Breaststroke swimming technique: a detailed description and typical mistakes. Andrey Ermin – Swimming for amateurs and professionals Side breeding

Everyone can learn to swim, but the older you get, the more difficult this process becomes. It is easier for a child to stay on the water, as he does not experience fear. An adult has to psychologically tune in and clearly go to the goal. As in any business, the basics are important in swimming - this will help you learn all the important aspects. For training, a shallow pond or pool is suitable. The main thing is that you can freely reach the bottom with your feet.

Stages of learning
  1. Breath. The key to a swimmer's success is correct breathing. You need to inhale and exhale through your mouth. The deeper the breath, the better the body floats on the water. But filling the lungs with air to the limit is not worth it. This will create discomfort and interfere with swimming. For beginner swimmers good exercise, which is called "Bulbashki": get aground, take a deep breath, then dive headlong into the water and exhale all the air. Repeat the action for two minutes without interruption, fully concentrating on breathing;
  2. Learning to float. For those who want to quickly learn how to swim, the Asterisk exercise is suitable. It is necessary to inhale as much air as possible, lower your face into the water and, forming the shape of an asterisk, spread your arms and legs. The main task is to stay on the surface of the water as long as possible. No need to raise your head above the water, because the pelvis and legs will immediately begin to sink under the water. This exercise not only trains the lungs, but helps to cope with fear. Performing it, a person understands that the body can stay on the water even in calm state. Full lungs replace the rescue pillow;
  3. Learn to work with your feet. Proper footwork helps to increase swimming speed by 30%. Basic rules: toes should be kept stretched out, like a ballerina, and the blows should be biting. The more correct and faster the legs work, the faster the speed when swimming. To train your legs, you need to lean on the side of the pool or pier and learn to make quick biting movements. Many pools issue special boards for this purpose.
Swimming rules
There are several rules that beginner swimmers should know:
  1. The stroke is the basic movement in any swimming style. When making a stroke, make sure that the arm is bent at the elbow by 90 degrees, at the shoulder - by 45. The fingers should be kept squeezed together and constantly control this moment.
  2. A carry is a movement that swimmers make above the water when they bring their arm forward after a stroke in preparation for the next stroke. The execution technique is similar to rowing. It must be remembered that when one hand makes a stroke, the other carries out.
  3. Breathing while swimming - it is believed that you need to inhale during the stroke, turning your head towards the hand that performs the carry. Beginners are advised to keep their heads above the water all the time until self-confidence appears.
Mastering a simple swimming style
by the most simple style Doggystyle swimming is considered. Hands are held in front of you in a bent position, the distance between them should not exceed the width of the shoulders. It is necessary, as it were, to rake water under you with your hands. Movements should not be frequent, but calm and rhythmic. Keep your head above water. After you feel confident in your actions, begin to control your breathing.

You need to breathe through your nose to make it easier to keep your head above the water, you can slightly inflate your cheeks. When you find that you're good at doggystyle swimming, try swimming with your chin down a little to take the pressure off your neck. Many manage to master this style in just one day.

Difficult strokes
Crawl and backstroke are considered complex styles. Although it is actually much easier to swim on your back in physical plane and this way is usually used to rest between other styles. The main task is to overcome fear. You need to lie on the water with your back, hands slightly thrown away from the body and relax the muscles. To swim in this position, it is enough to make light movements with your legs up and down. It is better to master this style with an assistant.

Crawl is great for moving quickly in the water. To do this, you need to alternately swing your arms over the water, raking it. It turns out that each hand is done Roundabout Circulation, while the body should be turned towards the arm making the swing. At this time, the other shoulder and arm are lowered into the water.

In order to quickly learn how to swim, you need to train every day for at least an hour. And in less than a month you will become a confident, agile and fast swimmer.

All you need is a swim board. You can buy it at a sports store, or you can make it yourself if you have a piece of foam about 20 × 30 cm under your arm.

Revealing secrets

Of course, coaches have their own secrets. Therefore, before doing the exercises, let's open the door to the professional kitchen.

It is very harmful not to lower your face into the water and swim with your head held high. Incorrect head position overloads the spine and the muscles of the neck and back. It is strictly forbidden to swim with your head up for those who have osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis. Subconsciously, it is unpleasant for many to wet their face, all the more unpleasant if water gets into their eyes. Both real and subconscious fears go away when a person begins to use goggles for swimming.

Don't hold your breath! At fat people reduced mobility chest, impaired lung ventilation. This increases congestion in the lungs, as a result, gas exchange worsens and respiratory failure occurs. The habit of exhaling into the water helps to get rid of this.

In case of scoliosis or intervertebral hernias, it is necessary to include the body in movement very carefully. You should swim on your chest or back "without hands". Stretch your arms above your head with an “arrow” or put them on a swimming board. You can also swim breaststroke (like a frog), but with a long pause in the phase of stretching the body forward.

With any style, the legs should work "from the hip", i.e. the whole leg moves, not from the knee down. Incorrect footwork makes it difficult to move forward, does not allow you to include in the work the right muscles, achieve a healing effect and burn maximum calories.

It is better to make the exercise slower, but wider and freer. Tightness, unnecessary tension, haste, too frequent movements are typical problems for those who are unaccustomed to physical education. Focus on the technicality and beauty of your movements, not speed and tension.

Do not be discouraged when the description of the exercise seems to be clear, but it is impossible to do the same with the body. Do as it comes out, just at first the lack of habit makes itself felt. There are no people unable to swim, just someone masters the water faster, someone longer.

Diverse and useful

When only the legs are involved in the exercise, put your hands on the side or on the swim board. Over time, try to stretch them in front of you and so swim without a board. When only the arms are involved, simply extend the legs as horizontally as possible, being careful not to sink them.

1 Exhale into the water

It will help reduce shortness of breath, cope with headaches, improve lung ventilation.

Stand on a shallow bottom or hold on to the side. Wear your goggles tightly. Inhale, sit down, lower your mouth under the water and exhale with all your might so that the bubbles bubble up. IN next time try to go a little lower so that the nose is under water. Then completely lower your face into the water. To prevent water from entering your nose, exhale through your nose and mouth at the same time.

2 "Float"

It will help reduce shortness of breath, cope with high blood pressure, improve the condition with varicose veins and cervical osteochondrosis.

Practice the previous exercise. During it, pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your hands and hang as if in weightlessness, slowly exhaling through your nose.

3 "Asterisk on the chest"

It will help reduce shortness of breath, cope with high blood pressure and varicose veins, and reduce pain in the neck and back.

Inhale, dip your face into the water, lie down on the water. Spread your arms and legs, relax. Do not bend your lower back, do not try to lift your head - you will start to sink. Exhale slowly, with a delay to lie down as long as possible.

4 "Asterisk on the back"

It will help to cope with high blood pressure and varicose veins, reduce pain in the neck and back, available for intervertebral hernia and after spinal injuries.

Also lie on the water, only on your back. Spread your arms and legs, relax, breathe evenly. Do not raise your head, do not lower your pelvis - you will start to sink. Try to keep only the nose sticking out of the water - it will be much easier to lie down.

5 Front crawl - legs

Useful for varicose veins, back pain, hip joints, feet, back and neck. Helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce swelling and shortness of breath.

Lie down on your chest. Stretch your legs: one a little higher, the second a little lower. At the same time, push off with your feet from the water: one goes from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top. The movement should be free, with little effort. Do not clench your knees, work your hips, point your toes to engage your foot. Raising the leg, slightly bend it, lowering it, slightly unbend it.

6 Crawl on the back - legs

It is useful for varicose veins, pain in the lower back, hip joints, feet, osteochondrosis and scoliosis, intervertebral hernias (except for hernias lumbar). Helps to normalize blood pressure, remove swelling.

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, only you need to lie on your back. It is better to stretch your arms behind your head with a board, but you can also along the body. In the same way, one leg goes down, the other up, the movements are sweeping, free. Do not forget that you need to work "from the hip", including the stomach and buttocks! Do not lower your legs deep, work them near the surface of the water.

Learning to swim without the use of assistive devices for an adult allows strict discipline, the study of basic theory. It is recommended to start independent development of the practical side of swimming only after familiarization with safety precautions and rules of conduct in the pool.

You can learn to swim at any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve the desired goal may be prejudices and fears. Getting rid of them allows a clear understanding that swimming in the pool and in the open water brings not only pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on health.

Swimming lessons on a regular basis contribute to:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • training of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the muscles, immunity and nervous system.

You should start learning to swim in a shallow pool or open water. The legs should feel solid support, the head and shoulders should be above the water. Feeling completely safe and gaining confidence allows the presence of a person who knows how to swim well.

An alternative may be classes with a qualified trainer. Attendance at special classes is not prerequisite You can learn the basics of swimming on your own.

How to breathe correctly?

The most important and difficult moment in learning to swim. Without proper breathing, it is impossible to master swimming crawl, breaststroke and any other style. Learning to breathe correctly is essential from the very beginning. A deep breath through the mouth is done above the surface of the water, and exhalation - in the water.

The air taken in by the lungs allows a person to stay in the desired position. The deeper the breath, the better the floating water holds. No need to try to gain full lungs of air. This will lead to a feeling of discomfort, will become an obstacle to free movement in the water.

Breathing exercise

To put the right breath, you need to train. Being aground, it is necessary full chest inhale air without exhaling, completely immerse yourself in water and fully exhale through your mouth. The exercise is repeated in several approaches. The main thing is not to take breaks between them. Professional swimmers train in a similar way, but the technique is perfect for beginners too.

Breathing while swimming

You need to inhale air through your mouth. The position of the body when moving in the water should remain unchanged, it is only necessary to turn the head. Breathing through your nose is not safe. Drops of water, getting into the nasopharynx, cause discomfort and can provoke an attack of suffocation. Breathing is coordinated by the movement of arms and legs, which are determined by the style of swimming.

Swimming techniques

An invariable part of the learning process is the knowledge of the basic styles of swimming, of which there are four:

  1. Breaststroke

It consists in synchronous movements of the limbs parallel to the water.

  1. Crawl on the chest

The style involves making synchronized strokes first with one and then with the other half of the body.

  1. Crawl on the back

The technique is similar to an inverted crawl on the chest.

  1. Butterfly

The most difficult swimming technique. It is not recommended to learn it on your own. Those wishing to swim in the butterfly style should comprehend the technique under strict guidance professional trainer or a mentor.

How to stay on the water?

To learn how to swim properly in any of the styles, you first need to learn how to stay on the water. The "asterisk" exercise allows you to do this.

It is carried out in the following order:

More air is taken into the lungs;

  1. Immersion

The face is lowered into the water, and the limbs are moved apart so that the body forms a kind of “star”;

  1. Holding

Stay in the same position for as long as possible. Being in the water, you can not exhale. Otherwise, the dive will start immediately.

« Star"- an exercise to overcome fear of water. It allows you to learn how to properly float on the surface of the water with the help of air taken into your lungs, without resorting to making movements with your legs and arms. A person who has successfully mastered the “asterisk” can safely proceed to the technical development of movements.

How to move your arms and legs correctly?

Full swimming is impossible without working out the movements of the arms and legs. Hands in water move reflexively. Much harder to master the moves lower limbs. Without the help of the legs, it will not be possible to keep the body on the water and develop speed. The main thing, starting to hone the movement of the legs, remember that the socks should always be extended.

Learning to swim crawl, the movement of the legs is biting and fast. The more intense the blows, the greater the speed develops. Breaststroke requires a different movement technique, reminiscent of the movement of a frog in water. It is easier to learn how to move your legs, mastering the breaststroke, holding your hands either on the side of the pool, or using a special board that supports the swimmer on the water.

How to learn to swim crawl and breaststroke?

The easiest to learn for a beginner swimmer is the crawl. It is not very difficult to master this technique. They lay down on the water with their faces, begin to sort out alternately with their legs, lowering and raising them. At the same time they wave their hands. First, one of the hands is brought forward, lowered into the water, and the palm folded in the bucket is stroked towards the thigh. Perform the same movement with the other hand.

Swimming crawl, the air is taken into the lungs for every second stroke. To take a breath, the head is first taken out of the water and then turned towards the moving arm. Take in air with your lungs as much as possible. It is impossible to swim for a long time without a sufficient level of oxygen.

Breaststroke is a little more difficult than crawl, but you can master it quickly enough. The main thing to consider is that the movements when swimming with a breaststroke should be synchronous and similar to those made by a swimming frog. It is more difficult to learn how to swim with a butterfly. It is recommended to master this technique with experienced coach. The specialist will demonstrate the movements by his own example and check the correctness of their implementation.

Sports swimming requires special training. TO professional career it is almost impossible to prepare an adult swimmer. Appropriate trainings and loadings have to begin since the childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is good not only for health, but also for the figure. Regular classes considered effective way release of energy from fat accumulations. It is not only the amount of time spent in the pool that matters, but also the effectiveness.

In order for training to be as effective and safe as possible, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Exercising on an empty stomach;

Water pressure on the abdominal cavity during swimming is high. If the stomach is full, it is fraught with problems with digestion. There should be 2.5 hours before training, and after training - an hour later.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning, the body is not yet ready for heavy loads, and in the evening, on the contrary, it needs a good rest. If you do it in the mornings or evenings, the training will be less effective than the training done during the day.

  1. You need to visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular classes are the key to stable results. Constant training accustoms the body to loads, the muscles quickly remember the acquired skills in swimming.

  1. put on rubber cap, remove jewelry;

Prolonged exposure to water on the roots negatively affects the condition of the hair, and jewelry can be lost.

  1. Take a warm shower or warm up;

Warmed and prepared muscles allow you to make your workout more effective.

  1. Wear rubber slates.

Walking barefoot on wet tiles can cause injury.

The health benefits of swimming are invaluable. The immune system of people who regularly visit the pool is strengthened. They are much less likely to suffer from heart disease, colds and other ailments, are not subject to depression, always arrive in an excellent mood, do not suffer from obesity, have good muscles and a proportionately developed body.

The first thing that causes difficulties is the fear of water. Yuri Kudinov, three-time world champion in 25 km open water swimming, participant Olympic Games, the swimming coach advises in such cases to start swimming in children's pools - "paddling pools". When you overcome fear, gradually move into a deeper pool. The second thing that will not let you sink to the bottom is proper breathing. It is necessary to develop a rhythm of breathing in water: inhale-exhale. Help here special exercises. “The main problem is stiffness. A person is pinched and it turns out that he is fighting with himself, with water, and this creates additional difficulties for him. If you push yourself too hard, the muscles become more “heavy” and you sink even more,” says Kudinov. If you are afraid to swim, start by exercising in the part of the pool where you can stand and learn how to exhale into the water.

I'm afraid to get infected

Genitourinary infections cannot be contracted in the pool, as their pathogens die outside the body, especially in disinfected water. But foot fungus is a real danger, especially if you walk barefoot, sit on a bench with your naked body and use the things of other visitors. In other cases, you risk less than when you put on slippers at a party. If you are very afraid - you can use antifungal agents after training.

I don't want to wet my head

The head is lowered into the water so that the position of the body is horizontal, that is, it is easier to swim, and the neck and back muscles are not overstrained and not pinched. Of course, you can swim with your head proudly above the surface of the water, but try to learn how to swim correctly.

Reasons why beginner swimmers keep their heads above the water:

  • Too lazy to dry your hair or it’s scary to catch a cold when you go outside with a wet head

Solution: if there is no dryer in the pool or it is weak, it is better to bring your own hair dryer. But even with an under-dried head, you will not overcool if.

  • Poor eyesight, no goggles

Solution: goggles for swimming are starting (they have small lenses, they can cause discomfort during long swimming, they are used by professionals), training (wide lenses, comfortable fit) and half masks. If you are an amateur, choose training and half masks. Try it on if possible. Glasses should fit snugly on the face, but not press. The seal is most often made of silicone - it is airtight and does not cause.

For those who have vision problems, there are swimming goggles with diopters, however, they are somewhat more expensive than standard models. If your glasses fog up, you can buy an anti-fog spray (costs a few hundred rubles) or just lick the inside of the glasses. If you wear contact lenses, you can swim right in them.

  • It's hard to breathe

To learn how to exhale into the water, do a few exercises:

  1. Standing waist-deep in the water of the pool, lower your face into the water, exhale all the air through your mouth, lift your face out of the water, inhale. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Squat in the water: go under the water, exhale through your mouth, rise above the water and inhale again.
  3. Try exhaling into the water as you move. Swim breaststroke with your head up, but exhale into the water through your mouth. The main thing is not to hold your breath. Inhale through your mouth, gently exhale into the water, if the air runs out, raise your head.

Why is swimming useful?

With minimal stress on the joints, swimming “turns on” most muscle groups, trains the heart, develops flexibility, strength, endurance and has practically no contraindications. Swimming can be learned at any age. Nevertheless, even those who want to glide gracefully through the water put off going to the pool for months, and most of those who do decide to swim vertically on the paths or stand idle at the side. It is not difficult to learn how to swim if you wish: the network is full of video lessons and tutorials, and a month group lessons with a coach it costs about the same as a month and a half of swimming without a coach. What excuses are keeping you from getting on the water?

Alternative to swimming - water fitness

In addition to traditional swimming, for example, water aerobics, aqua gymnastics or aqua cycling are popular. The first two activities are similar to each other, but in aquadynamics classes the load is less and there are fewer contraindications. Also, don't put your head in the water. Aquacycling is fun for those who love the pool and fitness equipment: you pedal in the water. These types of fitness are designed to train certain muscle groups or body capabilities (endurance, flexibility), while swimming involves "pumping" the whole body.

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Courtesy of Gary Hall St., 10-time world record holder, 3-time Olympic champion, flag bearer for the 1976 US Olympics and co-founder of The Race Club.

Translator Svetlana Leshchenko

When swimming in freestyle, the positions of minimum frontal resistance need not be related to the positions of maximum propulsion.

Head position is only part of this conflict. When the head is in line with the body and the spine is well extended, the water offers minimal frontal resistance. However, to maximize the power of the underwater phase of the pull-up, the lower back should be slightly arched, resulting in a lift of the head.

Given some of our freestyle movements, such as the underwater part of the pull-up, we are forced to choose between more power and position for less drag, and often find a compromise between the two. But this is not the case with head position.

Due to the exponential relationship between frontal drag and speed, the most important time to get the minimum drag coefficient is when our body is moving the fastest in the cycle. This happens exactly when one hand starts entering the water. It is at this point that it is very important that the head is down.
When the hand enters the water, when we lower our head down, two useful events occur. First, the bow shock wave passes over the top of our head, along by and large, immersing the head for a moment completely under water. Under water, the resistance is less than on the surface. Secondly, our body straightens more, creating better shape to move forward quickly.

Elite crawlers such as Michael Phelps, Sun Yang and Katie Ledecky, with their head down properly, after inhalation create a palpable momentum in speed, accompanied by with a strong blow feet moving forward. This is easier to do with a lower stroke rate in a freestyle or hybrid freestyle than with a higher stroke rate in a freestyle from the shoulder. However, it works with any freestyle technique.

When the palm is underwater about one foot (31 cm) in front of the shoulder and begins the advancing phase of the pull (when the arm begins to move back), the body must slightly change its shape in order to increase power. No one can maximize the strength of a pull-up movement underwater without arching the lower back, which also results in a slight head lift and is similar to a pull-up on a bar.

If it were possible to see the spinal movement of an elite freestyler as he advanced in the pool, you would see a shift from a relatively straight spine to a spine slightly arched at the bottom with each stroke over and over again. This movement allows the swimmer to take advantage of both a power-giving position and a position of minimal frontal drag.

Indeed, the question is this: if swimming with a lowered head promotes rapid progress in the water, why then does everyone swim with a raised head? The answer is simple - protection while swimming.

On a crowded track during training or during a frantic race at the start of a triathlon, swimmers are cautious and look ahead in the hope of avoiding an unnecessary collision. In a crowded pool, be first on the lane or swim behind with a 10 second delay, stay on the right side and pray, but keep your head under the water. When you are competing and you have a personal lane or when you have established your position in open water, there is no excuse for you. Keep your head down as your palm enters the water and enjoy the momentum.

Watch the video on the position of the head in the crawl:

Forever yours afloat,
Gary Hall Sr.