What are the names of the balls that are twisted in the hands. How baoding balls are used in Chinese medicine

For China, health balls are an important part of culture and history. In other countries, Chinese marbles are rarely seen in someone's hands. The history of Baoding health balls goes back many centuries. Baoding balls, can be translated as Chinese balls health, qigong balls, health balls, exercise and meditation balls (English version of Baoding Balls). The most famous name is Baoding balls.

It comes from the name of the city of Baoding in Hebei Province. Hand ball exercises have a long history. The history of hand exercises goes back centuries. Before the use of balls as a hand trainer, walnuts were used. Initially, the production of balls arose in the city of Baoding during the reign of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

What are health balls for?

Two or three balls rotate freely in the hand. At first glance, it seems that it is simple, and you can easily repeat the movements of the master. In fact, it takes years of practice to achieve perfection. As a result of constant exercises, dexterity and strength of the hands improve, flexibility increases.

The fingers of the hand become stronger and more sensitive, recovery after injury occurs more quickly, and as a result, health improves. Initially, the balls were made of iron and were called "iron balls". All sections of Chinese society practiced with balls from ordinary soldiers to emperors.

Baoding balls for warriors and emperors

  • Warriors used health balls to master martial arts, develop coordination, dexterity and hand strength.
  • Emperors to maintain a bright mind, achieve enlightenment and longevity.
  • Subjects for training super-abilities: strengthening the concentration of attention, increasing the energy potential.
  • All together: to reveal abilities and get rid of diseases.

Today Health Balls are recognized as official medicine

In many centers of rehabilitation medicine, health balls are used not only for training the hand and fingers, but also for recovery from injuries. At present, Chinese medical balloons are also very popular, and various materials are used in their production, from stone to metal.

Balls with a bell inside are the most popular. When rotated, they make a melodic sound. Due to their sound, they received the name "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix". Watch the video! What can be achieved after 10 years of hard training using health balls, according to the author.

How to choose Chinese balls

Chinese balls for beginners are unpredictable and constantly strive to fall. Before you buy a couple of Chinese balls, look at your palm. If you choose Chinese balls for yourself, then do not overestimate the size of your palm. Usually the higher the height, the larger the palm, although this is not always true.

Chinese Balls come in various diameters. Children can use 35mm balls and adults can practice with 55mm balls. For an average woman, a ball of 35-40 mm is suitable, for an average man's hand, 40-50 mm. From my own experience, I can add that you need to start training with balls of a smaller diameter.

If for the first time you take Chinese balls, say 45-50 mm, then you will immediately understand all your awkwardness and clumsiness. The balls will not rotate as they should, they will constantly fall, and you will feel like an elephant in a china shop. But with time and practice, the process will go as it should.

Where to start with Chinese balls - trust yourself

It takes some getting used to using the balls. To begin with, try to take two balls and place them in the palm of your hand, check your sensations. I must say that sensations play a huge role in this process. They must be listened to! When you first start out, the balls will keep falling, so don't start with heavy stone balls. Start with a smaller diameter (at least they will fall less), and as you get more agility and strength, you can change the weight and size.

First you need to get used to the new sensation, and then try to rotate the balls in the direction that is most natural for you. Try changing the angle of inclination to feel the force of gravity. Then try spinning the balls in the other direction. Here everything is individual. Some people can spin balls clockwise easily but cannot spin counter-clockwise or vice versa.

There are many exercises for beginners and advanced users. Detailed description easy to find on the internet. After 15 minutes of classes, you will feel that your arms, forearms and shoulders have received a good load. You can train your palms to such an extent that you can work both hands simultaneously, rotating three or even four balls in each palm.

  • Important! During classes, you should not look at the balls, but you should listen to the feelings inside yourself, and the new sensations of the fingers.
  • Important! Chinese medicine balls cannot be shared with anyone else!
  • Health balls are a personal item.
  • Firstly, according to Chinese philosophy, you transfer your biofield and health to other people.
  • Second, for hygiene reasons.

How to store Chinese balls

  1. Chinese balls should be stored in a dry and clean place.
  2. Although they are strong and durable, they should not be subjected to strong blows on hard surfaces.
  3. If the balls are not used for a long time, it is recommended to coat them with wax or grease to keep the surface smooth and shiny.

Watch the Health Ball Exercise video series. Intro video Why deal with health balls.

Video lesson number 1 Start training with health balls

Continuation of training

Health balls are a popular feng shui tool, which are metal balls with bells inside. Due to the special sound of the balls, even in ancient times they were given the name "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix". That is why, so often they depict colorful phoenix and dragon.

History of health balls

The history of health balls dates back more than one century. For the first time, steel balls with bells inside began to be made in the Chinese city of Baoding. Such balls served as a tool for mastering martial arts, which restored after injuries, developed hand strength, and increased concentration.

After some time, health balls gained popularity all over the world. It was noticed that regular execution special exercises with balls, helps to acquire manual dexterity and a lively mind for young people, and for the elderly - it helps to get rid of numbness, cramps, hand spasms, and also normalizes blood pressure.

Chinese medicine claims that there are a huge number of points on the fingers and palms of a person, the stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. At the same time, modern medicine explains the beneficial effect of the balls by the fact that between the hands and nervous system, there is a close connection and impact on these zones, positively affect the human body as a whole.

Exercises with health balls can be performed for preventive purposes, to improve well-being, increase efficiency, youth and longevity. In addition, they can be used for medicinal purposes. Such exercises will help relieve overwork and stress, develop manual dexterity and coordination of movements, improve memory, normalize blood pressure and maintain vitality.

Feng Shui experts recommend doing exercises with health balls to people who are engaged in business, occupy leadership positions, as well as people whose professions involve long work at computer. In addition, the exercises are recommended for people who are fond of needlework or playing the piano, guitar or other musical instruments.

Some traditional medicine specialists prescribe exercises with health balls for hand diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, incoordination after injuries, and so on.

There are an innumerable number of exercises with balls, which are divided into rotation exercises, hand exercises and finger exercises. The need to perform certain exercises with health balls should be judged by a feng shui specialist, based on each specific case.

In any case, unlike drugs that are taken orally, classes with health balls have absolutely no side effects. For example, taking sedatives has such side effects, as inhibition of the reaction, drowsiness and so on. In the same time special exercises with balls that have a pronounced sedative effect, do not have an undesirable effect on the human body.

Video about Chinese balls - how to choose and rotate them correctly:

The history of Chinese medicine goes back thousands of years, its methods cope with such diseases that are beyond the power of traditional European medicine, which is armed with everything Newest technologies- and all because non-traditional methods of Chinese medicine do not heal a disease, but a person with his specific problems and lifestyle disorders.

Use of balls

Acupuncture is one of the areas of therapeutic effects according to the methods of Chinese medicine, has long been recognized as official medicine and is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

Chinese health balls allow you to influence certain points and, by activating them, heal diseases. Their use allows you to restore health, ensure the prevention of diseases and achieve harmonious relations with the outside world.

By influencing energy centers through acupuncture points, health balls contribute to the stimulation of brain activity, the activation of the body's defenses.

Health balls, exercises with which heal at any age, appeared in the fourteenth century - they were originally used as projectiles in training for martial arts. They served to develop hand strength, to accumulate energy and direct it in the right direction. Gradually, the balls began to be used for healing - it was found that exercises with them restore blood circulation, normalize the work of the heart and blood circulation, improve the functioning of the nervous system.

If earlier healers relied only on empiricism and evidence of miraculous healings, today the benefits of using Chinese health balls have been proven by scientific methods - various devices have recorded the activity of energy channels and vibrations of subtle matters. All this brought the Chinese balls to new level, and they have become extremely popular not only in China, but all over the world.

Today, Chinese health balls can be of two types: steel with a tuning fork inside (the so-called "singing balls") and balls made from a magic stone with recognized healing properties - jade.


Exercises performed with the help of Chinese balls can be very diverse. Due to their small size, it is very convenient to carry the balls with you, and therefore you can do exercises with them at any suitable time.

The meaning of the exercises is that when rolling the balls in the palms, there is a stimulating effect on the acupuncture points. These manipulations can be different, that is, the impact can be exerted on any points that stimulate the work of various organs and systems, which improves overall performance and, in general, adds several years of life.

It is believed that there are no contraindications and any restrictions for the use of balls, they perfectly develop fine motor skills V childhood, stimulate the performance of the brain in old age, which helps to maintain clarity of mind in old age. In adulthood, stimulation with balls helps to relieve tension and restore a positive attitude.

Health balls, exercises with which are usually carried out to stimulate points along the meridians: the meridians of the heart and lungs and blood circulation pass through the thumb, middle fingers and little finger, through the base of the little finger, ring finger and index finger pass the intestinal meridians. By exerting pressure on certain zones with the help of balls, it is possible to influence weakened organs.

  1. The hand is lowered down, free and relaxed. The first ball is between the thumb and the bent index finger, while the second ball is between the little finger and the bent ring finger. You need to roll the second ball at the base of the fingers, and the first ball rolls to the base thumb.
  2. It is necessary to make sure that the second ball moves to the index finger, and the first ball moves to the center of the palm.
  3. The first ball is held between the thumb and ring fingers, and with the help of the thumb, the second ball is moved to the index finger.
  4. Gradually, you need to increase the speed of movement of the balls, bending the index finger and straightening the ring and little fingers.

Health Orbs

The well-known Chinese balls, rolling in the palms with a quiet tapping, are actually one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of "Health Balls" has many centuries. The first mention of them refers to the beginning of the reign of the imperial Ming dynasty, when steel balls with bells inside began to be produced in the city of Baoding. Due to the differences in sound, one of them was called the "Roaring Dragon", and the other - "The Singing Phoenix". However, the most numerous and useful in the application of stone balls. Jade balls are most often used, because jade has long been considered in China a symbol of perfection and a mineral that brings health. Initially, the balls were used by a narrow circle of students martial arts. With their help, the fighters trained their hands, restored joints and ligaments after injuries. "Health balls" served as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating the human energy base.

Over time, balloons have become very popular in China (and now around the world). It turned out that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of exercises with balls is explained by the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls affect the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, which improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

When practicing with Health Balls, you need to remember the following:

To obtain a healing effect, it is not necessary to perform virtuoso rotations. The most simple exercises: rubbing the ball between the palms, rotating two balls in the palm of your hand.

Observe the regularity of classes, gradually increasing the load.

Alternate compression exercises with rotation exercises. Avoid tension in muscle groups not involved in the exercise (forearm, shoulder, neck, back) and unnecessary movements.

Starting classes, pick up medium-sized balls. After you master the basic exercises, get a few pairs of balls different sizes for varying loads and performing exercises with 3-4 balls.

Try not to look at the balls, but listen carefully to the sensations in your hands.

The balls will fall frequently at the start of your workout, so use non-enamelled balls and do the exercise over a soft surface.

After class, the balls should be wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a dry place.

To avoid falling balls during the exercise, the movements should not be too fast.

Ideally, the balls should not touch each other when you roll them in the palm of your hand. Over time, you can add a third and even a fourth to a pair of balls.

When rolling balls, change hands often! During exercises, do not forget to alternate the load on the left and right hands, or do the exercises with both hands at once. At the same time, right-handers are recommended to give more load to the left hand, and left-handers, respectively, to the right. Thus, the balance of the cerebral hemispheres improves and the work of the corpus colossum, which is responsible for the connection between the hemispheres, is stimulated.

Preparatory exercises with health balls

Rub the ball with both hands

Take the ball, hold it between the palms and roll it first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Squeeze the ball in the center of the palm

Place the ball in the center of the palm, then freely cover it with all fingers and squeeze until severe numbness appears. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Take the ball in a pinch with five fingers

Freely open fingers need to grab the ball and squeeze it hard. The effort should be increased gradually until a feeling of severe numbness appears in the fingers. After that, relax your hand. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Rotate the ball with five fingers

Take the ball, hold it in your hand and rotate with all fingers. First clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Clamp the ball in the tiger's mouth

Four fingers are collected and connected, the thumb is set aside. The ball must be tightly squeezed in the "mouth of the tiger."

Tension and relaxation should be rhythmic. There should be a strong pull in the "mouth of the tiger" (the area between the thumb and forefinger).

Toss the ball continuously with one hand

The ball must be tossed with a slight spin, and each time the ball falls into the palm of the hand, it must be immediately squeezed with all fingers. When the ball falls on the palm, the laogong point is well stimulated. In the future, you can begin to concentrate on the feeling of the air gap between the ball and the palm at the moment when the ball flies up.

catch the ball

Take the ball in your hand, turning the brush palm down. Open your hand to make the ball fall, and immediately catch it.

Throw two balls

Both balls are in one palm. One ball is on four fingers, the other is at the base of the palm. With four fingers, one ball is thrown over the other so that the back moves forward and the balls change places.

Spin one ball

Perform rotational movements with one ball, transferring to it an impulse from rotary motion the wrists of your hand. With your thumb and little finger, adjust the movement of the ball so that it does not roll off the palm of your hand.

Hold two balls, spin one ball

Take the balls in your right hand. Use your ring, middle and index fingers to hold one of the balls in a stationary position. Use your thumb and little finger to move the other ball from your little finger to your thumb and back.

Basic exercises with health balls

Spin two balls

Step 1. Take the balls in your right hand. Arrange the balls as shown in the figure: one ball is in the center of the palm, the second is in the area of ​​​​the fingers. The fingers are slightly bent, the palm is relaxed.

Step 2. With your middle and index fingers move ball 2 closer to the thumb, and with the impulse from the rotational movement in the wrist move ball 1 closer to the little finger.

Step 3. With a slight pressure of the thumb on ball 2, press ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 4. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, move ball 2 to the thumb. Simultaneously with the movement of the thumb and a slight movement in the wrist area, move the ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 5. With a gentle and consistent movement of the little finger and index finger, return the balls to their original position.

Note: for beginners, the optimal direction of rotation of the balls is clockwise, if the balls are in right hand, and counterclockwise if the balls are in the left hand.

Rotation of two balls without touching each other

Take the balls in your hand. Ball 1 is located between the thumb and forefinger. Ball 2 is located at the base of the little finger and ring finger. In this initial position, the distance between the balls is maximum.

Step 1. Straighten your little finger and ring finger so that ball 2 rolls to the base of your fingers.

Step 2. With the movement of the index finger, direct the ball 1 to the base of the thumb.

Step 3. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, direct ball 2 towards the index finger. At the same time, move the thumb to direct the ball 1 to the center of the palm.

Step 4. Move ball 1 to the base of the little finger and ring finger, and ball 2 to the thumb and forefinger.

Step 5. With a gentle movement of the little finger and forefinger, return the balls to their original position.

Three ball spin

Take three balls. With the movement of the thumb, direct the ball 1 towards the little finger. With the movement of the little finger, direct the ball 2 towards the ring finger. Under the pressure of the other two balls, ball 3 will automatically move towards the thumb.

With the simultaneous movement of the index, middle and ring fingers, rolling one ball over the other two towards the base of the palm, you can change the direction of rotation of the balls.

Note: the three-ball exercise is best mastered with small balls, increasing the size of the balls as you acquire a stable motor skill.

Health balls and self-massage

Health balls can be effectively used for self-massage of the neck and back. Place the balls on any soft surface (bed, soft floor, etc.) and lie on your back so that the balls apply pressure to the area you are going to massage. Bend your knees and perform slow movements in the direction you want (up and down, etc.), massaging with the help of health balls problem area in the back or neck area.

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The well-known Chinese balls, rolling in the palms with a quiet tapping, are actually one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of "Health Balls" has many centuries. The first mention of them refers to the beginning of the reign of the imperial Ming dynasty, when steel balls with bells inside began to be produced in the city of Baoding. Due to the differences in sound, one of them was called the "Roaring Dragon", and the other - "The Singing Phoenix". However, the most numerous and useful in the application of stone balls. Jade balls are most often used, because jade has long been considered in China a symbol of perfection and a mineral that brings health. Initially, the balls were used by a narrow circle of martial arts students. With their help, the fighters trained their hands, restored joints and ligaments after injuries. "Health balls" served as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating the human energy base.

Over time, balloons have become very popular in China (and now around the world). It turned out that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of exercises with balls is explained by the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls affect the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, which improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

When practicing with Health Balls, you need to remember the following:

To obtain a healing effect, it is not necessary to perform virtuoso rotations. The simplest exercises will also bring benefits: rubbing the ball between the palms, rotating two balls in the palm of your hand.

Observe the regularity of classes, gradually increasing the load.

Alternate compression exercises with rotation exercises. Avoid tension in muscle groups not involved in the exercise (forearm, shoulder, neck, back) and unnecessary movements.

Starting classes, pick up medium-sized balls. After you master the basic exercises, get several pairs of balls of different sizes to vary the loads and perform exercises with 3-4 balls.

Try not to look at the balls, but listen carefully to the sensations in your hands.

The balls will fall frequently at the start of your workout, so use non-enamelled balls and do the exercise over a soft surface.

After class, the balls should be wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a dry place.

To avoid falling balls during the exercise, the movements should not be too fast.

Ideally, the balls should not touch each other when you roll them in the palm of your hand. Over time, you can add a third and even a fourth to a pair of balls.

When rolling balls, change hands often! During exercises, do not forget to alternate the load on the left and right hands, or do the exercises with both hands at once. At the same time, right-handers are recommended to give more load to the left hand, and left-handers, respectively, to the right. Thus, the balance of the cerebral hemispheres improves and the work of the corpus colossum, which is responsible for the connection between the hemispheres, is stimulated.

Preparatory exercises with health balls

Rub the ball with both hands

Take the ball, hold it between the palms and roll it first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Squeeze the ball in the center of the palm

Place the ball in the center of the palm, then freely cover it with all fingers and squeeze until severe numbness appears. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Take the ball in a pinch with five fingers

Freely open fingers need to grab the ball and squeeze it hard. The effort should be increased gradually until a feeling of severe numbness appears in the fingers. After that, relax your hand. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Rotate the ball with five fingers

Take the ball, hold it in your hand and rotate with all fingers. First clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Clamp the ball in the tiger's mouth

Four fingers are collected and connected, the thumb is set aside. The ball must be tightly squeezed in the "mouth of the tiger."

Tension and relaxation should be rhythmic. There should be a strong pull in the "mouth of the tiger" (the area between the thumb and forefinger).

Toss the ball continuously with one hand

The ball must be tossed with a slight spin, and each time the ball falls into the palm of the hand, it must be immediately squeezed with all fingers. When the ball falls on the palm, the laogong point is well stimulated. In the future, you can begin to concentrate on the feeling of the air gap between the ball and the palm at the moment when the ball flies up.

catch the ball

Take the ball in your hand, turning the brush palm down. Open your hand to make the ball fall, and immediately catch it.

Throw two balls

Both balls are in one palm. One ball is on four fingers, the other is at the base of the palm. With four fingers, one ball is thrown over the other so that the back moves forward and the balls change places.

Spin one ball

Perform rotational movements with one ball, transferring to it the impulse from the rotational movement of your wrist. With your thumb and little finger, adjust the movement of the ball so that it does not roll off the palm of your hand.

Hold two balls, spin one ball

Take the balls in your right hand. Use your ring, middle and index fingers to hold one of the balls in a stationary position. Use your thumb and little finger to move the other ball from your little finger to your thumb and back.

Basic exercises with health balls

Spin two balls

Step 1. Take the balls in your right hand. Arrange the balls as shown in the figure: one ball is in the center of the palm, the second is in the area of ​​​​the fingers. The fingers are slightly bent, the palm is relaxed.

Step 2. With your middle and index fingers move ball 2 closer to the thumb, and with the impulse from the rotational movement in the wrist move ball 1 closer to the little finger.

Step 3. With a slight pressure of the thumb on ball 2, press ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 4. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, move ball 2 to the thumb. Simultaneously with the movement of the thumb and a slight movement in the wrist area, move the ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 5. With a gentle and consistent movement of the little finger and index finger, return the balls to their original position.

Note: for beginners, the optimal direction of rotation of the balls is clockwise if the balls are in the right hand, and counterclockwise if the balls are in the left hand.

Rotation of two balls without touching each other

Take the balls in your hand. Ball 1 is located between the thumb and forefinger. Ball 2 is located at the base of the little finger and ring finger. In this initial position, the distance between the balls is maximum.

Step 1. Straighten your little finger and ring finger so that ball 2 rolls to the base of your fingers.

Step 2. With the movement of the index finger, direct the ball 1 to the base of the thumb.

Step 3. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, direct ball 2 towards the index finger. At the same time, move the thumb to direct the ball 1 to the center of the palm.

Step 4. Move ball 1 to the base of the little finger and ring finger, and ball 2 to the thumb and forefinger.

Step 5. With a gentle movement of the little finger and forefinger, return the balls to their original position.

Three ball spin

Take three balls. With the movement of the thumb, direct the ball 1 towards the little finger. With the movement of the little finger, direct the ball 2 towards the ring finger. Under the pressure of the other two balls, ball 3 will automatically move towards the thumb.

With the simultaneous movement of the index, middle and ring fingers, rolling one ball over the other two towards the base of the palm, you can change the direction of rotation of the balls.

Note: the three-ball exercise is best mastered with small balls, increasing the size of the balls as you acquire a stable motor skill.

Health balls and self-massage

Health balls can be effectively used for self-massage of the neck and back. Place the balls on any soft surface (bed, soft floor, etc.) and lie on your back so that the balls apply pressure to the area you are going to massage. Bend your knees and perform slow movements in the direction you need (up and down, etc.), massaging the problem area in the back or neck with the help of health balls.