First session in the gym. Effective start: how to start exercising at home from scratch

This collection of tips will be useful to everyone who is engaged in the gym. From beginners to experienced jocks!

Humans tend to make mistakes. Even many years of experience visiting the gym does not mean that we do not make many mistakes in training. What can we say about newcomers who bought a subscription for the first time and crossed the threshold of a fitness club!

In the article I will give advice on proper training and point out typical mistakes while exercising in the gym. As a result, your workouts in the gym will become much more effective and correct.

How to exercise in the gym

Before you a good vault good advice from professional trainer, who spent more than one year in training, saw everything and made many correct observations and conclusions.

Do not train only on cardio machines

Modern cardio machines are a powerful thing! And burning calories is beneficial to a certain extent. But, unfortunately, cardio equipment will not help to significantly strengthen and pump up the right muscles. They are designed to train the aerobic abilities of the body (heart, blood vessels, lungs, red muscle fibers). But this is not all that health depends on and appearance. Moreover, the development of aerobic abilities may not affect external data at all. Cardio will tone your muscles and help you burn some fat. But without strength exercises the result of training will not be very bright.

The fact that you walked, ran or pedaled for an hour does not mean that the body has received a full load. Moreover, the load is proportional.

Use non-standard exercises

To stimulate fantasy 🙂 when exercising in the gym, I recommend this video with unusual exercises, which can rarely be seen in gyms. Filmed a long time ago, but still relevant.

Men without numerous exercises such as push-ups, twists, legs do not see the relief details of the body. Only rough unsightly pieces of "meat".

I do not get tired of repeating, there are no purely female and purely male exercises! Everything depends on the goals. And the differences are only in the working weights on the bar and in the simulators. In men they are much larger, in women less. And this is perhaps the only difference.

Correctly select working weights on simulators and barbells

Have you seen guys in the gyms who bench press 120 kg for 10 reps, and then squat with a barbell weighing ... 60-80 kg for the same 10 reps? I have seen many times! And it's not the norm, that's for sure.

There are correct proportions in working weights for different exercises. For example, if you bench press 80 kg for 10 times, then in squats, be kind to lift at least 100-110 kg for the same 10 times. And in the simulator horizontal thrust» pull at least 85 kg for 10 repetitions. These ratios are not taken from the ceiling, but are dictated by human anatomy and physiology, so that unhealthy imbalances do not occur, leading to spinal curvatures and joint deformities.

Do not neglect the help of others and the coach

A common mistake is "I can do everything myself and I know, I saw it on YouTube." I saw something. But seeing and knowing, seeing and being able, seeing and understanding are two different things.

Many exercises on machines and barbells that seem simple actually require the right technique and skill. They begin to turn out correctly in 2-3 weeks. regular execution. And then, provided that you received the correct feedback from external observers (coach or people nearby). Someone needs to look, evaluate and point out errors. And provided that you work with a sufficiently large working weight. Often, correct technique cannot be achieved until you take a heavier barbell.

Other exercises for the desired effect should be performed with a weight that you most likely cannot lift in the last repetitions. Here you need insurance, which will be provided by an assistant.

Just take my word for it, the coach is good. Even if it's a beginner. It's better than nothing.

If possible, use the services experienced trainers. It always pays off.

If you are lucky enough to run into a trainer-methodologist, you will be doubly lucky. Like my clients...

Of course, you can work out in the gym without a trainer. And quite successfully. But training with a coach will be much more effective, since the coach usually knows all the pitfalls and mistakes. And simply will not allow them to be done, saving your strength, time, nerves. And along the way, teaching you the many tricks of the gym.

Go beyond women's/general group programs

This is mainly for girls. The mistake here is the popular stereotype that "we pumped all the muscles and worked out cardio" in a group workout. And this is in a small mirrored room without a single piece of iron? And this despite the fact that every time for several months or even years the same set of exercises is performed with the same load? Made fun!

Exercises with own weight, static, jumping, stretching, step platforms, even working with a minibar, etc. - this is amazing! But it has its natural limits. And the very structure of group programs in clubs is such that the coach, in principle, cannot control the load and exercise technique. You don't even notice what you're doing wrong. Jumped and everything is fine! Do you feel what I'm talking about?

Replace your habits from time to time. group training qualitatively different strength training that will turn on the muscles at full capacity. For example, month visit group lessons, a month - a simulator. Include in the set of exercises simulators and a barbell, dumbbells and kettlebells.

And the programs need to be changed every 1-2 months, even if everything suits. And especially if you can handle it easily. This is a sign that you are no longer developing. Development is always associated with difficulties in training.

Or you can after the usual group program, perform several approaches with a barbell on the desired muscles.

Don't just do strength training

This is a favorite mistake of beginners in the gym. We pass from the simulator to the simulator, forgetting about the barbell and dumbbells. It's easier and more interesting!

Well, to satisfy curiosity, you can walk around the simulators for the first few workouts like this. But for a full-fledged result, you need to follow a useful formula.

70% of the workout should be done with free weights (barbell, dumbbells, bodyweight). And only 30% - on simulators. This Golden Rule workouts in the gym.

The fact is that most simulators are designed for isolated workout individual muscles. This is very useful in two cases:

1. If a person has an injury, and he needs to purposefully strengthen these particular muscles. Or get at least some load.

2. If this is a professional athlete seeking to improve the shape and tighten the details of individual muscles. Or a strong man working out the weak points of the trajectory of some of the exercises he needs.

In all other cases, it is necessary to train muscles in conjunction with other muscles. This is very beneficial for health and is simply beneficial for reasons of increasing the overall muscle mass and acceleration of metabolism.

This effect is easily achieved using barbells, dumbbells, weights.

Include barbell squats in your workouts deadlift, vertical thrust, pull-over, swing dumbbells to the sides, bench press on incline bench, lunges with dumbbells in hands, hammer with dumbbells, etc.

Don't Overdo Your Abs Workout

Of course, it is necessary to train the abdominal muscles. But even this needs a measure.

Do not forget that the press is one of the muscles that make up the musculature of the core.

Excessive training of some parts of the core without sufficient compensatory load on other parts of it leads to deformities in the waist and pelvis. These are various postural disorders (insufficient or excessive lordosis), problems with the hip and knee joints, problems in cervical region, stoop.

I remember one hero from my childhood - a young man from a neighboring yard, Eugene, who managed to pump up luxurious muscles on the horizontal bar and uneven bars at our school stadium. When he passed through our yard, we simply did not breathe, looking at him with undisguised awe! His mighty biceps, ball shoulders, triangular torso, powerful pectoral muscles they pulled on a snow-white T-shirt so that it seemed to burst at any moment!

However ... Now remembering his magnificent press cubes, I remembered another of his features - hunched back, excessive lumbar lordosis, insufficiently powerful legs. Eugene could not reach the floor with his fingers ...

Despite the excellent muscles of the torso, shoulders, arms, this guy had no idea about the balance of the core muscles, which is so important for general health and aesthetics. But then, back in the eighties, it seemed unimportant, because we didn’t know anything about it ... But now we know!

Therefore, when pumping the press, do not forget about other elements of the core: oblique muscles, buttocks, back extensors, hamstrings. Don't forget about flexibility too.

In this case, the load balance is much more important than development one muscle.

Do not only crunches or leg raises, but also oblique crunches, hyperextensions, gluteal bridge, side bends with a dumbbell in hand, sitap ...

Avoid contact with doctors and medical care

We don't like doctors and those damn municipal clinics! We have every right to do this, given the low level of service.

However, without medicine in fitness anywhere. We somehow need to monitor our health: take tests, monitor hormones, notice the early signs of emerging diseases, treat our teeth in the end.

Try to take the time to find the right doctor for you. Better paid. Visit him every 2-4 months. Check blood pressure, vision, hearing, take general tests, some special tests (cancer test, for example), go through required courses treatment, massage, preventive procedures. Bring the treatment you have started to its logical end (especially if you are taking antibiotics).

Believe me, this will be a great investment in health. After all, you will have a chance not to miss any serious problem, and start solving it long before it gains strength and leads to irreversible consequences.

After all, health is one of the most important reasons to go to the gym!

Before the beginning regular workouts in the gym, a visit to the doctor is required!

Learn elementary ways of self-control in training

Not monitoring your breathing and heart rate during a workout in the gym is a bad habit.

Learn to count your pulse manually. Use available gadgets, services and applications for this.

It is better to shoot the exercises performed on video and view them after training, comparing with the standards. Or show the video to the coach. For example, I can immediately see even minor mistakes (and problems with the musculoskeletal system) just by watching the videos performed by my wards.

Many exercises serve as an excellent test for various body parameters (flexibility, endurance, curvature of the spine). But this information is rather for coaches and specialists.

You also need to master the basic skills of self-control: monitor your heart rate, recognize signs of fatigue, do not exceed the recommended levels of activity, do not exercise if you are sick.

Leaving a workout on time is sometimes more important than finishing it completely.

Keep a workout diary

It is impossible to remember everything that you are going to do or have already done in training. Yes, and it is not necessary. It is enough to write it down in a special notebook or notebook. This gives you the opportunity to fully control the process and analyze errors. Lead!

There is no diary - it is not clear why the set of exercises did not work or why the injury occurred.

Keep a diary! It's not difficult and very useful.

I hope now you know more about how to properly train in the gym. I wish you not to make these mistakes. Put my advice into practice, train correctly! I will be glad to your questions and comments.

You are determined to change your body. But you probably don't know where to start. This article provides all the information you need to help you achieve your goal.

You've been reading articles on fitness and bodybuilding all day long, but you haven't started a program to change your body. You are overwhelmed by excitement, anxiety, longing and fear. You need an extra incentive. A little more information before the start.

Whatever your reasons for opening this page, you've come to the right place.

If you are tired of spending every evening on the couch or if you have not visited the gym for a long time, then this article is for you. You feel awkward and insecure. This is fine! Remember, even Rocky once had to start from scratch. With the help of this guide for beginners, you will be able to achieve your goal.

1. Check, inspection

The body transformation program should be started in the doctor's office. Checking the state of health is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is necessary to know the capabilities of your body. During the check, some deviations may be found, which can be eliminated by a balanced diet and the right workouts. Your motivation will increase, new goals will appear.

If serious illnesses are identified, the doctor will advise the optimal diet and / or training regimen. If you are unable to remember the last time you had a complete physical examination, now is the time to do so.

Most importantly, you will receive comprehensive health indicators, the change of which can be analyzed after the completion of the body transformation program. The focus should be on: cholesterol/triglycerides, blood pressure, fasting glucose, and possibly bone density (BMD) for older women. After 12 weeks, it is necessary to re-examine in order to analyze the change in indicators. Health needs to be taken care of. Fitness is not just about good looks; This good health and high quality of life!

2. Garbage disposal

Remove from your life everything that can be an obstacle to success.

If the shelves in the buffet are full of cookies, cakes, crackers and other rubbish, they all need to be thrown away. Why do you need unnecessary temptation? Say goodbye to Snickers and Twix.

As rude as it sounds, try to stay away from people who don't understand and don't share your desire for a new look. Surround yourself with people who will support you, and not in every way dissuade you from training and proper nutrition. Remember the movie "Rocky" - now you need Adrian, not Polly. In the early stages of a body transformation program, more time should be spent with morale builders rather than morale suppressors.

It is not always possible to control your environment. In this case, you need to drive away negative thoughts from yourself. Success largely depends on the emotional state. Look only ahead. Don't get hung up on the hard stuff (how to set aside time for non-workouts, how to plan a meal plan, how to strengthen your muscles, how to get along with others), focus on the positive things.

Try to maximize the effectiveness of your transformation program based on your lifestyle. If it is difficult to allocate time for training in the evening, you can go to the gym in the morning. If you have a business meeting in an institution with poor cuisine, offer another option. Health should be the top priority in your life. You will see, over time you will have a lot of supporters.

If you constantly blame yourself for not being able to keep a diet or not looking perfect, you need to change the tone of this internal dialogue in positive side. Reflect each negative thought with two positive affirmations about your accomplishments. For example: “I ordered diet chicken salad for lunch today” or “During the day I drank 10 glasses of water.” These do not have to be significant achievements - they managed to lose so many kilograms of fat, gain so many kilograms of muscle; any progress is already progress, i.e. even small victories matter.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones improves self-esteem and increases motivation. How more people obsessed with his failures and weaknesses, the more negativity and fear accumulate. You need to focus on your goals and change your way of thinking.

It will take a lot of time and effort to clear your life of "garbage". But with a bright head and an empty candy bowl, it will be much easier to take the first step towards a new appearance.

3. To the store for the main

You have to make an audit in the refrigerator and closet. It is much easier to follow a diet if there are only healthy foods nutrition. A sports equipment and inventory will turn acquaintance with the world of fitness into an exciting experience. No matter how trite it may be, but the desire to train often depends on the availability of comfortable and high-quality clothing.

Below is a list of what you will need for initial stage. (Please note that the list of foods can be adjusted in accordance with the individual nutrition plan).

Products in the pantry

  • cereals
  • nuts
  • Natural nut butter
  • seeds
  • Flax seed oil
  • canned salmon
  • Herbs
  • Spices with low salt content

Food in the refrigerator

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fresh lean meat (any)
  • low salt
  • Unsalted chicken or beef broth
  • bottled water

Products in the freezer

  • Frozen chicken breasts
  • Frozen lean beef
  • Frozen turkey meat
  • frozen fish
  • Frozen vegetables
  • frozen berries

These foods are the basis of a balanced nutrition plan. They provide the body with proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

We must also not forget about equipment and inventory. It is advisable to have at least a minimal set of sports equipment at home (for those cases when you will not physically have time for a workout).

Equipment and inventory

  • The right running shoes
  • Comfortable sportswear(shorts/shirts/t-shirts)
  • MP3 player
  • Bottle for water
  • Towel
  • Heart rate monitor (optional)
  • jump rope
  • Expander
  • Dumbbells or kettlebells

Availability necessary inventory increases the effectiveness of training. Try to buy quality sports goods. Even Rocky was looking for good gloves.

4. Pre workout workouts

If you haven't been to the gym in a long time, a light home workout will help your body get ready for the hard work ahead. Having mastered the technique of exercises at home, you will feel more comfortable in the gym. It is advisable to start home workouts as early as possible. Their duration is usually 1-2 weeks (while everything else is being prepared).

cardio training

Light cardio training improves heart function, normalizes blood circulation and develops mobility. Choose any type of aerobic activity that you enjoy (most people will do just walking) and do 15-30 minutes a day 3-5 times a week.

strength training

Exercise examples
  • (without bar)
  • (without dumbbells)

Before starting a visit to the gym, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles at home with simple strength exercises.

Bodyweight exercises are ideal for this - you will learn different movements and learn to feel the work of the muscles.

Do a cycle of four to five bodyweight exercises for 10-15 reps. Breaks should be 30-60 seconds. To comprehensively work out all the muscles, you need to choose one exercise for each part of the body.

Change exercises for every workout. The muscles will not be able to adapt to the load, and you will learn how to perform various movements. After a while, you will feel the strength to move on to working with weights.

5. Introspection…

The Italian Stallion had to work hard to win the right to enter the ring with Apollo. The same fate awaits you. You can even go to training every day, but the results will largely depend on what happens outside the walls of the gym. If you lead a hectic lifestyle, you will not be able to achieve your goals.

Control alcohol consumption and stress levels; sleep well; keep motivated. Each of these factors plays a huge role on the path to success.

Sleep is essential for normal muscle recovery and metabolism. Chronic lack of sleep will not allow you to give all your best in the gym. A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Take this recommendation into account. The difference will be felt immediately.

Stress negatively affects the body of any person. But for fitness enthusiasts, high levels of stress can be a real barrier to achieving your goal. Due to the constant hassle, the body does not have time to recover, there is a risk of overeating. Practice effective methods stress management: keeping a diary, meditation, chatting with friends, a long car ride around the city. Better yet, run a marathon like Rocky did. Find out what techniques work for you and use them to deal with stress.

is a toxin that slows down the breakdown of fats. And there is no difference here - either you abuse it on the weekends, or you allow yourself only a small glass in the evening after work. The body's ability to burn fat is blocked until all the alcohol is removed from it. In addition, alcohol interferes with normal muscle recovery after exercise. Free your life from alcohol as much as possible.

But most importantly, even before the transformation process begins, you must have developed strong motivation. If you have one foot here and the other there, try to find stimuli that will save you the slightest hesitation. Find a like-minded person, sign up for a class, pay for the services of a personal fitness instructor, or simply make a list of the benefits that a new look will give you. Don't forget about self-reward after reaching small goals. Use any tricks to fully engage in a new way of life. Repeat to yourself: "At any cost, at any cost."

Remember: Keeping Motivated high level requires constant effort - even when Rocky had doubts about his victory, he did not stop giving all his best in training.

6. Goal setting

Goals should be specific and clear. It is desirable that they combine both physical changes (lose weight, gain muscle mass) and qualitative ones (increase the weight in the bench press by 5 kg, run 2 km in 10 minutes). “Double” goals help keep you constantly motivated – even if one of the components begins to weaken. The most important goals are related to health, as well as lifestyle and relationships. Do you want to have more strength and energy to play with your child? So write it down.

The more you strive for a goal, the higher the chances of achieving it.

7. Start!

Gloves on your hands and you're in the ring. It's time to start the transformation. If you are considering an individual program, please read it carefully to understand what is required of you. "Work your body, baby.

Stop putting off your New Year's resolution to finally lose weight! I will help you open the doors to the gym and start your first workout. Today you will learn where to start a girl in gym. Go!

Today the famous fitness model Jamie Eason will share with you. She knows very well how a girl can start training in the gym.

After I had my baby, I knew it wouldn't be long before I got back to the gym. After 9 months of pregnancy and a few months of sitting at home with my baby, I was ready to take some time for myself. But returning to the gym after a long break was a little scary.

I was out of shape and already getting used to it. That is why, when I entered the gym again, I felt insecure about myself and my abilities. It made me think back to my first time at the gym and how scared I was at that moment.

I believe that this article is also read by those who are just about to go on their first “journey” to the gym. If this is about you, then I want to offer you some tips that will help you overcome your fears and succeed this year.

If you haven't purchased a gym membership yet, now is the time! In this article, I'll answer some common questions as well as give you some training and nutrition tips so you can hit the gym with confidence.

I'm too afraid to go to the gym. What should I do?

If this is your first time going to the gym, then my advice to you is to go there with a friend or acquaintance. Find a friend or someone in your family who wants to start exercising too. Together is better!

It's even better if you have a friend who is crazy about gyms and sports in general and who can show you what to do. A good friend's advice is usually better than any advertisement.

If you haven't found a company, don't despair. After all, you are only doing this for yourself. Find some courage in yourself, take a deep breath and step into the room.

I came to the gym. What's next?

Most gyms offer free trial workouts or even a week-long introductory course. If the hall staff insists and offers certain discounts or classes, take advantage of this and ask questions that concern you. Find out when there are a lot of people in the hall, and when there are few. Ask about cardio machine time limits, personal trainers, pricing, schedules and more.

Maybe you'll get lucky! And while they don't necessarily give you everything you asked for - a discount, personal coach– being interested in what the gym has to offer may put you in the best light and maybe they will offer you a detailed tour of the gym and free workout tips from a professional trainer.

Okay, I bought a subscription. Where to start?

After you have gone through all the formalities, go straight to the locker room. On your way to the locker room, explore the gym and the machines available. As a rule, it will take some time to understand which simulators are the most popular in the gym and start exercising on them.

After you spend a few weeks in the gym, you will notice which machines and which days of the week are used more and which are less. For example, many people avoid working out on their legs on Mondays - going to work on Monday is already hard in itself - so you can start training on legs.

Once you've changed and left your belongings in the locker room, grab a bottle of water, a towel and a music player and head straight to the cardio machines for a little workout.

Warm up? Why do I need it?

Before you start a full workout, you need to prepare your muscles. It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes. It is not necessary to spend 20 minutes on treadmill, 5 minutes will be enough.

As you warm up, look around and plan your workout. If this is your first time in the gym, it's good to do exercises that get the blood pumping into your muscles and help you maintain strength and stamina when doing harder and harder exercises.

“It is necessary that the blood circulates in the body, and your thoughts are directed to classes”.

My "plan of attack" consists only of a treadmill!

I know you feel great on the treadmill, but it's time to do something more serious, right? The circuit training scheme is the safest option, as your heart rate will always remain slightly elevated as you exercise. You will feel like after a great workout, but not tired at all. Trust me, raise too big weight on the first day, it's a surefire way to derail your daily workout. You may feel a certain strength in yourself, but after a few days you will regret it.

For circuit training, you need to do five or six different consecutive exercises. a certain amount of repetitions. "Repetition" means how many times you do a particular exercise. Once you've completed all six reps, you can take some time off. Then do the same five or six exercises again. If you feel like you can do the third round of exercises, do it!

I usually recommend circuit training, both for beginners and more advanced athletes who, for one reason or another, took a break from training. Such exercises help to warm up and prepare the muscles for hard work in the coming weeks.

What else should I know before I start exercising?

If you have never exercised, or have taken a long break from training, any amount exercise, especially power, gives extra stress to the muscles. Don't overexert yourself for the first two weeks. Lift a weight that is heavy enough for you but that you can do about 15 reps with.

If you have never lifted weight before, then I suggest you use machines with lighter weights. When you feel confident, you can move on to more heavy weight. Gym safety is very important as it is very easy to get injured. Especially unprepared athletes.

When you feel strong enough, free weights will give you more movement options and open up new training opportunities. You can also learn more about specific exercises by checking out the exercise database.

Obviously, circuit training. Are there any examples?

Here are some examples of workout routines you can take to the gym with you. Don't try to complete all three circuits on the same day. I advise you to do one a day and rest at least three days a week.

Training program for beginner girls in the gym

Program #1

  • Elliptical Trainers: 5 Minute Warm Up

Program #2

  • "Bicycle" lying down: 5 minute warm-up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Stretching on the legs: 15 times
  • Leg Press: 15 reps
  • Walking lunges: 15 times
  • Seated leg curl: 15 reps
  • Shoulder width leg press: 15 reps
  • Lifting on toes while standing: 15 times

Program #3

  • Treadmill: 5 minute warm up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Lifting dumbbells: 15 times
  • Flexion reverse grip: 15 times
  • Push-ups: 15 times
  • Standard crunches: 15 times
  • Reverse grip crunch: 15 times

I want to lose weight, so I probably shouldn't eat before or after a workout, right?

Wrong. Whatever you eat before or after your workout is very important. Your body needs energy to exercise. Therefore, you need to eat foods high in protein in order for your muscles to get enough energy and recover.

Before workout

Eat one of the following before your workout:

  • Oatmeal with almond milk and honey
  • Spinach omelette with toast
  • Greek yogurt with half a banana
  • Cottage cheese with blueberries and almonds
  • Fried eggs, pita bread, small apple

After training

Eat the following after your workout:

  • Chicken with brown rice
  • Protein shake with half a banana
  • London roast, sweet potatoes and vegetables
  • Legumes and quinoa salad

I can not wait anymore! Pity me good luck!

The first step into uncharted territory is always difficult. This year, be brave, cast aside all doubts and take a step! Not all gyms are equally good. So if you suddenly did not like one and you have the opportunity to move to another, go boldly.

The main thing is that you like and enjoy what you are going to do every day. If you don't like the gym, consider other options like fitness classes or outdoor workouts. Never give up if you don't like gyms. Find what you like and life will change for the better!

If you train without warming up, the risk of injury increases greatly and the effectiveness of training decreases. In addition, this is how you form bad habits.

Warming up is an essential part of your workout. You can easily bring your muscles into working condition by following a simple procedure:

  1. Use a massage roller. Such rollers help to thoroughly warm up the muscles of the whole body. Here Lifehacker told in detail what these tools are and how to use them.
  2. Five minutes of cardio: quickly walk uphill, exercise on elliptical trainer or an exercise bike. if you have excess weight, do not run - save your knees.
  3. Be sure to do joint warm-up and dynamic stretching. you will find a video of a good warm-up.

After that, you will be warm enough to get started.

How to make a training program

When you come to the gym, you should already have a clear action plan: what exercises you will do, what muscle groups to work out.

There are a huge number of training programs, but beginners without a coach should not try complex options. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to the consistent study of all muscles.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, hips and abs. If you are going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, in the first workout, work out the biceps, back, hips, and abs, and in the second workout, work out the triceps, chest, shoulders, and buttocks.

Here are some exercises with machines and free weights for different muscle groups.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks

With this simulator, you can shift the focus to different muscle groups by simply changing the position of the legs on the platform:

  1. Legs at the top of the platform - emphasis on gluteal muscles and biceps femoris.
  2. Legs at the bottom of the platform - emphasis on quadriceps.
  3. Narrow stance - emphasis on outer part hips.
  4. Wide stance - emphasis on inner part hips.

Leg abduction in the simulator

This exercise works great on the buttocks. Take your leg back until your lower leg is parallel to the floor, but do not fully extend your knees. To better work out the muscles, lower your leg to its original position slowly.


This is a basic exercise with a huge number of variations: with wide staging legs or on one leg, with a barbell or with dumbbells, from an elevation or with a jump. Lifehacker breaks down the technique of doing squats in detail, and there are several options for squats and other exercises for the hips.

Another exercise with many variations. Lunges can be done with your own weight, with a barbell or with dumbbells, moving around the room or on the spot.

During the lunge, make sure that the knee is in front standing foot was exactly above the heel. Slightly tilting the body forward, you shift the focus to the buttocks.

This basic exercise works out not only the muscles of the hips and buttocks, but also the extensor muscles of the back and the trapezium. Start with the classic deadlift, but don't lift too much weight.

Here is a video with the exercise technique:

To diversify your workouts, explore others and buttocks.

Back exercises

This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles. It perfectly warms up and prepares for an important basic exercise - deadlift.

If you want to pump exactly the muscles of the back, and not the legs, start doing the exercise from a position where the body is in a straight line with the simulator. Then lift your back, bringing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms back. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.

The key point in this exercise is that you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, lock your back and bring your shoulder blades together. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

This exercise also helps to effectively pump up the back muscles. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

chest exercises

Bench Press

This basic exercise engages both pecs, triceps, and deltoid muscles. The emphasis can be shifted by changing the grip: bench press narrow grip more loads the triceps, and wide - the chest. Also, the emphasis on the chest is shifted if you take the bar with a reverse grip, that is, with your palms facing you.

The video explains the technique for performing the exercise:

This machine allows you to perform exercises that load only the pectoral muscles. Do not fully extend your arms at the extreme points, do the exercise smoothly.

Push-ups on the uneven bars with an inclination forward

If you can't do push-ups on the uneven bars without help yet, use an expander or a special simulator for support. To emphasize the chest, tilt the body forward.

The technique for performing the exercise can be seen in the video:

In this one you can find chest exercises in pictures.

Triceps Exercises

Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides. If shoulder mobility allows, lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

Extension of arms on the block

This exercise can be performed with a regular or rope handle. The back is straight, the elbows are close to the body and do not move.

Biceps Exercises

Standing barbell curl

This is a basic exercise that helps to work out the biceps well. Here is a video with the exercise technique:

Unlike the previous exercise, when lifting dumbbells, you must rotate your hands, as this provides additional stress on the biceps. At the bottom, the hands should look at each other, and during the ascent, turn around to the body.

Shoulder Exercises

Standing Barbell Chest Press

Before this exercise, you should do a dynamic shoulder stretch: pick up a stick or expander and move your straight arms behind your back several times, and then forward again. Do not bend your elbows while stretching. The closer you place your hands, the more effective the stretch will be.

During the bench press, take the barbell behind your head. If she stays in front, it will put a lot of strain on her lower back.

When performing the exercise, the elbows should be slightly bent. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders - this can cause impingement syndrome (inflammation of the rotator cuff).

Breeding dumbbells sitting in an incline

The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Hand movements are similar to the previous exercise.

In this you will find an analysis of the technique for performing other exercises on the shoulders.

Press exercises

Twisting with legs on a hill

Raised leg press exercise

By placing your feet on a raised platform, you will eliminate unnecessary stress on the iliopsoas muscles and damage to the lower back. If you want to complicate the exercise, pick up a stuffed ball.

The plank perfectly works out all the muscles of the core. To complicate it, you can place your legs on an unstable support: in loops or on, as shown in the photo.

Hanging leg raise

In a simpler version, you only need to pull your knees up to your chest.

If this is easy, try lifting your straight legs towards the horizontal bar.

How to choose the right weight and number of repetitions

Take such a weight that you can perform the exercise 5-8 times. The last repetitions should be performed with effort. If you can easily do all eight reps, then the selected weight is too small for you.

Do three sets of 5-10 reps. Rest between sets should be 1-2 minutes, between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

If you are doing exercises without weight, you need to do more repetitions in order to properly load the muscles. In these exercises, perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

After training

After training, be sure to stretch: you need to relax the muscles that worked. You can find stretching exercises different groups muscles, and - exercises with expander bands.

From the very first training, you need to pay attention to your diet. From you will learn what to eat before and after training to accelerate your progress and not harm the body.

Feel free to listen to your body and have fun.

The decision to exercise regularly is not easy for everyone.

For those who have never encountered work in the gym or in group classes, there are many questions.

What to choose for beginners: a gym, training at home or a fitness club - this is one of the main problems that future athletes face.

How to force yourself to start exercising

Even after making the decision to exercise, getting yourself to exercise regularly is not easy. And in this novice athletes will help little tricks:

  1. Favorite sport. Much more enthusiasm exercise stress which brings pleasure. For some, this is aerobics, dancing or tai-bo, while others prefer exercise equipment or crossfit.
  2. Good company. Going to the gym or fitness club with friends is more interesting and more fun. In addition, it will not work once again to skip a workout because of laziness.
  3. "Your" coach. The first lessons are best done under the supervision of a professional who will develop individual program, follow the technique, motivate and cheer.
  4. Definition of goals. Lose weight, pump up, tighten the relief - the goal can be any. It is even better if it is visualized as a photo of an athlete, a star, or at least a slender girlfriend.
  5. Step by step training plan. It is much easier and more efficient to work according to a program where everything is planned out than to aimlessly freeze in front of each simulator, thinking whether you need to work on it or not.
  6. Form for training. Special clothing not only solve the problem with air exchange and moisture release, but also psychologically set up for classes.
  7. public promise. Having told friends and acquaintances about the start of training, it will be difficult to “back off” and ignore their questions about sports achievements.
  8. First results. Studies have shown that after achieving a minimal effect from sports, people are more enthusiastic about continuing their workouts.
  9. Entourage. It's not just about clothes, but also about a playlist with your favorite music or sports gadgets that can brighten up your stay in the gym.
  10. Reward system. For productive work in the gym or group, you can reward yourself with small “goodies” or less high-calorie things: shopping, movies, going to an amusement park.

Strange as it may sound, but sport is addictive, and many, once they start exercising, continue to do so for the rest of their lives.

When choosing a coach, you need to find out his experience and profile education. It's better if it's higher special education rather than 2-week courses. You need to understand well which person you can trust with your health.

Gym choice: gym or fitness

To obtain beautiful figure You will have to work hard on your body. Here, for beginners, the question arises what to choose - a gym or a fitness club.

Do right choice It will help to clearly define the objectives of the training. If an athlete wants to lose weight, tighten the contours of the body, improve his endurance and performance, then he should pay attention to fitness classes. If the main goal is to build muscle mass, then welcome to the gym.

Each of these training venues has its own advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about fitness, we should mention its advantages such as:

  • accessibility (basic elements can be performed by almost everyone);
  • versatility (group classes are suitable for most athletes);
  • a variety of programs (from strength to express weight loss).

It is also worth mentioning that when training in a group, it is much more difficult to miss a visit without a good reason.

Important! Speaking about the shortcomings, first of all it is worth mentioning the cost of the subscription. The second disadvantage is the tight schedule. The athlete will have to adapt to the majority. Another "fly in the ointment" is a limited set of groups. You may not have time to sign up for the program you like.

In the gym most often go for voluminous muscles. Additionally, there is a strengthening of the cardiovascular system and endurance. With a well-designed training plan, doing in the gym, you can lose weight.

The main features of the hall are:

  • a variety of simulators that can load almost all muscle groups;
  • mass of additional sports equipment;
  • convenient visiting schedule;
  • lower subscription cost compared to a fitness club;
  • individual lesson plan with the possibility of its subsequent adjustment;
  • a clearer focus on results.

There are some downsides here as well:

  • lack of experience in using the projectile and simulators for beginners (first lessons only with a trainer or instructor);
  • "Sold out" in the evening after work.

Each athlete chooses where and how to practice, but a novice athlete should still consult with experts.

How to organize and prepare for your first workout

The preparatory stage is as important as the first few workouts. It allows you to tune in psychologically and develop self-confidence and an understanding of the need for physical education.

What you need on your first day at the gym

The first fees to the gym are similar to vacation fees. Just like in the last case, it is better to make a list of necessary things in advance. The athlete will need:

  1. Sports backpack or bag.
  2. Sneakers.
  3. Shower shoes (flip flops).
  4. Towel and soap accessories.
  5. Clothing for classes.
  6. Bottle of water.

You can also take a fitness bracelet with you, which will measure your heart rate. When working with a barbell, gloves are useful to prevent the appearance of corns.

Don't forget to warm up

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is ignoring the warm-up, and this is a very important stage of training.

Warm-up is necessary for:

  • stretching the muscles and improving the elasticity of the joints;
  • reducing the risk of injury;
  • increase the effectiveness of training;
  • acceleration of metabolism (due to increased heart rate);
  • preparing the body for further stress.

A full warm-up takes from 5 to 15 minutes and includes muscle exercises:

  • shoulder girdle;
  • chest;
  • back;
  • torso;
  • lower back;
  • calf and ankle.

In this case, areas that have been injured should be given more attention. The warm-up can also include classes on cardio machines: rowing, elliptical, treadmill.

How to choose the right load so as not to harm your health

A competent training plan includes not only a list of exercises and the frequency of visiting the gym, but also the distribution of the load. This should be done by a professional.

Even in the process of compiling the program, all initial anthropometric data and information about the presence of injuries, diseases and daily routine are taken from the athlete. Only after that, the optimal plan is selected, which includes gradually progressive loads.

Often the first type of workout that is recommended for a beginner is the full body. This type of training allows you to work out all the basic muscle groups within one session. You can work with a full body 2-3 times a week, which is quite enough for an inexperienced athlete.

Important! When compiling a list of exercises, age and the presence of diseases must be taken into account. So, a 16-year-old teenager will not be allowed to do deadlifts or press with large weights, on the other hand, people with varicose veins will be removed from the program of leg exercises.

Athletes will also have to reduce the load after a long break in classes. Of course, muscle memory will allow them to progress faster and change weights, but they will not be able to immediately return to their previous indicators.

How to choose a mode: how many times to go to the gym per week

Many novice athletes think that the more time they spend in the gym, the faster they will achieve results. However, in reality, things are different.

Everything depends on the goals. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio training and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. In this case, one of the workouts can be replaced by a morning jog for several kilometers.

But for those who want to swing properly, it is worth remembering such a phenomenon as recovery muscle tissue. It is during power loads that the muscles receive micro-ruptures, which, recovering, thicken the muscle fibers, thus producing muscle growth. After each session, any muscle group needs time to rest and regenerate. For professionals, it is 48-55 hours, for beginners - at least 72. Thus, the optimal training regimen for novice athletes is 2-3 times a week.

Adjust nutrition

The training plan necessarily includes the development of a diet. Girls, in order to lose weight, should reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates in their diet, increase the amount of fluid consumed, and add vitamins.

When pumping up muscle mass, you need to increase the amount of protein, both animal and vegetable.

Interesting: to reduce appetite, you can drink water with magnesium.

Do you need a coach

The question of the need for a coach is often faced by novice athletes. Many people think that this is a waste of money, since the instructor available in each gym is able to help you understand the operation of the simulators and give general recommendations.

Yet the functions individual trainer very important:

  1. It will help you create a training program.
  2. Explain the rules for using the equipment.
  3. Will follow correct technique execution of elements.
  4. Make adjustments to the program if necessary.

Important! It is difficult for beginners to understand how correctly they perform this or that exercise, and the result directly depends on the technique.

How to avoid mistakes at the very beginning of training

Mistakes can be made by both novice athletes and professionals. The difference is that the first group has much more of them. In general, they all affect the effectiveness of training.

Beginners most often “sin” with the following:

  • ignore program development;
  • forget about the meal plan;
  • neglect rest between classes;
  • perform exercises incorrectly;
  • do not study the rules for operating simulators;
  • ignore the breathing technique, warm-up and hitch.

Finally, even after a month intensive classes and visiting the gym 4-5 times a week, there is no visible result. The beginner is disappointed and eventually reduces his sports activity to nothing.

What loads should be included in the first classes

The first workouts in the gym are of a sparing and introductory nature. The main task of the coach is to prepare the athlete's body for the loads and teach him how to work with shells and perform the necessary elements. Regardless of the goals of the training, experts recommend starting any work with cardio loads (in the absence of contraindications).


Cardio exercises are needed not only for weight loss, as many people think. They additionally allow:

  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • develop endurance;
  • get rid of the negative
  • reduce the risk of diabetes;
  • speed up calorie burning and metabolism;
  • increase bone density;
  • increase muscle tone.

Cardio load can be obtained on special simulators (running, rowing or elliptical) or perform a series of exercises that will give exactly the same effect.

Running with an overlap of the lower leg

  • tilt the body slightly forward;
  • start running, alternately throwing the lower leg back and touching the buttocks with the heel.

Jumping with arms and legs

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms;
  • at the expense of "one" jump out, simultaneously spreading arms and legs to the sides;
  • at the expense of "2" return to the IP.


A polymetric exercise that intensively works several muscle groups at once.

  • IP - deep squat with hands resting on the floor;
  • at the expense of "1" jump back, taking the emphasis lying down;
  • at the expense of "2" to wring out;
  • about "3" return to the squat;
  • stand on the count of "4".

Lunge with a swing

  • stand up straight, arms at your sides;
  • do right foot lunge back, touching the floor with the knee;
  • getting up, take your leg forward and swing it;
  • again go into a lunge.

Performed alternately with each leg.


It is a mistake to think that strength training is only for bodybuilders. Competent work with weights and approaches can also allow slender girls to tighten their figures. For beginners, it is best to start with basic exercises.


The muscles of the back, legs and buttocks work.

  • feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward;
  • pulling the pelvis back, slightly bend your knees and, with a straight back, grab the bar of the projectile;
  • slowly start lifting the bar along the legs until it is fully extended;
  • at the peak point, reduce the shoulder blades;
  • start lowering again.

Enough 2-3 sets with 6-7 repetitions.

Barbell squat

  • stand up so that the neck rests on the trapezium of the back;
  • feet shoulder-width apart, toes apart;
  • remove the projectile from the supports;
  • while inhaling, start squatting, slightly tilting the torso forward;
  • having reached the peak position (thighs parallel to the floor), fix for a second and, slowly exhaling, rise.

A great exercise for girls to pump up the ass.

leg press

In order to do this exercise, you will need a special simulator.

  • set weight;
  • sit in the simulator, fixing the legs on the upper platform shoulder width apart;
  • holding on to the stupor, slowly straighten your legs, pushing the platform away from you;
  • smoothly return to IP.

The biceps femoris, gluteal, popliteal and quadriceps muscles are strained.


  • grab the bar with both hands with any grip;
  • pull up, “pushing out” the chin beyond the lines of the pole;
  • linger for a couple of seconds and return to the IP.

The shoulder section, biceps and torso are well worked out.

Top block pull

  • sit in the simulator;
  • grab the handle with a wide grip and, slightly tilting the body, pull it towards you;
  • return to IP.

During the exercise, you need to remember that you need to pull the handle to the chest, and not to the waist.

What simulators

One of the advantages of the gym is the simulators, which make it easier to perform elements or adjust the technique.

Power frame - a system of vertical racks and horizontal bars. On it you can comfortably perform bench press (when using a bench), deadlift, squat with a barbell and pull-ups.

Horizontal bar - multifunctional sport equipment, designed to implement different kind pull-ups.

The leg press machine is a system that includes a seat, canopy supports and a moving platform. Allows you to pump the muscles of the legs.

Scott's bench is a prefabricated metal frame with a bench and an adjustable desk. Helps to work out the biceps.

Vertical-horizontal traction - a system of blocks with which you can work both in a sitting position and standing. Allows you to train the upper back.

Crossover - multifunctional block simulator designed for combined upper and lower training.

Examples of training programs for beginner men and women

If we talk about how a beginner should start working in the gym, then this, of course, with the selection of the optimal program.

3 days a week workout for weight loss

The weight loss course for girls includes a nutrition plan and classes up to 3 times in 7-8 days with mandatory cardio elements.





Press (twisting)

Bar Squat

Lunges back with swings up

8-10 (each leg)

30-60 seconds

thrust upper block


Deadlift with bar

Arm extension with dumbbells


Elliptical Trainer

1.5-2 minutes

Hanging knee raise

leg press


Bar pull to the chin


20 (each way)

Cardio exercises will increase the number of calories burned, while bench presses, deadlifts and dips will improve the contours and tighten the figure.

Weight loss course for men:




20-25 minutes

Dumbbell reconnaissance lying down

Seated Barbell Press

french press


20-25 minutes

The pull of the upper block behind the head


Barbell curl for biceps

Breeding dumbbells through the sides

Raising dumbbells in front of you


20-25 minutes


Bending the legs in the simulator

Rise on socks

Shoulder Dumbbell Press

Twisting on a Roman chair

Men working on this plan need to follow a diet and rest periods between classes.

Complex for muscle tightening

The body relief complex for women consists of:

Rest between sets should not exceed 2 minutes.

Male training:

The rest period is no more than one minute.

Exercise plan to start pumping all muscle groups

Girls and men can gain muscle mass using the same type of training. The weights, the number of sessions and the number of repetitions will differ.






pull up

to failure

Horizontal block pull

Standing dumbbell press


Leg extension

To failure

To failure

Barbell squat

In this case, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to work with more weights and fewer repetitions.

How to practice without an instructor with maximum impact

You can do it without a coach, the main thing is to systematically approach the process. For this you need:

  • draw up a training and nutrition plan;
  • do not forget about the warm-up and hitch;
  • track exercise using a mirror;
  • try to feel the muscles as much as possible during the execution of the elements.

A good help will be fitness applications and trackers that not only monitor the user's condition, but can also help him develop a program and track achievements. In the absence of mobile “assistants”, you can keep a diary yourself, where you can enter all the results of training.

Denis Semenikhin, TV presenter, video blogger, author of books on fitness

First of all, Denis advises, beginners should not forget about the importance of a warm-up, which starts the work of the cardiovascular system. With the possibility of control, you need to ensure that the pulse at this stage does not exceed 60% of its maximum.

Stanislav Lindover, European champion, master of sports in bodybuilding

Beginning athletes need to train on simulators with a given trajectory of movement, says Stanislav. In this case, it is guaranteed correct technique execution of elements.

Ekaterina Usmanova, current champion of Russia in fitness bikini, video blogger

Useful video

Main conclusions

Beginners who come to the gym need to understand what goal they are pursuing, and only after that start exercising:

  1. You can't practice effectively without a training plan.
  2. Fitness club or gym - the choice depends on the goals.
  3. For weight loss, it is necessary to focus on cardio, for muscle building - on a power block, for relief, choose a comprehensive workout.
  4. The first lessons are best done under the supervision of a trainer.

Beginner training will not be easy, and you need to be prepared for this. However, over time, with the right prioritization and selection of exercises, sports will become an important part of life and a way to maintain your health and attractive appearance.

We will be glad to know what exercises and programs our readers like. Share in the comments your types of training and the results achieved.