Exercises to prevent cystitis. Gymnastics to strengthen the bladder

almost every tenth woman suffers from ami, and about half of women aged 18 to 50 have experienced this unpleasant disease at least once in their lives.

Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease, and it overtakes women much more often than men because of the peculiarity of the anatomy of the urethra - it is short and wide, microbes penetrate through it in case of problems in the genital area or disturbance of microbial balance in the genital tract.

In addition, a factor for the development of a is the constant irritation of the walls of the bladder with salts released during urolithiasis or metabolic disorders. Acute salt crystals injure the bladder mucosa, leading to inflammation.

Another factor in the development of a is a violation of the tone and blood circulation of the walls of the bladder due to irregular urination, long urinary retention, congenital features or disorders after childbirth.

Why do exercises?

The basis of cure for acute or chronic inflammation, including e, is adequate blood flow to the bladder wall. This is necessary so that immune blood cells can absorb microbes, secrete antibodies to fight infection and “cleanse” the area of ​​​​inflammation (remove dead and destroyed cells, start, due to special substances, the process of regeneration - restoration of destroyed cells).

The main problem of a sedentary lifestyle for many women, in addition to excess weight and lack of muscle training, is blood stasis in the pelvic area, impaired blood supply and oxygen delivery to the bladder and genitals. With a lack of oxygen, the organs work worse, there is a decrease in their resistance to infections and damaging factors - as a result, a chronic, sluggish inflammation with periods of exacerbations is formed.

Moreover, an exacerbation in an overly sensitive bladder can even cause the use of watermelon, due to increased excretion of water, salted fish or mineral water of high mineralization, fritters, beer or coffee. These substances irritate the urinary tract and can activate.

To deal with chronic OM and treat acute OM, special exercises are necessary. They will help to carry out blood flow to the pelvis, improve blood circulation, remove toxins and metabolic products, which will help in the treatment of inflammation.

What is important in exercise

English doctors emphasized the important role exercise in the treatment of urinary tract infections, but the approach to classes should be systematic, exercises should be done daily, regularly and in full.

The basis of the complex of exercises is actions with the pelvic muscles, relieving their increased tone, relaxing stiffness. In addition, it includes breathing exercises and stretches to help activate blood circulation. And in combination with acupressure, similar techniques can cure chronic almost completely.

Exercises for intimate muscles

In another way, this technique is called Kegel exercises. Their essence is the tension of the intimate muscles in the pelvic area and vagina. Due to their training, blood flow increases in the pelvis, bladder, uterus and vagina (you can feel these muscles by holding urination).

Here is an example of several exercises:

    squeeze the muscles for 10 seconds and relax them for the same number of seconds. Do 5 sets.

    tense the muscles for as long as possible while holding back the tension, and suddenly relax, repeat three times.

    contract these muscles at a fast pace, then sharply tighten and hold them for as long as you can.

    try the “lift” technique: gradually increase the muscle contraction force to the maximum, as if counting the floors with the muscles. Then you can "ride" from the first to the third, fifth and last floors, varying the strength of muscle contraction. And if you try it later in bed, your partner will be delighted.

These exercises can be done everywhere: on a trip, behind a monitor, when washing dishes - in a word, as soon as you remember. But the main thing is regularity, then the effect will be noticeable. These exercises are especially useful in uterine prolapse associated with omia and urinary incontinence.

Asana "Cobra"

Lie on your stomach, place your palms at the level of your forearms, fingers forward. As you exhale, gently raise your head with your torso, bending in the spine to the maximum. Now, in this position, inhale, mentally “watching the filling of air” in the space from the thyroid gland to the coccyx. As you exhale, let the "air" come back. To enhance the effect, bending in the back, try turning your head to see your heels - first on the left, then on the right.

Asana "Grasshopper"

Take the position of a grasshopper: lie on your stomach, spread your arms outstretched forward wider. Tighten your buttocks by lifting your head and chest on your hands, fully tighten your leg muscles by straightening them. Hold this position for as long as you can, then as you exhale, lower your body to the floor.

Charging complex

Useful regular complex breathing exercises and charging.

    standing straight, raise your hands up, inhaling, and lower - exhaling. Breathe like this 10 times

    walk around the room: start the movement of the foot from the heel and roll to the toe, then step, placing the foot on the inside of the foot, and roll to the outside,

    stand in the middle of the room. Raising your arms up, bend back, left, forward and right, as if stretching your waist. Rotate your hips clockwise and then against it, push your hips forward as much as possible and push them back,

    lie on your back, do the “scissors” and “bike” exercises with your legs,

    pull the knees of the closed legs as close to the chest as possible, clasping the shins with your hands, and lie down like this for a few seconds, then straighten and lower your legs,

    complete the course of gymnastics lying down, restoring breathing for 1 minute.

Very important for the prevention of a is regular sex (during orgasm, blood rushes to the pelvic area and increases blood circulation). In addition, you can sign up for a belly dance, all oriental dancers do not have problems with the genitals and bladder.

Many people think that cystitis and sports are incompatible things, so they refuse any kind physical activity if they have an acute or chronic form of the disease. Doctors say that certain minor loads can bring significant benefits to patients with bladder inflammation. It is only necessary to select the types of directions and their intensity, taking into account the peculiarities of the situation. It is better to consult a urologist about this and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. In the process of recovery, it is necessary to monitor your condition and make adjustments to the selected mode, if necessary.

The benefits of exercise for an inflamed bladder

Sports with cystitis, as with a number of other pathological processes in the body, can become a source of pronounced therapeutic effect. Firstly, they stimulate blood circulation throughout the body and in the pelvic area in particular. This contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, their active saturation with oxygen and nutrients, which leads to faster recovery of the damaged mucosa. Secondly, physical activity becomes an impetus for strengthening general and local immunity, reducing the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease or its transition to the chronic stage. An increase in the rate of chemical reactions leads to an increase in the effectiveness of ongoing natural or drug treatment.

Even during active sporting events, people begin to drink more water. Drinking plenty of water that enters the body helps flush the bladder and remove stagnant urine, pathogens, and their toxins from it. Finally, sport improves the overall tone of the body and significantly improves mood. These moments also play an important role in the restoration of the body during or after illness and in the prevention of complications of the disease.

Types of physical activity prohibited for cystitis

The list of types of referrals and even exercises for cystitis should be agreed with the attending physician. Some actions performed against the background of inflammation of the bladder can lead to an exacerbation of the existing condition, aggravation of symptoms, and the development of complications.

Here are the sports that should be avoided with cystitis in any form:

  1. Activities in the water. Any actions that involve a long stay in cool water can become a catalyst for the inflammatory process or cause it to spread. This moment is especially dangerous for pregnant women.
  2. Winter sports. They can also cause hypothermia, which aggravates the disease. If you plan to conduct some kind of activity outdoors at low temperatures, you need to take care of reliable warming of the legs, lumbar zone and pelvic area. If signs of hypothermia appear, immediately move to a warm room and warm up.
  3. Martial arts. In the process of such training, as a result of the work of the abdominal muscles, overload on the pelvic organs. This leads to squeezing of the bladder and an increase in the characteristic symptoms.
  4. Weight lifting. Another direction, leading to an increase in the load on the diseased organs of the abdominal cavity.

In addition, do not get too carried away with cycling and rowing.

In both cases, stagnation of fluid and blood occurs in the pelvic organs, which is undesirable with a tendency to inflammation of the bladder.

Contraindications to performing any exercises for cystitis

Many people wonder if it is possible to play sports with acute cystitis. Restrictions in terms of physical activity are also set by the urologist leading a particular person. In some patients, even the acute phase of the disease proceeds without too vivid discomfort. In this case, minor, properly selected loads will only alleviate the unpleasant condition. If the acute stage of the disease is accompanied by severe pain, fever and deterioration of the patient's well-being, any sporting events prohibited.

Under the ban, sports also fall in the case of a diagnosis of "hemorrhagic cystitis". The appearance of signs of blood in the urine, even in the case of a satisfactory condition of the patient, requires bed rest.

Any action that leads to an increase in pressure inside the peritoneum increases the severity of the symptom and may cause the opening of bleeding in the bladder.

Useful sports and their features

A therapeutic effect on the condition of the inflamed bladder is possible only with systematic and precise manipulations. A one-time approach will not give the desired result, exercises done at half strength will not start the necessary processes.

Doctors recommend combining your favorite sports with special exercises. For getting maximum effect should enter into your reception mode medicines based on natural plant ingredients.

During the period of remission of the chronic process, the following types of physical activity are allowed:

  • Special gymnastic cycle. This is a list of highly specialized exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the functionality of the excretory organs by normalizing the processes of blood circulation. Depending on the age physical training and the patient's condition, you can choose the optimal degree of intensity of the cycle.
  • Kegel exercises. These manipulations pursue the same goal - the normalization of metabolic processes in problem area. It is only achieved by creating minimal stress on the body. During classes, the patient should be limited to tension and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina, while changing the speed and intensity of actions.
  • Walking and running. They allow you to start a massage of the pelvic organs without creating unnecessary stress on them.
  • Dancing, aerobics. These active actions also contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the area that is responsible for the functioning of the excretory organs. It is only necessary to choose the optimal degree of load, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.
  • Cardio workout. In this case, a positive effect on the excretory organs is achieved by increasing the tone of the whole organism.

Against the background of acute cystitis, these actions are used only in the absence of the above contraindications. If the manipulations do not bring relief, then it is generally better to refuse to perform them until the clinical picture completely disappears. After that, you can safely proceed to the exercises in order to accelerate tissue repair and prevent relapse.

Yoga for cystitis - is it possible or not?

Doing yoga with cystitis, patients achieve all the positive results already listed. True, not every direction of Eastern practice can be adequately perceived by a body affected by a disease. In particular, you will have to abandon yoga options in which complex asanas, headstands and handstands are performed. Bikram yoga and its analogues, in which exercises are performed in heated rooms, are not suitable for combating cystitis. A sharp temperature drop can exacerbate the disease.

In the process of performing physical exercises, you need to carefully monitor your condition. If the manipulations give pleasure and bring relief, this indicates the correctness of the chosen direction. Any discomfort in the process of exercising or a negative reaction of the body is a signal of a mistake. It is necessary to reconsider the chosen approach or the quality of its implementation.

Yoga and exercises for cystitis

According to the statistics of nephrologists and urologists, every tenth woman suffers from chronic cystitis, and almost half of the women in the world, aged 18 to 50 years, suffered from cystitis once.

If cystitis becomes regular, it can lead to urinary incontinence, as a result of a decrease in the tone of the sphincter of the bladder.

What are the exercises for?

The main rule for the cure of cystitis, and even more so chronic is the flow of blood to the walls of the bladder. Thus, immune cells will absorb microbes, antibodies will be released that will help fight infection and clean up the area of ​​​​inflammation, destroyed and dead cells will be removed from the body, and new cells will be restored faster.

For example, such exercise:

take a position lying on your back, bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Take a deep breath and lift your pelvis - exhale, draw in your stomach for a count of five. Take the starting position and inhale. This exercise you need to do 8 times.

After doing the exercises for cystitis, get up from a prone position, pull in your stomach and squeeze the muscles of the perineum - the exercise should be done 6 times. Exercise should be done several times a day.

Recommended simple exercises with cystitis, you can perform:

1. Alternate walking on toes and outer edges of the foot - a minute is performed;
2. We squat, take our hands back and exhale, then take the starting position and inhale - perform 6-7 times.
3. Exercises designed for relaxation and muscle tension. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, bend your knees, lean your hands on the floor from behind. We take a breath, at the same time, bring our knees together and strain the muscles of the anus. We spread our knees, relax the muscles of the perineum and exhale.
4. Exercise bike. We take a position lying on our back. Exercise to perform 1-2 minutes.
5. Take a prone position, raise your hands up, take a deep breath, bending slightly. We make coverage of the chest with our hands and try to squeeze it - we exhale. Exercise to perform 6-7 times
6. Take a prone position, bending your knees. Take a deep breath - turn your knee to the right. Breathe out. Perform the exercise 4-6 times to the side.
7. Take a prone position, bending your knees. Take a deep breath - lift the pelvis up.
Breathe out. Should be performed 4-8 times.
8. Take a lying position, right hand lay on the chest, left on the stomach. We raise our arms with our chest and stomach, lower our stomach and chest with the pressure of our hands. Exercises for cystitis should be done 6-7 times.
9. Take a prone position - arms raised up. We take a deep breath. Rise up and take a sitting position, touching your toes with your fingers and exhale. The exercise is performed 3-8 times.
10. Take a standing position, leaning on the back of a chair. Rise up on your toes and take a deep breath. Squat down, holding on to the back of a chair and exhale. This exercise is performed 3-6 times.
11. Take a standing position, clench your palms into a fist. On inhalation, we turn the torso and arms to the right, and on exhalation, turn to the left. The exercise is done 3-5 times in each direction.

Yoga has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, the genitourinary system is no exception. Here are a few asanas to consider:

Pose of a snake

Lying on your stomach, place your palms on the floor at shoulder level with your fingers forward. Exhale, straighten your arms, gently raise your head and upper half of the body and bend back to failure. On inhalation, attention should, as it were, slide from the thyroid gland along the spine to the coccyx; on exhalation, in the opposite direction.

You can try another version of this exercise. Bend back, then turn your head to the right for 2-3 seconds, looking at the heels, then to the left. In this position, the blood actively rushes to the lower back, and internal organs well supplied with oxygen.

By for the grasshopper

Lying on your stomach, lower your head down, connect your feet, stretch your toes back, straighten your knees, put your hands along the body. Then move your arms forward and to the sides, strain gluteal muscles. Make you breath and raise your arms, head and chest as high as possible above the floor. Fully stretch the legs pressed to each other. Concentrate all attention on the lower back. Hold this position for 5 to 30 seconds, breathe evenly and calmly. On an exhale, lower yourself to the floor.

There is a widespread belief that training the muscles of the vagina can prevent cystitis. According to experts, this is a clear misconception. These exercises are designed to train the pelvic floor muscles and they are good for coping with stress urinary incontinence in women. If urinary incontinence occurs during an exacerbation of cystitis, Kegel exercises are unlikely to help prevent involuntary emptying of the bladder. This is a symptom of cystitis, which immediately disappears as soon as the inflammation is removed. This is done only medicinal pre paratami.

It is believed that such a sport is capable of provoking cystitis and its relapses:

  • swimming in the pool or open water for 40-50 minutes (causes hypothermia, reduces immunity);
  • winter views sports ( figure skating, skis, etc.);
  • exercises that can cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, these include power loads, boxing, wrestling. With caution, you should perform movements with dumbbells, be careful when riding a bicycle.

In general, with cystitis, exercises are allowed that evenly distribute the load on the entire body and do not cause overstrain. These include cardio (running, walking, hiking), yoga, dancing (including belly dance).

Keep in mind - the above exercises will help solve the problem only when paired with medication prescribed by your doctor.

Cystitis is not a pleasant disease. It gives a lot of problems to a person. But do not give preference to the treatment of only pills. You can try another way. Many do not even know about it - it is physical exercises plus medications.

Performing physical exercises in conjunction with medications will benefit from cystitis

What is physical activity for?

Do not assume that all exercises will benefit. There is a certain complex, which includes yoga, which can help eliminate the problem. Special exercises:

  • They increase blood circulation, and this enables the cells responsible for immunity to secrete antibodies and kill microbes.
  • They help increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the genitals.
  • Stop the inflammatory process.
  • Removes toxins from the human body.
  • Eliminate pain.

Remember! Bladder disease occurs for a number of reasons. To effectively combat it, you should use a set of exercises specially designed for these purposes. Thanks to him, the movement of blood increases, a sufficient amount of the nutrients he needs begins to flow into the human body.

The load should be created not only during the disease, but also for preventive purposes. Cystitis most often develops in that part of the population that does not like to play sports at all and prefers walking to transport.

Yoga and physical activity will reduce the chances of developing cystitis

During the development of the disease, you can resort to yoga, but a set of exercises should be selected by a specialist. Only in this case they will be useful.

More about exercises

Getting rid of developing cystitis with the help of physical activity, you must remember that you will have to perform full complex exercises and do not forget about breathing therapy. This will not only help you alleviate your condition, but also give a positive impetus to the whole body. These classes do not exclude the use of medications.

What are the exercises used for cystitis based on? On the increased work of the muscles located in the pelvic region. They periodically relax and tense up. In addition, the set of exercises includes:

  • Stretching.
  • Proper breathing.

And now, exercises that will help create average load. Anyone can do them, no matter how old they are:

  • Sit on a chair, put your hands on your chest. Thus, you begin to control your breathing.
  • Sit on the floor while sitting. Put your hands on your hips, lower your head, spread your arms and slowly rise. Repeat the exercise at least four times.
  • Tilts to the side. Hands are pressed to the body.

Stretching before exercising

This complex is a kind morning work-out. It is performed when a person is calm, usually after a shower.

Let's move on to breathing exercises. Exercises can be performed both standing and lying down. With cystitis, scissors, a bicycle are well suited. Do not forget about the belly dance, the effect of it is excellent.

Exercises of the complex with a light load

  • Lie down on the floor and begin to control your breath. For these purposes, hands are used. When breathing, during which the abdomen rises or falls and chest, they must follow them. The complex is performed seven times.
  • Lie down on the floor. Starting position, knees bent. Turn them, first in one direction, and then in the other, five times.
  • Lie on your back on the floor, legs bent at the knees, raise your pelvis to the top. Do eight times.
  • Stand near a chair, hold on to it and rise on your toes. Then squat down, still leaning on the chair. The number of executions is six times.
  • Stand straight. Hands are directed forward. Return them to their original position. Do five times.
  • Breathing is deep but calm. Marching for two minutes.
  • Standing, hands hidden behind the back, fingers tightly interlaced. You start to take them back, rise on your toes. Then lower your arms and lean forward, then lower yourself onto your heels. The number of executions is six times.
  • Repeat the first exercise, restore your original state.

Some exercises are performed with bent legs

Medium exercise

  • Sitting in a chair, use your hands to control your breathing. They lie on the chest and help her to lower, and the stomach to be drawn in. Runs eight times. The foot is on a chair, put your hands on your hips. The leg is bent at the knee to the limit, you begin to bend over. Do the exercise five times for each leg.
  • Get straight. Lean right, left. The arms move parallel to the body. Do the exercise at least eight times in each direction.
  • Lie flat on your back with your arms parallel to your body. Bend your legs, wrap your arms around them. The number of executions is ten.
  • This exercise is similar to the previous one, but only, clasping your knees, you need to sit down. The number of executions is eight times.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending down, try to reach the floor with your fingers. Remember, you can't bend your knees. Do it eight times.
  • Stand straight, arms spread out to the sides. Breathe calmly. Do this exercise eight times.
  • Lie down and breathe deeply. Breathing is controlled by hands. The exercise is performed until breathing and pulse normalize.

Standing forward bends are suitable as a medium-impact exercise.

Heavy Load Complex

  • Get up, interlace your hands, pull yourself up. Bend over, palms up. Do six times.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. upper limbs on the hips. You begin to bend in turn, then one, then the second leg. Four times for each leg.
  • Breathe deeply as you do. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms moving as if boxing. Do 20 punches with each hand.
  • The exercise is performed while standing. Arms outstretched to the sides, then bend them in front of the chest. The number of executions is eight times.
  • Lie down on your back. Legs spread out. Sit down, with your hands you take out one sock, then the second. There are four slopes for each toe.
  • Lie down on the mat, place your hands along the torso. Raise your legs slowly. They must be straight. At least six repetitions.
  • Hands should be bent at the elbows, standing, hold on to the table. First, lean forward. After that, straighten up. You need to do ten repetitions.
  • Ax strikes. Repeat at least eight times.
  • The following exercise will help restore breathing. The initial position is as follows, stand straight, hands tightly on the hips. Try to take your elbows back, start to bend. Then bend a little, elbows are also laid back. Do eight times.

Kegel complex

Many experts advise with cystitis to perform these exercises. Any woman can do them. You don't have to put in a lot of effort here, but the complex is very effective.

The advantages of this complex is that you can perform it anywhere convenient for you. For the fastest results, they should be done regularly. This technique includes exercises where, in addition to the muscles of the vagina, the muscles of the small pelvis are most involved.

A few examples:

  • Squeeze for ten seconds the muscles of the vagina and necessarily the muscles of the small pelvis, then relax them for ten seconds. The number of repetitions is five times.
  • Squeeze the muscles quickly and hold them for as long as you have enough strength, then sharply relax. Repeat three times.
  • An exercise called "floors" is very effective. Muscles should be tensed with different strengths. Do the complex to the maximum possible. Then you can jump. From the first floor to the last, from the last to the second and so on. Improvise.

In addition to the above, it is worth adding exercises for the organs of the pelvic region here: a boat; forward bends, sitting; scissors; lifting the hips; plastunsky crawling and others.


This complex is an additional tool in the fight against the disease. There are asanas that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area. Thanks to this, the organs located in this area receive more nutrients, the body's immunity increases.

The yoga complex can be used only after consulting a specialist, do not ignore drug therapy.

Yoga is indicated in the presence of cystitis

You should start with a small load and only after emptying the bladder.

  • Exercise "Grasshopper". Lie on your stomach with your arms extended wide and pointing forward. With their help, try to raise your head and chest. Then, with all your strength, strain not only the buttocks, but also the muscles of the legs. The latter must be straight. Hold your body in this position for as long as you can. Exhaling, lower yourself to the floor.
  • Exercise "Cobra". Lie on the floor with your palms at the same level as your forearms. Fingers point forward. Exhale, raise your head, and then your torso. The back should arch as much as possible. Take a breath, control that the air fills your entire body. Exhale all the air to the "last drop". A greater effect of the exercise will be obtained if you turn your head to see your legs.


A special set of exercises will help you get rid of cystitis. But it is best that this disease does not "visit" you. For prevention, do a belly dance. And, of course, do not forget that yoga is an excellent preventive exercise.

In this video we will talk about the benefits of exercise for cystitis: