner, before starting a workout, uses as much energy as a more experienced one, he may not calculate the strength and injure the muscle.

In no case, you can not interrupt the approach or change the rhythm of repetitions. Consequences: violation of blood circulation in muscle fibers, decrease in efficiency, increase the likelihood of rupture of muscle fibers.

Try not to make the above mistakes, because they, like the military charter, are written with the "blood" of professional athletes.

Preparing for ab workouts

To begin with, you must cleanse the body and prepare the muscles for training: a fruit and vegetable diet should be combined with high-calorie food boiled fish, baked or boiled meat, try to eat bread to a minimum. Cottage cheese, exclusively homemade with a high percentage of fat content.

Everyday jogs, be sure to combine with a shower and massage. Thus, you will prepare the muscle mass for uniform pumping. Massage relaxes the muscles, stimulates blood circulation, promotes the entry of oxygen into the blood and cleansing of toxins, because accelerated blood circulation causes the micropores of cells to get rid of impurities, and the movements of the massage therapist correct muscle defects.

If you have a solid excess weight, then the first 2 weeks, the run should not last more than 5 minutes, otherwise, a heart muscle rupture may occur. The potential of each organism is individual, so proceed from your own feelings.

The body should be prepared only in a natural way: the weight should return to normal (fluctuation is allowed - 1-3 kg, within the normal range); you, without much difficulty, should run for 40 minutes. In no case, at the preparatory stage, you should not use (electronic belts for pumping up the abdominal muscles) - this is fraught with physiological complications, especially for women, and for men who have discomfort in the prostate area - it is also not recommended to resort to this method of quick pumping muscles.

If you feel great after 3 weeks of running, you can add a few more simple exercises which can be easily done at home; for example: spin the wheel, try push-ups or squats.

And now, after a month of preparation - to the coach.

Press training program

The first thing a coach explains to any beginner is sports terminology weightlifters.

Repetition - a cycle of performing a specific exercise.

Approach - the number of exercises done in a row. Between sets, a rest of 4-7 minutes is required. It's slow walking gym or room.

It is better to give preference to classes in the gym.

You are under the constant supervision of a coach. In case of his absence, he will always tell you, point out the error, help you understand the terminology of the complex - training programs, a more experienced colleague.

In the gym there are simulators, without which some exercises cannot be performed.

Cheerful rhythmic music and the appropriate atmosphere increase the effectiveness of the workout.

According to the intended purpose, the complex for pumping the muscles of the press is divided into: for bodybuilders, for weightlifters (snatch and push of the bar), for powerlifters (deadlift, simultaneous lifting maximum weight) and just for people who want to have a pumped-up press. Let's consider the last option in more detail.

A set of exercises for the abdominal muscles

(upper and lower), oblique muscles of the abdomen, columnar muscles of the back and muscles of the thigh

In bodybuilding competitions, the display of the abdominal muscles is professionally called "thigh press". Indeed, if the thigh muscles are not pumped or pumped improperly, it will be difficult to appreciate all the advantages of your press. The muscles of the press are divided into the muscles of the upper and lower press, it is better to pump them separately and on different days. Together with them, the antagonist muscles are pumped: the upper press is the latissimus dorsi; lower press - columnar muscles of the back; Anterior thigh muscles back muscles hips. The oblique muscles of the abdomen can be combined with the latissimus dorsi or columnar muscles of the back. Every workout should start with warm-up complex exercises (warming up) - tilts (forward, backward, to the sides), squats - 15-20 minutes. 10-15 minutes before training - 150 ml of energy drink or a glass of sweet fruit juice; 20-30 minutes after training - 150 ml of 85% protein or 20 tablets of meat protein, or 200 g of lean (preferably beef) meat.

Monday. Upper press on the crossbar (raising and lowering the body) - 4 sets of 7-10 repetitions. Lower Press on the crossbar (raising and lowering the legs) - 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions. Columnar muscles of the back (legs hooked to Swedish wall, and the stomach is located on the goat - 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Muscles of the anterior thigh. Chair with roller (roller on the front of the ankle) - 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Muscles of the posterior thigh. Leg pull upper block, lying on a bench - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Latissimus dorsi back. Traction of the lower block, sitting on the floor - 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Oblique abdominal muscles. On the crossbar, slightly raising the body and making rotational movements 30-45 degrees in different sides 2-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions, depending on how you feel (these muscles affect intestinal motility.

Tuesday. Upper press You can slightly increase the slope of the crossbar - 2 sets of the first 6-8 repetitions, the second 8-10 repetitions. Lower press. In position, hanging on the horizontal bar - 2 to 6-8. Pillar-shaped, you can pick up 5-7 kg of weight -2 by 5-8. Anterior thigh. Barbell leg press - 2-3 to 6-8. posterior thigh. On a bench with a roller, a roller on the back of the ankle - 2 to 7-10. The widest. Bench press, standing, back straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, torso tilt 40-45 degrees - 2 to 6-8. A small number of approaches is explained by the severity of the execution, due to the release of lactic acid from the muscle tissues.

Wednesday. Upper press. Increase the slope of the crossbar - 3 to 6-8. Columnar muscles. You can add weight - 4 by 8-10. Anterior thigh. Squat with a barbell, feet shoulder width apart, back straight 2 to 6-8. Oblique muscles - 3 to 6-8. Increase angle and slow down rotation speed