Yoga simple exercises for beginners. What is yoga and why is it needed? — Exercises for beginners at home

What to do if you don’t have enough time for classes? Or a schedule that suits you sports club Doesn't suit you at all? Of course, study at home. It's easy to say, but not so easy to do. This is especially true for yoga. Indeed, unlike the squats and push-ups that we do when doing fitness, yoga involves asanas that not everyone knows. In this regard, many who want to join this ancient practice lose patience at the very first attempts.

Some people start by studying literature, others are looking for suitable video lessons, but let’s tell you a little secret: not a single book or wise thought will give your body health and flexibility; for this you need to do exercises. Understanding how difficult it is to quickly collect the necessary information and organize your thoughts on where to start, we have prepared some basic tips that will make your start easier and more productive.

When doing yoga, you should be in complete harmony with yourself. Nothing should distract or irritate you. For complete convenience, before starting classes, arrange for yourself a special place where you can calmly perform the exercises. Decorate it in a certain style, hang paintings, photographs or add other things that lift your spirit. Place flowerpots with beautiful plants.

It’s good if this “corner” is near the window so that you can receive maximum light and solar energy. It is important that in the part of your home where you are planning activities, there is no unnecessary furniture or other objects that could cause injury.

When you decide on the place where you will study, start arranging it. First of all, you should purchase a special yoga mat. There are an unlimited number of options on the market today, at any price and with different features.

The cheapest mats are synthetic mats for those who are just starting to practice or are not sure that they will practice for a long time. Those who are committed to long-term exercise buy mats made of natural rubber, to which particles of rubber or jute are added.

Consider purchasing a yoga blanket for added warmth and comfort during certain poses. Small pads under the knees and for meditation would also be useful.

There are quite a lot of styles of yoga, and before you start full-fledged classes, you should decide which direction is most suitable and appealing to you. How to find out? The easiest way is to visit group classes and communicate with experienced practitioners. It is not necessary to buy subscriptions, if this is not your thing, you will learn about it during the trial lesson.

Hatka yoga is considered the most widespread and popular. Beginners are recommended to start their journey with Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Kundalini yoga is suitable for lovers of active and dynamic activities. Pregnant women and those who are afraid of getting injured should start with B.K.S yoga. Iyengar. The choice of yoga style also depends on the goals you are pursuing: you are looking for a path to self-knowledge, you want to lose weight, you want to improve your health, etc.

It doesn’t matter whether you practice on your own or attend group classes, you need a guru - a teacher who will open a new world for you, the world of yoga. If you have the opportunity to communicate with him live, then attend at least a few of his lessons so that you can later use the acquired knowledge in practice. If this is not possible, then watch his videos and listen to his lectures. Today it is not very difficult to find your teacher. Read recommendations, look through reviews and find out the opinions of friends.

Today it is very popular to use mobile applications for sports. Yoga is no exception. There are a lot of services that will help you do your favorite exercises anywhere and at any time. Most of them are free. If you are going to relax outside the city or go on a trip, then such applications will be simply irreplaceable.

We recommend paying attention to Pocket Yoga. This program includes 200 asanas, accompanied by illustrations, music and breathing techniques. In text mode there is also detailed information about each pose. In addition to all this, you can keep a journal of your own achievements. And DailyYoga will offer ready-made courses, the duration of which you can choose yourself. This service is perfect for beginner yogis.

For those who are afraid to start practicing yoga due to lack of time, the Salute the Desk application was created. It offers a specific set of asanas that can be performed while sitting at your desk.

It doesn't matter which physical fitness you are there, you can always do yoga. But! Adjust the load. Start small and gradually increase the time allotted for training. And remember, yoga was not created for weight loss or as another type of fitness. Yoga is a way to achieve spiritual balance, a path to self-knowledge and body cleansing. This takes a lot of time, don’t rush things. In addition, many asanas require good physical training. If you try to catch them ahead of time, you risk serious injury.

Musical accompaniment to yoga classes will not only lift your spirits, but also create a special atmosphere, which is so important during practice. You can use headphones, but it is better to turn on music on a device separate from you, so that nothing unnecessary interferes. Create your own playlist, which will include only your favorite and pleasant tunes, or, if you are a little lazy, you can easily find it on the Internet. Decide on the style of yoga music.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you decide to start practicing yoga, and what success you want to achieve, your practices should be regular. In this, yoga is absolutely no different from any sports. Maintain discipline and then you will receive fruits from your efforts. You shouldn’t throw yourself into classes at the very beginning; save your energy for further training.

Experts are of the opinion that beginners will only need to do 15 minutes twice a week. This is the only way your inspiration and motivation will remain for a long time. Try not to miss practice, especially modern technologies allow you to exercise anywhere and in any conditions. Just a quarter of an hour is enough to change your life, is that a lot?

And nothing else. When you start doing yoga, you have to really want it. This is the only way you will achieve results and benefit. Each activity should cause positive emotions. If you are in a bad mood or very tired, first calm down and breathe out, and only then start the exercises. After training there should be only good impressions, if there are none, this is a sign that it’s time to stop and think, you are most likely doing something wrong. Don't study for too long. Already during your first practices, determine objectively how much time you want to devote to yoga. Go beyond these limits only if you really feel desire continue.

The main purpose of yoga is to prepare the body for meditation. It is very important to meditate after a set of exercises. Take at least a little time to give your body a rest and recuperate. Relax not only your body, but also your mind. There are many types of meditation. Determine your type and practice it.

For beginners, it is best to start with breathing meditation, where the concentration of attention is focused only on inhalation and exhalation. We will not go into depth and talk about the benefits of meditation for a person, we will only clarify that it invigorates and gives a lot of strength and energy for the whole day, so if possible, devote a little time to spiritual practice in the morning.

Just like for performing asanas, special accompaniment will be useful for you -. You can download the appropriate applications to your phone or simply compose your own collection of inspiring and soothing melodies.

Starting yoga classes on your own at home is not that difficult, especially considering the benefits it brings. All the problems, difficulties and stress that have accumulated throughout the day will seem like something very far away, you will receive a boost of energy, and your body will become fit and strong. Listen to yourself when you start practicing. Your body, like no one else, knows where to start and what aspects are worth paying attention to. Do you practice yoga? Share your experience with us in the comments.

Today, yoga is an excellent method for maintaining healthy image life. It has been proven that the most difficult thing in any business is getting started. Trying to get acquainted with yoga at home on your own, it is extremely difficult to understand what exercises you should start mastering this practice with, how to perform the pose correctly and in what sequence so as not to disturb their harmony.

In addition, while a person has not yet fully learned how to do all the exercises (asanas), it can be very difficult to motivate yourself. And instead of improving the technique, he begins to carefully study the literature about this art or watch video lessons and manuals in pictures, which takes a lot of time.

But only exercise, and not related information, can make your body flexible and healthy. The only thing you need to do is take your willpower into your fist and hone your yoga skills. And besides, we will tell you how to do it at home. How to do yoga correctly? Where should you start practicing yoga at home? Can this technique be used for weight loss? Today we will also talk about other issues that interest beginners. Let's get started.

Any person who systematically devotes half an hour to practice every day can experience all the benefits of yoga exercises. To feel everything beneficial features yoga, it is enough to regularly practice this art for several months.

If you practice yoga correctly, even at home, you can get rid of various diseases of the spinal column. Most of the exercises of this technique are aimed specifically at maintaining correct posture and normal functioning of the spine.

Regular exercises, both in specialized centers and at home, help get rid of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the organs and systems of the digestive tract, endocrine system, etc. While performing this or that exercise, all internal organs which are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.

In addition, if you regularly practice yoga at home, you can improve your metabolic processes, which has a very beneficial effect on weight loss itself.

Systematic practice of this art will make the body extremely flexible and flexible. And through meditation and exercise, you can strengthen your immune system.

If you start studying now, then in a week you will be overwhelmed vital energy and also gain self-confidence. And if you also have problems with weight, then yoga will “establish” the process of losing weight in your body.

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Who is yoga not suitable for?

Anyone can do yoga, without exception. However, like any other type of gymnastics, this technique has its contraindications. Therefore, if you have any diseases, you should definitely consult with your doctor. This will help avoid negative consequences and complications of existing ailments.

It is highly undesirable to exercise if you have the following health conditions:

  • hypertension and intracranial pressure;
  • complex heart diseases and the period after heart surgery;
  • recent myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage;
  • the presence of any hernia;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of internal organs;
  • the presence of spinal column injuries or joint diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza and elevated body temperature.

If you start exercising and feel any discomfort during the exercises, you should immediately stop exercising and seek advice from a qualified specialist. It is also undesirable for women to exercise during menstruation and in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Basics of yoga for beginners

Many qualified specialists believe that yoga is the morning awakening of the body, therefore it is necessary to exercise in the morning, devoting approximately two hours to the exercises. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a reserve of time, which is why they postpone yoga to the evening.

If the day turns out to be very difficult, then try to devote time to yoga, doing at least 10-15 minutes. This will be much more effective than several two-hour classes throughout the week.

It is very important not to consume anything two hours before yoga. This will not only relieve you of discomfort during the training session, but also speed up the weight loss process. Exercises generally need to be performed on a hard, non-slip surface. If you practice at home, then the floor is perfect, but if you go to a specialized yoga center, then they will definitely offer you to buy a mat. You need to perform asanas barefoot.

To start a yoga class, you need to choose a place where there will be absolute silence, which is necessary so that you can fully concentrate on performing the exercises. If you exercise at home, then you need to do it when no one can disturb you.

When performing asanas, you need to tune in to the spiritual line and completely relax. For beginners, it is extremely important to start with simple asanas, and not immediately jump to more complex ones.

All movements should be smooth and slow, during which every inhalation and exhalation should be controlled. And remember that only correct breathing will help you fully relax your body and protect you from the bustle of the world. This is precisely the effectiveness of this technique.

Prohibitions during yoga classes?

This type of gymnastic technique like yoga has always been associated with a calm and safe activity that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress, promotes weight loss and strengthens the immune system. And this is actually true. However, each asana must be performed correctly, slowly, without making sudden movements.

You should very carefully monitor the condition of the spinal column and stop exercising immediately if you experience the slightest discomfort. This prescription applies more to beginners, since it is beginners who strive to master the basics of this technique as quickly as possible, forcing events. If you don’t pay attention to the pain in time, it can end in a sprain, at best.

The main thing is to start classes correctly

Where does yoga gymnastic technique begin at home? This question worries all people who just want to learn yoga.

The main thing is regularity of classes. For beginners, one session will be enough (provided that you are practicing at home), which lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. You should also choose a set of exercises for beginners. It contains more simple exercises, which are not so exhausting for the body, but contribute to rapid adaptation to systematicity.

If for any reason you missed one training day, there is nothing to worry about, and you don’t need to blame yourself for it. A positive and serene attitude is a very important component of this art.

And when a set of exercises for beginners becomes a pleasant habit for you, you can expand the classes, complicating the poses and devoting not 10 minutes to them, but half an hour or even an hour. And besides, an increase in duration and exercise will have a positive effect on the process of losing weight, because a constantly growing load is the key to successfully getting rid of unnecessary centimeters.

Asanas (exercises) that will help you master yoga

Basic asanas can be performed at home, without the support of an instructor. For beginners this is great option, thanks to which you can quickly master this technique. And even if you do something wrong, it will in no way harm your health - only positive emotions and peace. The following asanas for beginners will prepare the body for more serious loads and speed up the process of losing weight.

If you are planning to do this gymnastic technique at home, then you need to allocate enough time for the procedure and protect yourself from all problems. There's no need to rush. First you should learn to feel your body.

We bring to your attention a set of exercises for beginners that will not only help make your body flexible and your spirit stronger, but also speed up the process of losing weight. And all this can be achieved in a comfortable environment, that is, at home. All you need to do is allocate at least 10 minutes of your time.

First pose “Tree”

Let's get straight. We inhale slowly and slowly raise our arms, trying to stretch them as high as possible. Now we move our straight arms back, behind the head, while opening chest.

To make this exercise even more effective, you should raise your leg, bend it in knee joint and place your foot on the thigh of the opposite leg. Thanks to this movement, posture improves and the spine strengthens.

Pose two “Child”

We sit down with our buttocks on our heels. After this, you should lower your body onto the surface of your thighs, and stretch your arms forward in a relaxed state.

Pose three “Mountain” (“Dog”)

We bend over and rest our palms on the floor surface. Now we lift our buttocks up and step back with our heels.

It is very important that the body weight is evenly distributed between the hands and feet, and the head is lowered under the elbows. The asana will help make your legs slimmer and relax the muscles of the spinal column.

Pose four “Stork”

We raise our arms up and, as we exhale, bend down so that the body bends in the lumbar region.

Thanks to this exercise, you can improve the flexibility of your legs and tone your entire body.

Pose five “Bow”

We lie down on the floor surface with our backs up and grab ourselves by the ankles. Inhaling, we lift and top part body and bottom. Your back will become straighter, your arms will be slimmer and your abdominal muscles will be stronger.

That's the whole set of exercises that you can easily do on your own at home. We wish you good luck!

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Yoga - ancient practice, which combines physical exercise and emotional cleansing. Couples yoga is a great way not only to improve your health, but also to find points of interaction with your partner: it helps you better understand each other, trust and act as one.

website I have collected for you 12 yoga exercises that are created specifically for two.

Standing backbend

Effect. One of the best starting positions that stimulates nervous system, kidneys and adrenal glands. Increases lung capacity. Strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Speeds up metabolism.

Angle Pose

Effect. Refers to yoga poses that improve the elasticity of the hip muscles and tendons. Strengthens the spine and helps with back pain. Used for medicinal purposes in asthma and to improve blood circulation.

Half Lotus Pose

Effect. This pose is beneficial for the hips, knees and calves. Strengthens sacral region spine and the area where the sciatic nerve is located. Strengthens and makes the thigh muscles elastic. Prescribed for sore knees. Forms correct posture and reduces spinal curvature.

Bend while standing

Effect. Stimulates the functioning of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Slows down heartbeat and calms the nerves. Staying in the pose for 2 minutes or longer relieves depression.


Effect. Useful exercise, which improves digestion, stretches the tendons and muscles of the legs and relieves lower back pain.

Furious Pose (Power Pose)

Effect. Strengthens the legs and abs, while developing the muscles evenly. Develops shoulder mobility and opens the chest. The arms and back are strengthened, the spine is stretched. Often used for the prevention and treatment of flat feet.

Tilt to the feet while sitting

Effect. Eliminates stoop and curvature of the spine. Reduces appetite and improves digestion. Stimulates the functioning of the endocrine and circulatory system.

Seated Bend + Locust Pose

How to take your first steps in health yoga without personal trainer at home? To do this, just download and install a convenient and practical application.

The Bodymaster team tested the lightweight and simple Yoga app - Track Yoga, which contains yoga exercises for beginners at home. You can download it for free on the Google Play store page.

First steps with the Yoga app - Track Yoga

The advantage of this application is that you can do yoga anywhere: at home, in nature, and even in the office (if, of course, there is a quiet and peaceful room where you can be alone with yourself for a few minutes).

Once you have installed the app, you need to indicate your skill level so that the app can create the optimal selection of activities for you. Since we need exercises for beginner yogis, we select the appropriate item.

A basic course that will introduce you to the world of yoga is called Beginners Mind: simple yoga exercises for beginners. Within 13 minutes you will master all the basic asanas: mountain, downward-facing dog, plank, warrior pose, and so on. Many asanas are repeated during the class and smoothly flow into each other.

The description for the class explains what yoga for beginners is. Exercises in pictures under the quiet and measured voice of the instructor slowly lead you from pose to pose. For a better immersion, pleasant background music is turned on.

Before starting the class, you can study each pose in detail. By clicking on an exercise in the general list, you go to the help screen, where they will explain to you step by step how to perform the asana. Here you will find information about medical and therapeutic effect every pose. For example, Tadasana (Mountain) straightens posture, strengthens leg muscles, relaxes the nervous system, and Adha Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) relieves back pain, tones muscles and improves blood circulation.

In addition, you can study each pose in a separate tab, which is located in the side menu. It is worth noting that the filter is very conveniently placed here. All exercises can be sorted by ability level, for example, yoga exercises for beginners or advanced asanas. Separately, you can make a selection by type of asanas:

  • Handstands
  • Back Curves
  • Forward bends
  • Turns
  • Strengthening and tone
  • Twists while sitting
  • Standing poses

Individual classes and programs

Once you have become a little more familiar with yoga exercises for beginners, you can take individual classes. In this application, such freestyle classes are selected for all occasions. Yoga - Track Yoga will help you relieve stress, get rid of colds, prepare for jogging, get ready for sleep, pump up your abs, relax after work - 17 classes in total, for a maximum of 25 minutes.

If you have at least 30 minutes a day, try a yoga program. These are assemblies of exercises that are designed for 9 days. Traditionally, inexperienced yogis can start doing yoga exercises at home for beginners. By the way, this program is included in the free version of the application. For an additional fee you can access:

  • Series for flexibility
  • Stress relief
  • Fitness for the whole body
  • Yoga workout for intermediate level
  • Yoga for depression

Let's take a closer look basic program, which contains exercises for practicing yoga at home for beginners. Every day you will perform a series of several exercises that are united by one theme. For example, day 2 – standing asanas, day 4 – balance training, day 6 – work with Warrior asanas (3 types), day 9 – full body complex for balance.

Please note that this course does not just include yoga exercises for beginners at home. On day 8, you will perform one of the most popular yoga practices - the Surya Namaskar asana complex, or sun salutation, which every beginning yogi should know about. It’s worth talking about this in a little more detail.

Sun Salutation in Yoga - Track Yoga

Sun salutations are considered a morning workout. With the help of consistent asanas, you are charged with solar energy throughout the day. However, you can go through this complex before any event or event where you need a surge of strength.

An extremely popular practice in the yoga community is a kind of marathon based on Surya Namaskar. According to the ancient canon, this practice must be completed in 108 circles, which gives an unforgettable physical and mental experience - after all, the number 108 is one of the most mysterious and powerful in the philosophy of yoga. Yoga adherents claim that the complete series of 108 circles is based on three important principles:

  1. For those who have just started practicing yoga, exercises for beginners can cause some difficulties. After all, yoga is not only about smooth and precise movements, but also about uniform breathing. 108 circles will help you hone each asana better each time and learn to breathe correctly.
  2. A complete Surya Namaskar training helps to establish what is called a sankalpa, or a clear promise to oneself, formulated in the present tense: I am healthy, I am happy, I do no harm, I am confident, and so on.
  3. During 108 circles of Sun Salutations, you can undergo real dynamic meditation - completely immerse yourself, feel every cell of your body, and at the same time remain conscious and record the smooth movements of your body.

Of course, if you are practicing according to the “Yoga for Beginners” program, the Surya Namaskar set of exercises does not have to be performed all 108 times. In the application itself, the entire complex lasts only 27 minutes and includes only basic asanas, so you can learn it already in the second or third cycle. Let's look at how to perform the simplest poses in this complex:

Tadasana. Mountain pose

Stand on the mat with your big toes touching. Distribute your body weight evenly across your feet. Tighten your knees, pull your stomach up, straighten your neck and spine. Place your arms along your body. Maintain the pose for about 30-60 seconds.

Praying pose

While remaining in Tadasana pose, place your palms together at chest level.

Anuvittasana. Backbend pose

Get into Tadasana. Place your palms on your lower back. Pull your buttocks, press your feet into the floor, creating support. As you inhale, stretch your crown up and bend back. Point your shoulders down, trying to connect your elbows and shoulder blades. Keep your head straight. Gently pull your neck in an arc from your shoulders.

Uttanasana. Forward lean

Get into Tadasana. Exhale and bend forward, forming a hip joints and relaxing your back. When your palms reach the floor, clasp your shins with your hands. Stretch your back along with your arms.

Utthita Ashva Sanchalanasana. Extended Rider Pose

Raise your body and arms up. Bring your hands together above your head. While looking at your thumbs, move your body back a little, feeling the stretch in your hips. Gently lower your pelvis as close to the floor as possible.

Humbakasan. Plank

Get on all fours and place your palms and toes on the floor. Keep your back straight.

Ashtanga Namaskar. Eight Point Pose

As you exhale, place your knees on the floor. At the same time, lower your chest between your hands. Press your big toes into the floor. Direct your gaze forward, while the back of your head should be pulled back and your chin should be placed on the floor. Lift your buttocks and thighs. Pull your stomach in and bend at the lower back.

Bhujangasana. Cobra pose

Lie face down on the floor. Bring your feet together with your toes extended. Place your palms under your shoulders. As you inhale, slowly lift your body, keeping your elbows bent. Raise your body even higher, arching at the waist and thoracic region backs. Straighten your arms, stretch your neck and crown up, pointing your chin towards your chest.

Adho Mukha Svanasana. Downward Facing Dog Pose

Get on all fours and place your hands on the floor. Keeping your toes flat on the floor, straighten your knees. Keep your hands exactly shoulder-width apart and rest them completely on the floor. Pull your lower back up and fix the asana. After taking 8-10 deep breaths and exhalations, straighten up.

Motivation system and additional settings

Yoga - Track Yoga is not just yoga for beginners at home. The exercises you complete are counted in your profile, so you receive achievement medals for completing programs and individual series. Some achievements offer a unique challenge for a novice yogi. For example, you can get a medal for completing classes continuously for 30 days, doing workouts for 7 days strictly between 6 and 8 am, completing 100 yoga classes, and so on.

In additional settings, you can set yourself a goal, for example, to do yoga at least 5 times a week. And in order not to miss a single lesson, you can set reminders for yourself. Moreover, you can set an individual time for each day. Let's say today you have half an hour for yoga after six in the evening, and tomorrow you can easily devote at least an hour to classes early in the morning.

See how the application works on Fly Cirrus 16 smartphone you can in our video


Yoga - Track Yoga is a great solution for those who have consciously chosen to practice yoga. Exercises for beginners, advanced and experienced yogis are arranged here in an equally understandable and accessible style. Considering that a series of asanas do not take much time, classes with the application can be ideally combined with exercise in the gym or jogging - yoga poses help stretch muscles, disperse blood that has stagnated overnight and fill the body with energy to work with exercise equipment.

However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the application is entirely in English. However, the text descriptions are written easily and accessible, and the instructor’s voice is perceived more as a background.

Good afternoon to all my readers!

Today's article will be a little special: it is about inner beauty and harmony, good physical shape, or rather, about how to achieve them, spending very little time.

Of course, you have all heard about yoga more than once - literally in every fitness center there are advertisements from trainers and teachers (depending on the approach, yoga can be presented as a set of exercises or as a philosophy of body movement).

Today I would like to talk about my own experience of practicing yoga and what asanas I perform when I can’t go to a yoga club. I will talk about yoga exercises for beginners at home, and an additional bonus will be poses that helped you grow a little if you do them regularly.

What is yoga and why does a modern girl need it?

To put it very briefly and to the point, yoga is a way to become perfect from the inside and body. The rest is philosophy, the presentation of which may vary depending on the country, school, and teacher.

Today, there are about 40 types of yoga, from the simplest to the most complex meditative practices, information on which is difficult to find in the public domain on the Internet. Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, as well as adapted programs “yoga for weight loss”, “yoga for pregnant women”, “yoga for dummies”, “yoga for overweight” - these are the essence of competent sets of basic asanas, arranged in such a way that people in different ways physical condition I felt comfortable doing them. I was looking for specific yoga for little girls because I read that you can grow a few centimeters by stretching your spine. In the end, I figured out that any yoga poses that involve stretching would be useful for me. After that, the question arose: go to a club or study Houses . I really wanted to find something like “ yoga in 30 minutes "or some" 10 simplest exercises ”, because to be honest, I’m lazy and I was very shy.

I started practicing yoga at the Tattva club, and while traveling I looked for various videos and online classes. In general, I tried both as a result and came to the following conclusions. Of course, you can sign up for groups if the collective energy supports you, but you can easily start studying at home on your own, at any convenient time. This will help you overcome embarrassment and, most importantly, try yoga right here and now.

I know from myself that sometimes useful work is postponed just because I need to leave the apartment and go somewhere. When I decided to get acquainted with yoga in practice, I began to look for video lessons on YouTube . I tried several different ones, and even after a few classes I felt that I had a lot more energy. But the main thing that I lacked was consistency in such activities. Therefore, interest in exercises began to slowly fade. But 2.5 years ago I returned to the Tattva club, and this is already a conscious choice. Moreover, it was not far from the office, where wonderful instructors gradually explained to me that asanas are not just gymnastics for the sake of a couple of centimeters in height, but a way to make life better, a way to experience the joy of union with your own body. Sometimes it was the joy of overcoming - when you feel yourself mastering something that was inaccessible before. And in any case, it is joy. You probably know that joy is visible on the face - it seems to transform us from the inside, plus lightness and self-confidence appear. In a word, no fitness brings such an effect - because fitness works only with muscles, and yoga works with breathing, consciousness, thoughts, concentration, and indeed the entire body. I in no way oppose them, that is, combining them is an even greater benefit for the body, but in conditions of time shortage I will always prefer yoga for myself.

There was only one question left, which my instructor helped me resolve. The fact is that I travel quite often, and outside of classes with a trainer, I had to maintain the pace of classes, otherwise I felt that I was getting tired faster, more nervous and generally becoming more “wooden.” I asked her to make me a training plan, but she said that everything had already been drawn up by specialists the highest level, and advised not to waste money on individual program, and find video course yoga for health , which, firstly, is much better than various videos on YouTube, and secondly, more systematic and logical than them. This course comes with a free mini-course for beginners, which I downloaded to get started and tried it out on my first trip. This course looks a little “strange and cheap”, but I really liked the information of the course and I bought the complete one. I have never regretted it, and I still study it when I travel.

By the way, I noticed that when you practice yoga at home, you begin to approach the practice completely differently. First, listen to your body better. Secondly, you don’t “chase” after the group, you don’t get distracted by outside things. If you feel that the pose brings not only pleasure, but you feel that the body is happy with this pose, that it is pleasant to stretch the muscles, then you can stay in it longer. Also, I don’t know about you, when I study at home, I don’t adjust the pace of my breathing to the group or instructor. The practice is more conscious or something... But I got distracted...

So, to study at home, you will need

  • comfortable clothes (any comfortable clothes, preferably made from natural fabrics). I personally choose a T-shirt and leggings for myself.
  • exercise mat, they are sold in many places. If you value high-quality and inexpensive things, I can personally recommend the store - Everything there is at reasonable prices, and delivery is always good. A store with a soul, in a word - exactly what you need for yoga.
  • exercise video. You can try the ones I’ll talk about in this article, find a video on YouTube or download a video course.

What exercises can you start doing right now?

Surya Namaskara(sun salutation). Thiscomplexis considered the most universal for maintaining health, and consists of 12 repeated simple asanas, which are accompanied by proper breathing.

Starting position - stand straight, legs together, arms relaxed along the body.

1. Pranamasana

Before you start doing the exercises, stand straight with your feet parallel to each other. Stretch your crown up and your tailbone down. Do Roundabout Circulation shoulders, move them back a little and relax. Bend your tailbone slightly under you.Place your palms at chest level and mentally greet the new day. It is better to close your eyes and relax your body as much as possible. As we inhale, we try to see our entire body with our inner vision, hear our heartbeat, and feel ourselves. Take your time. Let it last for about a minute, it puts you in a meditative mood. After we have adjusted, we exhale.

2. Hasta Uttanasana

Inhale. As we begin to inhale, we raise our arms up. Elbows straight, palms facing forward. We bend in the back. The inhalation continues. The head leans back without tension.

Exhalation. As we exhale, we slowly lower ourselves, pulling ourselves as if from the waist, first forward, and then down, as far as stretching allows, we strive to place our palms on the floor in front of our feet, and our head on our knees. Legs are straight, knees are pulled up. everything is very smooth and slow, without overexertion. Please note that the body weight should be in the legs. Moderate tension throughout back surface your body will tell you that you are on the right track. In yoga, in general, it is enough to take even an approximate position to begin with, then the body itself will tell you when it is ready to stretch.

4. Ashva Sanchalanasana

Inhale right leg We put it back as far as we can, and bend the left one at the knee. Left foot and palms on the floor. We raise our heads up.

As you exhale, we return the left leg, the legs become together. The buttocks rise, we lower our head between our hands, our fingers are slightly spread and look forward. We pull the tailbone up, as if pushing off the floor with our hands. You need to relax your neck, look as if into the navel. If possible, press the heels to the floor so that the body forms a triangle as much as possible.

Holding your breath. In this asana, eight points should touch the floor. The knees bend and lower to the floor, behind them the chest and chin touch the floor, but the buttocks remain raised, as in the picture. The elbows seem to be pressed and parallel to the body.

As you inhale, lower your buttocks, simultaneously bending your chest forward and upward. We pull our head back. Feet lie on the floor, do not lift your palms off, as if you were pulling the rug towards you with your hands. Be careful with your lower back.

As you exhale, we return to the already familiar asana number 5.

9. Ashva Sanchalanasana

While inhaling, we again perform asana number 4, on the right side (yoga loves symmetry).

As you exhale, repeat asana number 3.

11. Hasta Uttanasana

As you inhale, repeat the second asana.

12. Pranamasana

Exhalation. We complete the complex with the initial asana.

So, all together it looks like this:

I also provide a video, it’s in English, but it shows very well how to set up the poses.

It's best to do your classes, as the name suggests, at sunrise, but if you have trouble getting up early, moving your classes to the evening is better than not starting them at all.

Girls, I'm not an instructor, so I'm giving pictures. Since my practice and execution of poses are far from perfect. But believe me, if you listen to your body and carefully study safety precautions, the principle of adjusting poses + videos, you can safely start practicing yoga at home. The main thing is not to run faster than a locomotive, be consistent and attentive to yourself. I also recommend that you practice not only at home, but also go to an instructor. In my opinion, combine group classes and home practice- the best option.

Safety precautions and contraindications for beginners

There are not many special moments, but still be sure to consult with your doctor and trainer:

  • if you have acute diseases of internal organs or exacerbation of chronic ones;
  • the presence of an inguinal or umbilical hernia;
  • hypertension, significant increase in blood pressure;
  • the first six months after a heart attack or stroke;
  • heavy ischemic disease and other dangerous heart diseases;
  • heart disease, aneurysm;
  • severe traumatic brain injury in the past;
  • spinal injuries;
  • infections of the brain or spinal cord;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • less than 3 months after abdominal surgery;
  • intervertebral hernias, listhesis;
  • arthrosis;
  • any infectious diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections), it is better not to risk it;
  • if you have had paralysis;
  • Availability hernias or intestinal tuberculosis;
  • as well as for women after 12 weeks of pregnancy and within 40 days after birth.

During menstruation, women need to refrain from inverted poses and certain types of breathing (in particular, rhythmic breathing from the stomach). The Surya Namaskar complex can be performed during menstruation. But if you feel really bad, then you can refrain from exercising.

From general recommendations It remains to be said that you should not practice yoga on a full stomach - this will interfere with relaxation and you may begin to feel nauseated during class. Let at least 1.5-2 hours pass after eating.

Poses that will help you grow a little naturally

Ideally, the pose looks like in this video. If you can't reach it, you can use a belt. This pose stretches the spine well, makes it flexible, improves blood circulation, increases the flexibility of tendons and ligaments, and reduces back pain.

(also called cobra pose).

It strengthens the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders. At a minimum, you will simply stop slouching by practicing this pose. It also corrects deviations in the spine and straightens it. Improves blood circulation in intervertebral discs. Expands the chest and increases lung capacity. Reduces pain in the back and stomach, helps regulate women's cycles.

here is the video, but again in English.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose).

This pose stretches the spine well, strengthens the muscles of the neck, back, abdomen and legs, and has a beneficial effect onprocesses occurring in the pelvic organs, abdominal and thoracic cavities, eliminates headaches and excessive nervous tension.

How to do it: Lie on your back, bring your legs closer to your pelvis. Feet should be hip-width apart. The head and neck lie relaxed on the floor. We take our ankles with our hands (thumbs pointing upward) and push our pelvis up as much as possible. At the same time, we bring the shoulder blades closer to each other. When performing the pose, make sure that there is no discomfort in the lower back.

Footnote about yoga philosophy

There is an important clarification that has to be made due to the fact that this area is already overgrown with some myths. Yoga will never require excessive efforts from you, either spiritual or physical. If you want to give up meat and become a vegetarian (like me, for example, for the last 2 years, and feel additional lightness) - please, if not, this will not close the door to the world of self-knowledge for you. The principle of voluntariness. There is no need to do exercises to Indian music, burn incense and wear strange clothes - you can remain yourself, without adopting unnecessary tinsel from culture, only a healthy approach to the harmony of soul and body. Yoga transforms you from the inside out. Be joyful and free. Namaste!