Fighting overweight what to do. Lose weight go to the steam room or bath

Spring is coming, and once again we pose the question point-blank: how to lose weight? No wonder the numerous diets and tricky ways to bring yourself into good shape devoted to tons of literature. But we need ways that really work, and that do not have to exhaust ourselves with hunger! I have collected the most interesting and effective. Got 15.

1. Eat little and often. The body needs food every 3-4 hours, it is after such an interval that a slight feeling of hunger appears, which is better to satisfy, without waiting until it develops into a “big, real feeling”. It is good for digestion, metabolism, and for a healthy regimen, which is the basis of competent weight loss. If you eat strictly according to the schedule, then the body will begin to require food only at certain hours, and “for happiness” it will need a much smaller amount of it.

2. Pay attention to what you eat. In particular, the composition and calorie content of everything you eat. A classic example: every day you drink tea with sweets. In one candy - 15-20 kcal. For a year they turn into a kilogram or two of body fat. Overweight we owe to "fast" carbohydrates (sweets) and overly processed foods with a lot of fat and salt (fast food, sausages, sausages, etc.)

3. Make sure that the energy value of your diet does not fall below the mark of 1800 kcal and does not rise above 2000 kcal. Both are fraught for the figure. If you're on a healthy 1800 calorie diet, try to spread out about 400 cals each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and each of the 3 additional meals should have an energy value of about 200 cals.

4. When counting calories, do not forget to do fitness (jogging, exercise bike, aerobics, swimming), otherwise muscle mass will also go away along with fat. If you don’t have enough time for a fitness club, don’t be lazy to practice at home with video lessons.

5. Avoid stress! And do not hope that you can lose weight “on nerves” without harming your health. Stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol, which leads to increased appetite and, as a result, excess weight. Moreover, these "reserves" are deposited mainly in the abdomen. Not only does it spoil the figure, it also increases the risk of diabetes and cancer. It has been scientifically proven that physical activity increases stress resistance, and therefore make it a rule: if you are nervous, go ahead treadmill! It really helps.

6. Do not get carried away with protein diets. Yes, people on a low-carbohydrate protein diet are rapidly losing weight due to the loss of moisture. However, you will lose weight only for the first 2-3 weeks, and as a bonus you will get headaches, irritability and weakness. Diets individually appointed only by a specialist.

7. Try not to combine food intake with other activities (reading, watching TV). When our eyes look not at what is on the plate, but somewhere else, it becomes very difficult to control ourselves. As a result, we eat more than we need, and we get less pleasure. Yes, concentrating on food will be a little boring at first, but it will develop a healthy and cultural habit!

7. Wear tight clothes. When in the mirror you constantly see “rollers” of folds at the waist, or each time you hardly fasten your trousers, you won’t want to overeat once again. If you are embarrassed to wear tight-fitting in a public place, then resort to the trick used by Irina Ponarovskaya. She wears a gold chain around her waist. So every extra piece will instantly make itself felt.

8. Make it a rule to drink a glass of clean water in the morning and before every meal. Water in the morning has a beneficial effect on digestion, and water before meals dulls the feeling of hunger and partially fills the stomach.

9. Never skip breakfast. And in the morning you can afford both fats and sweets - the body still needs it. And it is most desirable to eat yogurt with bifidobacteria. There are statistics according to which people who eat 3 cans of this fermented milk product a day lose 60% more fat than those who simply cut their diet.

10. Show willpower and give up mayonnaise (100 g - about 700 kcal). Dress salads with yogurt-based sauces or a mixture of olive oil, soy sauce and vinegar (rice, balsamic). Such dressings are very tasty and do not exceed 150-200 kcal. Do you feel the difference?

11. Everyone seems to know what to eat thoroughly and thoroughly chewing. But how do you test yourself? There is a 20 minute rule. If you managed to dine in less than 20 minutes, the brain did not have time to receive the information that you had already eaten, and continues to demand “continuation of the banquet”. The feeling of satiety will arise in another 20 minutes, so wait and take your time to “lacquer” your dinner with a dense dessert.

12. Forget about the motto "All or nothing." Rigid diets won't do you any good. If you ate a piece of cake on the hunt - it's not scary. Have dinner with a glass of yogurt. But if the cake was for dinner, arrange a fasting day or “burn” extra calories in fitness classes.

13. Make it a habit to brush your teeth after eating. This is especially helpful when you are just starting to set a diet and keep track of calories: at first there will always be a feeling that you are not full. And a thorough brushing of your teeth and the subsequent feeling of cleanliness and freshness will beat off any desire to intercept another piece.

14. Be sure to get enough sleep, because prolonged sleep activates growth hormone, which, in turn, speeds up metabolism and helps with weight loss. And often remember the Chinese wisdom: "Nothing contributes to a slender figure like sleeping on an empty stomach."

15. Be realistic: you will not be able to lose weight immediately and forever. Of course, it is possible to lose weight quickly, but it is not necessary, because at what speed you dropped it, with such speed it will strive to return at any opportunity. In addition, it is pointless to try to remake your constitution and lose weight at the expense of health. As the song goes: “Girlfriend, girlfriend, believe me, a thin cow is not yet a gazelle” ...

Remember that no pills or “miracle compounds” will help you get rid of excess weight without compromising your health! In addition, almost all of them have side effects. If you are addicted to such drugs instead of proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life, then dehydration, heart problems, disorders of the central nervous system and other unpleasant "side effects" are provided to you! Therefore, if you have already decided to lose weight, lose weight systematically, and at the same time working on the figure so that the body is rebuilt slowly, and the body remains elastic and toned.

First of all, the fight against overweight is an internal competition between immoderate appetite and laziness on the one hand, and willpower on the other. Often the first two factors outweigh, because we see so many overweight people who would like to lose weight. Even ineffective ways to deal with excess weight give results, although it takes more time to achieve it.

The main thing is to force yourself to control your diet and diet, as well as make efforts by doing physical exercise. Depending on how strong the desire to bring your forms closer to ideal standards, the willpower necessary to work on yourself also increases.

To successfully lose weight, it is important to understand the process of excess fat formation. Almost all methods of losing weight are based on a greater expenditure of energy, after which the emphasis is on the components of the food consumed. The body accumulates fat when, after the consumption of nutrients from the blood by the cells of the body, some of them remain unclaimed. Hormonal disruptions, metabolic features, and simply reduced physical activity can contribute to this.

Part of the excess weight can be stagnant lymph and toxins coming from food, water and the polluted air we breathe. Accordingly, the solution to the problem of excess weight suggests itself - to force the body to expend more energy, while reducing the amount and calorie content of food.

Metabolism and breakdown of fat reserves - difficult process. Therefore, the fight against excess weight can be carried out different ways, which radically differ from each other in the rate of weight loss and possible undesirable consequences for the body.

The most popular ways to lose weight are diets, proper nutrition, physical exercises, drugs and dietary supplements, body shaping techniques, body wraps, baths, liposuction and even special breathing. Fear of possible dangers should not stop you from deciding to lose weight. After all, its presence also affects health. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of method.

Improper or excessive nutrition is the main cause of weight gain due to subcutaneous fat. It makes no sense to fight excess weight without changing the diet and diet, since the kilograms lost in any other way will soon return anyway. This is about developing new eating habits, not about a short-term diet, after which the fat returns in the same period.

The transition to a new diet usually takes about 2-3 months. After all, you need to not only get used to eating new dishes, but also learn how to cook them, find these products (after all, some of them might not be included in your diet at all), study information about the calorie content and compatibility of each of them.

The habit of eating legibly is developed in 2-4 weeks. The main effort will go to learning how to buy products in advance, from which you can cook healthy meals. The lack of consistency in this matter leads to the fact that on an empty stomach, having gone shopping at the nearest supermarket, many temporarily abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss, if only to eat something faster, such as a bun, a chocolate bar.

The blood is most quickly saturated with nutrients due to food rich in carbohydrates. A lot of goodies fall under this category, which are so difficult to part with. Foods rich in carbohydrates are, first of all, sweets, cakes, soda drinks, flour products. This also includes potatoes, pasta, corn flakes, buckwheat and oatmeal, rice. Eating right, you do not need to completely deny yourself such food, but you will have to severely limit consumption.

A limited influx of carbohydrates is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, potatoes, cereals, rice and even flour products must be present in the diet (although it is better to refuse the latter for the period of weight loss).

Since nutrients must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, it is most reasonable to replace high-calorie foods eating less calories. That is, instead of sweets, there are fruits, instead of fatty or fried foods - vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil. Fat pork prefer dietary chicken, veal or rabbit meat. Such a “substitution” of the usual components of the diet deprives the body of excess nutrients that could settle on the sides, stomach and other prominent places in the form of folds.

Active struggle with excess weight means that every time you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger that does not cause discomfort in the stomach or headache. Not too annoying desire to eat is necessary to create a gap between the energy expended and the calorie content of the food consumed. The lack of calories will be covered by lipolysis - the breakdown of one's own fat reserves.

If we approach this issue from the point of view of calculating kilocalories, then, for example, for a person with an energy consumption rate of 2000 kcal, the deficit should be no more than 400 kcal. A significant restriction in food, as happens with diets, adversely affects the state of health, causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, reduces performance and slows down thinking.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the consumed products, but also to prepare them correctly. Even in such a matter as dressing salad, you need to know how to reduce its calorie content without adding ballast and pollutants to your food. Dress the salad with olive or sunflower oil, since vegetable fats do not contribute to the deposition of excess weight to the same extent as fatty mayonnaise, sour cream, or sauces that also contain preservatives, dyes, etc.

Second courses should be steamed or stewed, and frying should be avoided if possible. The latter processing method enriches the dish with carcinogens and slags.

Nutrition is only the first step on the way to a slim body without extra pounds. Success will ensure an integrated approach to solving the problem. Going much faster towards the intended goal will turn out if you also devote time to physical activity.

Everyone who visited a fitness club noticed how fit athletic bodies at the instructors. This is because sport is their job, which they do every day. It is not necessary to set a high bar for yourself, namely the achievement of such a perfect body as professional athletes. You can simply bring the figure into shape, save the heart from unnecessary stress and attract the attention of men, women big belly, A toned body and self-confidence.

Therefore, in order not to have to severely restrict yourself in food, trying to create a calorie deficit, you can simply increase their consumption through regular exercise. An effective fight against excess weight is possible with the use of any type of training, provided that they last at least 50 minutes and at least 3 times a week.

So that there is no desire to stop at the very beginning, you need to choose such exercises that you will like. This is very important, because it is difficult for a person who is used to leading a passive lifestyle to get his muscles to work regularly. Running causes the highest energy expenditure, since it simultaneously involves almost all muscle groups. Calories are also burned quickly when cycling, swimming and walking up stairs or a path towards an elevation.

Welcome to classes in gym, aerobics, jumping rope and team games in the hall (volleyball, football, basketball, tennis). It is worth noting that indoor training is possible in any weather, plus there is always a company in the fitness room, and you don’t have to do it alone. Such classes are carried out according to a schedule, which disciplines a person who decides to fight excess weight with the help of sports. For a beginner, the presence of an instructor is important, who will show you how to do the exercises correctly, breathe correctly.

In cases where accumulations of fat have gathered in one area, the situation will have to be corrected only with the help of exercises. When the fight against excess weight is carried out in a certain area, the muscles of this part of the body should work first of all. That is, to combat fat deposits in the buttocks and hips, you will have to do squats, jumping rope, swing your legs back and forth, right and left for 1 hour 3 times a week.

If unaesthetic folds have formed on the stomach or on the back in the waist area, on the sides, the training consists of a set of exercises for this part of the body. The folds on the abdomen are removed by lifting the torso from the supine position, which we all do not like since school physical education lessons. To perform such an exercise at home, you need a partner who will hold your legs. For a full workout, you can go to the gym, where there are special reclining benches with the possibility of fixing the feet.

Fat in the lower abdomen is removed by lifting the legs from a prone position. To work out the oblique muscles of the sides, you need to raise the body in an exercise for upper press take the body to the sides alternately, slightly turning the body. The muscles on the sides also tighten when tilting to the right and left. Just for efficiency this exercise you need to take in your hand weighting in the form of a kettlebell, dumbbell or pancake for a barbell weighing 5-7 kg.

At first, training can take no more than 40 minutes. As endurance increases, their duration is adjusted to 1 hour. Scientists have found that only after 20-25 minutes of intense training, the body begins to consume its own lipid reserves. First of all, the fat of that part of the body is consumed, the muscles of which work most intensively. At regular workouts You can not go on a diet, depriving the body of nutrients. On the contrary, nutrition should be complete and balanced, only portions should be smaller.

Naturally, not everyone likes physical activity. There may simply not be enough time, knowledge, how to properly influence a certain muscle group. Lack of desire to attend training does not mean that you can forget about slender body. You just need to choose a method that requires minimal effort.

Weight loss in a beauty salon

The least effort will have to be made to combat excess weight in beauty salon. This does not mean that you can continue to eat whatever you want, overeat, and lead a sedentary lifestyle. With such habits overweight will still return, even if it can be removed by procedures and hardware impact. But still, body shaping with the help of specialists in the field of cosmetology gives results faster than self-improvement. We are talking about wrapping procedures, baths with the addition of essential oil or other substances that accelerate lipolysis, mesotherapy with drugs that destroy the walls of fat cells, and devices for cavitation, pressotherapy and LPG massage.

Anti-cellulite wraps can also be considered, as well as an option to combat excess weight, since they necessarily lead to the effect of reducing weight due to warming and accelerating the metabolism in the upper layer of adipose tissue. The use of essential oils of orange, grapefruit, geranium not only improves the condition of the skin, but also accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. For noticeable result conduct a course of up to 10 wraps, in which it is possible to change the substance applied to the skin. If accumulations of excess fat are only in certain areas, then not the whole body can be wrapped, but only problematic parts.

A course of mesotherapy is also prescribed for weight loss, among other purposes. In this case, through short needles inserted where excess fat has accumulated, a mixture of drugs enters that break down fat cells, forcing the fat to enter the intercellular space. From there, it, together with the remnants of the administered chemical preparation, is removed with the outflow of lymph. Thus, part of the fat cells is destroyed and is no longer restored. Even with the wrong diet, weight gain will be slower (although it's better to change your eating habits and keep slim figure). With the help of mesotherapy, it is possible to remove accumulations of fat in certain areas in several sessions.

Like mesotherapy, cavitation destroys fat cells, only through ultrasonic vibrations emitted by the working head of the device. Of course, these procedures cannot be considered as a method of combating excess weight in obesity of the whole body, but only as effective method figure correction in certain places. It is not used to reduce weight by 15-20 kg or more. The destruction of fat cells with ultrasound allows you not to injure other tissues (including the skin), nerve endings and blood vessels. The procedure does not cause much discomfort to the patient and does not require a rehabilitation period.

The fight against excess weight should be stretched over time, and not take place in record time. Slow weight loss accustoms a person to a new diet and physical activity, so it will be easier to maintain a taut figure in the future.

Interview for "Women's Journal" with Sviyash A.G. , Kyiv

Why do you think women, even when they are getting fat, keep talking about how they are losing weight? Why is this one of the main problems in our heads - in your opinion? Is it profitable for us to look for diets, discuss them, try them? Is it a way of communication or personal complexes? Is life a struggle? Or is this a game?

Absolutely all people in their behavior are guided by typical attitudes (stereotypes, unconscious programs or beliefs). This is very convenient, because we do not need to make a choice every second, we make decisions automatically, unconsciously, based on these attitudes.

For example, having met a friend, we greet him, and we expect him to also greet us (and not spit at us, for example).

This kind of unconscious behavior is very convenient because you don't have to waste energy on constant decision-making (remember how tired you feel when you walk around the store for several hours trying to choose the right thing for you). And it's safe¸ because you can easily predict other people's behavior.

On the other hand, such unconscious behavior sometimes creates many problems for us. For example, with our weight. Two hundred years ago, women had no idea how much they should weigh, and what figure they should have - these issues were indecent even to discuss.

Today the situation has changed. Women flaunted their bodies, and stereotypes immediately formed in this area. Their sources are very different.

One of them, in my opinion, was the body shape of girls demonstrating clothes - models. Designers chose the thinnest girls possible so that people would look at the clothes and not be distracted by the models. The hanger, even if it is self-propelled, should not draw the attention of the audience. But women unconsciously associated beautiful clothes with the shape of the model's body, and as a result, the former "clothes hangers" became a symbol of female beauty. And all women began to strive to be like models.

And it is very difficult to lose weight, because other manufacturers of goods have already baked, accumulated or fried a huge amount of very tasty products, and in every way they inspire us to buy and eat all this (remember the New Year's selling hysteria). They are helped by our instincts, which say: "if you successful man- confirm this, eat your fill. Only unsuccessful, busy survival people can't afford to eat well." If you remember, in the East, the weight of a person still indicates the level of his well-being. And in Japan, they try to touch a fat person - in order to recharge their luck from him.

So one “need to be thin and lean” program inside us is fighting with another “eat when you can afford it” program. Well, the internal struggle always leads to discontent, the origins of which are sometimes difficult to understand. You can talk a lot about diets and excess weight, but unconsciously confirm your well-being - through weight.

- What lessons does Life give us if we are unhappy with our appearance? The desire to be, like, for example, Twiggy - is this an idealization?

Twiggy herself is just a very small, delicate woman. But through the efforts of the media, she became an idol, which millions of women aspire to be like. They strive unconsciously, working out the new attitude inspired by them: “you can be successful in life (marry a prince, achieve success in your career) if you look like Twiggy.”

By itself, this is just an attitude, like "say hello when you meet a friend."

But an attempt to change your body, to make it thin, meets the resistance of an organism that wants to live, that is, to eat. This resistance leads to lingering self-judgment. And this is, if you remember, idealization. The essence of which is no longer achieving the desired weight, but the very process of fighting with your body.

Let me briefly remind you that idealization is an idea that is excessively important for a person, if it is violated, he plunges into long-term experiences. In this case, we are talking about the idealization of their appearance. The media imposed the idea (setting, stereotype) that "you can consider yourself beautiful if you have a shape of 90-60-90 and weigh no more than 50 kg."

This is impossible for physiological reasons for most women, but the attitude is so strong that a person is guided by it unconsciously, without thinking about where it came from and whether it can be realized. There is no time to think, you need to work out the installation! So the struggle with your body begins, accompanied by endless experiences.

And, as you know, what you fight with, you get again and again.

Outwardly, it looks as if some external force (God, Life, evil forces) endlessly pokes your nose into your weight and says: “Do you condemn this? Judgment is a sin. Accept and love yourself. Until you do this, you will gain your weight again and again.

In fact, there is no such external force. We ourselves are unconsciously carried away by the process of struggle and forget about the final result. The process of struggle becomes much more interesting than the result.

After all, the struggle is a process of overcoming, these are strong emotions, this is development, this is life! The result itself against the background of the struggle is boring and often not needed, because after it life will become insipid and uninteresting. Especially if there are no other equally significant goals. Therefore, while you are passionate about wrestling, it can be very difficult to achieve a result.

One woman once told such a story. She spent 15 years trying to lose the "extra" 12 kilograms. diet, nutritional supplements, special clothes, fasting, sports - everything has been tried with zero results. At the same time, the rest of her life was quite normal for her - she is a mother of two children, a good relationship with her husband, a good career at work.

Then, at some point, she got tired of it all. And she said to herself: “That's enough. Let them suffer, looking at me, fat. I wanted the best, but nothing worked out for me. I don't pay attention to my weight anymore." And she abandoned all her diets and diets. Of course, the accumulated experience did not allow her to overeat, but she stopped paying attention to her weight and allowed herself many food pleasures.

A month later, she noticed that the clothes became too big for her. She stepped on the scales and was surprised to find that she had lost the much desired 15 kg before, without making the slightest effort for this! Her goal was realized as soon as she stopped fighting with her body. When she approached her husband and said that she had lost 15 kg, he replied: “Honey, maybe you are sick? You need to eat well so you don't get sick. Please eat well, I'm worried about you and your health."

And she felt great annoyance with herself for having spent a huge amount of effort, time and money on something that no one really needed. She was just unconsciously working out an external attitude about what a woman should be. Although her husband loved her for who she was in reality, and not in her fantasies.

- Maybe, losing weight, we adapt to the standard, but in fact we can change these standards ourselves?

I think it's time for women to stop being robots, unconsciously working out the attitudes invested in them regarding body shape and weight. We must learn to live intelligently, using the ability to think given to us from birth. And choose for yourself what figure and what weight you are more comfortable to have.

When you see a dozen or two identical slender girls on the screen (for example, in backup dancers), you get the feeling that they are cloned and grown in the same incubator.

Since the form is the same, the content is apparently the same. Like soldiers in the army. There are no Personalities in the army, there are dumb executors of other people's commands, robots (ideally, of course),Do you want to be a robot mindlessly following other people's instructions? Most likely no. You want love, happiness, personal well-being, awareness of your exclusivity, don't you? But only the Personality can claim this. The robot does not have its own desires, it executes other people's commands.

If you want to be a Personality and build your own life, and not be a blind executor of other people's settings, then start thinking. And the easiest step on this path is to decide for yourself what weight and what forms you consider acceptable and achievable for yourself. Most likely, they will differ from the stereotypes imposed from the outside. And then you build a plan to achieve this result. And slowly go to him, not feeling the slightest dissatisfaction with yourself about your current state.

- You focus on the right relationships not only with other people, the world around you, but also with yourself. In particular, it is about self-love. Do we, poor women, need to suffer, go on diets, deny ourselves edible pleasures, or is it enough to love ourselves for who we are? You look - and others will like you, and no one will notice that you have 100 kg in weight, will you seem like a reed in their eyes?

The movement towards any results should begin with self-love, then these results will come to you easily, effortlessly. We tend to think the other way around: Why love me now? If I lose 20 kg, then I will be worthy of love.

This is mistake. Even if you inadvertently lose 20 kg, you will immediately find spots on your skin, insufficiently white teeth, bad hair or something else. And the fascinating process of fighting with yourself will continue indefinitely.

No external victories are needed to give up the fight, everything necessary for a truce is always in your head. You just need to give yourself a command, and the struggle will stop. It's not very easy, but it's possible.

More often this is done out of desperation (as in the example above), but you can not wait for this unpleasant event. And just tell yourself not to worry about your weight anymore. And to make sure that your vain mind no longer burdens you with these thoughts and experiences is not at all difficult. The solution to the problem of weight is not in activity, but in the way of thinking, in changing the attitude towards oneself.

- We often, looking in the mirror, say to ourselves: I'm so fat, I'm ugly, again the waist is not visible, and so on. What consequences can expect us for such "orders", and how to resist them?

If you tell yourself that "I'm fat, I'm ugly", then you condemn yourself for something bad that you did (for example, you failed to reach the desired weight, were lazy, etc.). You are to blame, and the guilty must be punished, we know this from childhood. As a result, you unconsciously create a punishment-waiting mode in yourself, and your subconscious mind finds a way to create trouble for you.

That is, many (not all!) of our troubles are the result of our own unconscious expectation of punishment for our bad behavior (for example, for overeating).

What can be done about it? Stop thinking bad about yourself. To do this, you need to fill your head with positive statements (affirmations), displacing negative thoughts about yourself with them. For example, it could be thoughts like “I am delighted with myself! I approve of all my actions! I accept my body and ask for forgiveness from him for my condemnation. IM proud of myself! I am delighted with myself! I approve of all my actions! I'm great!".

It is clear that at first such thoughts will cause you disgust, headache, up to nausea. Don't worry, it will pass quickly. A couple of hours of repeating positive affirmations will make you feel better. And then they will become part of your way of thinking, positive thinking. And since you think positively, you will not feel guilty and you will not need to punish yourself, that is, create trouble for yourself. Problems will go away from you, you will joyfully sail on the waves of life.

And if you sincerely want to change your weight in this state, then your subconscious mind will immediately find a way to do it. in the best way. It is clear that this will not happen by magic, but you will have to make very real efforts (use diets, exercise, etc.), but you will do all this with pleasure, and excellent results will not be long in coming.

But this will not happen until you change your attitude towards yourself and your body. Otherwise, some very smart fighters with their bodies will immediately decide: “well, I agree to mumble your stupid affirmations for two hours a day, if only I lose weight.” Such bargaining does not take place.

First, you completely remove the condemnation of your body and begin to love yourself with all your splendor, despite the attempts of the media and your acquaintances to hang on you some kind of installation about your imperfection. And then, if you need it for some reason, you can change your weight. Chances are you won't even need it - why change what you love?

Although, in order not to upset others, or to become more attractive to men who are also duped by media propaganda, you can slightly adjust your weight.

- Is it possible to lose extra pounds through psychological beliefs, to build up (I don’t mean Dovzhenko coding or hypnosis)?

External coding usually only helps people who are gullible, with low internal criticality. It must be said that women are by nature more open to external guidance than men. Therefore, if you are not very critical, then you can successfully use both the methods of external introduction into your subconsciousness of weight loss settings, and the methods of self-programming, for example, according to the method of M. Norbekov. It helps uncritical people achieve desired result. Provided, of course, that they need this result.

What I mean? Some time ago, a woman asked me for advice about her overweight. She tried all known methods of losing weight - shaping, fasting, diets, nutritional supplements, etc. The result - for ten years of fighting with herself, she added another 15 kg to herself.

Moreover, the weight was added even when they were on a strict diet and ate a couple of crackers or a few dried fruits a day. The result is fantastic, contrary to all the laws of materialistic science! Weight arose as if from nothing! In fact, apparently, her body assimilated and translated into body fat energy that he received from the environment with breathing and in sleep.

So, I immediately tried to find out why she needs to lose weight? And what will happen when she achieves such a desired result? The answers to these questions were very vague. The situation became extremely clear - in fact, the woman categorically did not want to lose weight.

She is a housewife, raised three children, her husband makes good money and supports the family. She had her first child immediately after graduation, that is, she did not work a single day. While the children were small, she was in demand. When the children grew up and became independent, she was not "in business", unclaimed. She is afraid to go to work, to do her own business, too, to bring up no one else (except for her husband, perhaps). She does not know how to sit idle, she has not been trained since childhood. What is she now, to die at her 45 years old, or something (as pensioners often do after retirement)?

It was quite a stressful situation, and she quickly found a way out of it - she began to fight with her body. Often wealthy women in such a situation fall ill and heroically fight for their health, completely unwilling to recover.

Here, an easier option was chosen - the fight against excess weight (with a sincere unconscious desire to never win it). When she realized these processes, we jointly began to look for a way out of this situation. And it is obvious - you need to make sure that she has some other exciting business in her life, and she does not need to cling to her weight at any cost.

We mapped out steps months in advance, and she went off to do them. I am sure that her weight will go away as soon as it becomes a real obstacle to her on the way to new goals. Unless, of course, she derives other benefits from it (they were not viewed here).

What is meant by "other benefits"? The fact that being overweight gives many women unconscious benefits, which he is not willing to give up in exchange for weight loss. Therefore, the weight does not decrease.

Here are a few of these benefits:

Being overweight makes it possible to fill your life with meaning, gives you a purpose in life, demand, the opportunity to develop and communicate with new people (as in the example above);

You can blame your failures on excess weight, otherwise there would be discomfort from having to take responsibility for them;

Being overweight allows you to avoid the stress of disappointment in the arrangement of your personal life (if I lose weight, then I will get married. But internally I am not at all ready to join the struggle for building a family life due to low self-esteem. While I am overweight, with personal life you can not fuss);

Excess weight helps to avoid the stress associated with the desired changes in life (change of job, divorce, etc..). You want to change something, but are afraid to do it, and blame it on your weight why you do not make these changes;

Often overweight is the result of improperly constructed communication, which consists in feasts or visits to restaurants. If you eat less, you will lose some (if not all!) of communication, and you can’t think of anything in return. Therefore, you are doomed to be overweight;

The very process of eating food leads to an outflow of blood to the stomach, and restless thoughts calm down in the head. If you don’t know how to live in peace with yourself and the people around you (you have a lot of idealizations for which you fight endlessly), then you will unconsciously push another piece into your mouth all the time to calm down. That is, here the benefit is not in weight, but in the process of calming down with the help of food, and excess weight is a consequence of these processes.

This is only part of the hidden benefits that women receive along with their kilograms. And these benefits turn out to be stronger than all diets and shaping, so the most effective weight loss methods for others (!) Slow down on you. And so it will continue until you realize these benefits and make sure that you no longer need them.

- Maybe you can justify us, and tell us how to deal with body fat, and so that the fight does not become a fixed idea, but leads to the desired results? Think of affirmations? Draw yourself? Hang a target portrait above the bed? And live and rejoice: good man should be a lot?

You again ask about what needs to be done. But, most likely, many women have already tried all this. Therefore, I suggest that they DO nothing for the next two or three months to reduce weight. More precisely, do not do anything new on this topic in relation to what you are doing now.

And they themselves start to think.

Why do you need your overweight?

What benefits do you get from having it?

Where does your weight fit into your value system?

And are you ready to sacrifice part of work, communication, raising children, or something else very important to you in order to lose weight?

Are you ready for the changes that come with weight loss?

What will you do, what will you do?

Why aren't you doing it now?

Does being overweight prevent other women from doing what you plan to do after losing weight?

If not, are you not being cunning with yourself?

Are you ready for internal changes, are you aware of their consequences?

Or would you prefer to brush aside these thoughts and start eating another batch of supplements?

This will mean that you are not ready to lose weight, nothing more.

Find the answers to these questions, and you will understand why you have created yourself overweight. And why categorically are not ready to get rid of it.

If you understand this and change your guidelines, then any technique known to you will help you lose weight - it has helped many other women who do not cling to their weight. Or he will leave you, as in the first example. Good luck on your path to an intelligent life that you have not tried before.

Questions were asked by E. Kirichenko

Where do extra pounds come from? It's your kitchen's fault! The very device of this room makes you overeat or chew biscuits at night. However, everything can be fixed so that by the beginning of the beach season you will be in great shape.
To - use 5 original ways to deal with excess weight and centimeters at the waist.

Each of the five methods is a small psychological trick that works effectively not only for the benefit of your figure, but also for your health in general.

  • Keep as few processed and unhealthy foods as possible in the refrigerator. Sometimes, we want to eat, and we grab bread and sausage. But if in their place - only cucumbers or apples, a snack will only benefit;
  • gold-rimmed saucers are an elegant way to cheat your appetite. Dishes with a gold pattern cannot be put in the microwave, which means that we are more likely to miss an unscheduled meal than arrange a whole story with warming yesterday's pasta and cutlets.
    By the way, this is also a good test: if you don’t feel like warming up, then the feeling of hunger is not so strong;
  • seeds, and cookies - out of sight. When “small food” lies in plain sight, we will probably take a couple of things. And, by the way, they are high in calories! And hardly, we will limit ourselves to a couple of things, the temptation is too great.
  • instead of chairs - stools. The less comfortable the furniture, the faster you want to get up and go about your business. It happens that we spend more time at the table because we are too lazy to get up. In the meantime, we sit - eat and eat;
  • we are usually easily tempted to food that is in plain sight. Therefore, move the most high-calorie foods to the back wall of the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. And at eye level, put dietary and healthy. It is proved that such a cute “deception” works!

Look at 100%! or look at all 100 kg - it's up to you to choose! Do you want to become beautiful, charming, with an attractive figure? First, curb your appetite!


Excess weight- it is always a health hazard, and no matter how much it is in your body. A lot of excess weight means a lot of risks of diseases. Another side of this problem is the psychological denial of oneself by many overweight people. It is often difficult for owners of a magnificent figure to be successful, as their self-esteem is underestimated due to an inferiority complex about appearance. But at whatever stage your weight is, there is always a solution. The article contains the answers of nutritionists, psychologists and fitness instructors to the most important questions about how to get the figure of your dreams.

Reasons for being overweight

Among the causes of excess body weight, there are those that do not depend on us. This is a genetic predisposition and endocrine diseases. For such people, ordinary diets or exercise cannot help; they need a specialized program.

For most people, the reason for the appearance of excess weight is one or more of the following factors.

  1. Lifestyle. The current generation of people leads a physically passive life. Many professions are associated with sedentary work. When resting, a person also prefers to be at rest. Reducing the calorie content of food is not accepted. Food has become another way to unwind, which is lacking. motor activity often develops into obesity.
  2. Eating behavior. Eating habits are one of the main causes of extra pounds. The constant fuss has taught people to eat whatever they want and when they have to. We skip breakfast and lunch, but during dinner we eat for the whole day. Due to the lack of time, the norm has become to neglect natural food in favor of semi-finished products, easy to store and prepare, and fast food.
  3. Unmet needs. Food has become a universal substitute for many human needs. For example, wanting to experience something new, a person tries an unfamiliar dish. Wanting to improve his status, he visits prestigious restaurants. Often these needs have nothing to do with food, but food is always available, in contrast to what a person actually needs.
  4. Stress and nervous shocks. Experts have identified a link between stress and the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. When we are overcome by unpleasant thoughts, tension, dissatisfaction with life, anxiety, a special enzyme is produced in the body, which is responsible for the binding and deposition of fat around internal organs. The more stress you experience, the greater the risk of obesity of the internal organs.
  5. Lack of sleep and quality rest. Constant lack of sleep provokes the release of hormones that are involved in the accumulation of fat and lead to. Fat man often perceived as worthless. Therefore, he tries to become more active and prove that he is not lazy. Such hyperactivity requires constant replenishment. As a result, a person grows fat even more and falls into a vicious circle.

Excess weight - diseases

  • The cardiovascular system suffers from excess mass first of all. Overweight provoke an increase in pressure and heart disease, angina pectoris, stroke.
  • The risk of diabetes in overweight people is twice as high as in slender people.
  • The greater the weight of a person, the more it creates a load on the knee and hip joints resulting in osteoarthritis.
  • Obese men are often familiar with erectile dysfunction. fat women have difficulty conceiving. And excess weight during pregnancy is almost always associated with complications in the development of the child.
  • About 20% of people with cancer are overweight. There are types of cancer that are caused specifically by obesity: tumors in the uterus, ovaries, breast, gallbladder, colon in women and cancer of the prostate, rectum and colon in men. The more fat in the human body, the more difficult it is to diagnose cancer early.
  • Snoring is often associated with being overweight. This is a manifestation of such a disease as sleep apnea. Apnea also provokes short stops in the breathing of a sleeping person, during which the body remains without oxygen. Sleep apnea does not bring proper rest.
  • Fat stores are a common cause of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Nutritionists develop a nutrition program for a person, guided by the individual characteristics of his body and lifestyle. As a rule, when we hear about nutritionists, we imagine that their job is to create a nutrition plan. However, representatives of this profession are primarily doctors who understand how dangerous excess weight is for health. Before talking about the diet for a particular patient, a nutritionist prescribes a series of medical examinations.

To independently determine the amount of excess weight in yourself, take a test to identify it on one of the Internet resources. On the site with the test, you will also find a description of the group to which you belong, and general recommendations to correct your figure: lose or gain body weight.

What excess weight is considered the most dangerous? Any body fat that goes beyond the norm increases the risk of diseases.

What competent doctors from different countries advise to do fat people, to lose weight? Of course, they are all against most diets that can be found in abundance on the Internet. Such diets, even if they help to lose a couple of kilograms, will seriously harm your health. Sharp weight loss always occurs due to a decrease in muscle, not adipose tissue.

After leaving the express or mono diet, kilograms return in almost 100% of cases. Having lost muscles during weight loss, you quickly get adipose tissue in their place. The result of strict diets - aggravation of the problem of excess weight, slowing down metabolism, the development of diseases gastrointestinal tract and other ailments, deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, depression.

American dietitian Mike Dansinger does not convince overweight people to immediately go to the doctor. Even with obesity, the first stage of weight loss can be completed without the supervision of a specialist. It is better not to trust information from the Internet and buy a book from a trusted author in a bookstore. Guided by it, you can correct the shortcomings in your diet and take the first step towards harmony.

But the role of the doctor in the process of losing weight is sometimes very important. If you do not have iron willpower, a nutritionist can be someone for you to whom you will feel responsible and not allow yourself to break. Even better, find a nutrition instructor who will be with you throughout the weight loss period.

There are many ways to reduce body weight. If one does not suit you, then do not immediately despair. A conversation with a nutritionist will help you decide on the program that will finally lead to success.

Every nutritionist is aware that weight loss is complex. In addition to changes in the plan of food intake, you need to ensure that you have enough. Doctors ask you not to be immediately afraid of those who are "you" with sports. You can start with the usual half-hour walk a day, gradually increasing its pace. This good exercise on initial stage, especially when big weight. After a few days, increase your walking time to an hour and then stick to a 7-day walking plan per week.

When the weight starts to decrease, you will feel how much easier it has become for you to exercise. Slowly introduce exercises with light dumbbells (0.5-1 kg), running. Do not stand still and increase the load so that your body does not stop in losing weight. Enjoy the movement. As a result, playing sports will not be a punishment, but a pleasant and useful way to spend time.

It is often difficult to find support in your struggle for harmony. The people around us get used to our fullness and do not believe in a miraculous transformation. And if you have made several unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, then this distrust only grows. Close people do not understand the importance of this event for you, so they will eat high-calorie food with you, and many will tempt you to treat yourself.

Experienced professionals recommend in such cases to seek support outside the family. Many women don't mind joining groups to visit. On Internet forums, people are looking for like-minded people to go on a diet together and compare results. You can find motivational videos about people who have managed their weight. There are many little tricks that will make your path to slimness easier. We will talk about them in the following sections of the article.

General rules of nutrition for weight loss

1. Don't starve. Starvation causes many disorders in the body, as a result of which it becomes very difficult to lose weight.

2. Count calories. First, determine your metabolic rate. You can take the test on one of the sites dedicated to metabolism. Once you know your daily caloric intake to keep your body going, multiply it by your activity factor. This coefficient depends on the physical activity that you are exposed to every day. All the necessary data will be available to you on the test website. Subtract 500 calories from the result obtained - this is exactly the energy value your menu should have so that the body begins to give up fat reserves.

3. Stick to a diet. This is 5-6 meals a day with an interval of 2-3 hours. This is a mandatory breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light dinner. Plan your last meal 2-3 hours before bed. To prevent excess weight, after 20.00 in the evening, eat only low-fat dairy products.

4. Distribute foods so that you get complex carbohydrates, protein and some fat in the morning. For lunch, cook meat or fish with vegetables. Dinner is best done with protein - lean fish, cottage cheese, low-fat dairy products. For a person losing weight, the proportion of slow carbohydrates should be 50% of the diet, the proportion of protein - 30-40%, fat - 10-20%.

5. Observe the correct water balance of the body. The lack of water makes a person lethargic, irritable, reduces his ability to mental and physical labor, provokes headaches and other ailments. If you drink less than 1.5 liters of fluid per day, most likely your body feels a lack of moisture. During the period of weight loss, water is an integral component of the entire weight loss system, because it facilitates the elimination of the breakdown of fat cells.

Weight loss - change your habits

  • Eat only while sitting. This will allow you to concentrate on the meal and not overeat, which happens when we snack on the run.
  • Go to the store only after eating, because hunger forces us to take food in excess. Take a piece of paper with the ingredients written on it, and don't buy anything that isn't on the list.
  • Put each product on a separate plate. Scientists have found that more food can be eaten from one container. Several plates create the illusion of more food, and the person does not end up eating too much.
  • Do not take a supplement even if you do not feel full after a meal. Let this be an unbreakable rule. If the urge to eat is overwhelming, make a promise to yourself that you will have a snack 20 minutes after eating. As a rule, it is during this time that the feeling of satiety comes.
  • Eat in peace. Watching a movie or reading a book is a big distraction from eating. As a result, you may not even notice how the food disappears from the plate. There will be a feeling of psychological hunger, which is quenched by a new portion of the dish.
  • Have something in reserve for snack time. It can be yogurt, a glass of kefir, a handful of nuts, fruits. If there was nothing at hand, and the body requires food, it is likely that instead of a light meal you will offer him high-calorie food.
  • Eat slowly and chew each bite for a long time. This will allow you to feel full faster, as well as feel the true taste of food.

Overweight - a diet based on proper nutrition

Like a slender person, an overweight person needs. The lack of one or another element will affect appearance, well-being, health and weight loss itself. Let's talk about healthy food and special products that contribute to the breakdown and removal of fat cells.

1. Vegetables should make up a third of your total daily ration. These are a variety of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, etc. But it is better to refuse products such as beets, potatoes, legumes, pumpkin, turnips, because they contain a lot of carbohydrates and starch.

2. Fish is the richest source of useful elements. By choosing lean varieties, you will provide yourself with high-quality protein with a minimum fat content.

3. Giving up meat is a big mistake many people make when following strict diets. In addition to the protein itself, which is indispensable for the body when losing weight, you must receive a complete set of amino acids. Meat contains amino acids that cannot be obtained from other foods. Eat only lean and natural meats. It is better to cook dishes from it without oil and hot spices, which provoke appetite.

4. Bird - the best option for a diet. Experts recommend buying a sirloin or breast without skin. There are many options for cooking poultry meat, and with its regular use, your body will receive valuable animal protein.

5. Fatty acids are also needed by the body during weight loss. The complete exclusion of fat from the menu is a big mistake of losing weight. Without fatty acids, the absorption of nutrients from food is impossible. Fill salads with a spoonful of vegetable oil or lean sour cream.

6. Dairy products will be beneficial due to their high protein content and low fat content. During the period of weight loss, dairy and sour-milk products should have a fat content of no more than 2.5%.

7. A little low-calorie sweets will not hurt the process of losing weight. We are talking about products such as marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallows. It is also not worth it to abuse these delicacies. But you can’t completely deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating something delicious with tea - this will negatively affect your mood. A positive attitude is the key to success. Nutritionists advise periodically eating a cube of bitter chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants, or a spoonful.

Various experts advise products, the use of which is especially useful for burning body fat:

  • a pineapple;
  • citrus fruit;
  • olives and oil from them (in small quantities);
  • green tea;
  • garlic, onion, mint, parsley, coriander;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • hot peppers.

Getting rid of excess weight - cheating hunger

Little tricks will help you cheat hunger, and after a while they will become healthy habits that will not let you eat too much.

  • Before a big feast, drink a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink. This will moderate your desire to pounce on all the unimaginable dishes from the festive table.
  • Eat a cup of vegetable or chicken broth at the beginning of your lunch meal. By filling your stomach with it, you will not allow yourself to overeat at dinner.
  • Let there be no harmful and high-calorie food in your refrigerator. How not to gain excess weight will be prompted by useful products, artistically laid out in beautiful dishes. Instead of a bowl of sweets, put a plate of fruit slices on the table.
  • Instead of juices, it is better to eat fruit, as it contains fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion.

  • If you decide to fry meat or vegetables, use water instead of oil.
  • Fans of scrambled eggs in the morning can cook it not from several eggs, but from one egg and 2-3 proteins. Such a replacement will not affect the taste of the dish, and you will save yourself from fat, which is abundant in the yolk.
  • If you have a habit of snacking on chips or nuts during a movie, try cutting fruit or vegetables instead.
  • Instead of high-calorie potatoes, put pieces of pumpkin in soups.
  • Late summer is a great way to suppress your appetite and still get plenty of fluids. We are talking about watermelon, which you can enjoy as often as you want.

Fitness instructors are also nutrition experts. After all, no physical activity will lead to the desired result without the right diet.

Many trainers see the problem of obesity not in overeating, as is commonly believed, but in the use of foods with a high content. By overeating healthy food, you will not gain as much excess weight, and it will be easy to get rid of it. The abuse of food with a high glycemic index forces glucose, which is in excess in the blood, to be deposited in fat stores. And spikes in sugar in the body lead to reactive hypoglycemia, which makes you want to eat again. Excess weight during rapid changes in glucose levels is deposited very quickly.

Fitness instructors recommend checking your blood sugar levels regularly and monitoring the amount of glucose in your foods. If after a meal you feel drowsy, if you have a thirst for a bite to eat again very quickly, and the desire for sweets is sometimes unbearable, then you should be more attentive to the glycemic level of the food you eat.

Here are a few practical advice how to get rid of excess weight.

  1. Eat little and often. Imagine that your metabolism is burning inside like a fire. The more often you feed it, the smoother the metabolic flame will be.
  2. Starting to deal with your weight, do not think that only at the end of this path you will be worthy of your love. Love yourself now. Self-denial is a common reason why people can't stand the process of losing weight and give up.
  3. Meditate while exercising. Use affirmations - frequent repetitions of some useful statement within yourself. For example, "I will overcome everything." It can be any positive phrase that sets you up for victory.
  4. Engage under. Background music can both increase your energy and work against you. For intense workouts, choose groovy compositions, for stretching and strength exercises- slow.
  5. Get where you mark everything you ate and drank. This will help you track your nutrition and avoid overeating. Periodically take pictures and, comparing photos, rejoice at your success.
  6. Wear only clothes that make you feel good about yourself. Having achieved some result, please yourself with a new piece of clothing. This will positively affect your mood to continue studying, as well as help you more clearly see the results of your work.
  7. If you feel an irresistible desire to eat something out of schedule, convince yourself to have a snack after 20 minutes. Now find yourself an activity that can successfully distract you from thinking about food.
  8. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. The more often you pay attention to the shortcomings of your figure, the more you want to get rid of them. But do not overdo it, so as not to develop an inferiority complex. Better imagine how healthy and light you will feel looking at your slender body in the future.
  9. Once you're determined to take care of your figure, find some form-fitting clothes in your wardrobe and try them on. Already after a week on these clothes, which will become more free, you will be able to see the first results.
  10. Common mistakes of losing weight

  • enema procedure. For 1 session, it is able to reduce your weight by 1 or more kg. In fact, enema cleanses only the intestines and has nothing to do with removing fat from the body.
  • Starvation. No starvation diet has produced long-term results. In order to lose weight once and for all, you need to change your lifestyle and attitude to food.
  • Laxative. This popular way fast weight loss it just cleanses your intestines. And when used for a long time, drugs can slow down metabolism, making losing weight even more difficult.
  • Diuretics. These are powerful medicines designed to treat diseases and in no case for weight loss. Even if you notice weight loss, it will be achieved by dehydration. Regular use of diuretics is fraught with disruption of the kidneys.
  • Fat burners. This is not about sports supplements that act during physical activity, but about dietary supplements that promise weight loss without effort. Such funds do not allow fat or important vitamins to be absorbed in the body. The consequences of fat absorbers are very different, up to the development of chronic diseases.