Fasting on water 14 days reviews. How to conduct therapeutic fasting on the water

In my student years, I was a thin girl, and my weight did not exceed 55 kilograms. I could afford to eat anything - day and night. They said about me "not a horse's fodder", which, of course, flattered me. But it is known that with age, the metabolism in the body slows down, and by the age of 30, the scales began to gradually tend to around 65 kg.

Of course, this was an uncomfortable weight for me, the sensations of lightness and flexibility disappeared, a stomach and chubby cheeks appeared. In addition, I became pregnant that year and added another 10 kilograms. And after giving birth, I came to the conclusion that if I can’t pull myself together in my 30s, then later it may no longer be possible (due to neglected physical form).

I have always been against diets, and I do not accept sports for several hours a day. And by chance I heard from a friend about therapeutic fasting (on the water). He fasts once a year for 14-18 days, while losing 20 kilograms, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, in other words, heals.

I read a lot about therapeutic fasting on the Internet, studied the reviews and made a decision for myself to fast once a week for 24 hours on Thursdays (this day of the week is responsible for the liver). During the period of bearing a child, it was the liver, as my doctor said, that worked for me for wear and tear.

It was hard to go hungry the first time. In the morning I did an enema (you definitely need to cleanse the body) and drank two glasses of purified water (purchased, not boiled). By lunchtime, I felt the urge to eat something, and it doesn't matter what - bread, cookies, soup or an apple. I really wanted to eat, but I drank water instead of food.

By evening, my head began to hurt, although it usually hurts me very rarely (a couple of times a year). Tablets are strictly prohibited during fasting. If it’s really hard, then you can dilute half a spoonful of honey in warm water and drink it, but I endured it. It was terrible, it made me sleepy.

The next morning I came out of fasting by drinking freshly squeezed carrot juice, diluted by a third with water, and after a couple of hours I ate buckwheat boiled with boiling water. For lunch, I ate a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil. Important: how long you are starving, the same amount of time you smoothly exit fasting without eating fatty, sweet, fried and harmful (containing E-supplements).

The following Thursday, fasting was much easier (without and I wanted to eat much less). A week later, surprisingly, I began to feel the need for fasting! Each fast I lost 2-2.5 kg. But the next day, starting to eat, I returned 700-800 g.

After two months of such fasting - besides, I began to pump the press in the morning and do a 10-minute exercise, I lost 8 kg.

Now I weigh less than in my student years - 53 kilograms. My diet may seem extreme to some people, but therapeutic fasting is useful not so much for weight control, but for healing the whole body. After all, it is when we are starving that our body does not waste its time, energy and strength on digesting food, but takes care of itself, putting things in order there!

Personal experience

Comment on the article "Day of fasting on the water: a review. The results of fasting after 2 months"

The liver looks at the calendar and activates on Thursdays! An enema is also not needed, soon you will become a "constipator" and there will be no way without an enema! Weight fluctuations are associated with the amount of water in the body, fat loses a few grams ...

03/28/2019 10:49:33 AM, One

once a week is fine. It's just that not everyone can do it, they should check their health first. But our distant ancestors sometimes starved, so, in principle, the body must be adapted to this.

07.11.2017 08:57:41,

Total 2 messages .

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Fasting for 14 days is a popular method of healing, cleansing the body, getting rid of toxins and toxins, and losing weight. A weekly refusal of food is available only to experienced practitioners, beginners should start with daily techniques.

Not every person is able to abstain from food and water for two weeks. To do this, you need a strong conviction and a firm attitude: a goal, preparation, consultation with a doctor, tests, entry into the procedure, hunger itself and a return to a normal lifestyle. The goals of a two-week fast are determined by the patient independently: lose weight, detoxify the body, improve health, get rid of diseases, change lifestyle. A consultation with a doctor is necessary, since there are a number of contraindications to fasting as a health-improving procedure. The entry into the procedure for a fifteen-day period must last at least two weeks, the exit must last at least half a month.

Long-term hunger by dry and water methods will help to start regeneration processes. Dry implies the rejection of all contact with the liquid, it is undesirable to brush your teeth and wash your face. Not every person can withstand such stress, it is necessary to prepare mentally, enlist the support of relatives, and it is better to undergo the procedure in sanatoriums where medical and psychological assistance is provided. The peculiarity of recovery lies in the fact that the body, using the supply of glycogen in the muscles, burns substances, fats, excess fluid, toxins that burden and poison it.

Water hunger allows contact with liquid and drinking. Water can be mineral, herbal decoctions are allowed, hygiene procedures are welcome. Tubage and enema before the start are required.

The therapeutic effect of water starvation is due to the renewal of fluid in the cells and the leaching of salts and harmful substances from them.

What results can be achieved in 14 days

The experience of prolonged fasting often changes a person's worldview in the direction of global changes eating habits, up to the transition to vegetarianism. The actual result and its duration depend on the competent conduct of the procedure, entry into it and exit. According to patients, weight loss is 10-12 kilograms, the microflora in the intestine is updated, the stomach decreases in volume, appetite returns to normal, chronic diseases go into remission. When returning to abundant fatty and junk food, the healing effect of food abstinence will be short-lived, in a short time the digestive tract will become slagged, and overweight and centimeters will return to their previous positions. Purchase only good habits, such as moderation in the amount of food, fractional nutrition, the exclusion of fatty, spicy, salty, sweet foods, will increase the effectiveness of fasting.

How to do a two-week no food

The main recommendation of doctors when deciding to abstain from food for a long time is to start with one day. You should choose a fasting day, check the body's response to restrictions, after a while increase the duration of the procedure to 3 days, and then for a week. If a person easily tolerates hunger in a test mode, and has a strong desire to starve for a long time, he is recommended to visit a doctor, in the absence of contraindications, prepare for a two-week fast. To prepare, you need to choose the day you enter hunger, provide comfortable conditions, change your diet.


Dry fasting, entry On the water, entrance
Preparation for the procedure should be no shorter than the rejection of food itself. The optimal duration is 15 days. This stage includes the rejection of junk food, fatty animal food, semi-finished products of industrial production, canned food, spicy and sweet are excluded. The menu includes a large amount of fiber, plant foods and dairy products with a fat content of 2-2.5%. The usefulness of such a menu is obvious, already at this stage the patient will be able to unload the digestive tract and lose weight. It is important to keep the water balance and drink 2-2.5 liters of drinking water per day. Preparations should be made within two weeks. sample menu for this period, it is similar to the nutrition plan for dry fasting, fatty and heavy foods are excluded, healthy foods come to replace them. Monitor the amount of water you drink - at least 2-2.5 liters. On the eve of the onset of hunger, it is desirable to carry out a tubage and an enema.

The first days without food and water are the most difficult for patients to endure. Before the body adjusts to food from internal reserves, the brain will require food. Breakdowns, mood deterioration and irritability are frequent companions of therapeutic starvation. After a few days, the body will rebuild, and the procedure will be easier to tolerate.


Dry fasting Starvation on the water
15 day fasting will cause negative reactions of the body: dry mucous membranes, periodic nausea, dizziness, white coating on the tongue, bad breath. The starving person should monitor and record any changes that occur to him in the diary, so it will be easier for the doctor to track how useful the procedure is. In the absence of fluid intake into the body from the outside, urination should be daily, since the fluid in the excretory system comes from the reserves of fat cells. Two-week fasting on water is easier than dry fasting. With an exacerbation of hunger, the patient is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature. The body can react in different ways, weakness and dizziness cannot be avoided. A serious attitude and the presence of like-minded people will help from food breakdowns. Some choose cascading fasting: alternating fasting days with regular ones: 1 day without food and 1 day of normal food, 2 days without food and 2 days of eating, etc.

Getting out of long-term abstinence will allow you to consolidate the achieved result for a long time.


Dry Water
It is better if the exit time exceeds the fasting period or the patient chooses such a diet for the rest of his life. The first day after the procedure, you should start with a glass of water at room temperature, prepared in the evening, to drink it without getting out of bed. Expert tip: spend the day on the water alone. In the evening, it is recommended to chew an apple, but do not swallow it. On the second day, diluted freshly squeezed juices from fruits (except citrus fruits) or vegetables are allowed. On the evening of the second day, you can eat a vegetable (no more than 2 types) salad with low-fat dressing. Gradually, vegetable soups, liquid cereals on the water, low-fat sour-milk products are introduced into the menu. Getting out of a 14 day water fast can be a little faster. On the first morning, you can drink diluted home-made juice, a vegetable salad is allowed for lunch, and a glass of low-fat kefir in the evening. Water should be drunk in the recommended amount. Fourteen days without food requires a proper exit from the process. By the second week after recovery, the patient can eat liquid dairy-free cereals and vegetable soups in the second broth, low-fat sour-milk products, mushrooms and nuts.

By the end of the second week of recovery after the procedure, the patient eats 6-7 times a day, the serving size is 100-150 grams.

The menu after the completion of the fourteen-day health fasting is dominated by dietary cuisine products: cereals, vegetable soups, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and mushrooms. Breakfast in the first week should consist of diluted or undiluted juices, soup for lunch, and salad for dinner will help the digestive tract recover from rest. Products are introduced according to the scheme: diluted - undiluted, liquid - solid. At the end of the second week, nuts and citrus fruits are allowed for snacks. The main indication: moderation and reduced salt and fat content in products. As a sauce for vegetables, you can use thermostatic yogurt 1.5% fat with the addition of mustard, dried herbs, lemon juice.

Main contraindications

14 day fasting, as a wellness procedure, should take into account the characteristics of the patient's health. Experts consider absolute contraindications to hunger:

  • tumor neoplasms;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • age over 65;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical interventions.

If it is impossible to starve, the patient should reconsider eating habits. If you take into account the tips for entering and exiting hunger, reduce portions and increase the amount of water consumed, the benefits for the body will be obvious.

in this article we will consider the so-called voluntary fasting, performed to cleanse the body, treat diseases, lose weight, etc. Fasting has long been used by people to restore health and cleanse the body of toxins.

With a therapeutic purpose, fasting is carried out lasting from 1 to 40 days. The duration of fasting depends not so much on the goals set, as fasting adherents assure, but on your individual constitution. It is sometimes difficult for people of the constitution to endure even one day without food. Therefore, the recommendations would be 24-36 hour fasting once a week or on certain days - which are the most favorable for this. People of the constitution are recommended to fast within 3 days, since the feeling of hunger is also difficult for them to endure. For people of the constitutions listed above and mixed types, the fasting period should not exceed 7 days, at least during the first year of getting used to fasting. People of the constitution can fast for a fairly long period of time with minimal discomfort. However, they are also recommended to carry out long-term fasting only after preliminary cleansing of the body and preparation for short-term fasting lasting 1,3,7,14 days. Only after the normal transfer of such fasts for 1 - 1.5 years, you can move on to 21 and 40 day fasts.

It is worth noting that, contrary to popular belief that over time, hunger subsides and the body does not require food - this does not always happen. There are many people whose hunger intensifies over time and reaches psychosis. And this is also a completely normal reaction of the body.

Types of fasting

  • Complete starvation.
  • Dry fasting.
  • Combined method
  • Fractional method./according to G.A.Voitovich/
  • Stepwise fasting to a crisis.
  • Urinary starvation. /According to G.P. Malakhov/
  • Urinary starvation according to V.A. Erofeev.
  • Mixed fasting. /urine and regular/
  • Fasting according to Nikolaev Yu.S.
  • Starvation according to Bragg.
  • Starvation according to Shelton.
  • Starvation according to Suvorin

Fasting is a mechanism actions

Fasting has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect and is a unique way of nourishing a person with his own reserves. in this case, the release of toxins and toxins from the body.

Slags are commonly called metabolic products that accumulate gradually both in individual cells of our body and in tissues. These are mainly the end products of protein metabolism - urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonium salts and other substances that are hardly soluble in water and linger in the body.

Unhealthy diet, abuse of spicy dishes, intoxication with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, drugs, polluted atmosphere lead to the accumulation of toxins. But the most important factor is malnutrition and overeating, that is, the excess of energy "consumed" with food over its consumption and the release of decay products through the lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.

In our time, the inhabitants of large cities accumulate such a number of unnecessary elements and harmful substances in their bodies that breathing, blood circulation suffers from this, excretion is disturbed, and more. A “slagging” person gradually and imperceptibly gets used to a state of increased fatigue. Ask him how he feels, he will answer: "Yes, it seems to be normal." He considers his frequent ailments and low energy levels to be normal.

Slags often accumulate in the connective tissue. It makes up the frame of any organ - it is like a skeleton or support of soft tissues. The frame holds, connects (why the tissue is called connective) specific cells that perform a certain job: for example, liver cells produce bile, salivary gland cells produce saliva, spleen cells produce blood, nerve cells transmit impulses. Connective tissue is ubiquitous in the body and is a kind of protective barrier for specific cells. Its role is also to absorb the slags, which in this moment cannot be processed and isolated, and then, at a convenient moment, give them into the blood and lymph flow.

Slags can accumulate not only in the connective tissue, but also in adipose and bone tissues, in non-working or weakly working muscles, in the intercellular fluid, in the protoplasm of any cell, if the cell is unable to release them, either due to a lack of energy, or due to too plentiful of their income, i.e. with overnutrition.

Therapeutic dosed fasting is the best means of cleansing and healing, when the supply of food from the outside stops and the body switches to internal nutrition at the expense of accumulated reserves. At the same time, all extraction systems work extremely efficiently. After all, only through the lungs is removed about 150 different toxins in the gaseous state. During therapeutic fasting, the body gets rid of primarily fats, as well as stagnant water, salt and calcium salts. Then toxins and slags are thrown out. And only after that it comes to the reserve substances of the cells themselves in strict dependence on their vital necessity.

The processes of excretion through the kidneys can be visually fixed: urine becomes very cloudy, precipitation appears in it, it acquires an unpleasant odor (analyses show that protein, urate and phosphate salts, mucus and bacteria appear in it).

The liver, spleen, pancreas after the cessation of nutrition from the outside are able to better process toxins, neutralize poisons and more effectively perform their special functions. Changes in patients during fasting and intestinal microflora. The putrid one dies, but the flora of sour-milk fermentation is healed and preserved (as in centenarians). As a result, the synthesis of vitamins, amino acids and enzymes by the intestinal microflora is improved.

With therapeutic fasting for endogenous nutrition human body does not pass immediately. At the beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, "fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates" (i.e., are broken down along with carbohydrates) completely. But as soon as glycogen stores (a form of carbohydrates) run out (and this usually happens on the first or second day of fasting), acidic products of incomplete fat combustion (butyric acids, acetone) begin to accumulate in the blood. Physicians call this phenomenon acidosis - a shift in the composition of the blood towards an acidic environment. The blood is usually alkaline.

Signs of acidosis that has begun are the appearance of a headache, nausea, feelings of weakness, general malaise. This condition is the result of the predominance of the increase in the blood of toxic products over their utilization (excretion). It is worth a person at this time to go out into the fresh air or do breathing exercises, cleanse the intestines with an enema, take a shower - and all these symptoms disappear. In the first course of fasting, acidosis (self-poisoning) may occur for the first 6-8 days, and in the second course for the first 3-5 days. Manifestations of acidosis end with the fact that the body begins to adapt to internal (endogenous) nutrition. This adaptation lies in the fact that the body, placed in difficult conditions, begins to produce sugar from its own fat and protein, and in the presence of this sugar (carbohydrates), fat is utilized without leaving products of incomplete combustion.

Acidosis ceases to grow and manifest itself, and a period of uniform internal nutrition begins (the process of the predominance of the removal of poisons from the blood over their formation - with the help of the excretory organs).

At this stage, there is an improvement in the quality of the synthesis of biologically active substances of the body (nucleic acids, amino acids, etc.). The main raw material for this synthesis is carbon dioxide CO2 (that is, the atmospheric air that we breathe becomes like a “nutrient medium”), and additional “raw materials” are ballast proteins that are formed during the life of the body and are only a hindrance to it. The splitting of these ballast proteins, as well as foci of infection, pathological tissue and their transformation into substances necessary for the cells of the body, is one of the most important elements of “deslagging” and healing the body during therapeutic starvation.

Signs of the transition of the body to the stage of uniform internal nutrition are: more rare breathing, a decrease in heart rate, normalization blood pressure(with deviations before fasting), reducing weight loss - up to 500 grams daily.

  • Mandatory drinking regime of about 3 liters of clean water (only water!). During every hour of daylight - about 1 glass. Water should be clean, room temperature or heated.
  • Do enemas until clean water appears 1-2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening (1.5-2 hours before bedtime).
  • Take a shower or bath daily, because. up to 1/3 of the toxins are removed through the skin.
  • Regularly clean the tongue, tonsils and rinse the mouth with teas of mint, thyme, chamomile, citrus peels, etc. to eliminate bad breath.
  • If possible, walk fresh air, do self-massage, stretching. You can perform in a calm rhythm, avoiding posture.
  • It is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, not synthetic ones.
  • Contact with food as little as possible.
  • It must be remembered that during fasting, the symptoms of diseases can become aggravated, the temperature rises, headaches, abdominal cramps, nausea, irritation, weakness appear - this is a sign of intensive cleansing. To harmonize the process, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of hot water (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it) and make an extraordinary enema.
  • Usually, fasting is accompanied by a state of cheerfulness, elation and joy, but if, despite the measures taken, pain, irritability, weakness and depression persist, then you should switch from water to fresh juices and get out of fasting.
  • During the exit from fasting, it is very important not to overeat, chew food thoroughly, do not use medicines and medicinal herbs, since during this period the sensitivity to them is increased and the effect is unpredictable.

Fasting contraindications

  • Insulin dependent diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation in mothers.
  • Far advanced forms of serious diseases (cancer, tuberculosis, etc.) with immobility.
  • Acute surgical diseases.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Dementia and severe forms of mental and neurological disorders.

Choice of fasting time:

  • Seven-day fasting at the change of seasons (November, February, May, August). The body maintains an active tendency to cleansing and self-healing.
  • You can fast: 1 day - once a week, 3 days - once a month, 1 week - once every 4 months.
  • Or 1st, 2nd, 3rd of each month; one week - every 3 months; 2 weeks - every six months.
  • It is not recommended to fast 3 days in a row if there were no fasts for 1 day within 3 weeks.
  • Health fasting is especially effective in spring and autumn, when there is a change in the type of metabolism from protein-fat, characteristic of winter, to protein-carbohydrate, characteristic of summer. During these periods, all chronic diseases are exacerbated, and cleansing and healthy starvation accelerate recovery.
  • It is better for women to fast in the second phase of their monthly cycle.
  • Fasting is recommended to be carried out after the full moon - on the decline of the moon, the purification processes are better. After the new moon, recovery processes are activated.
  • Fasting on Ekadashi is especially effective, as these days are favorable for physical and spiritual purification.

One day fasting

For weekly fasting, you need to choose either a very busy day, or, conversely, a day when you can freely exercise on the street, go to the bathhouse, etc.
On the eve of fasting, it is desirable to eat vegetables and fruits, avoiding a hearty lunch. Dinner should be abandoned or drink kefir. Take an enema in the evening to cleanse the intestines. On the day of fasting in the morning, do an enema. During the day, you can do the usual things, but do not forget to constantly drink water. Water should be drunk in small portions, but often, drinking one glass every hour. On this day, it is good to go to the bath, which will contribute to the intensive removal of toxins. In addition, this procedure quenches appetite and increases thirst. In the evening, you need to do an enema and take a shower or bath if you have not visited the bathhouse. On the day of the exit from hunger, make a cleansing enema in the morning. Then prepare 200 ml of a mixture of juices from apples, beets and carrots. Dilute them with the same amount of water and drink 200 ml with an interval of 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, eat 200 g of panicle lettuce: grate carrots, beets, apples and finely chop the cabbage. Dress the salad with salted seaweed, olive oil and lemon juice. After 2-2.5 hours, eat the same portion of salad. After 3-4 hours, you can eat 300 g of baked vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, etc.) or porridge boiled in water without salt. You can add honey and vegetable oil to the porridge. From cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal are preferable. At night, you can drink 200 ml of compote and eat 100 g of various dried fruits. The next day - the usual vegetarian diet. In cases where 36 hours of fasting is difficult, you can limit yourself to a 24-hour fast, i. before dinner. In the evening, eat raw and boiled vegetables. Effect. With one-day fasting, some toxins are removed, the work of immune forces is restored, the digestive organs receive a respite, and the tone of the nervous system increases. The cosmetic effect is especially clearly visible - acne, pustules, abscesses, specks, etc. disappear. Stress resistance, will and self-confidence increase. One-day fasting has practically no contraindications, especially after preliminary unloading on vegetables and fruits.

Three day fast

After fasting for 3 months, one day a week, you can go through a 3-day fast.
Rules for a 3-day fast:

  • Daily cleansing enemas 2 times a day - in the morning, after sleep, and at night before bedtime.
  • Drink at least two liters of water, preferably hot.
  • Be sure to move and take a shower. It is advisable to walk in the fresh air for at least 3-4 hours a day. Long walks activate the cleansing processes several times.

Exit from a 3-day fast

First day drink juices. It is better to drink freshly prepared apple-carrot-beet juice, first diluted in half with water, and then, in the afternoon, pure juice of 100 ml (half a glass) every hour. If there are difficulties with juices, then in the evening you can pour a liter cold water 100 g dried apricots and 100 g prunes. In the morning, every hour, drink 1 glass of compote (without fruit). In the second half of the day, pour one more of the same portion with water.
Second day: before lunch every hour and a half to drink 100-200 ml of juice.
Lunch - panicle salad, at least 200 g. You can eat soaked dried apricots and prunes.

Snack - fruits (apples, banana, orange).
Dinner - baked vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets).
Third and fourth day: regular food without fried, spicy, salty, protein foods, confectionery, coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
Effect : 3-day fasting cures chronic and acute bronchitis, restores the liver, stomach and intestines. The number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

7-10 day fast

It is shown to people with chronic diseases or to achieve some personal goals after the mandatory 3-day abstinence experience.
A 7-10 day fast is carried out according to the same scheme as the 3-day fast.

The features of the 7-10 day OG are that:
From 2-3 days artificial odors, tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol, etc. become unpleasant. This should be taken into account when weaning from smoking and alcohol.

On the 3-4th day, bad breath increases, which is accompanied by weakness, poor sleep, and apathy. This is a sign of the body's transition to endogenous nutrition with diseased tissues, degenerating cells, fat, etc. Weight is lost up to 1 kg per day in the first 5-6 days, and then 100-200 g each. A sign of cleansing from toxins is a clean pink tongue.
Exit from a 7-10 day fast

  • First day you need to drink juice diluted with water. You need to start with 100 ml (50 ml juice + 50 ml water). Every hour before lunch, drink this composition. After lunch, increase the dose to 200 ml (100 ml of juice + 100 ml of water). In total, you need to drink 1 liter of juice and 1 liter of water per day.
  • Second day: in the morning drink 200 ml of juice with water, then drink pure juice every 2 hours.
  • The third day: before lunch, drink juice every 1.5-2 hours. Lunch - lettuce panicle. Snack - panicle salad. Dinner - raw fruits.
  • Fourth day: breakfast - panicle salad. 2nd breakfast - fruit. Lunch - baked vegetables. Snack - fruit or salad panicle. Dinner - vegetable stew or vegetable soup without oil and salt.
  • Fifth day: breakfast - lettuce panicle. 2nd breakfast - fruit. Lunch - buckwheat porridge. Snack - raw vegetables or fruits. Dinner - baked vegetables or porridge with butter, but without salt.
  • Sixth day and then during the week - a vegetarian diet with a restriction of spicy, salty, smoked, pickled, muffins, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, dairy products, including cottage cheese, cheese and eggs.

Effect: Fasting for 7-10 days does not cure serious diseases, but it cleanses the joints well, resulting in significant flexibility. The work of the heart and blood vessels improves, headaches disappear, sleep is restored, many skin diseases, neurodermatitis, and neuralgia disappear.

Fasting reviews

People practicing fasting today and in antiquity note the great benefits of this type of therapeutic effect, or rather abstinence on the body. Not everyone can easily tolerate fasting, so the duration should be varied in accordance with your psycho-physical constitution, without trying to chase records. Remember that water wears away stone. Even if you regularly conduct one-day fasts once a week or once every two weeks, the effect will be huge due to the cumulative healing effect. the main thing to remember is that after fasting, you should adhere to correct mode nutrition. You can read about how to eat right. If even one-day fasts are still difficult for you, then you should eat only fruits or freshly squeezed juices on Ekadashi.

In general, the effect of fasting will be something like this:

  • Fasting up to 3 days activates the Central nervous system on the principle of stress for lack of nutrients; unloads the digestive system, gives it a rest; cleans blood and intercellular fluid from toxins.
  • Fasting from 3 to 7 days additionally cleanses the intercellular fluid; eliminates pyogenic microorganisms; restores the epithelial tissue of the small intestine and stomach.
  • Fasting for 7-14 days will completely cleanse and restore the epithelium gastrointestinal tract(if there is no serious pathology); partially cleanse the liver and connective tissue (the body will become more flexible); the work of the cardiovascular system will improve; some infiltrates, tumors, polyps can resolve.
  • Fasting from 14 to 21 days will cleanse and renew the cells of the liver and kidneys, most of the endocrine glands; can remove sand and stones from the gallbladder and Bladder; most salt deposits, compressed mucus and tumors will dissolve different kind; connective tissue and skin will be cleansed and renewed; partially cleared bone tissue.
  • Fasting from 21 to 28 days will destroy almost all types of tumors and infections (especially in the genitourinary system), cleanse the maxillary and other cavities, remove old cells and tissues from the body, normalize adipose tissue, cleanse bones by 1/3.
  • Fasting of about 40 days is carried out for complete cleansing and restoration of the body or for the purpose of spiritual growth with a clear understanding of why this is being done and with preliminary preparation.
Dry fasting

Dry fasting is carried out completely without water, without washing hands and any contact with water. Fans of dry fasting believe that in the process of it, the destruction of foreign tissues and toxins is faster, rest is given not only to the gastrointestinal tract, but also to the urinary tract, and “heavy water” is more actively removed from the body. They believe thatappearance during dry fasting changes in the direction of rejuvenation more intensively. This is associated with the presence in the body of deuterium water containing heavy hydrogen. Deuterium water enters the body in small quantities, but it has the ability to accumulate, causing the body to age (folds on the body, wrinkled skin on the face, hands, etc.). It is dry fasting that helps to remove its excess from the body.

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases: pneumonia, prostatitis, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, osteochondrosis deformans, polyarthritis.
  • Skin allergies (chronic urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), medical or food polyallergy.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Disovarian infertility.
  • benign tumors (prostate adenoma, ovarian cysts, endometriosis)
  • Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic enteritis, colitis, constipation, with irritation of the colon.
  • Dry fasting enhances processes utilization by the body of abnormal and pathologically altered cells, cholesterol deposits on the walls of arterial vessels, softens deposits of "tartar" in the oral cavity, as well as internal organs, gallbladder, kidneys, joints).
  • Normalization of blood pressure, as well as the activity of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, improves tissue respiration and tissue metabolism.

Recommended scheme: the last meal - no later than seven o'clock in the evening. In the morning make an enema and wash the stomach. Fast for no more than 36 hours.
Exit: in small sips drink 2 glasses of water at room temperature at once. After a couple of hours, eat 1-2 cups of curdled milk or fermented baked milk. Fermented milk products stimulate peristalsis and bile secretion, activate the normal microflora in the intestines and promote the absorption of water. 2 hours later, eat a lettuce panicle. We recommend this type of unloading for those who are not satisfied fasting days on the water. According to our ideas, during dry fasting, normal leaching of toxins from the body does not occur, an excess of by-products of nitrogen metabolism is formed, which is stressful for the body, and besides, exiting from fasting on protein products leads to an overstrain of the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, cardiac, renal and other systems.

The exit from fasting, which I spent 14 days on Marve Oganyan, was carried out by me with great accuracy. Here is a review of the whole process, its results and a menu of delicious juices.

Hello my dear readers. So two weeks ended after cleansing the body, which I wrote about in detail in. As already mentioned, the exit is a very crucial moment that requires patience, self-discipline and knowledge. Let's start with them.

After conditional fasting (in fact, tissue nutrition), it is necessary to switch not to meat, chicken broths, milk and eggs, but to freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices - at least ten days, and then fresh fruits and vegetables.

And in his book “Golden Recipes of Naturopathy” he clarifies:

You need to start eating very carefully - the first four days - only soft or pureed fresh fruits: apples, tangerines, oranges, summer tomatoes, watermelons, melons and the like. Moreover, continue drinking the decoction, 2-3 glasses a day and drinking fruit and vegetable juices. Eat three times: at 11, 15, 19 hours.

After this time, you can add fresh vegetable salads to fruits from grated vegetables with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and any greens: dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, fresh tops of carrots, beets, sorrel, spinach. You can cook a salad only from greens and onions. Fill the salad only with lemon juice or berries without oil and sour cream - another 10 days.

Then, little by little, you can introduce baked vegetables into your diet: pumpkin, beets, onions with fresh herbs and vegetable oil. You can also add vegetable oil to salads - after 20-30 days from the start of their use, and add one raw egg yolk daily.

Only after two months can you introduce porridge into the daily diet: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley - boil them in water, after being ready to add raw chopped onions, vegetable or butter, you can eat such porridge with raw mashed vegetable salad, it’s healthier and tastier . Soups and borscht, exclusively vegetable with the addition of butter and onions after cooking (you can use a little sour cream).

I think after reading, you understand that starting a process shortly before a trip, some main event (name day, New Year, wedding) is not worth it. For your own health, the journey back to food should be as slow as you can bear. Understanding that the organs are “sleeping” and incapable of processing will save your life. And these are not just words, there were fatal cases about which the Internet is full. Although, frankly, I can’t imagine how it’s possible immediately after the work done, whether it’s the period of 7-14-21, sit down and eat meatballs or go to a restaurant.

In her videos, Marva Vagarshakovna repeats many times that the length of the exit should correspond to the time of the conditional hunger. Therefore, for myself, I chose the following plan:

  1. A week on strained juices - this continues the cleansing of the organs, but without much feeling of hunger.
  2. 3 days without straining + 4 - pureed food.

Now let's analyze everything in detail.

The right way out of fasting on juices

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu

I’ll write right away that in the first week you need to continue cleansing enemas (2 liters of water 38 degrees + 2 tsp salt and 1 tsp soda). Do them the same way as during conditional fasting, repeating two or three in a row, only during this period they are carried out every other day. In the second week, the interval is two days. Don't miss it, it was my mistake. I just got confused, didn’t look at the recordings, and it all ended with a migraine, which immediately disappeared after cleansing the intestines. Then enemas should be done once a week.

We continue to go to bed at 21:00 and wake up at 6-7 in the morning. It was at the exit that I felt that I had entered the rhythm, stopped waking up at night, I easily get up in the morning. This big win for me. Herbal decoction with honey and lemon drank 2 liters each, since the rest of the liquid comes from squeezed vegetables and fruits. It is important to start the morning with herbs. Marva Ohanyan also advises drinking them 20-30 minutes before fruit and vegetable drinks. If you have stomach problems, the first ones should be diluted half with water. I did not see the need for this, since according to the method, 2-3 glasses of undiluted citrus juice were drunk during cleansing.

Let's get to the recipes.

Juice Menu - Daily Recipes

Photo Jennifer Pallian

I tried to buy organic products, unfortunately there were not many of them. If you have your own garden, garden, then it will be much easier for you.

Consider the size of your fruits, keeping in mind that you need a glass (200-250 ml) of the final product. As we all know, carrots, cucumbers, beets can reach gigantic sizes. In this case, take half. Do not throw the written amount into the juicer, change it proportionally. But keep in mind that after filtering through a strainer, the amount will decrease, sometimes significantly. After experimenting a couple of times, you will understand how much you need.

Sometimes we don't really like the combination of some vegetables and herbs in salads. Believe me, this does not happen when squeezing out of them. Before discarding any recipe, give it a chance - try it.

It happens that certain fruits are missing at the place of residence and according to the season. How to replace them:

  • Apricots on peaches or plums;
  • pears for apples;
  • grapefruit on a mixture of orange and lemon.

The exit from fasting does not have to be accompanied by drinking four glasses, if there is no hunger, you can limit yourself to three. Be sure to stir your drink well with a spoon so that the ingredients “combine”. I tried to make appointments at 8:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00 hours.

1 day


Half melon.

This product is a diuretic and a source of vitamin C and A. The drink will give you enough energy.

Second reception

  • 3 carrots;
  • apple;
  • 2 pears;
  • I harvest parsley.

Carrots are great liver cleansers. Apples are rich in fiber that improves digestion. Pears reduce acidity. Parsley is a cleanser of the liver, kidneys and blood system.


  • 1/3 melon;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 1 cm ginger root.

Ginger is a natural antibiotic that will help destroy and remove toxins from the body.


  • Apple;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 cm ginger root.

This mixture contains various antioxidants (antioxidants) to give the body sufficient protection against free radicals.

2 day


Choose one fruit. It can be a melon, an apple or a watermelon. The body perceives fruits more easily, so it is worth waking it up with them. I drank apple pie.

Second reception

  • 2 apricots (remove the pits);
  • 4 carrots;
  • 1 cm ginger root.

Apricots give the body a boost of energy. Carrots regulate blood sugar. Ginger strengthens the immune system. About how to strengthen it in children,.


  • 1/2 melon;
  • 2 presses of celery;
  • some fresh mint leaves.

Melon - plays the role of a diuretic and promotes weight loss. Celery has the same properties and does not allow liquid to stagnate. Mint, in addition to diuretic functions, helps digestion. The biological effect of this mixture favors the formation of urine, it cleanses the kidneys and liver.


  • 3 carrots;
  • apple;
  • 2 squeezes of celery.

This blend balances alkalinity and supplies the necessary fiber to flush out toxins that may still be in the body.

Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer

By the way, in her lectures about the way out of starvation, Marva Vagarshakovna advises adding carrots and celery to almost every inclusion of a juicer.

3 day


1/3 watermelon.

This fruit refreshes the body and promotes the removal of water and electrolytes through urine and feces. It also helps to remove toxins from the liver and kidneys.

Second reception

  • Apple;
  • cucumber;
  • 4 carrots;
  • mint.

Apples contain natural sugars, stimulating acids that improve digestion. Cucumber reduces fluid retention in the body. carrot creates therapeutic effect on the liver and provokes the removal of cholesterol present in the body. Mint helps the intestines.


  • 2 pieces of watermelon;
  • cucumber;
  • half a beet;
  • I harvest parsley.

Watermelons and cucumbers are diuretic kidney cleansers. Beetroot cleanses the liver and circulatory system, and improves blood circulation. Parsley contains iron, which is essential for healthy blood.


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • cucumber;
  • 4 carrots;
  • I harvest parsley.

Tomatoes have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Cucumber contains a lot of beta carotene. Carrots contain complex carbohydrates that provide energy to the body. Parsley helps control blood pressure.

Day 4


  • 1/2 grapefruit;
  • apple;
  • 3 celery;
  • 6 mint leaves.

Grapefruits are rich in vitamin C, cleanse the lymphatic system and stimulate the removal of body fat. Apples remove fat from subcutaneous tissues. Celery fights fluid retention by removing excess fluid. Mint promotes rejuvenation. This drink provokes the burning of fats and strengthens the immune system.

Second reception

  • 2 apples;
  • small turnip;
  • centimeter of ginger root.

Apple fibers lower cholesterol. Turnip is rich in vitamin C, while ginger prevents blood clots. As a result, we improve blood, remove toxins.


  • Half a beet;
  • 4 carrots;
  • cucumber.

Beets contain vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Carrots are rich in carotene, which also helps reduce the risk of heart attack. Cucumbers are a source of silica, which improves the condition of hair, nails, and skin. In addition to these wonderful qualities, the juice will charge you with energy, which is so necessary during the exit from fasting.


  • 5 stalks of asparagus;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • cucumber.

Asparagus is a great source of folic acid, essential for the production and maintenance of cells. Carrots stimulate vision. This mixture is able to remove toxins from the body and help the production of new cells.

Day 5


  • 2 apricots, pitted;
  • 4 carrots;
  • centimeter of ginger root.

This energy mixture provides the necessary protection to the body during the elimination of toxins. You will feel a surge of energy.

Second reception

  • 5 carrots;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • I harvest parsley.

This combination continues to cleanse the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. These are the organs that are more polluted due to the wrong diet that most of us lead.


  • 4 stalks of asparagus;
  • two pears;
  • cucumber;
  • 2 celery stalks.

This mixture, like a miracle potion, is able to remove excess cholesterol, helping to produce new cells in the body.


  • 4 carrots;
  • half a head of cabbage (look at the size);
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • apple.

Cabbage is a wonderful tonic for the liver, capable of reducing its size. Celery - calms the nervous system. This powerful drink will help calm your body before bed.

Day 6


  • Half a grapefruit;
  • 4 carrots;
  • spinach;
  • stalk of celery;
  • a few leaves of green lettuce;
  • a quarter of a lemon.

This drink is able to remove toxins and body fat and also protect your body from diseases associated with them. Almost all ingredients cleanse the liver and kidneys.

Second reception

  • two pears;
  • cucumber;
  • three stalks of celery.


  • 1/2 beet;
  • apple;
  • 5 carrots.

Our beloved apples are an invaluable source of pectin, which helps to eliminate toxins from the intestines. The food combination also continues to cleanse the liver.


  • Two medium tomatoes;
  • cucumber;
  • four carrots;
  • I harvest parsley.

A soothing blend that is still a great combination: protects and heals the body, lowers blood pressure, removes toxins.

Day 7


  • 5 carrots;
  • apple;
  • a couple of pears;
  • I harvest parsley.

This potent blend continues to cleanse the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Second reception

  • A couple of apples;
  • small turnip;
  • centimeter of ginger root.

This combination improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol by removing toxins from the body.


  • 4 medium carrots;
  • a couple of stalks of celery;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • some basil.

Carrots are an excellent source of antioxidants. Celery contains vitamin C, basil is full of vitamin A, parsley keeps blood capillaries healthy.


  • 5 carrots;
  • 4 stalks of celery;
  • 5 spinach leaves;
  • 1/4 white cabbage;
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • one lemon.

A natural detox is a great way to end our first week of fasting.

Second week - is it really food?

Photo by Isidor Emanuel

When I approached this milestone, I could not even believe that I would finally be able to try something other than a liquid. But at the same time, there were concerns about how the stomach would perceive the cake of fruits and vegetables, because this is already a real launch of the pancreas. I continue to brew 2 liters of herbs, I’m already used to them, and if I skip an hourly drink, I immediately feel the lack of energy supply. So, since we are talking about food, we will discuss what to eat after fasting.

Day 8

Started the morning with apple juice. Let me remind you that this is the first time that he is not passed through a strainer. I drank it with great pleasure. I decided not to burden the body, in the second dose I made a watermelon. Oh, how sweet and delicious!

The first two glasses were enough for me to beat off my appetite right up to dinner, so I managed with only three doses.


  • Two medium carrots;
  • four ripe tomatoes;
  • sweet pepper (red or yellow);
  • cucumber.

This mixture removes cholesterol. Feeling like I ate a decent portion of vegetables.

Day 9

In the morning I thought that it was worth overpowering myself and drinking four glasses so that the internal work of the organs would normalize and I could return to my usual way of life. So I prepared drinks by the hour.


  • 3 apples;
  • 2 cm ginger root.

We start with fruits. Along the way, we remove toxins, if there are any left.

Second reception

  • Orange;
  • pear;
  • grapefruit;
  • apple.

Rejuvenating drink and very tasty. True, our local grapefruits are very bitter, but other components smooth out the bitterness.


  • 5 spinach;
  • cucumber;
  • two carrots;
  • (You can sweeten with an apple).

A wonderful combination that is good for the eyes.


  • A piece of white cabbage;
  • 4 carrots;
  • cucumber.

Tastes like vegetable salad. Helps cleanse the liver.

Day 10


  • Two apples;
  • 5 carrots.

I started the morning great, and at the same time helped my liver, this mixture is aimed at it.

Second reception

  • Several broccoli florets;
  • a couple of apples.

A good snack that helps weight loss (although this is not my case).


I decided to energize myself. It is better not to put the berries in a juicer, so I squeezed an orange and put everything in a mixer and made a smoothie.

  • 3 kiwis;
  • orange;
  • ripe strawberries (10 pieces, look at the sizes).


  • Green pepper;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • three stalks of celery;
  • 5 lettuce leaves.

A wonderful antioxidant before going to bed.

Day 11

Hooray! Solid (relatively) food! The morning began, as always, with herbal infusion, then the first glass - pomace from melon, the second later - from apples and pumpkin.

Pear rubbed on a grater. The portion seemed huge to me, although the fruit was medium in size. Remembering how many wrote about food “as much as you want”, I boldly devoured everything. After such a breakfast, I didn’t feel like juice anymore, just like dinner.

A few pieces of watermelon finely chopped. It went great, there was no heaviness in the stomach.

day 12

For the first time in the entire period, there was a natural bowel cleansing. I drove away the thought that this was a reaction to what I had eaten, tried to think positively. In the end, the food arrived and the processes of the body are running. The exit from fasting in some is accompanied by constipation, which would have alerted me more, since I am predisposed to them.

In the morning I drank apple-carrot juice.

Finely chopped melon.

I didn’t want to have lunch, so I threw it into the juicer:

  • Half a beet;
  • a couple of stalks of celery;
  • two carrots.

This combination will help prevent or reduce arthritis.


Two plums. It was pointless to rub them, they are too ripe. I just tried to be careful.

day 13

Hurricane Irma is in the Dominican Republic, and although we live in the capital, that is, not near the coast, the electricity is still turned off. And this means that the juicer does not work. When I woke up, I managed to make a watermelon pomace. I reassured myself that I would definitely not die of hunger, at this stage I could only hold out on grass for another month.

Grated pear.

An apple through a grater. I noticed that the peel irritates the throat, I will continue to peel it off.

Turned on for 30 minutes! And I managed to squeeze out my healing nectar. How delicious it looked! Lemon smoothed out all the “roughness” of other components. An excellent combination for those who have a lack of iron.

  • A small beet;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • three leaves of spinach;
  • two tomatoes;
  • a quarter of a lemon.

Day 14

Today, as if nothing had happened, the sun was shining, there was electricity and I could fully cook whatever I wanted. And my desires were huge, the feeling of hunger began to make itself felt.


  • Half sweet pepper (red or green);
  • a couple of stalks of celery;
  • little cucumber.

Chopped plums.

Grated cucumber, carrot, finely chopped tomato without skin. Seasoned with lemon, no salt yet. So I wanted a vegetable salad, I cooked it with such anticipation ... I barely finished it. It seemed so tasteless without the salt and olive oil. Despite the fact that before the cleansing process, I adored fresh salads. I urgently need to purchase garlic powder or kelp, I have not used either one or the other before, they will brighten up my way out of starvation. Salt-free diets recommend these two products.

Personal feedback on the process

Photo by Catherine McMahon

Where I started, I wrote in the first article (link at the beginning). Here I repeat a little. The goal is to get rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, improvement general condition health. Initial data 43 years 58 kg. Completion - 52 kg. Now I will try to describe the observations, I hope they will help prepare mentally for those who only think “to be or not to be”.


I don't see any allergic reactions. 3 cats live in the house, I am in constant contact with them. In addition, I take care of my favorite flowers on the terrace. I breathe freely. Of course I want the effect to last longer, I will observe.

Marva Oganyan herself does not mention physical activity, but the Internet is full of advice to do yoga. I couldn’t overpower myself, the body is already under stress, so no even the slightest exercise did not do. Although I understand that the effect with them would be even better.

I also want to make a withdrawal of fluid from the body in the observations. In the first two weeks, I was surprised that after drinking 3 liters of herbal tea, I had a rather rare urination. Remembering the lectures of Marva Vagarshakovna, she calmed down with her words: “The healing solution permeates all your cells.” Everything returned to normal after the selected cleaning period. Having introduced perfectly compatible juices into the diet, I woke up even at night to run to the toilet, although this is completely unusual for me. The swelling of the legs and arms is gone, the shoes have become spacious. The bags under the eyes have disappeared, of course this also goes to bed at 21:00. I sleep much better, I wake up on my own at 5:45, that is, 15 minutes before the alarm.

Women's nuances

Like any woman, I wanted to improve my figure, but I do not categorically recognize diets. Working at the computer for 14-18 hours, of course, did not accompany the fulfillment of the desired. Let me explain that overweight never suffered, only the waist after childbirth never returned, and after all, almost 7 years have passed. Light cellulite appeared on the buttocks. I reassured myself that I was no longer a girl and that it was probably worth putting up with something like that.

My observations. In the first two weeks, I lost only 3 kg. This ideal weight with my complexion, but I regretfully recalled what they write about belly fat and cellulite. Namely, that these are the most difficult moments to eliminate and that diets rarely cope with them. I made sure of this personal experience. But the way out of starvation showed real miracles! It was the combination of fruits and vegetables in juices that I managed to achieve what I did not even expect. I never had a weight below 55 kg after 20 years, but here it’s like in adolescence! The clothes fit great. You can go to the beach in tangas (just kidding).

Of the minuses: in order to consider those very buttocks without cellulite, you must first determine with a glance the place where they are usually located. Although my husband is delighted. The chest has decreased in size, the bra of course saves. I think that walking or yoga would help with the muscles.

Skin has changed in the last month appearance repeatedly. At some point, a roughness was felt on the cheeks. However, the scrub did not help. I intuitively felt that I needed to steam the whole body, open the pores. But there are no baths here! The author of the technique mentions the need for a daily hot shower. If there is no high blood pressure, then water should also fall on the head.

I did just that, but at the end I understood this advice in full! Somehow in the afternoon, I scratched my neckline and looking at my hand was horrified - there was a black coating under the nails. But in the morning I was 15 minutes in the shower! Quickly remembering the removal of toxins through the pores, she took a bath and soaked in it for 20 minutes. Now when intensive process cleansing is over, pursues a great desire to visit the SPA: beautician, massage therapist. I'll definitely do it in a couple of days.

Hormonal process

During entry and exit, menstruation passed twice. Everything is according to plan, without failures, but here's what's interesting: from the age of 40, I have had it for three days, and during the cleansing process, everything returned to six days. As we all know, the main purpose of menstruation is to prepare the female body for pregnancy. This is not my case, but for those who are trying to get pregnant, I would advise you to read the books of Marva Oganyan. I regretted not doing this 5 years ago.

Here I will also include psychological moments, namely irritation. Due to the fact that a lot of time is wasted, it is impossible to do “important” things, and everyone around agreed and lives as if nothing had happened, my mother sometimes got out of balance. In fact, there were some outbursts of irritability that are even difficult to explain. Moments of remorse followed. Fortunately, I realized that my decision to go this way should not be shifted to loved ones, and I tried not to allow disagreements.

Hormones not only affect the body's heat transfer, but also the body's response to heat and cold. At night I was cold, in my pajamas with long sleeves and ankle-length pants, waking up in the middle of the night from the cold. Although the air conditioner worked normally +21C. I had to wear cotton socks. The husband categorically refused to change the temperature, because in turn he would not sleep because of the heat, and it was he who went to the office to work.

Where can you get time?

It would seem that waking up so early, you can have time to redo everything you need. Unfortunately, my brain categorically refuses to focus on business. At the same time, I did not sit idle. Work on the blog stopped, classes with the child went by the wayside. Of course, in this situation, I decided to take care of my health, and everything else must wait. But as a very active person, I find it hard to put up with restrictions. For example, I have been writing this article for a week already ... This is to say that all people are different, but I have determined for myself: cleansing the body and work are incompatible.

And the reason is not only in my focus and concentration, but also in how long all the procedures take:

  • Enemas;
  • brewing, infusion, straining herbs;
  • visiting the supermarket for fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • juicing and washing the juicer.

The last point was difficult. Having a couple of squeeze machines sometimes made me feel like I was living in the kitchen.

The desire for cleanliness around you did not recede after the repair, which I wrote about earlier. This made it possible to move a lot around the apartment, and we have a large one. But what a wonderful feeling came from clean air, sparkling furniture, even cats had to be bathed so as not to spoil the picture.

Did you feel hungry?

Surprisingly, no. I think honey (I put 2 tsp per glass) gives enough energy to dull this feeling. Really wanted to eat in the last week of release, after the introduction of solid food. I wanted something substantial, not grated beets. Vegetable salads without salt seemed so disgusting, did not bring any satisfaction. But these are only flashes that need to be endured, including logic and willpower.

I have been cooking for my son for the whole month. My husband decided not to succumb to my tricks to change his meat diet to a lighter one and cooked for himself with pleasure. He really loves it. So, the desire to create something very tasty was as strong as to have a perfectly clean house. I tried to choose healthy recipes for the body and conjured near the stove with great pleasure. Smells brought great pleasure, oddly enough, they did not cause appetite and desire to taste food.

On this, dear readers, I will end my review of the lived period. The exit from fasting continues, although now it is accompanied by more delicious meals. After the knowledge gained, I began to take a very responsible approach to the process of nutrition, not only in relation to myself, but also to my child. But that's another story, which I hope to write about soon.

Health ecology: Water fasting is a complete rejection of food (in solid or liquid form). Simply put - we do not eat anything and drink only clean water ...

There are 2 types of fasting:

  • dry fasting,
  • water fasting.

Some methods of long-term fasting involve the use of both types. Sometimes fasting is called fasting days on juices and vegetable broths, which is essentially not true. In this article we'll talk about water fasting - the least extreme form fasting.

Water fasting is a complete refusal of food (in solid or liquid form). Simply put - we do not eat anything and drink only clean water at room temperature in sufficient quantities.

Important: The amount of water that you drink during a normal diet will not be enough during fasting! After all, solid food also contains water - when fasting, you should replenish the amount of water that usually comes with food! It is impossible to give exact recommendations on how much water to drink. Just drink more. A sufficient intake of water helps to eliminate toxins and prevents possible complications during fasting.

Something else important: During fasting, do not use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your teeth - the enamel may suffer due to changes in the composition of saliva during fasting. Wipe your teeth with gauze and rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort so as not to remove plaque that protects tooth enamel.


Fasting in some cases can be a danger to health and life. At the same time, fasting is so effective way cleansing and healing of the body, which can help to gain ideal health and youth, recover from many diseases, including the most serious ones, and save lives. This article is for informational purposes and the author is not responsible for the use of this information.

Fasting can last from one day to ... several months, or even years. True, in this case it is no longer starvation, but a certain way of eating - life without food. The determining factor is duration fasting on the water.

How many days the fast lasts depends on:

  • Operating principle fasting on water - what processes occur in the body.
  • Result fasting on water body cleansing, weight loss, health improvement and rejuvenation.
  • Danger fasting on water - precautions and possible negative consequences of fasting, which can be extremely serious if these precautions are not followed.
  • Exit from fasting on the water - an extremely crucial moment.

So, let's consider what happens at each stage of fasting on the water (with different duration of fasting).

1. Food break up to 24 hours.

A food break lasting less than 24 hours is not fasting.

2. One-day fasting on the water.

The healing effect of one-day fasting:

  • increased immunity,
  • body cleansing,
  • body rejuvenation,
  • improvement of intestinal microflora.

The healing result of one-day fasting is accumulated with regular repetition, but the result is noticeable after the first fasting. Regular one-day water fasts, practiced weekly for 1 to 3 months, are, among other things, a good preparation for longer fasts.

What happens during one-day fasting:

  1. One day fasting gives rest digestive system . A lot of energy is spent on the process of digestion. When the constant supply of food is interrupted, the body gets the opportunity and energy to start cleansing processes.
  2. The putrefactive intestinal microflora dies, and the flora of sour-milk fermentation is healed and preserved, as a result, the synthesis of biologically active substances in the intestine improves.

Preparation for one-day fasting:

  • During the week before fasting, give up the most harmful products containing a large amount food additives and reduce your consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products. Drink more pure water, completely refuse alcohol and drinks with harmful food additives.
  • In a day before fasting, do not pass and refuse meat (if you have not done this before) - among other things, it greatly slows down the digestion process and will be digested during the fasting period, which will reduce positive effect fasting, will increase the feeling of hunger and other unpleasant side effects that occur during fasting.
  • Plan your first fast for the weekend. It’s good if you don’t stay at home, next to the refrigerator. Do not spend the first fast at work! And the second too :) When fasting becomes a habitual thing for you, you can starve at work - no one will notice.
  • In a day fasting, you can do an enema to cleanse the intestines. Spend more time outdoors. It is good to do physical exercises (they will help cleanse the body of toxins). But don't overexert yourself. Do water treatments.

What to expect during a one-day fast?

Those who have ever been on a low-calorie diet will be pleasantly surprised that the feeling of hunger during fasting on the water is much weaker. As you know, appetite comes with eating, so not eating at all is easier than eating a little bit.

The blood supply to the brain improves, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity and creativity.

Perhaps the appearance of such unpleasant sensations during the period of fasting, such as:

  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • feeling of nausea,
  • plaque on the tongue, bad breath (sometimes from the body),
  • Bad mood.

With practice (during regular one-day fasting), unpleasant phenomena will decrease, some of them will disappear. The effect of fasting on mood is likely to be positive - mood stabilizes, fasting will cause an increase in mood.

Exit from one-day fasting:

  • Finish fasting in the evening. One-day fasting should last at least 24 hours, or better, at least 2-3 hours longer.
  • To exit from one day fast best fit fresh vegetables, fruits, as well as vegetable and fruit juices. It is good to eat a salad (for example, from cabbage and carrots) with a spoonful of high-quality vegetable oil (olive, linseed, etc.). You can also eat boiled or stewed vegetables.
  • Evening and next day try not to eat animal products: meat, eggs, milk and dairy products.
  • After coming out of fasting try not to overeat- this is the most difficult and in the beginning almost no one succeeds.
  • Keep drinking more clean water and do not eat foods with harmful food additives.

Small mistakes and deviations from the rules when leaving a one-day fast do not really matter.

Danger of one-day fasting:

One-day fasting is practically not dangerous for a healthy person, even if carried out without proper preparation. For example, in Judaism there is a fast (judgment day), which is observed by almost everyone, even non-religious residents of Israel - dry fasting is performed on this day (without food and without water). "Preparation" and "exit" from this one-day fasting is a plentiful feast that does not correspond to the above recommendations. Such fasting does not give a healing effect, rather the opposite. But it does not pose any particular danger, even though it is carried out without water, in hot climatic conditions.

With minimal observance of recommendations for the preparation and exit from fasting and regular practice, the healing effect will not keep you waiting.

3. 2 and 3 day fasting on the water.

When can I do a 2-3 day fast?

There is not much difference between a one day fast and a 2 day fast. If you feel good before leaving a one-day fast (no severe headaches, nausea, etc.), you can postpone the exit from fasting to the next morning (you get a 36-hour fast) or evening (2-day fast).

Based on how you feel, you can continue to abstain from food for up to 3 days, even if you have no previous experience of fasting or have little experience. But it is desirable to conduct a more thorough preparation for a 3-day fast.

If the state of health suddenly worsens and the measures taken do not help, you should immediately leave the fast, without waiting for the scheduled time. An additional signal to exit from fasting is very dark or highly cloudy urine.

If you are fasting on your own and doubt that everything is going well - for safety reasons, it is worth interrupting the fast and trying again later. It may take several one-day and two-day fasts before you can fast for 3 days.

The healing effect of 2-3 day fasts:

  • Healing effect: 2-3 day fasting, as well as one-day fasting, improves immunity, cleanses and rejuvenates the body, and heals the intestinal microflora.
  • The benefits of fasting for appearance: The benefits of 2-3 day fasting are noticeable to the naked eye - the skin after fasting is cleansed, becomes smooth, acquires a healthy shade and a fresh look.
  • Getting rid of addiction: During a 3-day fast, you can get rid of physical dependence on drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

What happens during a 2-3 day fast:

On the second or third day, the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract changes qualitatively:the secretion of hydrochloric acid stops,the stomach begins to secrete proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which:

  • promote the secretion of bile throughout the digestive system, even in the large intestine,
  • suppress the feeling of hunger.

The process of transition of the body to internal nutrition begins:

  • digestion slows down
  • mechanisms of splitting of own fats are activated.

But a complete transition to internal nutrition during fasting on water on the second or third day does not occur.

Preparation for a 2-3 day fast.

Preparing for a 2-3 day fast is no different than preparing for a one day fast, but its importance is increasing. In addition, by the time of the 3 day fast, it is desirable to have experience with several 1-2 day fasts.

What to expect during a 2-3 day fast?

1. On the second or third day, food cravings decrease, but short-term bouts of hunger are possible.

2. The likelihood of such unpleasant phenomena as headache, nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant phenomena that occur during fasting.

3. During a 2-3 day fast, from one to several kilograms is lost. But make no mistake - about half of the weight lost comes back the day after the fast. In order not to gain the second half of the lost weight, you need to follow the recommendations for exiting a 2-3 day fast.