Exercise crab on the floor. How to get rid of bags under the eyes at home

Ruslan Dudnik

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9th week « Siberian workout "opens new complex No. 5 (picture of the complex - DOWNLOAD).

The number of circles remains the same - 7 (SEVEN), and there have been slight changes in the exercises again, let's take a look at them!

Complex No. 5

The complex also consists of 5 exercises that are performed circular method. Term "circle" in the context this training means that we perform all the listed exercises in turn one after another without a break - this is one circle.

Look carefully at the picture, the exercises are numbered and illustrated with arrows. We perform one circle with the left column of exercises, the second circle with the right, then the left again, then the right, in short, we alternate 🙂

  • forward kick And jump squats- 10 times
  • wide grip top and parallel - 5 times
  • "crab" And "climber"- 5 times on each leg for beginners, 10 times for experienced
  • wide squats(PLIE) and - execute one time , but in SLOW PACE , down 10 sec and up 10 sec
  • and "" - 5 times for beginners, 10 times for experienced

To learn more about the technique of exercises, click on their names. But we will now analyze some points separately.

Jump Squats

Since the exercise is plyometric in nature, certain conditions must be observed. I believe that such jumps have two important limitations - they are contraindicated so far for those:

As for excess weight, I think everything is clear, this is an extra load on the joints. As for beginners, first you need to develop neuro-muscular connections in squats, hone your technique so that the body moves almost perfectly. And only then you can try squats with jumping.

Don't think that this is a very simple exercise... No, the technique of this exercise can be built in 10 minutes if the trainer is standing next to you, there is nothing complicated in it 🙂

However, it is very surprising to look at experienced athletes who have a well-developed body and powerful functional achievements, but when they start doing exercises that are unusual for them, the technique becomes terrible and traumatic. And such cases are not isolated, which leads to a certain sadness.

For example, one athlete does strength exercises in the most perfect technique, but when he decided to try to do jumping on the pedestal ... it's better not to show this to people who can repeat.

So what, nothing to do? Well, why not, here are some useful points that helped me and my friends a lot in due time.

  • When we did this hand-to-hand exercise, the coach made us land so quietly that we didn’t hear not just a stomp, but even a hit on the floor. In complete silence, we tried to land as quietly as possible. At first they did the exercises barefoot, gradually they even switched to “berets” (army powerful boots)
  • Gradually, our stomp turned into a soft landing, and we more and more resembled cats that land from any position on 4 paws and quite softly 🙂
  • Push-off phase - jump low, but the legs are fully extended and the toes point towards the ground
  • Flight phase - keep your hands in front of you (see photo), chest straightened, back straight, stretch up when pushing off, look straight ahead
  • Landing Phase - Imagine yourself as a cat, a badger, a tiger, a raccoon, whatever, but land on your toes very gently. As soon as they touched the floor, the legs begin to bend at the knee joints, the body goes into a squat, gradually extinguishing inertia

If this exercise is difficult for you to do, or you have filmed yourself on video and noted that you are jumping like a sack of potatoes, it is better to do just squats. Let's learn this exercise later at a live meeting 🙂

CRAB exercise

The CRAB exercise is actually not very difficult, and in addition to developing coordination, it helps to develop the muscles of the core and abs. Do not relax in the final phases, keep the whole body in tension. Explaining this exercise in words is a non-trivial task, watch the video, if you have questions, ask in the comments!

Guys, mark the blow! If in a fight you are knocked down to the ground, then you can suddenly knock down the enemy with a kick, as in this exercise. For more reality, train on a bag or on an opponent who wraps the lower leg with something. Even if you are knocked to the ground, never give up! In this situation, movement and pressure are your salvation !!!

Exercise CLIMBER

The exercise is very simple. In the article of the last workout there is a video on how to do it. And in words - get up in an emphasis while lying down and begin to bring your knees to your chest one by one. Slow or medium pace.

That's all for today! Sincerely, Ruslan Dudnik!

P.S. And in general, cats that pull themselves up on the horizontal bar are already yesterday. Now over high results shows a panda who makes an exit by force 🙂

Working muscles

Main working muscles

  1. Muscles that flex and stabilize the spine: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis.

Accessory muscles

  1. Muscles that flex the leg at the hip joint: iliopsoas, rectus femoris.
  2. Hip extensor muscles: gluteus maximus, rear group thigh muscles.
  3. Muscles that rotate the leg outward at the hip joint: gluteus maximus, deep rotator muscle group.
  4. Muscles that extend the leg at the knee joint: quadriceps femoris.
  5. Muscles that flex the arm shoulder joint: latissimus dorsi back, teres major muscle, large pectoral muscle(sternocostal bundle).
  6. Muscles that flex the arm elbow joint: biceps, shoulder muscle.

Starting position for exercise crab. Sit on the mat, bend your knees and cross them at the ankles. Bend your spine into a "C" shape. Grasp hands on opposite feet (left hand on the right foot, and right hand on the left). Bend your elbows slightly and spread your elbows out to the sides. The thumbs are on external surfaces stop, and the rest cover the plantar part. Lift your feet off the mat and pull your knees up to your shoulders, keeping your balance on your buttocks.

Inhale. Roll back on your back.

Exhalation. Roll forward to the starting position, and then even further to kneel and rest your forehead on the mat. Return to the starting position and repeat the crab exercise 6 times. After the last repetition, take the starting position, balancing on the buttocks.

In the 1st phase of the crab exercise, use the abdominal muscles to tilt the pelvis back and evenly bend the spine in the form of the letter "C" along the entire length - from the head to the coccyx. At the same time, draw in the abdomen, pulling the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity towards the spine. Use your hip flexors to lift your feet off the mat and bring your legs closer to your chest. At the same time, the hips turn slightly outward so that the knees are in the shoulder area.

At the beginning of the 2nd phase, draw in the stomach even more and tilt the pelvis back so that the body rolls gently on the back of the mat. Try not to change the curvature of the spine and the angle of bending of the legs in the hip and knee joints.

To facilitate the transition to the return movement in the 3rd phase, use the hip extensor muscles to move the hips a little further from the chest. The muscles that extend the arm in the shoulder joint pull the feet towards the buttocks. As discussed in the analysis of back rolls, simultaneous coordinated contraction of the knee extensor and elbow flexor muscles minimizes limb repositioning and facilitates movement of the body as a whole. Use your abdominal muscles to further flex your spine into lumbar and move the torso forward (middle of the 3rd phase).

In the 3rd phase of the crab exercise, when the head touches the mat, carefully balance the strength and speed of movements so as not to damage the small vertebrae of the cervical region.

Returning to the starting position, use the eccentric contraction of the muscles that extend the leg at the knee and hip joints. This is important for controlling the movements of the pelvis and protecting the knees.

mental image. The most difficult moment of the exercise is the transition through the knees and touching the mat with the head. Imagine that your partner is pulling you by the waistband of your jeans to lift your pelvis. The same image can be used when returning to the starting position. This will help you move easily and smoothly.


Perhaps the crab exercise got its name because of the specific position of the limbs, when the elbows and knees are spread apart, and the feet and hands are brought to the center. "Crab" - difficult exercise, which is recommended only for those who have already purchased great experience and fully mastered the technique of such exercises as rolls on the back and "Seal". It has much in common with these exercises and also stretches the muscles that extend the spine, develops the coordination of the abdominal muscles and develops the skills to use the inertia of movement and maintain balance on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.

However, in the "Crab" there is an additional complication - the continuation of forward movement relying on the knees, which are in a very vulnerable position, since knee joints strongly bent and support the entire weight of the body. In addition, the knees are slightly apart, which puts them at risk even more if the technique is violated. The end position can create excessive load around your neck if you don't have enough control over your movements. Therefore, this exercise is not recommended for those who experience knee or neck problems or have other contraindications that increase the degree of potential risk.


When performing the crab exercise, you can, while on your back, spread and cross your legs again. At the same time, they either remain bent at the knees, or they can be straightened and then bent again. This option brings some variety to the crab exercise. The rapid change in the positions of the arms and legs requires the coordination of many muscles in order not to disturb the stability of the power center and the smoothness of the overall movement. The position of the hands is also slightly changed here in order to maintain a neutral position of the feet. Since it takes time to introduce new elements, it is recommended to slightly change the breathing pattern. In the back roll phase, exhale, then inhale when changing the position of the legs, exhale during the return movement and inhale again when the head touches the mat and a gentle stretch of the neck muscles occurs.

“... Until recently, my morning makeup almost daily began with tea bags on my eyes. Even the creams of respected French firms did not help. Morning swelling under the eyes appeared on its own, regardless of the evening meal.

One day I came to work with bags. My partner, seeing me, immediately made me perform simple exercises and very simple lymphatic drainage. I did everything with little faith in success. However, within a few minutes the swelling subsided. Now, regardless of the condition of the eyes, I do this procedure daily. I already forgot when the eyes are like slits, and the ankles are like barrels. Here are the exercises.

Exercise 1

Go to a table or cabinet, grab it with your hands, stand on tiptoe and squat down, while leaving your feet in such a position that the heels do not touch the floor, i.e. you are on tiptoe, but sitting. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Exercise 2
Now you need to do lymphatic drainage around the eyes. To do this, take 2 metal teaspoons. Draw them simultaneously along the contours of the eyes: from the bridge of the nose up to the temples and in a circle again to the bridge of the nose. Movements should be with light pressure so as not to injure the skin. Do this for 1 minute.

Exercise "Kick Crab"

At first, this exercise may seem strange, but later you will no longer be able to do without it. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Tilt your body forward slightlyhands with tightly closed fingers and a bent thumb imitate claws. The arms are bent at the elbows and raised in a slight tension, opening the armpits. This is how you reveal chest. Now on a grand scale strike alternately with each “claw”, working with the whole body, only the feet are motionless. Efforts and movements go from the foot through the legs, hips, back to the arms. Complete exercise- this is 36 "crab" strokes, 18 with each hand.

That's all. If there were swelling, then after 20 minutes there will be no trace of them. I am now doing these manipulations in order to prevent ... "

Expert comment

To be sure to wake up the kidneys, stay in the tiptoe position for 1 minute. Then stand up and stretch your legs, shaking them alternately, restoring normal blood flow. Only after that proceed to lymphatic drainage.

In order not to injure the skin around the eyes during lymphatic drainage, you can apply any vegetable oil to the skin, then the procedure will be easy and the effect will appear quickly. You will feel how you "break" these inflated spheres on the upper and lower eyelids.

Performing the exercise "hit crab", choose an active driving mode, but comfortable for you personally. This exercise maximally balances the energy of the kidneys, activates energy channels, improves vascular tone. And this together increases the speed of lymph circulation. Edema goes away, as if flowing from the body, freeing it from excess fluid.

“Woke up with puffy eyes? Sit on your tiptoes for a minute. Then take a glass of warm water, stir 0.5 teaspoon in it sea ​​salt. Now soak cotton pads in the solution and place them on your eyelids. Hold until they become dry and start to fall out of your eyes. Then rinse your face with cool water. The skin under the eyes will become smooth and elastic.

Do not get upset prematurely if you are not the owner of gorgeous and elastic buttocks by nature, because the situation can be corrected on your own by doing special exercises. And it is not necessary for this to exhaust yourself with long intense workouts in the gym. It is enough to choose a set of classes that will include the best physical actions. They can be performed even at home, which is very important for many busy girls and men. And today we will tell you what exercises for the buttocks you can do at home to become the proud owner of beautiful priests.

Today, the World Wide Web offers a lot of information (video, photo instructions) to improve your body. But in order to pump up the muscles of the female or male thighs and achieve an increase in the buttocks, you should use special exercises aimed specifically at this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

The main component of successful training is regularity. Ideally, to bring the shape of your buttocks to the Brazilian, you need to do 10-20 minutes three times a week. At the same time, the results will be more effective if you adhere to an integrated approach. In other words, in order to quickly pump up and tighten the muscles of the whole body, it is worth:

  • perform exercises to increase the buttocks;
  • adhere to a proper diet;
  • do a set of exercises for weight loss;
  • lead a fairly active lifestyle.

In addition to everything described above, it is necessary to correctly approach the implementation of exercises aimed at increasing the “fifth point”. In order to get the perfect ass and at the same time not pump up other parts of the body, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique for performing physical actions. The fact is that the pumping of the gluteal muscles occurs when the muscles are involved:

  • back;
  • press.

In order for the load to be distributed correctly between the limbs participating in the training, as well as to exclude the possibility of injury, it is worth carefully approaching the issue of studying the technique. So, for example, in order not to pump up the legs, but at the same time to achieve an increase in the buttocks and thigh muscles, it is worth reducing physical activity, which gives an effort to the quadriceps, which is responsible for the volume of the legs.

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises, from which actions that involve the front of the thighs will be practically excluded. In particular, this applies to girls who are prone to fullness in the area below the belt.

Comprehensive training - what can you get as a result?

Photos in sports magazines and some videos often show beautiful sculpted bodies, advertising one way or another to achieve them. However, "experienced" athletes and professional trainers can accurately point to problem areas of the body and select the most effective complex exercises. The main thing is to decide what you would like to get as a result of training at home.


  • For those who want to tighten, pump up the gluteal muscles, bring them into tone and thereby achieve an increase in the priests to the Brazilian "standards", training should be carried out three to four times a week (10-20 minutes each) subject to specially selected exercises . Performing such a complex, you can use average load. For beginners, you can use minimal weighting, gradually increasing it to medium levels.
  • For those who want to achieve an increase in only the "fifth point", the use of medium weights is recommended. Weighting agents are also allowed when performing exercises to increase the gluteal muscles - "" and similar actions. As in the previous case, training can take from 10 to 20 minutes, provided regular execution(3-4 times a week) exercise. In this case, to get more effective results, can be supplemented home workout the use of cocktails on a protein (protein) basis. They will help you achieve the desired result faster, even if you perform the most simple exercises. This is due to the fact that protein shakes contribute to the construction muscle tissue, and also allow to achieve an increase in their size.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to pump up the muscles of the buttocks without taking any action. The fact is that even when walking, these parts of the body are practically not involved. Given this point, you need to focus your attention when doing exercises on the tension of those muscles that you would like to increase at home.

A selection of effective exercises

There are a fairly large number of varieties of exercises that are suitable for those who want to pump up their ass. We will give only the best - simple and at the same time effective ones, available for home use. In addition, you can watch a 20-minute video with a set of simple steps for a beautiful priest:

Pelvic lifts "Bridge"

You need to take the starting position (hereinafter - ip) lying on the floor on your back with your arms extended along the body and legs bent at the knees, pulled as close as possible to the buttocks. The palms of the hands should touch the surface of the floor, the feet should be shoulder-width apart with the socks pointing straight ahead. Start lifting your pelvis up as high as possible, as shown in the photo, only with the efforts of the gluteal and lumbar muscles.

Having reached the maximum peak, return the pelvis to its place, but do not touch the floor with it. Try to stay in this position for a few seconds (later increasing to 1-2 minutes). Then lift your pelvis again. When performing, it is constantly worth keeping the gluteal muscles in tension in order to get a visible effect after 20-30 days regular workouts Houses.

Planck reverse

To perform this pumping exercise gluteal muscle should be taken i.p. - sitting on the floor with straight legs stretched forward and arms behind the back, palms resting on the floor. Please note that in order for the exercise to provide the most effective results, you need to point your fingers to the buttocks, as shown in the photo below.

You need to start execution by gently lifting and straightening the body. In this case, the emphasis of the body is obtained only at two points - the heels and the palms of the hands. With your back straight, tilt your head back so that the line of the back is straight. In this position, linger for a couple of minutes (you can start from 10-20 seconds, increasing to several minutes), then return to the SP. It is recommended to perform 20 repetitions for 10 minutes.

Fulfilling this complex to pull up the priests, pay attention to the fact that the muscles of the part of the body you are interested in are constantly tense and maximally involved in the training.

Exercise "Crab"

For this exercise it is worth taking an i.p. - sitting on the floor on the priest with legs bent at the knees and arms wound behind the back. Rest your palms on the floor behind you with your fingers pointing towards different sides. Then lift the body so that there are 2 points of contact with the floor - palms and feet ( see photo below). From this position, raise your legs alternately, straightening them, and lifting them up as high as possible.

For this type of physical activity, 10 repetitions for each leg are recommended. They can take from 2 to 5 minutes to complete.

"Lunges" forward

Accept i.p. - standing straight with arms lowered along the body, feet brought together. Inhaling, step forward as far as possible. Exhaling, return to SP. During the action, do not forget to keep your back straight ( see photo) and breathe properly. Weighting is allowed for those who have reached the average level of training.

To pump up, in this way, the gluteal muscles, you need to perform for 10-20 minutes. For those who have recently begun to perform this complex, you can first do 10-15 sets, increasing the number to 20-30 repetitions.

It's so easy and simple, following the video and photo instructions, you can make the most useful home exercise complex and pump up the muscles of your thighs and buttocks within 30-50 days of regular training, subject to employment of only 10-20 minutes daily.

Another one that will lift your ass and turn your life around! Are you the head? Then let's go - these are the 10 best exercises that you can do at home in order to strengthen the gluteal muscles and visually lift the buttocks!

Eat right, lead an active lifestyle and!

So, stretch your joints well, prepare a mat and a bottle of water. Go!

Effective exercise for the buttocks "Lunch"
Stretch one leg as far as possible to the side, and put the other in a bent position, take your shoulders back, your heels should not come off the floor.

Start jumping, alternately changing the position of the legs: either the left leg is in a bent position, and the right leg is extended, or vice versa. At the same time, in a jump, perform inclinations with alternate touching of the hands on the floor. 30 times at a dynamic pace in each direction.

Exercise "Boat" - we strengthen rear surface hips
Lie on your stomach on the gym mat, bend your legs, heels together. Raise the legs up in this position, the stomach does not come off the horizontal surface, only the legs work. The higher you keep your legs above the floor, the better the gluteal muscles are pumped up and the more effective the result will be.

Exercise "Star"
The initial position is as in the previous task: lying on your stomach, arms forward, legs straighten. Spread your arms and legs simultaneously to the sides. Watch for correct breathing.

Back kicks
Lying on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees and tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Then straighten your legs. Alternately bending and straightening the legs (it is advisable to reach the heel to the gluteal muscle) will help to pump up not only the buttocks, but also get rid of fat deposits on the legs.

Exercise "Crab" for strong and elastic buttocks
We sit on the floor, bend our legs at the knees. Put your hands behind your back and lean on them. Then we lift the ass up. While in this position, straighten one leg and lift it as high as possible. Then take her aside. Fix this position for 10-15 seconds. After that, return to the original position. Do the exercise 10 times in each direction.

Exercise Bridge
Lie with your back on the floor, stretch your arms along the body, pull your legs as close to the buttock as possible. Raising your torso up, squeeze. As an additional load, this task can be performed as follows: in a position where the buttocks are raised and clamped at the top, bring the knees together. In this case, the inner muscle group of the legs also works. "Spring" in this position 20 times.

Exercise "Brazilian butt"
Take emphasis lying down. In a supine position, lean on your feet. Bend one leg at the knee and begin to spring up. After doing this home exercise for the buttocks, you will feel how gorgeous the gluteal muscles work after it.

Exercise Lunges
Put one leg as far forward as possible and bend it. Take the other leg back, and then kneel down. Perform jumps, alternately changing the position of the legs. The back is straight.

Lunge Squats
Put your feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your torso forward so that your body forms a 90-degree angle, then squat down with your booty. Pull your hands to your chest. The back is straight. Perform squats at the maximum pace. Do three sets of 20 reps.

Standing upright, reach the floor with your hands, focus on your hands. From this position, raise the leg with the heel up, straining the gluteal muscle.

Get on all fours, palms and elbows, resting on the floor. Raise your leg to the level of your back. Lower the toe down, that is, make the leg in the shape of the letter "G", then raise it up as high as possible. In the extremely raised position, squeeze and stay in this tense stance for 8-10 seconds. Then return to the original position. Do this exercise at least 3-4 times with each leg.

To exercises for the buttocks of girls gave good result, you need to work hard and systematically on yourself: perform the proposed complex every day.