Swimming with a personal trainer. Private swimming coaches

Thanks to our website, you can use the services of a private swimming coach in Moscow without special problems- swimming popular sport and there are many experts on it. Many students also note: Swimming is a rather pleasant sport. And, often, there is an erroneous opinion that it is easy to cut through the water surface. However, it is worth trying to do it yourself, as the realization comes that free swimming requires special efforts and preparation. We recommend hiring an experienced swimming instructor to help you become a professional swimmer.

According to experts: Swimming is an excellent sport for strengthening the muscles of the arms and back. Also, thanks to classes in the water, the general physical and emotional state improves, therefore, patients are often prescribed water procedures. A swimming instructor in Moscow, which you can find on our website, will be an excellent solution for organizing classes in the pool, where you can not only learn how to stay on the water, but also master several popular techniques.

Of course, you can try to learn how to swim on your own, but with the help of a swimming teacher, the process is more efficient and faster. In addition, it is an individual instructor who is able to point out errors in technique in time or answer any questions that arise regarding the next exercise.

Thus, thanks to a private teacher, everyone will be able to:

  • Learn a variety of swimming techniques and styles;
  • Take part in various competitions, in case of huge progress;
  • Feel free in the water. It doesn't matter if it's a pool or the open sea.

More often than others, they prefer to look for individual swimming instructors for beginners, since they are the ones who mostly need the help of a personal trainer. It is not only difficult for beginners to stay on the water. In principle, they feel uncomfortable in the pool if they do not know how to swim. Thanks to individual swimming lessons for beginners, the ward gains self-confidence, he begins to actively use his arms and legs, staying on the surface of the water. In addition, it is worth noting that the training program for beginners is considered quite easy and simple, as it is aimed at relieving a person from embarrassment and teaching him not to drown.

  • Trainer experience in the field.
  • The cost of one lesson. Thus, you can calculate how much you need for several workouts. In turn, we want to note that the quality of the result directly depends on the number of classes attended.
  • Age category. Some site visitors are looking for swimming instructors for children.

It should be additionally noted that classes with a child require a more responsible approach, so it is recommended to look for a true professional in this matter. Individual sessions swimming for children must be carried out taking into account all safety requirements.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the time to search for the right instructor. If you have no time to read profiles or study reviews, we are ready to offer our services in choosing a suitable candidate. Absolutely free of charge, our employees will find a personal swimming coach for children, adults, girls, men or just beginners in a short time. You just have to contact the instructor and hire him if you like the candidacy.

"Olympic" is a legendary sports facility, one of the main sights of Moscow. The sports complex has a history of four decades. It was built to Olympic Games 1980 and for a long time was the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the object was acquired by the Kyiv Ploshchad group of companies God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. Currently, the holding is reconstructing the complex, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

The new Olimpiyskiy will be equipped with a multifunctional arena designed for concerts, sports and circus events, a space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, electronic library, a medical diagnostic center, the project also provides for a planetarium. On its roof will earn moving panoramic restaurants.

After the reconstruction, the Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. In the renovated "Olympic" the swimming and jumping pools will again work, indoor ice rink, gyms, as well as a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness areas, etc. In addition, parking will be expanded, which will make visiting the Olimpiyskiy more comfortable.

The first rule of swimming is that there is no "correct" way to swim. Just as everyone runs differently, everyone swims differently. "All good swimmers start from perfect stroke technique but incorporate their own moves into it," says Jamie Baron, Chelsea Piers Fitness Club Director of water sports sports. And he adds: “You should try to use the ideal technique in the way that physiology allows you.” This means that you do not need to compare yourself with a person floating on the next path.

Make it your habit

“Going to the pool once or twice a week is a great way to achieve nothing,” says Jamie Baron. "If you don't invest your time, don't expect results." New to swimming and worried? The only way to overcome your fear is to make yourself feel comfortable in a new environment. “This process will be greatly accelerated if you go to the pool more often. Four 30-minute workouts are better than one 2-hour workout,” says Jamie Baron.

Invest in good inventory

Straighten up

You probably know that your body should be like a straight line in the water. Straightened up? Is it true? “The more straight you stay in the water, the less resistance you create, and the easier it will be for you to make strokes,” says Amanda Elizabeth Sawyer, trainer at New York's Health and Racquet Club. "This is especially important in open water, where there are many more unpredictable moments, such as waves, currents, other swimmers and aquatic life."

blow bubbles

Sounds childish, but blowing bubbles - important exercise. "Your head should be submerged in water, exhale through your mouth, your goal is a long chain of bubbles," says Ellis Peters, trainer at the famous American fitness club Equinox. “Say ‘Hmm’ as you exhale. The presence of sound is an audio confirmation that there is still air in your lungs.”

The best way to learn how to breathe correctly? “Look down—I mean the bottom of the pool—as you exhale,” says Amanda Elizabeth Sawyer. "By being face down, you keep your body straight."

Keep your head above the water

To breathe while freestyle swimming, you don't have to keep your entire face above the water. “Keep your head in a neutral position as you swim and turn it just to breathe. It's important not to lose momentum,” says Sarah Borrell, top-notch triathlon and masters swimming coach.

Minimize head movements

Move your head only when necessary (namely, to breathe). The more head movements you make, the less they are directed clearly forward. Amedeo Pablo Olivares, trainer at the New York-based Health and Racquet Club and operations director of the Pinero Swim Club, advises thinking of your head as a steering wheel in a car - where it goes, the body goes, so keep it straight.


In the water you cannot look around, hear, talk - you can only put everything out of your head. If you think about something negative, you may panic. “So, just breathe,” says Laura Kozik, an instructor at the Equinox fitness club and creator of the New York women's triathlon Team Lipstick. "Focus on your good shape, focus on your breathing, and focus on turning your body into a car...best in a Ferrari."

Practice swimming on both sides

“The shortest path between two points is a straight line. Swim straight, developing a balanced technique on both sides of the body,” says Laura Kozik. She suggests trying one-arm exercises to develop both the right and the left: extend your arm in front of you and hold it in this position while you stroke with the other arm throughout the entire length of the pool. “You will also learn how to breathe correctly on both sides,” adds Laura Kozik. “After all, you can turn to inhale only towards the side of the hand, which is in this moment works".

Shoulders down, hips up!

"Believe it or not, the most important part of swimming is what happens between your hips and the top of your head," says Misty Hyman, who won in 2000. gold medal at the Olympics in the 200m butterfly, currently training other swimmers. To keep your hips higher in the water (which allows you to breathe more freely), make sure your head is in a neutral position (neck is long, straight) and your eyes are looking down. Keep your torso straight and lean slightly top body towards the bottom. This will help you keep your hips up.

Arms must be long

The freestyle and backstroke stroke requires the swimmer to rotate both the shoulders and the hips at the same time. The leading hand reaches forward while the other grabs the water and moves back along the thighs. What is the key to creating this effective, coordinated movement? “Long arms, long strokes and maximum spin axes should be the focus,” says Ellis Peters. Extend your arm fully at the beginning of the pulling movement and again at the end. Your shoulders and hips will roll out at the same time.

Longer stroke

“Many people who swim for themselves don’t increase their stroke length, although this is probably the most important detail in swimming,” says Radenko Miskovich, Elite personal coach Chelsea Piers NYC Fitness Club. A longer stroke results in maximum speed with minimum energy expenditure. To improve your stroke, Radenko Miskovich suggests trying freestyle with straight arms. Hint: Imagine trying to pick apples from a tree directly above you, twisting your hips to get as many as you can.

Protect your shoulders

Shoulder injuries are very common among swimmers. “When freestyle swimming, make sure your fingertips enter the water first with every stroke,” says Sarah Borrell, top-notch triathlon and masters swimming coach. Avoid entry first thumb, as this may put too much stress on your shoulder.

draw a line

To move faster, focus on moving your arm straight back as you roll your shoulders and inhale. “Your arms should not cross the center line of your body during any phase of the stroke,” says Amedeo Pablo Olivares.

Increase your speed

Not much help swimming for short distances in slow pace if you want to get better and faster. Instead, Radenko Miskovic recommends adding sprints to your regular workouts - swim 12 seconds or less with maximum speed, then - recover. Divide the pool into swimming zones with different intensities. Experiment to find your top speed.

Push yourself to the next step

"Legs are the most large group muscles in our body and they require the most oxygen. Working on the legs is vital for a swimmer,” says Paula Newby Fraser. She recommends adding 180-meter exercises to your warm-up.

Foot movement - whip

“When it comes to footwork, it’s very easy to overdo it. It can be tedious and much less effective than a push that looks like a whip movement,” says Misty Hyman. Imagine you want to pour something out of your fingertips. The movement of the whip starts from the hip, then the buttocks come into action and back muscles hips to lift the leg up. "You should feel like you're getting momentum as you move your foot down as well as up," says Misty Hyman. "If you do it right, your knees won't stay directly opposite each other - they will move vertically in a scissor fashion."

Pull your socks

Keep your socks out! "It forces you to be more collected," says Maria Kompos, personal trainer fitness club in New York Health and Racquet Club. "When you don't pull the sock, your feet and Bottom part bodies work against the water, slowing you down."

Swim from the hip

Do not bend your leg at the knee - think about the whole leg taking part in the push. “Pushing from the hip is the opposite of pushing from the knee,” says Maria Kompos. “Knee flexion creates resistance, while relatively straight legs allow you to move with less effort. You're using other muscles like the hamstrings and glutes, not just the quads."

Make turns perfect

If you do turns correctly, they will help you improve your swimming technique (and competition) by new level. “You have to control the distance to the rail in order to do the somersault in time. A strong and correct push can give you an advantage in the swim and help you catch up with the opponent, - says Gregory Kinchelo, Main coach swimming at the New York Athletic Club.

Hold your breath

The final sprint can change everything during a competitive swim. Gregory Kinchelo recommends not to breathe in the last 5 meters before the finish line, even if you think it is necessary. Instead, focus on touching the railing as quickly as possible. When finished, you can breathe.

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During classes in water, maximum efficiency is achieved due to the impact on a person of three forces at once - buoyancy force, which reduces the load on the joints and spine; hydrostatic pressure, which improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension; water resistance, which forces you to exert more effort than when exercising in gym.

However, in order for the classes to really bring maximum benefit, you cannot do without the help of an instructor. It is he who will be able to develop a special fitness program that will allow achieving amazing results in a relatively short period of time.

Why do you need a coach in the pool?
Independent attempts to lose weight, restore skin tone, strengthen muscles with the help of exercising in the pool quite often do not give any result: neither kilograms disappear, nor moral satisfaction can be achieved, since the monotony of exercises is simply tiring. Therefore, it is extremely important to deal with experienced coach. He will be able to choose an interesting, and most importantly diverse program that will meet the goals. In addition, he will be able to teach and control the correct execution of all exercises.

Types of activities in the water
Sports swimming. If beginners tend to learn to swim with an instructor, then many of those who have already learned to flounder in the water prefer to practice alone. And in general, to maintain overall muscle tone, this is quite enough. But if the goal is to pump up muscles, learn a new swimming technique or lose weight, then you can’t do without a coach. After all, the ability to simply swim in water is not the main thing. Here it is necessary to master the breathing technique, the implementation of certain standards and appropriate control.

Aqua aerobics. Water aerobics is an analogue of fitness and helps to improve the figure, increase body tone, strengthen muscles, get rid of excess weight. True, in the water the implementation of certain exercises requires more effort than on land. Therefore, even with a minimum intensity of training, the result will become noticeable very soon.

Workouts for pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman does not have to turn into a formless creature, and classes in the pool will help her with this, but always with an instructor. Water aerobics for pregnant women is the safest and most useful view sport for women in position. The coach can always choose individual program classes with optimal loads that will help mommy stay in great shape and the baby feel comfortable during such classes. In addition, thanks to such training, some problems can be eliminated, for example, turning the baby into the desired position (if he is sitting in his mother's tummy on the ass).

Diving. It's quite young water activities requiring open water spaces. But you can learn the basics of diving in an ordinary city pool. And here you can’t do without a coach, because not everyone can put on diving equipment on their own. And what can we say about the correctness of breathing and movement under water ...

Benefits of a trainer
However, the duties of an instructor are not limited to teaching the use of equipment necessary for classes, whether it be a diving suit or a banana. A qualified trainer will always find the shortest and safest way to achieve the intended goal, develop an individual training schedule, and recommend the necessary diet.

In addition, when studying alone, you are unlikely to be able to realistically assess your achievements and mistakes. And at this moment, the coach will be able to provide the necessary moral support, give practical advice. Unlike us, the instructor understands the essence of each exercise and the movement performed, therefore, the loads selected by him carry maximum effect.

Any beginner will feel uncomfortable in the water, so many exercises are unlikely to be done correctly the first time. Agree, not everyone will be able to turn upside down when necessary! Therefore, so that money and time do not become wasted, you should seek help from a coach. And if he also knows what goals are pursued when performing such exercises, then there will be no price for his advice.

The coach in the pool must be qualified and experienced. And when choosing a swimming instructor for yourself, do not be too lazy to find out about his education, qualifications, human qualities (understanding in the person of a coach will not hurt anyone). And of course, only a coach can make every lesson in the pool exciting, because your desire to attend such training depends on it.