Horizontal pull-ups. Horizontal pull-ups on the low bar


Find a secure object that you can grab onto with your hands in horizontal position and which is able to support the weight of your body. The height of the item should be above the level of the hips. It may be a small but stable table. Go down, grab the object with a direct grip (fists towards you) so that Bottom part the bodies and breasts were under the object, that is, under the table. Now pull up a little to lift your back off the floor. You may need to bend your elbows slightly. Try to keep your hands shoulder-width apart, but if the chosen object does not allow you to do this, it's okay. Keep the body straight, distribute the weight of the body between top back and heels. This is the starting position (Fig. 43). Then pull yourself up, keeping your back and hips in a straight line, until your chest touches the edge of the table at the level of the hands. This is the final position (Fig. 44). Hold for a second, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat.

Sectional exercise

Horizontal pull-ups are similar to, but they require more strength due to the more complex body position. This exercise is a transition to full pull-ups, in which body weight is fully involved. It is useful for strengthening vulnerable shoulder and elbow joints.

Training rate

Technique Improvement

The higher the object on which you pull up, the higher the position of your body and the easier the exercise. If horizontal pull-ups are too hard for you at first, try to find a higher object. As soon as you do more than 30 repetitions with this object, feel free to move to the height of the hips.

Some people may have watched an athlete do one-arm pull-ups on the horizontal bar. From the outside it looks very impressive. But it is very, very difficult to perform such a movement, and therefore auxiliary and more simple exercises, which make it possible to prepare your body for stress. Standing horizontal pull-ups - efficient technique for muscle development.

What muscle groups does the exercise target?

As with regular pull-ups, in the horizontal version of this exercise, a large number of muscle groups will be included in the work. The working muscles include the following: triceps, biceps, trapezius, forearms, back muscles, which are called the latissimus dorsi, as well as the back of the shoulder, that is, the posterior deltoid bundle.

Performing this exercise becomes possible and correct only if retraction is carried out in the process. Horizontal pull-ups include extension of the deltoid sections, as well as flexion of the forearms.

Proper execution of the movement

In order to perform horizontal pull-ups, the athlete will have to attend to the presence of some kind of crossbar that can be held on to. The technique for performing the movement is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is to adjust the height or bars in the Smith to a certain angle. Correct setting the crossbar is considered if, with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, the athlete does not reach the floor a few centimeters.
  2. from bottom to top is carried out due to the reduction of the shoulder blades. However, when the highest point is reached and latissimus dorsi the backs have already been reduced to the maximum, you need to help yourself a little with your hands in order to rise even higher. At the same time, you need to spread your arms at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to your body.
  3. Horizontal pull-ups to the bar should last until the athlete’s chest touches the projectile itself. At this point, the repetition can be considered completed.
  4. It happens that it becomes difficult to perform the exercise and people begin to help themselves with their feet. This is strictly prohibited. In such situations, it is better to raise the bar a little higher and continue the execution correctly (from a technical point of view).
  5. It is necessary to monitor the movements of the pelvis and head throughout the entire time of the exercise. These parts of the body should move with the whole body, and not overtake or lag behind.
  6. Horizontal pull-ups must be performed in full amplitude, since this exercise is initially easier than regular pull-ups. Those movements in which the athlete does not touch the crossbar with his chest are not counted at all.
  7. After the body begins to go down, that is, it is in the negative phase of the repetition, it is necessary to carefully monitor it. You can not abruptly "throw" your body down, you need to go down slowly, controlling the whole process.

The process of breathing during exercise

There are no special requirements for breathing during this exercise. The process of inhalation and exhalation is the same as with other power movements. That is, when inhaling, the body should fall, and when exhaling, it should rise.

How to improve your results?

Horizontal pull-ups are a fairly simple exercise, and therefore the athlete must begin to progress quickly. However, there are still some limits and conditions that are very important and must be observed.

Since the crossbar must be adjustable, you can start training at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the floor. With an increase in the number of repetitions, the angle must be reduced, lowering the support lower. A measure to increase the load, that is, to change the angle, will be the number of repetitions equal to 15, with correct technique. When this becomes possible, the load can be increased.

Exercise replacement options

Of course, this is unlikely, but it also happens that there is no opportunity to perform this exercise. If this happens, then this movement can be replaced by pulling up on a horizontal bench.

As you can see, the execution technique practically does not change. muscle groups the same are involved as when performing horizontal pull-ups. However, everyone can find a pair of dumbbells and an ordinary horizontal bench, if it is not possible to make a movable horizontal bar.

It's great that we are all here today! Hello! And horizontal pull-ups are on the agenda.

On the calendar 20 June, Wednesday, which means it's time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the horizontal pull-up exercise, as well as find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we begin.

Horizontal pull-ups. What, why and why?

At the AB project, we analyze not only classical and popular exercises, but also those that you have never heard of :). One of these is our today's candidate - horizontal pull-ups.

Very often, young ladies complain that they never manage to pull themselves up on the horizontal bar. And so I want to learn. What to do in such a situation? Maybe there are alternatives? We will learn about this later in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of conditionally basic and aims to work out the back. The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - top / middle of the back;
  • synergists - middle / bottom of the trapezius, rhomboid, latissimus dorsi, large / small round, posterior delta, infraspinatus, brachial / brachioradialis muscles, pectoralis major (sternal head);
  • dynamic stabilizers - biceps, long head of triceps;
  • stabilizers - back extensors, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus;
  • antagonist stabilizers - oblique, straight m.zh.

A complete muscle atlas is the following picture:


By performing the horizontal pull-up exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • upper muscle development shoulder girdle and back;
  • back detail improvement (working out small muscle units);
  • back width development;
  • strengthening shoulder joints (injury prevention);
  • development of grip strength and tenacity of the hands;
  • posture improvement.

Execution technique

Horizontal pull-ups refers to exercises of medium difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step #0.

Set the barbell horizontally in a power rack or lower the bar on the Smith machine. Take a position lying face up. Position yourself under the barbell and grab it with a straight middle (hands shoulder width apart) grip. Fully extend your arms to elbow joints. Stretch your legs forward, heels together, and socks slightly towards you. Statically tighten the press. Look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale begin to bend your arms at the elbow joints, pulling yourself up to the bar. Pull up until the bar touches the chest, bring the shoulder blades together and fix on 1-2 accounts in a reduced position. Slowly and under control return to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture it looks like this:

On the move like this:


In addition to the standard version of horizontal pull-ups, there are several variations of the exercise:

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the movement, keep the body stretched in a line, do not let the parts of the body sag;
  • at the bottom of the trajectory, do not unbend your arms to the end;
  • pull up until the bar touches the middle of the chest;
  • at the top of the trajectory, squeeze the shoulder blades and linger for 1-2 accounts in a reduced position;
  • experiment with the height of the neck fastening, use different amplitudes of movement;
  • use as you progress additional burden in the form of a belt with a weight fixed around the waist;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering down, exhale - when lifting up / pulling up;
  • numerical parameters of the training: the number of sets / repetitions - 4-5/15-20.

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Horizontal pull-ups effective exercise for the back?

The user rating given to him by bodybuilding.com athletes is 8,2 from 10 . This indicates the popularity of this exercise and its frequent use. Resource t-nation, researcher Bret Contreras, provides the following data on the electrical activity of the muscles:

  • horizontal pull-ups with trx loops: biceps - 33,4 , widest - 82,6 , the middle of the trapezium - 41,8 ;
  • thrust upper block narrow parallel grip: biceps - 51,4 , widest - 97,5 , the middle of the trapezium - 62,6 ;
  • pull-ups with a parallel grip: biceps - 90,4 , widest - 131 , the middle of the trapezium - 58 .

Conclusion: despite the seeming simplicity, horizontal pull-ups are enough efficient view loads for the back, especially for girls.

How to pump up a girl's back without exercise equipment?

There are young ladies, and there are not so few of them in the halls, who bypass the simulators. It is psychologically more comfortable for them to work not with machines and mechanisms, but with more understandable equipment - dumbbells, barbells, their own weight.

If you belong to this category of workers, then use the following training program to pump up your back:

  • duration: 10 weeks;
  • number of workouts per week: 2 (through 3-4 days);
  • number of sets/reps: 4x15;
  • exercises: thrust of the 1st dumbbell to the belt with an emphasis on the bench; hyperextension with weights; superset: horizontal pull-ups + thrust of 2 dumbbells standing to the belt with a reverse grip.

Use this PT and a beautiful back is provided to you.

Actually, we have finished with the main part of the note, let's move on to ...


The next addition to the technical pantheon of notes is horizontal pull-ups today. Chances are you've never heard of them, much less done them. Or am I wrong?

On the sim everything, until the next inclusion. Bye!

PS: and do you have unusual exercises in a programme? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitri.

The low bar hanging pull-up can be used on its own, or as an introductory exercise to more complex traditional pull-ups. It allows you to prepare muscles, ligaments and joints for increased load and is suitable for beginners. Experienced athletes can use this exercise for finishing off the muscles of the back and biceps after the main workout. Consider horizontal pull-ups in more detail.

Working muscles

Performing horizontal, or as they are also called Australian pull-ups, you develop all the same muscles as with regular pull-ups. In the aggregate, this is the back (widest) and biceps. The emphasis of the load can shift depending on which grip you use and how wide you place your hands.

  • The wider the setting of the hands, the stronger the back works and the less the biceps. The narrower, the, respectively, the stronger the biceps are loaded. The average grip width evenly engages the arms and back.
  • Using direct grip(grip from above) the back works to a greater extent, and when using the reverse (from below), the biceps take over the load.

If you want to work your lats or wings, pull yourself up with a wide straight grip. If your goal is to develop biceps, put your hands narrowly and turn your palms up, that is, use a reverse grip. Each athlete chooses a specific grip width for himself, so that it is convenient to perform the exercise.

Crossbar height

If you train horizontal pull-ups for yourself, and do not pass, say, the GTO standards, then the height of the crossbar is not fixed.

Having taken the hanging position lying (on straight arms), you should not touch the ground with your shoulder blades. This is especially true for tall athletes. The higher the bar, the easier it will be to perform the exercise, since most of the body weight will go to the legs.

Accordingly, if you want a more difficult task, choose such a horizontal bar, hanging on which you will almost touch the ground. The main thing is that at least 10 cm remain between your back and the surface. If you are a beginner, it is better to prefer a higher horizontal bar. This will allow you to get used to the movement, work out the technique and strengthen the muscles.

When passing the TRP standards, the height of the crossbar is 0.9 m for 1–3 steps and 1.1 m for 6–9 steps.

IN gym the exercise is conveniently done in a Smith machine. Most often, squats are performed in this simulator, but it is great for many exercises. The height of the crossbar (neck) in the Smith machine is easily adjustable.

Execution technique

So, look for a horizontal bar or crossbar of the desired height. If you are doing the exercise on the Smith machine, place the bar at the correct level.

Get close to the bar, grab it with your hands and squat until your chin is on top of it. Walk your feet forward until your body is straightened into a string, there should not be any deflections in the body - an absolutely straight line. Extend your arms and take a lying position. Your feet should be stable and not slip.

  1. As you exhale, rise from the starting position by bending your arms. At the top, your chest almost touches the horizontal bar, and your chin rises above the bar. The body remains straight throughout the movement.
  2. On an inhale, extend your arms and lower yourself under control. bottom point. Repeat the exercise.

Horizontal pull-ups should be performed 10-12 times per approach. The number of approaches is from three. Do the exercise slowly and under control, avoiding jerking and “throwing” the body down.

Gradually training the muscles of the arms and back, you can move on to a more complex option - the classic pull-ups. Horizontal or Australian pull-ups on the horizontal bar or in the Smith machine will be a good base - they will strengthen the ligaments and prepare the muscles.

Additionally, for the development of back muscles, you can use exercises such as t-bar pull, lever pull. For biceps, fit, or bending the arms on the Scott bench.

Good luck and productive training!

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Those who want to improve the muscles of the arms and body should pay attention to horizontal pull-ups. This exercise achieves what cannot be achieved by the usual method. However, it is important to know how to correctly do such gymnastics so as not to get injured.

Execution technique

To do this, you must first prepare your body. Otherwise, it will not be possible to perform the exercise properly, even if you know how to do this gymnastics correctly.

In addition, there may be negative consequences caused by insufficient physical training, including insufficient muscle base.

The technique for performing horizontal pull-ups is as follows:

  1. Make sure that the horizontal bar is properly fixed.
  2. accept correct position under the horizontal bar.
  3. Pull up, slightly lingering at the top point.
  4. Slowly, stop.

Often, with this technique, a horizontal bar is used, which is not attached to something, but is held by the limit stop between two planes. For example, this is a doorway. It is important to make sure that the horizontal bar is securely fastened before starting the exercise.

This device is placed at the level of the groin area, if the height of a person is average (from 170 to 190 cm). Then it will be possible to effectively perform gymnastics without discomfort. If the growth is different, you will probably have to adjust the position of the horizontal bar later, if it turns out that it is not possible to correctly perform gymnastics.

Take this starting position: Lie down under the horizontal bar. They take it with their hands, at the same time raising the body with support on the feet. As a result: the feet are on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, the body is evenly kept parallel to the floor, and the arms are almost straight or straight and hold on to the horizontal bar. Now it is possible to start the standard version of the exercise - pulling up on the low bar.

On the exhale, pull up. In the top position, the bar touches or almost touches the chest area, not higher, not lower. In this case, the shoulder blades are brought together. They stay in this position for some time (usually - no more than a second), then slowly lower.

Exercise should be repeated as many times as is acceptable for the body. If it is difficult to understand what this figure is in a particular case, it is possible to do seven to eight repetitions. With pain and other discomfort that differs from normal muscle fatigue, it is worth stopping. If the muscles are very tense or tired, this is also a reason to stop the exercise.

When there is confidence that such gymnastics is easy, it is worth doing a lot of repetitions for the result. For men, this is around 30-40 times, and for women - around 15-20 times. Of course, these figures may vary, depending on physical fitness.

It is important to understand that pulling up is done not so much due to the biceps, but due to the reduction of the shoulder blades. At first, this will be unusual, especially if there were expectations that the technique would be like vertical counterparts. However, the method probably has no more in common with regular pull-ups than it does with push-ups. With the latter, by the way, there are even more common points.

There are three options for the complexity of such a standard technique. The first is the easiest, described above. The second, when the legs are straightened and rest against something. And finally, if you put your feet on a chair fixed in place, it will be very difficult.

What muscles work

Horizontal pull-ups differ from ordinary pull-ups in many respects in what exactly they are aimed at.

That muscle is involved, which is much less involved in the standard version of the exercise. That's why you can't replace horizontal pull-ups with vertical ones.

Here are the muscles that work with this technique:

  • muscles of the upper back, in particular, the latissimus dorsi;
  • to some extent - biceps and triceps.


There is one problem that all beginners will face. Legs after a few times will begin to move forward. Therefore, it would be good if there would be some kind of emphasis in front.

If it has already been decided to equip a room at home under gym, why not make a special support for the legs at a suitable distance from the horizontal bar. This will greatly reduce the risk that the exercise will be performed illiterately.

In a standard exercise, the fingers should ideally wrap around the bar completely. Thumb does not lie down with the rest, but goes around the horizontal bar. However, we are talking about the standard method, but there are other options for the exercise.

For example, this is a reverse grip with leg support. In this case, the muscles of the hands work a little more. The exercise feels like pulling up and lifting dumbbells for biceps.

Another option is on rings or on bars. It is no coincidence that these two varieties of the method are mentioned together. The methodology is very similar in both cases.

The difference is that with gymnastics on the rings, you will also have to control the position of these rings, while the bars are fixed. Therefore, the option with rings is the most difficult, but it better develops the vestibular apparatus and muscles in general. Yes, it will require more concentration.

The difference in gymnastics on uneven bars and rings compared to the standard technique is small, but present: With this version of the exercise, the hands hold the crossbar differently, because it runs parallel to the body. Therefore, the muscles of the hands as a whole are strengthened better.

There is another version of the technique - horizontal pull-ups in Smith. The technique here is similar to the standard method, but it will be easier for beginners to deal with such a device. Perhaps this method is suitable for those who are not suitable for other methods.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the grip options. With such gymnastics there are:

  1. Wide straight grip.
  2. Wide reverse grip.
  3. Narrow reverse grip.

At narrow grip the muscles of the arms work more, and with a wide one, the muscles of the back are more involved. Various options are chosen depending on the goals.

What can replace

If there is nothing suitable nearby, it is possible to do horizontal pull-ups to the bar or to such a ladder, in which the lower crossbar is located high enough. It is clear that it will not be so convenient, but it is possible to replace it.

There are exercises that replace, in principle, horizontal pull-ups.

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