Mudra normalizing the heart rhythm. Wise - ambulance

This article is for those who want to learn therapy cardiovascular disease. Often you or your students cannot do asanas or pranayama.

But what to do, IF YOU ARE BEED SICK(after a stroke or heart attack, or with hypertension)?

Here we analyze important techniques that will help your patient get out of bed.

We are here discussing mudras and meditations for the heart.

You can study these topics in more detail on the course "Yoga Therapy of the Cardiovascular System (CVS)"

ATTENTION! IN ACUTE CONDITIONS - CALL A DOCTOR! There is no need for self-activity.

Wise make us wiser? No, they make us - healthier!

Mudra (seal, lock) are special yoga techniques that help to concentrate and redistribute energy.

Mudras are also called "finger yoga", although they can be performed with other parts of the body:

  • eyes, for example, Shambhavi mudra - wrapping the eyes at the point between the eyebrows;
  • fingers (Hasta mudra), the most famous is Jnana mudra, when the thumb and forefinger are connected;
  • the whole body (Viparita karani - inverted pose, Maha mudra - used in kriya yoga);
  • language (Khechari, Nabhi), etc.

What is the mechanism of action of wise in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases?

Everyone knows the positive effects of asanas, but what about wisdom?

Scientists have made great strides in recent years human body. In particular, they discovered the subtlest mechanisms of interaction not only of individual parts of the body against each other, but also individual groups cells into cells located in completely different places.

These complex information transfer mechanisms include:

  1. distribution of nerve impulses along the nervous network;
  2. the inclusion of fascial connections;
  3. the action of piezoelectric effects;
  4. a special effect of neurotransmitters (special substances that control the behavior of nerve cells) on neighboring nerve bundles;

From the point of view of yoga, we can already say that scientists have got close to the concepts nadi , thin channels, which are the energy network and foundation of the human body.

How do mudras help bedridden and debilitated patients?

What to do in such cases?

What methods of yoga therapy CAN HELP HE?

What can be offered to people who are in a post-stroke or post-infarction state?

Many schools of yoga therapy, apart from advising light nadi shodhana, nothing else to offer.

Powerful arsenal of yoga therapies

The fact is that everything in this world holographic...

Those. every cell, every part of the body reflects general body structure. For example, the genes contained in liver cells uniquely correspond to the genes in the retina. It's clear?

And the ancient sages-healers have long noticed that with various diseases can be influenced not directly on the diseased organ, but on its projection on the legs, ears, feet and even eyes (iridodiagnostics).

So, there are active zones in the palm of your hand, by influencing which you can balance the energy in a certain organ.

With the help of "closing" fingers you create special energy circuits that, together with breathing, "pump" energy into the organs, balance its distribution and cure the disease.

Every yoga instructor, rehabilitologist, yoga therapist and even a simple person who takes care of his health must master these powerful tricks.

They allow you to quickly and effectively not only relieve painful attacks, but also really improve the health of your patient.

Of course, first need to master this knowledge in order to know in what cases to apply this or that technique.

What you need to know about mudras?

Mudras do not work anyhow, but in accordance with dosha system(archetypes).

And they balance through the dosha system, or base archetypes.

Doshas are a pairing of primary elements in your body cotton wool is ether + air, pitta- fire plus water, kapha- water + earth).

Therefore, performing mudra, you need to know which element in the body it will enhance. You can learn this in our courses.

How do mudras and meditation treat cardiovascular disease?

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3 magical healing practices for your heart and blood vessels
Start December 27, 2018 (Thu) at 19:00 Moscow time

Energy imbalance causes various diseases, and the task of yoga therapy is to restore balance to your body and mind.

How is energy balance achieved?

In particular, this section deals with yoga therapy - mudras and meditation.

Meditation solves several problems:

  • relieve stress;
  • allows you to visualize a positive result;
  • calms the nervous system, and therefore -
  • aligns the hormonal background (pituitary-hypothalamus);
  • activates the work of the chakras;

Mudras, as mentioned earlier, will help you "circle" the energy, seal her stream and with the help breathing and meditation- to direct the therapeutic action to the diseased organ, in this case - to heart and blood vessels.

People with sudden pressure surges, with an unstable emotional background, with an unstable pulse need use on "kapha"-mudras to align the energy of vata.

she drives nervous system, metabolic processes (metabolism), is responsible for the large intestine, bones and joints.

For people with an excess of kapha, on the contrary, one should use vata mudras to enhance and accelerate metabolic processes.

Learn important mudras for heart and vascular therapy

Today we will analyze three important mudras, using which you can relieve symptoms cardiovascular disease and dysfunction internal organs.

Heart mudra dragon temple

How to perform:

The dragon personifies the image that connects and stores all 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Mudra very useful for improving heart function, normalization of cardiac rhythm and concentration of energy.

Applies with ischemia, angina pectoris, pain in the heart and discomfort.

How to perform mudra correctly. Bend the middle fingers of both hands and press them to the palms. Connect the palms together. Connect the straightened thumb and middle finger, as well as the little finger of both hands, with the little fingers touching the middle fingers. The little fingers and thumb and forefinger connected in this way form the roof of the temple. The thumbs symbolize the dragon's head. Keep your arms relaxed, arbitrarily at chest level.

Mudra normalizing heart rate


Mudra effectively helps with various cardiac arrhythmias(bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia)

Connect the tips of the thumbs of both hands. Forefinger right hand is placed on the index finger of the left hand and is located under the middle finger of the left hand.
On the middle finger of the left hand and under the ring finger (their tips are located on the little finger of the left hand) are the middle and ring fingers of the right hand.
Turn your face to the east, while your legs should be bent. The mudra is at the level of the navel, keep your hands relaxed.

Mudra Turtle


Applies with violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system, providing an influx of energy into the body and protection from adverse effects.

Performed facing east, placing hands at the level solar plexus, look at the green color.
Closing all the fingers, we cover the bases of all hand meridians. By forming a vicious circle, we thus prevent the leakage of energy.
The dome of the turtle forms an energy clot, which is used by the body for its needs.
Indications: asthenia, fatigue, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
Execution technique. The fingers of the right hand close arbitrarily with the fingers of the left hand.
The thumbs of both hands are connected along their entire length by the side surfaces, forming the head of a turtle.
Hold hands arbitrarily, without tension.

How to practice wise

To perform the right wise necessary:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position (in some cases, you can lie down)
  2. Connect fingers in mudra
  3. Relax your shoulders and neck
  4. Try not to strain your fingers and hands, you relax them
  5. Start breathing, preferably ujjayi breathing (hissing throat breathing)
  6. Imagine (visualize) how warm streams of energy begin to swirl and flow through your fingers, palms, hands, arms
  7. Imagine how your whole body begins to fill with flows of energy and strength.
  8. Focus on the work of the heart. Imagine how it starts to work slowly and calmly.
  9. Hold the mudra for at least 2 minutes, and preferably 5 minutes. In special cases, the mudra is kept for half an hour.

A case from one's life.

One of our students has a husband who does not really believe in yoga, esotericism, well, in general, Thomas is not a believer ...

And he was suddenly diagnosed with angina pectoris, and already very neglected ...

Constant surges in pressure no longer equalized the strongest drugs. In general, the "woman with a scythe" was already waiting outside the door. His wife advised him to keep the mudra for the heart. And he held her for 30 minutes in one sitting.

With breathing, as expected, with attention ...

And literally, after a couple of days, the pressure surges smoothed out, the heart began to work more calmly.

In general - got out ...

How to Meditate Properly

Wise healthy combine with meditation.

During meditation, try to visualize the energy flows that start to flow over your body.

Wherein feel wise as concentrators and distributors of energy.

Watch the video below and try meditate.

Arrhythmia is a frequent companion of arterial hypertension (hypertension), physical and emotional overstrain. Not in all cases, this condition requires drug therapy; quite often it can be corrected with the help of gymnastics, yoga. There is a special kind of yoga technique that does not require physical activity. These techniques are called mudras.

Mudra - what is it?

Initially, mudra was a special arrangement of the hands and fingers, which had a religious and symbolic meaning. Over time, these techniques entered into spiritual practices, became one of the types of yoga. It is believed that this type of practice has a healing effect on human body, on its systems and organs. This type of technique helps to control the flow of energy in the body, normalizing its work and putting functions in order.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

There are a huge number of mudras, the impact of which is directed to the correction of various diseases and pathological conditions of all systems and organs. Each disease has its own set of techniques. For diseases of the heart system, separate mudras have been created that are used for arrhythmias of various origins, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), high blood pressure and other disorders of the heart.

What are the benefits of heart techniques?

Mudras used to treat heart disorders have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular and nervous system help to calm down and relax. Due to the implementation of these techniques, the work of the heart muscle is normalized, arrhythmia disappears, heartbeat. Mudras from heart arrhythmia are used not only to stop an arrhythmic attack, but also to prevent and treat this condition. In the case of the treatment of cardiac pathologies, the most popular techniques are Turtle, Ganesha Mudra, Vajra Arrow. But the Dragon Temple technique is most commonly used.

Mudra "Temple of the Dragon" is used to treat the cardiovascular system.

In the Dragon Temple technique, two powerful images of the East are combined into a single whole: the Dragon and the Temple. "Dragon" personifies the unified nature of the five eastern primary elements: metal, fire, wood, earth, water. The symbol of the "Temple" is identified with the unity of thoughts, discipline, reason, strength, holiness. The unity of these two images together connects bioflows of energy in the body, returns harmony to the functioning of organs and systems. The "Temple of the Dragon" technique is recommended for use with various arrhythmias, discomfort in the heart area, if coronary disease hearts. In addition, this technique stimulates emotional calm, concentration of the energy flow, as a result of which the functioning of the heart muscle is normalized.

They say that the wise were created to communicate with the Universe, this is such a kind of language of communication with the Cosmos.

Who created them is not known, but historians say that the wise existed already several millennia ago.

Until the end, their mechanism of action on humans has not been studied. But what these finger exercises help improve health, is confirmed by thousands of examples.

Today I will introduce you to mudras that help restore heart health.

Mudra for Heart Health - Ganesha Mudra

Mudra Ganesha-Mudra is a symbol of the god Ganesha, who teaches to overcome all difficulties and hardships. This is a mudra that stimulates the work of the heart, its rhythm, which helps to strengthen the heart muscle.

She promotes full breath, opens the bronchi and heart chakra. It gives people who perform the exercise self-confidence, openness to people (especially relatives), courage and stamina.

Exercise technique

Place your hands in front of your chest. Turn your left hand palm up, put your right hand on top of it, back side up. Bend your fingers and make a lock out of them. Move the finger lock closer to the heart.

Now you need to connect the breath: take a breath. As you exhale, tightly interlock your fingers and pull your hands in different sides without loosening your fingers. Feel how the muscles of the arms tense up, and most importantly, the muscles of the left side of the chest.

While inhaling, relax the muscles of the chest and arms. Repeat the mudra for heart health six times. Then place both hands on your chest and try to feel your inner sensation.

Change the position of your hands, now - the right hand is below, palm up, and the left hand is above, palm down. Interlock your fingers and do the breathing exercise six times. Do this exercise once a day.

Mudra for strength and courage

Mudra can be applied when you feel any indecision, inability to make a decision. Performing a finger lock, you seem to be telling yourself that “'s time to gather your strength into a fist, and you have the courage to do it!” But in this case, the exercise is somewhat modified.

When performing the mudra for heart health, you keep your arms and elbows horizontally, and the mudra for strength and courage is performed in the same way, only you should keep your elbows diagonally relative to the chest.

One elbow is up and the other is down. This position of the hands and elbows makes the words more meaningful and not only gives strength and courage, but also strengthens the heart.

What elements can enhance the effect of mudra for heart health? The heart symbolizes fire. To enhance the mudra, experts recommend using the effect of color on the body, corresponding to the symbol of Fire, that is,.

After all, you know that all the colors that surround us affect our health, read on. When performing mudra, you can look at something red or imagine this color.

Mudra from a heart attack - Apan Vayu-Mudra

The Apan Vayu-Mudra is the life-saving mudra. It is used at the first signs of an incipient heart attack, accompanied by aching or stabbing pains.

Experts say that relief comes very quickly, so quickly that sometimes this mudra is compared with taking nitroglycerin. Mudra eliminates pain and discomfort in the region of the heart, calms the heartbeat, and normalizes the work of the heart.

Technique for performing mudra from a heart attack:

Bend your index finger and with its pad touch the tubercle at the base of the thumb. Put your thumb on top of your index finger, as if holding it. Attach the pads of the middle and ring fingers to the pad of the thumb.

Keep your little finger straight, slightly moving it to the side. Hold this mudra performed with the fingers of both hands until relief occurs. As a treatment for the heart, without waiting for an attack and pain, it is performed daily for 15 minutes, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). Everyone should know this mudra, because it can relieve a heart attack!

Mudra can be used to prevent heart disease. The appearance of the slightest pinching or tingling in the heart is a signal from the body that a person takes everything to heart.

Feelings and sympathy for those close to you sometimes override your concern for your health. The desire to surround with care and attention to their loved ones, develops into a desire to earn the love of others, forgetting about self-love.

What elements can enhance the action of mudra from a heart attack? Great importance in the performance of this mudra is given to breathing and visualization. All attention must be focused on breathing, observing how it expands when you inhale rib cage and when exhaled, it contracts.

At the same time, it would be nice to imagine a red rose bud: as when you exhale, when your chest contracts, the air flow from the inside opens the rose flower, pushing its petals apart.

Often, affirmations are also connected to this wiser, like this one: “I love myself for who I am ... I appreciate myself and approve ..” Read also for the fruitful work of the brain.

But the mudra Prana-Mudra (Pran-Mudra) - an exercise for vision, not only helps with myopia and hyperopia, but also activates both hemispheres of the brain. Aligns the energy level of the whole organism, increasing its vitality.

Mudra from diseases of the heart and organs associated with the solar plexus - Rudra Mudra

Mudra Rudra-Mudra is a symbol of the ruler of the solar plexus chakra. Mudra is used for heart disease, prolapse of internal organs, frequent dizziness, general malaise.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the heart, liver and gallbladder, stomach and pancreas. Energy congestion and pinching in these organs slows down the flow of energy going to the head, which causes dizziness, heaviness in the head, and headaches.

Mudra technique for diseases associated with the solar plexus

Connect the pads of the index, ring and thumb. The rest of the fingers should be straight. Keep your fingers relaxed.

Mudra activates energy processes in the solar plexus chakra, and like centrifugal force directs them from the center to all the listed organs and relieves pain and tension. Exercise is performed daily for 10 - 15 minutes.

Breathing while performing this mudra should be even and calm. For visualization, you can draw a wheel with a yellow dot in the middle on a white sheet of paper and examine it during the exercise. Attention should be concentrated on the point imagining how the energy from it diverges to the periphery of the wheel.

Mudra from arrhythmia of the heart - Matangi-Mudra

Mudra Matangi-Mudra is a symbol of the god Matangi, which teaches the acquisition of inner harmony and dignity. Mudra promotes relaxation muscular system organs, leads them to harmonious, well-coordinated and calm work.

It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, especially during a period of rapid heartbeat, calms the excited heart, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, stomach, pancreas and duodenum, and spleen.

Execution technique

Close your fingers in the castle at the level of the solar plexus. Now straighten the middle fingers, gently press the pads against each other. Attention should be focused on breathing in the area of ​​the solar plexus, the exercise is performed for 4 minutes, three times a day.

Mudra relieves internal tension, not only of the heart muscle, has a relaxing effect on pain and heaviness when the stomach is full, improves digestion, relieves facial muscle tension.

What elements can enhance the effect of mudra? Breathing during the mudra should be calm and even. One can imagine a yellow desert with a green island - an oasis full of harmony and silence, greenery, tranquility. It hears only the sounds of nature surrounding you from all sides.

When performing mudras for the heart, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are often used. Take a decoction, before and after exercise.

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Mudra is a ritual sign language known since ancient times. The gestures contain the energy of the Buddha, the Indian poet Shankara and many other spiritual teachers of the East. With continuous practice, you will notice positive effect after 5–7 days. In acute pain, improvement will come faster: in 2-3 days. Some gestures have a hidden power that works instantly.

In this article

Operating principle

Mudra is a combination of fingers that directs the flow of energy in the human body. Doing mudras leads to:

  • improve mood;
  • healing from diseases;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • personality formation;
  • developing confidence;
  • awakening the divine energy of kundalini.

Healers of the Ancient East practiced mudras paired with mantras. Remember that in addition to gestures, the rules of execution and focus on the process are important. Many diseases are easy to get rid of if you allow the body to renew itself.

It is used for apathy, melancholy, loss of strength.

How to do:

  1. Hands up.
  2. Close your palms.
  3. Close your fingertips.
  4. Point your little fingers up.

This is a strong mudra. 7 years ago, "The Stairs of the Heavenly Temple" helped me recover from longing and look at the world in a new way. Try it and you will succeed.

A few words about technology:

Activates energy reserves subtle body. It is used in the absence of appetite, thinness, apathy.


  1. Raise your palms.
  2. Clasp your hands.
  3. Close your wrists.

Use "Scallop" to stimulate appetite after an illness and with severe fatigue:

In Asia, the dragon is a symbol of struggle. Immortality and the acquisition of treasures through mystical rebirth are associated with the dragon. Indications for use: stress, nervous breakdown, recovery from severe shocks.


  1. Bend your thumbs.
  2. Pointer straighten.
  3. The rest - hold on.

Mudra "Dragon's Tooth" clears the mind of tangled thoughts and helps to find peace of mind.

More about "Dragon's Tooth":

Performing the “Turtle”, you will close the energy flows of the hands into a ring. You will stop wasting energy aimlessly and saturate the body with energy. Mudra will save from cardiovascular diseases, overwork, impotence.

How is it done:

  1. Interlace your fingers.
  2. Fold the large ones together and point forward.
  3. At correct execution mudra, you get a figure that resembles a tortoise shell.

The energy that accumulates under the tortoise shell has healing properties. By performing mudra, you will accelerate the self-renewal of the body: prevent the appearance of diseases and feel cheerfulness.

For the power of the "Turtle" to manifest, do not strain your arms and wrists:

Indications for use: pneumonia, tonsillitis, colds. Mudra calms and cures headaches.


  1. Place your middle finger on your index finger.
  2. Connect your palms.
  3. Cross the nameless and little fingers.
  4. Large - press.

Mudra "Dragon's Head" is not easy to perform, but after a few attempts, everything will work out. Watch the video, which describes in detail the technique of performing the gesture:

In another way, mudra is called "Nine Jewels". We are talking about spiritual riches that fill the human body like water in a bowl. It is recommended for bile stasis, swelling, stomach problems, headaches.

How to perform:

  1. Raise your open arms to your chest.
  2. Put your palms together.
  3. Point your thumbs out to the sides.

When doing this, think about how the bowl in your hands is filled with the energy of the Cosmos.

Buddha has thousands of incarnations. Among them is Shakyamuni, who lived about 2500 years ago and founded Buddhism, the world religion. Indications for use: brain pathology, anxiety, attacks of fear.

Performance :

  1. Raise your hands to eye level.
  2. Bend and connect the ring and index fingers.
  3. Connect the middle to the little finger.
  4. Put the big ones together.

Practice the Shakyamuni Hat mudra along with the Chandman Bowl if migraine attacks are bothering you.

For more information about this combination, see the video:

Vajra is an attribute of Indra, the Indian god of thunder, "diamond lightning" in Sanskrit. In spiritual terms, it is a concentrated soul force. Recommendations for use: high blood pressure, vascular diseases, circulatory disorders.

How to do:

  1. Lock your fingers.
  2. Straighten your pointers.
  3. Press the big ones to the palms.

When performing, do not forget about breathing. Breathe slowly and calmly, imagining how the healing energy of white color envelops the body.

Mudra, which makes a person invulnerable to the forces of evil and destruction. Activates the hidden reserve of energy in the body, helps to recover. "Shield of Shambhala" - a protective mudra from the negative influence of someone else's energy. Recommended during the recovery period after injuries and fractures.


  1. Raise your arms to chest level.
  2. Straighten your palm.
  3. Make a fist and press it against your palm.

More about the "Shield of Shambhala" and protection from negative influences:

The lotus represents spirituality. The petals of the flower do not touch the ground and are not moistened by water. The lotus blooms in the air and feeds on the energy of the sun. Lotus is a manifestation of the mother goddess, who is subject to the elements. It is recommended to use for the treatment of female diseases, as well as the urogenital organs.

How to perform:

  1. Connect your fingertips.
  2. Interlace your ring fingers and little fingers.
  3. Relax your hands.

Perform mudra daily as a prophylactic in the fight against disease and inflammation.

Another version of the mudra:

The coming Buddha is called Maitreya. With the advent of Maitreya, a new era will come in the history of mankind: the era of love and kindness. The flute is the instrument by which the coming Buddha will announce the victory of good over evil. Recommended for throat, speech and thyroid problems. It has a beneficial effect on the Vishuddhu Chakra.

  1. Place your thumbs together.
  2. Place your index finger on your knuckles.
  3. Make a castle.
  4. With the middle finger and little finger of the right hand, cover the fingers of the same name of the left hand.
  5. Clasp your little fingers.

To enhance the effect, practice at dawn with a purple candle lit.

More about technique and symbolism:

Indications for use: diseases of the bronchi, heart, chest muscle weakness. At the level of the chakras, it normalizes the work of the heart chakra - Anahata.

Correct technique:

  1. Raise your hand with your palm out.
  2. Bend your fingers.
  3. Clasp your hands.
  4. When inhaling, spread your arms to the sides.
  5. As you exhale, relax.
  6. Repeat 10 times for each hand.

Ganesha Mudra is a powerful tool for giving strength. To enhance the effect, use red paraphernalia: mandala, carpet, candles.

More about technology:

One of the popular healing mudras that normalizes blood pressure and improves well-being. It is recommended for disorders of nervous regulation, hypertension.

Order of execution:

  1. Put your palms together.
  2. Cross your fingers.
  3. Straighten one index, press the other to the palm of your hand.
  4. Hide your thumb under your index finger.

Mudras of the fiery element normalize the work of the heart. One of them is the “Temple of the Dragon”, a symbol of the unity of the mind and the fire element. Recommendations for use: arrhythmia, heart pain, tachycardia.

How to properly perform the "Temple of the Dragon":

  1. Raise your arms to your chest.
  2. Put your palms together.
  3. Bend your middle fingers inward.
  4. Connect the pads of the index and ring fingers.

The index and ring fingers symbolize the roof of the temple, the thumbs - the head of the beast, and the little fingers - the tail. To achieve a greater effect, use green things in practice.


  1. Cross your arms at the wrists.
  2. On each hand, connect the thumb and middle finger.
  3. Cross your index finger and little fingers.
  4. Keep your unnamed fingers loose.

Try not to strain your arms and watch your breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Order of execution:

  1. Connect your thumb and ring finger.
  2. Connect your thumb and middle finger.
  3. Put one little finger on the other.
  4. Connect the middle and ring fingers.
  5. Straighten your index fingers.

In addition to tracheitis, it is used for asthma, nausea and overeating.


  1. Hands up.
  2. Connect your thumb and index finger.
  3. Press the middle finger to the base of the thumb.
  4. Press the right thumb to the middle one.
  5. Connect your ring fingers.
  6. Connect the little fingers.

In addition to the treatment of chronic diseases, mudra weakens the spasm of the digestive tract.

Remember to practice daily and combine spiritual practice with traditional medicine.

More about spiritual practice:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. To step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and gain true freedom.