Youtube channel Jessica Smith Tv: workouts for all fitness levels. Ballet, yoga, crossfit: Girls about their favorite YouTube workout workout with jessica smith


Genre: Dark romance, Thriller

Series: Out of series

Chapters: Prologue + 41 chapters + Epilogue

Translator: Daria M.

Checker: Dasha K.

Editors: Kira B., Ekaterina L.

Proofreading and formatting: Natalie I.

Cover: Tanya P.

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Especially for the group: K.N.



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My mind is screaming and telling me to run faster, and my legs can barely carry the weight of my body. The trail of blood, as if mocking, marks every mistake I make. My legs get tangled up and with a groan, I land awkwardly on the soft bed of leaves. My head needs rest, but danger is near.

Very close.

Fear snakes down my spine and takes my breath away.

Somewhere in my shattered mind I remember darkness. I remember fear, longing and pain. I remember running away. I force myself to get up and start running again, slamming my feet into the ground. I'm heading for the light, where the demons will never dare to look for me.


With a shudder, I open my eyes, and a sharp pain pierces my entire body. It's so strong that I can't move. My pulse quickens, reverberating in my ears, and I try to move to somehow drown it out, but nothing comes out. I try to swallow, but I can't. The tongue is swollen and the mouth is dry. Shallow breathing saves, however, when the reality of what is happening reaches me, I start screaming.

I didn't. I didn't run hard enough, fast enough, long enough.

I didn't run away.

In fear, I shudder convulsively, tearing the skin on my hands with some foreign objects, which is why I shout out curses.

Within a second, people dressed in white appear and hold my body. They bring me unwanted calmness in a syringe, and searing pain shoots through my arm. Tears stream down my cheeks, the room becomes blurry and eventually disappears.


Minutes pass. Watch. days. I have no idea. This time, I wake up more slowly, realizing that my wrists are fixed in something. A rhythmic beep sounds in the background. I don't want to open my eyes, but I have to. My gaze meets a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me. The eyes belong to an older gentleman who slowly but impatiently gets up and sits down on my bed.

Holly, - he takes my hand in his palms and squeezes.

I blink at him, unable to speak or understand. Incoherent thoughts ricochet in my head. In a defensive gesture, I remove my hand. My movement is light, but the stranger understands and moves away. I can't offer him the sympathy he seeks. The man's eyes widen and he looks down at his hand holding mine a few seconds ago.

Holly? he asks me, sitting closer. - It's me. Now everything is all right.

He looks like an octogenarian malnourished old man.

Aging is a bitch. But I haven't decided yet if the best alternative is to die young.

I cleared my throat, hoping that the forced cough would also clear my mind of the fog it was drowning in.

I'm not Holly,” I continue in a low, soothing voice, hoping the obvious dementia or Alzheimer's disease won't make the old man aggressive. (Note: Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, a neurodegenerative disease first described in 1907 by the German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer. It usually occurs in people over 65 years of age. Short-term memory disorders, such as the inability to remember recently, are most often recognized in the early stages. With the development of the disease, there is a loss of long-term memory, speech and cognitive impairments occur, the patient loses the ability to navigate in the environment and take care of himself.The gradual loss of bodily functions leads to death).

I do not know him. Or I don't know myself.

The man pushes off my bed with more agility than I thought he had, and his eyes, wild and conflicting, look over my head. The old man furrows his brows uneasily, letting out a frustrated sigh. My frightened brain is going crazy, sending signals of alarm, fear and pain. I saw the same chaos on the face of this man.

My hands and feet are tied, so I'm doing the best I can. I scream and hope I haven't lost my mind. I want to ask questions that will help clarify the situation for me, but my body is convulsing with fear. The monitors connected to me chirp in time with my own screams, warning the people in the white coats.

I have a vague feeling of déjà vu when one of them inserts a needle into me, which makes me so weak that I don't even have time to explain what dangers await me.


This time, when I regained consciousness, I finally realized that I was in the hospital. Why i do not know. Where is hidden from me. But I'm safe in the hospital. I sigh, forcing myself to believe it.

The person I spoke to earlier is sleeping awkwardly in the chair next to me. I wonder: maybe I invented it so as not to feel lonely? I can't explain this feeling of loneliness. I watch him sleep. My breathing matches his, and little by little I begin to relax, despite the pain spreading throughout my body. With each breath, my pulse on the monitor slows down. Apparently, all forms of meditation are good for the body.

Another interesting thing: Train For Your Body Type(yes, like on discs). Workouts for different types shapes (pear, hourglass, apple, rectangle). This power training, in which the "problematic" zones for each type of figure are worked out in order to fashion more harmonious forms.

The best workout for the pear shape is 22 minutes.


Jessica often uses optional equipment for fitness. Of course, these are mostly dumbbells (but, of course, you can’t do without them). There are also workouts with a fitness ball, with a small inflatable ball (like a child), there are workouts for step, with a towel, on a chair, with an elastic band or expander, with weights for legs and arms. But this is not in every workout, you don’t need to run to buy all this - because there are almost always variations on how to do the same exercises, but without these “bells and whistles”.


I really love the Jessica Smith TV channel. And I really like the coach. Recently, I just "got hooked" on her workouts: they are diverse, suitable for different levels, there are training programs, including for weight loss. And they are free. Who wants to help Jessica and do more free videos- Buy a DVD (but this is not necessary at all). In the future, I plan to combine Fitness Blender and Jessica Smith TV. In the meantime - enjoying the endorphins in the process :)

But do not think that this post is purely subjective. This is wrong. Jessica's workouts are high-quality, thoughtful, professional fitness with a drop of humor and a fair amount of imagination. I hope you like it too

And, of course, I'm waiting for your comments and feedback. Applications for uploading training programs in PDF are also accepted.

We talked a lot about how to play sports on your own, including without leaving the apartment. - in general, an irreplaceable thing: they are diverse and free, they take place exclusively according to a schedule convenient for you, and instructors can be changed at least every day. We asked the girls we know, who regularly train using YouTube video tutorials, about their favorite workouts and life hacks that help them not to quit playing sports.

Sasha Suvorova

Managing Editor Look At Media

Once, a downstairs neighbor came to me asking why I was jumping over their heads at eight in the evening - at that moment I was training with the Nike Traning Club app. I've been a fan of home workouts for a long time: they're easier to plan, you don't have to go anywhere, they take much less time than going to the gym, and not everyone likes to sweat and blush in public. Of course, they require a different level of self-control and organization from you: after coming home, you are drawn to the couch with the series, but there are several ways to outsmart yourself, and one of them is to work hard and find exactly the kind of workouts that you like. Then it will turn not into a routine and obligation, but into another good way relax after work (or wake up in the morning before work).

Other tricks seem to be known to everyone: firstly, you need to honestly choose the time at which it is convenient for you to train. If you have to rearrange your schedule a lot for the "new life" and get up at six in the morning, there is a good chance that in a month you will simply choose to sleep longer (and that's okay). Secondly, you need to plan your meals: if you come home very hungry, most likely, instead of a workout, you will go to cook dinner - and you will do it right. Thirdly, if it seems that you are now very lazy to study, but you know that later your conscience will torment you, talk yourself into a 5-10-minute lesson. Now full of videos with short workouts.

This is partly why I really like Tara Stiles' yoga workouts: even if I hardly tear myself out of bed in the morning, I can talk myself into a short morning session, and then most often I want to do something else. Well, if you don’t feel like it, then this workout is enough to warm up and stretch your muscles in the morning and cheer up before work. In addition, Tara has an incredibly pleasant voice, a super delicate non-violent approach, no “come on, you can do more” - everything is aimed at listening to your body and enjoying how it changes even in the process of a single 15 -minute workout.

Nastya Krasilnikova

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Afisha Daily

I have a great sports career at home: I have been training since 2013 without significant breaks. She started with Kira Lashe, an American singer, dancer and fitness instructor: this is a stunningly charismatic girl who combines dancing, kickboxing and interval training in her programs. I was initially captivated by the fact that she has a very human body - wide hips, large thighs, large breasts - in which she feels like a queen. At the same time, she is resilient and fun. Thanks to Kira's programs, I lost weight - I talked about this in detail.

Over time, I learned by heart all her workouts and my body adapted to them, besides, I wanted to change the picture. So I googled Jessica Smith - she has an adorable pug and a huge archive free workouts for a wide variety of requests and levels; there are even videos in which she works out with her mother. When Jessica got bored, I found my current coaches - fitness blender. This is a husband and wife who come up with and record a wide variety of videos, and then make up challenges from them - training plans, following which you can achieve the desired goals (challenge for developing strength and endurance, for busy people, for those who want to Beautiful legs and hips or flat stomach).

Thanks to Fitness Blender, a small gym has gradually formed in my home: there is punching bag, bench and dumbbells of different shapes and sizes. They have a variety of loads - and cardio with HIIT, and yoga with Pilates, and my favorite - strength exercises. Challenges are paid, but it's worth it: the authors explain in detail the technique of all exercises and really help to become very hardy.

I like to exercise at home, because I control the process and know exactly how much effort I spend on training and which muscles work for me. At home, I don’t have to be afraid that I will be late for class or that they will look at me askance. I can regulate the intensity of the load myself. Now I work out five or six times a week for about 50 minutes. Over the years, I have become resilient and strong. And when for some reason I can’t choose a workout, I take dumbbells, turn on here is the video Jessica Smith and Pasha. After it, I always feel at least well done.

Dasha Ivanova

director projects The New practice

Six months ago I gave birth to a son. At first, the doctor did not allow any loads at all, and I recovered at home and missed the sport. Exactly two months later, I woke up, ran out to the stadium and in the evening I could not turn my head - I had a cold in my neck. It became clear that after a year-long break, running in the winter is not the most feasible load for me. When the neck passed, I decided it was time to return to football training. Love for our club “GirlPower” and the support of coaches helped to cope here, but it was also hard: there was not enough physics, there was more weight during pregnancy, and less speed and endurance. In general, everything coincided: winter, the desire to train, to become stronger, faster and lighter again, a new rhythm of life - this is how I found myself in the amazing world of training on YouTube.

I tried different things - from #sekta (it didn’t work - for me, they are too dull, although they say they are effective) to an application with video tutorials on yoga from a mozzarella manufacturer, the one that defeated everyone on Facebook with its lovers club. I even read Lena Miro's LiveJournal. I confess this only to warn you. However, watch it YouTube channel you can - the exercises there are given clearly, with an emphasis on safe technique. From sports channels I like XHIT daily. It has not been updated for a long time, but there will be enough video tutorials for a couple of years. They have an extremely energetic blonde Rebecca-Louise in the pool of trainers, she has good complexes on the press, and she powerfully encourages. A lot of useful information about training and nutrition in Lana Shi's blog.

I also did YouTube stretching. After childbirth, you understand the price of your own elasticity, and in general, for some reason, you want to become a flexible doe. I started with Donnie, from simple understandable complexes for beginners, and on one more tanned blonde at first just watched - she has more advanced exercises based on yoga. With YouTube, the best part is that there are a million lessons here. good quality and they are recorded by trainers of very different orientations, physiques and temperaments. In my case, YouTube videos have become a bridge to get in shape and gradually switch to a comfortable mode of exercising. And stretching workouts have taken root - now I stretch in the gym with a trainer a couple of times a week, and on the rest of the days I work out at home.

Anna Mitrokhova

chef and founder of the Simple ballet school

Whatever I've been doing the last few years, for any sports direction there is a YouTube channel. I used to make video tutorials on yoga and exercises for runners, but now I don’t have to train only at the computer. I go to ballet four times a week, run a couple more times a week and take one day off. At home, I like to do stretching complexes and in general any lessons from the channel Lisa Marie. Of course, video training will never replace working with a trainer, because no one will point out mistakes, tell you how best to learn how to do this or that exercise, and will not protect you from injuries. But such small workouts help to consistently work on your weak points. I love you the most this back workout.- it is very simple in appearance, but surprisingly effective. Helps straighten your shoulders and straighten your back, while relaxing it after a hard day.

Vika Svetlichnaya

Nokia project manager

For many years now I have developed a habit of sports - this is a necessity for maintaining myself in an acceptable physical form, heated eternal desire make your body more conventionally attractive, tighten up and lose weight (although the latter in my case is facilitated only by tight control of nutrition). Over the years, I have come to two important conclusions. Firstly, to practice only such types of exercise that are interesting and pleasant for me, and also approved by the doctor, taking into account health restrictions. Secondly, do short sessions, but regularly - 4-6 times a week.

It was the desire to progress in terms of stretching that prompted me to turn specifically to workouts on YouTube (I do pole fitness, and stretching is very necessary there). In addition, training to improve flexibility and joint mobility is recommended for my 10-year-old daughter - so we have another joint useful activity. For about four months now I have been doing different complexes, mostly I like American coaches. Also, YouTube workouts are very helpful on business trips: I added short, but difficult complexes for the muscles of the legs and the press to my repertoire Anna Tsukur and a mixture of power yoga and stretching by Juliana Semyonova. Juliana, she boho beautiful, especially recommend my favorite 12-minute workout " Waist Line Crusher» - the minimum in time, but the most effective in terms of load.

Alice Taiga


My mother went in for professional sports, and from 3 to 13 years old, all my evenings were scheduled for sections. I was in incredible shape, slept like a woodchuck and enjoyed training. And when at the age of 27 the question arose of how to put myself in order once and for all, I didn’t know any other honest answer, except how to really exercise every day. For a person with sports training who knows what a 90-degree knee is and how a straight back looks in the mirror, there is nothing easier than doing it at home. I have had ballet, skating, swimming, wrestling and dancing in my life, so there are no secrets in video training for me.

I had a gym, a few quickly abandoned sections and a very expensive membership in my life too, but I realized that the most frustrating thing about these classes is giving money for something that I can already do myself, plus spending about an hour on the road. Paying, in my understanding, is for expensive equipment or special conditions (bikram yoga, anti-gravity, pole dance), a really smart coach who will put you on your feet in case of health problems, or for a unique atmosphere in the classroom, for which you want come back. I'm more comfortable on my own - with my mat, my shower and my post-workout coffee.

My home workouts have a few rules. First: they always pass at the beginning of the day and on an empty stomach. In the evening there is too much fun and too much going on for sports to be a realistic plan. Secondly, I constantly alternate workouts: from crossfit for beginners to body ballet, twerk or hand training. This creates endless difficulties (the body does not get used to exercises for all muscle groups, and you need to tighten everything in turn), but it surprises you with a variety of sensations in the body.

My last strong emotion is felt every millimeter of the body after boxing training and legs, without which I woke up after two hours of longboarding. The third rule: training is my investment in health and longevity, and not something I do out of guilt and dissatisfaction with myself. My grandmother is 77, and she has been exercising since she was 25: she still walks with a straight back and is perfectly oriented in space. Such examples in front of your eyes always inspire a healthy attitude towards your body. Don't like muscle relief? It can always be improved with exercise. But suffering in training, sweating and hating yourself, expecting that someday you will become what you need, is against the rules.