How can you get on the bridge while standing. How to learn to make a bridge - a simple and effective technique

In the East, the ability to perform it is considered an important indicator physical health. This exercise is found in Taoist systems, in Shaolin kung fu, in yoga. In the West, not many people know how to correctly perform it from a standing position. As a rule, these are gymnasts, dancers, wrestlers and some advanced weightlifters. Most of us, unfortunately, have no idea how to get on the bridge at home. And he makes a terrible mistake. Why? Let's figure it out.

Benefits of the bridge

The most important organ in our body is the brain. It controls the operation of all other life support systems. Without impulses coming from it, other organs will not function. Helps to maintain the connection between the brain and the body spinal cord, which is a complex plexus of the smallest nerves. It is placed in the spinal column, to which ligaments and muscles are attached. They are designed to protect the fragile spinal cord from damage that can lead to serious consequences, up to complete paralysis.

The task of a person is to maintain the efficiency of the spine, to strengthen the muscles around it. Unfortunately, instead we lead a sedentary lifestyle, gain overweight. It is not surprising that muscle flexibility is lost, stoop appears, and the back begins to hurt. Inattention to the spine can lead to displaced discs, pinched nerves, and malfunctions of the body. Bridge exercise - The best way correct adversity, develop good posture, put discs back in place, improve tissue blood flow, and strengthen deep muscles back. Thanks to him, digestion improves, they start on full force work lungs, become strong arms and legs.

Preparatory exercises

The bridge does not fit well into the usual fitness training, you rarely see it in gym. We spend more time tight press, muscles of the arms and legs. Therefore, most people need preparation to perform full bridge. Do not rush to immediately set records - instead of the desired benefit, you will get a broken back.

Before training, you need to warm up the muscles well. To do this, do:

  • hand rotations;
  • twisting of the spine to the side;
  • pulling up;
  • backward bends in the back with head tilting, hands on the lower back;
  • bending forward and to the side;
  • back bends up and down from a standing position on all fours;
  • push ups;
  • lifting the upper body from a prone position, hands clasped behind the back;
  • bending from the same starting position, during which you grab your ankles with your hands and begin to swing back and forth.

Bridge on the shoulders

Let's move on to the main workout. If you do not know how to get on the bridge, master its light version first. To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent. Grab your ankles with your hands. On the exhale, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, bend as much as possible in the back.

This is a great exercise for those who suffer from spinal dislocations. If pain occurs, reduce the range of motion. For most people, shoulder bridges are easy. In this case, it can be a little more complicated.

Bridge with straight arms

This exercise involves more muscle. It allows you to include the hands in the work, as well as the interscapular region. How to stand on the bridge correctly? To begin, sit down with your legs extended forward and your palms on the floor. Then lift the body up so that the weight of the body is evenly distributed between straight arms and heels. The torso forms a straight line. The head is directed towards the ceiling.

If the exercise is difficult, at first it is permissible to bend the legs at the knees. Hold at the top for a few seconds. It is recommended to master the bridge on straight arms gradually, starting with 10 repetitions. When you get to 40 reps in three sets, it's time to move on.

Lightweight bridge options

To prepare your body to perform difficult exercise, use improvised means. It is known that the higher the initial position of the body, the easier it is to stand on the bridge. Therefore, learn how to do it, starting from the table, and then from the bench (in its absence, an ordinary bed or sofa will do). This strengthens the arms, shoulders, thoracic region spine.

How to stand on the bridge from the stop? To begin, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean back by placing upper part body on a bench or table. Bend your arms, lean on the surface, turn your fingers towards the legs. Now straighten your elbows until your head and neck are on weight. Raise your hips too. Try to see the wall behind you. Don't be discouraged if you can't fully straighten your arms. Keep practicing and the results will come.

How to learn to stand on the bridge from a prone position?

You will need a non-slip surface to avoid injury. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands near your head, fingers pointing towards the feet, elbows looking at the ceiling. Now lift your pelvis, pushing off with your limbs. An ideal bridge has 4 features:

  • arched back;
  • high raised pelvis;
  • straight arms and legs;
  • deep even breathing.

To achieve them, you need strong back muscles, good mobility of the joints of the arms and legs, and a hardy diaphragm. Go to it gradually. To begin with, it is quite acceptable to put a pillow under your back, soccer ball or a rolled up blanket. Straighten your arms and legs as much as you can. To properly distribute the load between them, sway slightly. Do all movements smoothly.

Reduce the distance between your arms and legs over time. You will notice that doing the bridge exercise is much easier this way. Once you have mastered this stage, you can move on to the next one.

Starting this exercise is always scary. For insurance at first, use a regular wall. Stand with your back to her at arm's length. Leaning back, touch the wall with your hands raised up. Turn your fingers down and begin to carefully move along the wall, arching your back. Knees and arms should be bent. Don't rush anywhere. You will have to move away from the wall a bit as you descend. As a result, the hands should touch the floor, and the body should bend in a full bridge.

How to get on the bridge from a standing position without the help of a wall? You need a gym mat or a regular mattress that can protect you from a fall. If there is an assistant who wants to insure you - just fine. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up. Slowly bend back, moving your hips forward. Tilt your head. Seeing the floor under you, gently lower yourself onto straight arms. Remember that you need a good back arch to complete the exercise. If you bend your knees instead, you will fall. Walk onto the bridge with your hands, not your shoulders.


How to get up from the "bridge" position? This task requires good preparation. First, learn to go down and up the wall, "walking" with your hands. It is not so much flexibility that is important here, but strength. To master the climb without relying on a wall, stand facing it at a short distance. Put a mat in the back. This will keep you from falling back and forth.

Lifting is performed by transferring weight to the legs, bending the knees more strongly. We feed the pelvis forward, tear off the fingers from the floor and straighten up, using the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. Hands are always near the ears. You don't have to push them forward. The exercise is easier to perform if the legs are spread wider.

Having learned how to get up on the bridge, start training. Remember: through exercise, you will gain not only strength and good stretch, but first of all healthy spine. It is the framework that ensures the proper functioning of other organs. Take care of your body and it will respond to you with good health.

The bridge is great exercise, which gives a load on many muscle groups, strengthens the spine and tones the whole body. To learn how to do this exercise, you need a certain physical training and stretching. You should not immediately go on a feat and try to stand on the bridge from a standing position, as you can get seriously injured.

How to learn to do a bridge from a prone position?

Before proceeding to training, you need to warm up the muscles well and do it. Stretch your ankles, wrists, and of course your back.

Instructions on how to learn to do a bridge lying down:

  1. Lie down on the floor. If you are doing this exercise for the first time, then it is recommended to perform it on something soft so that, if anything, it is not difficult to fall. The legs must be bent at the knees until a right angle is formed. Put your hands next to your head different parties so that the fingers point towards the legs. It is important that it is comfortable, it is not necessary to bend strongly to the point of pain. Elbows should be directed towards the ceiling.
  2. Having figured out what the starting position should be, you can move on to information regarding how quickly you learn to make a bridge. Make a light push from the ground with your hands and lift the body, it is important to do it evenly. Move up until the arms are straight, but the legs should remain slightly bent. To avoid injury, do not focus on the brushes.
  3. Having done the right one, linger in the upper position for a while, and then slowly lower yourself. After a short rest, repeat the exercise again. Do not overexert yourself, as you can break your back.

How to quickly learn to do a bridge while standing?

First, try doing the exercise against the wall. Stand with your back next to her and take two steps away from her. Put your feet at shoulder level, put your hands behind your head and slowly lower yourself down, making a bridge. If this goal is achieved, you can move on to the most important task.

How to learn how to make a bridge from a standing position at home:

  1. Place your feet at shoulder level, and raise your hands up, pointing your fingers to the ceiling.
  2. Begin to slowly lower yourself down, arching your back and pushing your hips forward. Hands should be tense and not move from the chosen trajectory.
  3. Lower yourself down until your hands touch the ground with a full palm. The gaze should be directed between the hands.
  4. After standing in the bridge for several minutes, you need to slowly lower yourself to the ground.

Often it seems to us that the performance of certain acrobatic and sports elements- it's a simple matter. However, behind the imaginary lightness are years of training, work and daily struggle with your body. The secret of beauty and grace is in practice, perseverance and good stretching. The familiar “bridge” exercise is no exception.

Getting ready to take the bridge

How to learn to stand on the bridge? First, never try to do it yourself. The result will either not satisfy you, or you risk completely crippling yourself and getting injured. To properly and confidently stand on the bridge, prepare for this step by step, each time going to new level in the exercises. Take your time.

To stand on the bridge, we need some features of our body. First of all, a flexible and mobile spine. With a sedentary lifestyle, the vertebrae stagnate and become "wooden". Add to that sedentary work in the office, extra pounds, diseases of the joints and back.

In this case, it is better to devote the first classes to stretching and flexibility of your body. Otherwise, the joints and vertebrae will not succumb to the desired postures. Further training can be directed to strengthening the muscles of the back and abs. A good and strong back is the key to balance in the “bridge”.

Muscle stretching and strengthening

It is best to start with basic stretching exercises. These are twists and bends down so that the spine is stretched. Try to reach the floor with your hands. Perform the exercise without sudden movements. Press your stomach into your legs and slowly return to a standing position. Repeat 5 times.

Another exercise to strengthen the muscular frame. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide and stretch first one, then to the other foot, touching your legs with your stomach. Then stretch to the middle of the floor. Try to keep your spine straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Strength exercises for endurance and strengthening

A good effect in strengthening the muscular frame of the back and the press is given by twisting. They train the muscles, while stretching them, making them flexible. It is best to perform twisting on flat surface. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Keep your hands behind your head. Rise up. In this position, turn to the left, then to the right. Try to touch your knees with your elbows. It is necessary to work with the body, straining the muscles of the abdomen, and not the neck or arms. It is better to repeat the exercise up to 12 times.

Yoga will help prepare you to learn how to stand on the bridge. As you know, yoga has good exercise for stretching, flexibility and muscle endurance. This is the so-called "hill".

To do this exercise, get on all fours, it is important to stand straight. The floor should be a good support. Next, you need to raise your lower back as much as possible, stretching your pelvis up. The neck is relaxed at this point. Bend the spine and try to stretch the press to the legs. Don't bend your knees.

You will feel flexibility throughout your body. There will be a feeling of lightness, the body will be stretched and strengthened. It is better to repeat the “hill” several times, freezing in one position for a few seconds. Remember that yogis are also accustomed to breathing evenly and correctly. Oxygen nourishes muscle cells.

Another strengthening exercise - also on a flat surface. It is advisable to lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands at the seams. Chin - pull down to properly stretch the cervical vertebrae. In this position, do not rush, but calmly raise the pelvis. Everything else does not come off the mat. Only the back and belly work. In no case do not make sudden movements, everything is moderate. Similarly, gently lower the pelvis and back. In this exercise, try to bend the spine as much as possible. Repeat it several times, remembering to breathe.

After the above exercises, you will already be prepared to perform the bridge itself. First, try to do it from a lying position. The rug or floor should be comfortable and non-slip. Otherwise, you risk falling. Shoes and clothing can play a role. They should also be comfortable and non-slip. Professional acrobats, performing the bridge with bare feet, even use special talcum powder.

Be careful with your spine, do not immediately demand excellent results from yourself in becoming a bridge. Do this gradually, gaining height.

You will soon realize that the bridge is given to you effortlessly and does not cause discomfort. This means that you are doing everything right and have achieved desired result while strengthening your muscles and vertebrae.

Next, you can begin to practice the bridge from a standing position. Here it is important to keep the balance of the body when performing the exercise. Start doing it with the help of loved ones, let them insure you, after which you can move on to doing the exercise yourself. As you can see, to learn how to stand on the bridge, you need patience and desire.

The gymnastic bridge, or as it is called - the bridge, is basic exercise in gymnastics, which serves as the foundation for performing complex acrobatic tricks. The bridge is quite beautiful from the outside, it allows you to show the people around you how great the level of flexibility of your body and all physical fitness.

Getting ready for the bridge

Before you make a bridge, you need to do a little warm-up, warm up the muscles of the joints and back. In the future, once you find that you are light enough on the bridge, you will not need to prepare and warm up. However, for beginners, warming up muscle mass It's not just recommended, it's required.

In order to get on the bridge as quickly as possible, you should regularly perform special gymnastic exercises:

  • Lie down on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your legs and arms at the same time, while trying to bend as much as possible. Keep your knees straight. Try to hold out in this position for a start for about one minute.
  • Get on horseback. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms up. Lean back very slowly so that you can touch the floor with your hands. do it this exercise until you touch the floor with your fingertips.
  • Lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your hands in line with your hips and straighten them. Bend in the back. Next, bending your knees and raising your head, reach your toes to your head.
  • Now lie down on the floor with your back. Bend your knees, bend your arms in the same way and place them as close to your shoulders as possible so that your elbows are pointing up. From this position, carefully straighten your legs and arms, and, arching your back, try to make a bridge. Having reached the maximum point of the exercise, fix the position and stay in it for a few seconds.

If you learn to confidently do preparatory exercises, and even the last one (bridge from a lying position), you can begin to gradually bridge from a standing position. If you are doing this in the training room, then you can use the Swedish wall. If your workouts take place at home, then choose a comfortable place near the wall.

Bridge exercises

Standing with your back to the Swedish wall or to the usual wall, raise your hands to the top, and place your legs at shoulder level. Start leaning back from this position until you touch with your hands to the surface of the wall. Without ceasing to bend over, move your hands along the wall, and continue to descend to the bridge. After fixing it for a few seconds, you can return to the original position by doing the same movements with your hands. Do the exercise until you fix it.

The next exercise will also help solve the main problem - how to get on the bridge. Lay a soft mat for this, and first ask for help from an assistant or from a coach. Stand facing him, spread your legs at a distance equal to the width of your shoulders, raise your arms to the top. The assistant should at the same time insure you, holding you under your back. Lean back, hold the position for a while, and slowly lower yourself into gymnastic bridge. Stay in this position for a while, and then return to the starting position. You can refuse partner support when you can independently stand on the bridge.

gymnastic bridge

If you have been dreaming of getting on the bridge for a long time, but nothing happens, do not despair, we will teach you. The gymnastic bridge looks very beautiful from the side and you will soon be able to show off your flexibility and excellent physical shape.

Before you stand on the bridge, you need to stretch the muscles of your back and shoulders, that is, do it. Later, you will be able to do the bridge quickly and without much preparation, but for this you need this exercise to become familiar and ordinary for you. For beginners, warming up the muscles is a must.

So, in order to quickly and painlessly learn how to perform a bridge, you need to master special exercises which are very good at developing back flexibility.

  • Exercise number 1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended up. Raise your arms and legs together, while bending as much as possible. The knees must be kept straight. It is necessary to fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Exercise number 2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and straighten your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds and slowly lower yourself onto your back.
  • Exercise number 3. On your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Slowly bending back, reach your heels with your hands. The back should be arched and the head tilted back.
  • Exercise number 4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands. Arch up by lifting your head, chest, and legs. Hold on for a few seconds.
  • Exercise number 5. Fitball bridge. Lie back on the fitball. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms and try to reach the floor.
  • Exercise number 6. Lie down on your stomach. Place your arms straight at hip level. Arch your back. Now your task is to touch your head with your toes, bending your knees and raising your head. Try to hold for 30 seconds.
  • Exercise number 7. Bridge from a prone position. Lie down on your back. Next, bend your legs and arms, put your hands close to your shoulders, pointing your elbows up. Now try to get on the bridge from this pose, straightening your legs, arms and bending in the lower back. When you feel like you can't bend any further, hold your limit pose for a couple of seconds. When you get good at this exercise, make it harder by moving your arms as close to your legs as possible. Swing back and forth.

Do these exercises every day. If you have problems with your spine, you will quickly forget about them if you are not lazy, and soon you will be able to easily get up on the bridge, no matter how old you are.

How to get on the bridge while standing:

When you are good at doing all the exercises of the preparatory stage, including the gymnastic bridge from a prone position, begin to perform the bridge from a standing position. If you have a Swedish wall - great, but if not - use the free space near the wall.

Standing with your back to the wall (at a distance of about 80 cm), raise your arms up and put your feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, lean back until you feel the wall with your fingers. Lean further, moving your fingers along the wall (or along the rails, if you work at wall bars). This will bring you down to the bridge position. Having lingered in this position, return to the starting position in the same way (hand over with your hands). Do this exercise until you are good at it.

The next step is to refuse the help of the wall. The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat. It will be safer if someone will insure you. Stand facing the other person with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up. At this stage, your assistant may already be insuring you, supporting you under your back. Lean back, hold this position for a second and, without making sudden movements, lower yourself onto the bridge. Hold a little in the position of the bridge and, pushing off with your hands, return to the original position. Do not refuse the help of another person until you learn how to perform this exercise confidently and independently.

How to get on the bridge correctly:

Agree, it is important not only to be able to stand on the bridge, but also to do it correctly and beautifully.

When you do the bridge from a standing position, the main thing is not to be afraid and do not make the common mistake of walking on the bridge with your shoulders and back. That's right - only by hand.

The next mistake in doing this exercise is that some people do the bridge with their backs without considering the shoulders. The result is an ugly and unstable bridge with arched arms. It is correct to transfer the weight of the body to the hands, after warming up the shoulders. Ideally, the angle between the floor and your arms should be 90º. To achieve this, you must, while standing on the bridge, rock back and forth, thus stretching your shoulders.

Video - how to get on the bridge: