Yoga for the face is a complete set of exercises. Yoga for the face - exercises for wrinkles and tightening

These asanas will help you not only tighten your stomach, but also improve your metabolism in a short time.

The one who tried get rid of belly fat knows it's not easy to do. Not only does it bring discomfort, it also affects the general state of health. That's why you need to get rid of it. But twisting alone will not be enough, you need to connect proper nutrition, cardio and yoga.

Yoga - effective method reduce belly. This will be confirmed by everyone who deals with it. Muscles very quickly come into tone, and functioning improves internal organs in the abdomen. Be sure to try!

Before you start exercising, you need to do a light workout: slow tilts, hip rotations, torso rotations. Do whatever exercises you know. You can even take those that you remember from school physical education lessons.

Regularity of training has the meaning. If you are in normal physical form do exercises 3 times a week.

Before doing these exercises, consult your doctor, everyone's body reacts differently.

Yoga for the abdomen

cobra pose
Lie on your back, place your palms under your shoulders. Inhale and lift the body, straighten your arms. Then bend at the waist and thoracic region. Stretch your neck. Hold this position, then slowly lower yourself down.

Boat pose
Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and raise your shins. Reach your hands behind your back and grasp your ankles. Bend back as much as possible, lift the pelvis and chest. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds. Return to starting position.

Straight arm plank
Take an emphasis lying down. Keep your palms under your shoulders. The torso, buttocks and legs should form one straight line. Do not lower the pelvis and do not bend in the lower back. Tighten your press. Stay as long as you can.

Wind Release Pose

Lie on your back, relax. Pull your legs towards you, keep your knees together. Grab your legs with your hands. Hold on for a minute.

Bow pose
Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Inhale and slowly raise straight legs. Then lift your body and try to reach your toes with your hands. Hold for 15 seconds.

These asanas will help you not only tighten your stomach, but also improve your metabolism. Perform the complex regularly, and you will notice the results.

cooking 293

In pursuit of youth, women are ready to spend huge sums on cosmetics, procedures and surgical interventions. An excellent alternative to radical measures is the practice of yoga, which is favorable for rejuvenating the body and combating the signs of aging. One of her areas, which gives amazing results, is yoga for the face. This method contributes to the correction of the facial contour, does not take much time and is absolutely free.

Yoga is an ancient practice that includes, in addition to the spiritual and energy components, sets of exercises (asanas) that normalize the work of all body systems. Among the asanas there are regular execution which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body as a whole, for example, all inverted. In addition to the rejuvenating and healing effect for the body, this system can be used to train, tighten and relax the muscles of the face. The practice of yoga for the face is not an easy rejuvenating gymnastics, it requires a focus on the inner world. Therefore, yoga is favorable both for facial rejuvenation and for improving the spiritual and normalizing the mental state.

The effectiveness of yoga

The effectiveness of yoga for the face is a rejuvenating result, eliminating fine wrinkles and improving skin condition. The muscles on the face are no different from the muscles on other parts of the body. But when training legs, arms, shaking the press, no one engages, does not put a load on and does not specifically relax. In this regard, yoga for the face shows high performance, because due to the combined effect physical activity and psychological relaxation, it helps to normalize the condition of the muscles of this zone, improves blood circulation. Regular practice improves the condition of the skin of the face, making it more elastic and healthy. It helps to improve the appearance and harmonize the internal state of a person.

Facial yoga benefits:

  • prevents sagging skin;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • activates the lymphatic system;
  • improve tone, appearance skin;
  • reduces bags, dark circles under the eyes;
  • removes double chin;
  • activates blood circulation, helps to restore the metabolic functions of the skin for regeneration and the creation of new collagen;
  • teaches a calm, positive perception of the world;
  • contributes to the energy balance of the whole organism.

Yoga of the face gives the necessary load on some muscles, relaxes others, thanks to which the oval acquires a clear outline.

Within a few months of yoga for the face, you can observe a positive trend, as small wrinkles on the lips begin to disappear, the skin of the forehead is smoothed out, the cheekbones become expressive, the line of the cheeks rises, the eyelids open.

Improved blood supply helps to get rid of acne and blackheads on the skin.

Another important advantage will be an improvement general condition body and soul.

Contraindications for carrying out

It is never too late to start practicing yoga for facial rejuvenation. It gives visible results and is suitable for people of different age categories. Therefore, a physiological contraindication for practice is only the presence of a violation of the integrity of the skin. But there is another contraindication - mental imbalance. Yoga for the face involves renunciation of worldly problems and full immersion in the process of self-discovery. And this is impossible without inner harmony.

Execution rules

To achieve the greatest effect of rejuvenation from facial yoga, several rules and recommendations should be considered:

  • the skin of the face should be clean, it is necessary to remove all makeup with soft means;
  • moisturizing the face with a cream or lotion to avoid the discomfort of stretching dry skin;
  • complete mental and physical relaxation;
  • don't forget about deep breathing during each exercise;
  • rest between repetitions;
  • systematic implementation;
  • the duration of the complex is selected individually, the main criterion for completing the lesson will be the appearance of fatigue.

Following these simple steps will help you achieve the desired result in a short time. The face will be filled with a healthy glow.

A set of yoga exercises for the face

Before you begin to perform a set of yoga exercises for the face, you must take comfortable posture, allowing you to keep your posture even, not to overstrain the body. The most successful for this is the lotus position. First, a small warm-up is performed to prepare the muscles for work, then you can proceed directly to the workout.

Exercises to get rid of wrinkles

1. Inhale through the mouth, hold the air in the mouth to make the trumpeter's pose. Hold for 1 minute and exhale slowly through the nose. Repeat 5 times. This exercise is well suited for removing laugh lines, wrinkles on the neck, near the eyes and on the cheeks.
2. Stretch your lips as much as possible and pronounce long vowels: a, o, i, e, y. Try to keep your muscles tight.

Exercises to remove wrinkles around the eyes

1. Place your fingertips just under the eyebrows, slightly raising them, and tightly close the upper eyelids. Hold for about 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat 2 times.
2. Put the pads of your fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Slightly slide your fingers up, pressing your eyelids down. Relax your muscles. Repeat 3 times.
3. Close your eyes tightly. Place your thumbs at the corners of your eyes, then push them towards your temples. Your fingers should rest on the top of your head. Repeat 8-10 times. This will reduce crow's feet.
4. Gently press with two fingers on each side of the head, on the temples. Then quickly open and close your eyes 10 times. Repeat this exercise three times a day.

Exercises to get rid of a double chin

1. Pull the lips together, as when pronouncing the letter "o". Then pull back the corners of your lips until a hard grin forms and say a long "e". Repeat 30-40 times a day to reduce double chin.
2. Open your mouth wider. Stick out your tongue and try to touch the tip to your chin. Hold for a while, slowly inhale and exhale. Repeat 5-7 times.
3. Sit up straight and look at the ceiling, stretching your neck. In this position, turn your head to look over your left shoulder. Turn back, then also look over your right shoulder. Drop your chin and relax.

Exercises for cheeks and lips

1. Bring your fingertips to your cheekbones about a centimeter from your temples. Tilt your head slightly towards your chest. With your fingers, slightly raise the muscles of the cheeks, transferring them over the cheekbone.
2. Smile with pursed lips. This exercise works the muscles around the lips.
3. Send air kisses.

12 video yoga lessons for the face with Elena Rodicheva

Video lessons from facial yoga guru Elena Rodicheva will clearly help you learn how to tone 57 facial muscles, relieve their tension, restore radiance and youthfulness of the skin. The workout takes about 15 minutes a day.

Lesson one:

Lesson two:

Lesson three:

Lesson four:

Lesson five:

Lesson six:

Lesson seven:

Lesson eight:

Lesson nine:

Lesson ten:

Lesson Eleven:

Lesson twelve:

Finding inner balance and mental peace are not the only tasks of the ancient Indian system. Yoga for the face is a set of exercises that allows you to maintain youth, cope with wrinkles, sagging. Over the years, the muscles of the face lose their tone, elasticity, the task of exercises is to restore and strengthen the fibers. A great way to avoid plastic surgery, thanks to regular use, you can model your face.

Who needs yoga

  • smoothes mimic wrinkles;
  • face oval correction;
  • removes puffiness;
  • returns tone, copes with flabbiness;
  • improves blood flow;
  • stimulates renewal processes.

Yoga can be practiced not only for facial rejuvenation, but also for the correction of certain areas. At regular workouts you can remove swollen eyelids, cope with the second chin, sculpt the line of the cheekbones. Useful for frequent sleep deprivation, stress, restores fresh, healthy skin. An excellent alternative to plastic surgery, beauty injections, for home use, you just need to master the technique.

Execution rules

The effectiveness of facial charging depends on the preparation and implementation of many recommendations. After mastering, the practice will take no more than 10 minutes a day, this is enough to stop the aging process.

Important advice from the editor

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Exercise rules:

  • Be sure to clean your face from decorative cosmetics (correct make-up remover).
  • Instructors advise beginners to devote 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, after mastering, the lesson time is reduced to 10.
  • The purpose of morning classes is to remove puffiness, swelling, tone the skin, and prepare the face for applying makeup.
  • Performing in the evening - relaxes, relieves fatigue, prepares for sleep.
  • When performing each asana, the involved muscle must be fixed with the fingertips, the remaining muscles must be completely relaxed.
  • There are 7 groups that work in facial yoga - the muscles of the nose, eyes, mouth, scalp, chewing, ears, neck.
  • A slight tingling and burning sensation indicates the correct contraction of the fibers.
  • You can choose 3 zones that you would like to pay maximum attention to, adjust the set of exercises to work out these muscle groups.
  • After mastering the technique, you can practice anywhere - in the car, during your lunch break, or while watching your favorite series.

Contraindications for carrying out

Another significant advantage of gymnastics is the ability to practice at any age. Refusing to perform exercises is recommended for vascular diseases and dermatological problems.

Complexes of yoga exercises for the face

Renowned yoga instructor Annliese Hagen practices a unique system that helps rejuvenate the face without beauty injections and plastic surgery. With daily repetition, you can forever forget about wrinkles and flabby dermis.

An effective yoga complex

  1. Close the eyelids, concentrate on the point between the arches of the eyebrows (third eye). Imagine a rainbow disk for a minute, gradually bring it up to 2-3 minutes. Effective for smoothing the forehead.
  2. To strengthen muscle fibers and toning, you can perform the exercise - free language. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue as much as possible, trying to touch your chin with it. Fix for 60 seconds.
  3. Put your palm on your forehead, open your eyes wide, while your eyebrows remain motionless. They will linger for 5-7 seconds.
  4. The head is motionless, look from left to right, then from right to left. You can also describe circles, eights, rectangles with your eyes. This exercise helps to tighten the eyelids, effective for relieving fatigue, improving vision.
  5. Raise the corners of the lips, put the index fingers at the outer corners of the eyes. It is easy to pull the skin to the side with your fingers, while closing your eyelids. You need to feel the tension of the muscle fibers Effectively cares for the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of crow's feet.
  6. Gets rid of wrinkles simple technique- smile, fold your lips with a fish. Try to smile even wider from this position, feeling tension in the corners of your mouth. Hold for 5-7 seconds.
  7. Fill the lungs as much as possible by inhaling through the nose, close your eyes, straining everything facial muscles simultaneously clench your fists. Exhale slowly through the mouth, show the tongue, look up, hands are relaxed. The technique improves blood flow, stimulates the synthesis of elastin.
  8. To get rid of the network of wrinkles around the mouth, you need to stretch your neck forward, depicting an air kiss. The muscles of the face are tense, blowing air through the mouth. After that, with the index and middle fingers, press on the corners of the lips.
  9. To tighten the neck, tilt your head to the back of the head, fold your lips into a tube. In this position, pull the lips up, linger for 15 seconds. Return to the starting position, relax the facial muscles as much as possible.
  10. For nasolabial folds and strengthening the muscles around the mouth, you need to smile, lightly press on the folds with your fingertips. Then raise your cheeks, stretching your mouth as much as possible in a smile, while the fingertips provide resistance. Hold for 10 seconds.
  11. Lift the corners of the lips, feeling the heaviness of the apples of the cheeks. All other facial muscles are relaxed, hold for 5-7 seconds.
  12. Take air into your cheeks, roll like a ball from one side to the other, carefully working out the area of ​​​​the mouth, under the upper and lower lip. Repeat 5 times in each direction.
  13. Tilt your head to the back of your head, open your mouth. Make a swallowing movement, while the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate. Turn your head to the right, duplicate the exercise, then to the left, repeat the technique again.
  14. Inhale through your nose, make a sound like chewing. Slowly release air through the nose, vibrating with the sound "m", until completely exhaled.

Japanese yoga for the face

Japanese yoga for the face was founded by Takatsu Fumiko, systematizing ancient knowledge. Helps to tighten the oval, effective for shape correction, from edema, signs of fatigue. If you perform exercises daily for a month, you can look younger by 5 years. Each exercise is repeated 5 times.

  1. First you need to massage the head, intensely squeeze the skin.
  2. Breathe through your nose, lift the corners in a half smile. Looking up, lower your gaze to the lower right corner, then up to the lower left corner. Exercise will provide care around the eyes, prevent the appearance of bags.
  3. Squint your eyes, look in front of you, fix for 3 seconds. After opening your eyes wide, linger for 3 seconds.
  4. Put your hands like a big monocle, capturing the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and lower eyelids. In this position, perform exercise No. 2 (lower your eyes one by one).
  5. Hands remain in the same position, open your eyes wide, linger for 3 seconds. Then close your eyes for 3 seconds, feeling muscle tension. This exercise allows you to lift the overhanging eyelid.
  6. Fold your hands in front of you in the chest area (prayer position). Tighten the muscles of the neck and chin as much as possible, then relax.
  7. Extend the left arm, forming a triangle with the torso, right hand grab your head, fingertips fix the left temple. Pull the head to the right shoulder, stick out the tongue to the right side. Duplicate to the other side.
  8. Smiling, grab the apples of the cheeks, thumb and forefinger, closed in a ring. Hold for 5 seconds.

Interesting videos: Yoga for the face with Elena Rodicheva

In total, Elena has 12 classes, we will show you 5, the rest can be viewed on YouTube video hosting.

Preserving youth and beauty for as long as possible has always been one of the main desires of many people, regardless of gender. To achieve these goals modern women and men are ready to spend fabulous amounts on various, sometimes quite dangerous, procedures and operations.

Such a phenomenon as yoga for the face is becoming great alternative botox and surgery. Quantity positive feedback speaks for itself about this method. In addition to the obvious safety and affordability benefits, it will help your skin look radiant. It will significantly reduce the amount of toxins, and this will have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state.

Yoga for the face. What is this?

Yoga is a unique ancient practice, which allows not only to normalize the work of the body as a whole, but also to gain mental control and harmony. Based on certain physical postures (asanas), it is aimed at strengthening the systems of internal organs, the articular-ligamentous apparatus, developing flexibility, elasticity and, as a result, the strength of the muscles of the whole body, including the muscles of the face and neck.

The effectiveness of this type of yoga primarily lies in the fact that each exercise stimulates the work of a certain layer of the skin (epidermis or dermis). This increases blood circulation, delivering more oxygen to cells and tissues, which is naturally reflected in the color and health of your skin.

Systematic exercises will quickly give results: the production of elastin and collagen will increase, which will make your skin more elastic and resilient, rejuvenate it, relieve swelling, allowing you to look younger and, as a result, feel better both physically and mentally.

  1. tightens the skin, forming the contour of the face and neck;
  2. relieves increased facial tone, eliminating wrinkles and reducing puffiness;
  3. improves blood microcirculation and oxygen supply to cells, which improves complexion;
  4. eliminates such a phenomenon as a second chin;
  5. helps to reduce swelling, bags and circles under the gases;
  6. helps fight acne and blackheads to preserve the beauty of the face;
  7. relieves stress, promotes a harmonious and positive perception of the world around.

After 2-3 months already regular classes positive effect will be obvious. The number of small wrinkles will decrease several times, and others will immediately notice your healthy, refreshed look.

You can do yoga to rejuvenate your face and eliminate wrinkles absolutely without any age restrictions. The only real contraindication is the presence of open wounds, as well as rosacea (the presence of enlarged capillaries on the face); It is also not recommended to perform exercises in the postoperative period.

In addition, a prerequisite for yoga is complete relaxation, removal from everything that happens, which is quite difficult to do if you have frequent stress or neuroses.

Execution rules

To get the maximum result from the exercises performed, you should learn the following rules:

  • you should be as relaxed and calm as possible
  • facial skin should be clean, with a complete absence of makeup
  • to avoid unpleasant tension of dry skin, it must be moisturized with a cream or lotion
  • do not touch the skin of the face with dirty hands, remember this before starting classes
  • use the most first simple complexes, step by step adding new ones; don't forget to rest between repetitions

The general principle of all exercises is that when you perform them, you should not have wrinkles. If you can't do an exercise without wrinkling, don't do it.

Known today basic complexes, each of which is aimed at solving a specific problem. That is, to combat sagging skin, eliminate the second chin or "crow's feet" around the eyes will be used different techniques And different exercises. Each of them will include meditation classes, massage, gymnastics and, of course, the restoration of peace of mind.

You need to start the exercises by taking a comfortable posture for you, allowing you to maintain a straight posture. This is followed by a mandatory warm-up, which prepares the muscles for work, after which you can start exercising.

  1. Pull your lips forward, imitating the pose of a trumpeter. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes, inhaling slowly through your nose. To increase resistance, press your palm to your lips. This exercise will reduce the number of wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Clench your hands into fists. Place the knuckles of your index and middle fingers on the center of your forehead, applying light pressure. Slowly, move your fists towards your temples. Repeat 3-4 times. Exercise will reduce the number of wrinkles on the forehead.

From wrinkles around the eyes

  1. Place your fingertips over your eyebrows, raising them slightly. Now try to close the upper eyelid as tightly as possible. Maintain the position for up to 5 seconds. Repeat after relaxing.
    Press your index and middle fingers to the corners of your eyes outside, slightly lifting them, and squeeze the eyelids with force. Feel the stretch in the corners of your eyes. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Press your index fingers under each eye horizontally. Hide your teeth with your lips, and try to hide your lips deeper into your mouth. The gaze is directed to the ceiling. Do it within 30 sec.
    Press two fingers of each hand on the temples. Then quickly open and close your eyes 10 times. Perform the exercise 2-3 times a day.

  1. Take air into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. Now we move the air in the mouth in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Open your mouth as wide as possible. Stretch out your tongue and try to reach its tip to the chin. Maintaining the position, inhale and exhale. Repeat 5-7 times.
  2. Pull your lips to the side as far as possible (you should feel a stretch in your cheek). Next, turn your head in the same direction, lifting it at an angle of 45 °. Hold the position for 3 seconds. Then repeat on the other side. Tilt your head back, looking up at the ceiling. Maintaining this position, look over your right shoulder, then over your left. Drop your chin and relax.

  1. Grit your teeth as much as possible and tighten your jaws, keeping your mouth closed. Repeat at least five times. Required condition when performed - complete relaxation of the muscles of the upper part of the face.
  2. Slightly tilting your head to your chest, bring your fingertips to your cheekbones, about a centimeter from your temples. Slightly lift the muscles of the cheeks, transferring them over the cheekbone.

12 face yoga video lessons with Elena Rodicheva

In the photo: Elena Rodicheva

These video tutorials will help you in just 15 minutes a day to master various techniques face yoga at home. Elena Rodicheva will tell you in a simple and accessible way how yoga can help you tighten your face, tone your facial muscles, relieve their tension, restore firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of your skin.

Each lesson is accompanied detailed description each action, a visual demonstration and the necessary comments. Following all the instructions of the yoga gurus, you can easily master such a direction as yoga for the face and get the most out of your workout. Rest assured, the result will not keep you waiting.

1 lesson:

2 lesson:

3 lesson:

4 lesson:

Lesson 5:

Lesson 6:

7 lesson:

8 lesson:

Lesson 9:

Lesson 10:

11 lesson:

Lesson 12:

And the neck is what it is considered to be as a non-invasive alternative to Botox and surgery. However, how exactly do exercises work, how do they help get rid of fine lines and sagging skin?

As a rule, such exercises are aimed at working some layer of the skin (dermis (lower layer), epidermis (middle layer) or upper layer). By properly working with all layers of the skin, you will be able to increase blood circulation, allowing more oxygen to enter the skin cells.

As a result, you will get a healthy complexion, the skin will be radiant, there will be less toxins in it, and it will absorb moisture better. Facial yoga is also designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the middle layer of the skin, making it smoother, more elastic and more radiant.

A set of exercises is recommended to be performed 6 days a week for 20 minutes a day. It may seem like a lot, but you will see results very quickly. In two weeks you will already see the first changes, after 2-4 months you will notice that you have less fine wrinkles, and others will notice that you look healthier and more energetic.

And after 6-9 months, all yoga practitioners for the face and neck claim that they feel better and look much younger, and also psychologically feel more relaxed.

Facial exercises

1. Exercise V

Ideal for lifting the eyelids, reducing crow's feet, reducing bags under the eyes and puffiness.

An alternative to Botox and eye surgery.

Make a V with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Touch your eyebrows as shown. Look at the ceiling, squint your eyes, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 6 times and finish by closing your eyes for 10 seconds.

2. "Smooth" smile

Ideal for tightening the cheek line and rescuing sagging skin.

An alternative to a lower face lift and filler injections.

Cover your teeth with your lips, make the letter "O" with your mouth. Smile broadly while maintaining your position. Repeat 6 times. Then, keeping your face in a smile, place your index finger on your chin. Move your jaw up and down, gently tilting your head back. Relax and repeat again.

3. Smooth forehead

Ideal for smoothing horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

Botox alternative.

Place your fingers on your forehead as shown in the picture. They should fit on the entire forehead. Gently stroke your forehead with your fingers, moving the fingers of one hand away from the fingers of the other. Apply light pressure to loosen the skin. Relax your arms and repeat 10 times.

4. Flirtatious eyes

Ideal for getting rid of bags and drooping eyebrows.

An alternative to a brow lift.

Place your index fingers under each eye, horizontally pointing towards the nose. Hide your teeth with your lips, and try to hide your lips as deep as possible into your mouth. Look at the ceiling and lift your upper eyelids for 30 seconds.

5. Giraffe

Ideal for a beautiful neck

An alternative to a neck lift.

Look ahead of you. Place your fingertips as shown in the picture. Gently stroke the skin while tilting your head back. Return your head to the starting position, repeat again. Then stretch the lower lip as far as possible, pull the corners of the mouth down. In this case, the chin should be raised, and the tips of the fingers should lie on the collarbone.

For those who are limited in time, there are also several facial yoga exercises that do not require the use of a mirror and hands. They can be practiced anywhere, even while driving.

These exercises are aimed at working out the lower part of the face: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second chin, the general contour and neck. Perform the exercise for 4-6 sets of 5 reps per set, or do each exercise 20-30 times.

neck exercise

With this exercise, you can work out the front of the neck, where girdle wrinkles and folds form.

Stretch your whole face forward, returning to the starting position. During the exercise, make sure that the front surface of the neck is in tension.

Exercise to get rid of the second chin

This exercise helps to strengthen the hyoid muscle group well.

With the tip of the tongue, press either on the lower palate, without touching the teeth, then on the upper palate. When performing the exercise, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second chin should be in tension. Up and down movement counts as one. From habit, the tongue will quickly get tired, but do not try to do 30 times the first time.

There will also be a lot of saliva, but with time this will also pass. This is one of those exercises that you can do at any time that suits you, as others won't see what you're doing.

#2 to get rid of double chin

Make every effort to press the tongue against the upper palate. At the same time, the neck tenses, and the second chin reaches for the tongue. The first few times, do the exercise slowly to feel the tension well. Then you can increase the pace.

To understand the technique of performing the exercise, swallow your saliva. During this process, the tongue seems to stick to the entire upper palate. This is how it should be pressed during the exercise.

Facial contour exercise

This exercise will help in correcting the oval of the face. To perform it, you need to slightly raise your chin and push your jaw forward. Return to the starting position for 5 seconds, push the jaw again and linger in static position for another 5 seconds. Relax.

Exercise for the center of the face

This exercise will help relieve cramps. circular muscle mouth, and it also trains the central muscles of the face. The exercise works well when performed in a set of exercises to correct a nasolabial crease.

Inflate the lower and upper lips in turn, as if rolling the air. Then the left and right cheeks, while keeping your lips to the side, keep them straight, and try to direct the air under the nostril. Then fill your entire mouth with air and roll it first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Perform each type of exercise 20-30 times or do 4-6 sets of 5 times.

Important! If you have rosacea on your face, then this exercise cannot be done. Also, it should not be done to people with high blood pressure.

No. 2 for the center of the face

Make the largest possible letter "O" with your mouth, linger in this position for 5 seconds and relax.

No. 3 for the center of the face

This exercise is also suitable for tightening the oval of the face.

Learn to push hard ear muscles i.e. learn to wiggle your ears. This exercise is extremely helpful. Practice it throughout the day.

The neck of a person deserves a separate discussion, because its training is the largest and very important section in face yoga. But in order not to be unfounded, we will tell you about several reasons why you should training program be sure to do exercises for the neck.

The importance of a trained neck

1) A well-trained neck is the base of your face

Those who regularly train their neck have a perfect facial contour, they completely lack a double chin and wrinkles on their neck. Strong neck is the foundation for the upper and middle parts of the face.

2) Significantly improved well-being

During neck training, blood circulation increases, thereby the brain is more actively supplied with nutrients and oxygen. A strong neck also improves posture. If a person is in a motionless or sedentary position for a long time, then a spasm of the muscles of the neck and back often occurs, due to which headaches occur, fatigue comes and efficiency decreases.

3) Increased stamina and strength

Strong neck muscles are the stability of the spine, which, in turn, gives us the opportunity to increase the load during the performance of any other exercises for the body.

4) cervical the spine is protected from disease

Today, every second person has osteochondrosis, and the disease is getting younger by leaps and bounds. Neck exercises are the prevention of periods of exacerbation of the disease, as well as the most important part of the complex treatment of this problem, as they help increase the mobility of the vertebrae, and make the neck muscles more plastic.

The human neck is very complex. This is due to the unequal origin of muscles and fascia, their different functions, as well as relationships with blood vessels, nerves and organs located in the neck. The muscles of the neck are divided into groups by origin and by cervical regions. Next, we will tell you about exercises that will develop the flexibility of the neck.