Gymnastics in Chinese. Chinese gymnastics for weight loss

Any energy imbalance in the human body leads to a number of diseases and health problems, and even causes excess weight.

Qigong for weight loss helps to restore the circulation of vital energy in the body qi, thereby eliminating the cause of excess weight - moral dissatisfaction. For nutritionists, it has long been no secret that the origins of gaining a large mass are located precisely in the human head, and the body simply follows the will of the brain.

Chinese medicine for weight loss versus conventional remedies and diets

In China, they were well aware that all troubles, problems and human difficulties originate in a person’s head. In other words, the outside world is free from suffering and misfortune, it is we who make it different, denigrating it in our own eyes.

Naturally, the same principle works in relation to diseases, as well as problems with appearance. Obesity, overweight, complexes about your figure - these problems pester the majority modern people, both men and women. Excess weight has long ceased to be a sign of age-related hormonal changes, now a flabby body and an ugly figure are most common among the younger generation.

Qigong for weight loss began to be used when they caught a direct relationship between the emotional world of a person and his behavior in real life. It turned out that the more negative experiences, stresses and emotions people experienced, the more clearly it was reflected in their physical shell. This phenomenon is well known to modern nutritionists, fitness instructors and trainers: a person, deeply experiencing his moral crises and feeling unhappy or confused, begins to seek solace in simple things - in food.

This unhealthy attachment of “self-comfort” quickly transforms into an addiction, and subsequently it is simply impossible to overcome it with ordinary methods. Dieting, going to the gym, calorie restriction or running are all physical techniques, which are aimed at combating visible changes in the figure, but they will never help get rid of the root cause of excess weight.

The inability to lose weight using standard procedures and techniques over a long period of time, as well as the steady return of all the lost kilograms are the clearest indicators that you need to start working from the head, and not from weight loss.

This can be compared with the manifestations of a runny nose or sore throat during a cold. Treating rhinitis with vasoconstrictor drops or throat sucking tablets is a waste of time, because the real cause of the disease is a virus that is inside the body. Therefore, the most adequate and correct decision would be to direct all efforts to help your immune system defeat harmful cells.

The same tactics can be traced in the presence of stable excess weight. Kilograms, sagging and cellulite are just physical indicators of another disease that lies in the subcortex of our brain. Already in itself, excess weight is a factor indicating the presence of an imbalance in the human body, because a harmoniously living and feeling peaceful person simply will not absorb food beyond measure, abusing it. He doesn't need it.

Qigong exercises for weight loss primarily allow you to establish the proper functioning of the brain. Remember that any disease is a sign of imbalance, and imbalance is born when the harmonious functioning of our entire body is disrupted.

Just imagine for a moment how many processes take place inside us every second, how many organs carry their specific mission, and all this is part of a huge puzzle called the “human body”. Of course, if at least one of its details, this puzzle, fails, then this will inevitably affect the whole organism as a whole.

While healing the external symptoms of your problem, you simply waste time on debilitating diets, hunger strikes, or endless trips to the fitness center, but your true, deep problem still remains unresolved. For this reason, most breakdowns, relapses occur, and after some time the excess weight stubbornly returns again.

Standard weight loss schemes simply will not be able to return your thinking to a harmonious state, which is possible only when there is energy inside the body. qi does not run into obstacles. And here qigong for weight loss comes to our aid - it effectively eliminates the "confusion" inside your head, helps to return your life back to the mainstream of calm and balance, find harmony and quiet happiness, and at the same time get rid of bouts of nervous hunger and the need to seize their emotional upheavals.

Chinese weight loss methods: why are they effective?

It becomes obvious and extremely clear that the companions of excess weight and an ugly figure are constant nerves and emotional stress, frequent stress, feelings of anxiety and depression, growing fears, etc.

Not a single diet in the world will help overcome these moral barriers and negative states, and at the same time, a person with overweight the need, first of all, is expressed precisely in the desire to gain moral relief.

But what to do in such a case? How can you not only eliminate excess weight forever, but also get rid of the source of your fears, complexes and dissatisfaction, which are deep in our subconscious? How to find spiritual harmony, balance and improve life? How to change your subjective perception of the world around you and yourself in order to lose the desire to seek solace and moral relaxation in food?

Qigong is a special exercise technique. It is foolish to believe that this Eastern practice is just passive gymnastic exercises or a breathing technique. It's not like that at all.

Qigong - the practice of effective weight loss, diet or Gym will never help to have such a final result that it gives. Exercises allow you to break and eliminate all points of stagnation of negative energy in human body literally renew it, breathe new life into it.

Qigong will improve the thought process, and at the same time make you gain wisdom and insight, learning to perceive the world around you and respond to its phenomena in the right way. Stress is just a misunderstood reaction of the psyche to external factors. By activating the weight loss points in Chinese medicine, you can learn to do without the need to seek any harmful solace to relieve feelings of mental stress.

In addition, regular exercise will eliminate the constant feeling of irritability, lack of vitality or motivation. Qigong for weight loss, reviews of which are often very inspiring for novice practitioners, will have a beneficial effect on all areas of your life. After all, you remember that everything in our body is closely intertwined, and the harmonious circulation of energy qi leads not only to getting rid of annoying kilograms, but also to general improvement quality of life.

« Qigong helped me lose almost twenty kilograms, which I gained after my second birth. At that time, for some reason, my weight stubbornly stood still, although I also adhered to a strict diet and performed a whole range of exercises. I could not lose weight in any way, and this drove me into a state of deep despondency. In addition, I was very tired, taking care of the children and the house, I often seemed to be morally depressed, broken. I urgently lacked some kind of vitality, motivation.

After the very first qigong classes, I began to feel some kind of moral relief, it even became easier for me to breathe. Unpleasant thoughts and sensations in my head began to disappear, the weight of the arrow crept down. Although I lost weight a long time ago, I still continue to practice qigong, to a greater extent for good health and a feeling of cheerfulness.».

Flaw vital energy- This is another culprit of weight gain. We all know that the easiest way to get energy is to eat high-calorie foods. But not always our body requires exactly the type of energy that comes with food. We misinterpret the signals of our brain, feeling lethargy, weakness and apathy, we strive to make up for this lack of strength with the help of food, but for some reason we stubbornly do not feel more cheerful. But the weight starts to increase.

This often happens in cases where a person is not in close relationship with his own body, does not know how to correctly interpret its signals, cannot read its hints. The body does not have enough living energy in order to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, literally - there is a lack of inflow qi. In fact, a person may simply feel a constant brutal hunger and a desire to fill his stomach beyond measure, but even after the densest meal he does not leave the feeling of some kind of incompleteness, dissatisfaction, irritation or annoyance.

Effectively lose weight Chinese medicine helps precisely because he knows exactly the differences and sees the line between physical hunger and an acute lack of another type of energy that cannot be obtained from food.

We constantly lack vigor, positive emotional shock and a sense of readiness, which makes our body look for the simplest ways to solve it, activating hunger pangs. But a simple decision is not always the right decision. If your strong hunger is simply due to a deficit in the flow of living energy qi, then after the first qigong class you will feel a touch of relief, a certain feeling of emotional relaxation, “spiritual satiety”.

Qigong system for weight loss

Using qigong for weight loss will be effective for any type of accumulation of excess mass, because classes will act simultaneously in three directions:

  • They will help stop the process of gaining excess weight and completely stop it, fixing this effect forever;
  • They will begin to reduce the physical feeling of hunger so that accumulations of body fat are consumed;
  • They will return a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness, increase stress resistance and give optimism.

You will feel how steadily the feeling of spiritual comfort and peace inside you is growing, with what ease you wake up in the morning, feeling a surge of strength and a desire to act. The mood after practicing qigong is exceptionally good, calm and positive, and therefore qigong can even tidy up arterial pressure and get rid of all negative emotions.

A video will help you understand the philosophy of Eastern practice faster and master the basics of qigong for weight loss: as you learn from it, qigong is not only exercises that are effective for weight loss, but also general strengthening and wellness techniques aimed at improving physical (and psycho-emotional) well-being.

Important Rules for Practicing Qigong for Weight Loss

  • It is necessary to practice qigong either two hours before meals or after. It is forbidden both to engage immediately after a meal, and experiencing a feeling of acute hunger;
  • Cold drinks and food immediately before and after qigong practice have a negative effect on the stomach, minimizing final result from classes;
  • Start exercising either after morning sleep or before nighttime, because these periods of the day are considered the most favorable for energy flows. qi;
  • Your moral and emotional well-being should be stable - only the qigong that was performed in calm state and good mood;
  • Before class, ventilate the room well (to be able to breathe fresh air teeming qi), and you can also practice qigong in an open space, for example, right on the street;
  • Choose loose clothing made from simple and natural materials for exercise, a set of pants and a T-shirt or tunic is ideal, or special clothing for oriental gymnastics;
  • Do qigong every day, without missing classes, in order to achieve favorable changes in your figure as soon as possible, and also fix the result.

Chinese medicine for weight loss now has mostly positive reviews precisely due to the fact that it is available to everyone, and also does not require any special physical training. Particularly noteworthy is the study of the practice of Dr. Zhang Zuzhen, who, with the help of qigong, relieved more than one hundred of his patients from obesity. It should be noted that none of the lost kilograms subsequently returned to the subjects, which means that qigong classes can really get rid of excess weight. And forever.

However, it should be noted that in rare cases, qigong may be contraindicated. For example, it is forbidden to practice during the active stage of the course of the disease or fever, as well as in the heat or under the scorching rays of the sun.

Qigong will not do any good if you are overworked or too exhausted. It would be wise to first properly rest, sleep and gain physical strength. Also, qigong for weight loss is not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders, having heart lesions or neuroinfections.

Slimming with a towel

On this moment Especially popular is the Chinese method of losing weight with a towel, which consists in using a towel rolled into a roller during exercise. People who have tried this method also claim that roller exercises help straighten your posture and even slightly increase height by leveling all the dorsal vertebrae.

This Chinese method of losing weight with a towel, however, may not be the best if a person has severe problems with the spine. That is why in this case, before starting classes, you will need a consultation and permission from a doctor.

For everyone else, the Chinese method of losing weight with a towel is a great opportunity to reduce your waist by a few centimeters in just one session. For exercises, you will need a large towel, which is also popularly called a bath towel, a little time and correct technique doing the exercise. You can watch the demo lesson from the source.

A good effect is achieved when performing exercises with a roller due to the fact that the ligaments and the spine are slightly stretched, and internal organs slightly shifted, forming more slim stomach. Of course, this technique will not help you lose weight, but you will get the opportunity to visually gain harmony in the waist area and quickly lose 1-2 centimeters.

If you want a pronounced effect of losing weight and dropping all the annoying kilograms, then you need to practice qigong in a proven way - through the use of special gymnastic exercises. Below you will find a ready-made effective weight loss program that will return your figure to a slim and fit shape. With daily practice, the first visible and tangible results will not keep you waiting.

Qigong: 15-minute complex for weight loss

This simple complex consists of three exercises that are performed sequentially one after the other.

  1. The first exercise "Frog" well reduces the feeling of hunger (providing the same effect of energy replenishment qi which we discussed above).
  2. The second exercise is the Frog Making Waves, and it is also designed to relieve you of an acute feeling of physical hunger by reducing your appetite.
  3. The third and last lesson is called "Lotus", it will speed up the metabolism in your body, starting to burn and consume fat reserves, and will not allow you to save new ones.

Remember that you need to do the exercises regularly, at the same time. It is necessary to put in order and your mood before you start classes. Engage exclusively with positive thoughts and attitude. Do not forget about the correct breathing technique - each exercise requires a certain sequence of inhalation and exhalation.


Sit on the floor, cross your legs in front of you. One leg should be on top of the other, socks pointing forward (away from the body). Bend your elbows, resting them on your knees. Bending one palm into a fist, place the open palm of the second hand on top, and then slowly tilt forward upper part torso so as to rest your forehead on your hands.

It is necessary to close your eyes and try to relax, do not strain your body. It is important that this position does not cause you discomfort and physical discomfort. Breathe calmly and measuredly.

Mentally resurrect in your memory one of the happiest memories in your life, plunge into it for a few minutes to feel harmony and peace. Watch your breath: inhale through your nose, as if inflating your stomach, and exhale through your mouth, relaxing your whole body.

Take a deep breath again to completely fill your stomach with air, hold your breath for a little, then exhale. In total, you should have three inhalations and exhalations per exercise according to the scheme:

  • inhale;
  • Hold your breath for two seconds;
  • Exhalation.

After the exercise, do not immediately open your eyes, but slowly raise your head and hands in front of your chest, rub your palm against your palm at least ten times, and then, as it were, comb your hair with them three times.

Open your eyes, stretch your arms up, clenching your fists, inhale and exhale, and then return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, it is important not to use chest, you should breathe only with your stomach. Repeat 3 sets every day.

"The Frog That Makes Waves"

Take a starting position: lie on your back on the floor, placing a small pillow under your head, stretch your arms along the body and place your palms inside on the floor, bend your knees.

After that, place one of your palms on your chest and the other on your stomach. Take a slow breath, as if protruding the chest area, and the stomach, on the contrary, pulling it inward. As you exhale, draw in your chest, sticking out your stomach. Help yourself with your palms so as not to get confused.

Try to push your stomach forward as much as possible for you, but do not get carried away too much - you do not need to overly strain the muscles of the peritoneum. Do not intentionally speed up or slow down your breathing, breathe with the intensity to which you are accustomed and which is natural for you.

You can practice the Frog Raising Waves exercise whenever you feel an acute attack of hunger. The optimal number of forty runs is considered to achieve the greatest effect and reduce appetite.


Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, while keeping your back straight. Place your hands on your hips, palms on top of each other, inside up.

Slowly move your palms to the abdomen, if you are a man, then the right palm should be at the top, if you are a woman, then the left. Align your back and chest, pull in your chin, rest your tongue against your upper palate, closing your eyes.

Your body should not be in tension, and you yourself should be comfortable in this position. Then inhale and relax completely. Draw in front of your inner eye the happiest and most vivid memory of your life. Concentrate all your thoughts on this memory to get rid of anxiety and stress.

  • Adjust your breathing, making it deep and even;
  • Breathe without a noticeable rise and fall of the abdomen and chest;
  • Relax as you exhale, breathe naturally;
  • The exhalation should be long, even and quiet;
  • Distract all your thoughts, allowing them to freely come and go.

Complete the exercise in the same way as you completed the Frog exercise: slowly raise your head, bring your hands to your chest and rub your palms together at least ten times, then brush your hair with them three times.

At the end of the exercise, pull your arms up, taking a deep breath and exhaling, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise three times a day. For the execution of the "Lotus" and for its respiratory system takes about twenty minutes.

Losing weight without much effort and excessive action is quite possible. Have beautiful figure And slender body becomes real even without going to the gym or following a strict diet.

Daily exercises will help not only eliminate figure problems and save you from extra pounds ov, but also restore a normal psycho-emotional background, bring a sense of harmony and tranquility into your life. Everyone can use qigong for weight loss: this complex is perfect for people of any age, gender and body type.

Recently, Chinese weight loss gymnastics has been very popular for a number of reasons. It is quite easy to learn, suitable for people with poor health or not in very good physical shape, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body. Often it becomes an alternative to sports in fitness clubs.

Who is Chinese gymnastics for weight loss suitable for?

Chinese gymnastics weight loss is suitable for almost everyone. One of its main differences from the common sets of exercises that are usually offered in fitness classes are smooth movements instead of sharp and intermittent ones. As a result, the risk of injury or excessive load on the joints.

Many exercises of Chinese gymnastics can be adapted for people with poor health without losing their beneficial effect. For example, if you are unable to perform deep bends or suffer from joint pain, the exercise program can be adjusted to help manage your health problems. But a knowledgeable specialist should be engaged in the selection of exercises.

If you are dealing with serious weight problems, Chinese gymnastics may also be the best option. Many classical fitness exercises are designed for people who already have a certain physical form, and them correct execution for people with obesity can be extremely difficult. Eastern sets of exercises are more accessible.

In the presence of chronic or acute diseases, it is better to consult a doctor who understands oriental medicine, or start exercising under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Basic principles of Chinese gymnastics

One of the main principles of Chinese gymnastics is general approach. Recommendations for exercise programs often include advice on a balanced diet and maintaining a positive attitude. Great importance is attached to proper breathing.

In addition, many exercises are based on the concept of "qi" - vital energy, the proper distribution of which depends on the functioning of organs and systems. human body. It is believed that performing Chinese gymnastics complexes helps not only strengthen muscles and lose weight, but also improve overall physical and mental health. psychological condition due to the correct distribution of qi.

Pros and cons of Chinese gymnastics

Like any other means for weight loss, Chinese gymnastics has its pros and cons. The most attractive features of this method are:

  • accessibility for people with disabilities;
  • the predominance of smooth movements that do not overload the joints;
  • positive impact on overall health;
  • loss of appetite and normalization of metabolism.

At the same time, some features of Chinese gymnastics can cause difficulties:

  • the need to memorize long sequences of movements;
  • the presence of a large number of sets of exercises from various schools and masters, among which it is difficult to find the right one;
  • the need to study the concept of qi and other representations oriental medicine for getting maximum effect from classes.

Complexes of exercises of Chinese gymnastics

Before starting Chinese gymnastics for weight loss, you should choose one of the existing sets of exercises. It is important to perform movements, observing their sequence and, if possible, rhythm. If you arbitrarily change the positions of the exercises or perform only part of them, the effectiveness of the classes will be significantly lower.

For weight loss, the following training schemes are well suited:

  • exercises that reproduce the movements of animals;
  • twenty-four forms of tai chi;
  • breathing exercises jian-fei.

The qualitative development of each of these complexes can take a considerable amount of time. This is especially true for tai chi exercises, which are best studied under the guidance of a trainer. In most cases the best start would be gymnastics, reproducing the movements of animals. In the future, other exercises can be added to it.

How to do Chinese gymnastics for weight loss?

By performing the described complex, you strengthen your muscles, correct your figure and simply lift healthy mind. You can do them even in the company of children. The lesson is designed for 20-25 minutes.


To perform this exercise, you need to squat down, resting your hands on the floor, and tilt your body slightly forward. In this case, the heels should be slightly raised. Then we lower the upper body to the floor, putting our hands so that our elbows rest on our knees.

Now slowly move your hands along with top bodies forward, like a fox crawling under an obstacle. Try to rest your hands firmly on the floor and raise your head. Next, slowly rise, without bending your knees and keeping your feet on the floor.

We repeat this exercise 5 times.


This exercise is performed from a standing position on all fours. Start slowly moving forward - step with your left hand and foot, then with your right hand and foot. We perform four steps without bending the legs at the knees. In this case, the body is in a relaxed state, and the head is lowered. Then we also move back.


We sit on the floor and bend our knees. Now we put our feet on a full foot, resting our palms on the floor. From this position, try to raise your lower back as high as possible. Then try to take a few steps first to the left and then to the right. Repeat the exercise 3 times. If walking is very difficult, just sway from side to side.


To perform this exercise, bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward. Raise your head and make a few small jumps, landing on your toes, throwing your arms back. Continue doing the exercise for five minutes.

"Big panda"

Sitting on the floor, pull your legs towards you and wrap your arms tightly around them. Slowly lower yourself back until your back touches the floor. Now, with a sharp movement, return to the starting position, while loosening your arms. We repeat 5 times.

Then, from the starting position, do tilts 6 times in each direction. Do not touch the floor with your back. This exercise helps a lot in the fight against excess fat deposits and activates the blood circulation of the spine.

It is important to understand that Chinese gymnastics is not for those who want to quickly lose a few pounds. It is designed to a greater extent for people striving for a gradual weight loss, combined with a general improvement of the body.

With the problem of excess weight, sooner or later, many people face. However, not all of them approach its solution meaningfully and deliberately. Moreover, some of the “losing weight” naively believe that it is enough to stop consuming a lot of food and the hated kilograms will disappear by themselves. The other part, who want to get rid of fat folds, announces their excess weight real war, the weapons of which are cruel physical exercise. Both the first and the second completely forget that excess weight is a problem of the whole organism as a whole. If you started to recover, this indicates that: the metabolism is disturbed, the lack of vitamins and microelements affects, the internal organs do not work properly, etc.

In order for the process of losing weight to take place harmoniously and effectively, not a one-sided, but an integrated approach is required. The body will be able to actively engage in the fight against body fat, if you comply with the following conditions:

  • think over a balanced diet menu;
  • choose gentle physical activity;
  • start doing breathing exercises.

Physical exercise and proper nutrition are undoubtedly needed. However, breathing exercises play a very important role in losing weight. Today, more and more people are beginning to understand the importance of enriching each cell of the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen. There are many complexes useful exercises, where Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei occupies one of the first places.

What is Chinese breathing exercises

The East, as you know, keeps many mysterious secrets and secrets, some of which, over time, become known to people all over the world. Jianfei breathing exercises partly reveal the secret of health, harmony, beauty and longevity of the Chinese people. The practice of proper breathing has been perfected in China for many years and has proven its effectiveness with amazing results. Just three simple exercises can radically change not only your physical state but also the inner world. After all, breathing exercises should be done by clearing the mind and focusing on achieving the desired goal.

The basis of the jianfei complex are exercises aimed at the ability to “lose fat” - this is exactly how, literally from Chinese, the name of breathing exercises is translated. All three exercises, which are referred to as " wave», « frog" And " lotus”, purposefully solve several main problems of losing weight people - eliminate the feeling of hunger, relieve fatigue and stress, normalize metabolism. Thanks to this, a person gets rid of extra pounds gradually and without harm to health. In addition, for a set of exercises there is no need to go to the gym and use special equipment. It is enough just to change into loose, non-constricting clothes, and you can start exercising.

How many kilograms and how quickly can you lose weight by doing Jianfei breathing exercises

A person who sincerely wants to get rid of excess weight is ready to double or triple his efforts if the method he uses gives a real result. However, do not forget that the result can appear only if you practice, following all the recommended rules and do not miss classes. It is constant and painstaking work on your body that will make your figure perfect.

Usually the first positive results do not have to wait in the near future. Nevertheless, Chinese breathing exercises will quickly enough allow you to make sure that the chosen path is correct. After the first training, literally on the 2nd or 3rd day, you will find that you have lost about one kilogram. This fact serves as practical proof of how much your body needs just such gymnastics. However, after the expiration 2 - 3 months you don't recognize yourself in the mirror at all. Weight loss during this period can be from 8 to 12 kilograms. Regular exercise and the desire to lose weight will provide you with a guaranteed result.

Important benefits of Chinese breathing exercises

What can we hide, it's not a secret at all that so many diets, including those recommended by "nutritionists", do not work. experimental verification. Moreover, in some cases, you will not only not lose weight, but also cause irreparable harm to health or gain even more excess weight. In addition, it is likely that some methods of losing weight may work for your friends, but not for you. Why is this happening? Because your body is not like any other. Therefore, you should only lose weight by listening to your own needs. The only exceptions are absolutely safe methods that do not require a person to go to such extremes as hunger, malnutrition, exhausting loads, etc.

Jianfei Chinese breathing exercises can be called with all confidence not only safe, but necessary for every person. It allows you to activate the hidden reserves of the body and triggers tissue repair mechanism. The consistent combination of "upper" and "lower" breathing provides and oxygenates all internal organs.


  • improves metabolism
  • normalizes acid-base balance
  • tissue gas exchange is restored
  • fatigue is relieved
  • immunity is strengthened
  • there is a burst of energy

The natural result of doing Chinese breathing exercises is weight loss And body rejuvenation. A balanced diet and jianfei exercises allow you to consolidate the result and maintain the desired weight for a long time.

A set of exercises of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei

Exercise number 1. "Wave"

This exercise is primarily intended to to reduce hunger. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises before eating. In some cases, this exercise can be done instead of eating.

The most comfortable position for performing the "Wave" is the prone position. However, you can do these breathing movements: standing or sitting, while walking or cycling, etc. Before starting classes, try to relax and focus on the process.

Lying on your back, bend your knees, placing your feet straight. One palm should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. Start breathing exercises with a little help with your hands. Take a deep slow breath while drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Hold your breath for a few moments and exhale. When exhaling, try to draw in the chest, and, on the contrary, inflate the stomach.

The breathing rhythm should not change and exceed your normal rate. It is advisable to perform during classes not less than 40 complete respiratory cycles(inhale-exhale). In the case when the exercise causes slight dizziness, you should slow down your breathing a little.

Exercise number 2. "Frog"

This exercise, in addition to losing weight, contributes to restoration of the central nervous system.

To do this, you will need a low comfortable chair.

After you sit in a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The angle between the lower leg and the thigh should be straight or slightly sharp. Get your mind in order. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate only on the exercise

Put your elbows on your knees, clench the left river into a fist (men clench their right hand into a fist) and grab it with a brush right hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and relax.

After a short preparation, move on to jianfei breathing exercises.

Fully filling the stomach with air, alternate inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and nose. Slightly hold your breath for 1-5 seconds and control your condition.

If dizziness occurs, reduce the rhythm and depth of breaths. The recommended duration of the exercise is 15 minutes. You can repeat it three times a day depending on the desire and free time that you are ready to devote to breathing exercises. During the exercise, the chest rises evenly, and the stomach is either completely filled with air, or retracted. Visually, it resembles a frozen frog, which intently observes the surrounding space.

Exercise number 3. "Lotus"

With the help of the Lotus exercise relieves fatigue and internal stress, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation in the body. You can perform the exercise while sitting on a low chair (as in the Frog exercise) or in the “sitting Buddha” pose. Place your hands on your feet in front of your stomach, palms up. Women put the left hand on top of the right, and men, on the contrary, put the right hand on top of the left. The lower back should be straightened, shoulders lowered, chin slightly lowered, eyes closed. The exercise is done in three stages:

☯ The first five minutes of breathing should be deep, even, long. Concentrate fully on the process and listen to the results. The chest and abdomen should not rise too noticeably. Focus on managing, adjusting and controlling your breath. This is the stage of mindful breathing, which will allow you to better understand your potential.

☯ For the next five minutes of practice, you should try to inhale as naturally and naturally as possible. As you exhale, relax completely and concentrate on achieving a silent, even, deep breathing.

☯ The third stage lasts ten minutes and does not require breath control. Breathe the way you do in normal life, without focusing on depth and rhythm. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, relax and calm down.

At all it is not necessary to complete the whole complex jianfei immediately. Each of the three exercises has its own focus and can, depending on the needs and individual characteristics of the body, be used at different times and in different quantities.

For example, to regulate appetite and muffle the feeling of hunger, use the Wave exercise. "Lotus" and "Frog" help cure chronic diseases, strengthen immunity and maintain health. These exercises can be done separately throughout the day. Make a personal schedule for breathing exercises, taking into account significant problems in your body.

Like any unusual load, breathing exercises can cause some discomfort and complications. If you experience discomfort while exercising, be sure to consult your doctor. In addition, you should not get too carried away with any kind of breathing exercises for people with hypertension, with diseases of the spine, with stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. Also, children and the elderly should be treated with caution.

Qigong is a Chinese breathing technique combined with certain motor exercises based on the management and distribution of internal human bioenergy (qi). The Chinese believe that all diseases and problems of the body (including excess weight) are due to the fact that qi flows through the body incorrectly. It is possible to improve health, improve well-being and emotional state, as well as get rid of excess weight problems with the help of qi regulation. By directing it along the right path, you will fill the part of the body that needs healing with life-giving energy, remove “dirty” energy from it and fill it with life-giving energy. This is the essence of qigong - this is the management of the energy of the body.

Relatively recently began to use qigong for weight loss- after all, excess weight is a concentration of bad energy, and if you remove it from the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, then it will be cleansed with the help of qi energy. According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, this gymnastics really helps, but it requires a lot of concentration and a very serious attitude towards yourself: this is not fitness, which you can do twice a week, then take a break for a month and start going to the gym again; qigong requires mindfulness and constancy. To get the desired result - beautiful slim figure- do qigong exercises for weight loss daily. During classes, concentrate on what is happening inside you, and on your feelings, eliminate all external stimuli - TV, radio. The music is slow, without words, quiet.

According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, you should not rush: in Eastern philosophy there is no place for rush at all, and this method of weight loss also does not promise you a rapid weight loss. Weight will go away gradually, and only superfluous - that is, if your goal is an anorexic figure with protruding bones, this system is not for you. Qigong brings the body and mind into harmony, and harmony has nothing to do with a lack of body mass.

Today there are many varieties and schools of qigong. All of them have their own characteristics and differences, but certain basic postulates for all areas of this oriental technique are the same - this correct breathing and basic rules for doing exercises. The essence of proper qigong breathing for weight loss is to take a deep breath through the nose, while inflating the stomach - this way you help open the diaphragm and let air into the lungs, allowing them to completely fill up. Exhalation - quick, sharp, through the mouth.

All qigong exercises for weight loss are performed at an average pace.. Avoid jerks, distribute the load evenly.

The benefits of qigong exercises for weight loss

What is the connection between special breathing, slow movements and weight loss? Does an invisible energy really work or is there a more practical explanation for the effectiveness of qigong gymnastics for weight loss?

It is, of course, there. During the exercises, you work directly with your internal processes. Therefore, the effectiveness of qigong for weight loss is to accelerate metabolism and activate oxidative processes in adipose tissue, improve digestion by oxygenating the blood, reduce appetite and improve the digestibility of food consumed. It relieves spasms and clamps in the human body, therefore, the blood supply to all organs improves, the movement of food through the digestive tract is facilitated, and due to relaxation during qigong exercises for weight loss, stress is reduced, sleep improves emotional state stabilizes.

According to reviews of qigong for weight loss, as a result regular classes cravings for food, especially for sweet, fatty and unhealthy foods, decrease, mood improves, attention and concentration increase, problems with bowel movements disappear.

The system itself is divided into three 3 stages. First, you form the correct breathing, warm up the body, normalize the emotional state and activate the work of the digestive organs, speed up the metabolism. Then you improve intestinal motility and, finally, increase the rate of metabolic processes even more.

Chinese gymnast qigong is a technique that allows you to get rid of excess weight in a short time. A complex of psychophysical exercises normalizes the work of the body, heals it. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? What is the essence of gymnastics and how to carry it out correctly so as not to harm health?

The effectiveness of qigong for weight loss

According to the wise men from China, fat is an accumulation of negative energy, which must be disposed of otherwise it will harm the body.

Stress, fatigue, systematic loads - all this negatively affects the work digestive system. Tension leads to the fact that the body is rebuilt, it begins to accumulate fat, trying in this way to protect itself from environmental factors. With the help of qigong gymnastics, peace of mind is achieved and, as a result, the need to accumulate excess deposits disappears.

If you believe the statistics, then doing exercises helps to lose from 3 to 18 kg in 1 month. The process of losing weight is influenced by many factors, which, of course, affects the result.

How to increase the effectiveness of gymnastics:

  • It is worth exercising regularly.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Maintain peace of mind.
  • Approach the exercises in a good mood.
  • Don't overdo it.


Qigong is not grueling workout V gym, no weight lifting, no fitness and no aerobics. These are simple exercises that even a beginner can do. The complex includes breathing exercises, diet, stretching and self-massage.

Gymnastics has a number of advantages:

  • gets rid of excess fat;
  • improves human health and well-being;
  • helps to overcome the effects of stress;
  • normalize blood circulation.

One of the benefits of qigong, Chinese sages believe that the lost kilograms will never return.


Despite all the advantages, ancient Chinese gymnastics has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to do it:

  • in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (severe heart failure, uncompensated heart defects, etc.);
  • diseases of the spine (exercise puts a load on the spine);
  • mental disorders of various etiologies;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system (including hemophilia, leukemia, etc.);
  • neuroinfections.

Contraindications that are considered temporary. Gymnastics should not be done when:

  • conducting drug therapy using various drugs;
  • postoperative period;
  • an increase in body temperature (or a sharp decrease in it);
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • in the presence of severe fatigue.

Qigong weight loss program

General rules:

  1. Qigong does not tolerate jerks, aggression, jerky, abrupt movements.
  2. All body movements are performed in a calm state and smoothly.

Basic program

At the heart of gymnastics are only 3 exercises:

1. Frog raising waves(this exercise is also called "Wave"). It will help activate diaphragmatic breathing and cope with immoderate appetite.

It is performed lying on the floor.

  1. Slowly bending the knees, we rest our feet on the floor. The angle at the knee should be 90 degrees.
  2. One hand is placed on the stomach, the other - in the chest area.
  3. Breathe only with the diaphragm. In this case, the stomach rises, and the chest falls and vice versa, forming a wave.

It will be difficult for a beginner to do this, but after a 5-7-minute workout, the breathing process will return to normal. It is recommended to repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

The video shows 2 options for performing the exercise: standing and lying on the floor:

2. Frog. This exercise strengthens the abdominal and back muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs.
  2. Keep your back straight, put your elbows on your knees.
  3. Rest your elbows on your legs, fold your palms into a fist and lower your head on them. Women clench their left hand into a fist, then put their right hand on it. Men are on the right.
  4. Relax your muscles as much as possible abdominals, deeply, but gently exhale the air. Try to inflate your stomach until a ball is formed.

To properly perform the exercise, we suggest watching the video:

3. Lotus bud or lotus. One of the most simple exercises.

  1. Take the lotus position.
  2. Straighten your back, sit on the floor, cross your legs. Put your hands on your stomach.
  3. After closing your eyes, press your chin to your chest, lower your head a little and close your eyes.
  4. Inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on the process.

The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes, it can be gradually increased to 15. Finish when you feel a slight drowsiness, falling asleep.

The video clip shows the final exercise from base complex for weight loss. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to try to do it correctly.

Digestive exercises:

  • 2 minutes before. 2 minutes before eating, you need to stand up straight, put your hands on your stomach and start breathing deeply. Breathing in through the nose, expanding the stomach. It is recommended to breathe deeply - this will help "saturate" the body with oxygen and avoid overeating.
  • 2 minutes after. Next exercise carried out after eating, after 2 minutes. It is worth standing up straight, putting your hands on your stomach and breathing softly, but shallowly, while simultaneously making smooth movements with your hands in a clockwise direction.

The video shows another set of exercises to improve the digestion process, quickly get rid of overweight, normalization of the body:

Breathing technique with Lana Anatole

Deep breathing is the basis breathing exercises Qigong with Lana Anatole, loading and relaxing the abdominal muscles. Breathing exercises are practiced along with exercises, exercises are also carried out before and after meals.

The essence of the method:

  1. Start with deep breathing. Try to focus on this process, mentally immerse yourself in it. This will release tension.
  2. Put your hands on your stomach. In this position, take calm, but deep breaths and exhalations.
  3. Continue to do gymnastics for 1.5 minutes.
  4. When time passes, the rhythm of breathing changes: exhalations and inhalations become sharp. You need to try to push out of the stomach all the air that fills it. You will have to breathe in this rhythm for 30 seconds.

When the meal is finished, it is worth putting your hands on your stomach, placing them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach. In a circular motion, clockwise, massage the abdomen 50 to 100 times. Self-massage will help improve the digestion process.

Breathing exercises reduce appetite and prevent overeating. It should be done regularly, preferably 20-25 minutes before meals.

Benefits of deep breathing:

  • saturates the muscles of the stomach and intestines with oxygen;
  • speeds up the process of digestion;
  • improves metabolism.

In the video, Lana Anatole teaches followers how to do breathing exercises and lose weight without making any special efforts:

Self massage

Another part of qigong gymnastics is self-massage. But it requires preliminary preparation. To tune in a positive way, you need to take the pose of the pharaoh. It is performed while sitting on a chair.

Pharaoh's Pose:

  1. Sit on the edge of a chair. Straighten your back.
  2. The legs are bent so that a right angle is obtained at the knee.
  3. The entire foot is on the floor. The feet are parallel to each other.
  4. Hands are calmly placed on your knees.
  5. The crown stretches up, the stomach is slightly retracted.

The time spent in the pose is 2 minutes. You need to try to concentrate and relax as much as possible. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, and then proceed to self-massage.

Self-massage exercises:

  • Start by warming up your hands. Without changing the position, they rub their palms, increasing activity, when a feeling of strong warmth appears in the hands, the exercise can be completed.
  • Warm palms massage the eyes. To do this, you need to attach to the eye sockets warm hands for 10 seconds, repeat the procedure 3 times. Then, with your fingers, touch the skin around the eye and make circular movements to the right, and then to the left. Repeat the procedure 36 times. Then continue the massage, touch the back of the hand to the eyes, smoothly move from the bridge of the nose to the temple, repeat 36 times.
  • Facial massage is not particularly difficult. It is enough to warm up the palms, and after in a circular motion massage the face, moving from the forehead to the chin. Repeat the movements 36 times, then tone the skin with light pats, improving blood flow to the tissues.
  • The massage of the neck and the back of the head is carried out with warm palms, they are laid on the neck, slightly bending the head forward. Then you need to make rubbing movements with your hands, moving from top to bottom. When it begins to warm in the neck and nape, it is worth changing direction, moving from right to left.
  • Belly massage. It is done lying on your back with both hands on the bowel area. With movements in a circle, the skin is rubbed with both hands, until a feeling of warmth appears.


As such, there is no diet, there are no strict restrictions, but still, those who want to lose weight will have to follow certain rules.

To get rid of negative energy and fat, it is recommended:

  1. Refuse to eat red meat or limit its consumption (you can replace the meat with soy).
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day more people drinks, the less he wants to eat).
  3. Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Dinner plan no later than 4 hours before bedtime
  5. Refuse junk food (fast food, soda, convenience foods).

“The main thing is not to overeat. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day. But do not starve yourself, because in this case the body will “rebuild” and begin to accumulate fat for future use. It is advisable to eat food at least 4 times a day, in small portions, adding variety to the diet.

What foods can be eaten:

  • Sweet. We are not talking about chocolate cake or cream dessert. "Sweet foods" refers to fruits and berries, as well as honey.
  • Bitter. They have a slight laxative effect, these can be: broccoli, chicory, celery and lettuce.
  • Sour. All foods with a sour taste, including fruits and dairy products. You can eat: citrus fruits, kiwi, cheese, kefir and even natural yogurt.
  • Salty. These are not pickled cucumbers, but seafood. Fish, mussels, crabs and shrimps will help restore the water-salt balance in the body.
  • Acute. These are various spices, spices and herbs, as well as garlic and onions. They help improve blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes in the body.