How to bandage a knee with an elastic bandage. Effective techniques for applying an elastic knee bandage

Elastic bandage when stretching the knee reduces the load on the joint and fixes it in correct position. This protects the tissue from further damage. A properly applied bandage creates pressure that normalizes the outflow of lymph and venous blood, preventing the spread of swelling. Blood vessels provide the affected area with nutrients and oxygen, which speeds up the healing process of the ligaments.

Before you buy a bandage, you need to consult with a traumatologist. Attention should be paid to the extensibility of the product, which is selected depending on the severity of the damage. It is best to choose bandages from reputable manufacturers that have a long service life. Different lengths may be required depending on the type of injury. If wearing a tight bandage was prescribed by a doctor, he will help the patient with the choice.

An elastic bandage is more convenient to use than a regular gauze bandage. The rubberized product is suitable for repeated use, while the fabric product is deformed after the first use. An elastic bandage is especially useful for athletes who often get injured. It fixes the affected joint, preventing unnecessary movements.

The bandage has a warming effect, so an ointment can be applied to the skin before applying it. The bandage increases its effectiveness.

Bandage indications

A bandage on the knee is most often applied:

  • in case of rupture and sprain of ligaments;
  • after surgical interventions after such injuries.

Athletes use an elastic bandage to prevent such injuries. During training, the greatest load falls on lower limbs Therefore, for protection, it is recommended to bandage the knee with an elastic bandage.

How to properly bandage a knee with a sprain?

Instructions for use

When applying a bandage, the following rules should be observed:

  1. The patient should take a sitting position and relax the affected leg. The free end of the bandage is held in one hand, the roll itself is held in the other.
  2. It is necessary to start bandaging from the area below patella. The edge of the bandage runs parallel to the popliteal crease.
  3. Next, the leg is gradually wrapped, blocking the free end. Each new layer overlaps with the previous one. To ensure the required pressure, the bandage is pulled.
  4. Bandages that are too tight can block blood flow.
  5. After completing the dressing lower part joints go to the top. Bandaging is carried out in the same way, it is necessary to monitor the uniformity of the coating.
  6. After the dressing is completed, the remaining end of the product is fixed with special fasteners. If necessary, the other leg is bandaged in the same way.
  7. You can check the correct application of the bandage by bending and unbending the leg. Too tight, it is recommended to loosen.

In case of leg injuries, it is recommended to apply a bandage while lying in bed. The bandage should lie evenly, otherwise the skin may be injured. The roll is unwound outward, near the leg. Each new layer overlaps the previous one by 20–40%. Bandaging should cover an area larger than the injured area.

Do not use products that have lost elasticity.

When applying a bandage for prophylactic purposes, the leg is periodically unbandaged. Too tight bandages contribute to excessive friction of the articular surfaces. For the same reasons, muscle injuries occur.

How long is the bandage worn?

Duration of wearing an elastic bandage for sprains knee joint determined by the severity of the injury:

  1. In case of mild injuries, accompanied by mild pain and swelling, the joint is fixed for a week.
  2. At severe injuries with extensive swelling, the bandage will have to be worn for at least 2 months.

The bandage should be applied only in the daytime, before going to bed it is removed. This prevents the stagnation of blood and lymph.

Additional activities

Wearing a bandage for ligament damage can be combined with exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill, as well as with exercise therapy exercises. Additionally, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  • electrophoresis with NSAIDs;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • acupuncture.

Such treatment contributes to the restoration of blood supply to tissues, and the use of an elastic bandage during exercise helps to properly distribute the load.

Injury to the knee is a common problem, and the first aid in such a situation is an elastic knee bandage. This way to help the joint is very simple and affordable. But at the same time it is really effective. That is why an elastic bandage is very often used if it is necessary to provide first aid or immobilize the knee for a while.

In what cases should this remedy be used?

Dressing material is used in different situations. Usually this material is a prophylactic in case of injury or violation of the knees. However, there are other cases where elastic bandages are used. Of course, the decision on the need for a bandage is made by the doctor. This remedy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • orthopedic diseases;
  • swelling;
  • sports injuries;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bruises and dislocations.

The doctor recommends applying bandages not only for injuries, but also for various diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis). They can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Bandages help to get rid of pain or reduce it, reduce the load on the knees.

Types of elastic bandages

All bandages are different in length and width, as well as in the degree of stretching. They are divided into several groups according to the degree of extensibility and in accordance with the purposes for which they can be used. There are three types of bandages:

  • with low extensibility - thirty to one hundred percent;
  • with medium extensibility - one hundred to one hundred and fifty percent;
  • with high extensibility - from more than one hundred and fifty percent.

Bandages with 30-100% stretch are used for various vein problems. In addition, such knee bandages are used if you need to urgently provide assistance, immediately and firmly fix the joint. This bandage helps to reduce discomfort and pain for a while. However, in the future, other methods of treatment should be applied.

Knee bandages with 100-150% stretch are also used to treat vein diseases. In addition, elastic knee bandages are useful for maintaining the joint and tissues after the cast has been removed. They are also used for compression sclerotherapy. You can use bandages with medium extensibility and with a knee injury (if you need to immediately help and alleviate the condition). Such knee bandages help with arthrosis, as they reduce the load on the knee.

As for bandages with the highest extensibility, they are used for severe varicose veins. As far as knee problems are concerned, these high stretch bandages are comfortable for post-surgery patients with swelling.

Nuance! It is best to have a remedy with one hundred percent extensibility in the medicine cabinet. This is a universal size.

How to choose the right knee bandages?

Of course, before buying a bandage, it is advisable to consult a specialist. He will select the appropriate remedy for the patient with a specific problem. In general, elastic bandages need to be selected based on stretchability, a specific problem.

Of course, an elastic bandage is more convenient than a simple one. After all, it can be used several times, and a simple bandage is unsuitable after the first application. In addition, elastic bandages can keep you warm, which is necessary for some diseases. Although an elastic bandage is more expensive than a regular bandage, it is more effective.

Bandages can be different sizes. The length varies, and the width usually varies from 7.5 to 10 cm. It is necessary to choose the size that best suits the specific violation. Its length is also important, since the more layers are made, the more pressure the bandage exerts. But more than two layers are usually not done, as the pressure on the joint will be too strong.

In addition, the fastening is also important. In general, the most convenient means with a latch. There are bandages and Velcro, but such a fastener wears out quickly. And an elastic bandage without certain fasteners can be easily untied, but if you fix it correctly, such a bandage will do. There are also tools with special overlays.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition (the amount of nylon is important). Usually cotton is used as the base. However, there are bandages made from synthetic materials. You should not buy such a tool, as synthetics can cause allergies. But it is non-natural materials, as they are more durable.

How to bandage a knee?

How is the procedure itself? How to bandage a knee? There is an instruction that will help to bandage the damaged area:

  1. The leg should not be tense.
  2. The roll should be held in one hand and the free edge in the other.
  3. The loose end must be attached behind the knee, below the cup.
  4. Bandage the leg along the crease under the joint, slightly covering the free end.
  5. All layers slightly cover the previous ones.
  6. Each time you need to slightly stretch the layer, but not very much.
  7. Then fix the end of the bandage, do this by tucking it under any layer.

The procedure must first be carried out with bottom, and then wind it up in the same way upper part knee. It is important that the bandage does not interfere and does not press. To do this, bend the leg several times. Correctly bandaging the knee with an elastic bandage is not very difficult. Of course, it will not be possible to do this quickly right away, but after some training it will be much easier to apply an elastic bandage.

Here are some tips on bandaging technique:

  1. The bandage must be wound correctly and evenly, as microtrauma can occur.
  2. It is necessary to open the bandage outward so that it does not stretch prematurely.
  3. Each level of dressing should overlap the next by no more than 50%.
  4. It is necessary to bandage a slightly larger area than the injury itself - by 10 cm.
  5. At the end of bandaging, it is necessary to slightly loosen the tightness.

It is necessary to wrap the joint carefully and tightly so that it is well fixed. This is the importance of the leg bandage procedure itself. Good fixation provides the bandaged knee with the necessary immobility for a certain time, and it also reduces the load on the knees. That is why you need to know how to properly wind the bandage.

Interesting! If such a bandage is used by athletes, then it should be used only when working with heavy weights. In other cases (for example, for squats), knee wrapping is of no benefit.

In general, there are several types of elastic bandages. But in any case, in case of injury or illness, only a specialist can choose the necessary type of dressing. Types of bandages:

  • spiral;
  • spike-shaped;
  • creeping;
  • cruciform;
  • circular;
  • "turtle".

The most important rule to follow when bandaging a knee is that the position of the joint should remain natural. Of course, it is better if the joint is bandaged by a specialist, but you can do it yourself. But it is worth remembering that you need to buy a suitable bandage, and before applying it to the joint, you need to study the instructions and read how to apply the bandage correctly.

Bandage Contraindications

Is it always possible to make dressings? No, there are cases where bandaging is prohibited. The final decision on the possibility or impossibility of such a procedure is made by the doctor. But in the following cases, it is definitely impossible to bandage:

  • diabetes;
  • obliteration of arteries, atherosclerosis;
  • infection at the site of application;
  • inflammation in the bandage area.

How to apply a compress,.

In addition, the use may cause some side effects. For example, in summer it is very hot in such bandages. Therefore, skin problems may occur. An allergy to the substances that make up the bandage is possible. And the bandage exerts excessive pressure not only on the joint, but also on the surrounding tissues, which can also lead to negative consequences.

Such bandages are quite effective remedy relieve knee pain and reduce stress. However, this method of treatment should not be carried away, and even more so, it is impossible to use an elastic bandage as the main treatment. An integrated approach to the treatment of a disease or injury will lead to a quick cure and reduce the risk of complications.

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There are many reasons why you should wrap your knees with a bandage. You can bandage your knees while playing sports (such as weightlifting) or apply a bandage to an injured knee joint. Although this seems like a simple matter, certain rules must be followed so as not to injure the knee. In this article, you will learn how to properly bandage your knee with a bandage.


Part 1

How to bandage your knee

    Gather everything you need. You will need the right material to wrap around your knee. Get a special knee bandage, also called a pressure bandage, or a compression bandage. Such a bandage can be bought in many supermarkets or pharmacies. The ACE brand of elastic bandage is the most popular, but other brands of bandages are also available. You will also need something to secure the bandage. Most bandages come with elastic clasps that have metal hooks, but if you bought a bandage without clasps, find something to secure it with, such as a safety pin.

    • You can also purchase a self-adhesive bandage that has an adhesive coating on one side. There are also bandages with Velcro around the edges. Choose the bandage that you think is best for you.
    • Bandages are available in various sizes. Choose the bandage that suits you.
  1. Take the correct posture. When bandaging the knee, take the correct position. First, sit in a place where nothing will restrict your freedom of movement. Second, extend the corresponding leg in front of you. It is necessary to properly stretch the leg, without straining it at the same time and relaxing at the knee so that it remains slightly bent.

    Start dressing. Take a bandage in your hand. Do not unwind it yet - it is more convenient to gradually dissolve the bandage, wrapping it around the knee. Place your hand with the bandage on your leg, about two inches below your knee joint. Take the free end of the bandage and pull it just below the knee. Holding the free end with one hand, unwind the bandage around the knee with the other. Wrap the bandage around the knee once, returning to the free end. Pull the bandage on so that it fits snugly around your leg.

    Put a bandage on your knee. Wrap the bandage around your knee, pulling it tight and gradually working your way up your leg. When wrapping the kneecap, leave a small gap between the leg and the bandage, about the size of a finger. Wind the bandage until you completely bandage the knee joint. Secure the end of the bandage with Velcro, tape, or zip ties.

  2. Make sure the bandage is not too tight. Do not tighten the bandage too tight. The bandage should fit snugly to the leg, but not squeeze it. To check if the bandage is too tight, try sticking your index finger under it. He must go under the bandage. It is necessary that the bandage tightly wraps around the knee, supporting it, but it should not impede blood circulation.

    Part 2

    In what cases should you bandage your knee with a bandage?
    1. Decide if you need to bandage your knee. There are many reasons why you should put a bandage on your knees. Many wrap their knees with a bandage before playing sports, further strengthening the knee joints. Some people apply a bandage after a partial ligament tear, providing external support to the joint. Weightlifters bandage their knees before squatting to strengthen them.

      • If you have a knee injury or suspect you have injured it, see a doctor before you resume your active lifestyle.
    2. Use a bandage for prevention. Knee bandages are used not only for serious injuries and diseases. The knees are tied with a bandage and to prevent damage and injury. The bandage additionally strengthens the knee joint, helping it to withstand significant loads painlessly.

      • The only injury in which a bandage is applied to the knee is a first-degree knee sprain. Such a stretch can only be diagnosed by a qualified specialist.
      • If you have injured your knee, seek help from an orthopedic surgeon. This will reduce your risk of re-injury. Don't try to diagnose yourself.
    3. Do not bandage your knee for any serious injury. In many cases, a bandage is not needed. If you have a torn ACL or any other ligament, do not bandage your knee unless directed by an orthopedic surgeon. You should also not apply a conventional knee bandage in case of a rupture of the internal or external meniscus.

      • You may want to bandage your knee if the bandage helps with the injury and your doctor has no objection to using it before surgery.
      • Never apply a bandage to try to repair a very unstable joint by simple fixation.

Compression bandages and bandaging are used for various deviations of the musculoskeletal system and vascular diseases. An elastic bandage is often applied to the knee or other joints to reduce stress. In order not to aggravate the condition and not contribute to the deterioration of the condition while preventing injuries, it is important to know how to apply a bandage correctly. Having studied the features of dressing with an elastic bandage, you can quickly heal the damaged area and avoid the manifestation of adverse reactions of the body. Before bandaging a knee, it is important to consult with your doctor so as not to harm the affected area.

When to use?

It is important to study the contraindications and rules for bandaging before bandaging the damage, and also choose it with the help of your doctor. A fixing bandage on the knee is used for pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system and during vascular abnormalities.

Elastic bandages are used in relation to the type of their extensibility. This is an indispensable thing for people involved in professional views sports. They may bandage the knees for sprains, bruises, pain or dislocations to fix the damaged area. Wearing a bandage promotes faster healing of injuries due to the fixation of the area. If it is wound correctly, in this way, the load from the lesion is reduced. It is recommended to use an elastic bandage for sports, after arthroscopy, other operations and in such conditions:

  • arthrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • postoperative swelling;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • thrombosis;
  • lymphedema;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • postphlebitis disease;
  • post-thrombotic disease;
  • stretching of ligaments and tendons;
  • pregnancy (for preventive purposes);
  • injury.

Types of bandages

The structure of the material may be slightly elastic.

Bandages are produced in several varieties. This contributes to a better selection during the cure of each ailment. For the best effect and quick recovery, it is important to consult with your doctor so as not to aggravate the condition and not cause adverse reactions of the body as a result of the wrong choice. It is important to tie up the injury correctly. Some pathologies require a careful approach to the choice of bandage. Elastic bandages come in the following varieties:

  • Low elasticity (able to stretch up to 69 percent). Sometimes used to fix medicines. It is used during the defeat of the body:
    • varicose veins;
    • emfidem;
    • thrombosis;
    • venous insufficiency;
    • post-thrombotic deviation.
  • Medium elasticity (can stretch one and a half times). Gives a healing effect after the removal of plaster bandages. It is used for post-phlebitis syndrome, venous insufficiency, as well as:
    • in the postoperative period for vessels;
    • with varicose veins;
    • with trophic syndrome.
  • High elasticity (stretches more than one and a half times). Applicable:
    • after surgery if hematomas and swelling are present;
    • to reduce stress after surgery;
    • in the post-traumatic period;
    • for preventive purposes during gestation;
    • during sports.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage to the knee?

Each subsequent round of the bandage should overlap the previous one.

It is important to start applying the bandage, 20 centimeters short of the affected area. Bandaging of the knee is performed on a relaxed knee joint. It is better to warm up the damaged area before rewinding the injury. Each round must be wound so as to cover the previous layer by at least half. It is not recommended to wind the elastic bandage with too much tension or no tension at all, it should be evenly stretched throughout the process.

In the process of applying a bandage and when wearing it, pain and discomfort should not appear. The presence of pain indicates an incorrectly applied bandage to fix the knee. Bandaging should not constrain the joint, movements are performed in full amplitude, but with effort. It is not recommended to wrap the injury with a bandage that has lost its ability to stretch. Such a bandage cannot properly bandage the knee. The bandage on the knee joint is applied in two ways:

  • descending method. The first two circles are wrapped below the knee joint, and the next two are wrapped above the knee, thus alternating wrapping circles until they converge in the center.
  • Descent option. It is applied in reverse order, starting from the center of the patella, and ending above or below the knee.

The most working joint of the human body is the knee, it experiences a large static and dynamic load, therefore it is often exposed to injuries and diseases. In these cases, elastic bandaging of the knee is a good help. It is used for bruises, dislocations, sprains, it is necessary in the treatment of inflammation in the joint, to fix a sterile dressing on the wound.

Tight bandaging of the knee allows you to create peace for him, limit movement, as a result, pain and swelling of the tissues decrease, and the recovery time is reduced. It is widely used in the classroom power types sports in order to prevent damage to the ligaments and menisci of the knee joint. The bandage is effective provided that it is correctly selected and correctly applied, which can be mastered by every person without a medical education.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Prifova.

There are 3 types of elastic bandages, depending on the degree of their extensibility:

  • low elasticity, when stretching is possible only 1.5 times (up to 50-60% of the length);
  • medium elasticity, when it can be stretched as much as possible to 70-130% of its length;
  • high elasticity, stretchable 2-3 times its length (200-300%).

The degree of elasticity is indicated on its packaging, and its choice must be agreed with the doctor.

A weakly stretchable bandage will not provide reliable immobilization of the joint, so it is suitable for bandaging a wound - fixing a sterile napkin. For the same purpose, bandages of medium elasticity can also be used, including bandaging the knee after operations, with inflammation. But high elasticity is the best fit for injuries or for sports, when you need to tightly bandage the joint.

Pharmacies offer a large selection of elastic bandages, the price for domestic products varies between 50-170 rubles, for foreign products - from 250 to 400 rubles. However, the main criterion for choosing is the size (length, width) and degree of elasticity, regardless of cost.

Overlay types

Before bandaging the knee, it is necessary to lay or seat the patient so that the leg is in horizontal position relaxed and slightly bent at the knee joint. Further, depending on the purpose, several methods of bandaging are used:

  • circular;
  • spiral;
  • "turtle".

circular bandage

The simplest type of bandaging, in which one hand fixes the end of the bandage above the knee, with the other, stretching it, make several rounds around the joint. It is impossible to tie the end, it is fixed with adhesive tape, a pin or a latch that comes with the kit. Such a bandage is not very strong, it can roll off during movements, especially in a child due to high mobility.

spiral bandage

Features of a spiral, or creeping bandage, is that each subsequent turn is shifted by 1/3-½ of the width of the previous one up or down. In the first case, an ascending bandage is applied: the end of the bandage is fixed with a hand under the joint, with the other hand coils are made, shifting them upwards. With a downward imposition, the bandage is held with a hand over the joint, tours are applied with the other hand, moving down. Such a bandage is more reliable than a circular one, however, the tours can move up or down with movements.

"Turtle" bandage

This type of bandaging is the most reliable for the knee, it captures a large area and holds well, does not slip. The essence of the dressing is in the successive crossing of tours in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa with a transition from bottom to top, or from top to bottom. Depending on this, the overlay can be of 2 types:

convergent bandage impose, starting from the periphery to the center. The first tour of the bandage is fixed 20 cm below the knee, behind it they go obliquely upwards and make a tour 20 cm above the knee. After that, they cross again behind the knee and lead the bandage down, make a tour higher by 1/3-½ of the width of the bandage, cross and go up. Similarly, each tour is shifted down from above. Bandaging ends at the level of the middle of the joint. This criss-cross bandage prevents the bandage from moving up and down.

Divergent bandage superimposed, starting from the middle of the joint, with each subsequent tour of the bandage shifting up and down with a cross at the back. Last tour wrapped around the lower leg 20 cm below the joint, fixed.

Sprain dressing

With any sprain of the knee joint, it must be fixed. To do this, you can bandage it in any of the following ways, depending on the severity of the injury. With a mild degree, circular bandaging is enough, with severe damage with pronounced edema, it will be correct to bandage in a more reliable "turtle" way. In any case, the choice of the type of bandage is made by the traumatologist after examining the patient.

The question of how long you need to wear a bandage on your knee is decided individually.

With a mild injury, 1 week is enough, and with a severe sprain and rupture of the ligaments, the bandage is worn up to 1 month or longer.

Very important points not to be forgotten:

  • the bandage should not strongly tighten the limb, as evidenced by pain, swelling and numbness of the leg below the knee;
  • the bandage must be removed at night to restore blood circulation;
  • do not tie the bandage in a knot, but use a special fastener or pin;
  • under the bandage there may be sweating and irritation of the skin, after removing it, it is imperative to wash the skin with soap and water or treat with an antiseptic (alcohol, a solution of furacilin, chlorhexidine);
  • do not use an old stretched bandage, it does not fulfill its function;
  • the bandage should be washed or changed as it gets dirty, but at least 2 times a week.


The ability to correctly apply an elastic bandage to the area of ​​the knee joint plays an important role in the treatment of injuries and diseases and in their prevention. The optimal choice of the type of bandaging will be made by the doctor in a particular case.

Bandage with an elastic bandage on the knee. Turtle convergent is one of the most reliable