What gives exercise scissors. exercise scissors

The plank is perfect for strengthening the spine and forming the press. This exercise allows you to work out all the major muscle groups. No wonder it is very complex. The execution time can be increased gradually, starting from 20 seconds. Professionals can stand in the bar for up to 5 minutes. We will strive for this too!

We lay down on our side and stretch the body in one line. Next, rest your elbow on the floor and rise. The neck and spine should form one line. We hold this position, and then we lie down again and change sides.

To complicate the workout, you can raise and lower the leg that is on top. We do not bend the knee. We hold the weight of the body on the arm, and not on the elbow.

Anatomy of the press

The abdominal muscles are a serious topic for modern men and women. Before you start looking for a set of exercises for home or sign up for classes with a trainer, you need to at least superficially get acquainted with the anatomical features of the area that needs to be worked out. The foundation that you need during training is the muscles that make up the stomach and what they are responsible for. There are four muscle groups:

  • Straight muscle. It completely crosses the tummy (from top to bottom) - starts from the chest and reaches the crest of the pubic bone. Throughout the muscle is divided by one vertical tendon fiber into two parts, as well as several horizontal ones that cross it across. It is because of the tendons that after thorough pumping, the so-called "cubes" appear on the stomach. The main purpose of the rectus muscle is to bend the body in the lumbar region.
  • External oblique. This is a superficial muscle starting from the side chest, stretches as a continuation of the external muscles of the intercostal space, as if closing the costal part. It is attached by means of special teeth to eight ribs, from which it begins to divide into bundles. The muscle is intended for bending the spine, turning the body. If you need to turn to the right, then the left muscle works, when moving to the left, the right muscle is activated. This muscle is the largest of all, therefore it clearly stands out when pumping.
  • Internal oblique. It is located immediately below the outer spit. It runs obliquely through the abdomen from the pelvic region to the chest. Muscle fibers run oppositely, respectively, diagonally. Purpose - rotation of the body and turns (to the side where the muscle directly involved in the movement is located).
  • transverse muscle. It lies inside the abdominal region, runs horizontally along the sides. It is she who is the basis of the third, deepest muscle layer of the abdomen. The transverse muscle during pumping does not affect the aesthetics, but it should be worked out. muscle fiber holds the internal organ systems.

The structure of the muscles in the representatives of the female and male half is no different. Only the size and structure can vary, taking into account the characteristics of the organism, human genetics. In some cases, the number of cubes may also differ.

Benefits of Slimming Scissors

Experts have calculated that when performing the “Scissors”, an athlete spends about 60 kcal in 10 minutes of active movements. It's not very much. To burn 600 kcal, you have to cross your legs for 100 minutes continuously, which, of course, is impossible. Therefore, experienced athletes recommend combining Scissors with other exercises for the abdominal muscles. An approximate plan for a fat-burning lesson: jumping rope - 10 minutes, twisting forward - 30 times, straight leg raises - 30 times, twisting - "Bicycle" - 20 times on each side, "Scissors" on the back - 30 repetitions, plank - 30 -40 seconds, jumping rope - 10 minutes.

Weight loss involves dietary restrictions. So be sure to take care of your diet. Otherwise, no training will help get rid of subcutaneous fat at the waist. We recommend that you gradually reduce your intake of carbohydrates, replacing them with lean proteins and plant foods. So you will saturate the body with the necessary trace elements and reduce the calorie content of the menu. Refuse, at least for a while, from the use of alcohol and smoked meats. These foods overload the digestive system.

Squat scissors scheme

1) Stand under the bar of the Smith machine and rest it against upper part trapezius muscle, taking the bar narrow enough so that the trapezoid completely covers the spine, and the bar does not put pressure on it. 2) Place your legs in one line so that the toe of the working leg rests on the heel of the second, while the heel of the working leg should be at the level of the neck of the Smith machine. 3) The back is bent in the lumbar region so that the lordosis of the spine is formed, which is necessary in order to remove the load from it. 4) Slowly lower the pelvis down, moving it to the right or left, to the parallel, that is, until the pelvis is on the same level with the knee joint. 5) Return the pelvis to its original position without fully extending the leg at the knee joint, and sit down again, moving the pelvis to the other side.

Scissor Squats - Notes

1) Inhale through the nose in the negative phase when squatting down, and exhale through the mouth in the active phase. 2) The center of gravity passes through the heel of the working leg, but the foot should be completely on the floor, so try to rest not only on the heel, but also outside feet. 3) Make sure that the knee joint is always behind the line of the toe of the working leg. 4) Be sure to change the direction of rotation of the gluteal muscles, turning each repetition of them in different sides. 5) The exercise should be performed an even number of approaches, changing the working leg each time so that the buttocks develop evenly.


The gluteal muscles make up a large muscle group, consisting of three muscles that differ in size and function. Usually the buttocks are trained by girls, and in this case, the gluteal muscles in general are not just the most big muscle in the body, but also the only one that makes sense to hypertrophy. For the most part, the gluteus maximus is responsible for the size of the gluteal muscles, while the middle and small ones affect its shape. For pumping big gluteal muscle nessesary to use basic exercises and large working weights, and for study internal muscles buttocks need isolation exercises.

Summing up, we can say that scissor squats are an effective exercise that can be used to improve the quality of the gluteal muscle and its complex development.

When performing the exercise, attention should be paid to the depth of the squat and the abduction of the buttocks to the sides. The depth of the squat depends on what load factor the glutes will take on, and the abduction of the buttocks to the side allows you to also use the gluteus medius muscle

The exercise should be performed either at the end of the workout to achieve a pumping and high-quality study of the buttocks, or as part of an integrated approach, or at the beginning of the workout to pre-fatigue the muscles.

bodybuilding exercises

Charging Bubnovsky for beginners: 10 exercises for joints

One of effective ways getting rid of various diseases of the bone and muscular systems is an exercise for the joints from Dr. Bubnovsky.

Complex gymnastic exercises for beginners according to the method of a well-known doctor has no contraindications, has a positive effect, both on physical health patient, as well as his state of mind.

Purpose and benefits of exercise

The main goal of doing gymnastics from Dr. Bubnovsky is to restore the mobility of the spine and the healthy functioning of the body as a whole.

One of positive qualities of the exercises performed is the long-term preservation of muscle elasticity, even after the completion of the course of treatment.

Another plus is the ability to control your emotional state with the help of classes, restrain negative emotions and gain self-confidence.

Dr. Bubnovsky has developed several sets of exercises for different age categories of patients:

  • gymnastics for newborns;
  • physical education for the elderly;
  • exercises for pregnant women.

This set of exercises for the treatment of lower back pain and hip joint easy for beginners and doesn't take more than an hour a day.

Articular gymnastics from Dr. Bubnovsky

The exercise technique is easy to learn:

  1. movements must be performed at a convenient pace and mode;
  2. repetitions of exercises do not need to be performed more than 10 times (over time, the load will increase);
  3. the load should go to the press, and not to the spine;
  4. correct breathing regimen should be observed.

Movements "lying on your back" (perform each movement 10 times):

  1. Take a starting position (lie on your back), lean on your elbows and stretch your legs. Alternately bend your knees, bringing the left elbow to the right leg, and the right elbow to the left.
  2. Do wide swings with your legs.
  3. Pull your knees up to your chest.
  4. Raise and lower the upper body, complicating the task by simultaneously raising straight outstretched legs.
  5. Reach for bent knees with palms. At the same time, the arms are straight, only the shoulder blades come off the floor.

Side exercises (10 reps):

Take the starting position (lying on your side and stretching your legs straight). The body should resemble a straight line. Movements are performed with support on one outstretched arm. It is necessary to make wide swings with the foot from side to side.

Perform knee movements forward, after which the foot is taken to the opposite side.

Gently pull the upper knee to the shoulder and pull back, taking the starting position.

Turn the leg bent at the knee, located at the top point, with the heel up, return to the original position and swing the leg.

connect elbow upper hand with the lower knee, and then dilute them as much as possible.

Start the bent knee alternately back and forth, as far as possible. Such gymnastics of Bubnovsky for the knee joints perfectly helps the articulation

Next gymnastic complex performed "standing on all fours" (number of repetitions 10):

  1. Take a starting position (kneel down and rest your hands on the floor). Perform with knees bent.
  2. Bring your knee to your chest, lift it up while lowering your chest on it.
  3. Straighten your leg and slowly raise it parallel to the floor. Return to starting position.
  4. Pull the knee to the shoulder, return to the starting position and swing the leg to the side.

Exercises in the prone position:

  • Starting position: lie on your stomach, focus on your arms bent at the elbows and stretch your body straight. Make a scissors movement without making big swings.
  • Spread your arms and legs wider than your shoulders. Raise the body up on the exhale and lower on the inhale.
  • Alternately pull the knees to the elbows, pulling the leg back when returning to the starting position.
  • Swing your leg up, turn on your side and repeat the movement.

Articular gymnastics Bubnovsky has earned a lot of positive feedback from patients. It is easy to learn and helps to cure almost all diseases of the musculoskeletal system without taking much time.

Benefits of exercise

The main advantages of this type of training are:

  • Exercise scissors, like any other type of training, enriches the body with oxygen, nourishes tissues and improves the functionality of the cardiovascular system. These processes are especially active in the muscles of the press.
  • When performing scissors, the main load goes to the lower abdomen, but at the same time, the auxiliary muscles of the press and legs are tightened.
  • The exercise engages the back and front muscles of the thighs. This contributes to the formation of a "clearance" in the area of ​​​​the inner thigh.
  • Regular 10-minute workouts help burn up to 100 kcal and form a thin waist.
  • The exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and is restorative after injuries and fractures (for example, the femoral neck), as the muscles that are responsible for running and walking are being worked out.
  • This type of training can be performed by people of different age categories, even after an injury or back surgery. It is prescribed in the form of postoperative therapy. It is useful for women to perform scissors after childbirth, as thanks to this you can get rid of traces of stretch marks (the skin will become elastic and elastic).
  • Training does not require special sports equipment and does not require a large space. The movements are simple, so physically unprepared people can do them.
  • Training can be done 2-3 times a week.

How to do

As mentioned above, doing scissor squats or lunges in place is convenient with a barbell or Smith machine. Of course, you can also use dumbbells - the exercise is quite variable.

This is what it looks like with a barbell:

Take a comfortable weight and place it on your shoulders just below your neck. The bar should lie on the trapezius muscles. When working with a barbell, it is more convenient to take it from racks suitable for your height than to pick it up from the floor every time.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and step one foot forward. The width of the step should be such that when squatting, the knee of this leg does not go beyond the line of the fingers. The knee of the second should either almost touch the floor strictly under the body, or be laid further back (long lunges).
Putting your feet in the desired position, check the position of the back. The spine is even, the weight presses on it strictly perpendicular to the floor, there is a slight natural deflection in the lower back. Try not to lean forward while doing the exercise, as this will change the vector of action of the weight, and the load on the spine can become traumatic.
On an inhale, bend your knees. In the squat, the center of gravity of the body should be in the center, between the legs.

It is important not to move it back. The foot standing behind is always on the toe and does not fall on the heel

Try not to touch the floor with your knee either.
On the exhale, due to the effort of both legs, stand upright. The position of the feet does not change from repetition to repetition, you do not need to step, as classic lunges imply - the body only moves down.
Do the desired number of repetitions, rest and proceed to the next approach.

If you do such lunges not with a free bar, but in the Smith machine, then you do not need to monitor the vertical position of the body - the machine will do it for you. This embodiment is preferable from the point of view of ease of mastering the mechanics of motion.

The variation of the scissors with dumbbells is also easier than with the barbell. The fact is that with dumbbells it is much easier to keep balance. Therefore, if the Smith machine is not available to you, and with the barbell you are still falling to the sides, start with this option. You will work out the technique, learn how to coordinate the work of the muscles, and then move on to a more complex projectile. Dumbbells should be held in arms extended to the sides of the body.

If you are a beginner and have no training experience, try lunges in place with no weight at all. In your case, even such an implementation will give a tangible effect.

Exercises for excess fat from the thighs

For some reason, it is generally accepted that nothing helps better than swinging your legs back, forward and to the side, in order to slim down your legs. But if the problem lies in the redundancy of the fat layer, most likely, the swings will not help. The reason is that it will require energy-intensive movements that will force your body to burn fat. The paradox lies in the fact that in this case you need to train not only one leg, but also the whole body in a complex, only then your body will also lose weight. problem area. So, those who can “pinch” with their fingers (thumb and forefinger) a layer of fat on the thighs or calves will need an integrated approach. Remember - you need to practice 5 times a week. For example, perform a cardio complex on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and on strength exercises for legs "lean" on Tuesday and Thursday. Stick to a moderate-calorie diet, and limit fatty foods and carbohydrates (simple) and you will feel the difference very quickly.

Secrets and subtleties of effective movements

How to do the scissors exercise in order to achieve maximum results, useful recommendations will suggest:

Do not move the body and move your arms when performing movements.
Legs should not be thrown too high

They need to be kept average.
When moving the legs, it is important to ensure that they are straight.
Breathing should be even, without jerks and strong delays.
Speed ​​is not the main thing, it is important to carry out the movements correctly.
To complicate the process, weighting agents are used, which are fixed on the legs.
During the movements, you can not raise your head.
The exercise should be performed in three to four sets. One approach lasts about 50-65 seconds.

Effective leg scissors exercise. For best results, stretch your toes. You can not drink water before training, and you can eat two hours before training.

It is difficult for beginners to keep their legs elevated throughout the action, as the muscles have not yet grown stronger and are not able to bear the load. If this happens with the second approach, then you can increase the rest time or reduce the number of repetitions.

If it is very difficult to perform scissors, then you can raise the upper part of the body and lean on your elbows. This makes moving much easier. When the muscles get stronger, you can gradually complicate the workout.

Exercise scissors for the buttocks and the press must be performed several times a week. At regular performance after two months, the stomach will become more toned and elastic.

Do not immediately give heavy loads or train to exhaustion

It is important to take care of the recovery, which should be given at least two days. Therefore, it is irrational to train more often.

To get rid of muscle pain, it is important to increase the intensity of training gradually.

Photo instruction how to do exercise scissors

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Exercise bike. Bicycling is a great exercise for the press

For effective elaboration oblique muscles of the abdomen is perfect exercise bike. To complete it, you do not need to visit gym or purchase additional equipment. Need only Smooth surface, minimum level physical training and your wish.

In other words, if you practice home workouts, we recommend that you include this wonderful exercise in your program.

What muscles are loaded

Bicycle crunches (as this exercise is also called) load primarily the oblique muscles of the press. The rectus muscles, flexors of the hips, and to a small extent the back also work. In general, we can say that the bike perfectly develops the press in general, but subject to correct technique execution, it is the oblique muscles that will be worked out to a greater extent.

Bicycle twists perfectly work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Such an emphasis, in combination with other workouts for the abdominal muscles, will allow you to get a harmoniously developed and aesthetically attractive press.

Just remember that extra weight in this case should be used with caution. Excessive weighting can lead to the fact that pumped oblique muscles will cause the exact opposite effect - the waist will visually expand, and this most often does not look very natural.

Execution technique

Exercise bike is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, we will consider two options for its implementation (from simple to complex).


For beginners, a gradual increase in load is suitable. Therefore, at first it is worth learning to simply “peddle”. Let's take a starting position:

  1. Lie down on the floor (for more comfort, you can use a yoga mat or any similar). Press your lower back to the floor, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides.
  2. Tightening the abdominal muscles (the lower back does not arch), raise the legs so that the thighs are directed perpendicular to the floor surface, and the shins, in turn, are parallel. You seem to be sitting on an invisible chair.
  3. Keeping your lower back in mind, start doing rotational movements feet as if pedaling. Try to feel and fully control the work of the abdominal muscles.

Take your time, proper technique is more important than speed. The number of approaches depends on your preparation.

The loin does not come off the floor.

You can start with two sets of ten reps. Then build up to three to five sets of twenty reps. Then try to move from a simplified version to a full-fledged technique.

Doing the exercise right

The technique is as follows:

  1. The starting position is similar - we lie down on the floor, put our hands behind our heads, spread our elbows.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and raise your legs to a slight height. Legs should be straight.
  3. As you exhale, pull one leg toward your body while lifting your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Perform a twist, touching the elbow of the opposite arm to the knee of the leg. That is, if you pulled up your right leg, touch your knee with the elbow of your left hand.
  4. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Continue pulling your legs alternately, touching your knees with your elbows as you twist.

Try to make all movements as smoothly as possible, do not allow sudden jerks. Only in this case the effect will be maximum.

If it is difficult to keep both legs elevated, place the non-moving leg on the floor. However, do not get used to this approach, at the first opportunity, go to the technique described above.

An ideal study of the press can only be achieved when the leg that does not move towards the body is on weight. Moreover, the closer the leg is kept to the floor, the stronger the tension will be, try not to raise it too high.

The oblique muscles will work better if the elbow and knee are in contact during the twist.

Benefits and contraindications

It is useful to perform the exercise in combination with other types of loads on the press for its harmonious development. Working out the oblique abdominal muscles will help you perform many basic exercises more effectively.

Twisting in general does not imply any special contraindications. Everything is pretty standard: the presence of injuries, problems of the cardiovascular system, fever. Also, twisting is not recommended during pregnancy, at this time it is better to give preference to special training.

Press exercises. The best exercises to build abs

I've seen a lot of people with poorly developed abs who could do hundreds of crunches and plank for an impressive amount of time.

The problem here is that the core muscles are just like any other muscle. They need progressive overload to grow. This calls for an emphasis on weight training and increased athletic performance over time.

One of the biggest mistakes in ab training is not doing exercises with extra weight. As you will see below, I recommend doing at least a few sets of these exercises during your workout. However, before we simulate training, let's talk about individual exercises.

There is an incredible amount of exercises for the press and a lot of opinions about what is best and what is not. Luckily, you only need to pick a few to develop core muscles.

The exercises below are based on scientific research and my personal experience. There are many more options that you can do, but you are unlikely to need them.

Multi-joint exercises

Squat, deadlift, bench press and army press are not exercises for the press per se, but they strengthen the core. They are also essential for growth. muscle mass and strength throughout the body. If you do not do them every week (or do not pay due attention), you will not see good progress.

Twisting in the crossover

The crossover crunch is one of my favorite exercises because it involves weight work and works the entire rectus abdominis.

You can also use crunches to work your obliques by doing a side rep after your normal rep. By lateral repetition, I mean touching the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa.

It turns out: regular rep, right elbow to left knee, regular rep, left elbow to right knee.

Raising the legs in an emphasis

Raising the legs in support is one of the the best exercises for the development of the rectus abdominis, including the "lower press", as well as oblique muscles. In the beginning, you can do the exercise with bent knees, but your goal is to work with straight legs. After a while, you can add weight by placing a dumbbell between your legs.

Hanging leg raise

The hanging leg raise is similar to the previous exercise, but it requires more effort from you to stabilize your body. Again, you can work with bent knees at first, but aim for straight legs. And hanging leg raises with a dumbbell will make you really sweat.


The bicycle exercise is a great addition to ab workouts, which works out the oblique and transverse muscles especially well.

Exercise technique vertical scissors

There are 2 options for this exercise:

  • Lift your legs off the floor and keep them in a horizontal position parallel to the floor. Raise one leg up to the vertical, slowly lower it to horizontal position, immediately raise the second.
  • Raise your legs off the floor, the higher you lift, the more difficult it will be to perform the exercise. Having raised them, begin to cross, that is, lower the right leg under the bottom of the left and lead to the left side, raise the left leg above right foot and drive to the right. Do this once, then swap them, left at the bottom, right at the top. Move your legs out to the sides as far as possible. Breathing is arbitrary, but exhalation is best done with effort.

How to do the vertical scissors exercise most effectively?

Vertical scissors is a fitness exercise and very popular with girls and women. The sad thing is that most of them do it wrong. It will be most effective not to lower the legs below 45 degrees, thereby turning off the iliac muscle from work, but it is best to raise them as high as possible. This is the way you will give the correct and good load for the press. This embodiment is more difficult for lower press and may not be suitable for beginners.

  • For beginners, it is better to keep your back and legs closer to the floor. After several workouts, rest your forearms on the floor, rising on your elbows, and lift your limbs 30 cm from the floor.
  • If you want to increase the load - attach the weights to the ankles.
  • You can perform the second version of the exercise, while raising your legs and crossing them, and then lowering them to the floor level.
  • Try to stretch out your socks as much as possible.
  • For getting maximum effect from the vertical shears, keep the press in a twisted state to load the press with an additional static load.


  • Raise the head and rest the chin on the chest.
  • Raising the legs no higher than 45 degrees and lowering to the horizontal, gives a low positive effect for the lower press from the vertical scissors exercise.

Exercise features

The big advantage of the exercise is its versatility, lunges with scissors are recommended for everyone, during the period of muscle gain or drying, when working on endurance. The exercise belongs to the basic ones, it can be performed both with free weights and in the Smith machine.


  • Universal exercise - suitable for men and women in any period of training.
  • A multi-joint exercise that simultaneously trains several muscle groups - quadriceps and buttocks.
  • It speeds up the metabolism, improves both the anabolic effect on the body as a whole, and promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat under certain loads.
  • Stretches muscles, allows muscles to recover faster after strength exercises.


  • With incorrect technique, displacement is possible knee joint forward, which can cause the meniscus to fall out.
  • Balance is required, as poor balance can lead to falls and injury.

Performing the Scissors exercise: increasing performance and aiming for a better result

For any exercise, you can find a lot of tips that increase its effectiveness. Exercise "Scissors" is no exception to this rule. Below we will present you helpful tips for error-free execution of this exercise while increasing efficiency.

Useful tips for a more correct and effective implementation of the exercise "Scissors":

1. Strong fixation. During the exercise, try not to fidget with your body on the floor surface. This phenomenon significantly affects the effectiveness of the exercise. Fix firmly with your hands under the buttocks, which serve as a solid support along with the lower back, and proceed to the effective implementation of the exercise;

2. Moderation range. Many women believe that the higher they throw their legs, the more effective it will be. this exercise. This statement is more than wrong. It is much more difficult to keep straight legs in the middle range movement. It is this execution that will have the best effect;

3. Straightness of the legs

As mentioned above, keeping your legs straight is the most important condition. correct execution exercises "Scissors"; 4. Freedom to breathe

Do not bring your body to rest. Each person has his own pace and his own way of doing this exercise. Breathe freely and easily according to your pace and manner;

4. Freedom of breath. Do not bring your body to rest. Each person has his own pace and his own way of doing this exercise. Breathe freely and easily according to your pace and manner;

5. Moderate speed. Eliminate high speed racing from this exercise. Such an action reduces to absolute zero the effectiveness of the "Scissors". You must swing your legs consciously and in moderate pace, feeling how each muscle is being strained and worked out, to which this exercise is directed. On average, the execution time for one approach is 45 seconds - 1 minute;

6. Weights. If you feel how your body, after a certain time period, got used to performing the Scissors exercise and performs it easily, without feeling much tension, complicate the whole process. To do this, simply put on special weights on the shins, and you will immediately feel a good muscle load. Start buying weights from 2 kilograms, gradually increasing the weight.

The most exciting areas for weight loss are the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. To get rid of annoying excess fat in this area will help exercise "scissors".

What muscles are involved

The exercise has a special effect on the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Most work during its execution:

  • muscles of the abdominal zone responsible for the press: straight, oblique and transverse;
  • lateral broad muscle hips;
  • rectus femoris;
  • large and long adductor muscles;
  • biceps femoris.

The benefits and benefits of exercise

Due to the fact that the "scissors" affect the muscles of the press, as well as superficial and deep muscles hips, when performing the exercise, they improve the following elements bodies:

  • press (depending on the goal and the applied load, you can get both a flat tummy and coveted cubes);
  • waist, which becomes more beautiful and thin;
  • due to the tension of the transverse muscle, the correct posture is formed;
  • the hips become more toned;
  • legs become slimmer due to the tension of the muscles of the thighs.

"Scissors" options

There are several varieties of "scissors", alternating and combining which you will make training more interesting and effective, since the muscles will not get used to the same load.

Classic vertical and cross "scissors"

Classical and cross "scissors" differ from each other by the planes in which leg swings are performed. With classic "scissors" swings are performed vertically: when lowering the left leg, the right leg rises, and vice versa. The legs do not touch the floor. Performing the cross “scissors” exercise, leg swings are done from side to side: the right leg goes to the left, the left leg to the right.

Video: how to do the exercise correctly, the technique for performing classic "scissors"

These types of "scissors", in turn, are divided into subspecies. Depending on your physical fitness, the exercise is performed at an angle of 90, 60, 30 or 10 degrees.

If you are a beginner, you have excess weight, or right now there is a period of rehabilitation after an injury, then start with “scissors” at 90 degrees.

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. In order to make the exercise a little easier, you can grab the edges of the rug with your hands - this will help to press the lower back to the floor.
  2. Bring one leg up perpendicular to the floor, then switch legs without lowering your feet to the floor.
  3. We breathe in the stomach, counting in order from 1 to 10: for the first ten - we inhale slowly and deeply, for the second - we exhale.

We repeat the exercise for 20-30 seconds in 3-5 sets.

After some time of practicing scissors in the 90-degree position, you will no longer feel discomfort in your back when lowering your legs. And this means that it's time to move on and move to a higher level, lowering your legs a third lower - at an angle of 60 degrees.

The order of the exercise is the same as described above.

  1. Lie down in the starting position: arms lie on the back of the head or extended along the body, legs are raised at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. Lower your legs 30 degrees lower and perform the exercise, alternating between vertical and horizontal swings;
  3. Watch the rhythm of your breathing!

Do 3-5 sets. The goal is to immediately raise your legs to 60 degrees, and do not bend them when lowering to the floor.

After a while, you can go even lower - by 30 degrees.

  1. We lay down on our backs. We put our hands under the lower back or buttocks. Legs at an angle of 30 degrees;
  2. We perform the exercise according to the already known algorithm. The loin should be firmly pressed to the floor, shoulder and cervical muscles- relaxed.

We perform at least 3 sets 3 times a week.

The most difficult level is "scissors" at a height of 10 degrees. This level will be conquered only by those who have good physical fitness.

  1. Take the starting position - lying on your back, hands under the buttocks, legs extended.
  2. Raise your legs to a height of 10-15 cm.
  3. Make horizontal or vertical swings without touching the floor surface. Our goal is to gradually increase the frequency of swings, to do 4 swings on one breath.

When performing the exercise "scissors" you can use additional funds: a gymnastic ball, small dumbbells for hands and leg weights weighing 0.5 kg.

Reverse "scissors" for pumping legs and press

You can do vertical and horizontal leg swings while lying on your stomach. In this position, in addition to the muscles of the press and hips, the gluteal muscles are effectively involved.

Lying on the floor

  1. We accept the starting position: we lie down on the stomach, hands under the chin. You can keep your head straight or put it on your hands - follow your feelings and position yourself as you like.
  2. We make horizontal swings with our legs without touching the floor. Perform 10-20 swings in one approach.

This type of exercise can be made more difficult by stretching straight arms in front of you and swinging both arms and legs at the same time.

Lying on a bench

Using a bench or a simulator, in the reverse "scissors" position, you can perform not only horizontal, but also vertical swings.

  1. Sit on a bench so that your body is on it and your legs are in the air. Grasp the edge of the bench firmly with your hands.
  2. Perform 10 vertical and horizontal swings, not forgetting to monitor your breathing and balance.

High "scissors"

Those who are familiar with such a fitness technique as Pilates know a special kind of “scissors”, in which the lower part of the body is on weight.

  1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body, put them palms down. Straighten your legs and lift them up to a 60 degree angle or higher.
  2. Slowly lift your pelvis off the floor (feet should be above your head), supporting yourself under the lower back.
  3. Take a breath. Lower one leg, the other should remain motionless.
  4. Change the position of the legs as you exhale.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  6. When finished, bring your legs over your head and gently lower lower part bodies on the floor.

Perform this exercise only if you are in good physical condition.

Video: technique for performing high "scissors" for the legs

By performing this type of “scissors”, you pump not only the muscles of the hips and abdominal area, but also many others. Namely:

  • muscles of the back and abdomen, which stabilize the position of the spine;
  • muscles that extend the leg in the hip and knee joints;
  • gastrocnemius and soleus muscles;
  • muscles that extend the arm at the shoulder joint;
  • muscles that bring the shoulder blades together.

Secrets and subtleties of the exercise

  • Keep your body still and do not move your arms during the exercise.
  • Raise your legs straight without bending your knees.
  • Don't forget about proper breathing.
  • Do not chase speed, perform ups and downs at an average pace.
  • 10 minutes of training burns 60-80kcal. By the way, reverse “scissors” are more effective in this sense.
  • To burn 100-110 kcal in 10 minutes exercise in the pool. effect from 40 minutes such training may be equal to the effect of strength training.
  • For best result required 3-4 workouts per week in conjunction with other exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • During one workout, do 3 sets of 45-60 seconds every. The number of swings depends on your physical form.
  • A noticeable effect of the exercise can be seen through 2 months after the start of training.

Exercise "scissors" can be complicated by exercising with dumbbells

Exercise "scissors" is distinguished not only by its availability, but also by its benefits and effectiveness. Vertical and horizontal swings are able to pump your hips and abs in a relatively short time. But for impressive results, constant physical practice is needed. And most importantly, remember - there is a time for everything. Do not overestimate your abilities and do not rush to the next level, and then you will be rewarded with a flat tummy, slender legs and elastic buttocks, and you can leave only positive feedback about the exercise.

Exercise scissors for the press should be a full-fledged element functional training every athlete. It helps to work out the “lower abdomen” (one of the most “problematic” places for both men and women). In addition, this exercise engages the iliopsoas, synergists, and stabilizers.

Scissors have the following advantages:

  • Develop, strengthen, tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • "Make" the lower cubes;
  • Help to "dry" the press;
  • "Flatten" the stomach;
  • Form a beautiful thin waist;
  • Work out the legs and buttocks;
  • The risk of injuring your back during the exercise is minimal.

How to do "scissors"

Technology features:

  • Initially, you should lie on the floor, press your back firmly to the floor. The arms should be extended along the body or fixed under the buttocks.
  • The press should be clamped, after which the straight legs come off the floor no higher than 15-20 cm.
  • Next, the left leg should be raised even higher (approximately to an angle of 45 degrees), and the right leg should be lowered until the heel is located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the floor. Consistently it is necessary to alternate the position of both legs.

Exercise is performed at least 3 sets of 25-30 times each.

This training has several variations:

  • Cross scissors;
  • Reverse (they are also cross) scissors lying on a bench.

Variant of the exercise "scissors":

How to achieve maximum exercise efficiency

  • During the exercise, do not move your arms and move the body;
  • You can not raise your legs excessively up - this is how the load from the abdominal muscles goes to the lower back;
  • Legs should be straight;
  • Breathing should be arbitrary, but rhythmic;
  • "Scissors" are done slowly;
  • To complicate the exercise, you can put on special cuffs for weights on the lower legs.

So, "scissors" is one of the most effective exercises to help work out the rectus abdominis. It is included in women's and male workout on the press.

The body is straight, in an inclination, the arms are widely spaced slightly below the line of the shoulders, the palms are parallel to each other in a circle. Bending your arms at the elbows, approach the wall and then gently push yourself away from it, trying to do this minimally with the muscles of the arms and maximally with the pectoral muscles. Elbows during push-ups go to the sides and do not fall down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2. “Scissors with hands”

Standing straight, arms spread as far as possible to the sides (feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles), palms pointing down. Join hands crossed in front of you: first one hand on top, when repeating - the other. Perform slowly, be sure to consciously strain and stretch the pectoral muscles. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 3. “Circular swings”

Standing straight, with both arms slightly bent at the elbows, perform synchronous swings with maximum amplitude: first forward (as when swimming with a butterfly), then back (as when swimming on your back). Repeat 15 times on each side.


Exercise 1. “Swinging with legs”

Standing straight, arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms down. Swing back and slightly to the side. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Do not tilt the body forward, do the movement with maximum amplitude, but not with a jerk, but with a contraction of the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2. “Crane”

Standing straight, arms bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. Raise the leg, touching the elbow with the knee, then lower the leg without touching the floor. Keep your body in perfect alignment. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 3. “Boat”

Lying on the floor on your stomach, rest your forehead on the palms of your hands. Raise both legs off the floor as high as possible, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then lower the legs to the floor, but without touching. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 4. “Scissors with legs”

Lying on your back, hands under the coccyx, straight legs raised above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Cross your legs alternately (first one leg on top, when repeating - the other), with maximum amplitude. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 5. “Scissors with hands”

Lying on your back, emphasis bent legs against the wall, arms outstretched. Raise the upper part of the rounded back off the floor, then return to the starting position. Perform at an average pace. At the same time, the lower back is pressed to the floor all the time, the arms are extended forward, the press is in tension. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 6

The final and very important part of the complex is an exercise for static tension of the whole body. Arms and legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the line of the shoulder, body and legs are perfectly straight. Hold the body in this position for 1-2 minutes.