How to spin the ball on the fingers. Health Balls: Chinese Gymnastics

Health balls are a popular feng shui tool, which are metal balls with bells inside. Due to the special sound of the balls, even in ancient times they were given the name "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix". That is why, so often they depict colorful phoenix and dragon.

History of health balls

The history of health balls dates back more than one century. For the first time, steel balls with bells inside began to be made in the Chinese city of Baoding. Such balls served as a tool for mastering martial arts, which restored after injuries, developed hand strength, and increased concentration.

After some time, health balls gained popularity all over the world. It was noticed that regular execution special exercises with balls, helps to acquire manual dexterity and a lively mind for young people, and for the elderly - it helps to get rid of numbness, cramps, hand spasms, and also normalizes blood pressure.

Chinese medicine claims that there are a huge number of points on the fingers and palms of a person, the stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. At the same time, modern medicine explains the beneficial effect of the balls by the fact that there is a close connection between the hands and the nervous system and the effects on these areas have a positive effect on the human body as a whole.

Exercises with health balls can be performed for preventive purposes, to improve well-being, increase efficiency, youth and longevity. In addition, they can be used for medicinal purposes. Such exercises will help relieve overwork and stress, develop manual dexterity and coordination of movements, improve memory, normalize blood pressure and maintain vitality.

Feng Shui experts recommend doing exercises with health balls to people who are engaged in business, occupy leadership positions, as well as people whose professions involve long work at computer. In addition, the exercises are recommended for people who are fond of needlework or playing the piano, guitar or other musical instruments.

Some traditional medicine specialists prescribe exercises with health balls for hand diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, incoordination after injuries, and so on.

There are an innumerable number of exercises with balls, which are divided into rotation exercises, hand exercises and finger exercises. The need to perform certain exercises with health balls should be judged by a feng shui specialist, based on each specific case.

In any case, unlike drugs that are taken orally, classes with health balls have absolutely no side effects. For example, taking sedatives has such side effects, as inhibition of the reaction, drowsiness and so on. In the same time special exercises with balls that have a pronounced sedative effect, do not have an undesirable effect on the human body.

Video about Chinese balls - how to choose and rotate them correctly:

This method of healing the whole body does not require special physical effort, and therefore is suitable for almost everyone.

We all know the benefits exercise. However, we do not always find time even for elementary charging.

TOSo how can you help your body stay healthy?

To do this, we need one of the methods of traditional Chinese medicine.

Namely: wellness massage using Chinese balls. It's amazing, but about 15 minutes of light hand massage can replace a full exercise. Moreover, this method of healing the whole body does not require special physical effort, and therefore it is suitable for almost everyone.

Why massage using Chinese balls is effective for the whole body?

Massage with Chinese balls helps to relax and relieve stress.

In addition, it improves performance internal organs, normalizes arterial pressure, develops coordination of movements, and also improves memory and attention.

But why simple exercises with Chinese balls, in which only hands are involved, produces such a restorative effect?!

The fact is that our internal organs have correspondence points on our hands. Take a look at the picture.

Thus, acting with the help of Chinese balls only on the hands, we actually affect our entire body.

Examples of exercises with Chinese balls

First of all, you need to know that Chinese balls are different sizes. If you have never worked with this magical tool before, then first get not very large balls.

For women and children, Chinese balls of 35 mm are ideal, and for men - 40 mm. As your skill level increases, you can also increase the size of the balls.

Most simple exercises

1. Squeeze one ball with the pads of all five fingers.

2. Toss one ball in the palm of your hand.

3. Squeeze one ball by holding it in your hand.

4. Roll one ball between your palms.

5. Close the ring of thumb and forefinger around one ball, and then begin to lightly squeeze the ball.

6. Spin one ball in your hand using all five fingers.

7. Spin two balls at once in your hand, periodically changing the direction of rotation.

In the process of training, try not so much to look at the balls as to listen to the sensations and feelings inside yourself.

Try these simple exercises! You will definitely like it. After all, even the wise Chinese emperors recognized the effectiveness this massage, which, among other things, grants longevity and helps to achieve enlightenment.

Precautionary measures

Do not give your personal Chinese balls to anyone else, not even your closest relative. Believe me, it is not only about the hygienic aspect. Together with Chinese balls, you can transfer your health. published

The well-known Chinese balls, rolling in the palms with a quiet tapping, are actually one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of "Health Balls" has many centuries. The first mention of them refers to the beginning of the reign of the imperial Ming dynasty, when steel balls with bells inside began to be produced in the city of Baoding. Due to the differences in sound, one of them was called the "Roaring Dragon", and the other - "The Singing Phoenix". However, the most numerous and useful in the application of stone balls. Jade balls are most often used, because jade has long been considered in China a symbol of perfection and a mineral that brings health. Initially, the balls were used by a narrow circle of students martial arts. With their help, the fighters trained their hands, restored joints and ligaments after injuries. "Health balls" served as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating the human energy base.

Over time, balloons have become very popular in China (and now around the world). It turned out that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of exercises with balls is explained by the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls affect the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, which improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

When practicing with Health Balls, you need to remember the following:

To obtain a healing effect, it is not necessary to perform virtuoso rotations. The simplest exercises will also bring benefits: rubbing the ball between the palms, rotating two balls in the palm of your hand.

Observe the regularity of classes, gradually increasing the load.

Alternate compression exercises with rotation exercises. Avoid tension in muscle groups not involved in the exercise (forearm, shoulder, neck, back) and unnecessary movements.

Starting classes, pick up medium-sized balls. After you master the basic exercises, get several pairs of balls of different sizes to vary the loads and perform exercises with 3-4 balls.

Try not to look at the balls, but listen carefully to the sensations in your hands.

The balls will fall frequently at the start of your workout, so use non-enamelled balls and do the exercise over a soft surface.

After class, the balls should be wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a dry place.

To avoid falling balls during the exercise, the movements should not be too fast.

Ideally, the balls should not touch each other when you roll them in the palm of your hand. Over time, you can add a third and even a fourth to a pair of balls.

When rolling balls, change hands often! During exercises, do not forget to alternate the load on the left and right hands, or do the exercises with both hands at once. At the same time, right-handers are recommended to give more load to the left hand, and left-handers, respectively, to the right. Thus, the balance of the cerebral hemispheres improves and the work of the corpus colossum, which is responsible for the connection between the hemispheres, is stimulated.

Preparatory exercises with health balls

Rub the ball with both hands

Take the ball, hold it between the palms and roll it first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Squeeze the ball in the center of the palm

Place the ball in the center of the palm, then freely cover it with all fingers and squeeze until severe numbness appears. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Take the ball in a pinch with five fingers

Freely open fingers need to grab the ball and squeeze it hard. The effort should be increased gradually until a feeling of severe numbness appears in the fingers. After that, relax your hand. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation.

Rotate the ball with five fingers

Take the ball, hold it in your hand and rotate with all fingers. First clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Clamp the ball in the tiger's mouth

Four fingers are collected and connected, the thumb is set aside. The ball must be tightly squeezed in the "mouth of the tiger."

Tension and relaxation should be rhythmic. There should be a strong pull in the "mouth of the tiger" (the area between the thumb and forefinger).

Toss the ball continuously with one hand

The ball must be tossed with a slight spin, and each time the ball falls into the palm of the hand, it must be immediately squeezed with all fingers. When the ball falls on the palm, the laogong point is well stimulated. In the future, you can begin to concentrate on the feeling of the air gap between the ball and the palm at the moment when the ball flies up.

catch the ball

Take the ball in your hand, turning the brush palm down. Open your hand to make the ball fall, and immediately catch it.

Throw two balls

Both balls are in one palm. One ball is on four fingers, the other is at the base of the palm. With four fingers, one ball is thrown over the other so that the back moves forward and the balls change places.

Spin one ball

Perform rotational movements with one ball, transferring to it an impulse from rotary motion the wrists of your hand. With your thumb and little finger, adjust the movement of the ball so that it does not roll off the palm of your hand.

Hold two balls, spin one ball

Take the balls in right hand. Use your ring, middle and index fingers to hold one of the balls in a stationary position. Use your thumb and little finger to move the other ball from your little finger to your thumb and back.

Basic exercises with health balls

Spin two balls

Step 1. Take the balls in your right hand. Arrange the balls as shown in the figure: one ball is in the center of the palm, the second is in the area of ​​​​the fingers. The fingers are slightly bent, the palm is relaxed.

Step 2. With your middle and index fingers move ball 2 closer to the thumb, and with the impulse from the rotational movement in the wrist move ball 1 closer to the little finger.

Step 3. Light pressure thumb on ball 2, press ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 4. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, move ball 2 to the thumb. Simultaneously with the movement of the thumb and a slight movement in the wrist area, move the ball 1 to the little finger.

Step 5. With a gentle and consistent movement of the little finger and index finger, return the balls to their original position.

Note: for beginners, the optimal direction of rotation of the balls is clockwise if the balls are in the right hand, and counterclockwise if the balls are in the left hand.

Rotation of two balls without touching each other

Take the balls in your hand. Ball 1 is located between the thumb and forefinger. Ball 2 is located at the base of the little finger and ring finger. In this initial position, the distance between the balls is maximum.

Step 1. Straighten your little finger and ring finger so that ball 2 rolls to the base of your fingers.

Step 2. With the movement of the index finger, direct the ball 1 to the base of the thumb.

Step 3. With the successive movement of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers, direct ball 2 towards the index finger. At the same time, move the thumb to direct the ball 1 to the center of the palm.

Step 4. Move ball 1 to the base of the little finger and ring finger, and ball 2 to the thumb and forefinger.

Step 5. With a gentle movement of the little finger and forefinger, return the balls to their original position.

Three ball spin

Take three balls. With the movement of the thumb, direct the ball 1 towards the little finger. With the movement of the little finger, direct the ball 2 towards the ring finger. Under the pressure of the other two balls, ball 3 will automatically move towards the thumb.

With the simultaneous movement of the index, middle and ring fingers, rolling one ball over the other two towards the base of the palm, you can change the direction of rotation of the balls.

Note: the three-ball exercise is best mastered with small balls, increasing the size of the balls as you acquire a stable motor skill.

Health balls and self-massage

Health balls can be effectively used for self-massage of the neck and back. Place the balls on any soft surface (bed, soft floor, etc.) and lie on your back so that the balls apply pressure to the area you are going to massage. Bend your knees and perform slow movements in the direction you want (up and down, etc.), massaging with the help of health balls problem area in the back or neck area.

The Feng Shui teaching always pays attention to the energy flows that flow both in the external world and in the human body. In addition, it offers many different methods and ways to improve their course, activate it or restore it.

One such remedy is Chinese balls, often referred to as health balls. We are all familiar with them - these are ordinary enameled or metal balls that can be rolled in your hands.

History of balls

They appeared a very long time ago. In historical records, the first memories of them appear from the description of the Ming Dynasty in China (from 1368 to 1644). They say that it was then that balls were first created, inside of which there were bells. Moreover, each of them sounded differently, and therefore one got the name - the roaring Dragon (which symbolizes the power of health and spirit), and the other - the singing Phoenix (a symbol of eternal renewal and rejuvenation). Initially, they could only be bought in a city called Baoding, but now they can be found in any corner of the world, although they differ from their predecessors in that they do not have any bells inside and are made of solid material.

Interestingly, health balls are still at a premium in Baoding. In this city there are many healers who help people with their help. And local residents also often use them and, as statistics show, not in vain - their life expectancy is 6 years longer than other residents of the country.

feng shui health balls

From the point of view of Feng Shui, there are six lines on the palms of a person - three Yin lines (responsible for blood circulation, heart and lungs) and three Yang lines (responsible for the work of the small and large intestines). If they are acted upon with the help of the above-described balls, then the work of internal organs and not only begins to improve in a person.

As noted at the very beginning of their use, they have a beneficial effect on the general thinking of a person and the work of his brain. The first to test their action on themselves were members of a narrow circle of people involved. It was they who noted that the frequent rolling of balls in the hands allows not only to develop manual dexterity, but also has a positive effect on memory, attention, and concentration. In addition to all this, they allow you to relieve stress, fatigue and relieve feelings of anxiety.

Who Should Use Them

After it became clear that the balls can be beneficial for anyone, doctors began to advise their use for people who:

— deal with typing or perform other activities that require good fine motor skills fingers and attention (dispatchers, programmers, computer designers, etc.);

- play musical instruments, especially the piano;

- in the course of work should show maximum attention (drivers, pilots);

— engaged in mental work (students, teachers);

- have diseases of the hands (for example, suffer from rheumatism or arthritis).

But, as already mentioned, they can help in a number of other cases, so that if necessary, they can be used by anyone who wants to.

Health ball exercises

So, returning to Feng Shui, it is worth saying that there are exercises that allow you to strengthen beneficial species energy. So, if you rotate them clockwise in the palm of your hand at a fairly fast pace, then you can strengthen the Yang energy. And if you slowly rotate them counterclockwise, then you can increase the energy of Yin.

In addition, there will be a simple rolling of Chinese balls in any direction. No matter how they move, they will still put pressure on the many points and lines located on the palms and thus have a positive effect.

But, since they have been used for many centuries in a row, by this time a large number of exercises with them had already appeared. To begin with, you need to perform the simplest ones, and then, when some experience already appears, you can move on to more complex ones.

Simple exercises

1. Rolling balls. This is a very simple exercise aimed at warming up the hands. All you have to do here is just roll two balls between your palms.

2. Toss. Here you can just throw one ball up and catch it. If such an exercise is performed for at least 5 minutes, he will be able to warm up the entire surface of the palm.

3. Squeezing in the center of the palm. The ball must be placed in the middle of the palm, and covering it with your fingers, squeeze it to such an extent that you feel a slight numbness. Similarly, squeeze and unclench your fingers, changing the degree of compression.

4. Squeezing the ball with your fingers. In the previous exercise, the ball was in the center of the palm, but here you just need to take it with five fingers and squeeze it with all your might.

Complex exercises

In addition to simple, warm-up exercises, there are also those that can conditionally be called more complex. After all, to complete them, you will have to learn a little and be patient until they start to turn out.

5. Rolling balls with one hand clockwise and counterclockwise. You need to take two medium-sized balls in one hand and try to roll them so that they do not fall and move in a given direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).

6. Rolling balls without contact. A more complicated version of the previous exercise is to roll the balls so that they do not touch each other, but only roll one after another. After some time of training, this should work without any problems.

7. Rolling three balls at once. After the technique of rolling two balls is mastered, you can move on to rolling three or more balls.

In the last three exercises, good motor skills and fingers are the key to success, and therefore, those who learn how to perform them will soon be able to boast of these useful skills.

First you need to choose for yourself the correct size of Chinese balls. They are small, medium and large. The best for beginners are medium.

During the exercises, it is necessary to alternate compression and rolls, then they will be more effective.

At first, you need to take into account the fact that the balls can fall out of your hands onto the floor, and therefore you need to work with them where there is no risk of damaging any expensive coating (tile).

Also, in the course of the exercises, you need to change hands more often so that there is no emphasis on either the right or left palm.

The best thing is not to look at the balls in your hand, but raise your eyes to listen to your feelings and perform those movements that you like best.

After completing the exercises, the balls should be wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a dry place.

In the store you can recognize these balls by pictures. Most often, they depict their main symbols - the Dragon and the Phoenix.

A pair of weighted balls, for example, balls made of natural stone, is a universal simulator for strengthening and developing arm muscles.
They are not without reason called “Health Balls” and are considered an effective and safe means of achieving physical health, peace of mind and active longevity.

Training with a couple of balls from is especially recommended for people whose profession is associated with frequent stressful situations (businessmen, executives, administrators), with an overstrain of attention and memory (programmers, dispatchers, drivers, pupils and students).
Persons whose daily activities are associated with constant overload of the muscles of the hands (typing on the keyboard, playing musical instruments, playing sports, different kinds needlework, many hours of housework) exercises with balls are also very useful.

Balls are used for medicinal purposes. Gymnastics with shungite balls is vital for people with hand movement disorders, regardless of their causes, with diseases (arthritis, rheumatism), with injuries upper limbs, as well as using a cane or crutches, patients who have suffered paralysis and spinal cord injury.
Exercises with Health Balls eliminate convulsions, spasms of the muscles of the hands, insufficient mobility of the joints, help to maintain high level memory and mental abilities, to cope with fatigue and increased anxiety.

Gymnastics with shungite balls is very useful for children. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is very important for the normal intellectual development of the child. If you recall the anatomy, then very close to the speech zone of the brain is the projection zone of the hand, while occupying about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the development of children's speech is inextricably linked with the development of fine motor skills. This is confirmed by studies of psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers.

Working with the Health Balls has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. In addition, movements with balls, performed with both hands at the same time, help to expand and strengthen the connection between the hemispheres of the brain.
Modern medicine explains the effect of exercises with balls by the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system.

When using shungite Health Balls, remember the following recommendations:
1. Do not try to immediately master complex tricks, simple exercises with balls will be effective to improve health and well-being.
2. Daily workouts with shungite-talcochlorite balls lasting at least 10 minutes are effective.
3. Exercises with balls must be done regularly, and the load should be increased gradually.
4. Compression exercises should be alternated with rotation exercises, etc.
5. During training with Health Balls, overload and pain should not be allowed.
6. Exercises with balls involve a load on certain muscle groups. The muscle groups of the shoulder, forearm, neck, and back that are not involved in the movement should not strain. Extra movements of the back, head, legs, etc. are not recommended.
7. Starting classes, choose the balls that are more convenient for you to hold in your hand. In the future, as you master the exercises, it is recommended to purchase several pairs of balls of different sizes. This is necessary for adjusting the loads, as well as for training with several balls at the same time.
8. During training, try to focus on tactile sensations, while not looking at the balls. Listen to the sensations in your hands, be aware of each movement, bring its accuracy to automatism.

The tradition of using balls to improve health came to us from China, has many centuries, is one of the powerful tools of qigong - the oldest system of working with energy. Many exercises of the gymnastics complex with balls have Chinese names.

Compression exercises with one ball.

Exercise Wuzhi ne-qiu - take the ball into a pinch with five fingers - "Dragon's claws squeeze the pearl."

Freely open fingers need to grab the ball and squeeze it hard. The effort should be increased gradually until there is a feeling of numbness in the fingers. After that, relax your hand. Repeat the exercise, alternating tension and relaxation of the fingers.

Zhangxin Woqiu exercise - squeezing the ball in the center of the palm - "Monkey grabs a peach."

Place the ball in the center of the palm, cover it with all fingers and squeeze until a feeling of numbness appears.
The exercise is repeated with alternating tension and relaxation.

Exercise Hukou jiaqiu - hold the ball in the “mouth of the tiger” - “Ball in the mouth of the tiger”.

Four fingers are collected, connected, and the thumb is set aside. Place the ball between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze firmly. Tension and relaxation should be rhythmic. In the "mouth of the tiger" - the space between the thumb and forefinger - there should be a feeling of tension. When squeezing, the shungite ball must be held very tightly, achieving a feeling of stretching.

Shuangshou qoqiu exercise - rub the ball with both hands - “Rub the nut”.

Hold the ball between the palms and roll between the palms in a clockwise direction, then against. Squeeze the ball on both sides, as if trying to crush it. Change the position of the hands: first do the exercises, placing the right hand on top, then swap the palms - transfer the ball to the right hand, and press on top with the left.

Toning exercises with one ball.

Exercise Wuzhi Zhuanqiu - rotate the ball with five fingers.

Rotate the ball held in the palm of your hand with all fingers. You need to rotate the shungite ball first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Exercise Danshou paojie qiu - with one hand continuously toss the ball - "Ecoal in the palm of your hand."

Quick movements continuously toss the ball in the palm of your hand. You need to toss a shungite ball with a slight rotation. Each time the ball falls on the palm, it must be immediately squeezed with all fingers, while it naturally stimulates the active points of the palm (lao gunn point). After you feel that the exercise “Ear in the palm of your hand”
given to you easily, concentrate on the feeling of the air gap between the ball and the palm at the moment when the ball jumps up.

Exercise "Dragon plays with a pearl."

Place the ball between the little finger and ring finger of the right hand, then roll the ball so that it is sandwiched between the ring and middle fingers. Shifting the ball from left to right, extend the movement. The ball, rolling with the help of fingers, must not touch the palm of the hand along its entire path. Also, rolling between the fingers, return the ball to its original position.

Rotation exercises with one ball.

Exercise "Twisting and unscrewing" - rotate the ball with your thumb.

Put the ball in the middle of the palm of your hand, press the ball with the pad of your thumb and rotate it with continuous movements clockwise (from the index finger to the little finger) - “Twisting”. "Unscrewing" - the rotation of the ball counterclockwise (from the little finger to the index finger).

Exercise "Rolling" - roll the ball around the "circumference" of the palm.

Place the ball between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze firmly. From this position ("ball in the tiger's mouth") roll the ball with the thumb to the little finger, with the help of the little finger send to the center of the palm. The exercise is the opposite of “rolling” - “hug” the ball with the thumb and little finger, roll the thumb to the index finger, use the index finger to move to the center of the palm.

Exercise "Rattle" - shake the ball in your fist.

Loosely holding the ball with your fingers in the palm of your hand, and lightly shake the brush in different directions. The ball should hit the fingers and palm, but not fall out.

Exercises with two balls.

Shuangqiu xuan zhuan exercise - rotate two balls.

Both balls must be rotated in the same palm in the same direction, i.e. perform the exercise "Rolling" with two balls.

Exercise "Horizontal rotation of the balls."

Take two balls in your hand, hold your palm horizontally, with your thumb push the ball closest to it in the direction of the little finger, and with the little finger - the other ball in the direction of the thumb. If the right ball passes closer to the base of the palm, then clockwise rotation occurs, and vice versa.
Try to spin the balls without stopping, master the movement, both clockwise and counterclockwise, with your hand palm up.

Shuangqiu tiao yue exercise - throw two balls.

Arrange two balls in one palm as follows: the first - on the base of the palm, the second - on four fingers. With your fingers, move the second ball over the first, at the same time move the first one towards the fingers - the balls change places.
It is more difficult to perform the reverse exercise: move the first ball through the second, at the same time move the second ball with your fingers to the base of the palm - the balls change places, one ball passes under the other, rolling in the center of the palm.

Exercise "Skating between the palms of two balls."

Take two shungite balls and roll them between the palms clockwise and vice versa.

Exercise "Crane clicks its beak."

Place one ball between the straight index and middle fingers, hold the other with the thumb and ring fingers. Press the little finger to the ring finger. Lightly hit the balls against each other, clicking like castanets.

Exercise with three shungite balls.
Doing three ball exercises requires more interaction between the fingers, especially between the pinky and thumb. To prevent the balls from falling, it is better to start with small balls. The palm should be kept straight, parallel to the floor, and the fingers should be straightened more than with the exercise with two balls.

Exercise "Three Treasures".

Perform the exercise "horizontal rotation" with three balls in one direction, then in the other.
Next - when rotating, try to fix one of the balls with your finger so that you can continue to twist the two remaining balls. For example, hold the ball with your little finger.

Exercise "Tossing three balls."

Roll one of the balls from above between the other two. Next - roll the balls so that they do not touch each other.

Exercise with four shungite balls.
Exercises with four balls require constant concentration and coordination of movements. The technique is not much different from the way the three balls are rotated. That's just to manage the balls become more and more difficult.

Exercise "Magic Tower".

Take three balls, and in the center between them put the fourth ball, forming a tower. Rotate three balls, and the fourth will rotate itself. Initially, use the second hand to install the top ball. Over time, you can easily take four balls at once and put a tower of them in the palm of your hand with one hand. The tower of balls can easily collapse from the slightest inaccuracy in movement, try to keep it.

Exercise "Magic Pyramid".

Perform the exercise "Magic Tower" with balls of different sizes - from largest to smallest.

Exercise "Seasons".

Perform the exercise "Horizontal rotation" with four balls clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercises with balls while walking.
Put the balls in your right hand and rotate as you walk. You can try to match the steps with the rotation of the balls. Next, take two balls in each hand and rotate the balls according to the steps.

Chinese balls began to be made in the era of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it was then that steel balls with a bell inside began to be produced in the city of Baoding. Skillful Chinese artisans have perfected these products for centuries. Initially, they were not balls at all, but solid cylinders. Later, balls were invented, and the craftsmen began to make them empty inside. Plates or bells were inserted into the cavity, causing the balls to tinkle melodiously in high and low tones as they move. The Chinese balloons are called "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix Pair of Balloons".

Initially, Health Balls were available only to a select few, and were used to develop dexterity and hand strength in mastering martial arts. Exercises with balls were known to a narrow circle of initiates and were used by warriors to restore joint mobility after injuries and develop unique abilities, such as instant reaction, concentration of attention, and the ability for energy self-regulation.

Over the centuries, Health Balls have gained wide popularity not only in the East, but also in the West. It has been observed that daily training with balls has a positive effect on the psychological and physical condition human: improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, help prevent diseases, stabilize work nervous system, stimulate brain activity and the disclosure of creativity.

For training, weighted balls are used: metal, or made of stone. Balls made of natural stone are pleasant to hold in your hands, and in addition, interaction with natural material reinforces positive effect from their application. Shungite-talcochlorite balls quickly heat up, which makes it possible to use them for massage, enhances the effectiveness of the impact on the acupuncture points of the hand.

Health Balls are convenient to take with you for activities outside the home - at work, on a business trip, on vacation. In conditions of frequent stress, you can always find ten minutes for exercises that help relieve fatigue and tension.

There is no age limit for practicing with stone balls. Unique in their simplicity and effectiveness, they are useful for small children, young people and the elderly.

Today, the beneficial effects of training with Health Balls have been confirmed by doctors and official medicine. Experts recommend classes with balls to maintain vitality, relieve stress and overwork, preserve beauty, youth and manual dexterity.