If you stand on a mine for 10 minutes. Plank exercise: what is the effect in a week

The versatility of the plank is amazing. Majority exercise are aimed at working with specific muscle groups and ignore the rest, which often leads to comical results. The bar allows you to evenly strengthen and heal the body, it does not disregard either the back or the legs.

1, 5, 10 minutes planks - what will happen to the body?

Let's look at the beneficial effects of the plank on a specific example. As a sample for research, let's pay attention to the classic plank, because most beginners start work with it. Pay attention to the results depending on the duration of the sets. They will tell you how many minutes you need to stand in the plank for weight loss or muscle development.

1 minute

You read the instructions and learned the correct technique, stood up and were surprised to find treacherously trembling abs and wobbly legs! This is not surprising - an unprepared person will very quickly get tired of the colossal tension directed at once to all muscle groups. But let's talk about the pleasant - in 1 minute in the bar you burned 5 calories, kneaded and surprised your muscles. Blood circulation has improved, the muscle corset is strengthened and receives more oxygen. Beginners should stop at this mark so as not to overstrain unprepared muscles.

5 minutes

5 minutes of a flawless plank is a result worthy of respect. During this time, you have burned 25 calories, warmed up and tensed every muscle fiber in your body. Speaking of muscles. After 5 minutes in the rack, they should begin to "clog", which signals that you have received enough load and you can stop the exercise.

10 minutes

To the madness of the brave we sing a song! Standing in a plank for 10 minutes is a severe test even for a trained body. You got rid of 50 "extra" calories, the abdominal muscles work at full capacity, your posture becomes smoother, and your movements are more confident. It is worth stopping at this, so as not to inadvertently damage muscle fibers. That's all for today, relax, you deserve it!

Tip: do not chase the duration of the approach. Short but regular exercises will bring more benefit than long and tedious classes.

Optimal exercise time

"How long do you need to hold the bar?" - probably the most common question that fitness instructors or just experienced and trained people face. There is no unequivocal answer to it, since the duration of the approach rests on the capabilities of your body - where someone can easily stand for 3 minutes, the other will not stand even 30 seconds. Soberly assessing your strengths, you will choose the best option that brings not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Making a schedule for the month

Despite the fact that the duration of the approaches is selected individually, there are still general recommendations on the training schedule for a month. They consist in a gradual increase in the volume of training and their duration. Following this technique, you will achieve excellent results and make your body stronger and more resilient. Let's start with the classic plank and short approaches. Looking back at the end of the month, you will be surprised to find that you have increased the approach time several times.

Here is another example of a training schedule for a month (with rest on certain days):

1 day - 20 seconds Day 16 - 2 minutes
Day 2 - 20 seconds Day 17 - 2 minutes
Day 3 - 30 seconds Day 18 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 4 - 30 seconds Day 19 - rest
Day 5 - 40 seconds Day 20 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 6 - rest Day 21 - 2 minutes 30 seconds
Day 7 - 45 seconds Day 22 - 3 minutes
Day 8 - 45 seconds Day 23 - 3 minutes
Day 9 - 1 minute Day 24 - 3 minutes 30 seconds
10 day - 1 minute Day 25 - 3 minutes 30 seconds
Day 11 - 1 minute Day 26 - rest
Day 12 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 27 - 4 minutes
Day 13 - rest Day 28 - 4 minutes
Day 14 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 29 - 4 minutes 30 seconds
Day 15 - 1 minute 30 seconds Day 30 - 5 minutes

While you are in the plank, your body is working!

Do not build illusions about the fact that the bar can replace full complex sports exercises or save you from having to go to the gym. Relief muscles and slim figure you will have to work hard and then, but know that the bar not only facilitates this process, but also turns it into a kind of game. By devoting a bar a few minutes a day, you provide the body with an invaluable service, prevent diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, and also get rid of back pain. Standing in the bar in the mornings or evenings will not become a painful necessity for you. Remember that your health is your treasure and sport is the best way save it.

We invite you to watch the video various types dynamic bar:

Stunning plank results: before and after photos

Hello my dear readers! If you have a great desire to tone your body, become slimmer and fitter, lose a few pounds and reduce your waist, then a very simple exercise called the plank, as far as technique is concerned, will suit you. More and more often I see on the Internet that static classes give an incredible result. The plank for weight loss is becoming more and more popular every day, and positive reviews about its effectiveness literally flooded fitness sites and communities. Today we’ll talk about what, in fact, this physical activity is, how to perform it correctly and what can be achieved.

Imagine, in just 2-5 minutes a day you can not only get in shape, but also strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen, arms and hips. Unbelievable, but true! Regular exercise will give you an excellent result, the buttocks will become more toned and elastic. Many people think that these are just promises, how can you lose weight in 5 minutes a day, and even literally carve out a body? In order to understand everything, you need to understand the essence of the exercises.

But in fact, the plank is a static exercise, the purpose of which is to keep the muscles of the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks in tension. It is actually effective. And don't think it's very easy to do. Yes, in technical terms, nothing is particularly visible. No need to jump, run in a special way. Nothing but desire, your body and gender will be needed. The meaning of training is that the hands and toes rest on the floor, and the body seems to hang above it. At the same time, it is necessary to comply correct technique so that instead of burning fat, you do not get injured. We will talk about this further.

When I first learned about these classes, I thought that it could be difficult and difficult. Just think, you need to hold out in a certain position for a few seconds. Yeah, my first attempt was super difficult. I wouldn't say I don't work at all. I like running, but the 30 second static exercise was still difficult for me. I completed it, but I lost 100 sweats.

Plank exercise: what are the advantages?

  • You will not only tone your body, but also achieve significant results in losing weight. Due to the high tension that is created in the muscles during exercise, the metabolism improves, which undoubtedly leads to the loss of body fat.
  • As I said above, the bar perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs. The external, internal and transverse muscles of the press, the muscles of the front of the legs, the spine, and the buttocks are pumped.
  • This is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. The risk of the disease is reduced in those who regularly perform the plank.
  • Improvement in posture occurs due to the same strengthening of the back muscles.
  • During classes, the thigh muscles are involved, and this is a problem area for many women. Hated by many women, cellulite most often makes itself felt in this area of ​​the body. Therefore, such exercises are another effective method fight against orange peel.
  • The rhythm of life does not allow many people to waste time in gyms and play sports under the control of coaches. The plank for weight loss is a great opportunity to put yourself in order at home, while spending a minimum of time and equipment that you don’t even need. Spent 2-5 minutes a day will bring a guaranteed result.

Cons of exercise plank for weight loss

Cons of this type physical activity actually doesn't exist. The only thing that can be noted is pain in the muscles and body after the first classes. But this applies to any sport, if a person is just starting to get acquainted with physical activity. Regular classes, warm baths and massage will quickly solve this problem.

How to do plank exercise. Rookie Mistakes

In order for the exercises to be effective, the body has come into tone, and overweight left, it is necessary to perform classes adhering to certain rules. There are not many of them, but, nevertheless, they are very important. The lack of results can only be attributed to wrong technique execution, so be sure to pay attention to it.

  1. Remember to keep your body straight while exercising. The buttocks should be tightened, the stomach is tense, do not lower or raise the hips. Legs, buttocks and back should be on the same line. If you relax even a little bit one of the parts of the body, then everything will go downhill - the hips will bend, the back too.
  2. Stretch your legs during exercise, do not bend.
  3. Keep your head in line with your body.
  4. If you are performing the plank on outstretched arms, then the hands should be under the shoulders at shoulder width. Thus, you protect yourself from injury.
  5. If you have just started learning static exercises, do not rush and do not strive to fulfill the norm that is superfluous to you. Start doing each exercise from 15 seconds, gradually, day after day, increasing the time. Thus, your body will gradually get used to the loads.

plank for weight loss

More than once I have already said that the plank is a great opportunity to get rid of the stomach and bring your weight back to normal. Although this species physical activity is very effective and efficient, you will not be able to achieve your goal if you do not follow a few rules. They are mainly about nutrition. Indeed, in case of gluttony, eating pies and pies at night or before bedtime, hobbies for soda and chips, no super-efficient sports will help.

It is important to understand that, first of all, you need to take care of the quality of your own.

  • First, always eat breakfast.
  • Secondly, .
  • Thirdly, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions of 200-250 ml.
  • Fourth, do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Fifth, cook food at home, prepared food is not the best option for weight loss due to the huge amount, additives and fat. Instead of soda, cook compotes, kissels, instead of hamburgers, cook and so on.

These simple rules, along with statics, will help you in the fight against overweight and improve your overall health.

Plank types

There are several types of planks. Which one to choose is up to you, but consider the degree of your physical fitness. Beginners are best to start with the classic version.

Classic variant

  • To do this, lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and take emphasis on your elbows. They should be on the floor with their shoulders.
  • Spread your legs a little and lean on the tip of the foot.
  • Head, back and legs in one line.
  • Tighten your buttocks and tighten your abdominal muscles.

For beginners, this kind of exercise is considered the easiest than the rest. Therefore, I advise you to start by trying to perform the classic bar.

Straight arm plank

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Stretch your arms so that your wrists and hand form a right angle.
  • The wrists are under the shoulders at a distance of their width. The heels are slightly raised.
  • Do not bend under any circumstances. Keep your body straight, tensing your buttocks and stomach.

side plank

This exercise is considered difficult, since the support goes only to 2 points. Here, in addition to strength and endurance, you also need to keep your balance, which will be difficult for the inexperienced.

  • Lie on your side.
  • Place your elbow so that it is under your shoulder.
  • Draw your legs in and join them together.
  • Place your free hand on your thigh or lift it up.

Back plank

Another type of exercise that, judging by the reviews, fights cellulite and extra pounds in the lower body. Well, if you want to tighten your ass, then this kind of exercise will do an excellent job with this task.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Rise up and place your hands so that your wrists are under your shoulders.
  • Lean on your heels and stretch your legs forward.
  • Do not lower your hips, but try to keep them in a straight line with your legs.
  • But, and if you want to pump up your calves, then you should not pull your socks forward.

Complicated planks

Each of the previous types of exercises can be complicated, thereby getting more stress on the body. This option is suitable for already trained individuals who have been playing sports for more than one day.

For example, you can improve the bar on outstretched arms like this:

And the classic pose is like this:

Training program "Plank for weight loss"

And so, now you know how to properly perform workouts without mistakes and get the maximum result. I am sure that they will bring incomparable health benefits and play a huge role in losing weight. But the last but not least question remains regarding the training program. It is very important in this matter to find a suitable mode and amount of physical activity.

For example, if an inexperienced person starts exercising immediately from 1 minute, but the next day he will face a fiasco, as the muscles will ache from pain and there will be no question of repeating the exercises.

Therefore, I offer you a program of classes that are suitable for beginners. Its essence is to bring the total exercise for a month to 5 minutes. And you need to start small, with just 20 seconds. Day after day, the time of classes will increase, the body will gradually get used to the loads.

As for the type of bar, as I said, you can start with the classic one, then move on to more complex training options, for example, combine them with each other. Thus, classes will become more diverse and effective.

And in order to have fun, turn on the music louder or put on headphones.))

That's all for today. I hope the article was useful and interesting for you! Write your comments and leave feedback. See you soon!

If you simply don’t have time for intensive workouts, discover the plank. It will help you keep your body in good shape, make it more prominent, and at the same time it will take you no more than 20 minutes a day.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Plank exercise for women

How and how much to do the bar

The plank is not a cardio exercise, which means you don't have to run, jump, or crawl to get what you want. But you still have to sweat - for all its simplicity, the exercise is quite difficult, especially for beginners. Therefore, it is necessary to do the bar correctly for no more than 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

According to experienced athletes, the maximum benefit (and visible effect) from the bar will be if you perform this exercise for 30 days, adding only 5 seconds to the original time every day. Also, do not forget about the rest - arrange yourself "unloading" days at least once a week.

You can easily perform the plank exercise at home, as it does not require any additional devices or deep sports knowledge. You can start training at any time without changing your daily routine. But do not forget that the workouts are designed for at least a month - you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired result in less time.

How to learn how to do planks at home

This question is especially important for beginners who, due to their inexperience, do not know what types of planks exist and how to do it correctly. Among its varieties are:

  • classic bar - done on the elbows bent 90 degrees;
  • simplified bar for beginners and people suffering from overweight- on bent knees;
  • an easier option - on straight arms;
  • side bar - with an emphasis on the elbow.

Also, this exercise can be slightly heavier by reducing the number of support points (raising one arm or leg) or fixing the legs at a height of about 50 cm (an ordinary chair or bench is suitable for this). The main condition for all these types of planks is that the body should be even, taut and tense. In no case should you bend in the lower back, raise your head and buttocks. Only the correct execution of the exercise will give the desired result.

Plank exercise: benefit or harm

The benefits of the plank exercise are simply incredible, because thanks to it the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, chest and arms are perfectly trained. This is an easy way to tone your muscles, tighten your chest, stomach and sides, while spending a minimum of time and effort. But in order for the exercise to bring maximum benefit without undesirable consequences, you need to remember the simple and understandable rules for its implementation:

  1. If you have problems with the spine, then before starting training, you need to consult a doctor. Some back problems (such as a herniated disc) are a contraindication to doing the plank. It is also undesirable to perform it during pregnancy and in the first 6 weeks after childbirth.
  2. To avoid injury, before performing the exercise, it is necessary to properly warm up all muscle groups. The average duration of the warm-up is 15 minutes (but not less than 10 minutes).
  3. Make sure that the body is extended in one line, the stomach is tightened, the head is straight. Only the correct execution of the bar will bring the desired effect.
  4. Start working gradually, avoiding overload. If you experience pain, stop exercising immediately.
  5. Do not forget about rest - the muscles must have time to recover.

How much do you need to do the plank to get the maximum effect

There is a persistent misconception that the plank, both simple and light exercise, you need to do five times a day and at least 5 minutes for each approach (by the principle the more the better). This statement is fundamentally wrong, because such a training program is quite complicated even for professional athletes, not to mention ordinary people. In order to hold the bar for 5 minutes at least once a day, long weeks of training are needed, and doing this several times a day is out of the question.

It is optimal to start doing the bar with 30 seconds a day 6 times a week. Every day gradually increase the load (for 10-15 seconds daily). If you can’t increase the previous result - do not despair, fix it and try to do a little more the next day.

Plank - an effective exercise for weight loss

Many consider the plank a panacea for weight loss, but this is not so. Yes, it is very effective in tightening problem areas, but aerobic exercise is simply necessary for burning body fat. So if you want to get maximum effect and lose those extra pounds, you better combine a static bar with cardio loads and proper nutrition.

It is equally important when losing weight to correctly and systematically perform the exercise without overstraining, but also without making yourself indulgent.

The method of how to make a bar for weight loss of the abdomen is no different from the generally accepted one:

  • body position face down;
  • arms should be bent at the elbows at a right angle;
  • the body is even, the stomach is maximally retracted;
  • breathe evenly and measuredly, controlling every muscle of your body as much as possible.

If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, then bend your legs, focus on your knees. You can also straighten your arms. When the muscles get stronger (and this will not be earlier than in a week or two), proceed to the classic version of the exercise.

On the Internet you will find many positive feedback about the bar from the people she really helped change their lives for the better. And this once again proves that the exercise really helps not only to lose weight and make your forms ideal, but also significantly improve your health.

How to do a side plank

The side plank is a type of task that involves not only the rectus muscles, but also the oblique muscles of your abdomen. This perfect exercise for weight loss of the abdomen and sides. The main body weight in the side plank is transferred to one arm and one leg.

Performing the exercise:

  • lie on your side - the body is even, one leg lies on the other;
  • raise upper part bodies, leaning on an arm bent at the elbow;
  • lift the pelvis, tensing the abdominal muscles, and hold it for 20-30 seconds.

Side planks can be made heavier if, for example, during the exercise, raise the upper straight leg at an angle of 90 degrees. But do not forget that this option is not for beginners, because for its implementation you need well-pumped muscles.

Plank exercise for men

It's pretty difficult exercise perfect for men who want to have relief muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, arms and thighs. For the representatives of the stronger sex, there is also a complex of gradual increase in loads, designed for 30 days. For beginners, only three sets of 15 seconds are enough, and for experienced fighters, even a minute will not be enough. The way to properly do a press bar for men is no different from general recommendations- the body is even, tense, the stomach is drawn in.

Also, for men, a set of plank exercises has been developed, which involves almost all muscle groups. It consists of:

  • classic elbow plank;
  • exercises that are performed on outstretched arms;
  • side elbow bar;
  • planks with an emphasis on one leg;
  • exercise with an emphasis on one hand.

To achieve the desired result, you need to do this complex for 30 seconds, each exercise strictly according to the schedule - at the same time, 6 times a week.

Of all the above options for a static exercise, the exercise on the side is rightfully considered the most difficult. Many do not know how to properly make a side plank for a man. There are several important nuances here:

  • the arm should be perpendicular to the floor and bent 90 degrees;
  • legs are straight, one on top of the other;
  • the pelvis must be lifted up, and not to the sides;
  • the abdominal muscles should be as retracted as possible.

Plank exercise for women

Performing the plank exercise by women is not much different from the "male" version. All the nuances of how to properly do the bar are also relevant here. And when using the same set of exercises for 30 days, the reviews are the most flattering. Only time can serve as a significant difference - in women it decreases exactly by half.

You can use the plank exercise for women both for weight loss and for maintaining muscle tone. Especially for women, the side plank is relevant, because it does an excellent job with treacherous barrels.

The main thing to remember is that for maximum efficiency of training, you need to not only try in training, but also do it with pleasure.

July 20th, 2014 , 10:00 am

Is it possible to build a body by exercising at home for 10 minutes a day?

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym. Not everyone is ready to get up an hour earlier and study before going to work. Not everyone has the strength to give all the best at home on the mat at 9 pm after a hard day's work. But everyone wants to get in shape.

Is there a way out for those who, having soberly assessed their capabilities, have come to the conclusion that they are ready to exercise their body every day, but not longer than 10-20 minutes?

Yes, there is a way out. And his name is plank. Many refer to the bar as a press exercise, but this is not entirely true. The plank is a complex exercise that forces all the muscles of the body to work, including the press:

How to properly stand in the plank? How long? How often?

The bar brings maximum results if you do it every day at the same time, gradually increasing the load.

I already wrote about that. With nothing but the surface of the floor at hand, you can significantly improve the quality of the body with only one plank, provided that you eat right.

Why is it impossible to do the bar, even every day, but at different times of the day: one day - in the morning, for example, and the other - in the evening? Muscles do not grow during the exercise, but during the recovery process. Muscles must have time to recover. A day is a sufficient period for the muscles loaded with the bar to recover.

How to do? Nuances:

1) The body from the top of the head to the tips of the toes should be in a straight line. The most difficult thing is to fit into this straight area of ​​the lower back. The loin should not be rounded or arched. Concentrate and try to direct the tailbone to the heels, and the lower abdomen to the chest. Imagine that a sheet of steel has been placed on you. Do not tear your lower back from an imaginary sheet. There should be no gaps between him and your lower back.

2) Feet. Notice in the picture above that the heels are behind the toes, and not vice versa. The feet seem to be turned inward with toes.
Keep your feet together. The wider they are divorced, the less the load on the press and more on the knees.
3) Elbows should be strictly under the shoulders.
4) Keep your buttocks and legs tense. Do not be distructed. Constantly control this moment. As soon as the tension in the legs or buttocks eases, you “sag”.
5) Keep your stomach tight too. Do you feel that it starts to "sag"? Pull up!
6) You need to stand in the plank until you fall. Then rest for a minute or two and get up again. And so - 3-5 approaches.

My secret: to stand in the bar not by a timer, but by a stopwatch, and not look at it. When I "started" the timer, then as soon as it rang, I felt that I could no longer, and fell. Switched to stopwatch. History repeated itself: I see a decent round figure - I fall. I stopped looking at the clock during the exercise - and my bars were noticeably lengthened.

Those to whom the classic plank is not immediately given can start doing it “from the knees”:

In general, there are many options for planks: on straight arms, side (the press works better), with a raised arm or leg, on a fitball and even on belts. Start with the classic, understand this exercise, feel your body, and only then, if you want, master the variations. Personally, I get by with the classic.

In the comments - fitness questions.

A healthy, fit guy is simply obliged to withstand two circles of the second hand.

But it’s unlikely that you turned out to be cooler than the Dane Tom Hall, who in 2015 stood in this position for 4 hours and 28 minutes! This was already the second record for a 52-year-old man, who stood in the bar for 3 hours and 8 minutes the year before. He was beaten by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong, who in 2014 was frozen in static for 4 hours and 26 minutes.

But there is a record even more serious: just over a year ago, at 10:26 am, in the Shangri-La hotel in Beijing, the same Mao Weidong fought with former US special agent George Hood in this, perhaps, the most motionless sport. The men tensed and did not relax for more than half a day: Hood gave up after 7:40, and Mr. Weidong stopped leaning on his elbows at 18:27, setting an absolute this moment world record - 8 hours 1 minute!

if you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, then you have: A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - wrong training system

Does it compare to our three sets, say, 2 minutes each? Well-known physiotherapist from the USA Bill Hartman advises to “hold on” for 3 minutes, but, according to him, this is an approximate time, an average indicator of the health of the core muscles. Dan John, Men's Health fitness expert says that if you can't hold a bar for 120 seconds, then you have:
A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - the wrong training system. A healthy, fit guy is simply obliged to withstand two circles of the second hand. "Whether to stand longer is up to you," he adds, "it's just an exercise, and longer isn't better."

You set the bar yourself

Tom Hall - professional trainer and the owner of a fitness center in the Danish town of Frederikssund. To compete with online gyms, one day he decided to show how much cooler he is than other coaches. To do this, he did not lift weights, run long distances or test himself for survival - all he needed was the floor and his own body.

In 2014, he started with 8 minutes of static on elbows, adding 5 minutes a week. A year later, he already held on for three hours. “I chose the plank because the exercise was gaining monstrous popularity during these years, but you should not think that such training will benefit everyone,” he says, “on group training we never go over 3 minutes and that's enough."

Hol is a professional athlete, Danish champion in sports aerobics for 1997. He is sure that it was his sports background that helped him break the world record, however, Hall notes: “The main obstacle is in your head. If you can convince yourself that you are capable of more, you will get what you want, and this strategy works not only in sports.”

Long doesn't mean good

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning led Canadian scientists to conclude that a few short sets are more effective than long plank. University of Waterloo professor Dr. Stuart McGill is sure that core endurance is much more important than core strength, because their main purpose is to keep your back straight, but he does not think that it is right to set records in one exercise.

“If you want to set a record in the bar, you can try, but there is no benefit to the health of the body,” he says. Moreover, the discovery of Canadian scientists is that micro-sets of 10 seconds work on endurance much more effectively. During the experiment, two groups of subjects performed exercises on the core muscles. The first team held the bar for 10 seconds - first 5 approaches, then 4, and so on up to one. The second - did crunches on the press and other dynamic exercises. After 6 weeks of training, those who held the plank according to this scheme strengthened their core muscles significantly more.

Plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, because the most important thing here is to keep the body correctly (and for as long as possible).

1. Feet

Put together: balance will become more difficult, which will increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs

Should be straight and tense, otherwise the load on the rectus abdominis muscle, which holds lumbar from deflections will also decrease.

3. Buttocks

Tighten up. And do not let go of the tension until the end of the approach. Reduction gluteal muscles increases the activation of all core muscles.

4. Loin

The most difficult moment! At correct execution slats lumbar spine should be flat. That is, the lower back can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.

5. Belly

Retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Throughout the approach, keep your stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows

In order not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders, place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints.