Exercises on the outer part of the thigh for men. How to pump up your legs: training on the hips

The next problem area of ​​body fat for women is the outer surface of the legs. The so-called spoil the silhouette in tight dresses and skirts, and look out from under the swimsuit with completely unappetizing rollers.

Recall that we have already considered all the features of getting rid of, and also made up the top effective loads for and surfaces of female legs.

Now it's time to rip the outside of the thigh. Deal with this problem area better a complex of power and aerobic loads with a calorie deficit. But remember! The WHOLE body will lose weight, it will not work to remove volumes in one isolated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Static exercises on the outer thigh with various hangs are perfect for training.

You can complicate the execution of exercises by increasing the number of approaches, using a gymnastic expander tape. The latter should not have too much resistance - working 15-20 times per set should be performed.

So, we present to your attention the most effective exercises for the outer side of the thigh at home.

Leg abduction in a kneeling position

Together with the outside in this exercise, it is worked out and inner side hips. Difficulty is medium.

  1. Starting position - lay a mat, emphasis on straight arms, legs bent at the knees. If a dumbbell is used, place it at the bend of the thigh and lower leg;
  2. On inspiration, we take the bent leg to the side to the parallel with the floor, fix the point;
  3. We return to the starting position.

How to remove the sides on the hips even faster? Use weights.

At the end of the working number of repetitions, remove the weight, if it was used, and make 10-15 jerky movements in the same direction. Then do the exercise on the other side.

See the video for more details:

Reverse hyperextension

A fun exercise that helps to effectively load the riding breeches area and, as a bonus, the buttocks. Difficulty is medium, aggravated by checking for coordination. To perform, you will need a chair with a soft seat, a bench. Also do not forget that is one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks.


  1. Starting position - emphasis on the seat of the chair with your stomach, grab its side with your hands, legs straight, feet together;
  2. While inhaling, we push our feet up, strongly strain the buttocks, hang for a second;
  3. Exhaling, we return to the starting position.

More on video:

Repeat the movement should be 15-20 times, with a break, in several approaches. Watch your lower back, avoid excessive bending and tension in it.

Mahi lying on the side

You can do it either lying just on the floor, or with an emphasis on a chair. The emphasis on the chair in this exercise will allow you to simultaneously use the inner surface on two legs at once - one in static tension, the other in dynamic. Mahi is great. The complexity is high, it is necessary to control the position of each point of the body, not to rush, so as not to hurt yourself.


  1. Starting position - lying on your side, emphasis on the forearm, straight lower leg located on a chair, and the straightened upper one is brought forward above the lower one;
  2. Inhaling, we swing the outstretched leg up as high as possible;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting point.

More on video:

We perform 15-20 repetitions on one leg and turn over. We make 2-3 sets with a break of 30-45 seconds.

Note! In the same position, you can swing your upper leg not up, but closer to the body, bending it 90 degrees.

Forward lunges

Functional dynamic exercise, acting both on the development of muscles and on their stretching. Exercises for the outer and inner thighs, such as this, effectively help to lose weight throughout the lower body and. You can weigh down the performance with dumbbells or weights. You can additionally diversify it by jumping when changing legs or by supporting one side on a hill.

  1. Starting position - legs together, back straight, arms lowered along the body;
  2. While inhaling, step your left foot back until a 90-degree angle forms at the right knee, the left is extended and stretched;
  3. Return to the original position and perform actions on the other leg.

More on video:

You need to perform 15 to 20 times on each side, repeating approaches 2-3 times.

Knee bent leg in this exercise, in no case should go beyond her toe. Otherwise, there will be an incorrect and traumatic load on the joints.

Lunges to the side

Static muscle tension in these actions helps to actively burn fat and activate the growth of muscle fibers. , and the hated rollers of the inner surface of the thigh.


  1. Starting position - legs wider than shoulder width, straightened back, gaze directed forward;
  2. With an inhalation, we step with the right foot to the right, making sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe and is perpendicular to the floor, the left leg is straightened, the toe and heel are pressed to the floor surface;
  3. As you exhale, go back and repeat the effort on the opposite side.

See more in the video:

Additional calories can be burned if, after performing a lunge, you additionally swing with a straight leg or cross-squat back. combination better affects the problem area and pulls up faster.

Carry out activities with great care and concentration. Ligaments that are just starting to get used to stress are very fragile and any sudden movement can cause stretching or tearing. If the ligament area still hurts after a workout, do a light pinching massage and treat with a warming ointment.

Wide stance squat

Excellent stretching of the outer part of the thigh is obtained during wide squats. The multi-tasking plié covers the battlefields of fat and on the buttocks, inner, front and back thighs, as well as a great . The difficulty is medium, which is easy to increase with dumbbells, weights, or simply, instead of focusing on the heel, rise on your toes.


  1. Starting position - a straight back and a wide setting of the legs with toes turned to the side;
  2. Inhaling, slowly lower the pelvis to parallel with the floor. We make sure that the knees do not go beyond the socks, otherwise we make the rack wider. We twist the lower back, strain the buttocks;
  3. Exhaling, we rise to the original position.

More on video:

Do 10-12 reps, rest 45 seconds and repeat the circle 2 more times.


TARGET: Biceps

START: Stand up straight, pull your stomach in. Place your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees a little. Hold the bar with straight arms at your hips. The grip is straight at shoulder width. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

PERFORMANCE: Keeping your elbows still, bend your arms and deliberately slowly lift the bar up.

Pause at the top to extend peak bicep tension before lowering the bar back to the starting position.

NOTES: Use a straight bar. It loads the most important internal bundle of the biceps. A curved neck is more comfortable, but it transfers stress to the outer beams. Use it if your wrists are injured.

TARGET: Biceps (internal bundles) START: Sit on the seat of the simulator, rest your chest on the upper edge of the bench, rest the back of your hands on its inclined surface. You can not rest on the bench with your elbows. It's traumatic! Do not tilt your head, keep it straight and look in front of you, PERFORMANCE: With an isolated effort of the biceps, bend your elbows and lift the bar up. At the top point, additionally contract the biceps statically. Take a short pause at the peak of tension and only then emphasize slowly straighten your elbows. NOTES: Use a straight bar. And in this exercise, he loads the most important internal bundle of biceps. The curved neck transfers stress to the outer beams.
The muscle that stretches at the start grows better. For this reason, biceps and triceps need to be trained together. Contraction of one muscle causes stretching of the other.
Cheating when training hands should be used in moderation. A powerful jerk with the body can generally take the load off the biceps or triceps. Nothing is more important than proper technique. It makes the load targeted and sends exactly in a short or long beam.
I am finishing my complex concentrated lifts, however, another exercise is no less useful - bending the arms on upper blocks. Blocks provide constant tension to the biceps. They don't relax for a second.
The biggest mistake is overloading the biceps. In my opinion, 3-4 exercises performed intensively are enough. The total duration of the workout should not exceed an hour.
Biceps training should include one "general" basic exercise, but otherwise the biceps bundles need to be pumped separately. Pay special attention to the short beam. Download it strictly in isolation and do as much as possible.
I think that one workout a week for biceps is enough. After all, the biceps do a lot of work during the back workout. You shouldn't train your biceps more often. It has been noticed that frequent training does not give a large mass, but we guarantee ligament injury.

Source: http://bodybuilding.k21vek.com/biceps/biceps1.htm

pump up biceps

pump up biceps
not so difficult! As a rule, it is the big biceps that are associated with bodybuilding, but if you still think that this is the case, then it would not hurt you to read the article about how to pump up your arms. This material will immanently assume that you are already ready for it, but still it is worth noting once again that small muscle groups should be pumped separately and after you have pumped large groups muscles.

To pump up the biceps, you must first understand what it is. The biceps consists of two bundles: internal and external, the radial muscle separates the biceps from the triceps.

Since the specifics of training radial muscle involves her training with biceps, then her pumping will be discussed in this article.

It should be noted that hands, at all, better Total rock together by allocating a separate training session for them.

Pumping up biceps is easy!

To pump up the biceps means to increase its mass. You must already know Golden Rule bodybuilding: "Two muscles are always more than one"! Therefore, you have to pump everything: both bundles and the radial muscle as well.

In contrast to the training of large muscle groups, pumping the biceps cannot be divided into mass, shape and strength training.

Firstly, it is pointless to pump the strength of the biceps, since you are interested in its volume, and slow muscles are responsible for the muscle volume. muscle fibers, while for the force fast.

You can, of course, highlight the training of the mass and shape of the biceps, perhaps that is possible, but this will be very conditional. Pumping up biceps is not the same as pumping up legs.


By training the biceps, you do not increase the overall muscle mass, you train only one target muscle group, so you will combine basic and formative exercises. This is best done by alternating exercises in different workouts.

To do this, you need to break the biceps training program not into a week, but into a month and alternate exercises every week.

Conditionally basic exercise for training the biceps is the bending of the arms with a barbell. It accentuates the inner bundle of the biceps. The inner beam is stronger and longer.

Therefore, in order to pump up the biceps, you need to train it first of all. Since the beam is long, the amplitude of motion should be correspondingly longer than when pumping an external beam.

To this end, Larry Scott invented his famous bench, on which you can pump your biceps with emphasis.

Another solution for pumping the internal beam will be to bring the elbows forward during the bending with the barbell, this will allow you to pump up the biceps even faster. The elbows should be pressed to the body and slowly bend and unbend the arms. It is this exercise that will give you the mass of the biceps.

Biceps is the simplest muscle group, but at the same time the most problematic. The problem, as a rule, is one - the race for weight. The biceps are weak, so if you do exercises with poor technique, you will swing your shoulders, back, legs, anything but the biceps.

On the other hand, it is impossible to pump only the inner beam. It has already been said above that the inner beam of the biceps is stronger, which means the outer beam is weaker.

In turn, this means that the outer beam requires an accentuated study. The actual training of the external beam is a formative part of the training of the biceps.

Therefore, in order to pump up the biceps evenly, do not neglect the accentuated study of the outer beam.

The outer beam is shorter than the inner one, so it must be trained in a short amplitude. And it is also weaker, so the weight should be even less so that you can focus the load on the outer beam.

The length of the amplitude is very easy to adjust. To increase it, you need to bring your hands forward, and to decrease it, take them back.

Therefore, no matter what exercise you do to pump the outer biceps bundle, you need to bring the shoulder blades together and keep your elbows behind your back.

It is possible to pump up the biceps by training only its bundles, but it will also be much more effective to pump the radial muscle. This muscle is responsible for the thickness of the arm, separating the biceps and triceps, it pushes the heads of the biceps up, making it taller.

Do you want a beautiful peak of the biceps? Make hammers! There are no special features in the training of the radial muscle, except for the one that is present in the training of the biceps, it is necessary to perform exercises with perfect technique.

Do not swing the weight, do not throw dumbbells, forget about cheating, just train your muscles.

Perhaps the main trick of arm training, which allows you to pump up biceps, is what has already been said at the very beginning of the article. Make a biceps training program in advance for a month in advance.

For example, you can do 5 sets of standing barbell curls in the first week, pumping a powerful inner beam. Next week do hammers and barbell curls wide grip. The third week and again the emphasis on the inner beam - the Scott bench and bending the arms with dumbbells while standing.

Fourth week of arm curls reverse grip and bending the arms with dumbbells while sitting.

Also, do not forget that pumping up the biceps by combining its training with triceps training is much easier than pumping it with other muscle groups. Biceps and triceps are antagonist muscles, so when you do biceps, your triceps are resting.

Moreover, he rests much better, because. there is blood flow to the hands. On the other hand, you generally drive blood, and with it nutrients, purposefully into your hands, which helps the body to restore them easier and better.

pump up muscles

Source: http://Fit4Power.ru/shema/nakaceatibiceps

The best biceps exercise - description, recommendations and reviews:

Large and embossed biceps attract the attention of everyone around. Therefore, both women and men seek to find best exercise on the biceps, which would help increase own strength and more efficient to lay out in multi-joint exercises, where the hands should always be "in the wings".

Gorgeous biceps can be obtained not only through regular training, but also in compliance with proper nutrition. To do this, the daily diet must contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right amount. Also, one should not forget about water, which you need to drink about 2.0-2.5 liters for the whole day.

Biceps muscles

Before finding the best exercise for the biceps, you should understand what this muscle is. Biceps consists of three not too big muscles, pumping each of which is very important:

  1. Long, or outer, head.
  2. Short, or inner, head.
  3. Shoulder muscle.

The main attention is usually paid to the heads, which are often referred to as the biceps, because they are located on the outside and are more visible to others. The shoulder muscle holds the previous one from below, thereby giving it volume.

Even the best biceps exercise can be detrimental to a person's health and integrity, no matter where the workout takes place. In order to protect yourself from such troubles, you need to listen to the advice given by professional athletes, trainers and doctors. Among them:

  1. When doing the best exercises for biceps volume, only the forearms should move. The entire body should be kept immobile and not included in the work, because all the tension should go to the biceps.
  2. During training, you need to control every movement, avoiding jerks or swaying in different sides. All movements should be performed slowly, because only in this case the necessary muscles will receive sufficient load.
  3. If you want to pump up the biceps, you should perform 3 sets, each of which will have 10-12 repetitions with a maximum weight, and in order to strengthen the muscles, you will need to do at least 5 sets of 25 repetitions, using an average weight.
  4. The growth rate of the biceps is individual, because this parameter directly depends on the genetic predisposition.
  5. To avoid getting used to the muscles, due to which the results fall, it is necessary to use different exercises.

Basic exercises

Among the basics, you can find the best biceps exercise for yourself. But, as mentioned above, only it should not be performed all the time, as the muscles will get used to and will no longer increase in volume and become stronger. Therefore, in any case, the exercises must be done in a complex.

Below are the best exercises for the outer biceps, as well as other parts of it. They develop all the flexor muscles, which is very important not only for men, as most beginners believe, but also for women.

Standing barbell lift

According to athletes, this is a fairly simple and effective exercise for biceps. Typically used for weight gain. It engages the long head pretty well.

disadvantage this exercise is high load on the wrists and ligaments near the radius bones. The reason for this is the fact that at the highest point of movement, the hands are slightly wider than the elbows, so they take on more weight.

You can reduce the risk by using a curved neck, but then both heads will receive the same load.

The execution technique is simple:

  1. Taking the bar with a grip from below and standing up straight, you need to slightly push your socks to the sides and get ready to perform.
  2. Taking a deep breath, you should bend your arms and thereby raise the barbell to your chest.
  3. As you exhale, lower your arms along with the barbell to the starting position.

dumbbell lift

Another effective biceps exercise, which is also one of the basic ones. It differs from the previous one only in greater control over the rotation of the wrist, as well as increased load on the forearms. Experienced athletes say that at first it will be difficult for a beginner to find the right position that contributes to better cut fibers. Experience will come with constant practice.

The dumbbell lift should be performed as follows:

  1. Taking the dumbbells in both hands and straightening them along the body, you need to inhale and raise both arms at the same time until the forearms are parallel to the floor.
  2. On exhalation, the hands go down, but at the same time, the muscles should not be relaxed, since they must be in tension during the entire exercise.


According to athletes, this no less effective exercise focuses on the brachioradialis muscle. It also gives relief and good volume. biceps and upper forearms. To perform it, you only need dumbbells.


  1. Having taken a standing or sitting position, keeping your back straight, you need to turn your palms towards the body.
  2. Hands with dumbbells must be raised alternately, while not turning them and not bringing the elbows forward.

Isolation exercises

Among the isolators, there are also the best exercises for biceps at home. Their main task is to refine individual beams, as well as giving them relief and increasing mass. Such exercises should be performed after the main biceps workout is over, but less weight is already used here.

Reverse barbell lift

Athletes are advised to perform such an exercise in cases where there is a need to refine the brachioradialis muscle. Lifting the bar with a reverse grip helps to increase the volume of the forearm, as well as the head of the biceps.

In terms of performance, such an exercise is very similar to the usual lifting of the barbell, but in this case the grip is carried out from above, and when lifting the projectile, it is necessary to align the hands in one line with the forearms.

Scott bench exercise

Today, many people are looking for the best exercises for the “peak” biceps. It is Scott's bench that will perfectly help in such cases. The exercise isolates the heads of the biceps, while almost completely excluding the rest of the muscles.

It is performed using special equipment that cannot be replaced by any household items.

Do the exercise step by step:

  1. First of all, you need to set an angle of about 70-80 degrees on the bench.
  2. Picking up the barbell and taking a deep breath, you need to slowly raise the projectile, holding it for just a couple of seconds at the top point.
  3. On exhalation, the bar should be lowered until the arms are fully extended.

It is required to perform lifts in full amplitude, lowering the bar to the very end. Otherwise Bottom part biceps will not be able to receive the peak load for which the exercise is performed.

Concentrated dumbbell raises with supination

In order to increase the width of the biceps and improve the separation of the fibers, concentrated dumbbell lifts are ideal, which, by the way, are a good replacement for the previous exercise.

Lifting dumbbells with supination is performed as follows:

  1. Sitting on a bench and legs apart at a right angle, you need to take a dumbbell in one hand, lowering it, and slightly tilt your body forward.
  2. While inhaling, you should slowly lift the dumbbell, while turning your palm outward to contract the muscle bundles as much as possible.
  3. On exhalation, the hand should be returned to its original position.

After doing a certain number of repetitions, you must immediately shift the dumbbell to the other hand and perform the same movements.

There are so many pseudo-specialists around who, after 2 presses and 5 squats, are already starting to teach you the technique of pumping legs. Learn how to pump up your thighs the right way!

Understand, having been like a couple of months in, you have not yet become such an experienced athlete to forget about the technique and give advice on how to properly pump up the hips for a beginner. You have to shed gallons of sweat in the hall, go through the path of victories and mistakes before you yourself understand everything. Until then, soak it up useful advice from our expert!

Strong, well-built quadriceps femoris muscles are a sure sign of a beautiful physical form. Huge, developed ones can become the highlight of the program and set you apart from the crowd of bodybuilders. Just imagine the contrast between a balanced, aesthetically proportioned body with sculpted legs and a belly with thin legs. Therefore, a lot of guys are engaged in the heat in their pants, hiding their shortcomings.

Most likely, just like that you will not grow hips like professional bodybuilders, however, it is in your power to make your quadriceps dense, strong, with a clear relief that meets all standards. Follow the correct technique and persevere, then you will not need years on beautiful hips.

Why pump your hips

Quadriceps make up a huge amount muscle mass in organism. They make us spend countless hours in gym, shed liters of sweat and all this in order to build up a few grams of muscle and still pump up the hips. And it's worth it: training the quadriceps muscles will allow the muscles of the whole body to grow due to the natural production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Squats, for example, require a huge number of muscles throughout the body to control the weight: the quads and hamstrings, back, traps, shoulders, and all of these help move and/or stabilize the weight during the lift. As a result, all muscles will grow. It is this exercise that will help you properly pump up your hips. You only have to ask yourself one question: Do I want this?

A Brief Anatomy Lesson

If the answer to our question was yes, and you really want to pump up your hips, let's take a quick look at the anatomy of the hips and the function of muscle groups so that during training you can imagine the work of your body. The thigh consists of three muscle groups - anterior, medial and posterior.

The anterior thigh muscle group is the most popular pump target among athletes. It consists of the quadriceps (and its four heads - straight, medial, intermediate, lateral) and the longest of all human muscles- tailor.

Interesting fact!
The quadriceps is involved in the extension of the lower leg, and if it is paralyzed, the patient can walk normally along flat surface, but is unable to run and can only move up and down stairs with difficulty.

The medial group of the thigh consists of three adductor muscles - long, short and large, as well as thin and pectinate.

The posterior thigh muscle group combines the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Want to have powerful hamstrings? Try a workout from an expert on our site site!

All the muscles of the quadriceps provide the work of the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris, due to its location, provides flexion of the leg at the hip joint. All this anatomical information must be remembered when performing exercises on the legs. For what? To understand how to properly pump up your hips and get results! Now get down to business!

The best exercises for pumping up the hips

Now that you've learned a bit about thigh muscle anatomy and function, let's delve into what makes the quadriceps look prominent. These exercises and training program are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym and quickly pump up your hips. Be aware of technique and do not work with excessively heavy weights to avoid injury.


To properly and quickly pump up the muscles of the thighs - squat. It is on the back that is the main exercise in gaining muscle mass. Stand in the power rack under the barbell and place it comfortably on upper part back, on the trapezius muscle. For stability, grasp the bar firmly with your hands and move away from the rack. Feet are shoulder width apart or slightly wider.

Extremely important!
The movement begins with bending the knees. At the very beginning, do not bend your hips or back, otherwise you may roll forward. Lower yourself until your hips touch or until you reach a comfortable range of motion. Raise the weight back through your hips first, then your knees. At the top point, the knees do not fully straighten.

Completely up to you. Full range work is perfect option for any exercise, but squats can cause pain in the knees and back. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. The squat is a tough exercise, but the result is worth it - you will pump your hips into perfect shape.

To pump up inner part quadriceps (medial broad muscle hips), squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

Deep squat with a barbell

To stand under and put it on the chest opposite the deltas. Cross your forearms - one on top of the other - and grasp with both hands. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor and your head up. Grab the weight and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. The movement is the same as in a regular squat with a barbell on the shoulders. But here the back is held a little straighter. These squats are aimed at pumping up the legs and especially the quads, as opposed to regular squats, which involve the hamstrings more.

If you're new to the front squat, start with the Smith machine first, and when you're comfortable, move on to free weights.

If you are very tall and lean forward too much, or your heels are off the floor, place 2 or 4 kg plates under them for extra stability. This applies to all squat variations.

Hack squats

To work more on the outside of the thigh (latus lateral muscle) there is nothing better. With a weight that is comfortable for you, stand in the simulator under the stops, your feet are on the platform shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. Don't make quick movements, so as not to add stress to your knees, it is better to work at a constant speed. The legs are not fully extended.

If there is no hack simulator?
Some halls do not, but do not despair, there is a way out. Simply place a barbell with weight behind the calves (a kind of deadlift but with weight behind the legs). The back is straight and the head is raised. Rise up until you are almost completely straight. The legs always remain slightly bent at the knees. Return to the starting position, but the weight of the floor does not touch. This exercise for pumping up the thighs requires strict technique, so until you get comfortable, work with light weight.

leg press

Another great way to build mass is at a 45-degree angle. Advantage: minimal load on the lower back, and maximum on the hips. Sit in the simulator so that you can work in full amplitude. Place your feet on the platform shoulder width apart. Push the weight while keeping your knees slightly bent. Slowly lower the weight with control. Get as low as possible and avoid half-range movements - you are just fooling yourself and not developing muscles. Proper execution is a guarantee that you are guaranteed to pump up powerful hips.

Straightening the legs on the simulator

For isolated muscle work while pumping up the hips, there is nothing better. Sit on the simulator so that the axis around which the movement occurs in knee joint, coincided with the axis of rotation of the load. The back is tightly pressed to the back. Place your ankles under the rollers. Lift weight in moderate pace and squeeze your quads at the top of the movement. Then lower and return to the starting position. Do not linger at the top so as not to create unnecessary stress on the knees and ligaments.

For a deeper pumping of the upper thighs, try this version of the extension. Perform the movement as described above, but this time, with your legs up, lift your back off the seat so that your hips and torso are 90 degrees or less. With this performance, take less weight, but, believe me, the muscles will burn anyway!

Barbell lunges

is a great formative exercise. They give an attractive rounded shape and bind together all the muscles of the thigh. Despite the fact that lunges pump up the entire thigh, in this article we will only talk about the effect on the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell over your shoulders as in the squat exercise. Step back from the power rack and step one foot forward. Bend your leg so that your back knee almost touches the floor. And remember: the knee should not go beyond the foot, if it does, take a bigger step. When lifting back, push off with the working leg and return to the starting position, placing the feet together. Do the same with the other leg, this will count as one rep.

A great alternative to barbell lunges is Smith machine lunges. Do required amount reps with one leg, then the other. After each lunge, do not come back, but simply continue to squat with one leg. Then change.

Many instructors prefer walking lunges to pump up the legs and especially the hips. Make sure your gym has room for at least 30 lunges. Take a lunge with one foot. Bring your back leg to the starting position and step further forward with the other leg.

Workout for pumping up powerful hips

Hip workout

For a more detailed study of the hips, use these training programs: for inner and outer thighs.

If you want to build the inside of your quads, squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

As you work out, visualize your leg muscles building up and your hips getting bigger. Professional athletes say: such visualization sets you in the right mood and helps you achieve exactly the result you dreamed of!

You've already done a great job, it remains to make a small push and finish your regular full-body workout with this complex for the thighs.

That's the whole secret of powerful legs and pumped up hips - a super-effective workout with correct technique! Control your body during each exercise and remember healthy habits when you finish working in the gym. Only complex work on yourself will bring you the long-awaited result!

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We swing our legs

Basic set

Extended Set

Basic set

Basic set

Extended Set

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As you know, one of the most problem areas The female body most prone to body fat is the outer thighs. But imagine perfect figure, which every girl dreams of, is impossible without elastic pumped up buttocks.

You can give your hips the desired shape with the help of special exercises, which help to easily get rid of the hated "ears" on the sides.

The thigh is located between the knee and the hip joint, it forms part of lower limb human body.

The outer part consists of muscles, the functions of which are to ensure the functioning of the leg back and to the side. You can see them as an attractive roundness on the side of the hips.

Getting started searching and executing exercise, you need to find out the basics of successful training.

The effectiveness of training is as follows:

  • regularity;
  • orientation;
  • attention to details;
  • gradual increase in load.

The first thing to remember is regularity - it is she who is the most important factor in performance.

Ideally, you should practice every day, but if this is not possible, you can set aside 3 days a week for this. In this case, it is necessary to understand that the result will be more long-awaited in time.

During training, do not forget to pay attention Special attention to the work of those muscles that need to be tightened.

Here you just need to listen to your own feelings: if you feel that the load is directed more towards the desired areas, then you are going in the right direction.

When performing exercises on the outer part of the thigh, it is precisely lateral muscles legs.

Important to remember! It's the little things that often make the difference. Make sure that the squat is low enough, the feet do not come off the floor, the instep angle is kept correctly, and the leg rises as high as possible during the swing. Thus, it is possible to influence the speed of achieving the final result.

Over time, step by step, try to increase the load. Again, personal feelings will become the main assistant here: if you feel that you need less effort to complete the exercise than before, raise the bar. For example, 10 swings should inevitably develop into 15 over time, and later into 20.

Exercises for the outer thigh at home

Exercises on the outer thigh can be performed at home and even at work., if there is the necessary space and time, so they are a real salvation for women who do not have the opportunity to go to the gym. You will need dumbbells, a mat and a positive attitude.

Exercise 1. Leg swings

For the first exercise you need to stand up straight, putting your feet shoulder-width apart and stretching your arms in front of you. Feet should be parallel to each other.

When performing leg swings, make sure that they do not bend at the knees.

bend right leg in the knee and swing up to the side, trying to reach the elbow. The next swing is done in the same way, only with a straight leg. You should start with 10 approaches for each limb.

Exercise 2. Raising the legs

The following type of outer thigh exercises will require a similar starting position as in the previous case. The right foot should be placed on the toe, turning it to the right, and lifted back as high as possible.

To perform the exercise, you can use a support to ensure maximum abduction of the leg back.

Bringing the leg to the highest point, put it back. For a start, 15 approaches for each limb will be enough, then their number should be increased.

Exercise 3. Squats

No set of exercises for the outer thigh is complete without squats. The main rule is not to stand on your toes. Try to squat as low as possible, with a straight back, keeping your arms bent in front of you.

For starters, 10 squats will suffice. The main advantage of this type of exercise is that it is useful not only for outer surface hips, but also for the whole organism as a whole.

Exercise 4. Lunges

The leader among effective exercises are lunges. Take wide steps to the side, first with your right and then with your left foot keeping the arms parallel to the body. For weights, use dumbbells.

Remember to keep the unused limb straight. You should start with 10 lunges on each leg for 3 sets.

Lunges can be not only lateral. You can perform them forward alternately with each foot. At the same time, you need to expose your legs as far as possible. Faithful helpers there will be dumbbells that will only increase the effectiveness of training.

Pay attention to your posture - your back should be perfectly straight.
Breathe in with each step. Do not try to lunge abruptly, it is better to give preference to smooth movements. As for the number of lunges, experts also recommend performing 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise 5. Raising the knees

For next exercise gotta get on your knees. For maximum efficiency, shift the main weight on your hands and straighten your back. The knee rises at an angle of 90º.

Do the same with the other leg. Muscles must be in constant tension. Experienced trainers advise starting with 20 lifts of each knee with the condition of subsequent increase in load.

Exercise 6

Leg raises are also quite effective when done to the side. To do this, you need to lie on the mat, turn on your side and raise the limb lying on top as high as possible.

Then you should turn on the other side and do a similar operation with the opposite leg. You can start with 10 swings with each leg.

Exercise 7. Holding the raised legs

You can complete the workout and relieve tension from the muscles by rolling over onto your back and lifting the limb up perpendicular to the floor.

Outer thigh exercises at the gym

Some women prefer going to the gym over home workouts, considering them to be more effective and give quick results.

In addition to the loads on the simulators, exercises on the outer part of the thigh on the fitball are very popular.

A set of exercises on fitball

Initial position The essence of the exercise Number of exercises
Back to the fitball with arms extended forward. You will feel more comfortable if the ball is located in the corner of the room, because this way it will not slip out from under you. Bend one leg at the knee and raise it to a height of 15-20 cm above the floor. After that, without sudden movements, bend the other limb and do squats so that the buttocks touch the ball. If you are no longer new to this type of outer thigh exercise, raise your knees higher or opt for a smaller ball. Also in this situation, dumbbells that act as a weighting agent will help you out. To start - 7-10 squats
The ball is between the wall and your body, which should be in contact with it in the lumbar region From the starting position, lift your hips up. It is possible to understand that the end point has been reached and should be lowered back, by the fact that the body is stretched into a straight line. To achieve maximum performance, pay attention to the muscles of the press and legs - they must be tense. Body deflection at correct technique present in the hip joint. It is worth noting that haste here will be unnecessary and will only hide the effect, so try to hold the final position for 3-5 seconds. It’s worth starting with 10-12 times, then you can increase this amount up to 20 times
Lying on your side with support on your elbow. The ball is on the floor under the feet. Inhale and lift your hips off the surface. The rise should be carried out until the body is completely straightened. To make the exercise easier, you can use a smaller ball.
Lying on my stomach. Fitball is located under the hips Raise your limbs one at a time, holding the floor with your hands. As for the legs, you can keep them in a comfortable position for you - straight or bent at an angle of 90º. 15-20 times for each limb

In the gym, in addition to the fitball, it is likely to find many other units that will help you bring external muscles thighs toned. It's about trainers.

One of the most effective in terms of loading on the outer surface is a simulator designed to reduce and breed legs.

Exercise on the simulator 1. Reduction and breeding of legs

Note! Improper use of this simulator can lead to zero results. First of all, adjust it, take care of the mass of the working weight and the width of the seat.

When doing exercises on the outer thighs, keep your back straight and your legs at a right angle.
Exhale and slowly bring your legs together until the rollers touch each other, and then just as slowly spread your legs.

Exercise on the simulator 2. Reduction and breeding of legs while standing

Many fitness centers have machines that allow you to perform a similar exercise in a standing position.

Before performing the exercise on the simulator, you should set the optimal load so as not to damage the ligaments and muscles.

It is worth noting that the advantage of this unit compared to the previous one is that it not only affects the desired area in the necessary way, but also accelerates blood flow and saturates the muscles with oxygen.

To fix the legs in the simulator in question, special footrests are provided. You need to grab the handrail with your hand. Further move your leg to the side.

Exercise on the simulator 3. Stepper

Important to remember! In addition to specialized ones, in gyms there are many universal simulators that allow you to maintain the outer surface of the thighs in attractive. One of them is Stepper.

It perfectly tightens the legs, buttocks and thighs. However it should be treated with caution and not overdo it, otherwise sprain of the knee ligaments is guaranteed to you. This category also includes treadmill and exercise bike.

Before you start doing exercises, we advise you to read the recommendations of experienced trainers, thanks to which your exercises will be able to give you the most effective and quick results.

To increase the effectiveness of training, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • combine regular exercise with a balanced diet- so your hips will gain the desired look in a short time;
  • don't neglect stretching, because it is she who will help relieve tension from the trained muscles and get rid of pain in the future. You can also avoid pulling pains by taking a bath with sea ​​salt;
  • all kinds of massages and wraps should become your best friends. Creams with a cooling or, conversely, warming effect will come to the rescue, cling film and a brush with coarse bristles. Massage should be from the bottom up, repeating the flow of lymph. Massage cups are no less effective in maintaining skin and muscle tone. To use them, you will need a cream or oil that you need to lubricate the surface to be treated;
  • the effectiveness of exercises on the outer thighs directly depends on the internal mood. The main obstacle to beautiful body often becomes elementary laziness, so the question of self-discipline is more important than ever. Try to create a clear training schedule, the deviation from which should be perceived as a personal weakness. Naturally, the decisive factor here is motivation, the correct designation of which can set you in the right mood and solve all problems with self-discipline. Thus, formulate for yourself a clear goal that you need to achieve at all costs and classes will bring only joy and satisfaction.

Give perfect buttocks appearance difficult, but quite real, even if you have never practiced, but have a strong enough desire.

Regular workouts, designed to work out the outer surface, together with a balanced diet and skin care, will help you achieve the desired results in the near future and not become the owner of the hated "ears".

Videos with recommendations for performing exercises on the outer thigh

In this video clip experienced trainer gives recommendations that will help you learn how to properly perform exercises on the outer thigh in the gym:

A set of exercises that will help get rid of the ears on the hips at home is shown in this video clip:

It happens that an excellent result is visible on the scales, and in the mirror there are too massive hips “ears”. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer surface of the thigh in your program.

Effective exercises for slimming the thighs from the outside

Frustrated again by trying on skinny jeans? It happens that an excellent result is visible on the scales, and in the mirror - too massive hips, "ears", flabbiness, fat. One diet will not help the body here. You need to tone your muscles and speed up your metabolism. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer surface of the thigh in your program.

Naturally, you think that the side surface will become slimmer from some special movements. Doing exercises on the outer part of the thigh and only them is a typically "folk" idea. You will not even find this outer surface in any fitness guide. The muscles of the thigh are traditionally divided into the muscles of the anterior, medial and rear surface. Oddly enough, we are interested in the “front” ones: they work in conjunction with a small tensor of the fascia lata when you perform exercises for the outer side of the thigh.

Fat deposits on the side of the leg, also called "ears", cover part of the quadriceps and sartorius muscle. And most often - and part gluteal muscles at the point of attachment to hip joint, and part of the hip flexor muscle. What to wave? Usually looking for exercises from the ears is a rather thankless undertaking. What you find is unlikely to seriously improve general form. For effective weight loss in the hips, you need to reduce the total percentage of fat in the body and tighten all the muscles of the legs.

The best exercises to remove the ears on the hips are a mix of strength, jumping and aerobic movements. Only 7 exercises, while your leg workout will fit in 20-30 minutes with a warm-up and a hitch, but the visible result can be seen after 4-6 weeks.

Seven of the best exercises from the "ears" on the hips

When to practice: it doesn’t matter - in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is at least an hour after eating. You can incorporate these movements into your strength plan by doing them at the start of your workout. Don't do a set of outer thigh exercises on cardio day, as most of them put so much stress on your legs that you won't be able to run or even walk at full capacity.

Equipment: a timer (you probably have it on your phone), a jump rope, 2 dumbbells of 5-10 kg each (if you need it lighter, it’s better to do it without weight at all), a rubber mat for jumping feet, sneakers.

How to do: do the exercises one after the other. We set the timer so that the first call will sound after 40 seconds, the second after 20. We do the first exercise for 40 seconds, and then “according to the text”. At the end of the circle, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4-5 times. We warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes. In the final, we perform a “corner”, “boat”, “cat” from bodyflex, it is possible with breathing.

Exercise 1. Classic squat

Time: 40 seconds

For what: tightens all the muscles of the legs, burns a lot of extra calories, warms the tensor of the fascia lata, protects against injuries

We stand in the position of the legs at the width of the pelvis, the socks are naturally divorced. Dumbbells in the hands along the body. We squat to the parallel of the hips with the floor as if we were sitting on a low chair. We get up on the exhale.

Exercise 2: Plyometric Squat

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

We throw dumbbells, we do the same, only at the point “Hips parallel to the floor” we jump up sharply, and then land softly on the front of the foot. We do not fully unbend our knees, and we do not strive to take a "skier's pose" (artificially parallel feet).

Exercise 3

Time: 40 seconds

For what: strengthens all leg muscles, plus trains the tensor fascia lata in isolation

We perform a squat, dumbbells in hand, in lowest point we transfer the weight to the left leg and, getting up, take the right thigh clearly to the right and up. Imagine that you need to lift your leg up the wall, do not swing back and forth. Repeat, alternating legs.

Exercise 4. Kick-side

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

Do you watch fighters? Yes, this is it - take turns quick strikes foot to the side. Hit with your heel, not your toe. First, we slightly shift the body to the left, transfer the weight to the left foot, retract the press, tear off the right leg, take it to the right, bring the heel to the buttock, bending the knee, from there - push-hit the heel to the side. We repeat.

Exercise 5. Lateral leads

Time: 40 seconds

For what: you wanted exercises for the outer side of the thigh?

We lie down on the floor on the right side, put the left hand with a dumbbell along the body, slowly take it away and bring the thigh up.

Exercise 6: High Knee Run

Time: 20 sec

For what: burn fat

We get up and arrange a short run, try to do everything gently, do not knock your feet

Exercise 7

Time: 40 sec

For what: maximize calorie expenditure

We jump as it is convenient for us, the main thing is not to fully unbend our knees, do not forget to breathe, and do not jump on a flat foot.

After completing all seven exercises, take a minute break and start again from the first. In total, you should get 4-5 approaches.


Surprised? You must have read on other sites about easier exercises for the outer thigh. Why make it so difficult? The most radical fitness pros only recognize squats with 50% of your body weight as outer thigh exercises. The problem is that 80% of fitness trainers with training in anatomy and physiology will force the client to do complex movements that burn a lot of calories and work the legs as a whole. And the Internet advisers will recommend the side leg abduction as the best exercise for the outer side of the thigh.

The truth is that body fat and flabbiness is a consequence of the lack of tone not only of the quadriceps (this is just rare), but also of the muscles of the buttocks, the hip extensor and other muscles. So exercises from the ears only work when they involve the entire “bottom”. Well, the notorious hip abduction is a panacea for fat that works if a person is on a super-strict low-calorie diet. Otherwise, they allow you to burn too few calories. By the way, even really hard workouts do not give you the right to increase the caloric content of the diet at times. While exercising according to our plan, eat as usual. Who does not know - this is an average of 1600-2000 kcal, depending on height, age and weight. published