Motivational words for weight loss. Techniques and techniques of strong motivation for weight loss

The main thing is willpower! I decided not to eat after 18:00, definitely not to eat after 21:00, and absolutely not a crumb after 23:00!

Do you want to lose weight, but you have already tried everything, but there are no results? Neither the gym, nor shaping, nor strict diets return you slim figure? More precisely, they, maybe, could return, but you are “not enough” to exercise regularly and limit yourself to food?

Do not reproach yourself: your willpower and perseverance have nothing to do with this. It's all about the wrong motivation.

A generation ago, people at the end of a hard day's work needed to rest. Now they need to move. Sedentary work, quick snacks at the workplace, passive monotonous rest after work - all this ruins hopes for a slender figure. If you are sure that the reason for your fullness is at the physiological level, then contact an endocrinologist. A doctor's consultation will dot the i's and determine the range of problems that need to be worked on. The older you get, the harder it is for you to lose weight, because by this time your body and your fat have managed to become close friends.

  • Read also:

Pictures motivating to lose weight

The right question about motivation

Let's start with the fact that you want to lose weight for yourself, and not for someone else. If your uncles and aunts, girlfriends and friends tell you that there are "a lot" of you, then this is not a reason to go on a diet. The main thing is to realize that being overweight hinders the achievement of your cherished goals, and it hinders you, and not someone else. And are you sure it's bothering you?

Ask yourself the question “Why do I want to lose weight?”, “For what?”. Each person will answer differently. But many will have one mistake - a general, vague answer, such as "to be beautiful" or "not to look like a barrel."

Think if you reach the cherished weight category, That:

  • - you will look great in a swimsuit and stop wrapping yourself in a pareo;
  • - stop complexing and hunching over;
  • - remember what a wonderful feeling it is - awareness of your own attractiveness;
  • - restore hormonal balance (at least partially);
  • - find a guy or a man - and feel the taste of love;
  • - get rid of annoying diseases;
  • - restore the health of your skin;

Make your own list! You need to know exactly where you are going - and this is certainly not a number on a ruler.

Of the main areas of motivational "feeding" can be:

1. Changes in personal life. This motive for women is dominant.

Women go on a diet only in three cases: if their husband left them, if they like a man, if today is Monday (Ekaterina Filimonova)

2. Professional perspectives.
3. Better health.

Don't turn weight loss into a struggle. Going in cycles in your forms and the desire to remove the ill-fated kilograms, you will not achieve anything. You will not run away from yourself :) The stricter and more exhausting the diet, the less effective it is usually. As a result, diet and exercise cause disgust and rejection. And you give up the idea of ​​a good figure, considering yourself weak, blaming busyness, nature, and the incompetence of coaches.

Diet: fasting period preceding weight gain.
Jadwiga Rutkovskaya

  • Result? Self-doubt is added to the extra centimeters. And that's not what we really need.

Now imagine that you managed to achieve the desired results. You exhausted yourself for months with strength and aerobic training, did not eat after 18:00, ate nasty porridge and as a result, they finally became slim and fit. So, what is next? The goal has been achieved and what to do about it? You have been fighting for so long and here it is… You are tired, you want to rest, to reward yourself with something. And what can you dream about after these hellish months for you? Yes, about delicious cutlets, fried potatoes, cream cake and lie, lie, lie ... You deserve it. It takes quite a bit of time as overweight make themselves known again. This is called misguided motivation.

You tall you have perfect breasts long hair. If I were you, I would go everywhere naked. I wouldn't have a job, I wouldn't have the skills, I wouldn't even know how to read. I would just be naked.
"Grey's Anatomy"

You will feel completely different when you have, for example, a soulmate or a career prospect has opened up. And losing weight is a tool to achieve your cherished goals. Therefore, set specific goals that are not measured in kilograms.

What should you pay attention to when creating a “weight loss project”?

1. Pay attention to what to start physical exercise Start with small repetitions and gradually increase them.

You need to review your diet - reduce the amount of carbohydrates, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink 2 liters of water every day. Remember that "Food is an important part of a balanced diet" - Fran Lebowitz.

2. Do not drive yourself into a rigid framework, set feasible goals.
3. Reduce the gap between meals - it is advisable to eat every 2-3 hours.
4. Include mandatory breakfasts in your diet.
5. Don't forget about a healthy full sleep.
6. The main thing in losing weight is consistency.

And remember that “They lose weight when food becomes not the most important joy in life” (Inna Goff). Rejoice yourself! And let your strong motivation for weight loss help you!

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think
That you could ever be. (Queen - Innuendo)

I don't play against a specific team. I play against the very thought of losing. (Eric Cantona)

Please yourself for your own sake. Love yourself. Go in for sports, buy a dress from each salary, and so you will finally open yourself to new feelings. (Elchin Safarli)

You need to live in such a way that you are not ashamed to name the weight

The satisfaction of the most exotic dessert is nothing like the satisfaction of buying a smaller dress. (Jane WESTIN)

The body is the luggage that you carry all your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey. (Arnold GLAZGOW).

Weight loss is a way of thinking (Efim Stoyanov)

The desire to lose weight requires respect (Efim Stoyanov).

All paths are useless when you know them, but do not go to the goal.

If you don’t do something, then you don’t need it for some reason! (Nina LOZA)

Weight loss is the science of self-management.

Every night I fall asleep with the thought that tomorrow I will be lighter and more beautiful.

A minute in your mouth and years on your hips

No one can see what's in your stomach, but everyone can see what's on your hips.

Played out appetite-look at the cellulite!

1,2,3… RUN MORE, EAT LESS :)

Do you want to eat? Eat an apple! Don't you want an apple? Means you're not hungry!!!

all the goodies go to the thighs

If you feel like giving up, remember why you held on until then.

Love salad and fat-free cottage cheese like yourself. Yes, rejoice raw
carrots, for summer is coming soon, summer. In the name of cucumbers, cabbage and saint
mineral water. Kefir.

Sniffed a cutlet and leave the kitchen full

What magical power would you like to have? - Do not eat after six!

Hiding your age is easy. Weight is much harder

In order to lose weight in some places, it is necessary not to eat in some places

"The Journey to a Thousand Pounds Starts with One Hamburger" (Chris O'Brien)

Do you want some sweet chocolate? massage your creases!

Whatever you say, only sex and sports strengthen the body and figure.

Are you tired of fitness? Pinch your fat...

You will work hard and still not succeed if you do not directly make yourself into something every day that is more strong man. I mean, stronger than you were the day before.

Your life is a canvas. Your brain is paint.

Anyone who wants to achieve a lot must set high standards.

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them.

There is nothing better than living your life striving to become better. - Socrates

Twenty years from now, you will be more sorry for what you DID NOT do than for what you DID. Therefore, discard doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch a tailwind with your sails. Explore. Dream. open

The hardest part about getting to the top rung of the stairs is getting through the crowd at the bottom.

Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen from the fall.

Either you control your day, or your day will control you.

When a person works on himself, he changes the world around him.

Who does not go forward, he moves back

If your successes are not growing, then they are decreasing.

If you want to know your main enemy, look in the mirror, defeat him, and the rest will scatter themselves.

Every stop is a run back... If you don't know what to do, do something!

“Don't leave anything for tomorrow. Who told you that it will come!?”

There are 2 great days in a person's life - the day when he was born, and the day when he realized why

The walls can be taken down. Chains - break. Blinders - push. Gate - open.

"You won't grow if you don't try to do something beyond what you already know perfectly." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.

Even if you are on the right track, you are in danger of being crushed if you just sit still.

There is only one way to achieve success - by unshakable striving for your goal. (Cecil Blount deMille)

Investing in yourself is the best investment!

Because of training, the body often hurts - Because of self-doubt, the soul often hurts

"It feels like I ate my willpower with chocolate"

"Your figure is the key to perfect jeans"

All fat women look the same - they look forty-two years old. Margaret Atwood

Dancing with a fat woman, everyone can choose their waist according to their height. Valentin Domil

"I was on a diet for 4 days. Then everything was in a fog ... I woke up when I washed down a chocolate bar with borscht."

"Just do it, stop whining. No desire - no result!"

Hunger is your friend, it will not betray you like food.

Super diet! 100% efficiency! Just one rule: if it tastes good, spit it out immediately!

“Doctor, I can't go on this diet anymore. Imagine, yesterday I almost bit off my husband's ear.
- It's OK. Just think, only forty calories!

Amputation. Last attempt to lose weight.

Do you count calories? - Just before bed, if you want to fall asleep faster.

And mine says to me “what are you so thin, go eat a cake” - And who is yours? Well, inner voice...

White doesn't make you fat... cookies make you fat!

Fighting overweight ends with the first sip of beer.

Brutus, then selling weight.

It would be great if there was a fat fairy. She would be like the tooth fairy, only she would suck fat

The great Russian actress Faina Ranevskaya (full lady), when her skirt burst in the most visible place, said: - Even the skirt could not withstand the onslaught of beauty. Then she added: - It does not happen. obese women, - there is only tight clothing!

You don't sleep all day!!! Don't eat all night! Of course YOU ARE!!!

I’m losing weight from tomorrow: goodbye, extra pounds !!! And you boobs, I'll ask you to stay!

Our whole life is a fuss of diets!

All women want, if not to look slimmer, then at least to weigh less.

You go to the gym and diligently drop those extra pounds there. But you don’t even suspect that they are patiently waiting for you at home, hiding in the refrigerator…

There was a note on the pie in the fridge: "Don't eat me." Now there is an empty plate with a note: "Pies will not command me!"

The main thing in the diet is sleep ... I didn’t fall asleep in time - everything ... ate ...

Girl, how much do you weigh? - Secret! - Well, name, at least, the first three digits ..

A girl who is not inclined to be overweight is much more difficult to persuade not to eat cake.

To maintain a good figure, a woman needs only three things: a simulator, a massager and a boyfriend.

Diet, like a dress, must be selected according to the figure.

If you want to lose weight, drink Fairy. It's great at dissolving grease!

If you are afraid to get better - drink a glass of wine before eating. Alcohol dulls the feeling of fear ...)))

There is a great hair diet! Add a hair to food, and cravings disappear. Important: you need someone else's hair, well visible!

The head is responsible for excess weight, and the head does not belong to the digestive organs.

A healthy appetite should first of all be for life, and not for food ...

Summer will show who ate at night!

Summer will show who pumped the press, and who - the door of the refrigerator!

Measure is the best diet.

Real scales for women do not show weight. They just write: “But you are the most beautiful!”

You don't have to sit on a diet, but move!

On the way to a good figure, she tried everything except moderation in food and exercise.

On a strict diet they sit until the release of the soul from the body.

There are no souls closer to each other than women on the same diet.

Weight gain is not as scary as eternal weight loss.

No, "Insidious Sausage" - do not tempt me! I don't eat after six!

There are no fat women, but some women are short for their weight.

Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked meals quite like looking at restaurant prices.

Well, of course, I got fat! After birth, I weighed only 3 kg!

Oh, are you overweight? - This is not superfluous, but a spare.

Gluttony is worse than drug addiction...

Obesity - The best way avoid rape.

She went on a diet and began to eat only illusions.

Very effective Chinese diet: you can eat EVERYTHING! With just one stick!

The cakes were so light and airy that a couple of kilograms flew in quickly and imperceptibly.

I'll help you lose weight! I take care of your lunches and dinners. Student Petrov.

You can lose weight from one feeling - the fullness of happiness.

The best way to get rid of extra pounds is to leave them on your plate!

I'm not overweight - I have extra space for hugging and kissing!!!

Good sex reduces weight, relieves stress, pumps the press!!!

To truly lose weight, it is enough to give up three things - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Frank Lloyd Wright.

What else to eat to lose weight?

You can eat everything and as much as you want .... only naked, in the light and in front of a mirror

Well, actually on this we’ll go lullaby .... All elegance, lightness and beauty. may the force be with you!

1 year ago

To Senia Wagner - about what to say to yourself on the way to the ideal figure.

At school, the boys teased me with a bun. At the institute, the bun turned into a donut - I was not fat, but I didn’t fall into the thin league either. From twenty to thirty, we rushed about with fat, like passionate lovers - I melted on oatmeal, swelled on pies. Until she gave birth to her second child and realized: "it's time to change something." What was needed was not a diet, but a complete upgrade of the nutrition system. A plan that I could stick to for the rest of my life without swinging back and forth on the scale.

I didn’t do anything supernatural - I just excluded sugar, flour, fat and alcohol, as well as dinner after 19.00. I walked a lot with the children and lived according to the regime (full sleep when losing weight is one of the main conditions). For four months, it took eight kilograms - without breakdowns, stretch marks and torment. Of course, sometimes I wanted something harmful. Of course, there were moments of bad mood and desire to quit everything. But the longer I ate right, the less often these thoughts arose. Largely because from the very beginning I had a dialogue with myself, finding in my body an ally, not an enemy. Here are five phrases that have helped me every day.

1) "Maybe I'm thirsty and not eating?"

Not everyone knows that the brain signals almost the same about the feeling of thirst and about the feeling of hunger. Often, when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty. During weight loss, I made it a rule to start the morning with a glass of warm water. And during the day I drank a glass every two to three hours (the WaterBalance application helped me control this process). Drink more - water! - is very important. When the body is dehydrated, it is easier to gain weight, toxins accumulate, and most importantly, the brain suffers - it consists of 90% water and reacts to its lack with mental exhaustion and fatigue. At the same time, it is very important not to turn into a water drink from the first day of the diet! If you have been drinking little before, a sharp jump in water balance will be stressful for the kidneys. Using the application, you can track how much you usually drink and gradually increase this amount in a mode that is comfortable for the body.

2) "I can't go hungry!"

A huge mistake many thin women make is to starve or eat very little. Often the weight does not go away, and if it does go away, it quickly returns. Why is this happening? Because hunger is a stress for the body, a state of war, in which each subsequent crumb is stored in reserve (that is, into fat). With rare meals, metabolism slows down. And your task is just to disperse it. I am still in a comfortable weight maintenance regime, eating every two hours, snacking between breakfast, lunch and dinner. An apple, light yogurt or rice cake is always a light snack, because its task is not to sharply saturate, but to prevent feelings of hunger. Feel the difference?

3) “I don’t diet. I eat right"

Probably, this phrase should have been put first, because it is the main one. As long as you perceive the process of losing weight as a struggle and captivity, things will not work. And if it goes, then with the first breakdown it will return to the starting point. It was critically important for me to establish the right motivation: not just to lose weight, but to become healthier, more active, more resilient. Everything I did, I did not with aggression (burn and melt, nasty fat!), but with care for my body. With thoughts that my mood and energy level, and hence the quality of life in general, depend on the quality of food. I didn't just want to look good. I wanted to run on the street with children (and not fall on the sofa with a full belly), meet my husband with a cheerful dragonfly, have more time and not feel discomfort - neither from my appearance, nor from my physical abilities.

4) "Soon I will see the results"

I didn’t lose weight “for the dress”, “birthday” or “coming out of the decree”. I was tired of years of weight fluctuations and came to the conclusion that I want to become slim once and for all. Therefore, my goal was not just to “sit out” on a diet, but to change my diet for life. It didn't mean I could never eat a piece of Napoleon again. But this meant that he would cease to be a need for me (and he stopped!). But on the way to this "global" goal, I, of course, needed an intermediate goal - and extremely specific. Without it, starting to eat right would be much more difficult. As a specific goal, I set a weight of 50 kilograms (I weighed about 60). I didn't set any hard deadlines. I wanted to lose weight for life, I had nowhere to rush. If I trap myself for one or two months, every weigh-in would be stressful - “How?! There are only two weeks left, and I have lost only a kilogram!”. But a change in diet should NOT be accompanied by stress - this is one of the main conditions for success. The process should not be suffering, but creative and cognitive, allowing you to get to know your body better, learn to listen to the body and live in harmony with it. I weighed myself weekly - and every time I was happy. Since I did not have hard time limits, even three hundred grams lost seemed like a victory. In any case, it was a result, a move forward. And with each week progress became more and more noticeable.

5) “What do I really want from food right now?”

Of course, there were moments when I urgently wanted a “ban”. But, having learned to conduct an internal monologue, I asked myself: “What do you really want now? Cake or positive emotions? More often I wanted not a specific dessert - but the joy that was associated with it. For many of us, this perception of sweetness is formed in childhood, when sweets were given as a reward. Or as the end of the meal, "when you eat all the porridge" - hence the bad habit of "sweet" after the main meal. When I realized that it was not my body, but my mind, that asked for the forbidden, it became easier for me - because we can control the mind. I did not deny myself sweets (remember that weight loss should take place WITHOUT stress). I just replaced unhealthy desserts with healthy ones. When I wanted to treat myself, I ate not a piece of cake, but a baked apple with raisins or a couple of dates. For the first time, such a replacement may seem like self-deception, but once you make it a habit, Napoleon will begin to lose its attractiveness in a week (according to most data, it takes 90 days to form new eating habits). In a new body and with a new sense of self, I often remember the joke: “The most delicious thing is to be thin.” Only in my version it sounds different - not thin, but slender and healthy. Then the appetite for life is such that every day is happiness.

Text: Xenia Wagner

Losing weight is a complex process that requires patience and willpower.

On the way to perfect body It's very easy to lose faith in yourself, skip your workouts, and forget about healthy eating.

Motivating quotes will help you regain inspiration and return the lost enthusiasm, so necessary in the fight against extra pounds.

1. Give your body the very best

Julius Irving: "If you don't give your body the very best, you're just stealing from yourself." This is one of the best motivational quotes I have ever heard. Indeed, if you do not take care of the body, then you steal your health, strength of mind, beauty and, ultimately, worsen the quality of life.

2. There is no "can't" word

Unknown Author: "Instead of looking for reasons why I can't do something, I look for reasons why I can." It is a pity that I could not find the author of this quote, because it helps me in many life situations, including in the process of losing weight. Eliminate the words "I can't" from your vocabulary.

3. Don't give up

Winston Churchill: "Never, never, never, never give up." Churchill was one of the best orators in history. There is great motivating power in the simplicity of this expression. Everything is really very simple - never give up on the way to a perfect body!

4. Always visualize

David Wiscott: "Start to imagine yourself as the person you would like to see yourself." Truly a fair statement. Visualization is often the key to weight loss. Imagine who you want to be, how healthy you want to be, and even imagine the body you want to have.

5. Through thorns to the stars

Marvin Phillips: "There is no triumph without hard work."

This is one of the most motivating quotes because it shows how important it is to be decisive and persistent in your actions. You have to work hard to lose weight, but the result is worth it!

6. Create a Foundation for Happiness

Lee Hunt: "Health is the foundation of happiness." And this is the pure truth! When a person feels great, he is happy. When losing weight, maintaining health should be your top priority, as it will help you achieve the desired results.

7. Take action now

Carl Sandburg: “Get Started Now. It's never too late to do something." We so easily put things off until tomorrow. However, this “tomorrow”, as a rule, never comes, and our plans remain unfulfilled. If you can't seem to get started on your body, take this quote to heart. Think about what is now - best time to get started.

8. Show strength of character

Roger Bannister: "A man who can force himself to move forward even when the effort hurts him is a man who will surely win." Another great quote to keep in mind. Ultimately, you are always in competition with yourself. Lose excess weight with regular exercise And diets are hard work. But when you do not lose your presence of mind, do not succumb to difficulties and show patience in any situation, you are sure to achieve brilliant results.

9. Don't Feel Inferior

Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I've been a fan of this woman since I wrote an essay on Franklin Delano Roosevelt in third grade. She has a lot of great sayings, but I think this is one of the best. It has a powerful motivational charge. Excess weight may become a kind of stigma, but you should not humiliate yourself about this, because no one but you ... However, re-read this wonderful quote again!

10. Let spirit prevail over matter

Vince Lombardi: “God has given you a body that can take almost anything. Your task is to convince your mind of this. In weight loss, the triumph of spirit over matter is manifested. You should start to lose weight in your imagination, imagining yourself beautiful and healthy. So it will be much easier to go through all the difficulties.

I really hope that the quotes I have given will help you on your way to an ideal body.

I am well aware of how difficult it can be, but I promise that these wonderful sayings really work.

Whenever you lack inspiration and want to cheer up again, turn to them for help.

Do you know any other motivational quotes?

Shedding pounds and maintaining your weight is not an easy task - diet, the temptations of forbidden foods, working out in the gym until a seventh sweat, massages of all kinds and various procedures ...

But all this cannot be compared with the mental anguish that you experience from dissatisfaction with yourself and the results of all the work on your figure. Others do not add joy either, pitying, ironically or eloquently “not noticing” your weight problem and efforts to lose it.

Some phrases of acquaintances can irritate or injure, from which hands sometimes drop. And without perseverance and a positive attitude, not a single business will be successful, especially such as changing your figure, and with it your life, for the better.

Psychological motivation for weight loss

It has long been known common truth that success comes to those who firmly believe in it. With weight loss, things are about the same: if you don’t believe in yourself, don’t see yourself slim and beautiful in the future, don’t realize how many amazing plans you can implement while being in great shape, then you haven’t even started on the path yet. to the body of your dreams.

Yes, and the latter may be too vague for you - if there is no dream.

You can say: " Let the children dream, but I need concrete results”, and you will not be completely right. Of course, unlike children, adults have different experiences - pleasant, useful or sad, and may be skeptical of unrealistic plans and a rosy outlook on the future.

But that's the problem, because we fall into the trap of our skepticism, distrust, and worst of all, discouragement.

Of course, that won't work. Complaining about ineffective diets and exercise equipment is often nothing more than an attempt to justify one's mistakes in their use, and, to be frank, in NOT using them.

How many times have you told yourself that you will start a rigid diet from tomorrow? Or try your best on the treadmill at next time? How many delicious cakes can you not forgive yourself because you violated your "iron" decision to reduce the calorie intake?

It happens to you from a lack of motivation. A decisive and positive attitude not only saves you from rash actions - eat a cake, sleep through your morning run - but also creates an incomparable state of your mind, its special liveliness, which, to your greatest surprise, is capable of burning extra calories in itself .

Yes, don't doubt it. Take a closer look at thin people: often these are not those who are exhausted in the "rocking chair" and starve six days a week, but the owners of a lively mind and a mobile temperament.

Let them say that they inherited a fast metabolism, but psychologists have found that almost all processes in our body depend on the prevailing mood. If you are dull, your figure will be - alas! - also sad.

How to "rock" your motivation and finally start losing weight

Take a notebook and write down a few phrases - answers to questions:

  • How many pounds do I want to lose to achieve ideal weight(check weight calculator)?
  • What will I be able to do that is not available to me now, when my forms become smaller?
  • What clothes will I definitely be happy to wear if I remove my protruding belly/sides/thick arms?
  • What can I finally decide on if I am confident in my irresistible appearance?

This simple exercise is the start of your personal journey of finding the motivation to lose weight.

Memorize your answers so you can use them whenever you're too lazy to exercise or feel like giving yourself an unreasonable diet treat. You need to do this: catch yourself thinking about an additional portion - read, you can read aloud, your answers and ask yourself " don't I want it today?».

Agree, your true aspirations and desires do not disappear anywhere, we just often manage to imperceptibly "push" them into the far corner of our consciousness and calmly continue to spoil the figure.

If you have a photo of yourself at your favorite weight (for example, before delivery and 20 kg), hang it on the refrigerator as a reminder of the goal. But first, remind yourself that you ALREADY WAS so slim and attractive, so what's stopping you from achieving it again?

Motivational photos work even if you cut out a photo of a Victoria's Secret model from a magazine. So what if it's not you, but if you look just as impressive, your happiness will have no limits, right?

The power of motivating weight loss phrases

Of course, you know that self-hypnosis works wonders. Do not confuse with self-deception - it is about repeating certain verbal formulas that you choose in order to gain unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right.

Have you decided to train on the orbit track three times a week? Correct solution! But contemplating a seductive honey cake in the window, you feel insecure - or maybe, well, I’ll still be fat!

Stop and tell yourself your favorite affirmation or joke about your goal. Do not expect an instant effect - you will feel better when you really see how you won a small victory over yourself thanks to the simple repetition of a quote from the Internet or your desire formula.

Remember, nothing gives such inner satisfaction as knowing that you managed to do the right thing. On the way to the cherished goal - minus -11 kilograms - you will get a great many such mini-victories. And all thanks to relentless self-motivation.

Choose quotes for your personality

For some of us, the strongest motivation for losing weight is a sharp joke on ourselves, while others cannot bear even a slight irony and are horrified by the "disrespectful" and "evil" phrases that the weight loss forums are full of.

Decide what you like, what “catches” you the most and makes you act for the good of the goal. The humor of losing weight can be polite and cruel, as anyone likes. Pinning yourself up is sometimes useful, but don't overdo it: in the morning you will agree to call yourself a pig-glutton, but in the evening you may be humiliated and upset by such a phrase. We are so changeable.

Love celebrity biographies? Please! - nothing human is alien to them, and famous men and women left behind apt quotes that you will surely like. Yes, and in the interviews of the stars now you can find a lot of their advice and valuable “pearls”, which you can easily write out and pin on the bathroom cabinet - for a special mood in the morning.